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第7章答案Problem1:You manage a risky portfolio with an expected rate of return of 18% and a standard deviation of 28%. The T-bill rate is 8%.Your client chooses to invest 70% of a portfolio in your fund and 30% in a T-bill money market fund. 5+5+5 pointsa.What is the expected value and standard deviation of the rate of return on hisportfolio?b.What is the reward-to-variability ratio (S) of your risky portfolio? Your client’s?c.Draw the CAL of your portfolio on an expected return–standard deviation diagram.Whatis the slope of the CAL? Show the position of your client on your fund’s CAL. answers:a.Expected return = (0.7 * 18%) + (0.3 * 8%) = 15%Standard deviation = 0.7 * 28% = 19.6%b.c.Problem2: You manage a risky portfolio with an expected rate of return of 18% and a standard deviation of 28%. The T-bill rate is 8%.You estimate that a passive portfolio, that is, one invested in a risky portfolio that mimics the S&P 500 stock index, yields an expected rate of return of 13% with a standard deviation of 25%. 5+5 pointsa.Draw the CML and your funds’CAL on an expected return–standard deviation diagram.b.Characterize in one short paragraph the advantage of your fund over the passive fund. answers:a.S CAL=(18%-8%)/28%=.3571,S CML=(13%-8%)/25%=.2b.My fund allows an investor to achieve a higher mean for any given standard deviation than would a passive strategy, i.e., a higher expected return for any given level of risk.Problem3: You manage a risky portfolio with an expected rate of return of 18% and a standard deviation of 28%. The T-bill rate is 8%.Your client chooses to invest 70% of a portfolio in your fund and 30% in a T-bill money market fund.There is a passive portfolio,that is, one invested in a risky portfolio that mimics the S&P 500 stock index, yields an expected rate of return of 13% with a standard deviation of 25%.Your client ponders whether to switch the 70% that is invested in your fund to the passive portfolio.Explain to your client the disadvantage of the switch.10 pointsHint:given the same return or risk, we can compare the risk or return then choose the portfolio which has a lower risk or higher return.answers:With 70% of his money invested in my fund’s portfolio, the client’s expected return is15% (=8%+.7*(18%-8%))per year and standard deviation is 19.6%(=.7*28%) per year. Ifhe shifts that money to the passive portfolio (which has an expected return of 13% andstandard deviation of 25%), his overall expected return becomes:E(rC) = rf + 0.7[E(rM)-rf] = 8 + [0.7 * (13 – 8)] = 11.5%The standard deviation of the complete portfolio using the passive portfolio would be: σC = 0.7*σM = 0.7*25% = 17.5%Therefore, the shift entails a decrease in mean from 15% to 11.5% and a decrease in standard deviation from 19.6% to 17.5%. Since both mean return and standard deviation decrease, it is not yet clear whether the move is beneficial.The disadvantage of the shift is that, if the client is willing to accept a mean-return on his total portfolio of 11.5%, he can achieve it with a lower standard deviation using my fund rather than the passive portfolio.To achieve a target mean of 11.5%, we first write the mean of the complete portfolio as a function of the proportion invested in my fund (y):E(rC) = 8 + y(18- 8) = 8 + 10yOur target is: E(rC) = 11.5%. Therefore, the proportion that must be invested inmy fund is determined as follows:The standard deviation of this portfolio would be:σC = y*28% =0.35*28%=9.8%Thus, by using my portfolio, the same 11.5% expected return can be achieved with a standard deviation of only 9.8% as opposed to the standard deviation of 17.5% using the passive portfolio.Problem5(*):You manage an equity fund with an expected risk premium of 10% and an expected standard deviation of 14%. The rate on Treasury bills is 6%. Your client chooses to invest $60,000 of her portfolio in your equity fund and $40,000 in a T-bill money market fund.What is the expected return and standard deviation of return on your client’s portfolio?5+5 pointsanswers: cExpected return for equity fund = T-bill rate + risk premium = 6% + 10% = 16%Expected return of cl ient’s overall portfolio = (0.6*16%) + (0.4*6%) = 12%Standard deviation of client’s overall portfolio = 0.6*14% = 8.4%Problem6(*):What is the reward-to-variability ratio for the equity fund in problem 5?a. .71.b. 1.00.c. 1.19.d. 1.91.(group 4)answers: a。
