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emule电骡无法连网的原因和解决方法-更新服务器与kad节点1 服务器无法连接把以下引号内的字符复制“/server.met”注意千万不要使提供的!【是中国verycd制作的冒牌emule官方网站,有很多间谍服务器,强烈建议记住不要使用。
如下图所示或者到一些提供电骡服务器列表的网站自己更新,注意,有可能连上间谍服务器或虚假服务器,更高级的更新方法请用google解决这里提供一个此类型的网站,其他的请自己googlehttp://ed2k.2x4u.de/index.html2 kad网络无法连接更换mod后无法连网是因为nodes.dat陈旧,你可以随便舔加一个热门文件下载,过一段时间电骡会自动更新的,然后关闭电骡,重新启动就可以了,你也可以到/下载nodes.datnodes.dat文件,大家可以自己手动不定时更新,在浏览器地址栏输入上面地址,按回车就会提示下载了!注意!如你在使用emule时出现KAD无法连接,才需要加载这个文件!如果KAD能正常连接就不需要加载这个文件了!替换方法:1>先下载nodes.dat文件2>关掉emule,打开emule安装文件夹-CONFIG目录,复制进去替换相同文件名,重新打开emule即可!---------------Kad节点文件 nodes.dat 使用方法:请点击任一按钮直接加入nodes.dat;或者将通过HTTP下载得到nodes.dat,并放入eMule的config目录内;或者将下面的三个HTTP地址之一加入到eMule软件“Kad”面板的“从以下网址获取节点信息”中(如下图所示),并重启eMule,即可让你的eMule自动更新nodes.dat文件。
正常连接到服务器的情况:2004-10-25 22:58:47:正在连接到Date Attac ke.de( 22:58:48:连接到D ateAt tacke.de(,发送登陆请求2004-10-25 22:58:57: 连接建立于:D ateAt tacke.de 2004-10-25 22:58:58: 新的客户ID为正常成功连接到服务器日志当中的反馈就是这样的,没有什么好说的。
服务器到达最大客户连接数的情况:2004-10-25 22:57:26: 正在连接到Ra zorba ck( 22:57:28:连接到R azorb ack(,发送登陆请求2004-10-25 22:57:30: Warn ing R azorb ack ( - T his s erver is f ull.2004-10-25 22:57:30: Ra zorba ck (可能到达最大客户连接数了每个服务器都有自己的承受能力,因此也就对连接的客户数量有一定的限制。
收藏:为什么eMule总是未连接到服务器一>安装和版本问题1) eMule对Windows有什么要求?eMule能在Windows 95版本以上的Windows操作系统下运行。
1个好的P2P软件需要好的拨号网络的支持,所以Windows 98和Windows ME的比较差网络运行情况可能会影响eMule的发挥;相对来说Windows 2000和Windows XP更适合使用eMule。
2) 弹出错误信息说oleacc.dll文件找不到?使用Windows 98的用户在启动eMule的时候可能会出现此错误信息。
这个缺损的dll文件可以从Microsoft的 Windows 98 System Update 处获得。
3) Installer和Binary的区别?Installer文件用于第一次安装eMule,它包含了所有必须文件和帮助文档等。
4) 当我升级eMule版本时候怎样才能保留我的设置和下载到一半的文件信息?你只需要安装(或解压)新版本的eMule到你原来版本的安装目录,eMule会自动更新eMule.exe文件,用户设置文件和其他一些用户信息文件都不会被覆盖,原来的设置等都将保留。
5) 如果从eDonkey/Overnet升级到eMule并保留原来的下载信息?这取决于你原来使用的eDonkey/Overnet的版本。
最初,只有eDonkey一种客户端,后来,在ED协议的基础上发展出许多客户端,例如:MLdonkey、BOT、xMule、cDonkey、shareaza、eD Hybird、eMule(MLdonkey、BOT被许多服务器禁止登录)。
