电化学合成技术(Electrochemical synthesis)
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大 学 化 学Univ. Chem. 2024, 39 (3), 336收稿:2023-09-01;录用:2023-11-01;网络发表:2023-11-21 *通讯作者,Email:************ 基金资助:江苏省高等学校自然科学研究面上项目(21KJB430007);苏州市产业前瞻与关键核心技术项目(SYC2022150);2020年苏州科技大学校级一流专业建设点项目;2022年苏州科技大学本科品牌专业建设点项目•化学实验•doi: 10.3866/PKU.DXHX202309002电化学法合成聚苯胺及其防腐蚀应用——“聚苯胺化学合成”实验的改进与创新设计蒋莉*,陈昌正,苏洋,宋浩,董延茂,袁妍,李理苏州科技大学,化学与生命科学学院,江苏 苏州 215009摘要:聚苯胺作为最受关注的导电高分子材料之一,在诸多领域均有广泛应用。
关键词:聚苯胺;电化学合成;掺杂;防腐蚀 中图分类号:G64;O6Electrochemical Synthesis of Polyaniline and Its Anticorrosive Application: Improvement and Innovative Design of the “Chemical Synthesis of Polyaniline” ExperimentLi Jiang *, Changzheng Chen, Yang Su, Hao Song, Yanmao Dong, Yan Yuan, Li LiSchool of Chemistry and Life Sciences, Suzhou University of Science and Technology, Suzhou 215009, Jiangsu Province, China.Abstract: Polyaniline, as one of the most widely studied conductive polymer materials, has been widely used in many fields. The chemical synthesis experiment of polyaniline is a representative experiment in the teaching of materials chemistry and related subjects. However, this experiment has several shortcomings, such as the high sensitivity of product properties to solvent selection, dopant types, reaction time, temperature, limited characterization methods, unstable yield, and poor reproducibility. This experiment is an improvement of the “Chemical Synthesis of Polyaniline” experiment, where the original chemical synthesis method is replaced with an electrochemical synthesis method. It combines instrumental analysis experiments such as “Cyclic Voltammetry Analysis” and open-ended experiments such as “Preparation of Anticorrosive Coatings” to transform it from a confirmatory preparation experiment to an innovative design experiment that integrates autonomous selection of preparation conditions and testing of anticorrosive properties. This allows students to learn the synthesis, doping, and related electrochemical knowledge of polyaniline in a coherent manner, leading to a clearer understanding of the wide-ranging applications of conductive polymers. This improved experiment is rich in content and better aligns with the development of modern chemistry andmaterials science, helping students integrate theoretical knowledge from multiple courses and enhance their comprehensive skills.Key Words: Polyaniline; Electrochemical synthesis; Doping; Anticorrosion20世纪70年代,Shirakawa等[1]通过使用碘蒸气氧化聚乙炔时,发现半导体性质的聚乙炔电导率增加了1000万倍,从而提出了导电高分子的概念。
电化学方法合成聚苯胺(总75页) -CAL-FENGHAI.-(YICAI)-Company One1-CAL-本页仅作为文档封面,使用请直接删除电化学方法合成聚苯胺的研究摘要膜科学技术自50年代以来发展迅速,现已在工业、农业、医学等领域获得广泛应用。
镀液中苯胺单体浓度越大对成膜越有利,但是受苯胺的溶解度影响,镀液中的硫酸与苯胺的浓度比应大于1 : 1。
关键词:聚苯胺,循环伏安,影响规律AbstractThe technology of film science has developed rapidly since the 1950s. It is widely used in industry, agriculture, medicine and other fields. The organic film was developed first. It is well applied in many filds because of its flexibility, film-forming properties, and has many kinds of product. The electrochromic display film of polyaniline is one of electronically conducting polymers, it has a broad market prospect because it is easily synthesized, character uniform and can be firmly attached to the substrates. The work studied synthesis of polyaniline film on carbon cloth with three elctrodes by means of cyclic voltammograms.Synthesis of polyaniline films on carbon cloth are related to aniline concentration, solution acidity, bronsted acid type, linear scan rate and scanning numbers etc. It was found that the polyaniline electrochemical oxidation process is a self-catalytic process. It was found the higher the aniline concentration is, the esaier polyaniline synthesize is, because of the solubility of aniline in the water, sulfuric acid and aniline should be more than 1: 1 in concentration. Furthermore it was favorable to synthesize polyaniline films when reduce scan rate and increase the numbers of scanning appropriately, and the best scan rate is 25 mv/s. The activity of polyaniline films was significantly depended on the extent of the proton, in the solution of aniline and sulfuric acid bath, the greater the H2SO4 concentration is, the greater the film’s redox1reversible is, the stronger the self-catalytic effect is ,and sulfuric acid can promote the speed of synthesis of polyaniline on the carbon cloth.Key words: polyaniline,cyclic voltammograms,effect rules2目录摘要 0Abstract (1)第一章绪论 (6)1.1引言 (6)1.2聚苯胺的结构、颜色和导电性 (7)1.3聚苯胺的应用 (8)1.3.1 在金属防腐上的应用 (8)1.3.2 在电池方面的应用 (9)1.3.3 在导电纤维上的应用 (10)1.3.4 在电磁屏蔽材料方面的应用 (10)1.3.5 在抗静电方面的应用 (11)1.3.6 在其它方面的应用 (11)1.4聚苯胺的合成方法 (11)1.4.1 化学方法 (11)1.4.3 微乳液聚合 (13)1.4.4 电化学方法 (13)1.5循环伏安法 (16)1.6本论文的工作 (18)3第二章实验部分 (19)2.1实验装置与仪器 (19)2.2化学试剂 (19)2.3实验步骤 (20)2.3.1 碳纤维电极预处理 (20)2.3.2 溶液配制 (20)2.3.3 聚苯胺膜的电化学制备 (21)第三章结果与讨论 (22)3.1苯胺单体浓度对成膜的影响 (22)3.2循环伏安扫描圈数对成膜的影响 (24)3.3循环伏安扫描速率对成膜的影响 (25)3.4酸度对聚苯胺在电极表面成膜的影响 (27)3.5质子酸类型对成膜的影响 (28)3.6聚苯胺膜在碳布表面形貌观察 (30)第四章结论 (32)参考文献 (33)致谢 (36)45第一章绪论1.1 引言材料科学已经成为21世纪的前沿科学,材料科学的发展对许多科学领域的发展都有促进作用。
大 学 化 学Univ. Chem. 2021, 36 (12), 2102001 (1 of 21)收稿:2021-02-01;录用:2021-03-29;网络发表:2021-05-06†共同第一作者*通讯作者,Email:**********.cn•未来化学家• doi: 10.3866/PKU.DXHX202102001 有机氟化物的电化学合成张子杭†,李思哲†,阚立言†,温俊†,卞江*北京大学化学与分子工程学院,北京 100871摘要:有机氟化物在很多领域(尤其是药物方面)有着广泛的应用,但鉴于氟的特殊反应性,氟原子的引入一直是有机化学中的难题。
关键词:有机电化学;氟化学;有机合成;方法学中图分类号:G64;O6Electrosynthesis of Organic FluoridesZihang Zhang †, Sizhe Li †, Liyan Kan †, Jun Wen †, Jiang Bian *College of Chemistry and Molecular Engineering, Peking University, Beijing 100871, China.Abstract: Organic fluorides have been widely applied in various spheres, especially in the medical field. However, due to the distinctive reactivity of fluorine, the introduction of fluorine atom has always been a problem in organic chemistry. As a novel synthetic method developed in recent years, organic electrochemical synthesis has greatly expanded the boundaries of organic reactions, which have enabled the development of many efficient and eco-friendly fluorination methods. In this paper, we will focus on these examples of electro-chemical fluorination, and discuss the possible role of electrochemical methods in the field of fluoro-chemistry.Key Words: Electro-organic chemistry; Fluorochemistry; Organic synthesis; Methodology自20世纪四五十年代以来,有机物的电化学氟化作为一种更为高效绿色的氟化手段得到了长足的发展。