Ch7【思考题】1.DHCP服务的全过程可分为哪几个阶段?参考答案:DHCP服务的全过程通常分为4个阶段:1. DHCP 发现。
2. DHCP提议。
该消息包含客户端的MAC地址、服务器提供的IP地址、子网掩码、租期以及提供IP的DHCP 服务器的IP地址。
3. DHCP请求。
4. DHCP确认。
Intermediate Microeconomics:A Modern Approach (8th Edition)Hal R. Varian范里安中级微观经济学:现代方法(第8版)完美中文翻译版)含全部习题详细解答)第7章:显示偏好(含全部习题详细解答显示偏好(曹乾译(东南大学caoqianseu@)7显示偏好在第6章,我们已知道怎样使用消费者的偏好和预算约束来确定他的需求。
在这样的时间段,消费者的爱好(taste )似乎不可能发生大的变动。
请看图7.1,图中画出了消费者的需求束),(21x x 以及另外一个任意商品束),(21y y ,该商品束位于消费者的预算线之下。
消费者选择了商品束),(21x x ,这表明),(21x x 被显示偏好于),(21y y ,因为他原本可以选择),(21y y 但没选。
如图所示,在给定的预算情形下,),(21y y 当然能买得起,也就是说,如果消费者想买该商品束,他就能买而且还有余钱。
有机化学第七版练习题答案详解精品文档有机化学第七版练习题答案详解3——甲基戊烷2,3,4—三甲基癸烷异己烷4—异丙基十一烷叔戊基 1—甲基—4—叔丁基环己烷环戊基甲基二环[3.3.0]辛烷答:2、用系统命名法命名下列各烷烃:CH3CHCHCH2CH32CHCH2CH23,4—二甲基己烷,3—二甲基戊烷2,4—二甲基—3—乙基戊烷2,6,6—三甲基—5—丙基辛烷4C ,3—二乙基戊烷—丁基—4—异丙基癸烷3—甲基—二环[4.4.0]癸烷1—甲基—4—氯—螺[2.4]庚烷1 / 23精品文档2—氯—二环[2.2.1]庚烷环己基环己烷3、指出题1的化合物和分子中各个碳原子的类型。
纽曼投影式:锯架式:能量变化曲线:略5、推测下列各组化合物中哪一个具有较高熔点,哪一个具有较高沸点,庚烷与3,3—二甲基戊烷2,3—二甲基己烷与2,2,3,3—四甲基丁烷和熔点:庚烷,3,3—二甲基戊烷2,3—二甲基己烷,2,2,3,3—四甲基丁烷, ,沸点:庚烷,3,3—二甲基戊烷2,3—二甲基己烷,2,2,3,3—四甲基丁烷, ,6、按稳定性大小的顺序排列下列自由基: 2 / 23精品文档a. b. c.b,c,aa. b. c.a,c,b7、下列化合物有几种一卤物:三种二种二种五种一种五种8、写出反应的主要产物:9、写出环己烷的椅式构象,并将CH3和Cl分别写入1,4位的e键和a键上。
份额= =82.35%11、写出CH3CH3与溴反应得一溴代物的反应机理,3 / 23精品文档并计算链增长阶段的反应热。
有机化学(第二版)课后习题参考答案第一章绪论1-1 扼要解释下列术语.(1)有机化合物(2) 键能、键的离解能(3) 键长(4) 极性键(5) σ键(6)π键(7) 活性中间体(8) 亲电试剂(9) 亲核试剂(10)Lewis碱(11)溶剂化作用(12) 诱导效应(13)动力学控制反应(14) 热力学控制反应答:(1)有机化合物-碳氢化合物及其衍生物(2) 键能:由原子形成共价键所放出的能量,或共价键断裂成两个原子所吸收的能量称为键能。
(3) 键长:形成共价键的两个原子核之间距离称为键长。
(4) 极性键: 两个不同原子组成的共价键,由于两原子的电负性不同, 成键电子云非对称地分布在两原子核周围,在电负性大的原子一端电子云密度较大,具有部分负电荷性质,另一端电子云密度较小具有部分正电荷性质,这种键具有极性,称为极性共价键。
(5) σ键:原子轨道沿着轨道的对称轴的方向互相交叠时产生σ分子轨道, 所形成的键叫σ键。
(6) π键:由原子轨道侧面交叠时而产生π分子轨道,所形成的键叫π键。
(7) 活性中间体:通常是指高活泼性的物质,在反应中只以一种”短寿命”的中间物种存在,很难分离出来,,如碳正离子, 碳负离子等。
(8) 亲电试剂:在反应过程中,如果试剂从有机化合物中与它反应的那个原子获得电子对并与之共有形成化学键,这种试剂叫亲电试剂。
(9) 亲核试剂:在反应过程中,如果试剂把电子对给予有机化合物与它反应的那个原子并与之共有形成化学键,这种试剂叫亲核试剂。
(10) Lewis碱:能提供电子对的物种称为Lewis碱。
《有机化学》习题参考答案引 言这本参考答案是普通高等教育“十二五”规划教材《有机化学》(周莹、赖桂春主编,化学工业出版社出版)中的习题配套的。
” 这句话很符合有机化学解题的特点,特摘录下来奉献给同学们。
第一章 绪论1-1解:(1)C 1和C 2的杂化类型由sp 3杂化改变为sp 2杂化;C 3杂化类型不变。
(2)C 1和C 2的杂化类型由sp 杂化改变为sp 3杂化。
(3)C 1和C 2的杂化类型由sp 2杂化改变为sp 3杂化;C 3杂化类型不变。
1-2解:(1) Lewis 酸 H +, R +,R -C +=O ,Br +, AlCl 3, BF 3, Li +这些物质都有空轨道,可以结合孤对电子,是Lewis 酸。
(2)Lewis 碱 x -, RO -, HS -, NH 2, RNH 2, ROH , RSH这些物质都有多于的孤对电子,是Lewis 碱。
1-3解:硫原子个数 n=5734 3.4%6.0832..07⨯=1-4解:甲胺、二甲胺和三甲胺都能与水形成氢键,都能溶于水。
综合考虑烷基的疏水作用,以及能形成氢键的数目(N 原子上H 越多,形成的氢键数目越多),以及空间位阻,三者的溶解性大小为:CH 3NH 2 >(CH 3)2NH >(CH 3)3N1-5解: 32751.4%1412.0Cn ⨯==,327 4.3%141.0H n ⨯==,32712.8%314.0N n ⨯==,3279.8%132.0S n ⨯==, 32714.7%316.0O n ⨯==, 3277.0%123.0Na n ⨯==甲基橙的实验试:C 14H 14N 3SO 3Na 1-6解: CO 2:5.7mg H 2O :2.9mg第二章 有机化合物的分类和命名2-1解:(1) 碳链异构(2)位置异构(3)官能团异构(4)互变异构2-2解:(1) 2,2,5,5-四甲基己烷 (2 ) 2,4-二甲基己烷(3)1-丁烯-3-炔(4)2-甲基-3-氯丁烷(5)2-丁胺(6)1-丙胺(7)(E)-3,4-二甲基-3-己烯(8)(3E,5E)-3-甲基-4,5-二氯-3,5-辛二烯(9)2,5-二甲基-2,4-己二烯(10)甲苯(11)硝基苯(12)苯甲醛(13)1-硝基-3-溴甲苯(14)苯甲酰胺(15)2-氨基-4-溴甲苯(16)2,2,4-三甲基-1-戊醇(17)5-甲基-2-己醇(18)乙醚(19)苯甲醚(20) 甲乙醚 (21) 3-戊酮 (22 ) 3-甲基-戊醛(23)2,4-戊二酮(24)邻苯二甲酸酐(25)苯乙酸甲酯(26)N,N-二甲基苯甲酰胺(27)3-甲基吡咯(28)2-乙基噻吩(29)α-呋喃甲酸(30)4-甲基-吡喃(31)4-乙基-吡喃(32)硬脂酸(33)反-1,3-二氯环己烷(34)顺-1-甲基-2-乙基环戊烷(35)顺-1,2-二甲基环丙烷2-3解:(1)CH3CHCH3CH3CH3CHCH3CH3C(2)CH3CHCH3CH2CH2CH2CH3C2H5(3)CH3CHCH3CHCH2C2CH3C2H525 (4)C2H5HCH3H(5) H2252CH2CH3(6)(7)HCH3HCH3HH(8)3(9)52H5 (10)(11) CH3NO2NO2 (12)H3(13) (14)OHCOOHBr(15) BrCHOCH3CH3 (16)CH3CH2OH(17) OH (18)OH BrBr(19)OHSO3HNO2(20)OO O(21) O(22)O(23)HCH3HCHO(24)H33(25)NHCH3O(26)NH2NH(27)NHO(28)S(29)NCH2H5OCH2H5(30) CH3(CH2)7CH=CH(CH2)7COOH(31)NH2ONH2(32)H2N-CONH-C-NH2(33) OOO(34)OCHO2-4解:(1)C H3CH2CH3CH3CHCH3CH3C命名更正为:2,3,3-三甲基戊烷(2)C H3CH2CHCHCH3CH3CH3(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)2-5解:可能的结构式2-6解:(1)(2)CH3C2H5CH2CH2CH3CH2CH2CH2CH3(3)CH3CH3CH2CH2CH3CH3C2H5C2H5C2H5CH2CH2CH3 2-7解:1,3-戊二烯 1,4-戊二烯H2CH2CH32CH3H31-戊炔 2-戊炔H2C2H5CH3CH CH31,2-戊二烯 2,3-戊二烯H2333-甲基-1,2-丁二烯第三章饱和烃3-1解:(1) 2,3,3,4-二甲基戊烷 (2) 3-甲基-4-异丙基庚烷(3) 3,3-二甲基戊烷 (4) 2,6-二甲基-3,6-二乙基辛烷 (5) 2,5-二甲基庚烷 (6) 2-甲基-3-乙基己烷(7)2-甲基-4-环丙基自己烷(8)1-甲基-3-乙基环戊烷3-2解:(1)H3332CH3(2)(3) H333(4)(5) (6)3-3解:(1) 有误,更正为:3-甲基戊烷(2) 正确(3) 有误,更正为:3-甲基十二烷(4) 有误,更正为:4-异丙基辛烷(5) 4,4-二甲基辛烷(6) 有误,更正为:2,2,4-三甲基己烷3-4解:(3) > (2) > (5) > (1) > (4)3-5解:BrHH HHBr BrHHHHBrBrHHBrHHBrHB rHH(A)对位交叉式 (B)部分重叠式 (C)邻位交叉式 (D)全重叠式A>C>B>D3-6解:(1)相同 (2)构造异构(3)相同(4)相同(5)构造异构体 (6)相同3-7解:由于烷烃氯代是经历自由基历程,而乙基自由基的稳定性大于甲基自由基,故一氯甲烷的含量要比一氯乙烷的含量要少。
