奥马哈海滩 绿D区
别挡住跳板,三十秒后登陆愿主保佑你Clear the ramp! seconds! May God be with you!
左舷右舷听着,尽快攻占炮台Port side and starboard side stick! Move fast and clear those mortar holes!
大家尽量分散I want to see plenty of beach between men.
五个人就容易成为目标一个人则能躲开Five men is a juicy opportunity. One man is a waste of ammo.
别让沙子堵塞枪口,小心行事Keep the sand out of your weapons! Keep those actions clear!
在滩头上见I'll see you on the beach!
避开弹坑,分成左右两列Clear the mortar hole! Right and left!
到旁边去Over the side!
从左右方下水Port and starboard!
谢谢Thank yo...
长官,怎么办?What now, sir?
长官,现在怎么办?I said, 'What the hell do we do now, sir?"
米勒上尉…Captain Miller! Captain Miller!
米勒上尉!霍瓦特中士!Captain Miller! Sergeant Horvath!
叫你的弟兄攻上滩头,快Move your men off the beach! Now!
大家听我命令,跟着我冲Okay, you guys, get on my ass! Follow me!
长官,集合点在哪里?总之不是这里Sir! What's the rallying point? Anywhere but here!
怎么办,长官?快攻上海堤What now, sir? The seawall, move up to the seawall!
我要留下来!先攻占滩头再说Sir, I'm staying! Clear the beach to make way.
走出去就死定了This is all we've got between us and the Almighty.
这滩头的每一处都被瞄准了Every inch of this beach has been pre-sighted.
留下来必死无疑You stay here, you're dead men!
妈妈…Mama, Mama!
伏下来Stay down, stay down!
你们是什么部队?104师的医疗营What are you guys? th Medical Battalion, sir.
我们是来设立医疗站的丢掉这废物We're here to set up field operations. Get rid of that crap!
拿起武器跟我来Grab yourselves some weapons and follow me.
我中弹了!布格斯I'm hit! Briggs!
天啊,我中弹了!医护兵I'm hit low! God! Medic!
我们是海军抢滩大队Navy Beach Battalion, sir!
我得清除这些障碍,为坦克开路I've got to clear these obstacles. Make holes for the tanks!
装甲车都掉到海里了长官,这是命令The armour is floundering at sea. Orders, sir!
到别处去,这里交给我Go somewhere else! I'm clearing this one.
来吧,布格斯Come on, Briggs!
快走,快Move, move!
来吧,快Come on, move!
快走Move, move!
海岸后勤工作队装甲车都无法登岸Shore party! No armour has made it ashore.
滩头上都没有DD坦克D缺口还没打开We've got no DD tanks on the beach. Dog One is not open!
这里是谁指挥?Who's in command here?
长官,是你You are, sir!
霍瓦特中士?你认得这是哪里吗?Sergeant Horvath? Do you recognize where we are?
是原定的集合点但却没有支援部队Where we're supposed to be, but no one
else is.
大家都走散了Nobody's where they're supposed to be!
海岸后勤工作队Shore party!
第一波攻击无效无法攻占海滩First wave ineffective! We do not hold the beach.
重复,无法攻占海滩Say again, we do not hold the beach!
我们都混在一起了这里有F、A和G连的弟兄We're mixed up! We've got people from Fox, Able and George companies.
和海军爆破队员及陆战队长Plus, we got some Navy demo guys and a beachmaster.
海岸后勤工作队…Shore party, Shore party!
指挥官…CAT-F, CAT-F, CA...
莱宾报到有看到别人吗?Reiben here. Seen anybody else?
只有杰克森梅利西报到Jackson, but that's it. Mellish here!
卡帕佐德佛里斯特和韦德在后面Caparzo! We've got DeForest back there with Wade!
他严重失血,韦德说他没救了D.'s hurt so bad he's sprung a hundred leaks! Wade says he's used up!
去救其他人吧我们走吧,他是军医Move on to somebody you can help. Let go, he's a battalion surgeon!
去叫他!韦德Get his attention! Wade!
韦德!韦德Wade! Wade!
韦德,别这么做,太危险了Wade, don't do it! It's too risky, too risky, Doc!
快滚回来Get your ass back here!
把他带回来Get him off the beach.
我办到了,我们替他止住血了I've got it! We've stopped the bleeding!
混蛋,赶尽杀绝Just give us a fucking chance, you son of a bitch!
韦德,走吧你这个混蛋Wade, come on! You son of a fucking cocksucker!
韦德,是梅利西,韦德Wade, it's Mellish. Wade!
走吧,找到米勒了,走吧Let's move! We found Miller! Let's move!
去你的Fuck it!
伏下…Get down, get down!
就只有你们几个吗?This is all? This is all that's made it?
我们被分散了,一定还有人的We got scattered pretty bad. There's bound to be more of us.
这样不够It's not enough.
D缺口是在右边还是左边?Dog One exit. It's the cut to the right, or was it left?
不,维尔维里在左边这里才是D缺口No. Vierville is to the left. This is Dog One.
他们在痛宰我们根本没有机会战斗,不公平They're killing us and we don't have a fucking chance! That ain't fair!
收集武器弹药收集武器弹药Gather weapons and ammo! Gather weapons and ammo!
莱宾?你的手枪呢?Reiben! Where's your BAR?
在水底差点给敌军害我被淹死Bottom of the Channel. The bitch tried to drown me.
再去找一支Find a replacement.
拿爆破筒出来Bangalores! Bring out some bangalores!
工兵来了给我手榴弹Engineers coming! Grenades, give me grenades!
把爆破筒运到前面去Bangalores up the line! Bangalores up the line!
小心,爆破筒来了,来吧Heads up! Bangers coming your way! Come on, come on!
杰克森报到莱宾回来了Jackson here, sir! Reiben back, sir.
天啊Oh, my God!
迫击炮来了Mortars incoming!
再给我一支One more, give me one more!
天啊,痛死我了,我快要死了Oh, my God, it hurts! I'm going to die!
天啊…Oh, my God! Jesus! Oh, my God!
放进去,继续Come on, put it in. Keep it moving.
行了We've got it.
天啊,你运气真好Jesus! Lucky bastard.
快点Move it! Keep it moving!
你不会死的,别看You're not going to die. You're fine. Just don't look at it. Don't look at it!
用爆破筒来攻击,让开Bangalores! Clear the shingle!
对准沙坑对准沙坑Fire in the hole! Fire in the hole!
对准沙坑Fire in the hole!
对准沙坑Fire in the hole!
可以反攻了,找掩护到沙坑的另一边We're in business! Defilade! Other side of the hole!
给他吗啡Give him some morphine.
行了,走吧That's it, let's go.
检验过了,注射吗啡Inspected, morphine.
混蛋,过去Son of a bitch! Get in there.
可恶,我动不了梅利西,刺刀给我Fuck, I can't move! Mellish, give me your bayonet.
两挺MG-机枪,两支迫击炮在前方二十码,左边三十码Two MG-s, two mortars. Add , left .
那有掩护物,若装甲车登陆后会是最好的发射位置There's defilade, but it's a good firing position if we can land the armour.
我们得打开这个缺口We've got to get this draw open!
