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毕业设计题目基于单片机的声控小车设计姓名何斌学号 ********系部理工系年级专业2012级电子信息工程一班指导教师向诚2016年 5月 1 日摘要在过去三四十多年来,声控智能小车逐渐成为人们生活的必需品,声控智能小车为人们的居住、出行以及旅游等方面创造力良好的条件。
关键词:声控智能小车;80C51;程序控制;遥控保护Title V oice control car design based on MCUAbstractIn the past thirty or forty years, the socket has gradually become a necessity in people's lives, outlet for people live, travel, tourism and other aspects of creativity in good condition. With the development of social economy and science and technology, socket equipment is constantly upgrading, excellent control system emerge in an endless stream socket. On the other hand, with the city's population increasing, facing socket demand is growing, the traditional temperature measurement socket operation trouble, the accuracy is not high. Because the socket user accuracy is not high or tedious situations have occurred, to bring a lot of inconvenience to users socket socket. For this reason, now need to increase the socket in a certain temperature range of the digital display system, to solve the problem faced by the socket.This paper is based on the actual demand, design a new design system of socket controller based on mcu. The system by the MCU 89C51 as the system control chip, USB power jack on the socket, and controlled by a single chip on the phone with automatically shut down the power; increase the anti lightning, anti short circuit, overload prevention, anti leakage function and power detection function, can use mobile phone client view this month's electricity.Key words: Socket; 80C51; program control; over current protection目录摘要 (II)1 绪论 (3)1.1 课题研究的背景和意义 (3)1.2 智能声控小车的设计原理 (4)1.3 设计的主要完成工作 (6)2 系统设计理论基础 (7)2.1 系统工作原理 (7)2.2 系统设计要求 (7)3 系统硬件设计 (9)3.1 单片机模块 (9)3.2 继电器模块 (11)3.3 液晶显示电路 (12)3.4 按键电路的设计 (13)3.5 语音识别电路设计 (14)3.6 电机驱动电路 (14)4 系统软件设计 (16)4.1 主程序流程 (16)4.2 语音识别模块编程 (17)4.3 LCD显示程序设计 (18)4.4 键盘接口应用实现 (20)4.5 系统遥控程序的实现 (21)5 系统仿真和调试 (22)5.1 PROTUES仿真软件的介绍 (22)5.2 KEIL软件的介绍 (23)5.3 系统仿真 (23)结论 (26)致谢 (27)参考文献 (28)附录(实物图与源代码) (29)1 绪论伴随着社会科技的发展和经济的进步,声控智能小车由上世纪八十年代的人工操作和遥控设定逐渐被自动控制加模块系统所替代。
软件的编写将主要参考单片机的C语言程序设计,编译环境为凌阳公司的IDE 1.16.1.具体软件编写和硬件功能实现将在正文中详细讲述。
关键词:凌阳16位单片机,语音识别,单片机C语言编程,驱动电路设计英文摘要:The audio-control car is a kind of car that can be controlled by human's voice and can achieve many functions such as Turn-right ,Turn-left, Go-ahead and Back-off.The car is composed of 3 parts: control board, drive board and base. The software should be downloaded in the control board is also necessary. For the control board, it should have 2 qualifications: first, the software can be planted in, second, the voice signal can be compacted, stored, differentiated and responded. For the drive board, it should control the DC motor and the relay directly via the signal that sent by the control board.For this design, we will use the Single Chip Microprocessor (SCM) manufactured by Sunplus Corporation as the control board, so the drive board should be fit for the SCM. The software will be compiled in the IDE 1.6.1 also provided by Sunplus Corporation. The design process will be introduced in the following text in details.Keywords: Single Chip Microprocessor, Audio control, program design.目录:前言 (3)一、硬件电路设计及连接 (3)1.1 SPCE061A (3)1.1.1 SPCE061A总述 (3)1.1.2SPCE061A 性能 (3)1.1.3 选择SPCE061A的理由 (4)1.1.4 凌阳16位单片机SPCE061A实物图 (4)1.1.5 SPCE061A内部结构框图 (5)1.2.车体驱动电路 (6)1.2.1车体驱动电路设计思路 (6)1.2.2实际驱动电路 (7)1.3、小车车底部分 (8)1.4.硬件部分结论 (8)二、软件编写与调试 (9)2.1主程序流程图 (9)2.2 控制口连接方式 (10)2.3.RAM中数据存取方式 (11)2.4语音训练和识别 (12)2.4.1语音命令训练过程 (12)2.4.2语音识别过程 (13)2.5 具体动作的实现 (13)2.6语音命令的重新训练 (14)2.7程序的组成和调试 (14)2.8程序代码下载 (15)三、小车的操作说明: (15)3.1使用方法 (15)3.2使用时的注意事项 (15)四、结论 (16)五、参考书目 (16)正文:前言:本次设计的目的是利用凌阳16位单片机SPCE061A的语音播放和语音识别资源进行语音控制,使小车能在具体的语音命令下完成前进、后退、左拐、右拐的动作。
关键词SPCE061A PT2262 PT2272 语音控制智能小车目录摘要 (I)ABSTRACT (Ⅱ)1 引言 (1)2 背景介绍 (1)2.1 选题背景 (1)2.2 研究的目的及意义 (2)3 设计要求 (2)3.1系统功能 (2)3.2基本参数 (2)4 方案论证 (2)4.1 方案一 (2)4.2 方案二 (3)4.3 方案三 (3)4.4 方案比较 (4)5 系统硬件设计 (4)5.1系统总体方案介绍 (4)5.2SPCE061A单片机 (5)5.3SPCE061A最小系统 (6)5.4电源 (7)5.5无线发射接收模块PT2262PT2272 (8)5.6小车控制板 (9)5.7小车车体架构 (12)5.8SPCE061A精简开发板 (13)5.9系统实物图 (13)6 系统软件设计 (15)6.1软件结构 (15)6.2语音识别原理简介 (16)6.3训练子程序 (17)6.4语音识别子程序 (18)6.5动作子程序 (19)6.6中断子程序 (20)7 操作步骤 (21)7.1硬件连接 (21)7.2代码下载 (21)8 测试 (21)9 结论 (22)参考文献 (22)致 (23)附录 (24)基于SPCE061A单片机的语音遥控小车的设计1引言随着电子、信息技术的飞速发展,语音识别被广泛的应用在各个领域。