⑩在HPLC 测定中,待测组分峰与相邻杂质峰部分重叠系统误差(方法误差);改进分析方法6、两人测定同一标准试样,各得一组数据的偏差如下: (1) 0.3 -0.2 -0.4 0.2 0.2 -0.3 (2)0.10.1-0.60.2 -0.1 -0.2 0.5-0.2 0.30.1① 求两组数据的平均偏差和标准偏差;② 为什么两组数据计算出的平均偏差相等,而标准偏差不等; ③ 哪组数据的精密度高?②标准偏差能突出大偏差。
③ 第一组数据精密度高7、测定碳的相对原子质量所得数据: 12.0080、12.0095、 12.0099、12.0101、12.0102、12.0106、12.0111、12.0113、12.0118 及 12.0120。
求算:①平均值;②标准偏差;③平均值的标准偏差;④平均值在 99%置信水平的置信限。
解:① x xi 12.0104n2② s (x i x)0.0012n1解:d 1 d 2 d 3d nd 1 0.24 d 2 0.24s 1 0.28s 2 0.31ds③s0.00038④ 置信限=t sn 查表2-2,f 9时,t 0.01 3.25s3.25 0.00038 0.00128、在用氯丁二烯氯化生产二氯丁二烯时,产品中总有少量的三氯丁二烯杂质 存在。
《风险机制及投资组合理论》习题:1. 证券的系统性风险又称为:(1)预想到的风险;(2)独特的或资产专有的风险;(3)市场风险;(4)基本风险。
2. 证券的非系统性风险又称为:(1)预想到的风险;(2)独特的或资产专有的风险;(3)市场风险;(4)基本风险。
3. 哪种风险可以通过多样化来消除:(1)预想到的风险;(2)系统性风险;(3)市场风险;(4)非系统性风险。
4. 下面哪种说法是正确的?(1)系统性风险对投资者不重要; (2)系统性风险可以通过多样化来消除; (3)承担风险的回报独立于投资的系统性风险; (4)承担风险的回报取决于系统性风险。
5. 系统性风险可以用什么来衡量?(1)贝塔系数;(2)相关系数;(3)收益率的标准差;(4)收益率的方差。
6. 你拥有的投资组合30%投资于A 股票,20%投资于B 股票,10%投资于C 股票,40%投资于D 股票。
7. 你的投资组合包含3种证券:无风险资产和2只股票,它们的权重都是1/3,如果其中一只股票的贝塔系数等于1.6,而整个组合的系统性风险与市场是一样的,那么另一只股票的贝塔系数等于多少? 8. 假定投资者的效用函数为:221σA R U -=(下同)。
,如果他的风险厌恶度为4,他会作出怎样的投资选择?如果他的风险厌恶度为8呢? 9. 某投资者的效用函数为:221σA R U -=。
要使该投资者更偏好风险资产组合,其风险厌恶度不能超过多少?要是该投资者更偏好国库券,其风险厌恶度不能低于多少? 10.假设股票市场的预期收益率和标准差分别为18%和16%,而黄金的预期收益率和标准差分别为8%和22%。
(1) 如果投资者都喜欢高收益、低风险,那么黄金是否可能有人愿意投资?如果愿意的话请用图示原因。
Ch7 第7章Inventory Management第1课.I Form phrases资金周转Cash flow运输成本transport cost现场仓库field warehouse 网络结构Network structure 运输工具Transport vehicles 延期交货订单back- orders库存周转率客户服务Inventory _turnover__ customer service工作进程中的库存周转速度Work-in-process_ Inventory velocity存货单位Stock _units_____II. Fill in the blanks and put the sentences into Chinese1. The inventory requirements of a firm depend on the network structure and the desired level of customer service. 一个公司库存需求取决于其网络结构和所期望的客户服务水平。
2. Similarly, transport vehicles break down, raw materials may suddenly be unavailable.类似地,运输工具的故障会导致原材料的突然短缺。
3. For all of these reasons, inventory is utilized to ensure that customer needs are met even when the production process itself is interrupted.鉴于所有这些原因, 库存用来确保满足客户的需要, 既使在生产中断的时候.4.The finished products can be shipped to field warehouses where they are mixed to fillcustomer orders.产成品被运到当地的仓库, 进行组装以完成客户的订单。
⼈教版⾼中化学必修⼆全册课后习题答案△△2 2 2 2 3P11⼈教版化学必修⼆全册课后习题答案:1.1;1;Cs ;Li ;7; 1;F ;F 。
2.C3.C 4.A 5.(1)6Li 7Li ; (2)14C14N ;(3)23Na24Mg 。
6.7.8.略 9.3367 11124Li+O 2 点燃 2Li O 10.(1)甲C ⼆ IVA ;⼄ O ⼆ VIA ;丙Na 三 IA ;丁 Al 三 IIIA(2)甲与⼄:C+O 2 点燃 CO 2⼄与丙:4Na+O 2=2Na 2O 或者 2Na+ONa O⼄与丁:4Al+3O 2Al O。
11.12.略P191.减⼩;减弱;增强;Na ;NaOH ;Al (OH )3;HClO 4。
2.B3.C 4.(1)⾦属性 K ﹥Na (2)⾦属性 Al ﹥B (3)⾮⾦属性 Cl ﹥P(4)⾮⾦属性 Cl ﹥S6. 略 7.(1)钡⽐铍剧烈;(2)钡应该⽤煤油液封后密封保存。
8.(1)X :碳元素 Y :氧元素 Z :钠元素 W :铝元素;(2)画出其原⼦结构⽰意图,电⼦层数等于周期数,最外层电⼦数=族序数;22 3 (3) C+O 2点燃 CO24Na+O =2Na O 或者 2Na+ONa O24Al+3O 22Al O 。
22 29. 锗、锡、铅在元素周期表中的位置为依次同⼀主族从上到下的位置,最外层电⼦数相同⽽电⼦层数逐渐增⼤,原⼦半径逐渐增⼤,所以⾦属的活泼性依次增强,所以被氧化越来越易,碱性越来越强。
10. 略。
11.7 个电⼦层,最外层电⼦数为 6;第七周期,第 VIA族;⾦属元素。
P241.略 2.C 3.D 4.D5. 共价键是原⼦之间通过共⽤电⼦对形成的作⽤⼒,形成时没有电⼦的得失,只可能有电⼦对的偏移。
6. 稀有⽓体中每个原⼦的和歪点⼦排布都达到了稳定结构。
7. 略 8.以极性键结合的有 NH 3、CH 4、SO 2;以⾮极性键结合的有 F 2 和 O 2。
