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- 文档页数:2
社会保障social security
残疾人社会保障social security for handicapped
福利保障security on welfare
抚恤comfort and compensation
个人账户individual account
给付确定制defined benefit
给付项目benefit package
环境保障security on environment
工伤社会保险social insurance for work-related
缴费确定制defined contribution
基金积累funded pooling
健康维护组织health maintenance organization(HMOs) 济贫法Poor Law
教育保障security for education
就业保障security for employment
康复保障security for recovery
老年福利elderly welfare
老年服务service for elderly
商业保险commercial insurance
社会保障制度social security system
社会保障制度改革the reform of social security system 社会保障法Social Security Act
社会保障基金social security fund
社会保障管理social security management
社会保障水平social security level
社会保障水平指标index of social security level
社会保险social insurance
社会保险基金social insurance fund
社会救济(社会救助) social assistance
生育基金child-bearing fund
现收现付pay as you go
医疗社会保险social insurance for medical
优待special treatment
优抚安置veteran placement
总额预付制global budget
最低生活保障标准minimum living level
职工福利employee welfare
职工福利项目employee welfare project
职工福利基金employee welfare fund
职工福利管理employee welfare management
职工福利设计employee welfare design
基本养老保险basic endowment insurance
基本医疗保险basic medical insurance
工伤保险employment injury insurance
失业保险unemployment insurance
生育保险maternity insurance
社会保障体系social welfare system
大额医疗费用补助subsidy for big amount of medical expenditure 公费医疗free medical service
公积金public accumulation fund
雇佣关系employment relationship
国际劳工公约international labor convention
劳动和社会保障部the ministry of labor and social security
社会救济social relief
优抚安置special treatment and placement