电化学合成氨研究进展作者:刘畅刘先军刘淑芝于忠军崔宝臣来源:《当代化工》2020年第03期Research Progress in Electrochemical Ammonia SynthesisLIU;Chang1,;LIU;Xian-jun1,;LIU;Shu-zhi1,2,YU;Zhong-jun1,;CUI;Bao-chen1,2(1. College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Northeast Petroleum University,Heilongjiang;Daqing 163318, China;2. School of Chemistry Engineering, Guangdong University of Petrochemical Technology,Gangdong;Maoming 525000, China)在全球范围内,氨(NH3)是重要的工业化学品,每年合成约2亿t,是主要的最终产品,也是一种重要的中间体[1,2]。
目前,Haber-Bosch工艺是合成氨的主要技术手段,该工艺采用Fe基催化剂,以H2作为反应原料,与N2在高温(400~600 ℃)和高压(20~40 MPa)下发生反应。
1-2statics 静力学,静止状态dynamics 动力学,原动力,动力特性i.e. 即,那就是mating 配合的,配套的,相连的mating surface 啮合表面,配合表面,接触面gear 齿轮,齿轮传动装置shaft 轴meshing 啮合,咬合,钩住bearing 轴承,支承lever 杠杆,手柄pulley 滑轮cam 凸轮,偏心轮,样板magnitude 大小,尺寸compose 组成journal bearing 滑动轴承,轴颈轴承squeeze 挤压,压缩squeeze out 挤压,压出flaking 薄片,表面脱落,压碎,易脱落的spall 削,打碎,剥落,脱皮,裂片,碎片intuitive 直觉的,本能的,天生的inherent 固有的,本征的surmise 推测,估计nevertheless 尽管如此inertia 惯性,惯量,惰性,不活动celestial 天体的celesital body 天梯incapable 无能力的,无用的,无资格的deformation 变形,形变,扭曲,应变deformable 可变形的,应变的acceleration 加速度resulant 组合的,总的,合力scalar 数量,标量vector 矢量,向量displacement 位移velocity 速度moment力矩momentum 动量constraint 抑制,限制,制约,约束constrain 强迫,强制,制约,约束,束缚sense 显示,方向noncoincident 不重合的,不一致的,不符合的parallel 并行的,平行的,相同的,平行线perpendicular 垂直的,垂直,正交,垂线product 产品,乘积free-body 自由体,隔离体free-body diagram 隔离体受力图,隔离体简图sketch 草图,简图,示意图,设计图drawing 绘图,制图,图样couple 力偶diagram 图表,简图,用图表示出facet 面,小平面,事情的某一方面kinematic 运动的,运动学的pair 一双,一对,一幅,成对,配合kinematic pair 运动副3-4Coupling联轴器,连接,耦合rectangular矩形的,直角的cross section截面,横断面,剖面Screw螺旋丝杆,螺钉screw driver螺丝刀,改锥blade叶片,浆片,刀片socket插座,插口,套筒wrench扳手,拧紧,扭转socket wrench套筒扳手knob节,旋钮stem杆,棒,柄torsional扭转的,扭力的torque转矩,扭矩mounted安装好的deviate偏离deviate form与、、有偏离twist使扭转clutch抓住,离合器bending弯曲度,挠曲度deflection偏转,挠度reversal颠倒,相反cold_roll冷轧forge锻造,打制key键keyway键槽adjacent领近的,接近的semipermanent半永久性的propeller螺旋桨flange凸缘,法兰hub中心部分,衬套bolt螺栓,螺杆alignment直线对准,调准rabbet插孔,缺口gearbox齿轮箱flexible柔性的flexible coupling 弹性联轴器in such a way as 以这样一种方式shock 冲击,打击Geometrical几何的Noncircular非圆形的Nonuniform不均匀的Follower 从动轮spatial空间的linkage 连杆机构prescribe规定categorize分类criterion标准planar平面的,二维的locus轨迹位置slider-crank mechanis m曲柄滑块机构arbitrary任意的Concentric同心的projection投影coplanar共面的curvature弯曲5-6blank 空白,空页,坯料jot 把,,,摘记下来,匆匆地记下来,一点,少许,小额recognition 认识,识别,辨别,承认,重视,认可vague 不明确的,含糊的,未定的,不明的discontent 不满意,不满的,不安的,令人不满perceptible 可感觉到的,能察觉的出的,明显的package 包裹,包装,捆,束wrap 包装,打包,覆盖,包围stack 烟囱,堆,垛,捆,束irritant 刺激的,有刺激性的,刺激物exhaust 用尽,排出,排气implied 暗指的,含蓄的,不言而喻的synthesis 合成,综合,结构综合optimum 最佳(的,条件,方式),最优的,最有利的comply 答应,同意,遵守,履行,根据synthesize 合成,综合,结合devise 设计,计划,发明,创造,产生prototype 原型,样机,模型机originator 创作者,发明者,创办人,发起人accomplishment 完成,实施,成就,成绩,本领,技能presentation 提出,展示,表示,表现supervisory 监督的,管理的versatile 通用的,多用途的,多方面的handicap 障碍,不利条件,缺陷,为。
1,1′-二茂铁二甲酸的电化学合成作者:黄永刚李圆圆熊宇玲李晨阳张心禹林雪松来源:《赤峰学院学报·自然科学版》2020年第02期摘要:有机电化学合成具有许多优点,是一种绿色的合成技术,所以本实验采用电化学合成法制备1,1′-二茂铁二甲酸,该方法具有操作简单等许多优点,有较好的发展前景.关键词:1,1′-二茂铁二甲酸;电化学合成;绿色化学中图分类号:O646; 文献标识码:A; 文章编号:1673-260X(2020)02-0015-02有机电化学合成是有机化学和电化学技术相结合的一门科学.与传统的有机合成方法相比,有机电化学合成具有污染小、反应选择性高、反应条件温和反应可随时停止等优点.因而在药物、香料、染料和有机高分子等精細化学品的合成中得到了广泛应用[1-2].随着环境污染的加剧,有机电化学合成作为一种绿色的化学合成技术受到了化学工业界的密切关注[3-4].电化学合成的发展非常迅速,而且电化学合成所需设备简单,操作费用低,是名副其实的“绿色可持续化学”.近年来二茂铁及其衍生物在材料化学、电化学、不对称合成化学中的应用引起了人们极大的兴趣,其应用前景也越来越广泛[5-6].其中1,1′-二茂铁二甲酸是合成二茂铁Schiff碱衍生物的重要原料,其在有机合成中占有重要的地位.1,1′-二茂铁二甲酸的合成主要有两条路线:一种是先将二茂铁转变为1,1′-二乙酰基二茂铁,然后通过卤仿反应制备1,1′-二茂铁二甲酸;另一种是将二茂铁制备成金属有机化合物,然后让其与二氧化碳作用.前者通常使用次氯酸钠氧化法来制备,但该方法时间久,收率较低.而通过后一种方法所得产物纯度较差,对操作环境要求高.鉴于有机电化学合成具有流程短,反应条件温和等优点,故本实验采用电化学合成法制备1,1′-二茂铁二甲酸,而且该方法反应装置简单,操作简便,是一种有应用前景的合成方法.实验部分1 主要试剂和仪器试剂:二茂铁、碘化钾、二氯甲烷、乙酸酐、无水三氯化铝均为分析纯,未做进一步提纯.仪器:电解池为定制,采用石墨电极,两电极之间距离为1cm;PS-305D数显直流稳压电源(香港龙威仪器有限公司);85-2恒温磁力搅拌器(常州国华电器).2 实验方法2.1 1,1′-二乙酰基二茂铁的合成文献已经报道的1,1′-二乙酰基二茂铁的合成方法主要有两种,一种为以乙酰氯为原料[7],另一种以乙酸酐为原料,虽然乙酸酐的活性较乙酰氯略低,但乙酸酐挥发性弱,易操作,所以,本实验以乙酸酐为酰化试剂进行反应,具体操作依照文献[8-9]进行.向带有温度计、滴液漏斗、回流冷凝管(带干燥管)的四口烧瓶中迅速加入20g(0.15mol)研细三氯化铝和60mL二氯甲烷,将烧瓶置于冰水浴中.一边搅拌一边缓慢滴加6.3mL(0.066mol)的乙酸酐,并连接可防倒吸的尾气吸收装置.乙酸酐滴加过程中,固体开始溶解,滴加过程中反应较剧烈,应缓慢控制滴加速度.待乙酸酐全部滴加完毕后.另将5.58g (0.03mol)的二茂铁溶于40mL的二氯甲烷,缓慢滴加进反应装置.大约需要0.5小时,加完后,继续反应2h,用TCL跟踪反应至原料点基本消失.将反应液倒入200mL冰水中,进行分液.水层用二氯甲烷洗涤3次,合并有机层,水层弃去,有机层用水洗3次.减压蒸干,得红黑色固体.产物经乙醇-水重结晶后,得1,1′-二乙酰基二茂铁3.49g,收率43.09%.2.2 1,1′-二茂铁二甲酸的电化学合成1,1′-二茂铁二甲酸的电化学合成时,反应温度、pH值、电流密度等参数未进行进一步探索,均参考文献[10]进行:向带有磁力搅拌的电解池中加入60mL蒸馏水,3.98g(0.024mol)碘化钾,1.08g(0.004mol)的1,1′-二乙酰基二茂铁.以石墨为电极,接通电源,将电流调整到1A,尽量保持电流恒定.随反应的进行电压由12V增加到17V,在阳极周围会有晶体析出.通电77min后(电量已达到理论值)切断电源,继续反应.反应结束后,抽滤,弃去滤渣,滤液用HCl调节pH为3-4,溶液中析出棕红色晶体,再次抽滤,得到棕红色物质1,1′-二茂铁二甲酸,产品用乙醇-水为溶剂进行重结晶,称重.化合物的红外光谱数据为ν(cm-1):3447,1682,1489, 1301,1169,1032,918.与文献值[11]吻合.3 结果与讨论1.电解池为定制电解池,通过反复的探索发现,电极的距离对实验结果影响较大.电极距离远,造成电导率下降,影响反应效果;电极距离过近,有短路的风险,所以电极距离以1cm 为宜.2.实验收率的计算,本实验以通过的电流为标准计算收率.电解过程中,流过电解池的电量和电极上氧化还原产物数量之间的关系,可从反应过程中的半反应导出.Q=It其中Q为通电电量,单位为库伦(C);I为电流,单位为安培(A);t为时间,单位为秒(s).根据半反应方程式可得:本实验生成1molCHI3需要6mol电子.一个电子的电量为1.602×10-19C,1mol电子所带的电量为:6.023×1023×1.602×10-19C≈96500C本实验原料为0.004mol,理论上可产生0.008mol CHI3,共需要0.048mol电子,0.048mol×96500C/mol=4632C带入到上述公式中可计算出反应时间为77分钟.但是由于1,1′-二乙酰基二茂铁水溶性较差,反应在两相中进行,导致反应速率较低.所以为了提高反应收率可以在通电结束后适当增加反应时间.77分钟以后的产率计算按实际得到的产品进行计算.3 反应时间对收率的影响下表列出了电化学合成与传统合成[8-9]的收率比较可以看出,电化学的收率在各时间段均明显高于传统的化学合成,有较强的应用价值.结束语本文利用有机电化学合成的理论基础和应用,提出了制备1,1′-二茂铁二甲酸的新方法.与传统方法相比,工艺简单易于控制,对其他有机化合物的制备也有应用价值.参考文献:〔1〕Horn, E. J.; Rosen, B. R.; Chen, Y.; Tang, J.; Chen, K.; Eastgate, M. D.; Baran, P. S. Scalable and sustainable electrochemical; allylic; C-H oxidation[J].; Nature, 2016,533, 78-81.〔2〕Abdulcabbar Yavuz et al; Electrochemical synthesis of CoOOH–Co(OH) 2 composite electrode on graphite current collector for supercapacitor applications[J]. Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, 2019, 30 (20), 18413-18423.〔3〕党伟荣,陈西波,白晨龙.电化学合成技术在精细化工绿色化的作用[J].化工管理,2019(8):172-173.〔4〕张新胜,曾程初.第十五届全国有机电化学与电化学工业学术会议专辑序言[J].电化学,2017,23(3):247-249.〔5〕汪徐春,等.二茂铁基非线性光学材料研究进展[J].安徽大学学报(自然科学版),2017,41(3):28-34.〔6〕郭鸿旭,邹雪珍,黄尊行.应用前景广阔的二茂铁及其衍生物[J].福州大学学报,2002,5(30):597-603.〔7〕王倩,侯学会,徐翠莲,等.1,1′-二茂铁衍生物的合成研究[J].河南农业大学学报,2006,40(2):213-215.〔8〕吴平,任帅.1,1'-双羧基二茂铁的合成及性质研究[J].吉林化工学院学报,2017,34(7):15-17.〔9〕汪洋,等.1,1′-二茂铁二甲酸的制备[J].当代化工,2015, 44(8):1774-1777.〔10〕薛文華.电化学法制备碘仿的研究[J].广州化工,2003,31(1):48-50.〔11〕Sonoda A, Moritani I .Reactions of ferrocenylcarbede Ⅳ .Thesynthesis of [ 3]-ferroceophan-2-one to syllhydrazone and the thermal decomposition of its sodium salt[J]. J . Organometal.Chem., 1971, 26(1): 133-140.〔12〕李英俊,等.电化学合成碘仿装置的改进及反应条件的探索[J].实验技术与管理,2007,24(3):49-51.。
