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I.There are already robot systems that can perform some kinds of

brain and bone surgery with submillimeter accuracy —far greater

precisi on tha n highly skilled physicia ns can achieve with their hands alone.



2.1 have discovered , as perhaps Kelsey will after her much-publicized resignation from the editorship of She after a build-up of

stress , that abandoning the doctrine of “juggling your life ”,and

maki ng the alter native move into “ dow nshift ing ” brings with it far greater rewards tha n finan cial success and social status .


3. While in America the trend started as a react ion to the econo mic

decli ne —after the mass red undan cies caused by dow nsiz ing in the

late ' 80s—and is still linked to the politics of thrift ,in Britain ,at

least among the middle-class down shifters of my acquaintance ,we have differe nt reas ons for seek ing to simplify our lives.




4. Certainly people do not seem less interested in success and its

sig ns now tha n formerly . Summer homes Europea n travel ,BMW—the locations ,place names and name brands may change ,but such items do

not seem less in dema nd today tha n a decade or two years ago



5.lt is en tirely reas on able for auditors to believe that scie ntists

who know exactly where they are going and how they will get there

should not be distracted by the n ecessity of keep ing one eye on the

cash register while the other eye is on the microscope .


6.lf experime nts are pla nned and carried out accord ing to pla n as

faithfully as the reports in the scienee journals indicate ,then it

is perfectly logical for man ageme nt to expect research to produce results measurable in dollars and cents


7.The curre nt passi on for making childre n compete aga inst their

classmates or against the clock produces a two-layer system ,in which competitive A-types seem in some way better tha n their B type fellows

【参考译文】现在这种让孩子们和其同学或时间竞争的热情导致了一个双层结构, 在这个结构里面善于竞争的A类好像在某个方面要比他们B类的同辈更胜一筹。


8.Sad to say, this project has turned out be mostly low-level

findings about factual errors and spelling and grammar

mistakes,combined with lots of head-scratching puzzlement about what

in the world those readers really want


9. The examples of Virtual Vineyards ,Amazon com, and other pioneers show that a web site selling the right kind of products with the

right mix of in teractivity, hospitality, and security will attract on li ne customers. 【参考译文】像Virtual


10. A n inv isible border divides those argu ing for computers in the classroom on the behalf of students ' career prospects and those argu ing for computers in the classroom for broader reas ons of

radical educatio n reform .


11. But,for a small group of students ,professional training might be

the way to go since well-developed skills ,all other factors being equal,can be the differenee between having a job and not


12. Because curre nt federal law already forbids the use of federal funds to create embryos (the earliest stage of huma n offspri ng before birth) for research or to knowin gly endan ger an embryo's life ,NBAC will rema in sile nt on embryo research .

【参考译文】因为现今的联邦法律已经禁止使用联邦基金克隆胚胎(人类后裔在出生前的最早阶段)用于研究或者有意地威胁胚胎的生命,NBAC在胚胎研究上将保持沉默。13. His colleague ,Michael Beer, says that far too many companies have

applied re-e ngin eeri ng in a mecha ni stic fashi on, chopp ing out costs without giving sufficient thought to Iong-term profitability.



14. Defe nders of scie nee have also voiced their concerns at meet ings

such as “ The Flight from Science and Reas on ” , held in New York City in 1995 , and “Scienee in the Age Of ( Mis ) information ”,which assembled last June n ear Buffalo .

【参考译文】科学卫士们在会议上也表述了他们的关注,比如. 1995年在纽约市举行的“逃离科学与理性”会议,以及去年6月在布法罗附近召开的“(错误) 信息时代的科学”会议。

15. After six mon ths of argu ing and final 16 hours of hot

parliamentary debates ,Australia's Northern Territory became the

first legal authority in the world to allow doctors to take the

lives of in curably ill patie nts who wish to die .


