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浅论美国黑人政治地位的演变论文题目浅论美国黑人政治地位的演变目录一、引言 (1)二、美国独立战争前的黑人政治地位 (2)(一)肮脏的奴隶贸易 (2)(二)悲惨的奴隶境况 (2)(三)卑贱的奴隶地位 (3)三、独立战争时期的黑人政治地位 (4)四、南北战争时期的黑人政治地位 (5)(一)享有一定法律地位 (5)(二)享有各项公民权利 (6)五、南北战争后至今的黑人政治地位 (7)(一)法院诉讼阶段(20世纪初——50年代中期) (7)(二)直接行动阶段(20世纪50年代后——70年代) (8)(三)积极参政阶段(20世纪70年代以来) (9)六、结语 (10)浅论美国黑人政治地位的演变陈观英指导教师冯正好摘要从奴隶到总统,美国黑人走过的是一条艰辛曲折的政治之路。
在高等教育上倒是有点变化,虽然之前是有专门的黑人学校但是像Booker T. Washington,他出生于奴隶制时期,后来也成为了塔斯基吉大学的校长。
英文的回答我就随便写下:As african americans exercised their newly won political and social rights during reconstruction, they faced hostile and often violent opposition from whites. African americans eventually fell victim to laws restricting their civil rights but never stopped fighting for equality. For at least ten years after the end of reconsturction in 1877, african americans in the south continued to vote and occasionally to hold political office. By the turn of the 20th century, however, southern states had adopted a borad system of legal policies of racial discrimination and devised methods to weaken african-american political power.。
1. 引言1.1 背景介绍19世纪下半叶美国南部黑人妇女的生活及其社会地位,是一个备受关注的议题。
1.2 研究意义19世纪下半叶美国南部黑人妇女的生活及其社会地位是一个备受关注的话题。
关键字:黑人的角色;美国历史;种族歧视Table of Contents Abstract (i)中文摘要 (ii)1. Introduction and Literature Review (1)2. History of American Blacks (2)2.1 Black Immigrants (2)2.1.1 Blacks Slaves (2)2.1.2 Liberation Movement of Black Slaves (2)2.2 Civil Rights Movement (3)2.2.1 The Reasons of Civil Rights Movement (3)2.2.2 Anti-segregation Movement (4) Non-violent Peace Movement (4) The Climax of Black Movement (4)3. Position of American Blacks (6)3.1 Economic Position (6)3.1.1 Living Condition (6)3.1.2 The Impact on the Southern Agriculture (6)3.2 Political Position (6)3.3 Educational Position (7)4.The Great Black Figures in American History (8)5. Conclusion (10)Reference (11)Acknowledgements (12)1. Introduction and Literature ReviewIn American history, blacks played an important role. American blacks tried their best to fight against racial discrimination and national oppression incessantly from the time of early slavery till the promulgation of Emancipation Proclamation, both in Civil War and Civil Rights Movement. American blacks thirsted for extricating themselves from a difficult position, throwing off the yoke, obtaining freedom and being approved by history with dignity. A review of the role played by the American blacks in the history of America raises critical questions about the conflict of Abolition Movement in United States during the Civil War and Civil Rights Movement which struggled against violent repression. Many scholars surveyed the economic, political and cultural position of American blacks in 1960s. Caroline Roth(1972) used the statistics according to Bryant Dowlais to show the injury by racial conflicts during the Civil Rights Movement. Clayborne Carson(2009) recompiled and rearranged the autobiography of Martin Luther King which completely presents the growth of a national leader and his experience as an average black. James Jackson(1959) laid out the road that American blacks fought for their civil rights. The article described the discrimination of blacks from different aspects of American society at that time. Moreover, DengShusheng(1990) gave a detailed analyse on the history of American blacks and their status quo. However, little work has been done on the reasons of Civil Rights Movement as for how to coordinate the multinational relationship. This study discusses the encounter and reasons of American blacks in American history, and analyses their political, economic and educational position to explain the important role played by American blacks. The persons who made contributions to the improvement of American blacks are great blacks in American history. The first part of this paper will lay out black immigiants and civil rights movement. The second part will discuss the position of American blacks, then presents the contributions and some suggestions. This topic and suggestions are of importance to the civilized development of a unitary multinational country and to the peaceful and harmonious development of the whole world.2.History of American Blacks2.1Black ImmigrantsThe United States is a country composed of different nationalities and immigrants. Africans came into the American Continent as thraldom. They knew where they were from but not where they came from exactly because they lost their “roots”in their mohterland and their families.2.1.1Blacks SlavesAs opinions vary, no unanimous conclusion can be drawn when the black slaves first came to America. Some historian points to the year of 1607 without any direct evidence. A Netherlandish ship brought 20 blacks who generally regarded as contracted slaves in 1619, but little evidence can prove whether they were reived or bought. The number of black slaves are less than white contracted slaves by the end of seventeenth century. Virginia is the place regarded as the beginning of early slavery system, with 15000 slaves in 1681 but only 3000 black slaves.(ChengJingyu, 2007:71)Law was passed to ensure that the status of black slaves was constant and sustainable in 1611. At the same time, Black slaves were taken to other colonies. Virginia created a precedent of slavery in American history.