电子化学合成过程的研究及应用电化学合成(Electrochemical Synthesis,ECS)是一种在化学合成中广泛应用的技术。
电解水制氢耦合有机电化学合成英文Electrolysis of Water for Hydrogen Production Coupled with Organic Electrochemical Synthesis.The integration of electrolysis of water for hydrogen production with organic electrochemical synthesis offers a promising approach towards sustainable and renewable energy utilization. This approach not only addresses the need for clean energy sources but also contributes to the circular economy by utilizing waste products effectively.Electrolysis of Water for Hydrogen Production.Electrolysis of water, a process that splits water into hydrogen and oxygen using electricity, has been extensively studied for decades. This process, known as water electrolysis, typically occurs in an electrochemical cell where water is fed into the anode (positive electrode) and cathode (negative electrode). At the anode, water molecules lose electrons and split into oxygen gas and hydrogen ions(H+). The hydrogen ions migrate through the electrolyte to the cathode, where they receive electrons and combine to form hydrogen gas (H2).The efficiency of water electrolysis depends on various factors, including the type of electrolyte used, the electrode materials, and the operating conditions. Electrolytes can be either acidic, alkaline, or neutral, and each type has its own advantages and disadvantages. Similarly, electrode materials play a crucial role in determining the rate and efficiency of the reaction. Platinum is the most effective material for both anode and cathode, but it is expensive and scarce, limiting its widespread application. Therefore, research efforts are focused on developing cost-effective and durable electrode materials.Organic Electrochemical Synthesis.Organic electrochemical synthesis (OECS) is an emerging field that combines electrochemical reactions with organic chemistry to produce valuable chemicals and fuels. Thisapproach offers several advantages over traditional chemical synthesis methods, including higher selectivity, lower energy consumption, and reduced waste generation.In OECS, organic molecules are transformed into desired products through electrochemical reactions. These reactions occur at electrodes, where organic molecules are oxidized or reduced, depending on the applied potential. The choice of electrolyte, solvent, and electrode materials is crucial in determining the rate and selectivity of the electrochemical reactions.By coupling water electrolysis for hydrogen production with OECS, it becomes possible to generate hydrogen on-site and use it as a reducing agent in organic electrochemical reactions. This approach not only avoids the need for expensive and potentially hazardous hydrogen gas cylinders but also allows for more sustainable and environmentally friendly production processes.Integration of Water Electrolysis and OECS.The integration of water electrolysis and OECS involves several key components and steps. First, an electrochemical cell is set up for water electrolysis, using an appropriate electrolyte and electrode materials. The generated hydrogen gas is then fed into a separate electrochemical cell dedicated to organic electrochemical synthesis.In the OECS cell, the hydrogen gas is used as a reducing agent to transform organic molecules into desired products. The choice of organic substrates, electrolytes, solvents, and electrode materials is crucial in determining the selectivity and efficiency of the reactions. By optimizing these parameters, it is possible to achieve high yields of valuable chemicals and fuels while minimizing waste generation and energy consumption.Challenges and Future Outlook.Although the integration of water electrolysis for hydrogen production with OECS offers significant potential, several challenges need to be addressed. One of the main challenges is the need for cost-effective and durableelectrode materials that can operate efficiently under both water electrolysis and OECS conditions. Additionally, the development of efficient and scalable systems for hydrogen generation and utilization is crucial for the widespread application of this approach.Future research efforts should focus on improving the efficiency and selectivity of electrochemical reactions, optimizing electrode materials and reaction conditions, and exploring new applications for the generated hydrogen. Additionally, the integration of renewable energy sources, such as solar or wind power, with water electrolysis and OECS systems could further enhance their sustainability and environmental benefits.In conclusion, the integration of water electrolysisfor hydrogen production with organic electrochemical synthesis represents a promising direction for sustainable and renewable energy utilization. By leveraging the advantages of both technologies, it is possible to achieve efficient and environmentally friendly production ofvaluable chemicals and fuels while contributing to the circular economy and reducing greenhouse gas emissions.。