16. There are , of course . exceptions . Small-minded officials , rude waiters , and ill mannered taxi drivers are hardly unknown in the

U. S. Yet it is an observation made so frequently that it deserves comme nt


17. Much of the Ian guage used to describe mon etary policy, such as

“steering the economy to a soft landing ” of “a touch on the brakes



makes it sound like a precise scienee . Nothing could be further from

the truth.



18. Robert Fult on once wrote, “ The mecha nic should sit dow n among levers, screws, wedges, wheel, etc like a poet among the letters of

the alphabet ,considering them as an exhibition of his thoughts ,in which a new arran geme nt tran smits a new idea ”.



19.lt serves directly to assist a rapid distributi on of goods at

reas on able price ,thereby establishi ng a firm home market and so

making it possible to provide for export at competitive prices.


2O.ln the America n economy, the con cept of private property embraces not only the own ership of productive resources but also certa in

rights, in clud ing the right to determ ine the price of a product or

to make a free con tract with ano ther private in dividual .


如何掌握长难句 复杂长句是考研阅读理解短文的最显著特点之一,是文章语言难度所在,也是命题者常常出题之处。因此具备较好的剖析复杂长句的能力,对于考研阅读理解至关重要。复杂长句典型的特点是,多个语法现象或特殊句式同时出现在一个较长的句子中,使句子修饰词很多,句中套句,成分中套成分,从而造成考生对其准确意义的理解困难。 对于复杂长句,不管其结构多么复杂多变、盘根错节,只要把握住句子结构的主脉络抓住句子的关键词和关键信息,再根据自己所掌握的各种语法知识及一些特殊句式的构成规律,就可理清头绪,找到思路。由于复杂长句很难理解,考生在平时阅读时应多加练习。 下面分8类总结了最典型的70句真题长难句,希望考生复习时能多揣摩,如能将其中英文全部背熟,长难句肯定过关。 第一节比较结构 1.There are already robot systems that can perform some kinds of brain and bone surgery with submillimeter accuracy—far greater precision than highly skilled physicians can achieve with their hands alone. 【参考译文】现在已有一些机器人系统能够进行精确到毫米以下的脑部和骨骼手术---这要比极具技巧的医生单单用手精确得多。 2.I have discovered,as perhaps Kelsey will after her much-publicized resignation from the editorship of She after a build-up of stress,that abandoning the doctr ine of “juggling your life”,and making the alternative move into “downshifting” brings with it far greater rewards than financial success and social status. 【参考译文】或许正像凯尔西在不堪积劳重负而公开地辞去她在《她》杂志社的编辑一职之后—样,我已经发现,放弃那种“为生活忙碌”的人生信条并转而追求比较悠闲的生活带给你的回报远远大于经济成功和社会地位。 3.While in America the trend started as a reaction to the economic decline—after the mass redundancies caused by downsizing in the late’80s—and is still linked to the politics of thrift,in Britain,at least among the middle-class down shifters of my acquaintance,we have different reasons for seeking to simplify our lives. 【参考译文】在美国,这一返朴趋势是以经济衰落的反应为开始的---那是在80年代末期裁员而引起大量的失业之后---现在依然与提倡节俭的政纲相关;而在英国,最起码在我所熟识的中产阶级返朴归隐者中,追求简约生活的原因就多种多样了。