莱宾、梅利西,上吧找到掩护就猛烈开火Reiben, Mellish! Let's get in the war! Take cover and put fire on that crew.
戴维斯、德伯纳多杨、瓦克!快准备Davis, DeBernardo, Young, Valk! Get ready!
开火Covering fire!
去吧Go, go, go!
敌军的炮火很厉害It's a goddam firing squad.
要逃出这里,只有这样It's the only way we can get everybody out of here.
肖特、佩森、麦唐纳、帕克斯你们是下一组!Short, Payton, McDonald, Parkes! You're next!
何不干脆给我们眼罩不就行了吗?Why not just hand out blindfolds, Captain?
唯有出去拼命,开火All we can do here is die! Covering fire!
快…Go, go, go!
快点…去你的Come on, come on, come on! Go, God damm it!
杰克森是Jackson. Sir.
看见那弹坑吗?在那里应能躲开机枪的攻击That impact crater should give you defilade from the machine gun position.
躲进去好好表现枪法等我的命令Get in there and give me some fire discipline. Wait for my command.
若你妈看见你这样会很担忧的If your mother saw you do that, she'd be very upset.
我还以为你就是我妈呢I thought you were my mother.
别远离我,天主Be not Thou far from me, O Lord.
主啊,很抱歉我曾经激怒你Oh, my God. I am heartily sorry for having offended Thee.
我对此深感懊悔请听我的祷告I detest my sins for having offended Thee, O Lord. Listen to me, Lord.
赐我力量,助我抗敌All my strength! Haste Thee to help me.
D缺口打开了,往这边走Dog One exit, right here!
大家反攻We're in business!
快Move, move!
莱宾去吧,中士Reiben. Go, Sarge!
来吧,多里Come on, Doyle!
多里,打开喷火器Flame! Doyle, do it!
,让他们吃吃苦头Don't shoot! Let them burn!
右边On the right!
你们一起死吧,混蛋I'll give you "comrade", you son of a bitch!
小心,转过去Look out! Turn around, turn around.
去干掉他们Flush them out!
停火…住手…Cease fire, cease fire! Cut it out, cut it out!
停火!Cease fire!
这是SC第队,重复D缺口已经打开了Sugar Cane, Sugar Charlie Three. Say again, Dog One is open.
派出推土机我在这里等待配合侧翼Send in the dozers. I'm waiting here to tie in my flanks.
什么?抱歉,我听不懂你在说什么What? I'm sorry, I can't understand what you're saying!
他说什么?What did he say, what did he say?
我洗过手准备吃饭了Look, I washed for supper!
谁有火箭筒?真该死Who's got a bazooka, goddammit?
笨蛋,你看是希特勒青年团小刀Hey, Fish. Look at this, a Hitler Youth knife.
现在是犹太面包刀了,对吧?And now it's a Shabbat challah cutter, right?
别停下来Keep it moving!
好惨烈的景象That's quite a view.
没错Yes, it is.
很惨烈Quite a view.
“亲爱的博伊德先生你应该已经得悉…”"Dear Mr Brian Boyd. No doubt by now you have received full information"-
“你儿子的死讯”"about the untimely death of your son."
“说什么也无法减轻您的哀痛”"No words can ever relieve your grief."
“本部队对他的死深感惋惜他是个优秀的士兵”"Our outfiit has felt his loss greatly..." "He was a fiine soldier"-
“并深信我们所从事的…”"and believed strongly in what we were doing..."
“我们参与了大战中最重要的军事行动”"We were involved in one of the most important operations of the war."
“艾尔使我们能团结一致”"Al was the one who held us all together."
“他身先士卒”"He was the first to volunteer."
“那里有四千人的部队开过”"We passed a road where over , troops had passed."
“尊夫尽忠职守…”"Your husband served in a unit whose duty is to place itself beyond..."
“大家都很怀念他”"...which we all cherish and hold dear..."
“李等人的死对军团打击甚大”"The loss of Lee and others like him is a distinct blow to the regiment."
“我们了解你想知道…”"We understand your desire to learn about"-
“他去世时的情形”"the circumstances leading to his death."
上校,有件事想告诉你Colonel, I've got something you should know about.
这两人在诺曼第阵亡These two men died in Normandy.
这位死于奥哈马海滩肖恩瑞恩This one at Omaha Beach. "Sean Ryan."
这位死于犹他彼得瑞恩This man at Utah. "Peter Ryan."
这位上周在新几内亚阵亡This man was killed last week in New Guinea.
丹尼尔瑞恩"Daniel Ryan."
他们是兄弟They are brothers.
他们的妈妈会在下午接到这三封电报This afternoon their mother is going to get all three telegrams.
跟随空降师There's also a fourth brother who parachuted in with st Airborne -
在诺曼第某处跳伞the night before the invasion. He is somewhere in Normandy.
他还活着吗?不知道Is he alive? We don't know.
跟我来Come with me.
四兄弟都在第师的同一个连队服役All four were in the same company in the th Division -
但苏利文兄弟在朱诺送命后我们便分开了他们but we split them up after the Sullivan brothers died on the Juneau.
能联络上四弟詹姆斯吗?Any contact with the fourth son, James?
不能,他空降在距纽维哩的内陆,深入了敌区No. He was dropped miles inland near Neuville, behind German lines.
根本无法知道他空降在哪里Mac, there is no way you can know where he was dropped.
据报空降师的人失散了First report from lke's people at SHAEF said the st is scattered.
诺曼第有很多被空投错误的部队There are misdrops all over Normandy.
就算瑞恩能安然降落也无法找到他Assuming Private Ryan even survived the jump, he could be anywhere.
可能他早已阵亡In fact, he's probably K.I.A.
老实说,若我们派出搜救部队And frankly, if we go sending some sort of rescue mission, -
他们就得穿越德军固守区flat-hatting throughout German reinforcements along our advance, -
那一定也会阵亡的they're going to be K.I. A, too.
这里有封信I have a letter here...
是很久以前给波士顿的比克斯比太太的信,听我读...written a long time ago to a Mrs Bixby in Boston. So bear with me.
“女士”"Dear Madam."
“我已从麻萨诸塞州上将副官的…”"I have been shown in the files of the War Department a statement" -
“战争部档案得悉”"of the Adjutant General of Massachusetts" -
“你是五位在沙场上”'that you are the mother of five..."
“光荣阵亡的战士的母亲”"...sons who have died gloriously on the field of battle."
“我感到我的言辞薄弱无力”"I feel how weak and fruitless must be any words of mine" -
“根本无法安抚你的悲伤”'that would attempt to beguile you from the grief' -
“也无法弥补你的损失”"of a loss so overwhelming..."
“但我必须要在此向你致谢”"...but I can't refrain from tendering the consolation that may be found" -
“他们是为了拯救国家而死”"in the thanks of the republic they died to save."
“愿天主安抚你的丧子之痛”"May our Heavenly Father assuage the anguish of your bereavement" -
“让你永远怀念远去的挚爱”"and leave you only the cherished memory of the loved and lost" -
“神圣的荣耀都归于你们”"and the solemn pride that must be yours to have laid such a sacrifice" -
“因你们为自由付出了重大的代价”"upon the altar of freedom. Yours very sincerely and respectfully," -
“林肯敬上”"Abraham Lincoln."