2、什么是ED链接ED的下载可以通过ED软件的搜索功能实现,但当你希望共享你独有的东东时,就需要发布"ED链接",如下蓝色的就是一个ED链接,ED链接用"|"号分成几个部分ed2k://|file|Tom.and.Jerry.Vol1.DVDRip.XviD-WRD.avi|729083904|705B0FC AF6EF1D69A0C6DA994E4AB42D|/ed2k:// 这是ED链接的标志,就像网址用HTTP://是相同的道理file 这个不用说大家也知道, 文件啰Tom.and.Jerry.Vol1.DVDRip.XviD-WRD.avi 这个就是你要发布或下载的文件名729083904 文件的大小字节数705B0FCAF6EF1D69A0C6DA994E4AB42D 文件hash,它就是ED网络对于共享文件的唯一识别标记, 34的32次方,不用担心它会重复在emule=>选项=>常规=>点击"ED2K链接",使这个按钮变成灰色,当你获得一个ED链接时,将它复制到IE浏览器的地址栏,就会自动加入到已开启的eMule 下载任务中了3、emule曰志中的一些信息的解释下面是我的小小驴运行后在曰志里显示的信息(可能和你的不同哟,肯定不同,呵呵):2003-12-8 17:51:26: 发现15个已知的共享文件2003-12-8 17:51:26: Creditfile已加载,4522个客户已知,35 用户被删除(消失五个月)2003-12-8 17:51:28: 连接断开2003-12-8 17:51:29: 在server.met中找到55个服务器2003-12-8 17:51:29: 发现1个.part文件2003-12-8 17:51:29: eMule版本0.30d-ACAT已经就绪2003-12-8 17:51:29: My UserHash: FA561B6E870E442DBC223918471C6F6F 2003-12-8 17:51:29: 正在连接2003-12-8 17:51:30: 正在连接到61.172.245.120( 17:51:30: 连接到61.172.245.120(,发送登陆请求2003-12-8 17:51:32: 连接建立于: 17:51:32: 新的客户ID为3478929370红色的就是本人小小驴的UserHash,新来的驴友可能对EM的UserHash比较陌生,下面我们来了解一下。
emule kad连接不上
1. 检查防火墙设置:确保您的防火墙或安全软件没有阻止E-mule的Kad网络连接。
尝试禁用防火墙或添加E-mule 到防火墙的白名单中。
2. 检查路由器设置:确保您的路由器没有阻止E-mule的Kad网络连接。
3. 使用其他节点:尝试连接其他Kad网络节点。
4. 检查网络连接:确保您的网络连接正常。
5. 更新E-mule版本:如果您使用的是旧版本的E-mule,尝试更新到最新版本,这可能修复一些连接问题。
)Q.被服务器加入到黑名单什么办?“Connection refused. Your IP is currently blacklisted.”A.根据服务器端的“默认设置”,一个小时后就会解除对你的屏蔽。
Q.为何被加入到黑名单?A.因为服务器端软件有自己的积分规则:- 每个数据包(帧): 1 点- 每个文件来源请求: 16 点- 每次登陆请求: 100 点- 每次失败的登陆请求: 900 点 (eMule客户端没有启用 "安全连接" 选项)每个动作都会花费相应的点数,点数花完就自动进入黑名单了。
Q.我的骡子eD2K和Kad都是高的ID,但是Kad里面全部都是黄色的~~一个绿色的都没有...这是什么原因啊?这个会影响我的下载速度吗?A.它是慢慢变的,红色-〉桔黄色-〉黄色-〉浅绿(好像是) -〉绿色;它代表每个客户与你的连接状态。
Q.UPnP是什么?A.UPNP的全称是:Universal Plug and Play,中文名:通用即插即用;UPnP规范基于TCP/IP协议和针对设备彼此间通讯而制订的新的Internet协议。
Q.用户 [CHN][VeryCD]yourname (3549362257) 请求你在目录'!Incomplete Files'下的共享文件列表这个是什么意思?我也请求了别人的共享列表,不知道怎么看到?A.看文件选项里“察看我的共享文件“ 选项,你就明白了。
TP-Link 402M路由端口映射
TP-Link 402M的默认用户名和密码都是admin/admin如果不对,可以先断掉路由器电源,用针按住设备的重启reset键不动,再打开电源,就可以恢复到默认状态.就可以用admin/admin进入设置了.(注意,没有必要千万不要去做,免得设置不好,反而连网都上不了了.)