考研英语长难句 DAY 70

考研英语长难句 DAY 70 英语每日长难句 Day 70 原文 ①Half a million Americans are held inpretrial1 detention2 at any given time, most of them for nonviolent crimes, many of them innocent3. ②For too long, one of the reasons so many have been locked up awaiting their day in court has been money—or the lack thereof4—as defendants5’ capability to post bail6 has determined whether theylanguish7 behind bars8 before their guilt or innocence is judged.③People can lose their jobs, homes and families. ④The temptation9 is strong to admit guilt simply to escape the misery10 ofrotting11 in a lockup12 while the rest of one’s life crumbles13. ⑤Charged with identical14 crimes, the wealthy need not face that choice. 翻译 ①在任何时候,美国都有50万人处于审前羁押中,其中大多数是非暴力罪犯,很多还是清白之身。②长久以来,这么多人被关押起来等待开庭的原因之一是钱——或者说是缺钱——因为支付保释金的能力决定了被告是否会在宣判之前身陷囹圄。③人们可能会因此丢掉饭碗,流离失所,家庭破碎。④仅仅是为了免受这一段牢狱之苦,人们会禁不住选择低头认罪,从而余生凄凉。⑤富人若被指控同样的罪行,则无需面对这种选择。 单词 pretrial[?pri??tra??l] adj. 审判前的 detention[d??ten?n] n. 拘留,监禁 innocent[??n?snt] adj. 无罪的,清白的 thereof[?ee?r??v] adv. 在其中 defendant[d??fend?nt] n. 被告人 post bail 交付保释金 languish[?l??ɡw??] v. 长期受苦,受煎熬 behind bars在狱中,在牢里 temptation[temp?te??n] n. 引诱,诱惑 misery[?m?z?ri] n. 痛苦,悲惨 rot[r?t] v. (使)腐烂,腐败 lockup[?l?k?p] n. 拘留所;监狱 crumble[?kr?mbl] v. (开始渐渐)衰退;崩溃 identical[a??dent?kl] adj. 完全同样的,相同的 长难句解析 For too long, one of the reasons so many have been locked up awaiting their day in court has been money—or the lack thereof—as defendants’ capability to


历届高考英语长难句100句精选(1) 1.First put forward by the French mathematician Pierre de Format in the seventeenth century, the theorem had baffled and beaten the finest mathematical minds, including a French woman scientist who made a major advance in working out the problem, and who had to dress like a man in order to be able to study at the Ecolab polytechnique. (NMET2003.C篇) 这个定理,先是由十七世纪法国数学家皮尔法特提出,曾使一批杰出的数学大师为难,包括一位法国女科学家,她在解决这个难题方面取得了重大的进展,她曾女扮男装为了能够在伊科尔理工学院学习。 简析:夹杂过去分词短语,现在分词短语,动名词及两个定语从句。 2. It is difficult to measure the quantity of paper used as a result of use of Internet-connected computers, although just about anyone who works in an office can tell you that when e-mail is introduced, the printers start working overtime. That is, the growing demand for paper in recent years is largely due to the increased use of the Internet. (NMET2003.E篇) 由于因特网的使用,计算所使用的纸张的数量是很难的,然而几乎任何在办公室工作的人能告诉你,当引进电子邮件后,打印机就开始超时工作。也就是说近年来人们对于纸张的日益需求主要是由于因特网越来越多的使用。 简析:夹杂较复杂的句型结构,关键词just about几乎;overtime超时地。 3. Perhaps the best sign of how computer and internet use pushes up demand for paper comes from the high-tech industry itself, which sees printing as one of its most promising new market. (NMET2003.E篇) 或许,表明电脑及因特网使用促进人们对于纸张的需求的最好迹象源于高科技产业本身,印刷业被认为是高科技产业极有前景的新市场之一。 简析:夹杂较复杂的句型结构,关键词promising有前途的。 4. The action group has also found acceptable paper made from materials other than wood, such as agricultural waste. (NMET2003.E篇) 这个行动组也发现一种人们可接受的纸,制成这种纸的原料不是木料,而是农业废料。 简析:关键词other than而不是。 5. Mostly borrowed from English and Chinese, these terms are often changed into forms no longer understood by native speakers. (NMET2003.D篇)