那孩子还活着我们要派人去找他That boy is alive. We are going to send somebody to find
然后带他远离战场And we are going to get him the hell out of there.
后勤官在海滩寻找被炸毁的碉堡The Quartermaster's up the beach a way. Look for a blown-up bunker.
我是C连的米勒上尉,请进Miller, Charlie Company. Go on in, Captain.
若六点以前无法缷下坦克的话If we don't off-load the Shermans by -
一整师的部队就会被困在卡伦坦we'll have a division stuck at Carentan with its pants around its ankles.
再说明一下Well, you let me know of it.
让C连死守维尔维里直到装甲兵开到Let Charlie Company hold at Vierville 'til we can get the armour there.
原本空降师该打开缺口的但他们却投错地方Airborne was supposed to win an open door for us, but misdropped, -
全都失散了,你的情况如何?and scattered all their sticks into the wind. What's your situation?
第四区攻下了Yes, sir... Sector Four is secure.
我们摧毁了这几处的公厘炮We took out towed s here, here and here.
敌军有四部坦克和一些运兵车They got four Shermans and some deuce-and-a-halves.
这两处的布雷区很大These two minefields are actually one big one.
我们到了中心地带发现地雷的密度很高We went up the middle of it, but it turned into a mixed high-density field.
什么地雷都有,S型、S型A little bit of everything; Sprengmine s, Schumne s, -
散片型地雷、A-连侦测器都无法找到pot mines, A-s, the little wooden bastard the detectors don't pick up.
这里埋了T型大地雷大概想炸我们的坦克Here, they placed big mushrooms, Teller mine s, I guess for our tanks, -
从这里到村庄的边缘from here right up to the edge of the village, right here.
已记下位置,通知了工兵We marked them and called the engineers.
有遇上反抗吗?没想像的那么强Resistance? We had higher support expectations.
有一连没配大炮的步兵There was a company without artillery. Wehrmacht. th Infantry.
由卡夫加帕指挥我们俘虏了人Von Lucke Kampfgruppe. We ended up with prisoners.
已交由师的宪兵处置We turned them over to MPs from the th.
我军的伤亡呢?What about our casualties?
伤亡人数是…死,人伤Well, the figure is... We're dead, times two wounded.
他们就是不肯放弃那些重炮They just didn't want to give up those s.
任务很艰巨,所以才找你It was a tough assignment. That was why you got it.
是,长官Yes, sir.
你又有一项任务了是,长官I've got another one for you. Yes, sir.
是上级直接交办的It's straight from the top.
我希望你和我带一队人到纽维去执行公关任务I wish. You and I are taking a squad to Neuville on a PR mission.
由你带队吗?Oh, are you leading a squad?
一位二等兵死了三兄弟所以能回家A private in the st lost three brothers and he's got a ticket home.
为何要去纽维呢?他们觉得他在那里Why Neu
ville? They think he's there.
他是被错投的空降部队之一Part of all those Airborne misdrops.
现在兵荒马乱要找一名士兵很难It won't be easy finding one soldier in the middle of this goddam war.
就像大海捞针般Like finding a needle in a stack of needles.
那连上兄弟怎么办?What about the company?
最好的跟我们其他的加入B连We take the pick of the litter, the rest goes to Baker.
天啊,他们夺走了你的连?Jesus Christ! They took away your company?
部队是军方的,我们唯有遵命It wasn't mine, it was the Army's. So they told me, anyway.
给我莱宾、杰克森、韦德贝斯里和卡帕佐Get me Reiben on BAR, Jackson, Wade, Beasley and Caparzo.
贝斯里死了那找梅利西Beasley's dead. Alright, Mellish then.
有人会法语吗?据我所知没有Do have a guy who speaks French? Not that I know of.
塔尔博特呢?今早死了What about Talbot? This morning.
我要去找个翻译员I'm going to try and dig up another interpreter.
到滩头的车辆调度场集合Assemble at the battalion motor pool on the beach.
该怎么办?听着,什么?What are we going to do? Listen up. What?
我要用大块乳酪塞进你的屁股好让你棺材盖国旗回家Go home wrapped in the American flag with a hunk of cheese in your ass.
我以为你喜欢塞屁股的什么?I thought you liked it in the ass. What?
稍息,我要找提摩西厄本下士As you were. I'm looking for Corporal Timothy Upham.
是,我就是厄本Yes, I'm Upham.
你会说法语和德语?是,长官Do you speak French and German? Yes, sir.
有没有口音?法语有How's your accent? Slight one in French.
但德语很纯正很好My German's clean. Very good.
你已被派给我了收拾行囊,我们要到纽维去You've been re-assigned to me. Grab your gear, we're going to Neuville.
这是何时更新的?早上八点半When was this updated? As of : this morning.
这是SS坦克部队还有两队人向南推进This is the th SS Panzer. These are the two axes advancing south.
纽维有德军我知道,下士There are Germans in Neuville. I understand, Corporal.
纽维有很多德军有问题吗?There are a lot of Germans in Neuville. You've got a problem with that?
我没作战过只懂绘制地图和翻译Please consider that I've never been in combat. I make maps and translate.
我需要会法语和德语的人I need someone who speaks French and German.
原来的两位阵亡了我从新兵训练后就没拿过枪My two guys were killed. I haven't held a weapon since training.
基本训练时开过枪吧?Did you fire the weapon in Basic training?
开过,长官那去准备一下Yes, sir. Well, then get your gear.
长官,我能带…Sir, may I bring...
能带打字机吗?May I bring my typewriter, sir?
是,长官Yes, sir.
谢谢你Thank you very much.
那是纪念品吗?不是Is that a souvenir? No, sir.
慢慢来Take your time.
,凡事都有好的一面You should look on the bright side of things, Corporal.
是还有,这个也没有用Yes. For one thing, you don't need those.
但你需要这个对,要这个You'll need that. Yes. I'll need this, not that.
你好干嘛?Hey! Hey!
你是不是想找死?You want your head blown off?
别再用你的爪子碰我回去你的岗位Don't touch me with those rat claws again. Get the fuck back in formation!
我只是想问你来自哪里I was just wondering where you're from.
卡帕佐,对吧?滚开,下士Caparzo, is it? Drop dead, Corporal.
每次你向上尉敬礼就会惹来德军袭击他Every time you salute the Captain, you make him a target for the Germans.
对不起帮帮忙,别那么做I'm sorry. Do us a favour. Don't do it.
尤其是当我站在他旁边时,懂吗?Especially when I'm standing next to him. Capisci?
懂了下士,那是什么书?Capisco. Corporal, what's your book about?
当心你的枪对不起Watch your rifle. Sorry.
是关于行军时发展手足之情的方法It's about the brotherhood that develops between soldiers during war.
手足之情?你懂什么是手足之情?Brotherhood? What do you know about brotherhood?
要注意这傢伙Get a load of this guy, Fish.
你何不去问上尉是哪里人呢?Why don't you ask the Captain where he's from?
去问他,他什么都会告诉你的Ask the Captain. He'll tell you everything you want to know about him.
解释给我听Explain the maths of this to me.
八个人为何要冒险救一个人呢?Where is the sense in risking the lives of the eight of us to save one guy?
度,有人想回答吗? degrees. Anybody wants to answer that?