大 学 化 学Univ. Chem. 2022, 37 (2), 2105062 (1 of 8)收稿:2021-05-25;录用:2021-06-29;网络发表:2021-07-09*通讯作者,Email:***************.cn基金资助:山东省自然科学杰出青年基金(ZR2020JQ09)•化学实验• doi: 10.3866/PKU.DXHX202105062 纳米银、金溶胶的电化学合成及其基本胶体性质——物理化学综合实验设计马继臻,丁思雨,田亚冬,马厚义,张进涛*山东大学化学与化工学院,济南 250100摘要:电化学和胶体体系基础理论是大学本科物理化学学习的重要内容。
关键词:电化学;胶体化学;溶胶;纳米材料中图分类号:G64;O6Electrochemical Synthesis and Basic Properties of Nanostructured Gold and Silver Colloidal Sols: Comprehensive Experiment Design of Physical ChemistryJizhen Ma, Siyu Ding, Yadong Tian, Houyi Ma, Jintao Zhang *School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Shandong University, Jinan 250100, China.Abstract: The primary electrochemistry and colloid chemistry are the important components of physical chemistry for undergraduate students. On the basis of the nanostructured metal colloids system, a comprehensive chemistry experiment is proposed, which is about synthesis of nanostructured Ag/Au colloidal sols via the direct electrochemical reduction method with the assistance of a surfactant. In addition to the analysis of typical extinction via the UV-Visible spectroscopy, the cyclic voltammetry method is used to understand the effect of the surfactant and reveal the formation process of metal colloids. Such a comprehensive experiment is efficient to not only promote the understanding on the fundamental knowledge of electrochemistry and colloid chemistry, but also enhance the laboratory skill, which is adopted to the laboratory courses for the students majored in chemistry and related.Key Words: Electrochemistry; Colloid chemistry; Sol; Nanomaterial金属纳米材料作为一类非常重要的功能材料,由于其特殊的表界面特点表现出了与块体材料显著不同的物理化学性质,在催化、生物标识、导电浆料、电池储能等现代科学技术领域具有广泛的应用潜力[1,2]。
电化学合成聚苯胺复合薄膜及其抗腐蚀性能研究专业:**** 学号:09020*** 姓名:*** 指导教师:** 教授摘要采用循环伏安法(CV)在不锈钢基体(SS)表面电化学合成聚苯胺(PANI)以及掺杂态PANI/Co2+复合薄膜。
利用傅里叶红外光谱(FT-IR)、X-衍射(XRD)等手段对薄膜的微观结构进行表征;在0.5 mol·L-1 H2SO4中,通过循环伏安法(CV)、交流阻抗法(EIS)、动电位极化曲线法(Tafel曲线)等方法考察了不同合成条件对聚苯胺、掺杂态PANI/Co2+薄膜抗腐蚀性能的影响。
在0.5 mol·L-1硝酸、0.2 mol·L-1苯胺、0.1 mol·L-1硝酸钴下,制得的掺杂态聚苯胺薄膜膜层致密,厚度均匀,较单纯聚苯胺膜表现出最佳的抗腐蚀性能。
关键词:聚苯胺;电化学合成;抗腐蚀性AbstractPolyaniline (PANI ) film and the Polyaniline composite film doped nickel ions(PANI/Co2+) was synthesized in stainless steel substrate(SS) by cyclic voltammetry(CV). The structure and morphology of the films were characterized by fourier transform infrared (FTIR), X-ray diffraction(XRD) techniques. The electrochemical properties of the films composited under different conditions were investigated by cyclic voltammetry, Tafel polarization curve(Tafel)and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) in 0.5 mol·L-1 H2SO4 electrolyte. The results suggest that the corrosion resistance of the composite films were affected by the the concentration of the acid, aniline and dopants together with the scan ning speed, and number of scan cycles.In a word, the doped polyaniline thin film prepared in 0.5mol·L-1nitric acid,and 0.2mol·L-1aniline with 0.1 mol·L-1Co(NO3)2 showed the best corrosion resistance than pure polyaniline film.Keywords: Polyaniline; Electrochemical synthesis; anti-corrosion一、前言导电高分子聚苯胺由于其原料廉价易得,合成容易且性能稳定等优点,成为世界研究的一个热点,被开发应用到多个领域如用作电极材料、防腐材料、防静电材料方面[1]。
科研开发化工科技,2007,2(7):14~16SCIENCE &TECHNOLO GY IN CH EMICAL INDUSTR Y收稿日期:2006211209作者简介:乔庆东(1963-),男,辽宁盘锦人,辽宁石油化工大学教授,博士,研究方向为精细化工和电化学。
二茂铁的电合成3乔庆东,李 琪,孙 悦(辽宁石油化工大学石油化工学院,辽宁抚顺113001)摘 要:以双环戊二烯为原料,铁板和镍板分别为阳极和阴极,饱和甘汞电极为参比电极,无水乙醇作溶剂,溴化钠作导电盐,在无水无氧的条件下,利用恒电流电解合成法制备了二茂铁。
其次,考察反应阳极的极化曲线,确定最佳电流密度为7.73mA/cm 2。
再次,通过紫外光谱的吸收峰与时间的变化关系,确定最佳反应时间为4~8h 。
关键词:双环戊二烯;二茂铁;电解合成中图分类号:O 627.8+1 文献标识码:A 文章编号:100820511(2007)022******* 二茂铁[1,2]又名二环戊二烯合铁、环戊二烯铁,分子式C 10H 10Fe ,桔黄色针状结晶,熔点172.5~173℃,沸点249℃,100℃以上升华。
关键词有机电化学发展方向绿色化学Review on organic electrosynthesis and its Development trendAuthor GUOLINGLIUUnit Hunan institute of engineeringAbstractIn this paper the principle and the research method of organic electroynthesis---one of the most efficient green technology was discussed. The principle of organic electrosynthesis, applications, and the advantages comparing to the tradition organic synthesis were expounded. Introduction to Chinese organic electrosynthesis development and advancement of organic electrochemistry. Organic electrosynthesis of high efficiency, no pollution. There are several development directions of organic electrosynthesis.Key words:organic electrosynthesis developments of research Green Chemistry;引言部分以电化学方法合成有机化合物称为有机电合成,它是把电子作为试剂通过电子得失来实现有机化合物合成的一种新技术,这是一门涉及电化学、有机合成及化学工程等学科的交叉学科。
上海大学2015~2016学年秋季学期研究生课程论文课程名称:现代无机合成课程编号:01SAJ9017论文题目:Hydrothermal-Electrochemical Synthesis of ZnO Nanorods作者姓名:刘志学号:15723697成绩:论文评语:任课教师签名:批阅日期:水热电化学合成ZnO纳米棒刘志上海市大场镇上大路99号上海大学理学院摘要ZnO纳米棒具有本体ZnO材料的性质以及其纳米结构带来的一些特性使得它在传感和光发射等领域有很大潜在应用价值。
本文采用SSP(soft solution proeessing)方法中的重要工艺方法—水热电化学法一步制备出ZnO纳米棒,达到了降低材料制造成本、减少环境污染、降低晶体缺陷密度的目的。
在180℃合成的ZnO纳米棒显现出很强的UV 辐射和较弱的缺陷相关可见辐射,紫外-可见辐射之比约为230。
关键词:水热电化学合成;ZnO;纳米棒;光致发光;PET,三电极体系Hydrothermal-Electrochemical Synthesis of ZnONanorodsLiuzhiDepartment of Science,Shanghai University,99Shangda Road,Dachang District,Shanghai Abstract:Properties of zno nanorods with ontology zinc oxide(ZnO)materials and some of the features of the nano structure make it in the fields such as sensor and optical emission have great potential application value.This paper adopts an important process of the SSP(soft solution proeessing)method-hydrothermal-electrochemical method to synthesis ZnO nanorods in one step,reducing material cost and environmental pollution and cutting down the density of crystal defects.This study synthesis ZnO nanorods by hydrothermal-electrochemical method for the first time in the word meanwhile calculate the reaction process in thermodynamic. At least,we also reaserched the reaction mechanism of this process as follows: Zn(NO3)2Zn2++2NO3-(1)NO3-+H2O+2e-NO2-+2OH-(2)Zn2++2OH-Zn(OH)2(3)Zn(OH)2ZnO+H2O(4)The height and diameter of the ZnO nanorods were up to∼4.3u m