如何掌握长难句复杂长句是考研阅读理解短文的最显着特点之一,是文章语言难度所在,也是命题者常常出题之处。因此具备较好的剖析复杂长句的能力,对于考研阅读理解至关重要。复杂长句典型的特点是,多个语法现象或特殊句式同时出现在一个较长的句子中,使句子修饰词很多,句中套句,成分中套成分,从而造成考生对其准确意义的理解困难。 对于复杂长句,不管其结构多么复杂多变、盘根错节,只要把握住句子结构的主 脉络抓住句子的关键词和关键信息,再根据自己所掌握的各种语法知识及一些特殊句式的构成规律,就可理清头绪,找到思路。由于复杂长句很难理解,考生在平时阅读时应多加练习。 下面分8 类总结了最典型的70 句真题长难句,希望考生复习时能多揣摩,如能将其中英文全部背熟,长难句肯定过关。 第一节比较结构 are already robot systems that can perform some kinds of brain and bone surgery with submillimeter accuracy —far greater precision than highly skilled physicians can achieve with their hands alone. 【参考译文】现在已有一些机器人系统能够进行精确到毫米以下的脑部和骨骼手术--- 这要比极具技巧的医生单单用手精确得多。 have discovered ,as perhaps Kelsey will after her much-publicized resignation from the editorship of She after a build-up of stress ,that abandoning the doctrine of “juggling your life ”,and making the alternative move into “downshifting ” brings with it far greater rewards than financial success and social status . 【参考译文】或许正像凯尔西在不堪积劳重负而公开地辞去她在《她》杂志社的编辑一职之后—样,我已经发现,放弃那种“为生活忙碌”的人生信条并转而追求比较悠闲的生活带给你的回报远远大于经济成功和社会地位。 in America the trend started as a reaction to the economic decline —after the mass redundancies caused by downsizing in the late ' 80s—and is still linked to the politics of thrift ,in Britain


历届高考英语长难句100 句精选 1.First put forward by the French mathematician Pierre de Format in the seventeenth century, the theorem had baffled and beaten the finest mathematical minds, including a French woman scientist who made a major advance in working out the problem, and who had to dress like a man in order to be able to study at the Ecolab polytechnique.(NMET2003.C篇) 这个定理,先是由十七世纪法国数学家皮尔法特提出,曾使一批杰出的数学大师为难, 包括一位法国女科学家,她在解决这个难题方面取得了重大的进展,她曾女扮男装为了能够在伊科尔理 工学院学习。 简析:夹杂过去分词短语,现在分词短语,动名词及两个定语从句。 2. It is difficult to measure the quantity of paper used as a result of use of Internet-connected computers, although just about anyone who works in an office can tell you that when e-mail is introduced, the printers start working overtime. That is, the growing demand for paper in recent years is largely due to the increased use of the Internet.(NMET2003.E篇) 由于因特网的使用,计算所使用的纸张的数量是很难的,然而几乎任何在办公室工作的 人能告诉你,当引进电子邮件后,打印机就开始超时工作。也就是说近年来人们对于纸张的日益需求 主要是由于因特网越来越多的使用。 简析:夹杂较复杂的句型结构,关键词just about几乎;overtime超时地。 3. Perhaps the best sign of how computer and internet use pushes up demand for paper comes from the high-tech industry itself, which sees printing as one of its most promising new market. (NMET2003.E 篇) 或许,表明电脑及因特网使用促进人们对于纸张的需求的最好迹象源于高科技产业本身, 印刷业被认为是高科技产业极有前景的新市场之一。 简析:夹杂较复杂的句型结构,关键词promising有前途的。