[关键词] SPCE061A语音识别无线遥控交互功能ABSTRACTThis paper introduces speech recognition of intelligent car design. The car to SPCE061A as control core, what but through the speech recognition on the operation and control model control and switch. This design main completed each part of the design of the , speech broadcast, mode switch, driving state control, wireless remote control functions of software design, so as to make the car and the controllers interactive function. Tests show that, according to the operation of the car can controller make corresponding action. [Key Words] SPCE061A, Voice control, Wireless module, Interactive function目录一、引言 (1)二、概述和方案论证 (2)(一)控制核心的选择及其简介 (3)(二)小车车体的方案选择 (4)(三)无线接收电路模块和遥控器及简介 (5)(四)避障模块 (5)三、硬件设计 (6)(一)系统电源电路 (6)(二)语音识别电路 (7)(三)语音播放电路 (7)(四)壁障电路 (8)(五)小车车体与驱动电路 (8)1、小车车体结构 (8)2、电机驱动电路 (9)(六)小车总体硬件实物图 (11)(七)PCB的设计 (11)四、软件设计 (12)(一)主程序设计 (12)(二)语音播放子程序设计 (13)五、测试和说明 (15)(一)说明 (15)1、端口定义 (15)2、操作说明 (15)3、命令简介 (15)4、注意事项 (16)(二)测试 (16)六、结论 (16)参考文献 (18)致谢 (19)附录 (20)语音识别智能小车一、引言随着科学技术的发展,电子产品日新月异,自动语音识别技术[8, 10]的应用真正走入了人们的日常生活,声控系统的应用也不再遥不可及,家用电器和玩具的操作,不再需要以遥控器的繁多按键为控制接口,取而代之的是我们平常说话的模式来驱使家用电器和玩具动作,诸如多种智能电器、玩具小车。
关键词:语音控制小车;声控;小车;SPCE061ABased on Ling Y ang monolithic integrated circuit's voice control carAbstractThe phonic control function is a Ling Y ang monolithic integrated circuit's characteristic, suffices some duties which through this function realizes the ordinary monolithic integrated circuit to be unable to realize, this design is realizes the voice control car's advance and the direction through the Ling Y ang monolithic integrated circuit's pronunciation processing function, and lets the car make the corresponding reply, the design system mainly includes three major parts, two parts for hardware part: The Ling Y ang monolithic integrated circuit's small system, including the I/O port, DAC transforms, ADC transformation and so on; Another part is the control panel part, uses in controlling electrical machinery's hand of rotation; The third part is the software part.Key word: V oice control car;V oice control;Car;SPC061A目录1 引言 (1)2方案论证 (2)2.1方案论证 (2)3语音控制小车设计要求 (3)3.1功能要求 (3)3.2备注 (3)3.2.1 参数说明 (3)3.2.2 注意事项 (3)3.3扩展功能 (3)4 凌阳芯片的介绍 (4)4.1SPCE061A芯片的特点及其功能 (4)4.2SPCE061A芯片内核结构 (5)5硬件系统设计 (6)5.1系统的总体方案 (6)5.1.1 16位微处理器芯片的外围结构 (6)5.261板的各部分硬件模块 (7)5.2.1 麦克录音输入及AGC电路 (7)5.2.2 数摸转换电路 (7)5.2.3 按键,LED和复位电路 (8)5.2.4 电源电路 (8)5.2.5 下载线接口电路和在线调制电路 (9)5.2.6 16位微处理器的连接电路 (9)5.3车体介绍 (10)5.4小车的行走原理 (10)5.5控制电路原理板 (11)5.6控制电路原理 (12)5.6.1 后轮电机驱动电路原理 (12)5.6.2 前轮电机驱动电路原理 (13)6 系统软件设计 (14)6.1系统主程序设计流程图 (14)6.2语音识别 (15)7硬件制作及系统调试 (17)7.1硬件制作 (17)7.2调试和下载程序 (17)7.3调试小车 (17)7.4初试小车 (17)7.5重新调试 (18)结束语 (19)致谢 (20)参考文献 (21)附录附录1 电路原理图(61板)附录2 电路原理图(控制板)附录3 元件清单附录4 PCB图附录5 小车图片附录6 主控制源程序基于凌阳单片机的语音控制小车1 引言语音控制技术是一门新兴技术,可以通过语音直接控制电子产品,摆脱了遥控器的束缚。
关键词:SPCE061A,语音识别,全桥驱动,小车IVoice control car design based on single chipmicrocomputerAbstractWith the development of the electronics industry, the voice - the control car become more and more popular to people. And it plays an important role in people 's daily life. At present, the voice - activated technology has had 2 in many fields, For example, voice - activated phone. Only if you called out the names you want and it automatically called to the telephone.This article gives a detail to the voice-activated car. In hardware design, the paper use Sunplus SPCE061A as the control of core. On the software, we use C language programming for voice "training"and"recognition". .Completedthepowercircuit,resetcircuit,keyboardcircuitry,audioinput circuits,audiooutputcircuitandcontrolcircuitofwirelesshardwaresuchasthedesignoffunctionmodule s.It has the following features: According to recorded the voice command to control the car to start, stop,turn right , and turn left. Tests have shown that background noise in the environment is not too big, the controller under the premise of clear pronunciation, voice control car voice recognition system can make intelligent response to a particular voice commands, limited, as expected.First of all, cca shut confirm the system of the program, and then describe the unit 's software and hardware as well as introduce the main components of the situation.Key words:S PCE061A,Speech Recognition,Full-bridge ,driver,TrolleyII目录摘要 (I)Abstract (II)第1章绪论.......................................................................................................................... - 1 -1.1 选题的目的和意义.................................................................................................... - 1 -1.1.1选题目的............................................................................................................. - 1 -1.1.2.选题意义............................................................................................................. - 1 -1.2 语音小车的发展及现状............................................................................................ - 1 -1.3 课题的目的任务和要求............................................................................................ - 2 - 第2章语音小车的方案论证.................................................................................................. - 3 -2.1 语音控制方案............................................................................................................ - 3 -2.2 方案论证.................................................................................................................... - 4 -2.2.1 采用DSP+FPGA方案 ...................................................................................... - 4 -2.2.2采用MCS-51方案 ............................................................................................. - 4 -2.2.3 采用凌阳61方案.............................................................................................. - 5 -2.3 系统控制方案............................................................................................................ - 6 - 第3章系统硬件设计.............................................................................................................. - 9 -3.1 系统硬件总体设计.................................................................................................... - 9 -3.2 系统各单元设计...................................................................................................... - 10 -3.2.1 控制单元设计.............................................................................................. - 10 -3.2.2 动力单元设计.............................................................................................. - 15 -3.2.3 音频单元设计.............................................................................................. - 16 -3.2.4 小车单元设计.............................................................................................. - 19 -3.3 系统总体电路图...................................................................................................... - 26 - 第4章系统软件设计............................................................................................................ - 27 -4.1系统总体程序设计................................................................................................. - 27 -4.2 系统各分支设计..................................................................................................... - 28 -4.2.1训练子程序....................................................................................................... - 28 -4.2.2语音识别子程序............................................................................................... - 29 -I I I4.2.3动作子程序....................................................................................................... - 31 -4.2.4中断子程序....................................................................................................... - 34 - 第5章系统调试.................................................................................................................... - 37 -5.1 硬件调试.................................................................................................................. - 37 -5.2 软件调试.................................................................................................................. - 38 -5.3 系统联调.................................................................................................................. - 39 - 结论........................................................................................................................................ - 41 - 参考文献.................................................................................................................................. - 43 - 致谢........................................................................................................................................ - 45 - 附录........................................................................................................................................ - 47 -I V第1章绪论1.1 选题的目的和意义1.1.1选题目的通过设计一个用单片机控制的语音小车来熟悉模块化编程方法,掌握C语言汇编语言的程序设计和调试方法,并理解单片机的原理、结构、指令;运行模式及应用方法。
语音控制小车设计毕业论文目录第一章绪论................................... - 1 -1.1设计背景 ......................................... - 1 -1.2 凌阳SPCE061A单片机.............................. - 1 -1.3 61实验板........................................ - 2 -1.4 系统开发环境IDE .................................. - 2 -1.5 ResWriter工具................................... - 2 - 第2章凌阳SPCE061A单片机 ...................... - 4 -2.1 SPCE061A总述.................................... - 4 -2.2 SPCE061A 特点.................................... - 4 -2.4 SPCE061A的结构.................................. - 6 -2.5 引脚排列........................................... - 7 -2.6 应用领域.......................................... - 8 -2.7 SPCE061A最小系统.................................. - 9 -第3章 61实验板................................. - 10 -3.1 硬件框图及简要说明............................... - 10 -3.2 61板接口说明.................................. - 11 -3.3 61板的检测..................................... - 13 -第4章系统总体方案 ............................. - 16 -4.1 设计要求.......................................... - 16 -4.2 系统总体方案...................................... - 16 -4.3 系统硬件方案...................................... - 17 -4.4系统控制方案...................................... - 18 -第五章系统硬件设计 ............................. - 19 -5.1 车体介绍.......................................... - 19 -5.2 小车的行走原理................................... - 21 -5.3 控制板原理图...................................... - 23 -5.4 全桥驱动原理...................................... - 24 -5.5 动力电机驱动电路................................ - 26 -5.6 方向电机控制电路................................. - 27 -第6章系统软件设计 ............................ - 30 -6.1 系统的总体程序流程............................... - 30 -6.2 语音识别的原理简介............................... - 31 -6.3 训练子程序..................................... - 32 -6.4 语音识别子程序................................. - 34 -6.5 动作子程序...................................... - 34 -6.6 中断子程序...................................... - 36 -6.7 程序中需要说明的几个问题......................... - 37 - 第7章系统开发环境 ............................ - 39 - 第8章语音小车的使用 .......................... - 40 -8.1 连接硬件......................................... - 40 -8.2 代码下载......................................... - 40 -8.3 训练小车......................................... - 41 -8.4 声控小车......................................... - 42 -8.5 重新训练......................................... - 43 - 结语........................................ - 44 - 致谢........................................ - 45 - 参考文献........................................ - 46 - 附录一:语音控制小车源代码 .................... - 47 -第一章绪论1.1设计背景语音处理技术是一门新兴的技术,它不仅包括语音的录制和播放,还涉及语音的压缩编码和解码,语音的识别等各种处理技术。
学士学位毕业设计(论文)基于单片机的声控小车学生姓名:XXX指导老师:X X所在学院:信息技术学院专业:电气工程及其自动化中国·大庆2015 年 5 月摘要本文主要设计一种用语音进行控制的单片机小车。
关键词:SPCE061A 声控小车语音识别H桥电路ABSTRACTThis paper states the design of a voice control car based on single chip microcomputer. In hardware design of the car, we use SPCE061A as the control center in the system, which have programmable audio processing and can realize voice control function without additional voice chip. V oice control car use H- bridge circuit to control the car motor rotation, according to the speech recognition technology, using C language programming, realize the car forward, stop, turn left, turn right and voice broadcast.Keywords: SPCE061A V oice control car Speech recognition technology H- bridge circuit目录摘要 (I)ABSTRACT ........................................................................................ I I 前言 (IV)1绪论.............................................................................................. - 1 -1.1国内外研究发展和现状 ........................................................ - 1 - 1.2研究主要内容......................................................................... - 2 -1.3研究的目的和意义................................................................. - 3 -2 小车的设计方案......................................................................... - 4 -2.1设计方案的选择..................................................................... - 4 -2.2整体设计方案......................................................................... - 4 -3 系统的硬件设计......................................................................... - 7 -3.1 MCU核心控制模块设计 ...................................................... - 7 - 3.2语音识别模块的设计........................................................... - 10 - 3.3 电机及其驱动电路模块设计 ............................................. - 13 -3.4电源模块............................................................................... - 15 -4 系统的软件设计....................................................................... - 17 -4.1语音模块程序设计............................................................... - 18 - 4.2电机控制模块程序设计 ...................................................... - 19 - 4.3主程序设计........................................................................... - 20 - 结论............................................................................................... - 22 -参考文献....................................................................................... - 23 -致谢............................................................................................... - 25 -附录一声控小车硬件原理图 .................................................... - 26 -附录二声控小车程序................................................................. - 27 -前言随着人们生活水平的提高,电子产品的快速发展,普通电子产品的消费已经满足人们需求。
