–研究的主要对象是单输入、单输出(One input, One output) —— 单变量系统
Modern control theory (现代控制理论)
–研究的主要对象是多输入、多输出(Multi-input, Multi-Output) ——多变量系统。
Intelligent control (智能控制)
Block diagram reduction
令N(s) = 0, 令R(s) = 0,
Chapter 5 The Performance of Feedback Control Systems
Basic concept
• The response is composed of the transient response and the steady-state response. • The transient response is the response that disappears with time (快). • The steady-state response is the response that exists for a long time following any input signal initiation (准). • The standard test input: The unit impulse, the step input, the ramp斜坡 input, and the parabolic加速度\抛物线 input.
Typical components
• Proportional component: K • Derivative component: s • Integral component: 1/s • Inertia components: 1/( Ts +1)