Quick Study 8-1 (10 minutes)1. The main objective of internal control procedures is to safeguardthe assets of the business. This objective is best accomplishedby designing an operational system with managerial policies thatprotect the assets from waste, fraud and theft. The system shouldbe designed in compliance with the seven broad principles ofinternal control.2. Separation of recordkeeping for assets from the custody overassets is intended to reduce theft and fraud. If this fundamentalprinciple is followed, there has to be collusion between two ormore employees for assets to be stolen and the theft to beconcealed in the records.3. The responsibility for a transaction should be divided between twoor more individuals or departments to ensure that the work of oneacts as a check on the other. Absent this, someone could createfictitious invoices and pay the money to herself or himself.Quick Study 8-31. The three basic guidelines for safeguarding cash are:(a) Separate the duties of those who handle (have custody of) cashfrom those that keep cash records.(b) Require that all cash receipts be deposited daily.(c) Require that all cash disbursements be made by check.2. (a) Voucher system of control, and (b) Petty cash system ofcontrol.Problem 8-2APart 1Feb. 2 Petty Cash (400)Cash (400)To establish the $400 petty cash fund.Part 2Nakashima GalleryPetty Cash Payments Report (for February)Delivery expenseFeb. 23 Delivery of customer's merchandise ...............$ 20.00 Mileage expenseFeb. 14 Reimbursement for mileage ..............................68.00 Postage expenseFeb. 12 Express delivery of contract .............................$ 7.95Feb. 27 Purchased postage stamps ..............................54.00 61.95 Merchandise inventory (transportation-in)*Feb. 9 COD charges on purchases ..............................32.50Feb. 25 COD charges on purchases ..............................13.10 45.60 Office supplies expenseFeb. 5 Purchased paper for copier ..............................14.15Feb. 20 Purchased stationery .........................................67.7781.92 Total $277.47* Transportation-in costs are included in Merchandise Inventory under a perpetualsystem.Part 3Feb. 28 Delivery Expense ..................................................20.00Mileage Expense ...................................................68.00Postage Expense ..................................................61.95Merchandise Inventory .........................................45.60Office Supplies Expense ......................................81.92Cash Over and Short ............................................ 2.11Cash ............................................................279.58 To reimburse the petty cash fund.Feb. 28 Petty Cash .............................................................100.00Cash ............................................................100.00 To increase the petty cash fund to $500.。
第七章习题参考答案1、IT的思想理念是什么?参考答案:JIT的思想构成包括一系列的观念,首先是作为一个企业, 要有不断进取的信念, 通过不懈的努力来达到和保持世界领先地位。
JIT生产方式的基本思想理念包括不断改进, 全面质量控制, 全员进行参与和降低库存。
它强调消除无效劳动和浪费, 针对顾客需求进行生产和提供服务。
从运营角度而言, 企业经营业绩的提高应体现在产品生产仅对顾客需求, 避免过量生产, 及时提供完美质量的产品。
生产经营过程中尽可能节约, 消除浪费。
2、JIT生产方式追求的具体目标是什么?参考答案:基于JIT的思想理念,其目标是通过生产经营体系本身的不断完善, 降低成本, 满足顾客需求, 提高效益。
从生产操作角度而言, JIT生产方式所追求的具体目标包括:1. 消除无效劳动和浪费,2. 零库存,3. 零次、废品率(零缺陷),4. 生产批量为一个产品,5. 百分之百的准时供货服务。
尽管在实际中难以达到, 但这些目标为企业提供了为之奋斗的方向, 提供了为始终保持竞争优势而努力进取, 不断改进的氛围和环境。
3、JIT的基本构成要素有哪些? 它们分别包括哪些内容?参考答案:JIT生产方式是建立在它的3项基本构成要素之上的。
这3项基本构成要素分别是:∙消除浪费(Elimination of waste)∙全面质量(Total quality)∙人员素质(People preparation)这3者之间相互重叠, 有机地联系在一起。
JIT生产方式运用现代生产运作管理技术来消除浪费, 通过与全面质量相结合来提高企业素质, 注重人员培训和提高人员素质, 掌握新的技术以适应新的挑战。
消除浪费:根据JIT生产方式的观念, 浪费被定义为生产和服务过程中不对产品增添价值的任何活动行为或事物。
在生产和服务过程中, 一般都存在有许多浪费。
丰田公司识别和归纳了常见的7种形式的浪费,它们包括: 过量生产造成的浪费;等候期间造成的浪;运送所成的浪费;工艺过程不完善造成的浪费;库存积累造成的浪费;质量缺陷造成的浪费;缺乏整体性造成的浪费。
第6章 定积分的应用参考解答1、求由抛物线2y x =和24y x =-+所围图形的面积。
解:()222216243A y y dy -⎡⎤=--=⎣⎦⎰2、求由曲线1y x x=+,2x =及2y =所围图形的面积。
54321-1246810O解:21112ln 22A x dx x ⎛⎫=+-=-⎝⎭⎰3、求三叶玫瑰线sin3r a θ=的面积S 。
解:()12210243V x dx ππ==⎰,22122132V dx x ππ⎛⎫== ⎪⎝⎭⎰,12136V V V π=+=5、求由曲线231y x =--与x 轴所围封闭图形绕直线3y =旋转所成旋转体的体积。
解:()12210254293215V x dx ππ⎡⎤=---=⎢⎥⎣⎦⎰()22221194293415V x dx ππ⎡⎤=--+=⎢⎥⎣⎦⎰ 1244815V V V π=+=())()1221x x dxt x π=-=-⎰())()01211t t dt π=+--⎰(12021t dt π=-⎰()132201122113423t ππ⎡⎤=⎢-+-⨯-⎥⎢⎥⎣⎦21223ππ=-7、求曲线()2ln 1y x =-上相应于102x ≤≤的一段弧的弧长。
解:112222001111ln ln 31122x x s dx x x ++===-=---⎰ 8、求曲线44cos 02sin x a t t y a t π⎧=⎪⎛⎫≤≤⎨ ⎪=⎝⎭⎪⎩的弧长。
解:s ==204sin cos a t π=⎰202sin 2a π=⎰ 202sin 2a π=⎰202sin 2π=⎰()1cos 2x t -===⎰(利用分部积分或换元法)(10ln 2x ⎡⎤=+⎢⎥⎣⎦(ln 12a ⎤=+⎦9、求曲线11cos 22r ππϕϕ⎛⎫=-≤≤ ⎪+⎝⎭的弧长。