江苏科技大学本科毕业设计(论文)学院江苏科技大学专业机械电子工程学生姓名***班级学号05******指导教师李磊二零零九年六月江苏科技大学本科毕业论文江苏科技大学本科毕业论文基于单片机的声控小车控制The control of V oice-activated car based on Single Chip摘要随着电子工业的发展,具有语音控制功能的小车越来越受到人们的青睐,在人们的日常消费生活中起着不可忽视的作用。
在硬件设计方面,本论文以凌阳公司的SPCE061A 单片机为控制核心,以语音小车控制电路板为辅,设计小车的动作。
关键词:SPCE061A,语音识别,全桥驱动,小车AbstractWith the development of the electronics industry,the voice-control car become more and more popular to people. And it plays an important role in people's daily life. At present, the voice-activated technology has been used in many fields. For example, voice-activated phone. Only if you called out the names you want and it automatically called the telephone. There are also voice-activated washing machines, televisions, computers and other equipments.This article gives a detail to the voice-activated car. In hardware design, the paper use Sunplus SPCE061A as the control of core. On the software, we use C language programming for voice "training" and "recognition". It has the following features: According to recorded the voice command to control the car to start, stop, return, and turn.First of all ,papers confirm the system of program, and then describe the unit's software, hardware as well as introduce the main components of the situation.Key words: SPCE061A,Speech Recognition,Full-bridge driver,Trolley目录第一章绪论 (1)1.1引言 (1)1.2国内外研究状况 (1)1.3存在的不足或有待解决的问题 (2)1.4课题的目的任务和要求 (2)第二章设计方案论证 (3)2.1系统总体方案 (3)2.2系统硬件方案 (4)2.3系统控制方案 (5)2.4小结 (5)第三章系统硬件设计 (6)3.1SPCE061A 特性简介 (6)3.2精简开发板——61 板 (7)3.3车体介绍 (8)3.3.1小车的行走原理 (9)3.4控制板原理图 (11)3.4.1全桥驱动原理 (12)3.4.2动力电机驱动电路 (15)3.4.3方向电机控制电路 (15)3.5小结 (17)第四章系统软件设计 (18)4.1 系统的总体程序流程 (18)4.1.1 语音识别的原理简介 (19)4.1.2 训练子程序 (20)4.1.3 语音识别子程序 (22)4.1.4 动作子程序 (22)4.1.5 中断子程序 (24)4.2 程序中需要说明的几个问题 (25)4.3小结 (26)结语 (27)致谢 (28)参考文献 (29)附录 (31)第一章绪论1.1引言所谓声控技术其实也就是利用语音识别技术来达到控制或者操作的一种技术,而语音识别技术这近五年来已经有很大的进步,最新的语音识别技术可以辨识90%以上的人类说出的字。
本科毕业设计(论文)基于语音控制的智能小车设计学生学院信息工程学院专业测控技术与仪器(光机电一体化方向)年级班别20 级(1)班学号学生姓名指导教师20 年月摘要现代社会电子产业高速发展使自动化成为广大民众的日常话题,越来越普及的语音控制系统在生活中随处可见,随着时间的推移,自动化与语音控制系统的结合也必将进入商用阶段。
智能语音小车使用凌阳公司推出的SPCE061A 16位单片机作为主控中心,其中不仅拥有完整的系统电路,另外包含了供电、声音和复位电路等,配合其语音播放以及语音识别的特色,通过训练的语音指令命令小车使其前进、倒退、左转、右转,另外小车还支持重新语音训练。
SPCE061A 16位单片机具有低电压、低功耗、高性价比等特点,配合其开发环境IDE即可完成小车的总体设计方案,其中包含了语音播放、语音识别、驱动等,最终成为一辆智能的语音控制小车。
关键词:SPCE061A,无线语音控制,语音识别,单片机,智能小车AbstractModern society The rapid development of the electronics industry makes automation become the daily topic of the general public. The increasingly popular voice control system can be seen everywhere in life. With the passage of time, the combination of automation and voice control system will enter the commercial stage.This article will introduce a wireless voice control system simulation of the future of intelligent voice car, display intelligent voice car software, hardware design principles. Intelligent voice car using Sunplus SPCE061A 16-bit microcontroller as the main control center, which not only has a complete system circuit, including the power supply, sound and reset circuit, with its voice playback and voice recognition features, through training V oice command command car to make it forward, back, turn left, turn right, another car also supports re-voice training. SPCE061A 16-bit microcontroller with low voltage, low power consumption, cost-effective features, with its development environment IDE can complete the overall design of the car, which includes voice playback, voice recognition, drive, etc., and ultimately become a smart voice Control the car. Experiments show that the car can be trained on the voice commands after training, and the performance is stable when the ambient noise is small and the sender is clear. The design of the hardware and software in the perspective of a forward-looking, specifically the future direction of the development of intelligent voice car, with the promotion of value.Key words:SPCE061A,Wireless voice control,Speech Recognition,Single chip,Smart car目录1 绪论 (1)1.1 题目背景及目的 (1)1.2 国内外研究状况 (1)1.3 题目研究内容 (2)2 语音识别小车的硬件总体方案 (3)2.1 设计要求 (3)2.2 SPCE061A总述 (3)2.2.1 SPCE061A特点 (3)2.2.2 SPCE061A性能 (4)2.2.3 SPCE061A的结构 (4)2.2.4 引脚排列 (5)2.3 SPCE061A最小系统 (6)2.4 61板硬件框图及简要说明 (7)2.4.1 61板接口说明 (8)2.4.2 61板的检测 (10)2.5 系统总体方案 (12)2.5.1 系统硬件方案 (13)2.5.2 系统控制方案 (14)2.6 车体部分介绍 (14)2.7 小车的行走原理 (15)2.8 控制板原理图 (15)2.9 全桥驱动原理 (16)2.9.1 动力驱动电路 (17)2.9.2 方向控制电路 (18)3 语音识别系统的软件设计 (20)3.1 语音识别系统 (20)3.2 语音识别系统的硬件组成 (20)3.3 语音信号的预处理 (21)3.4 特征参数提取 (21)3.5 矢量量化技术 (22)3.6 模板训练方法及匹配方法 (22)3.7 系统软件总体程序流程 (22)3.8 语音识别的层次结构及流程 (24)3.8.1 训练子程序 (25)3.8.2 语音识别子程序 (26)3.8.3 动作子程序 (27)3.8.4 中断子程序 (29)3.8.5 系统开发环境IDE及ISP工具 (29)3.9 程序中需要说明的问题 (30)4 智能语音小车的测试 (32)4.1 连接硬件 (32)4.2 代码下载 (32)4.3 训练小车 (33)4.4 声控小车 (34)4.5 重新训练 (34)4.6 语音识别测试结果 (35)结论 (36)参考文献 (37)致谢 (38)附录A (39)1 绪论1.1 题目背景及目的现代社会电子技术发展迅猛,自动化也随之崛起,在语音识别已成为大众日常生活中的一部分时,预见未来的汽车也将发展成为音控驾驶。