(ChengJingyu, 2007:192) Slavery in the United States was a form of bonded labor which existed as a legal institution in North America for more than a century before the founding of the United States in 1776. Black slavery derived in America has its unique feature. In many countries, slavery was admited in history politically and morally for thousands of years. However, the practice of trading black slaves was discussed drastically from the beginning in America. Some colonies even tried to pass laws to prevent slavery system. Those who opposed to the practice or institution of slavery worried that slaves would constitute a threat to the social stability rather than considering the affection of slaves.With the development of southern agriculture, laws which prohibited the sales of slaves couldn’t control the situation. Large-scale smuggling of slaves was rampant when external source of slaves was cut off. This situaton didn’t suspend until 1860.2.1.2Liberation Movement of Black SlavesAlthough The Declaration of Independence states that all men are born equal, the white ruling class didn’t regard blacks as thus. Blacks lost their position and privilege as man, and they were obviously expecting to be equal and respected and strived for them.However, any legal action couldn’t protect their rights and they faced all kinds of frustrations, some blacks were compelled to resort to violence in such situations. More than 250 slave outbreaks had happened before the Civil War, all of which were ruthlessly persecuted and suppressed.(DengShusheng, 1990:49) The movement of demanding the abolition of slavery came into existence since the beginning of 1830s. Actually, during the time of the colonization and Independence War, Franklin and Jefferson had come up with the idea of abolishing slavery. Some states in the north abolished slavery successively after the independence. In 1820s, the organization of abolishment of slavery began to appear in America. In 1820, there was the Manumission Society in North Carolina, which is regarded as the recreation of the South. Abolitionists built some secret subways which led to some routes and accommodation station toasist black slaves in their escape from south to north. From 1800 to 1850, there were 2000 escapes to the North on average each year. (ChengJingyu, 2007:237)The Civil War from 1861 to 1865 played a vital role to decide whether slavery system be abolished or not. Lincoln declared Emancipation Proclamation on January 1st, 1863. American blacks extricated themselves from slavery position through the Civil War, about 250,000 blacks took part in the confederate army to fight against slave holders, and 38000 blacks lost their lives for the Liberation War.(DengShusheng, 1990:50)On January 1st , 1865, The United States Congress passed Amendment of the slavery abolishment to prevent blacks and their descendants from becoming slaves again in law.2.2Civil Rights MovementAfter the World War Ⅱ, in the 50s and 60s of the 20th century, America came into a period of maximum development. During this period, the civil rights movement of the blacks were constantly developing and growing. American capitalism greatly developed after the Civil War, so did the social structure. More and more of the blacks left the South and a large number of intellectual blacks had grown in the North at the beginning of the 20th century. Then the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People was founded. The Civil Rights movement in America had come into a period of being well-organized.2.2.1The Reasons of Civil Rights MovementThere are many reasons why Civil Rights Movement has vital effects on the whole history of Blacks struggle. The key factor contains three points. First of all, the basic factor is continual growth of the population of black citizens all over the main cities of America. Large number of black people left the South to find chances to work in big cities at the turn of the century. A significant number of social problems and employment pressure appeared constantly because of the rising population, which resulted in the racial discrimination from regions to the whole country. However, at the same time, it is advantageous to blacks in their protest in regard to the geographical environments. The migration of blacks also provided an indispensable condition for social movement. In 1940, the number of black citizens account for 36% of total number of black population in Southern America. The number increased to 58.4% in 1960. The social foundation of Civil Rights Movement formed gradually during the time of urbanization. Secondly, the appearance and development of a large colony of blacks brought a fertile land to strengthen the sense of identity and create great national leaders. Many colonies became the bases of anti-segregation organization. Finally, the development of black working class began to recognize the importance of human rights, while their consciousness of equality, new thoughts and principles improved gradually.Vice Secretary of Labor of National Association for the Advancement of Colored People Herbert Hill writes “ The growing population of blacks, the fast urbanization of black population and the development of Black Colony are the fundamental precondition of Civil Rights Movement.”