and90-150nm, respectively.The morphological,structural,and photoluminescence properties of the ZnO nanorods were examined with respect to the growth temperature(120-180°C)and the presence of NaOH additive.The nanorods synthesized at high temperature(180°C) exhibited a strong UV emission and a weak defect-related visible emission leading to a UV-visible ratio of∼230.This high optical quality was attributed to the increased growth rate of ZnO nanorods(∼4.3um/h)which was caused by the high growth temperature(180°C).This was based on the fact that the ZnO phase is thermodynamically more favorable than the defect-related Zn(OH)2phase at higher temperature.Since the growth temperature was compatible with polymer materials,our synthetic method may provide a promising way for fabricating high performance optoelectronic devices on flexible polymer substrates.Keywords:hydrothermal-electrochemical method;ZnO;nanorods;photoluminescence;three electrode cell目录摘要 (1)关键词 (1)Abstract: (2)第一章:氧化锋纳米棒阵列 (4)1.1氧化锋纳米棒阵列研究现状 (4)1.2氧化锌纳米棒阵列的应用 (5)1.3本文献主要工作: (7)第二章文献阅读 (9)2.1文献来源 (9)2.2引言 (9)2.3实验过程 (11)2.4实验过程讨论 (12)2.5实验结论 (13)第三章总结与收获 (14)3.1文献涉及的制备方法 (15)3.2合成方法的特点 (15)3.3阅读体会和收获 (16)参考文献 (16)专业词汇解释 (17)1.光致发光 (17)2.原子层沉积 (19)3.一维纳米阵列 (20)第一章:氧化锋纳米棒阵列1.1氧化锋纳米棒阵列研究现状低维纳米结构分为零维结构、一维结构和二维结构。
cds形貌调控策略## Strategies for controlling the morphology of carbon dots.Carbon dots (CDs) are a type of carbon nanomaterialwith unique optical and electronic properties. They have been widely studied for applications in sensors, bioimaging, and photovoltaics. However, the morphology of CDs is often difficult to control, which can affect their properties and performance.There are a number of different strategies that can be used to control the morphology of CDs. These strategies can be divided into two main categories:Top-down approaches involve starting with a larger piece of carbon and then breaking it down into smaller pieces.Bottom-up approaches involve starting with smallmolecules and then building them up into larger structures.Top-down approaches are typically used to produce CDs with a more uniform size and shape. However, they can be more difficult to control than bottom-up approaches. Bottom-up approaches are typically used to produce CDs with a more diverse range of shapes and sizes. However, they can be more difficult to scale up than top-down approaches.The choice of which strategy to use to control the morphology of CDs will depend on the specific application. For applications where a uniform size and shape is important, a top-down approach may be preferred. For applications where a diverse range of shapes and sizes is desired, a bottom-up approach may be preferred.### Top-down approaches.Top-down approaches to controlling the morphology of CDs typically involve starting with a larger piece of carbon and then breaking it down into smaller pieces. This can be done using a variety of techniques, such as:Laser ablation.Chemical etching.Mechanical exfoliation.Laser ablation is a process in which a laser is used to vaporize a piece of carbon. The vaporized carbon then condenses into CDs. Laser ablation can be used to produce CDs with a very small size and a narrow size distribution. However, it can be a relatively expensive and time-consuming process.Chemical etching is a process in which a chemical is used to dissolve a piece of carbon. The dissolved carbon then precipitates out of solution as CDs. Chemical etching can be used to produce CDs with a variety of shapes and sizes. However, it can be difficult to control the size and shape of the CDs produced.Mechanical exfoliation is a process in which a piece ofcarbon is physically broken down into smaller pieces. This can be done using a variety of techniques, such as grinding, ball milling, and sonication. Mechanical exfoliation can be used to produce CDs with a variety of shapes and sizes. However, it can be difficult to control the size and shapeof the CDs produced.### Bottom-up approaches.Bottom-up approaches to controlling the morphology of CDs typically involve starting with small molecules andthen building them up into larger structures. This can be done using a variety of techniques, such as:Chemical synthesis.Electrochemical synthesis.Microwave synthesis.Chemical synthesis is a process in which smallmolecules are reacted together to form CDs. The reactionconditions can be controlled to produce CDs with a variety of shapes and sizes. Chemical synthesis is a versatile technique that can be used to produce CDs with a wide range of properties. However, it can be difficult to control the size and shape of the CDs produced.Electrochemical synthesis is a process in which CDs are formed by the reduction of a carbon source in an electrochemical cell. The electrochemical cell can be controlled to produce CDs with a variety of shapes and sizes. Electrochemical synthesis is a relatively simple and inexpensive technique. However, it can be difficult to scale up to produce large quantities of CDs.Microwave synthesis is a process in which CDs are formed by the heating of a carbon source in a microwave oven. The microwave oven can be controlled to produce CDs with a variety of shapes and sizes. Microwave synthesis is a relatively fast and efficient technique. However, it can be difficult to control the size and shape of the CDs produced.## 碳点形貌调控策略。