莱宾,想想那可怜虫的妈妈吧Reiben, think about the poor bastard's mother.
医护兵,我也有妈妈Hey, Doc, I've got a mother.
你有妈妈,中士也有妈妈You've got a mother, Sarge has got a mother.
我敢说上尉也有妈妈Shit, I bet even the Captain's got a mother.
也许上尉没有,但我们全都有Maybe not the Captain, but the rest of us.
“不问原因,只求为国牺牲”"Their's is not to reason why their's is but to do and die"
下士,那是什么鬼意思?La-la-la... What the fuck is that supposed to mean, Corporal?
我们都该死吗?We're all supposed to die?
厄本说的是我们的职责是,长官Upham's talking about our duty. Yes, sir.
我们全都得服从命令We all have orders to follow.
是的,长官,谢谢就算任务是“苦差”?Yes, sir. Thank you. Even if the mission is "FUBAR"?
这才更加要服从Especially if the mission is "FUBAR".
“苦差”是什么?是德语What's "FUBAR"? It's German.
没听过Never heard of that...
长官,我对此有点意见Sir, I have an opinion on this matter.
说出来听听吧By all means, share it with the squad.
我的想法是From my way of thinking, -
这次任务浪费了宝贵的军事资源this mission is a misallocation of
valuable military resources.
是吗?继续Yeah? Go on.
我觉得上帝赐给我打仗的天分It seems to me that God made me a fine instrument of warfare.
莱宾,听好,这样抱怨才对继续,杰克森Reiben, pay attention. Now, this is the way to gripe. Continue, Jackson.
要是他派我这个狙击手If He was to put me and this sniper rifle anywhere up to and including -
到希特勒一哩范围内one mile of Adolf Hitler with a clear line of sight, sir...
大家就能收拾行囊回家战争就结束了,阿们Pack your bags, fellas, the war is over. Amen.
乡巴佬,这主意不错That's brilliant, bumpkin.
上尉,你呢?你不会抱怨吗?What about you, Captain? You don't gripe at all?
我是上尉,身负重任不会向你抱怨I don't gripe to you. I'm a captain. There's a chain of command.
上级永远是发牢骚的对象Gripe always go up.
你向我发牢骚我向我上级发牢骚,如此类推You gripe to me, I gripe to my superior officers, and so on.
我不会在你面前发牢骚你是突击队员,应该明白I don't gripe in front of you. You should know that as a Ranger.
对不起,就当你不是上尉或我是少校吧I'm sorry, but let's say that you weren't a captain or that I was a major.
你会说什么?What would you say?
那样我就会说这项任务棒极了In that case, I'd say, "This is an excellent mission" -
意义重大,值得我全力以赴"with a valuable objective worthy of my best efforts."
而且我对瑞恩的母亲感到深切的悲痛"Moreover, I feel heartfelt sorrow for the mother of Private Ryan" -
为了慰藉她我愿意赔上我与部下的性命"and I'll lay down my life and those of my men, especially yours, Reiben," -
尤其是你,莱宾'to ease her suffering."
他很棒我喜欢他He's good. I love him.
打雷!闪电!Thunder! Flash!
厄本,到那边去莱宾,你们四个过去Upham, over there. Reiben, you four go.
去吧!Go, go, go, go!
很高兴看见你希尔中士,救星来了You are a sight for sore eyes. Sergeant Hill, our reliefs showed up.
有多少人?八个,但不是救兵How many are you? Eight. We're not your relief. Sorry.
为什么?我们来找二等兵瑞恩What do you mean, sir? We're here for a Private Ryan.
谁?瑞恩?为什么?Who? Ryan? What for?
他在这里吗?大概在镇的另一边Is he here? Maybe on the other side of the town.
周围都有德军,很难通过It's hard to get to. The Germans punched a hole in our centre.
我军给德军切断他叫什么名字?They cut us right in two. What's his name, again?
瑞恩,詹姆斯瑞恩隶属空降师Ryan, James Ryan. He dropped in with the st.
高德曼,找传令兵来传令兵Goldman, get me a runner! Runner!
来吧Come on!
琼斯,让开Jonesy, make a hole up there!
我们为东面的炮火所阻We got stopped by fire from the eastward.
德军聚集了两个团的兵力The Germans have been reinforcing two regi
ments all day.
已经有四十五分钟没有动静It's been quiet for minutes.
德军正把火力集中于西面The Germans concentrate their fire westward.
谁在广播?达伍德迪撒多夫Who's that on the loudspeaker? Dagwood Duesseldorf.
友善的政战官Our friendly neighbourhood morale officer.
“自由神像完蛋了”"The Statue of Liberty is kaputt."
想扰乱我们军心That's disconcerting.
笨蛋,你爹的包皮已给割掉了Your father was circumcised by my rabbi, you prick!
去你的臭混蛋伏下You sadistic fucking animals! Get down.
敌人知道我军通讯中断所以针对传令兵They know we're not in direct contact. They'll single out the runners.
为什么要射杀他们?Why do they shoot them up?
不能留活口,以防军情外泄我们也会这样做As long as his lungs are working, he carries the message. We'd do the same.
不,我们不会韦德,准备起程No, we wouldn't! Wade! Get them ready to travel.
博伊德来吧Boyd! Come on!
再试一遍,设法通知汉米尔上尉,我们正赶过去Try again! Let Captain Hamill know we're coming.
纽维其他地方怎么样?What's the rest of Neuville like?
接着会看到两层建筑物有很多窗户The next block's got two-storey buildings. A lot of windows.
有一广场可作藏身之用There's a square with good cover.
带我去,中士,留在这里Show me. Sarge, hold right here!
遵命Yes, sir!
别在这里挨打,到里面躲避Stay out of this enfilade and use the buildings.
到左边去,边走边开火我们各派两人Try a left hook. Shoot and scoot. Two of yours, two of mine.
黑斯亭斯、高德曼,到前面去Hastings, Goldman! Up front!
莱宾、卡帕佐通讯仍受敌军干扰Reiben, Caparzo. They're still jamming us.
尽快到角落去,小心行事Short runs, high and low at the corners. It's going to be tight.
准备进行近身战,去吧Be prepared for close contact. Go.
厄本,跟霍瓦特中士待在一起Upham! You stay with Sergeant Horvath.
上尉,我会像内裤般粘着他Stay here! I'll wear him like underwear, Captain. You stay with me.
广场闸口在大楼的尽头Past the end of the block are the gates of the square.
好好的Good. Alright.
莱宾,上尉从哪里来的?Reiben, where's the Captain from?
猜中的话有奖奖金三百块If you figure it out, you'll get a prize. bucks, last I heard.
大家下注,最少五块The company's got a pool. Five bucks gets you in.
就在拐弯处,躲到闸门后面去It's around this corner. Defilade right up to those gates.
一定有人知道他来自何方Somebody must know where he's from.
我跟他一起那么久也毫无头绪I've been with him since Casserene Pass. I don't have a clue.
我的足踝很痛战事没结束已经要坐轮椅My ankles are killing me. I'll need a wheelchair before the war is over.
老天,就跟老妇一样That's it! Oh, my God! That ankle is like an old woman
就像…老天Like an old... Oh, God!