关键词:语音识别,系统原理,语音控制,电动小车IABSTRACTAs science and technology and human living standards, the use of voice recognition technology to design and manufacture a variety of consumer electronic products and electrical equipment, is the inevitable trend of social development. What is speech recognition technology does! Simply put, that is, electronic devices or computer equipment can understand people saying, and understand it, and make a correct reflection of, or to implement the corresponding action, which is the integration of a multi-discipline field of study.Speech recognition technology has great prospects for development, this article summarizes a comprehensive history of the development in this area, explained the topic of social significance and economic value. First, a comprehensive analysis of issues of language, voice, basic characteristics, analysis of the speech recognition system modeling algorithm theoretical basis, and how to constitute the basic structure of ASR technology systems, and details of the system works.By the theoretical foundation and identify the technical research we can see that voice recognition system is mainly divided into two categories: one is based on research and production of specialized chips for the hardware, the core, constitutes an embedded speech recognition system; and those based on PC, as the the core hardware structure of the larger speech recognition system.According to SPCE061A SCM's unique embedded speech recognition system and the corresponding integrated development environment, this topic based on voice control design of electric trolley, the system is based on a particular person based embedded speech recognition system can also be adapted to non-specific human voice recognition system. Designed a trolley system and the corresponding entities constitute the assembly, testing process and the preparation of the corresponding system software program, the car can be under the control of speech, the freedom to achieve forward, backward, turn, stop, and other state of motion. This system features the voice audio sampling process, our data must pass a very good compression to save space, the application of the loss of a way to quantify the amount of the main uses of discrete hidden Markov models and other algorithms to achieve the corresponding voiceIItemplate of training, while achieving the corresponding recognize the command. Finally, the detailed description of the function of IDE integrated development environment to develop operational methods, and how to load and debug programsAt present, speech recognition system to sb-core hardware, mainly to PC machine as the core hardware and the speech recognition system to a dedicated hardware chip as the core of the embedded speech recognition system. In this paper, the stdy is based on SCM SPCEO61A people and non-specific embedded speech recognition system.Key words:speech recognition, systems theory, voice control, SPCE061A single-chip, small electricalIII电子科技大学硕士学位论文目录第一章绪论 (1)1.1 课题研究的意义及背景 (1)1.2 国内外研究发展概况与趋势 (2)1.3 嵌入式系统及其发展历程 (2)1.4 本课题研究内容与论文结构 (3)第二章语音识别基础 (5)2.1 语音识别的声学基础 (5)2.1.1 建立语音信号数学模型的意义 (5)2.1.2 语音信号产生的数学模型 (5)2.1.3 汉语音节的结构和特点 (6)2.2 语音识别的系统结构 (7)2.2.1 语音通信的层次模型 (7)2.2.2 语音识别的原理 (9)2.3 传统语音识别系统的不足 (9)第三章语音识别系统的基本原理 (11)3.1 语音识别系统的结构原理 (11)3.2 语音识别系统的硬件组成 (11)3.3 语音信号的预处理 (12)3.3.1 语音采样 (12)3.3.2 去除噪音 (13)3.3.3 端点检测的方法 (14)3.3.4 预加重 (14)3.3.5 加窗分帧 (15)3.4 特征参数提取 (15)3.4.1 线性预测系数 (16)3.4.2 线性预测倒谱系数 (17)IV目录3.4.3 Mel倒谱系数(MFCC (18)3.5 矢量量化技术 (19)3.6 模板训练方法 (20)3.7 模板匹配方法 (20)3.7.1 隐马尔可夫模型 (20)3.7.2 动态时间归整 (23)3.7.3 人工神经网络 (23)第四章基于语音控制的电动小车的总体设计 (24)4.1 系统的组成设计 (24)4.1.1 语音控制电动小车的硬件组成框图 (24)4.1.2 系统总体硬件组成设计说明 (24)4.2 主控模块的电路设计 (25)4.2.1 SPCE061A的结构图 (25)4.2.2 SPCE061A的性能 (25)4.3 微处理及语音识别部分电路 (26)4.3.1 16位算术逻辑运算 (26)4.3.2 结合算术逻辑的16位移位运算 (27)4.3.3 DSP处理与语音识别 (27)4.4 接口与驱动部分电路的设计 (27)4.4.1 电源电路 (27)4.4.2电机接口电路 (28)4.4.3 电机驱动电路 (29)4.4.4 ICE接口电路 (30)4.5 主控板组装与测试 (30)4.5.1主控板及元器件 (30)4.5.2 电路板组装步骤 (33)4.5.3 主控板测试 (35)4.6 电动小车的设计 (37)第五章语音识别系统的软件设计 (39)5.1 软件总体的设计 (39)5.1.1 设计思想和流程图 (39)V电子科技大学硕士学位论文5.1.2 程序代码 (40)5.2 语音训练模块的设计 (44)5.2.1 设计思想和流程图 (44)5.2.2 程序代码 (45)5.3 语音识别模块的设计 (48)5.4 动作控制模块的设计 (49)5.5 定时中断程序的设计 (52)第六章系统的开发环境及调测结果 (54)6.1 u'nSP TM IDE集成开发环境 (54)6.1. 1u'nSP TM IDE的安装 (54)6.1.2u'nSP TM IDE主窗口及主菜单 (55)6.1.3u'nSP TM IDE工具栏 (56)6.1.4u'nSP TM IDE工作区 (58)6.1.5u'nSP TM IDE输出区与编辑区 (59)6.2 u'nSPTMIDE调试窗口 (60)6.3 u'nSPTMIDE的项目 (65)6.4 u'nSPTMIDE库文件加载 (67)6.5 u'nSPTMIDE头文件加载 (69)6.6 测试结果及分析 (70)第七章展望与总结 (72)7.1 展望 (72)7.2 总结 (73)致谢 (75)参考文献 (76)VI第一章绪论第一章绪论日月如梭,光阴似箭,社会和科学技术的发展日新月异,计算机对视频信号的处理已日趋完善,人们更希望能用语音的形式和机器及消费电子产品之间实现自然的沟通。