1. For example adolescent boys are more likely to buy computer games than any other group so it makes sense to make computer game ads that appeal to this group. 【句式翻译】例如,进入青春期的男孩子就可能比任何其他人群更愿意购买电脑游戏,因此,针对这个目标群体制作有吸引力的电脑游戏广告是有意义的。 【句式分析】本句是一个含有so引导的结果状语从句的复合句,同时又含一 个than引导的比较状语从句。 【词语点拨】1)likely adj. 可能的;常用于句型:sb/sth be likely to do= it is likely that… 可能做…… He’s very likely to send me an email tonight. =It’s very likely that he’ll send me an email tonight. 很可能他今晚会给我发电子邮件。 The com pany is likely to set up a branch in our city. =It’s likely that the company will set up a branch in our city. 这个公司可能要在我们的城市建立分公司。 2) make sense 有意义;讲得通;make sense of 理解 I can’t follow these instructions -- they don’t make sense. 我不理解这些指示--根本讲不通嘛。 We read the sentence through but could not make sense of it. 我们我们把句子看了一遍但不明白它说些什么。 3) appeal to吸引;appeal to sb. for sth/appeal to sb. to do sth 呼吁某人干某事;求助于 Blue and red appeal to me but I don’t like gray or yellow. 我喜欢蓝色和红色而不喜欢灰色或黄色。 Jack sincerely appealed to his friends to support him. 杰克真切地向朋友请求支持。 We can appeal to the website for the information we need. 我们可以在网上查找我们需要的信息。 【语法点拨】本句中的than any other…,意为“比其他任何一个……”,谈 论的对象在比较的范围之内;若不在范围之内,则不用 other。如: China is larger than any other country in Asia. 中国比亚洲任何别的国家都大。 China is larger than any country in Africa. 中国比非洲的任何国家都大。 2. The more exposed young people are to financial issues and the younger they become aware of them the more likely they are to become responsible forward-planning adults who manage their finances confidently and effectively. 【句式翻译】年轻人越接触经济问题,他们就能越早地了解这些问题,他们就更有可能成为 有责任感的、早作打算的成年人,能够有信心地、有效地管理自己的经济问题。 【句式分析】本句含有“the+比较级,the+比较级”的句式,同时又含有一个who引导的限制 性定语从句,修饰先行词adults。 【词语点拨】1) expose vt.揭露;使暴露;be exposed to暴露于;接触 We must expose this shameful activity to the newspapers. 我们一定要向报社揭露这一无耻行径。 We should allow children to be exposed to new ideas.


掌门1对1教育高中英语 历年高考英语长难句精选100句(51-75) 51. News reports say peace talks between the two countries have broken down with no agreement reached.(NMET2003.31) 新闻报道说这两个国家的和平谈判失败,没有达成协议。 简析:关键词break down失败,reach an agreement达成协议。 52. The old couple have been married for 40 years and never once have they quarreled with each other.(NMET2003.34) 这对老年夫妇结婚40年了,两人从来没有一次争吵。 简析:含主谓倒装句。 53. After all, Ed’s idea of exercise has always been nothing more effort-making than lifting a fork to his mouth.(NMET2003) 要记住的是,伊德搞锻炼的想法根本没有进餐使用刀叉那么费力。 简析:含比较级句型。 54.As a result , at the point in our game when I’d have figured on (predicted) the score to be about 9 to 1 in my favor , it was instead 7 to 9 —and Ed was leading.(NMET2003) 就在我们比赛之前,我曾预料这场比赛对我有利,比分大概是9比1,结果比分反而是7比9,伊德暂时领先。 简析:关键词figure on预计,估计;in one’s favor对某人有利。 55.So when Ed arrived for our game not only with the bottom of his shirt gathered