莱宾?你连他上哪所学校也不知道?Reiben. So you don't even know where he went to school?
他没念书是军部用大兵尸体组装而成He didn't go to school. They assembled him at OCS out of dead Gls.
我知道他的来历Pay attention to detail. I know where he's from and what he did -
因为我看得仔细because I pay attention to detail.
厄本,别信他的鬼话Hey, Upham! Careful you don't step in the bullshit.
去吧打雷Do it. Thunder!
打雷,不然开火Thunder, or we will fire on you!
梅利西、卡帕佐,过来Mellish, Caparzo, come here!
叫他们表明身分Tell them to show themselves.
问问德军在哪里Ask them where the Germans are.
他说什么?孩子What is he saying? Something about the children.
孩子?他想我们带走孩子Kids? He wants us to take them.
不行,不能带走孩子No, no. We can't take the kids.
不可以,不行We can't take the kids! No, no!
他们以为这样较安全跟着我们不会安全They think they'll be safe. They won't be safe with us!
你疯了?听从上尉的命令Are you nuts? Listen to the Captain!
他们以为孩子会安全一点They think they'll be safe with us.
什么地方也不会安全卡帕佐,交回孩子It's not safe anywhere. Caparzo! Put that kid back!
卡帕佐,把孩子还给他们请放心Caparzo, put the girl back! It's OK, it's OK.
交回孩子Give that kid back!
厄本,怎么说请放心?他让我想起外甥女Upham, how do you say, "It's OK?" I can't. She reminds me of my niece.
把孩子交回去Get the kid back up there!
最少也该把她带到下个市镇We should at least take her to the next town.
我们有任务在身不是来救孩子We're not here to do that, we're here to follow orders!
中士,把孩子接过来Sarge, take this goddam kid!
躲好Cover, cover!
可恶,哪里射过来的?Goddammit! Where did that come from?
听到枪声前他已倒地He was on the ground before we heard the shot.
是我就会到那里That's where I'd be.
我看不到码外,也许在阴暗处I didn't see it. yards, maybe a shade under.
大家别冒险出去那枪手很厉害I wouldn't venture out there, fellas. This sniper's got talent!
别哭,我带你找爸妈Please don't cry. I'll take you back to Mama and Papa. Please don't cry.
来吧Come on.
上尉撑着,卡帕佐Captain! Hold on, Caparzo.
扶我起来,我走得动Help me up. I can walk.
卡帕佐,别动Caparzo, stay still!
两格,风向偏左Two clicks. Left wind.
上尉?看到他吗?他怎么了?Captain, can you see him? How is he?
韦德,别乱来Wade, you stay put.
上尉,他哪里中枪?Where is he shot, Captain?
看得到他吗?别出去Can you see him? You stay there!
可恶,躺下来Damn it! Stay down!
你怎么了?你中了枪要我照顾吗?What's the matter with you? Am I going to take care of you if you get
笨蛋,过来Fish, come over here!
卡帕佐,躺下来别动Carpy, put your head down! Why can't you put your head down?
天主,我信靠你Oh, my God, I trust in Thee.
别让我蒙羞,别让敌人战胜我Let me not be ashamed. Let not my enemies triumph over me.
抄下来,替我寄出去Copy it. Copy it and send it for me.
放下来,你自己寄You're going to send it yourself. Put it down!
信沾了血我知道It's got blood on it! I see it.
给我爸的,沾了血,笨蛋It's... It's to my dad. It's got blood on it, Fish.
打中了,伏下We got him. Stay down.
伤得很重?胸口中弹,或许肺给打中了How bad is it? Chest, maybe lung shot.
把大炮放到街上Get that. up the street!
报告情况上面安全Detail! Clear, up!
下面安全Clear, down!
老早说过不能带孩子That's why we can't take children.
霍瓦特中士,检查武器Sergeant Horvath, do an ammo check.
厄本,把水壶装满Upham, canteens. Fill them up.
希尔中士是的,长官Sergeant Hill. Yes, sir.
召集弟兄,在广场西北角集合Gather your men. We'll form up at the northwest corner of the square.
杰克森是Jackson. Sir!
梅利西,去检查那座塔尽快回来,快去吧Mellish. Check the tower, hustle back here. Right now, go!
去他的瑞恩Fuck Ryan!
打雷闪电,进来吧Thunder! Flash! Come on in!
我们在找汉米尔上尉Hey, guys. We're looking for Captain Hamill.
那边,过了广场就到过了广场Down there, across the square. Across the square.
提防狙击手Go easy. Watch for snipers.
请坐Sit down.
吉米,叫汉米尔上尉过来Jimmy T. Go and find Captain Hamill. Bring him here.
什么?上面吗?我怎么知道?自己去找What? Up there? How should I know? Go and look!
谢谢你,智障Thank you, you moron.
先在这里休息一下Alright. You guys just flake out here for a while.
我要把石子倒出来Let me get this goddam hitchhiker out of my boot.
放下武器立刻放下Put your weapons down! Drop them now!
我会开枪的I'll shoot you!
放下武器Drop, drop 'em!
立刻放下武器Put 'em down!
上面安全了Clear, up!
可恶Shit, shit!
上面安全了Clear, up!
下面也安全了Clear, down!
这样子够让人变老了Enough to make you old.
但愿如此Let's hope so.
师前导部队的汉米尔第二突击队的米勒Hamill, Pathfinders st. Miller, nd Rangers.
谢谢Thank you.
我们在找二等兵瑞恩他是你的属下We're looking for a Private Ryan. He's part of your outfit.
有可能找到他吗?Any chance that you policed him up?
路上的情况如何?风光明媚,弹药快用光了How was the road in? Scenic. We lost most of our ammo.
还死了一位队员Not to mention one of our men.
中尉把火箭筒调换到右边的路旁Lieutenant! Redeploy that bazooka to the right side of the road.
去带瑞恩过来And get Ryan up here!
瑞恩…到前面来Ryan! Ryan! Front and centre! Ryan!
Here comes our boy.
我早说他是个混蛋I told you he was an asshole.
二等兵瑞恩报到稍息Private Ryan reporting as ordered. At ease.
第二突击队的米勒上尉有话跟你说Captain Miller, nd Rangers, wants a word with you.
这边This way.
蹲下吧Alright. Take a knee.
二等兵,有个坏消息要告诉你Private, I'm afraid I have some bad news for you.
这真是让人难以启齿…Well, there isn't any really easy way to say this, so...
我就直说吧,你的兄弟死了...so I'll just say it. Your brothers are dead.
我们奉命来找你We have orders to come and get you...
你可以回家了...because you're going home.
老天,我兄弟死了Oh, my God! My brothers are dead!
我本想带他们去钓鱼的I was going to take them fishing when we got home.
对不起,詹姆斯真是不知该说什么I'm so sorry, James. I can't tell you how much.
他们是怎样死的?阵亡How did they die? They were killed in action.
没有可能That can't be.
他们才在念中学They can't be my brothers. They're still in grammar school.
你是詹姆斯瑞恩?对You're James Ryan? Yeah.
爱阿华州的詹姆斯法兰西斯瑞恩?James Francis Ryan from lowa?
明尼苏达州的詹姆斯腓德利克瑞恩James Frederick Ryan, Minnesota.