电化学合成技术(Electrochemical synthesis)Refrigeration, cold, cold, extreme cold: reduce the temperature of local space to less than ambient temperature, known as refrigeration. Reduced to 123K is called pu cold, 123k-4.2 K is called deep cold, reduced to 4.2 K, which is called extreme cold.Dynamic pressure, the use of explosion (nuclear explosion, gunpowder, etc.), such as strong discharge produced by shock wave, in an instant effect on objects at high speed, can make the object interior pressure over dozens of GPa, even thousands of GPa, accompanied by a sudden warming. This high pressure is called dynamic high pressure.Static pressure: using the external mechanical loading way, by applying load slow gradually extrusion research object or sample, when its smaller, just inside the object or sample of internal high pressure. The high pressure produced is called static pressure because of the slow loading of the outside world (usually not accompanied by the temperature of the object).Primary pressure measurement: based on the known basic relationship between pressure and other parameters, the corresponding parameters are established to calculate the pressure. Secondary pressure test: the pressure is measured according to the variation of the pressure component.Vacuum, vacuum, vacuum pump: a given space that is lower than the atmospheric pressure. The degree of vacuum close to vacuum is in the system. A device for producing a vacuum is called a vacuum pump.Absolute vacuum gauge, relative vacuum gauge: measuring the vacuum measure, the direct measurement of pressure is called an absolute vacuum gauge; The measurement of the physical quantity relating to the pressure, its pressure scale needs to be calibrated with an absolute vacuum gauge, called a relative vacuum gauge.Illustrate manometry and secondary manometry answer: primary manometry: mercury manometer and free piston meter is according to the relation between p = F/a measurement function in the area of a force F, the two primary stress of pressure p.What are the criteria for dividing a vacuum? Answer: low vacuum, medium vacuum high vacuum, high vacuum, high vacuum, high vacuumThe operating characteristics of the vacuum pump are usually characterized by the following parameters:A limit pressure: the minimum pressure that can be reached at the entrance of the pump after a long period of pumping without gas escaping into the pump.B pumping rate: the volume of gas flowing through the air inlet section of the pump at a certain pressure.C maximum inlet pressure: the pressure of the pump before starting to work.D maximum pressure: the maximum pressure that the pump outlet can withstand without damaging the vacuum pump.E vacuum production rate: the quality of the gas discharged by the pump in a unit time.F compression ratio: the ratio of the outlet pressure of the vacuum pump to its inlet pressure.Chemical vapor deposition method: a technique of producing solid sediments in gas or gas-solid interfaces by gaseous or vapor pressure.Working principle of thermocouple, advantages and disadvantages. A: two different ingredients of conductor (called the thermocouple wire or hot electrode) synthesis loop at both ends, when the junction temperature is not at the same time, in the circuit will generate electromotive force, this kind of phenomenon called the thermoelectric effect, and the electromotive force called thermoelectric potential. Thermocouple is to use the principle of temperature measurement, which directly used for measuring the medium temperature is called the work at the end of the end (also known as measuring side), the other end is called the cold end (also known as compensation); The cold end is connected with the display instrument or supporting instrument, indicating the thermoelectric potential generated by the thermocouple. Advantages: high accuracy of measurement. Because the thermocouple is directly in contact with the measured object, it is not affected by the intermediate medium. The measurement range is wide. The commonly used thermocouple from - 50 ~ + 1600 ℃ are measured. The structure is simple and easy to use. Thermocouples are usually made of two different kinds of wires, and they are not limited by size and opening, and they are very convenient to use.The mechanism of high temperature fixation should be composed of two processes: chemical reaction in phase interface and material transfer in solid phase. The chemical reaction on thephase a, for different response systems, involves different stages,But all these include the following three processes: the contact between the reactants and the surface effect, the chemical reaction and the new phase composition, crystal growth and structural defect correction. When the reaction is active or liquid, the reaction will not be limited to the interface of the direct contact of the material, but may also be carried out along the free surface of the whole reactant particle. B. The reactant is diffused through the product layer. Migration diffusion can be carried out through crystal internal lattice, surface, interface or crystal fissure. Characteristics: 1) the solid opposite should generally include the reaction of matter in the phase interface and the process of material migration.2) it usually takes place at high temperature. 3) the entire solid should be controlled by the slowest speed. 4) the reaction products of solid reaction should be periodic: raw materials, original products, intermediate products, and final products.In chemical transport reaction, how to select and control temperature according to the heat effect of the reaction? A: if the reaction is endothermic reaction, ΔH is positive, then control source area temperature T1, T2 is higher than deposit zone temperature T2 is greater than the T1, namely this kind of reaction is to transport material has a high temperature to low temperature area. Conversely, when the reaction is exothermic reaction, Δ H negative, then control source area temperature is lower than the deposition area, namely the T2 is less than the T1, this kind of reaction is the material to the high transportation by the low temperature area.To prepare solid powders under high temperature and reducing atmosphere conditions, which equipment are needed and how to install them? Answer: equipment: tube furnace, electrolytic hydrogen plant. A thin layer of WO3 is sprinkled into the