历届高考英语长难句精选100句 1.First put forward by the French mathematician Pierre de Format in the seventeenth century, the theorem had baffled and beaten the finest mathematical minds, including a French woman scientist who made a major advance in working out the problem, and who had to dress like a man in order to be able to study at the Ecolab poly technique. (NMET2003.C篇) 这个定理,先是由十七世纪法国数学家皮尔法特提出,曾使一批杰出的数学大师为难,包括一位法国女科学家,她在解决这个难题方面取得了重大的进展,她曾女扮男装为了能够在伊科尔理工学院学习。 简析:夹杂过去分词短语,现在分词短语,动名词及两个定语从句。 2. It is difficult to measure the quantity of paper used as a result of use of Internet-connected computers, although just about anyone who works in an office can tell you that when e-mail is introduced, the printers start working overtime. That is, the growing demand for paper in recent years is largely due to the increased use of the Internet. (NMET200 3.E篇) 由于因特网的使用,计算所使用的纸张的数量是很难的,然而几乎任何在办公室工作的人能告诉你,当引进电子邮件后,打印机就开始超时工作。也就是说近年来人们对于纸张的日益需求主要是由于因特网越来越多的使用。 简析:夹杂较复杂的句型结构,关键词just about几乎;overtime超时地。 3. Perhaps the best sign of how computer and internet use pushes up demand for paper comes from the high-tech industry itself, which sees printing as one of its most promising new market. (NMET2003.E篇) 或许,表明电脑及因特网使用促进人们对于纸张的需求的最好迹象源于高科技产业本身,印刷业被认为是高科技产业极有前景的新市场之一。 简析:夹杂较复杂的句型结构,关键词promising有前途的。 4. The action group has also found acceptable paper made from materials other than wood, such as agricultural waste. (NMET2003.E篇) 这个行动组也发现一种人们可接受的纸,制成这种纸的原料不是木料,而是农业废料。 简析:关键词other than而不是。 5. Mostly borrowed from English and Chinese, these terms are often changed into forms no longer understood by native speakers. (NMET2003.D篇) 这些术语,主要从英语和汉语引入,经常会变成不再被说本族语的人们理解的形式。 简析:关键词term术语。 6. It is one of many language books that are now flying off booksellers’ shelves.(NMET2003.D) 它是现在很畅销的许多外语书中的一本。 简析:比喻生动形象。 7. The mass media and government white papers play an important part in the spread of foreign words.(NMET2003.D篇) 大众传播媒介和政府白皮书(正式报告)在外国词传播过程中起重要作用。 简析:关键词the mass media and government white papers大众传播媒介和政府白皮书(正式报告)。 8.Tales from Animal Hospital will delight all fans of the programme and anyone who was a lively interest in their pet, whether it be a cat 、dog or snake! (NMET2003.C


2019考研英语:长难句解析(78)_毙考题 The companies that Dr. Curtis turned to Procter Gamble, Colgate-Palmolive and Unilever had invested hundreds of millions of dollars finding the subtle cues in consumers lives that corporations could use to introduce new routines. 译文:Curtis博士求助的公司保洁、高露洁和联合利华已经投资了数亿美元用于寻找可加入消费者生活中的微妙暗示,企业可以利用这些暗示来推行新的生活习惯。 分析:本句的主干部分为The companies had invested hundreds of millions of dollars 。其中主语为The companies,后接that引导的定语从句对其进行修饰,两个破折号中间的部分是主语的同位语,对主语做具体说明。谓语为had invested,后接宾语hundreds of millions of dollars;宾语后的短语finding 做目的状语,补充说明had invested hundreds of millions of dollars的目的;而介宾短语in lives做后置定语修饰前面的cues,紧随其后的that引导的定语从句同样也修饰限定cues。本句的难点在于主谓之间相隔较远,不利于句子理解。 词汇指南 invest [in vest](v.)投(资);投入(时间、金钱等)(CET-4)(in-里,vest-词根,衣服所谓投资就是把自己的钱投进别人的衣服口袋里,让别人拿着这些钱去为你挣更多的钱后引申为投资,入股;投入(时间、金钱等) 。) Invest-投资 2个派生词: ●investment [in vestm?nt](n.)投资;投资额;(精力、时间等的)投入(CET-4)(2007年-阅读4、2008年-阅读2、2010年-阅读1、2014年-阅读3)(ment-名词后缀) 考点搭配: investment return 投资回报(2007年-阅读3)