那表示我弟弟没事吗?对,我确信他们很好Does that mean my brothers are OK? Yeah, I'm sure they're fine.
你确定?我们找的不是这个瑞恩Are you sure? We're looking for a different Ryan.
只是误会而已It's just a big foul-up.
你怎么能确定?怎么知道是不是又弄错了How can you be sure? How do you know that the foul-up isn't -
原来是他的弟弟没事that his brothers are OK, and...
中尉麻烦你了Lieutenant. I'm sorry for the trouble.
我在离开前才刚给他们写信我得回家去了I just wrote them a letter before I left. I've got to get home.
我要立刻回家,我想回家I've got to get home right now. I want to go home.
我们的瑞恩在哪里呢?不知道Where is our Ryan? Don't know.
可以跟指挥官联络一下吗?瑞恩隶属于什么单位?Are you in touch with your CO? What unit's Ryan in?
团的B连那个断脚的傢伙是团的Baker Company, th. The guy with the broken foot's in th.
我想是C连吧你想?Charlie, I think. You think?
瑞恩?我不知道…老天Ryan? Don't know... Man!
你们在哪里降落?维尔维里Where was your dropzone? Vierville.
维尔维里?那怎会到这来的?Vierville? How did you end up here?
问倒我了C-受到猛烈的攻击You got me, sir. The C- took heavy fire.
机师拼命闪避炮火Pilot went crazy turning every which way.
跳伞时炮火更猛情况混乱,我就来了这里We took more fire in the drop. It got messy. I ended up here.
我没见过我的队友天晓得他们在哪里I haven't seen anyone from my stick. God knows where they are.
有B连的人谈到空降区在哪吗Did anybody from Baker Company talk about where
the dropzone was?
没有,但大家的集合点一样No, but they had the same rallying point as us.
指出来Show me.
我们累透了再待三小时,入夜后出发My men are beat. We'll hold up here for three hours and pull out after dark.
这镇上有三星级饭店什么的吗Got anything left in this town, like a three-star hotel?
有干净的床单、枕头和客房服务吗?Something with clean sheets, soft pillows and room service?
舒适的教堂如何?也好How about a nice, comfy church? We'll take that.
有什么消息?战况如何?What have you heard? How is it all falling together?
我们攻下了滩头堡但蒙蒂却慢条斯理的进军康城We got the beachhead secured, but Monty's taking his time moving on Caen.
要他准备好我们才能撤军大家高估他了We can't pull out 'til he's ready, so... That guy's overrated.
我同意要拿下康城才能攻取圣罗No argument here. You take Caen to take Saint-L.
要攻取瓦隆尼先要拿下圣罗瓦隆尼之后是瑟堡You gotta take St-L to take Valognes. Valognes, you've got Cherbourg.
瑟堡之后是巴黎最后是柏林Cherbourg, you've got Paris. Paris, you've got Berlin.
然后就能回家And then that big boat home.
你在这里能帮到我很多但我了解你的任务I could really use you around here, but I understand what you're doing.
是吗?我也有几个兄弟You do? I've got a couple of brothers myself.
原来是这样祝你好运Oh. Good luck.
谢谢不,我是说真的Thank you. No, I mean it.
找他出来,带他回家Find him. Get him home.
你的手怎么了?What's with your hand?
不知道I don't know.
在朴次茅斯上船后就是这样It started in Portsmouth when we went down for embarkation.
偶尔会这样你该找别的工作It comes and goes. You have to find yourself a new job.
这工作不适合你了This one doesn't seem to agree with you any more.
干嘛?没什么What? Nothing.
在安济奥那小子叫什么名字?What was the name of that kid at Anzio?
用手倒立走路那个The one who walked on his hands -
唱着空中飞人之歌那个?and was singing that song about the man on the flying trapeze?
维驰奥维驰奥Vecchio. Vecchio!
不错,他是个笨蛋Yeah, Vecchio. He was a goofy kid.
喜欢在别人的外套上尿出一个“V”字,代表维驰奥I remember he used to pee a "v" on everybody's jackets. For "vecchio".
代表胜利维驰奥For victory. Vecchio.
他长得很矮是个侏儒吧?He was so short. He was a midget, wasn't he?
那他怎么能当上突击队队员?Yeah, how did he get to be a Ranger?
他的脚给打断了所以用手走路He got shot in the foot once, walking on his hands.
走得很快He could walk faster on his hands.
跑得更加快He could run faster on his hands.
维驰奥Vecchio. Yeah.
每当一位弟兄死去You see, when you end up killing one of your men, -
就要告诉自己,这样能拯救you t
ell yourself it happened so you could save the lives of -
二、三、四或十条人命two, three, or ten others.
甚至是一百人Maybe others.
你知道在我的指挥下有多少部下阵亡吗?Do you know how many men I've lost under my command?
多少?个How many? .
但那代表我救了十倍那么多的人吗?But that means I've saved the lives of ten times that many, doesn't it?
甚至是二十倍?Maybe even , right? times as many?
事情就是这么简单And that's how simple it is.
就是这样把任务与属下之间That's how you rationalise making the choice -
所做的选择合理化between the mission and the men.
但这次任务正是救人Except that this time the mission is a man.
这个瑞恩最好值得我们去救This Ryan had better be worth it.
他回家后最好能行医救人He'd better go home and cure some disease -
或发明长寿灯泡什么的or invent a longer-lasting light-bulb or something.
我想十个瑞恩也抵不了一个卡帕佐或维驰奥For the truth is that I wouldn't trade ten Ryans for one Vecchio or Caparzo.
你看,又来了长官Look, there it goes again. Sir.
还好吧?Are you alright?
两小时后出发?小睡片刻吧We'll move out in two hours. Why don't you get some sleep?
不知道他怎么能做到的什么?I don't know how he does it. What's that?
如此熟睡,你看Falls asleep like that. Look at him.
他躺下就睡着了The guy's lights-out the minute his head hits the pack.
因为问心无愧有句话怎么说?Clear conscience. What's that saying?
神与我们同在那谁与敌军同在?God's on our side, who could be on theirs?
若神与我们同在谁会是我们的对手?"If God be for us, who could be against us?"
不错,我说了什么?Yeah, what did I say?
想睡着的话,保持清醒就行了The trick to falling asleep is trying to stay awake.
为什么,韦德?How is that, Wade?
我妈当实习医师时习惯在夜间工作When my mother was an intern she used to work through the night -
白天睡觉and sleep through the day.
只有她回家,我们才能聊天The only time we talked was when she'd get home.
我总会躺着,尽量保持清醒但从没成功过I used to lie in bed and stay awake as long as I could, but it never worked -
越不想睡,就越快睡着because the harder I tried the faster I'd fall asleep.
但在家里没关系因为妈会回家That wouldn't have mattered in my house. Ma would've come home, -
把我弄醒,聊至天亮聊天时她总是不嫌累shook me awake, chatted me up 'til dawn. She was never too tired to talk.
也许她在那个时候才有机会讲话That's probably the only time she could get a word in.
有趣的是有时她下班时间早了Funny thing is, sometimes she would come home early -
我会假装睡着and I'd pretend to be asleep.
谁?你妈?对Who, your mum? Yeah.