解:s ϕ=ϕ=()222cos221cos d πϕϕϕ=+⎰231cos2d πϕϕ=⎰443400112sec 2sec tan ln sec tan 22xdx x x x xπππ⎡⎤⎢⎥==++⎢⎥⎣⎦⎰ )ln1=10、一条原 长100cm 的弹簧,每压缩1cm 需力5N ,求该弹簧从80cm 的长度压缩到60cm的长度时外力作的功。
5. 大批量生产汽车变速箱齿轮,其毛胚采用注射成形件。
6. 生产小批量的用HT150制造的小带轮可采用手工造型。
A. 铸件B. 锻件C. 轧制型材D.焊接件2.影响毛坯生产成本的主要因素有()、加工成本等。
A.能源消耗B.期间费用C. 管理费用D. 材料成本3.大批量生产的零件应选择()制造毛坯,以降低零件生产成本。
A.先进的方式B.简单的方式C.低成本的设备D. 方便的方式简答1.针对不同的生产规模,如何降低毛坯的生产成本?1.常用的毛坯形式有哪几类?选择零件毛坯应遵循的基本原则是什么?2.影响毛坯生产成本的主要因素有哪些?针对不同的生产规模,如何降低毛坯的生产成本?3.轴类零件的常用毛坯有哪几种?生产实际中如何选择?4.箱体机架类零件的常用毛坯有哪几种?生产实际中如何选择?5.盘套类零件的常用毛坯有哪几种?生产实际中如何选择?6.试为图7-9所示的零件选择合适的毛坯。
参考答案一、1.×2.√3.√4. √5.×6.√二、1.C2.D3. A三、7、(1)产量大时宜采用高精度、高生产率的毛坯制造方法,如冲压、模锻、压力铸造等(2)产量小时,宜用砂型铸造、自由锻等(3)单件、特别是形状复杂、尺寸较大时,用焊接方法生产坯料周期短、成本低。
( ×)3.在简单不重复随机抽样情况下,当其他条件不变时,若抽样允许误差减少一半,则抽样单位数必须增加到4倍。
( ×)5.在其他条件相同的情况下,重复抽样的误差必然大于不重复抽样的误差。
( √)8.总体参数并不是唯一确定的量,有时是随机变量。
( ×)9.一般而言,在同等条件下,较大的样本所提供的有关总体的信息要比较小的样本多。
( √)10.在设计一个抽样方案时,抽取的样本量越多越好(×)11.样本统计量的概率分布实际上是一种理论分布,是抽样推断的理论依据。
( √)12.估计量的无偏性是指大量重复抽样的样本估计值应等于被估计总体参数的真实值。
( √)13.在采用分层抽样时,若某层内的变异较大,可以在该层抽取较多的样本单位。
( √)14.样本均值的抽样分布形式仅与样本量n的大小有关。
(×)二、单项选择题.1.从总体中选取样本时必须遵循的基本原则是( B )A. 可靠性B. 随机性C. 代表性D. 准确性和及时性2.在重复简单随机抽样中,抽样平均误差要减少一半(其他条件不变),则样本单位数必须( B )A. 增加1倍B. 增加3倍C. 增加到3倍D. 增加4倍3.抽样调查的主要目的是( C )A. 了解现象发展的具体过程和变化趋势B. 对调查单位作深入具体的研究C. 用样本指标对总体综合数量特征作出具有一定可靠程度的推断估计D. 为计划和决策提供详细生动的资料4.在相同条件下,重复抽样的抽样平均误差(C )不重复抽样的抽样平均误差。
CHAPTER SEVENDiscussion Questions1.What role does forecasting play in the supply chain of a build-to-order servermanufacturer such as Dell?Although Dell builds to order, they obtain server components and plan capacity in anticipation of customer orders and therefore they rely on forecasting for these activities. This forecast is used to predict future demand, which determines the quantity of each component needed to assemble a server and the plant capacity required to perform the assembly.2.How could Apple use collaborative forecasting with its suppliers to improve itssupply chain?Collaborative forecasting requires all supply chain partners to share information regarding parameters that might affect demand, such as the timing and magnitude of promotions. Apple could share promotion information with their component suppliers. For example, any holiday promotions, back-to-school, and so on that they have planned should be shared with suppliers. These suppliers could, in turn, notify their suppliers of discrete components that a spike in demand is anticipated.These demand forecasts for end items determine the demand for components and coupled with knowledge of fabrication times, allows all members of the supply chain to provide the right quantity at the right time to their customers. Once the promotion period arrives, Apple can share demand information up the supplychain to ensure that supply at retail stores matches the anticipated demand.3.What role does forecasting play in the supply chain of a mail order firm such asLL Bean?LL Bean has historically operated almost exclusively in a make-to-stock mode and with very few exceptions, stocked products that did not go out of style asrapidly as many other clothing and accessory lines. A pre-internet existencewould have relied on communication with manufacturers about what products might be featured on the front of their catalog. Given the long lead times involved in printing and distributing the catalog and producing the product line, L. L. Bean had to come up with a forecast for the quantity that each supplier was to produce.A quick visit to the web site demonstrates that the situation has become morechallenging; the featured products on the web site can be changed daily orprogrammed to rotate each time the web page is refreshed. LL Bean and their supply chain, including the logistics component, are well aware of the demand forecast and can all receive sales data as orders are placed. LL Bean probably has an extranet to communicate sales data with suppliers and allows customers to create accounts to manage purchases, wish lists, and track orders.4.What systematic and random components would you expect in demand forchocolates?Systematic components are level, the current deseasonalized demand; trend, the rate of growth or decline in demand for the next period; and