(HuJinshan, 1998:51)All of the above reasons laid the foundations for the Civil Rights Movement to launch a nationwide campaign.2.2.2Anti-segregation MovementAmerican monopolied capitalism ruthlessly exploited black laborers through racial discrimination. . American blacks had adequate reasons for freedom and equality and protests against racial discrimination in the last hundred years. However, their situation of oppression, exploitation and discrimination never essentially changed. In the ten years after the Civil War, the movement aimed at equality and freedom was restricted to the struggle in courthouse of National Association for the Advancement of Colored People,U. S.. American blacks began to wage some large-scale movement against racial oppresstion and discrimination and strive for the equal rights of politics, economy and society up to the middle of 1950s to 1960s. Non-violent Peace MovementA series of struggles against violent repression happened in Los Angeles, and then spread to Chicago, NewYork, Philadelphia and other big cities in America. Demonstration developed into the climax of national struggle against violent repression, which was largely suppressed by the American government. December 1st, 1955, A black woman in Montgomery, Rosa Parks who was arrested for refusing to offer her seat to a white passenger.Then led by Martin Luther King , black people of Montgomery began to refused to take bus until December 21th, 1956. At last, the bus company was desegregated. This movement was known as the beginning of Civil Rights Movement. The same movement happened in other southern cities.December 17,1956, Martin Luther King stated in Montgomery Improvement Association “Our action was resulted from a series of unfair and insulting words and deeds for many years.”(Clayborne Carson, 2009:73)This showed the fact that the struggle would continue until the governme nt made a compromise. After the explosion in 1956 at King’s house, he claimed that the struggle of civil rights should be non-violent. At the same time, American blacks were aware that non-violent movement would reduce violence. Some conscientious whites also began to make a self-questioning and sympathize with the struggle of blacks, and the non-violent movement was also supported by the prople all over the world. America government had to put a series of problems about blacks’ civil rights on the agenda a nd passed some important laws. All these were the achievement and significance of the Civil Rights Movement. Climax of Black MovementDuring the WWⅡ, as the popularity of movement increased and the power of organization developed, the position of the black people had been improved accordingly. They had started to launch a lot of movements in big cities.At that time, A columnist writer of the American blacks George Skyler described his opinion toward WWⅡ:“Our struggle is not only fight against Hitler in Europe, but also another Hitler in America. What we should do is not only defend our rights but also gain civil rights that we never enjoyed .”(HuJinshan, 1998:52) American blacks decided to prove that they would like to contribute to and sacrifice for their country while they were also fighting for their rights.The blacks’struggle never stopped after WWⅡ. The movement of anti-segregation andrecuperation of blacks’civil rights broke out in the south, including Sit-in Movement, Free Passenger Movement and Voting Registration Movement. In the North, they fought against living segregation, employment discrimination and segregation policy in school. Black people from different places united against unfair policies. About 200,000 students from 20 states took part in the Sit-in Movement. In 1963, the black people from 50 states and some whites joined in the Marching to Washington Movement. This pushed the Civil Rights Movement to a climax.3.Position of American Blacks3.1Economic Position3.1.1Living ConditionThe income and professional nature of black citizens gained a significant improvement during WWⅡ. The income of blacks accounted for 40% of white people in 1939 but increased to 53% in 1945. Although the employment, economic and social positions of black people had improved, a large number of them still lived in proverty. What they get is disappointment and hopelessness. In 1960s, laborers with lower income is 99% of total black class, small black capitalists and freelance only accounted for 1%.(ZhuYulian, 1963:15)Economic situation of black people had been improved after Civil Rights Movement. American government passed the law about desegregation of minority nationality, which gave a lot of help to black people. In 1970s to 1980s, the employment of black was still the lowest in America. The majority of the black were doing work that were the most tiring and despised with lower pay because of their lower educational level.A certain organization reported in 1988, “20 years ago, A Commissary of Presidential Commission had warned that America was going to fall into two societies, one belongs to the whites and the wealthy, the other is the society of blacks and the poor. Now it has become true”.(DengShusheng, 1990:56)The gap between whites and poor blacks did not get substantial improvement.3.1.2The Impact on the Southern AgricultureSlavery was once the precondition for the development of the Plantation Economy in south America. Black slaves played an important role in this development. By the early decades of the 19th century, the majority of slaveholders and slaves were in the southern United States, where most slaves were engaged in a work-gang system of agriculture on large plantations, especially devoted to cotton and sugar cane production. Such large groups of slaves were thought to work more efficiently if directed by a managerial class called overseers, usually white men.DengShusheng pointed out: “It is the black slaves’bones used by slave traders and planters that established the economic Kingdom in the southern plantations”. This is really a vivid description of the black slaves.