XXXXXX本科毕业设计(论文)题目具有语音控制及火警功能的智能小车设计院系机械学院专业机械设计制造及其自动化姓名XX学号XXXXXX学习年限201X年X月至20XX年6月指导教师XX 职称助教申请学位XXX 学士学位年月日摘要:在科学技术高速发展的今天,智能小车的迅速发展也使它逐渐进入了人们的视野。
关键词:智能小车控制器语音控制避障Abstract:With the rapid development of science and technology today, the rapid development of the intelligent car also makes it gradually entered people's field of vision. Smart car function in increasing. You can see the smart car figure in natural disasters, earthquakes, landslides and other fire scene.In this paper, the design of voice control and fire alarm function of the smart car is, the system is controlled by a MultiFLEX it 2-PXA270 controller, steering gear CDS5516, voice, temperature alarm system, obstacle avoidance system. It can identify the "forward, turn left, turn right, speed up, slow down, stop, back and voice control function and has detection site temperature function and self protection function (such as the temperature is too automatic step back), there is a fire in the flash, the alarm will sound.Keywords: intelligent vehicle controller voice control and obstacle avoidance具有语音控制及火警功能的智能小车设计第1章绪论1.1背景和研究意义在科学技术迅猛发展的今天,关于智能小车的研究也越来越受到人们的关注。
论文题目:语音智能控制小车摘 要语音智能控制小车是利用凌阳的SPCE061A芯片完成基本功能。
关键词:智能小车,SPCE061A,语音识别,公交报站Subject: Intelligent Voice Control CarSpecialty: AutomatizationName: Li Rong Signature: Instructor: Xing Lianxian Signature:ABSTRACTVoice intelligent control car is the use of Sunplus chips SPCE061A completed basic functions. SPCE061A take full advantage of the design of the hardware resources, played this chip voice characteristics, the progressive realization of the car’s go , back, turn left, turn right features. As voice processing chips themselves with the many advantages, so the system hardware is simple, full-featured.In Software design, since Sunplus IDE comes with the voice of the function, the actual process of programming need only direct calls the function. So can facilitate the realization of the car broadcast voice, movement control, obstacle avoidance alarm, bus stations reported, and other functions.KEY WORDS:Intelligent voice control car, SPCE061A, voice recognition, bus stations reported目录前 言 11硬件电路设计 21.1 硬件框图 21.2 硬件原理图 31.2.1 电机驱动模块 (4)1.2.2 测速及显示模块 (6)1.2.3 避障模块 (9)1.3 硬件资源利用 (11)1.3.1 微控制器电路 (11)1.3.2 电源板电路模块分析 (11)1.3.3 键盘输入电路 (12)1.3.4 麦克风输入电路 (12)1.3.5 CPU语音输出电路 (13)1.3.6 指示电路 (14)1.4 硬件实物图 152凌阳音频函数在系统中的应用 (16)2.1 本系统中凌阳音频的使用 (16)2.1.1 语音资源格式的选取 (16)2.1.2 S480语音资源的制作 (17)2.1.3 凌阳语音辨识 (17)2.1.4 S480语音的应用程序接口API的功能介绍及应用 (17)2.1.5 语音辨识应用程序接口API的功能介绍及应用 (20)3软件设计 243.1 系统软件设计说明 (24)3.2 模块分析 243.3 软件结构 253.4 模块介绍 263.4.1 语音播放流程 (26)3.4.2 语音控制小车子程序 (27)3.4.3 避障模块程序流程图 (29)3.4.4 测速模块流程图 (30)3.4.5 键盘处理和显示子程序 (32)3.4.6 数码管倒计时子程序 (34)3.4.7 4096扩展功能子程序 (34)4测试结果分析 374.1 训练小车 374.2 重新训练 384.3 测试中可能出现的情况及其排查 (38)5扩展功能(语音报站) (39)5.1 扩展说明 395.2 硬件电路设计 (39)5.2.1 4096芯片简介 (39)5.2.2 硬件电路连接 (40)5.3 软件设计 415.4 操作步骤 43结 论 44致 谢 错误!未定义书签。
其方法是在小车上安装三个检测障碍物的光电传感器和一个碰撞开关,利用扫描的方式,扫描单片机的IOB4、IOB5、IOB6接口来控制拐弯和返回;利用单片机的IOB8-IOB13接口控制继电器来选择小车的正、反向和加、减速行驶,其中IOB8-IOB9控制电机MOTOR A的正反转,IOB10-IOB11控制小车行驶过程中的三个速度档位,IOB12-IOB13控制电机MOTOR B的正反转。
ABSTRACTWith the development of the electronic industry, currently the trolley which has voice control function is becoming more and more popular. It plays an essential role in people's daily life in consumption. Sunplus systems to the company's SPCE061A to control the core,to design a voice Trolley the fol lowing function : can control the car’s starting, stopping, returning, turning and automatic action to avoid obstacles according to the recording the voice command.The method is to install three small vehicle barrier detection sensor and a photoelectric switch collision. With the use of scanning, it scans SCM IOB4, IOB5, IOB6 interface to control turning and returning; and also using SCM IOB8 - IOB13 interface to control relay to choose the positive or reverse direction of the car and to increase or slowdown its speed. Thereinto IOB8- IOB9 controls the rotating direction of Motor A, IOB10 - IOB11 controls three stalls of speed of the car in the process of moving, IOB12 - IOB13 controls the reversion of motor Motor B.According to the design of what I have told above, the design of these products has small size, generous shape. It also has functions of recognizing the right specific voice and a broad market prospect, especially attracts children.Key.words SPCE061A, voice recognition and optical sensors, relays.