seasonality, thepredictable seasonal fluctuations in demand. The demand for chocolates isprobably highly seasonal, one would expect demand to spike for certain holidays such as Valentine’s Day, Halloween, and Christmas.5.Why should a manager be suspicious if a forecaster claims to forecast historicaldemand without any forecast error?The primary difficulty with such a claim is that forecasts are always wrong, hence, an estimate of error should be provided with the forecast. Given a set of data, it is possible to create a forecasting model that is 100% accurate on historical data.Such a model, however, would work only on that data but would be very poor at predicting the future. In fact, a forecast that is perfect on historical data has simply included the underlying uncertainty into the systematic component. This results in the predicted systematic component being highly unreliable.6.Give examples of products that display seasonality of demand.Products that display seasonality include, heating oil, electricity, natural gas,wrapping paper, school supplies, sporting goods (summer, winter, etc.), facialtissues, beverages (coffee, beer, iced tea, etc.), ice cream, pizza delivery, and tax preparation services. All products display some form of seasonality if you look at them in a global perspective.7.What is the problem if a manager uses last year’s sales data instead of last year’sdemand to forecast demand for the coming year?Last year’s sales data is fine as long as there were no stock outs. If an item is not on the shelf or is explicitly indicated as being sold out, the manager may beblissfully unaware of customer demand that existed but was not expressed. Inaddition, if there were special promotions last year that are not planned for the following year, the data must be adjusted to accommodate this factor.8.How do static and adaptive forecasting methods differ?Static methods assume that the estimates of level, trend, and seasonality within the systematic component do not vary as new demand is observed. Once these parameters are estimated, there is no need to adjust them and they can be used for all future forecasts. In adaptive forecasting, the estimates of level, trend, andseasonality are updated after each demand observation, that is, as data arecollected, they are incorporated into the forecasting process. Adaptive methods allow a forecaster to react (or overreact) to recent developments. Should adisruptive technology affect demand, the adaptive forecast will respondimmediately, albeit dragging several historical data points along for the ride. The static approach would not take this new data into account and presumably theforecasts would suffer. We would like to think that a forecaster using an invalid static method would recognize its futility in light of a paradigm shift, but painful personal experience suggests otherwise.9.What information do the MSE, MAD, and MAPE provide to a manager? How canthe manager use this information?A measure of forecast accuracy is the mean absolute deviation (MAD). Tocompute the MAD, the forecaster sums the absolute value of the forecast errors (FE) and then divides by the number of forecasts (∑ |FE| ÷ N). By taking theabsolute value of the forecast errors, the offsetting of positive and negative values is avoided. This means that both an over forecast of 50 and an under forecast of50 are off by 50. When compared to the result of other alphas, the forecaster willknow that the alpha with the lowest MAD is yielding the most accurate forecast.Mean square error (MSE) can also be utilized in the same fashion. MSE is the sum of the forecast errors squared divided by (N−1) [(∑(FE)) ÷ (N−1)]. Squaring the forecast errors eliminates the possibility of offsetting negative numbers, since none of the results can be negative. As with MAD, the forecaster may compare the MSE of forecasts derived using various values of alpha and assume the alpha with the lowest MSE is yielding the most accurate forecast.The mean absolute percent error (MAPE) is the average absolute percent error. To arrive at the MAPE, one must take the