(DengShusheng, 1990:48)At first, tobacco was grown in the plantation in south America, then rice and cotton. These plants were grown in wet marshland, which needed enough human resources who could stand up with hard work and suffer bitterness. And black people were the most suitable in energy and stamina, slaves holders also found that blacks were the best supplementary laboring force when injuries and deaths resulted from vile weather and meagre life.(ChengJingyu, 2007:125)The notorious tobacco kingdom and cotton kingdom were built up on the bones and blood of the blackslares in south America.3.2Political PositionWhen the Civil War was over, black people were still plagued with tragedies because they didn’t obtain real political rights, including voting r ight, freedom of assembly and association and educational right, though they had achieved nominal liberation. After the Civil War, many blacks were under threats from reactionary forces. During the period from 1865 to 1877 thegovernment ran into a verbal battle. Slaves holders concocted Black Codes to stop liberals from fighting for their civil rights. The struggles with the slave holders included Conference of the Representatives, negotiation and armed struggle which brought blacks parts of civil rights. The enactment stated that the right of citizens of the United States to vote should not be denied.Black people were unable to exercise their voting rights stipulated by constitution because of the obstruction of reactionary force,thus the government failed to put it into effect. Reactionary force in the south tried to cancel blacks’voting right by quoting different kinds of reasons and the amendment to the constitution. The number of black voters decreased by a big margin. As a result, all black people in the southern states were deprived of voting right in 1910.Major successes have been achieved in equality of American blacks by Civil Rights Movement in 1950s to 1960s. The political position improved and members of black citizens in the government increased gradually. However, large number of them were working in grass-roots unit without taking part in some important policy decision. The plitical position of them still couldn’t catch up with that of the whites.3.3Educational PositionEducational position of the blacks was not like that of the white students. The level of education and teaching facilities in black schools was lower than those for whites. The illiteracy rate of the blacks was higher than that of whites.Blacks used to be segregated from whites in churches and schools by the end of the 19th century. And laws stipulated that black children couldn’t enter schools for whites, just a small amount of schools were built for the black. In 1954, in order to change the Internatinal image of America, the Supreme Court decided that discrimination in education was unequal according to the case of a lawsuit against the local board of education filed by Mr. Brown.Since the Civil Rights Movement, discrimination in education had been abolished basically. Numbers of black youngsters had opportunities to study at school. There are still many deficiencies and problems on the system in legislation and judicature as well. Black engineers and scientists are a minority.4.The Great Black Figures in American HistoryContribution of some notable people can’t be neglected in history of a nation. They are with higher consciousness and the power of effective action. They have played significant role in the progress and development of their nation. The majority of black people served their nation and fellow-countrymen meritoriously. Here are some outstanding personages.Among the leaders of the U.S. Civil Rights Movement in the 1960s, black clergies played an important role, Martin Luther King is one of them. Martin Luther King, is an American black civil rights leader. He also played an important role in America. He was born on January 15, 1929, awardee of the Nobel Prize for Peace in 1964. In 1955, he led the bus boycott in Montgomery, the first great Negro non-violent demonstration of contemprorary times in the Unite State. In 1957 he was elected president of the Southern Christian Leader-ship Conference. King traveled from place to place and spoke many times in the eleven-year period between 1957 and 1968,appearing wherever there was injustice, protesting and taking action. The most influential and the best well known speech of him is I Have a Dream, which resulted in the abolishment of discrimination policy legally in 1964. His thought had a tremendous effect on the Civil Rights Movement in 1960s. Unfortunately, he was murdered on April 4, 1968, died at the age of thirty-nine.The influence of the common blacks is also very important. Rossa Parks is notable as a famous Civil Rights fighter. On December 1st, 1955, Rossa Parks, a worker in Montgomery, took the bus on her way home, she sat in the first row for blacks. Later a white got on, the driver asked blacks to offer their seats to the white. She refused. Therefore, she was arrested. She thought “I only knew that, as I was being arrested, that it was the very last time that I would ever ride in humiliation of this kind.” Three days afterwards, black civilian people of Montgomery began to refused to take bus. This Movement lasted 381 days. At last, the American government abolished this segregation in the South. She became a heroine.Literature also played an important role in improving the the thinking of black people. Douglas, a popular