全国英语教师素养大赛一等奖课件famous people

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Pearl S. Buck East Wind, West Wind The Good Earth
Pearl S. Buck Birthplace ~Hillsboro, West Virginia~
赛珍珠(Pearl Buck l892-1973) 女作家。本名珀尔· 赛登斯特里克· 布克。赛珍珠是她自己起的中文名字。出 生于弗吉尼亚州西部,父母是传教土,自小随父母来中国,曾阅读中国的经 书。17岁回美国进弗吉尼亚州伦道夫。梅康女子学院攻读心理学,毕业后又 来中国。1917年与传教士约翰· 洛辛· 布克结婚,从事传教工作。1927年北伐 军进入南京,她离开中国。1934年与布克离婚;1935年与约翰· 戴公司总经 理、《亚细亚》杂志主编理查· 沃尔什结婚,因而进入约翰· 戴公司任编辑。 以后在宾夕法尼亚州的农庄里从事写作。 赛珍珠于1922年开始写作,1931年发表长篇小说《大地》,立印成为畅 销书,1938年因此而获诺贝尔文学奖金。 赛珍珠一生写了85部作品,包括小说、传记、儿童文学、政论等。她也 写了许多短篇小说、广播剧和文艺评论。她早期曾著文批评美国教会人土在 国外的某些做法;晚年的政论主要为美国政府的外交政策辩护,并攻击共产 主义。她自称热爱中国,但她爱的是中国封建社会的旧文化。她被称为“中 图通”,但她在《大地上的房子》三部曲(《大地》,1931;《儿子们》, 1932;《分家》,1935)中所描绘的并不是中国社会的真实面貌,也没有反 映中国人民的命运。在《北京来信》(1957)和《梁太太的三个女儿》(1969) 中,她更明显地流露出对社会主义新中国的敌对情绪。 赛珍珠曾把《水浒》译成英文,译名为《四海之内皆兄弟》(1933)。
opened up the science of radioactivity. She is best known as the discoverer of the radioactive elements polonium and radium and as the first person to win two Nobel prizes. For scientists and the public, her radium was a key to a basic change in our understanding of matter and energy. Her work not only influenced the development of fundamental science but also ushered in a new era in medical research and treatment.
•1948 - left the convent to work alone in the slums; received some medical training in Paris
•1950 - the Missionaries of Charity (Mother Teresa's sisterhood) started •1952 - House for the Dying opened •1957 - the Missionaries of Charity started work with lepers and in many disaster areas of the world •1971 - awarded the Pope John XXIII Peace Prize
Βιβλιοθήκη Baidu
Pierre and Curie
“Life is not easy for every one of us. We must work , and above all we must believe in ourselves. We must believe that each one of us is able to do something well, and that , when we discover what this something is, we must work hard at it until we succeed.”
at work
With Sun Yatsen
Song Qingling was born into a rich family which played an important role in Chinese politics in the first half of the 20th century. As the widow of Sun Yatsen, she became an important member of the elite of P.R.C. Though she was the Vicechairperson of the People’s Republic, her influence in political matters was limited. Instead, she devoted herself to the welfare activities for women and children.
1979 Nobel Peace Prize Laureate
•Aug 27, 1910 - Sep 5, 1997 •Maiden name: Agnes Gonxha Bojaxhiu •Place of Birth: Skopje, Yugoslavia (what is now Macedonia) •Residence: Calcutta, India •Biographical highlights: •1928 - went to India and taught at a convent school in Calcutta •1937 - took her final vows