sum of the ratios between forecast error and actual demand times 100 (to get the percentage) and divide by N [(∑ | Actual demand − forecast |÷ Actual demand) × 100 ÷ N]. As with MAD and MSE, the lower the relative error is, the more accurate the forecast will be.It should be noted that in some cases the ability of the forecast to change quickly to respond to changes in data patterns is considered to be more important than accuracy. Therefore, one’s choice of forecasting method should reflect the relative balance of importance between accuracy and responsiveness, as determined by the forecaster.10.What information do the bias and TS provide to a manager? How can themanager use this information?Bias is the sum of the forecast errors [∑(FE)]. If one assumes that a low biasindicates an overall low forecast error, one could compute the bias for a number of potential values of alpha and assume that the one with the lowest bias would be the most accurate. However, caution must be observed in that wildly inaccurate forecasts may yield a low bias if they tend to be both over forecast and underforecast (negative and positive). For example, over three periods a firm may use aparticular value of alpha to over forecast by 75,000 units (−75,000), under forecast by 100,000 units (+100,000), and then over forecast by 25,000 units (−25,000), yielding a bias of zero (−75,000 + 100,000 − 25,000 = 0). By comparison, another alpha yielding over forecasts of 2,000 units, 1,000 units, and 3,000 units would result in a bias of 5,000 units. If normal demand was 100,000 units per period, the first alpha would yield forecasts that were off by as much as 100 percent while the second alpha would be off by a maximum of only 3 percent, even though the bias in the first forecast was zero.The tracking signal (TS) is the ratio of the bias and the MAD. If the TS at any period is outside the range, this is a signal that the forecast is biased and is either under forecasting or over forecasting. This may happen because the forecasting method is flawed or the underlying demand pattern has shifted. When demand has a growth trend and the manager is using a forecasting method such as moving average the TS will result in a large negative. Because trend is not included, the average of historical demand is always lower than future demand. The negative TS detects that the forecasting method consistently underestimates demand and alerts the manager.。
二、习题解答和解析1. 试述数据库设计过程。
答这里只概要列出数据库设计过程的六个阶段:(1) 需求分析;(2) 概念结构设计;(3) 逻辑结构设计;(4) 数据库物理设计;(5) 数据库实施;(6) 数据库运行和维护。
徐寿昌编《有机化学》第二版习题参考答案第二章烷烃1、用系统命名法命名下列化合物(1)2,3,3,4-四甲基戊烷(2)3-甲基-4-异丙基庚烷(3)3,3,-二甲基戊烷(4)2,6-二甲基-3,6-二乙基辛烷(5)2,5-二甲基庚烷(6)2-甲基-3-乙基己烷(7)2,2,4-三甲基戊烷(8)2-甲基-3-乙基庚烷2、试写出下列化合物的结构式(1) (CH3)3CC(CH3)2CH2CH3(2) (CH3)2CHCH(CH3)CH2CH2CH2CH3(3) (CH3)3CCH2CH(CH3)2(4) (CH3)2CHCH2C(CH3)(C2H5)CH2CH2CH3(5)(CH3)2CHCH(C2H5)CH2CH2CH3(6)CH3CH2CH(C2H5)2(7) (CH3)2CHCH(CH3)CH2CH3(8)CH3CH(CH3)CH2CH(C2H5)C(CH3)33、略4、下列各化合物的系统命名对吗?如有错,指出错在哪里?试正确命名之。
均有错,正确命名如下:(1)3-甲基戊烷(2)2,4-二甲基己烷(3)3-甲基十一烷(4)4-异丙基辛烷(5)4,4-二甲基辛烷(6)2,2,4-三甲基己烷5、(3)>(2)>(5)>(1) >(4)6、略7、用纽曼投影式写出1,2-二溴乙烷最稳定及最不稳定的构象,并写出该构象的名称。
交叉式最稳定重叠式最不稳定8、构象异构(1),(3)构造异构(4),(5)等同)2),(6)9、分子量为72的烷烃是戊烷及其异构体(1) C(CH3)4(2) CH3CH2CH2CH2CH3 (3) CH3CH(CH3)CH2CH3(4) 同(1)10、分子量为86的烷烃是己烷及其异构体(1)(CH3)2CHCH(CH3)CH3(2) CH3CH2CH2CH2CH2CH3 , (CH3)3CCH2CH3(3)CH3CH2CH(CH3)CH2CH3(4)CH3CH2CH2CH(CH3)214、(4)>(2)>(3)>(1)第三章 烯烃1、略2、(1)CH 2=CH — (2)CH 3CH=CH — (3)CH 2=CHCH 2— CH 2CH CH 3MeH H i-PrEt Men-PrMe Me Et i-Prn-Pr (4)(5)(6)(7)3、(1)2-乙基-1-戊烯 (2) 反-3,4-二甲基-3-庚烯 (或(E)-3,4-二甲基-3-庚烯 (3) (E)-2,4-二甲基-3-氯-3-己烯 (4) (Z)-1-氟-2-氯-2-溴-1-碘乙烯(5) 反-5-甲基-2-庚烯 或 (E)-5-甲基-2-庚烯 (6) 反-3,4-二甲基-5-乙基-3-庚烯 (7) (E) -3-甲基-4-异丙基-3-庚烯 (8) 反-3,4-二甲基-3-辛烯 4、略 5、略 6、CH 3CH 2CHCH 2CH 3CH 3CH 2CCHCH 3CH 3CH 3CH 2CCHCH 3CH 3CH 3CH 2C CHCH 3CH 3CH 3CH 2CH CHCH 3CH 3CH 3CH 2COCH 3CH 3CHOCH 3CH 2CH CHCH 3CH 3(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)7、活性中间体分别为:CH 3CH 2+ CH 3CH +CH 3 (CH 3)3C + 稳定性: CH 3CH 2+ > CH 3CH +CH 3 > (CH 3)3C + 反应速度: 异丁烯 > 丙烯 > 乙烯8、略9、(1)CH 3CH 2CH=CH 2 (2)CH 3CH 2C(CH 3)=CHCH 3 (有顺、反两种) (3)CH 3CH=CHCH 2CH=C(CH 3)2 (有、反两种)用KMnO 4氧化的产物: (1) CH 3CH 2COOH+CO 2+H 2O (2)CH 3CH 2COCH 3+CH 3COOH (3) CH 3COOH+HOOCCH 2COOH+CH 3COCH 310、(1)HBr ,无过氧化物 (2)HBr ,有过氧化物 (3)①H 2SO 4 ,②H 2O (4)B 2H 6/NaOH-H 2O 2 (5)① Cl 2,500℃ ② Cl 2,AlCl 3(6)① NH 3,O 2 ② 聚合,引发剂 (7)① Cl 2,500℃,② Cl 2,H 2O ③ NaOH 11、烯烃的结构式为:(CH 3)2C=CHCH 3 。