nickel boat, and the flow of the hydrogen is gradually moving the nickel boat through the tube, then through the high temperature zone into the cooler. This process is divided into two stages, the first stage is to make the WO3 at 720 c, reductive into brown WO2, then will get WO2, mixed with the same amount of WO3 and mixture in 800 ~ 860 c temperature reduction of metal tungsten, in the first stage of the reduction furnace temperature along the pipe heating parts from 520 c heats up to 720 c. In the second stage of the reduction, the furnace temperature increased from 650C to 860C. The quality of WO3 in each nickel boat was 50 ~ 180g because of the size of the furnace usedCommonly used refrigeration methods. Answer: the common method to cooling can be divided into physical methods and chemical methods, one of the commonly used gas adiabatic expansion refrigeration and cases of refrigeration, another half of the semiconductor refrigeration, gas throttling, eddy current cooling, adiabatic deflated refrigeration, thermoelectric refrigeration.The storage and transfer of liquefied gases: the containers of liquefied gases, which are different from the size and purpose of the volume, usually have low temperature containers, liquid gas storage tanks and so on. Small containers consist of a two-layer copper ball, which is divided into liquid nitrogen and gas containers. The liquid gas storage tank is composed ofthe outer shell, adiabatic structure and the mechanical structure of the inner and outer shell. There are many ways to go from a liquid gas plant to a liquid. Such as liquid air removed from a liquid air tank, the available methods of dumping or with a small siphon, is a large amount of liquid air, a small rubber ball pump up available liquid air play.Hard chemical: originally refers to the high temperature solid instead should method, and with the development of the synthesis technology, the concept of hard chemical tend to "chemistry" extreme conditions, such as ultra high temperature, super high, super vacuum, plasma, etcSoft chemistry: a chemical reaction that is achieved under mild conditionsGreen chemistry: green chemistry refers to the use of chemical products only in the manufacture and application of chemical products (preferably renewable) materials, eliminating waste and avoiding the use of toxic and dangerous reagents and solvents. Today's green chemistry is chemical technology that protects the environment.Sol-gel synthesis: an organic metal compound, metal inorganic compound or the mixture of two kinds of the hydrolytic condensation process, gradually gel post-processing accordingly, finally get the new technology of oxide and other compoundsHydrothermal synthesis: in a certain temperat ure (100 ~ 1000 ° C) and pressure (1 ~ 100 mpa) under the condition of using thechemical reaction of synthesis in solutionCoprecipitation synthesis technology of the requirements of a metal ion salt solution of dissolved in the water large b precipitant to metal ion precipitation precipitation c at the same time according to certain stoichiometric ratio sol agglutination of synthetic process of a source material molecules polymerization, condensation, clusters and colloidal particles grew up the formation of sol b with former body polymerization and polycondensation, gradually form a network structure of the gel, in the process, can form a variety of polymer gel structure c aging, polycondensation reaction in the process continues until the form has a solid 3 d mesh structure d gel dry, accompanied by evaporation of water and volatile matter e pyrolysis stage, in the process, the reticular formation of the gel completely collapsed, before bodies decompose organic matter, completely volatile, at the same time, the crystallinity of target productInorganic salt hydrolysis and polymerization of type a hydrolysis: metal ion hydrolysis polymerization b: hydroxyl polymerization, polymerization metal organic molecular oxygen hydrolysis and polymerization of type a polymerization: the aggregation of alkylation, polymerization, bridge oxygen hydroxyl polymerHigh temperature self-propagating synthesis: materials are prepared using the heat energy of raw materials themselvesThe characteristics of the high temperature self-propagating technology energy fully, products with high purity and highyield, product defects and non equilibrium phase in the more concentrated, so as to make the product more flexible, can make certain the stoichiometric ratio of products, intermediate products and the stationary phase interfaceThe characteristics of high temperature and high pressure water are characterized by the increase of vapor pressure and the ion deposition of water. Water density, viscosity, surface tension and dielectric constant decreaseThe properties of other substances in water under high temperature and pressure change a SiO2: it is not soluble in water at normal temperature, and the solubility can reach 0.16% with the increase of temperature. The solubility of SiO2 in NaOH solution can reach 2.4% b NaBr at room temperature, which is 100% dissociated in water, and the dissociation degree decreases at high temperature and high pressure, and the recrystallization occursThe reaction of qian yitai's preparation of diamond with solvent heat is as followsCCl + 4 na - > C + 4 nacl reaction conditions is 700 ° CHigh temperature and high pressure should also convert graphite into diamond. The design of the experimental design for the preparation of diamond was analyzed by using non-hydrolytic Na as solvent. The three-dimensional network structure of diamond is C (sp3 hybridization), two-dimensional plane structure of graphite is C (sp2 hybridization) C in the CCl is sp3 hybridization, so you don't have to graphite, diamond, C toreplace the Cl in CClElectrochemical synthesis: a method of synthesis by