原句:一阵秋雨一阵寒。 误译:With a fall of autumn rain, it's getting colder 正译: 1)With one after another fall of autumn rain, it's getting colder 2)With each fall of autumn rain,it's getting colder. 1.2 语义的需要(意义表达) 1.2.1 抽象名词 (1) Oxidation will make iron and steel rusty. 氧化作用会使钢铁生锈。 (2) Due care must be taken to ensure that the pulse signal itself shall show no irregularities and no interruptions. 应注意保证脉冲信号本身不出现不规则现象和中断现象。
1.2 语义的需要(意义表达) 1.2.4 几个成分并列 The changes of requirements for the commodities in the market are affected by the internal and external factors. 商品市场需求的变化情况受内因和外因两方面 因素影响。 英语中的动词时态,在译成汉语时,可视不同情况增加 “正”,“正在”,“过”,“了”,“曾”,“曾经”, “已经”,“一直”,“将要”,“会”,“能”等虚词.
时态问题 What hasn’t happened in the past is a former FBI agent that is charged with colluding with the wise guys in a murder. That doesn’t happen and that’s shocking. 译文?:没有发生过的是,一个联邦调查局的退 休特工被指控和一桩谋杀案中自以为聪明的家伙 勾结。那件事并没有发生———简直令人吃惊。 辨误:2004年秋天美国爆出一个特大丑闻,联邦调查局的一名退休 特工竟然卷入了一桩凶杀案,舆论为之哗然。 时态问题 What hasn’t happened in the past is a former FBI agent that is charged with colluding with the wise guys in a murder. That doesn’t happen and that’s shocking. (3) Cargo insurance(货物保险) is to protect the trader from losses that many dangers may cause. 译文:货物保险会使贸易商免受许多风险所可能造 成的种种损失。 (4) Nations have utilized different economic resources; people have developed different skills. 译文:不同的国家使用不同的经济来源;不同的人 拥有不同的技能。 自满情绪 嫉妒心理 演变过程 准备工作 紧张局势 落后状态 氧化作用 正确性 敌对情绪 复杂局面 疯狂行为 补救方法 confusion saturation recycling management redundancy 混乱局面 饱和状态 废物回收利用 管理部门 冗员,多余信息 solution modification
1.1 语法的需要(英汉差异) 1.1.3 增加量词
(1) To the east and the south a faint pink is spreading. 东南方呈现一抹浅红,正在向远处扩展。 (2) The sun rose thinly from the sea. 一轮红日从海边淡淡升起。 (3) A stream was winding its ways through the valley into the river. 一弯溪水蜿蜒流过山谷,汇到江里去了。 英语中没有量词,汉译时就得根据汉语的表达习惯增加合适 的量词。 第4讲 英汉翻译中的 增词法和减词法 教学要点与要求 1.什么是增词法和减词法 2.增词法和减词法的适用范围 理据
6. 他的幽默引起我们一阵大笑。 7. 战士们一阵风地冲了上去。 1.1 语法的需要(英汉差异) 1.2 语义的需要(意义表达) 1.3 语用的需要(修辞、文化) 1.1 语法的需要(英汉差异) 1.1.1英语中的名词为复数形式时 (1) I saw bubbles rising from under the water. 译文:我看见一个个水泡从水下升起。 (2) The first electronic computers went into operation in 1945. 译文:第一批电子计算机于1945年投入使用。
Marry的宾语也可以不直接是人: She married a fortune. “她嫁了个有钱人”,(颇有点“傍大款”的意思。) She married into purple. “她嫁到了一个显赫之家”。
He married more than a hundred women but remained single all his life. ? “主持结婚仪式”或“证婚” Marry还有比喻用法 He married translation. “他终身致力于翻译” “他与翻译结下了不解之缘。” 1.2 语义的需要(意义表达) 1.2.3 不定式作目的或结果状语
We made transistors by different means only to get the same effect.
His humour made us break out in a fit of laughter. 7. 战士们一阵风地冲了上去。 The soldiers rushed forward like a whirlwind. 8. 反腐败,不能一阵风就结束。 The fight against corruption can't end in a flash. 原文可改译为: 过去还从来没有发生过联邦调查局的退休特工 被指控同一些自以为聪明的家伙一起参与谋杀的 事。这样的事根本不应该发生,这太令人吃惊了。
来自百度文库 原文:People all sympathized with her as she was married to a rich man and she loved a laborer on the farm 译文?:人们都同情她,因为她嫁了个有钱人, 可是她爱的是农场的一个工人。 改译: 人们都很同情她,因为她被迫嫁了个有钱人,而 她爱着一个农场工人。 1. 增译法 (amplification) 目的: ①为了使原文的语法概念在译文中表达得明确。 ②为了使译文句子结构更加完整和合乎习惯。 ③为了使词汇概念或范畴更清楚。 ④为了使专业内容表达得更具体。 原则: ①增补语义上、修辞上需要的词。 ②增补原文中的省略成分。 ③增补原文中的内含语义。 1. 增译法 (amplification) 根据情况可增加适当的表示复数概念的词。如:“们”、 “之类”、“一些”、“许多”、“一批”、“这些”、 “那些”、“各种”、“大量”、“几个”、“几次”等。 1.1 语法的需要(英汉差异) 1.1.2 英语的时态变化
(1) Before 15th century it was generally believed that the earth was the center of the universe. 15世纪前,曾普遍认为地球是宇宙的中心。 (2) The old man said, “They say his father was a fisherman. Maybe he was as poor as we are.” 老头儿说:“听人说,从前他爸爸是个打鱼的。 他过去也许跟我们现在一样穷。” 8. 反腐败,不能一阵风就结束。
1. 你已经干了一阵子,该好好休息了。
As you have worked for some time, you deserve a good rest.
2. 一阵风刮掉了我的帽子。 A gust of wind blew my hat off
3.能听见从里屋传来一阵咳嗽声。 A fit of coughing could be heard from the inner room.
4. 这个案件引起一阵批评。
This case brought about a shower of
5. 当这位民族英雄出现在大厅时,响起了一阵暴风雨般的 欢呼声,持续了几分钟。 When the national hero appeared in the hall, there was a storm of cheering that lasted for minutes. 逻辑上的混乱: 既然“那件事没有发生过”,又怎么谈得上 “令人吃惊”呢? What hasn’t happened in the past is a former FBI agent that is charged with colluding with the wise guys in a murder. That doesn’t happen and that’s shocking. . 解决方案 修改方案 advantage 有利地位 1.2 语义的需要(意义表达) 1.2.2 分词短语、独立结构
Using a transformer, power at low voltage can be transformed into power at high voltage. 如果使用变压器,低压电就能转换成高压电。 如果分词短语或独立分词结构含有时间、原因、 条件、让步等状语意义,翻译时可增加“当…… 时”、“……之后”、“因为……”、“由于……”、 “如果……”、“假若……”、“虽然……但……”等 词。