《风险机制及投资组合理论》习题:1. 证券的系统性风险又称为:(1)预想到的风险;(2)独特的或资产专有的风险;(3)市场风险;(4)基本风险。
2. 证券的非系统性风险又称为:(1)预想到的风险;(2)独特的或资产专有的风险;(3)市场风险;(4)基本风险。
3. 哪种风险可以通过多样化来消除:(1)预想到的风险;(2)系统性风险;(3)市场风险;(4)非系统性风险。
4. 下面哪种说法是正确的?(1)系统性风险对投资者不重要; (2)系统性风险可以通过多样化来消除; (3)承担风险的回报独立于投资的系统性风险; (4)承担风险的回报取决于系统性风险。
5. 系统性风险可以用什么来衡量?(1)贝塔系数;(2)相关系数;(3)收益率的标准差;(4)收益率的方差。
6. 你拥有的投资组合30%投资于A 股票,20%投资于B 股票,10%投资于C 股票,40%投资于D 股票。
7. 你的投资组合包含3种证券:无风险资产和2只股票,它们的权重都是1/3,如果其中一只股票的贝塔系数等于1.6,而整个组合的系统性风险与市场是一样的,那么另一只股票的贝塔系数等于多少? 8. 假定投资者的效用函数为:221σA R U -=(下同)。
,如果他的风险厌恶度为4,他会作出怎样的投资选择?如果他的风险厌恶度为8呢? 9. 某投资者的效用函数为:221σA R U -=。
要使该投资者更偏好风险资产组合,其风险厌恶度不能超过多少?要是该投资者更偏好国库券,其风险厌恶度不能低于多少? 10.假设股票市场的预期收益率和标准差分别为18%和16%,而黄金的预期收益率和标准差分别为8%和22%。
(1) 如果投资者都喜欢高收益、低风险,那么黄金是否可能有人愿意投资?如果愿意的话请用图示原因。
(2) 假设黄金和股票市场的相关系数等于1,那么是否还有人愿意持有黄金?如果上述假定的数字都是现实数据,那么此时市场是否均衡?11.在以预期收益率为纵轴、标准差为横轴的坐标图上,画出如下投资者的无差异曲线(提示:从0%-25%选择几个可能的标准差的值,在给定效用水平和投资者风险厌恶度下,找出与这些标准差相对应的预期收益率,然后把这些预期收益率和标准差组合点连成一条线。
): (1) A=2,效用水平等于6%; (2) A=4,效用水平等于5%;(3)A=0(风险中性投资者),效用水平等于6%;(4)A=-2(风险爱好者),效用水平等于6%。
14.在年初,你拥有如下数量的4种证券,这些证券均不发放红利,其当前和预期年末价格为:证券股数当前价格(元)预期年末价(元)A 100 50 60B 200 35 40C 50 25 50D 100 100 110这一年你的投资组合的期望收益率是多少?15.你正考虑投资于A公司。
你估计了该公司股票收益率的概率分布如下:收益率(%)概率-10 0.100 0.2510 0.4020 0.2030 0.05基于你的估计,计算该股票的期望收益率和标准差。
16.股票A和B的期望收益率和标准差为:股票期望收益率(%)标准差(%)A 13 10B 5 18你购买20 000元股票A,并卖空10 000元的股票B,使用这些资金购买更多的股票A。
你的投资组合的期望收益率和标准差是多少?17.你估计了证券A和B的投资收益率的联合概率分布如下:证券A(%)证券B(%)概率-10 15 0.155 10 0.2010 5 0.3020 0 0.35基于你的估计,计算两种投资间的协方差和相关系数。
证券A 证券B 证券C 证券A 459 -211 112证券B -211 312 215证券C 112 215 179X A=0.5 X B=0.3 X C=0.2 19.你拥有三种证券,估计有如下的收益率的联合概率分布:状态证券A (%) 证券B(%) 证券C (%) 概率1 -10 10 0 0.302 0 10 10 0.203 10 5 15 0.304 20 -105 0.20如果你的资金有20%投资于证券A,50%于B,30%于C,计算组合的期望收益率和标准差。
习题答案:➢CH71.(3)2.(2)3. (4) 4. (4) 5. (1) 6. 贝塔系数411. i ii Xββ===⨯+⨯+⨯+⨯=∑。
7. 33311111.601 1.4333P i i i X ββββ===⨯+⨯+⨯= ⇒=∑。
8. 对于A=4的投资者而言,风险资产组合的效用是: ()221120%420%12%,22U R A σ=-=-⨯⨯= 而国库券的效用是7%,因此他会选择风险资产组合。
对于A=8的投资者而言,风险资产组合的效用是: ()221120%820%4%7%,22U R A σ=-=-⨯⨯=< 因此他会选择国库券。
9. 风险资产组合的效用为: ()221114%20%,22U R A A σ=-=-⨯⨯ 国库券的效用为6%。
(1) 为了使他更偏好风险资产组合,则()2114%20%6%4,2U A A =-⨯⨯> ⇒<(2) 为了使他更偏好国库券,则()2114%20%6%42U A A =-⨯⨯< ⇒>。
10. (1)尽管孤立地来看黄金的预期收益率和标准差都不如股票理想,但如果股票和黄金的相关系数很小(如图中的实线所示),投资者通过持有部分黄金仍有可能提高投资效用。
11. 无差异曲线上的点必须满足效用函数: 221σA R U -= (1) 将2,6%A U ==代入上式得:26%R σ=+值相对应的R 值,如下表:将这些点连起来就是该投资者的无差异曲线,如图中1U 所示。
(2) 将4,5%A U ==代入上式得:25%2R σ=+值相对应的R 值,如下表:将这些点连起来就是该投资者的无差异曲线,如图中2U 所示。
(3) 将0,6%A U ==代入上式得:6%R =。
可见该投资者的无差异曲线就是一条经过(0,6%)点的水平线,如图中3U 所示。
(4) 将2,6%A U =-=代入上式得:26%R σ=-值相对应的R 值,如下表:将这些点连起来就是该投资者的无差异曲线,如图中4U 所示。
12. (1)投资者会选择效用最高的风险资产。
第1至4种风险资产的效用利用公式221σA R U -=分别计算得-8%、-17%、12%和7%,因此他会选择第3种风险资产。
13. (1)组合的预期收益率=国库券的权重×国库券收益率+S&P500指数的权重×指数的预期收益率由于国库券的标准差为0,其与指数的协方差也为0,因此组合的标准差=指数的权重×指数的标准差。
将国库券收益率4%,S&P500股票指数组合预期收益率4%+8.5%=12.5%(2)当A=2时,组合的效用222P P P P P U R A R σσ=-=-,即等于组合的预期收益率-可见,你应全部投资于S&P500股票。
(3)当A=4时,组合的效用22122P P P P PU R A R σσ=-=-,即等于组合的预期收益率-2可见,你应将资金60%投资于S&P500股票,40%投资于国库券。
14. A 、B 、C 、D 四种证券的预期收益率计算由公式10i i i iP P R P -=,其中01i i P P 和分别代表第i 种证券的当前价格和预期年末价,计算得123420%,14.29%,100%,10%R R R R ====。
四种证券的投资比重分别为:150100500021.50%,5010035200255010010023250X ⨯===⨯+⨯+⨯+⨯235200700030.11%,5010035200255010010023250X ⨯===⨯+⨯+⨯+⨯1255012505.38%,5010035200255010010023250X ⨯===⨯+⨯+⨯+⨯11001001000043.01%5010035200255010010023250X ⨯===⨯+⨯+⨯+⨯。
这一年投资组合的期望收益率是:4120%21.50%14.29%30.11%100% 5.38%10%43.01%18.28%P i i i R R X ===⨯+⨯+⨯ +⨯=∑综合起来,计算结果如下表所示:证券 权重 预期收益率 预期收益率*权重A 0.215054 0.2 0.043010753B 0.301075 0.14285714 0.043010753C 0.053763 1 0.053763441D 0.4301080.1 0.043010753 小计 1 1.44285714 0.18279569915. 计算过程如下表所示:0 0.04该股票的预期收益率与标准差分别为:8.5%和10.14%。
A 股票 30000元16. 总投资20000元B 股票 -10000元你在A 和B 上的投资权重分别为3000010000100%150%,100%50%2000020000A B X X -=⨯= =⨯=-。
(),P A A A A R X R X R =+=⨯+-⨯= ()()22222222221. A A B B A B AB A BX X X X σσσρσσ=++ =⨯+-⨯+⨯⨯-⨯⨯⨯=标准差0.154415.44%P σ==。