她会站在门口看着我She'd stand in the doorway looking at me, -
我就闭眼装睡and I would just keep my eyes shut.
我知道她特地早些回来And I knew that she just wanted to find out about my day, -
跟我聊天,了解那天的生活that she came home early just to talk to me.
但我却仍然不动假装已经熟睡And I still wouldn't move. I'd still pretend to be asleep.
我也不知道为何会那样做I don't know why I did that.
只有几个钟头,闭嘴睡觉吧We've only got a couple of hours. Shut up and go to sleep.
上尉?长官?Captain? Sir?
你怎么了?没事吧?How are you doing? Are you alright?
还好,我想这一切对我有益Yeah, I think this is all good for me, sir.
真的?为什么?Really? How is that?
“战争能训练判断力磨练意志”'War educates the senses, calls into action the will," -
“增强体格”"perfects the physical constitution," -
“人在生死关头的瞬间”"brings men in such swift and close collision in critical moments," -
“强弱立判”'that man measures man."
爱默森也许是这样让自己积极起来的I guess that's Emerson's way of finding the bright side.
你也有读爱默森?懂一些You know Emerson, sir? I know some.
上尉,你来自哪里?在战前你是做什么的?So, where are you from, Captain? What did you do before the war?
赌金有多少了?What's the pool up to?
大概是三百块吧I think it's around , sir.
等到了五百的时候我就把答案告诉你,瓜分赌金When it gets up to , I'll give you the answer and we'll split the money.
如何?How about that?
要是你这么想我就有责任建议你If that's the way you feel, I feel it's my duty under your command -
等赌金累积到一千块to suggest that we wait until it gets up to ,. I think it's...
要是活不了那么久呢?What if we don't live that long?
五百?五百好? would be good, yes.
对,长官Yes, sir.
睡吧,下士是,长官Get some sleep, Corporal. Yes, sir.
谁有磺胺粉?Who's got sulfa powder?
医护兵,我弟兄在流血需要止血带Medic, my buddy's bleeding! He needs a tourniquet.
韦德什么事?Wade. Yes, sir?
去帮他一下是See what you can do. Yes, sir.
撑着,很快就有人来救你Hold on, fellas. It won't be much longer.
情况如何?How are we doing here?
没事的,别担心,医师来了Alright. You're doing alright, don't worry about it. The Doc's in town.
放心,步兵团已作突围很快到这里Don't worry. The th Infantry's breaking through. They'll be here soon.
谁有血浆?Has anybody got plasma?
上尉Hey, Captain!
有什么事吗?我是德温得中尉Soldier, you want to fill me in? Yeah. Lieutenant DeWindt.
隶属于第运兵中队负责运载与滑翔机步兵th Troop Carrier Squadron carrying in th and th Glider Infantry.
我是飞行员二等兵This one was mine. I was the pilot. Private!
人阵亡照顾他 men dead. Take care of this one.
我着陆时没受伤副驾驶却死了I landed
there without a scratch, took my co-pilot's head right off.
这些人是谁?Who are these people?
我们载的士兵第一晚就离开之后没再见过他们The guys we came in with headed off the first night. Haven't seen them since.
期间别的士兵三五成群地陆续出现In the meantime other guys keep showing up. One, two, six at a time.
然后有军官来把散兵凑成部队Then some officer will come along, patch together a mixed unit, -
再次出发作战and head off to make trouble.
我们在找师B连的二等兵瑞恩We're looking for a Private Ryan, Baker Company, th of the st.
这可问倒我了,这里人来人往You got me. A lot of guys come in and out.
厄本,到那队人里面找瑞恩Upham! Check out that squad. See if Ryan's in it.
是的,长官Yes, sir.
莱宾,闻闻他的腿像不像臭乳酪Reiben! Smell that leg, right there. Find out if it's south of cheese.
手放头上Hands over your head.
别停下来!Keep moving!
我是犹太人I'm Jude, you know.
无法把他弄出来,要有绞车I couldn't pry him out of there. I need a winch.
星级上将对Stars. Yeah.
阿门准将空降师的副指挥官Brigadier General Amend. Deputy Commander, st.
有些天才提议在机舱焊接钢板Some genius had the great idea of welding steel plates onto our deck -
以免地面的炮火伤及上将to keep the General safe from ground fire, -
但他们到空降前才告诉我们but they forgot to tell me until just before we were getting airborne.
就像开货运列车飞行般?That's like trying to fly a freight train. OK?
负荷过重,地面炮火又猛烈Gross overload. Trim characteristics all shot to hell.
我为了保持平衡手几乎都弄断了I nearly broke both my arms trying to keep her level.
脱勾时我已经尽力了When we released I cut as hard as I could, -
尝试保持高度,以免失速trying to gain some altitude and keep her from stalling.
最后像陨石一样掉下来结果变成这样We came down like a fucking meteor. And this is how we ended up.
其他飞机总算顺利着陆The others stopped easy enough, though.
我们的飞机太重了We were just too damn heavy, you know?
草地湿滑,而且是下坡The grass was wet. Downward slope and all.
死了人 guys dead.
全为了一个上将?一个人All that for a general? One man.
这种事很多“苦差”There's a lot of that going around. "FUBAR."
“苦差”“苦差”"FUBAR." "FUBAR."
“苦差”都说对了"FUBAR." You all got that right.
我在德语字典中查不到“苦差”I looked it up in a German dictionary. "FUBAR"'s not there.
厄本,那边也有伞兵Upham! There are more paratroopers out there.
去找瑞恩Find out if one of them is Ryan.
你可在这里找找You might want to check this out, sir.
是兵籍牌,多得数不完Dog tags. More than I really want to count, sir.
我已盖过许多尸体I've covered a lot of bodies, sir.
森,从这些开始找吧是Jackson. Start going through those. Yes, sir.
我来帮忙I'll help.
你觉得有那小子吗?有的话,我会找到的Do you think that little prick's in there? If he is, I'm going to find him.
我敢说那混蛋…我打赌他还活着I bet that son of a bitch... I've got money saying he's still alive.
赌十块我会先找到来看这里有什么 bucks says I nail him first. Let's see what we've got in here.
你没希望了你认为他在这里面吗?You mugs don't stand a chance. Do you think he's in here?
继续找吧好吧Just keep looking. Alright.
盖瑞艾尼高、班瑞比诺麦克塞里奥,全都是几内亚人"Gary lanico", "Ben Rubino", "Mike Cesario"...All the Guineas are buying it.
不是这名字维维里维基,是你的朋友Come on, it's not the right name! 'Wee Willie Winkie". A buddy of yours.
我们得找到那混蛋We've got to find this prick.
那混蛋在哪里?Where's this son of a bitch?
别混在一起,分开一点Don't mix them up. Keep them in your pile.
怎么知道哪些是看过的呢?How am I supposed to know who we've got?
莱宾,闭嘴好吗?Why don't you just shut up, Reiben?
别吵架你不高兴吗?Everybody be friends. Cranky there, huh?
有优胜者了你说什么?I think I've got a winner. What are you talking about?
瑞恩瑞恩?"Ryan." Ryan?
梅利西,你看你简直是天才Take a look at that, Mellis. You're really a genius.