目录摘要 (Ⅰ)ABSTRACT (Ⅱ)1 绪论 (1)1、国内外研究现状、水平和发展趋势 (1)2、课题研究方法 (1)2 方案设计与论证 (2)2.1 设计目的 (2)2.2 设计方案与论证 (2)3 系统框图及其原理 (4)3.1 系统框图及说明 (4)3.2 工作原理 (4)3.3 SPCE061A的介绍 (5)3.3.1 SPCE061的概述 (5)3.3.2SPCE061A的引脚排列及其说明 (5)3.3.3 SPCE061A的结构 (6)4 硬件电路的设计 (7)4.1 主控电路的设计 (7)4.1.1 继电器的工作原理 (7)4.1.2 继电器的特性 (8)4.1.3 电机的选择 (8)4.2 光电检测电路设计 (10)4.2.1传感器的定义与组成 (10)4.2.2 光电传感器 (11)4.2.3 光电开关原理 (11)4.2.4 光电检测电路的工作原理 (12)4.3 直流稳压电源 (13)4.4 音频输入及AGC电路 (14)4.4.1 音频输入和AGC电路的设计 (14)4.4.2 语音识别原理 (15)4.5 语音播报电路的设计 (17)4.5.1 数/模转换器DAC的设计 (17)4.5.2 音频功率放大器的组成 (17)4.5.3 晶体管功率放大器的设计 (18)4.5.4 集成音频功率放大器的介绍 (18)4.6 电源部分 (19)5 软件设计 (20)5.1 软件主流程图设计 (20)5.2 语音训练部分 (21)5.3 障碍物检测部分 (22)5.4 语音命令及辨识部分 (23)5.5 中断服务流程图部分 (26)5.5.1 SPCE061A中断系统 (26)5.5.2 中断服务流程图及说明 (27)6 系统调试及测试结果 (28)6.1 程序调试 (28)6.2 调试环境 (28)6.3 测试过程 (28)6.4 测试结果 (29)结论 (30)参考文献 (31)附录A:程序 (32)附录B:元件清单 (45)附录C:系统整体电路图 (46)致谢 (48)1 绪论1、国内外研究现状、水平和发展趋势与机器进行语音交流,让机器明白你说什么,这是人们长期以来梦寐以求的事情。
NO:毕业设计题目: 语音控制小车毕业设计(论文)原创性声明和使用授权说明原创性声明本人郑重承诺:所呈交的毕业设计(论文),是我个人在指导教师的指导下进行的研究工作及取得的成果。
本文介绍了一种基于SPCE061A 单片机的语音遥控小车,重点讨论了其硬件与软件系统的设计与实现。
关键词:SPCE061A 61实验板 IDE 驱动小车语音辨识ABSTRACTWith the electronics industry, automation is no longer a new topic, driverless cars will also enter the practical stage, the system simulation of future smart car. According to begin recording the voice command to control start, stop, return and voice mode. This paper introduces a microcomputer-based voice SPCE061A remote control car, focusing on its hardware and software system design and implementation. First we describe the experimental SPCE061A microcontroller and supporting plate 61 and its development environment IDE; then completed the overall design, body-driven design, programming, voice recognition design, function modules, and finally to the production and commissioning process made more detail. Test showed that the environmental background noise is not too large, the controller sounds a clear premise, voice controlled car can respond to specific voice commands to make the action expected of the limited.KEYWORDS:61 test board IDE drive car speech recognition目录第一章绪论................................... - 1 -1.1设计背景 ......................................... - 1 -1.2 凌阳SPCE061A单片机.............................. - 1 -1.3 61实验板........................................ - 2 -1.4 系统开发环境IDE .................................. - 2 -1.5 ResWriter工具................................... - 2 - 第2章凌阳SPCE061A单片机 ...................... - 4 -2.1 SPCE061A总述.................................... - 4 -2.2 SPCE061A 特点.................................... - 4 -2.4 SPCE061A的结构.................................. - 6 -2.5 引脚排列........................................... - 7 -2.6 应用领域.......................................... - 8 -2.7 SPCE061A最小系统.................................. - 9 -第3章 61实验板................................. - 10 -3.1 硬件框图及简要说明............................... - 10 -3.2 61板接口说明.................................. - 11 -3.3 61板的检测..................................... - 13 -第4章系统总体方案 ............................. - 16 -4.1 设计要求.......................................... - 16 -4.2 系统总体方案...................................... - 16 -4.3 系统硬件方案...................................... - 17 -4.4系统控制方案...................................... - 18 -第五章系统硬件设计 ............................. - 19 -5.1 车体介绍.......................................... - 19 -5.2 小车的行走原理.................................... - 1 -5.3 控制板原理图....................................... - 2 -5.4 全桥驱动原理....................................... - 3 -5.5 动力电机驱动电路................................. - 5 -5.6 方向电机控制电路.................................. - 5 -第6章系统软件设计 ............................. - 8 -6.1 系统的总体程序流程................................ - 8 -6.2 语音识别的原理简介................................ - 9 -6.3 训练子程序..................................... - 10 -6.4 语音识别子程序................................. - 11 -6.5 动作子程序...................................... - 12 -6.6 中断子程序...................................... - 13 -6.7 程序中需要说明的几个问题......................... - 14 - 第7章系统开发环境 ............................ - 15 - 第8章语音小车的使用 .......................... - 16 -8.1 连接硬件......................................... - 16 -8.2 代码下载......................................... - 16 -8.3 训练小车......................................... - 17 -8.4 声控小车......................................... - 18 -8.5 重新训练......................................... - 18 - 结语........................................ - 19 - 致谢........................................ - 20 - 参考文献........................................ - 21 - 附录一:语音控制小车源代码 .................... - 22 -第一章绪论1.1设计背景语音处理技术是一门新兴的技术,它不仅包括语音的录制和播放,还涉及语音的压缩编码和解码,语音的识别等各种处理技术。