electrochemical reaction.Photochemical synthesis: photochemical reactions that are difficult or must be synthesized by chemical reactions with a chemical reaction.Decomposition voltage: the electrolyte begins to decompose the voltage.Overvoltage: the difference between the actual starting voltage and the theoretical decomposition voltage.Plasma: plasma is also called plasma, which is the ionized gas formed by the ionization of the atoms and atoms after the partial electrons are ionized. It is a state of highly ionized matter, a collection of positive and negative ions, electrons and neutral particles.Microwave synthesis technology, the use of microwave strong electric fields, generated in the microwave using thermodynamic method is less than the upper state atoms, molecules and ions, thus can make some on thermodynamics was not able to response to the synthesis technology.When metal deposition is carried out in electrochemical synthesis technology, how does the current density affect the morphology of the metal? Low - crystal growth time sufficient, not to form new nucleation, large, coarse. High - form morenuclei, tiny and even powdery grains. High - the crystals tend to grow in the metal ion concentration and grow into a tree.How does hot plasma come about? How is cold plasma produced? Hot plasma is produced by arc or ion moment. The cold plasma is produced by low intensity arc, microwave heating and glow discharge.The key to the growth of crystal growth in solution? A solution should be sufficiently high to eliminate the micro-crystal b to find the quasi-saturation point c to be strictly sealed in the growth process by the high precision cooling dThe lifting method of the growth crystals in the melt, the moving crucible method and the equipment of the zone melting method,Advantages and disadvantages of various methods? Pulling method advantages in the process of growth, a class to observe the growth condition of crystal directly, that provides a favorable conditions to control the crystal shape b crystal growth on the surface of the melt child accidentally place and do not contact with the crucible, can significantly reduce the stress of the crystal and prevent crucible wall send generating nuclear c can convenient use directional seed crystal and the "neck". Get a different orientation of single crystal, reduce the dislocation density in the crystal, reduce the Mosaic structure, improve the integrity of the crystal d to faster the rate of growth of high quality crystal defects of a general to make container with crucible, lead to melt with varying degrees of pollution when the melt containing volatile matter, bcontrol component is difficult to use c to have certain limitationsMoving crucible advantages due to seal the raw material in the crucible, a reduced can cause leakage and pollution of the hair, to the composition of crystal easy control operation, can grow a large size of crystal, crystal varieties can grow to be also many, and easy to realize programmed growth c because each crucible melt can separate nucleation, so that we can in a crystal furnace into several crucible, at the same time, it may improve the yield and efficiencyShortcoming is not suitable for growth in the make a volume increase of crystal b because the crystals in the whole growth process in direct contact with the crucible, tend to introduce large internal stress in the crystal and more impurity c is difficult to directly observed in the process of crystal growth, growth cycle is long d if using seed crystal growth in the descent method, how to make the seed crystal in high temperature is neither completely fused, and must make it with partial melting to full growth, it is hard to control technical problemsZone melting method (1) the horizontal zone melting method merit a reduced the crucible melt pollution, and reduce the heating rate b zone melting process can be repeated, so as to improve the purity of crystals or make doping uniformity(2) the advantages of floating zone method doesn't need a crucible, melt with itself only contact, pollution can be reduced to a minimum b growth process is easy to observe drawback strict in heating technology and mechanicaltransmission device flame fusion method merit a growth of single crystal don't need crucible, do the high temperature resistance of the crucible, the material is saved, and avoid the pollution problem of crucible b oxyhydrogen flame combustion, the temperature can reach 2800 degrees Celsius, gu grow high melting point of single crystal growth rate and rapid d c can grow larger crystal defects of a flame temperature gradient is bigger, in the growth of single crystal in poor quality b because the heat source is burning gas, temperature control of stable c grow single crystal of the dislocation density is higher, larger internal stress d for volatile or easy to be oxidized materials, should not use this method single crystal growthCrystallization: the process of crystallization of a liquid metal into a solid metal forming a crystal.Phase change: the mutation occurs in a particular condition (or critical value) in the process of change in the external conditions.Partial coagulation: a kind of operation that condenses a mixture of steam to a certain temperature and the higher components of some boiling point in the original steam.Uniform nucleation: in a cold liquid metal, the driving force is obtained by the energy change of the liquid metal itself, which is directly nucleated by the embryos.Nonuniform nucleation: the process of crystallization of the embryo in a cooled liquid metal in the presence of othersubstances on the surface.Supersaturation: the concentration of a substance at a certain temperature, the concentration of the solution at the time of crystallization, and the saturation concentration of the substance at the temperature, or saturation.。