这是里恩,是法语名字知道这是什么意思吗?"R-l-E-N-N-E." That's "Rienne" and it's French. Do you know what that means?
一无所获什么比三条大?It means "nothing". What beats three of a kind?
这些人全都来自纽约你老是发牢骚I got shit here, all guys from New York. You're always bitching.
要帮忙吗?我葫芦Do you need a hand? I've got a full house.
我赢了,同花顺I've got you beat. Straight flush.
你偷看我的牌,你作弊You're looking at my cards. You're cheating.
笨得太离谱了,你识字吗?Fucking unreal, this guy. Can you read that shit?
老天,你看这可怜的傢伙大概不能防弹吧Jesus, look at this poor bastard! I guess they're not bulletproof.
应该不能I guess not.
这傢伙没脑袋跟你的那里一样I don't like what's between his ears. It's like what's between your legs.
对极了杰克森,说得没错We've got to give him that. That's not bad for you, Jackson.
我三条你在干嘛?I've got three of a kind. What the hell are you doing?
整个空降师都在看着这可不是扑克牌The whole goddam Airborne's watching. These aren't poker chips.
好吧放回去Alright. Put them back in there.
他不在这里He's not here.
也许我们该分头去找吧?Maybe we should split into groups?
到树林里去叫他的名字Just wander the woods calling his name.
他迟早会听到的,瑞恩He's bound to hear us sooner or later. Ryan!
上尉,这也不是办法That might be a little hard to do, Captain
也许本地人见过他瑞恩,詹姆斯瑞恩?Maybe the locals have seen him. Ryan, James Ryan?
瑞恩?有人认识空降师的瑞恩吗?Ryan! Anybody know Ryan, st Airborne? You know Ryan?
爱阿华州的二等兵瑞恩?Private James Ryan from lowa? Anybody know a Ryan?
瑞恩阿乔James Ryan! Hey, Joe!
麦可森不是认识C连的瑞恩吗Doesn't Michaelson pal around with a Ryan from C Company?
应该是带他过来I think so. Bring him up.
你认识二等兵瑞恩?你要大声一点You know Private Ryan? You have to speak up...
大声一点,我的耳朵不灵光You have to speak up, sir! My hearing is not so good!
手榴弹在耳朵边爆炸听力时有时无的It comes and goes. A grenade went off right by my head.
你认识二等兵瑞恩?谁?Got it. Do you know Private Ryan? Who?
二等兵瑞恩?詹姆斯瑞恩?吉米瑞恩?Private Ryan? James Ryan? Jimmy Ryan?
詹姆斯法兰西斯瑞恩James. James Francis Ryan.
不,是詹姆斯法兰西斯瑞恩No, no, no. James Francis Ryan.
给我纸笔Give me a pencil. Something to write on.
快点,铅笔Quick, a pencil!
小铅笔给你Here you are, a small one.
写下来,詹姆斯法兰西斯瑞恩爱阿华州?Write this down: "James Francis Ryan? lowa?"
你认识他吗?你自己看"Do you know him?" Read the message! Look!
我当然认识他知道他在哪里吗?Yeah, of course I know him. Does he know where he is?
我们偏离了降落区二十英里Yeah, we missed our dropzone by about miles -
降落的地方好像是布鲁维里什么的and ended up way over by "Bumville" or some damn place.
我跟他和其他人正要到了这里集合Him, me and a couple of others were coming here to the rally point.
却遇到一位上校正召集弟兄前往兰姆勒We ran into a colonel who was gathering up men to go to Ramelle.
兰姆勒?去防守一座桥Ramelle? To babysit a bridge.
那是我最后一次看见他好极了,谢谢That's the last I've seen of him. Great! Thank you!
写谢谢,你看,谢谢不客气Write "Thank you". Read. Thank you. You're welcome!
大家过来Assemble on me.
谢谢你,中尉Thank you, Lieutenant.
我们在这里兰姆勒在麦德里特河畔We're here. There. Ramelle is on the Merderet River, right here.
在我们的西南方Just to the southwest of us.
你知道那座桥吗?You know anything about that bridge?
知道,瑟堡一直是盟军的目标Yeah. The target has always been Cherbourg.
要占领深水港,才能攻占巴黎而隆美尔也知道We can't push on Paris until we take a deep water port and Rommel knows that.
他会试着把装甲部队运过麦德里特河He's going to try to get his armour across the Merderet River anyway he can.
这样就能在我们进攻瑟堡时夹击我们That way he can hit us in the flank when we make the turn for Cherbourg.
所以有桥梁的村庄都成了重要的据点That makes any village on the river with a bridge soli
d gold real estate.
走吧Let's go.
那是什么?What the hell is that?
废弃的雷达站A radar site. It's got to be out of action.
下面的沙坑里有敌人Looks like we've got something in that sandbag bunker under the station.
看到吗?对,我也这么想See it? Yeah, that's my guess, too.
那是什么?机枪,或许是MG-What is it? Machine gun, probably MG-.
那些人就是被它干掉的?也许瑞恩也在里面Is that what got those guys? Maybe one of them is Ryan.
不,他们是队的你的运气才没那么好No, their patches are nd, so your luck's not that good.
我不知道你们的脚程但若我们悄悄地绕道I don't know how fast you are, but if we detour this way quick and quiet, -
德军就不会知道我们在这里the Krauts will never even know we were here.
为何不绕道走?What I'm trying to say is why don't we just go around the thing?
我明白,但不能够这样I hear what you're saying, but we can't go around it.
我支持莱宾的说法避开那些机枪就行了I'm with Reiben. I mean, we left those s.
空军可不会专程来对付一挺机枪For the Air Force. They're not going to spend ordnance on one machine gun.
绕路还是能达成任务这并不是我们的任务,对吧?We can skip it and still accomplish our mission. This isn't our mission, right?
梅利西,你想这样做吗?Is that what you want to do, Mellish?
任由其他部队中伏?Leave it here so they can ambush another company?
不,我只是说这并非我们的目标No, I'm simply saying it's seems an unnecessary risk given our objective.
我们的目标是打胜仗Our objective is to win the war.
我有不安的预感It's just that I don't have a good feeling about this one.
你何时有过好的预感了?When was the last time you felt good about anything?
好吧,三个人冲前开火Alright. Three runners with suppressing fire.
梅利西,你跑右边,我跑中间Mellish. You hook to the right, I'll go up the middle.
谁跑左边?Who's going left?
谁跑左边?Who's going left?
我去I'll do it.
我跑左边好I go left. Alright.
厄本,跟杰克森对调而你待在后面Upham, switch off with Jackson and you linger in the rear.
我们向前猛攻,迫他换子弹We advance and keep pressure on him 'til he has to change out his barrels.
然后就扔手榴弹We should be able to hit them from grenade range.
也许我该跑中间?你那种跑法?我想不必Maybe I should go up the middle? The way you run? I don't think so.
也许我该跑左边也许你该闭嘴Maybe I should go left, sir. Maybe you should shut up!
莱宾,尽管开火Reiben, base of fire.
把弹药带在身边Mags and clips where you can reach them -
负责主攻的多带些手榴弹and extra grenades for the base runners.
山上安全了,干掉了四个厄本Hill's clear. Four down and dead! Upham!
收拾装备带上来我们需要水和药物Grab the g