历年高考英语长难句100例大汇总(上) 1. First put forward by the French mathematician Pierre in the seventeenth century, the theorem had baffled and beaten the finest mathematical minds, including a French woman scientist who made a major advance in working out the problem, and who had to dress like a man in order to be able to study at the Ecolab polytechnique. 这个定理,先是由十七世纪法国数学家皮尔法特提出,曾使一批杰出的数学大师为难,包括一位法国女科学家,她在解决这个难题方面取得了重大的进展,她曾女扮男装为了能够在伊科尔理工学院学习。 简析:夹杂过去分词短语,现在分词短语,动名词及两个定语从句。 2. It is difficult to measure the quantity of paper used as a result of use of Internet-connected computers, although just about anyone who works in an office can tell you that when e-mail is introduced, the printers start working overtime. That is, the growing demand for paper in recent years is largely due to the increased use of the Internet. 由于因特网的使用,计算所使用的纸张的数量是很难的,虽然几乎任何在办公室工作的人能告诉你,当引进电子邮件后,打印机就开始超时工作。也就是说近年来人们对于纸张的日益需求主要是由于因特网越来越多的使用。 简析:夹杂较复杂的句型结构,关键词just about几乎;overtime超时地。 3. Perhaps the best sign of how computer and internet use pushes up demand for paper comes from the high-tech industry itself, which sees printing as one of its most promising new market. 或许,表明电脑及因特网使用促进人们对于纸张的需求的最好迹象源于高科技产业本身,印刷业被认为是高科技产业极有前景的新市场之一。 简析:夹杂较复杂的句型结构,关键词promising有前途的。 4. The action group has also found acceptable paper made from materials other than wood, such as agricultural waste. 这个行动组也发现一种人们可接受的纸,制成这种纸的原料不是木料,而是农业废料。 简析:关键词other than而不是。 5. Mostly borrowed from English and Chinese, these terms are often changed into forms no longer understood by native speakers. 这些术语,主要从英语和汉语引入,经常会变成不再被说本族语的人们理解的形式。 简析:关键词term术语。 6. It is one of many language books that are now flying off booksellers’ shelves. 它是现在很畅销的许多外语书中的一本。 简析:比喻生动形象。 7. The mass media and government white papers play an important part in the spread of foreign words. 大众传播媒介和政府白皮书(正式报告)在外国词传播过程中起重要作用。 简析:关键词the mass media and government white papers大众传播媒介和政府白皮书(正式报告)。


历年高考英语长难句精选100句(76-100) 76. In fact the more he watched the play, the more he felt himself part of it. (NMET91) 实际上,他越是观看这台戏剧,他越是认为自己已进入角色。 简析:句型结构the more…the more…越…越… 77. Instead she took a short walk in a park nearby and came home, letting herself in through the back door.(NMET92) 反而,她在附近公园散步一会儿就回到家,她经过后门让自己进去的。 简析:分词短语letting herself in 作状语。 78. She settled down to wait and see what would happen.(NMET92) 她静下心来等,看会发生什么事。 简析:关键词settle down to do sth 静下心来做… 79. Picking up the kettle of boiling water, she moved quietly towards the door.(NMET 92) 她拿起那个装着开水的壶,悄悄地向门移动。 简析:现在分词短语作伴随状语。 80. A sharp cry was heard outside as the wire fell to the floor and the hand was pulled back, which was followed by the sound of running feet.(NMET 92) 当那根铁丝掉在地上,哪只手缩回时,外面传来尖叫声,接着是逃跑的声音。 简析:三处被动语态间接描述小偷遭到的惩罚。 81. It wasn’t long before the police caught the thief.(NMET 92) 很快警察抓住了那个小偷。 简析:句型结构It wasn’t long before+从句,很快就… 82. Then, I noticed a tall man by the door, carrying something covered with brown paper.(NMET 93) 接着,我注意到门旁一个高个子男人,拿着用棕色纸遮盖着的某种东西。