reformer, writer and debater, gave his whole life to the abolishment of slavery in the black movement in 19 century. He called upon Black people to join the the Union Army during Civil War. He held several talks with Abraham LincoIn about slavery. He had been a justice of certificate in the District of Columbia from 1881 to 1886, and ambassador to Haiti from 1889 to 1891.In 1845, Douglas published his autobiography Life Time of Douglas. Frederick, who was afraid that the book would disclose a true situation , eacaped to London where he could continute his speech. In 1847, he returned to America to edit newspaper for the abolishment of slavery.Uncle Tom's Cabin is a realist novel by Harriet Beecher Stowe, who was born in a family of clergy. She had been a teather and lived in Cincinnati for 18 years. There, she had seen many black people living in difficulties and abscondence, which gave her creative inspiration. This novel first serialised on National’s Time in 1852, it caused strong repercussions. This is a wonderful novel, lays bare the slavery system and describes different encouters of two black slaves. And it also mirrors the American society at that time by portraying characters andsituations. Lincoln even said that this woman’s novel caused a war.However, the prototype of the character in Uncle Tom's Cabin is rarely known to people. Actually he is a slave named Josiah Henson who was born in Maryland in 1789. He survived while he was escaping from his miserable slavery life. Then he ran a labor school where children of all races could study through his effort. It was he who provided the protoype of the character for Mrs.Stowe.(LiZixiu, 1973:15)The fighting of American blacks pushed forward the development of the history of America. Not only Civil rights leader but also average blacks tired their best to fight against racial discrimination and fight for human rights. The thoughts of great black people wake up the sense of gaining human rights among American blacks. And their movements made the whole America society progress on economy and politics to some extent.95.ConclusionToday, discrimination in America is not serious as usual. (DengShusheng, 1990:56) Various forms of struggles of blacks safeguard the human rights, to a certain degree, this gives a boost to the harmonious development between blacks and whites in American society. The road led to victory is always rugged for black people, and the acceptance of American society had improved a lot. Blacks has played a pivotal role in promoting the development of American history.Firstly, blacks have influenced the infrastructure and changed the structure of labor force of America. Blacks came into the American Continent as slaves who provided great labor resources for America. The American infrastructure and plantation economy in South American depended to a great extent on the black labor, espacially the development of southern agriculture. Because of the special economic pattern in southern America, farmlands and slaves spontaneously became the best investment and property. Many blacks were lower class and worker of infrastructure. They went in for hard work. At the same time, blacks played an important role in the development of American cities. Secondly, blacks’ movement also played a vital role in national unity and political progress. As we know, abolishment of slavery is the main factor of the Civil War. Many blacks vied with one another to join the army to fight against the southern confederate government for freedom during the Civil War. This promoted national unity, and America became more powerful. In the half century following the end of the Civil War, American economy was developing rapidly which resulted from releasing the productive forces. The living standards of the rural population have been raised because they had more economic opportunities during this time. During the Civil Rights Movement, blacks strived for universal suffrage and participated in the management of State affairs. Their progress influenced the development of American politics. And these, at the same time, made whole American society harmonious and steady progress to some extent. The improvement of the settlement of racial problems is because there are no so called dominant main nationality to interfere with the relationship between the federation and political system. And democratic rights are enjoyed by both black and white citizens legally now. They can take part in political activities of different parties without considering their races, which reduced the contradition among different races. On November 4, 2010, the Democratic Party presidential nomination of Barack Obama won the election and became the 56th president of the United States. He is the first Afro-American president. And this is a great political advance in American history.The role played by the American blacks in the history of America is obvious and significant. It has far reaching effects on both American and world’s histories. The most impotant point is their spirit of fighting for human rights without fear. Their achievements and experience encouraged people in the world to fight for humanism. At the same time, thinking over carefully about tragic events which happened in the movement and struggles of American blacks, the proples over the will would try their best to prevent our world and nations from falling again into discrimination and persecution, and make effort to build a civilized world. Peace and development are the themes of our times.10。