2019考研英语阅读真题中长难句解析(70) 2018考研英语阅读真题中长难句解析(70) Unlike most of the world's volcanoes, they are not always found at the boundaries of the great drifting plates that make up the earth's surface; on the contrary, many of them lie deep in the interior of a plate. 译文:和世界上绝大部分火山不同的是,它们并不总是在构成地 球表面的巨大漂流板块之间的边界上出现;相反,很多热点处于板块较 深的内部。 分析:这是一个由两个分句组成的并列句,中间由分号隔开。前 一个分句的第一个部分是一个形容词性的短语,修饰的是这个句子的 主语they,在plates的后面有一个that引导的定语从句,that所替 代的plates在这个从句里做主语;第二个分句用on the contrary开始,表示与前面的情况形成对比,这个句子较简单,注意这里them指 的是前文所说的hot spots。 【词汇指南】 bound [baund](adj.)被缚住的,受束缚的(n.)边界(v./n.)跳跃, 蹦跶(高考词汇)(2012年-完形)(有学者认为,当“bound”表示“被缚住的,受束缚的”和“边界”时,均由词根“bound-捆绑,束缚”直接 创造;因为我们说能够“捆绑、束缚”住脚步,不得跨越之处就是“边界,界线”。而当“bound”表示“跳跃,蹦跶”时,具有拟声色彩,很 像汉语中的“蹦跶”。) 考点搭配:be bound by 受到…的约束(2012年-完形) drift [drift](v./n.)漂流,漂泊(物)(CET-4)(dri=drive-驾驶,ft=craft-船)


考研英语历年真题阅读长难句100句精析 -CAL-FENGHAI-(2020YEAR-YICAI)_JINGBIAN

考研英语历年真题阅读长难句100句精析 1. While warnings are often appropriate and necessary —the dangers of drug interactions,for example—and many are required by state or federal regulations,it isn't clear that they actually protect the manufacturers and sellers from liability if a customer is injured. 【译文】尽管警告常常是适当而且必须的——比如对于药物相互作用的危险提出警告——许多警告还是按州或联邦政府规定要求给出的,然而(我们) 并不清楚,如果顾客受到伤害时,这些警告是不是确实可以使得生产者和销售者豁免责任。 【分析】在这个主从复合句中,it isn't clear that they actually protect the manufacturers and sellers from liability if a customer is injured是主句。主句用了一个形式主语it,真正的主语是that引导的从句,而that从句之后是一个if引导的条件从句。从句由两个部分组成,中间用and连接。破折号之间的部分是举例说明warnings的内容。注意:many are required by state or federal regulations中的many是指many warnings。 2. Additional social stresses may also occur because of the population explosion or problems arising from mass migration movements—themselves made relatively easy nowadays by modern means of transport . 【译文】由于人口猛增或大量人口流动(现代交通工具使大量人口流动变得相对容易) 所引起的各种问题也会对社会造成新的压力。 【分析】句子主干结构是Additional social stresses may also occur because of...简单句+ because of表示的原因状语,整句翻译应该根据先原因后结果的原则,将主句放在最后;because of后面有两个宾语the population explosion or problems;名词problems带有现在分词短语作后置定语arising from mass migration movements;themselves指前面的名词短语mass migration movements,后面的过去分词短语是themselves的定语。 3. There exists a social and cultural disconnect between journalists and their readers,which helps explain why the “standard templates” of the newsroom seem alien to many readers. 【译文】新闻记者和读者之间存在着社会和文化方面的脱节,这就是为什么新闻编辑室的“标准模式”似乎与许多读者的意趣相差甚远。 【分析】主句也是一个there加系动词的用法。而表语后都有一个定语从句。本句的定语从句是which helps explain why the “standard templates”of the newsroom seem alien to many readers。Alien 本义为异国的,此处是相差甚远,背道而驰。如果考生不了解standard templates的意思,可以从上下文中找其相同作用和功能的词组,如上句中的 a story line和backbone,那么就应该知道它们指的都是记者们在写新闻和评论时固定的套路和思维。 4. This phenomenon has created serious concerns over the role of smaller economic firms,of national businessmen and over the ultimate stability of the world economy. 【译文】这种现象引起了人们对小型经济实体、民族商人的作用以及世界经济的最终稳定性的极大关注。 【分析】全句的主干是This phenomenon has created serious concerns。人们的担忧实际包含两个方面(即句子的两个状语):一个是the role (of smaller economic firms, of national businessmen) ,另一个是the ultimate stability (of the world economy) 。但是由于两个状语太长,建议在翻译时调整一下句子的结构,这样句子肯定更通畅些。

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