若只有OUT 表明没成功。
常见问题和解决方案1. 电驴启动时无法连接到服务器如果在启动电驴时无法连接到服务器,可能有以下几种原因和相应的解决方案:•网络连接问题:检查您的网络连接是否正常。
2. 电驴连接超时或速度慢如果在连接电驴时出现连接超时或下载速度非常慢的情况,可能有以下几种常见原因和解决方案:•网络连接不稳定:电驴的连接速度和稳定性受到网络质量的影响。
3. 电驴显示连接错误消息如果在连接电驴时出现连接错误消息,可能有以下几种原因和解决方案:•账户登录问题:电驴有时需要用户登录来访问某些资源。
1. 检查网络连接: 确保您的网络连接正常。
2. 检查防火墙设置: 确保您的防火墙或安全软件没有阻止eMule的连接。
3. 检查端口设置: eMule使用TCP和UDP端口进行通信。
4. 更新eMule软件: 确保您正在使用最新版本的eMule软件。
5. 使用服务器列表: 检查您的eMule设置中是否正确配置
6. 检查全局上传和下载限速: 如果全局上传或下载限速设置得太低,可能会导致您无法连接到eMule网络或下载文件。
emule电驴服务器常见问题及解答(Common problems and solutionsof eMule server)Common problems and solutions of eMule server(a) Note: server connection (to server log feedback information for example)1. The normal connection to the server:2004-10-25 22:58:47: is connected to the DateAttacke.de ( 22:58:48: is connected to DateAttacke.de(, sends the login request2004-10-25 22:58:57: connection: DateAttacke.de2004-10-25 22:58:58: new customer ID forNormal successfully connected to the feedback server log is such, not what to say.2. The server reaches the maximum number of client connections:2004-10-25 22:57:26: is connected to the Razorback( 22:57:28: is connected to Razorback(, sends the login request2004-10-25 22:57:30: Warning Razorback ( - This server is full.2004-10-25 22:57:30: Razorback ( could reach the maximum number of client connectionsEach server has its own ability to withstand, so there are restrictions on the number of connected customers. Limiting the number of customer connections is also to maintain the normal operation of the server, not because of too many connections resulting in excessive load consequences. For those more popular servers, it's more likely to happen. But many of my friends love long time open eMule! As a result, the server's connection port is long occupied, this time prone to this problem. The proposed temporary connection to other server, connect to the server and try back later. Do not be too frequent in unit time for connection. It's easy to be mistaken for the server to add you to the "black list" and is attacked".3. The server has no corresponding circumstances at the moment:2004-10-25 23:06:14: is connected to the SciFi-Network Server ( 23:06:17: SciFi-Network Server ( may be no responseIt's likely that the server you've connected is temporarily adjusted or has a problem, so it is temporarily unable to respond to your connection request. If the server you are connecting to is far away, there may be an unexpected networksituation that is temporarily unable to respond. It is recommended to connect to other servers for the time being.4. Are connected to the server but soon to be "kicked out":There may be some of you do not meet the requirements of server connection. For example: the level of ID, sharing the number and capacity of the file is too large, too many reasons such as the download tasks. There are also a few things that might be caused by your poor network condition, but this situation should not be seen. It is recommended to change the server that needs to be connected, or adjust some aspects of the eMule to meet the requirements of the server.5. Server connection timeout:This situation should be relatively rare. The general is likely because the network is not good cause. In addition, it may be because at the same time the number of customers to connect more, the server is too late to deal with the application of the reasons for the connection. The proposed temporary connections to other servers.(two) the server connected to some matters needing attentionThere is no absolute fastest or the best server. The server is used to connect with other eMule users, search and search for the source file. When the user uses the global server search, eMule queries the search results to each server in the list and returns the user. Similarly, when downloading files, eMule will search the fastest source on the server.Some explanations about "Ping":The "Ping" value represents the distance between you and the server. Generally speaking, the greater the value, the more distant you are from the server, the distance is not only geographical distance, but also with your network bandwidth, the quality of the network line has a great relationship. Generally speaking, the larger the value of "Ping" is, the more difficult it is to connect to the server, and the server with the "Ping" value below 500 is not easy to connect to.Pay attention to matters needing attention:1) recommend secure connection"2) unable to obtain the HighID users don't check "enable intelligent detection of LowID"3) "connected, but immediately kicked out" - probably your network conditions are bad (this reason is relatively small), the number of shared files does not meet the requirements (too much), too many tasks and so on.4) as long as the "connect to the XXX server, send the login request" shows that the server is normal, if not connected to the problem is not in the server.5) for secure connections, a secure connection is slower thana secure connection to a server, but the possibility of successful connection is much higher than that of the latter.A mule friends question connect several times to connect to the server. Please choose a secure connection and try again.6) never apply for a connection to a server in a short time, especially when the old connection is not available. Would be considered aggressive behavior and Blacklist.(three) the update server list1. How to update the server list!One method:In the "options" - "server", and then click on the third item "list", will open the clipboard, the following updated daily list of servers to the inside:Http:// srv1000 /x1/server.metHttp://emule.945 /server.metHttp:// edk-files /x1/server.metMethod two:The recommended server list a daily updated website:Http://ed2k.2x4u.de/list.htmlThere is a Home (server.met) file on the bottom left of the page, click on another page, appear the following content:Connect list: server.met (add to eMule) 2.9kB (25 servers)Best servers: server.met (add to eMule) 6.7kB (63 servers) All servers: server.met (add to eMule) 9.9kB (94 servers)Select the bottom one, click (add to eMule), you can add all the server automatically to eMule.Note: when to update the server list after the update, what good is it!?If you don't have any problems with your connection and download everything properly, it's necessary to update the server list constantly. If the connection server always fails or overtime, you can try updating the server list. Maybe it will help. In general, as long as you select the "options" - "connection" inside "connect to the server automatically update the server list" and "connect to other customers update server list" these two words. Your server list generally can ensure that there is no problem. In addition, the advantage of updating the server list is that you can search for files in a larger scope after update!(four) the relevant description of ED2K connectionIf the ED2K connection fails!Solution: turn "options" - "routine" - and then click the "ED2K connection" in the lower right corner.The ED2K connection is not working properly, a browser error occurred!(generally speaking, it's caused by installing more than one version of eMule or installing eMule and eDonkeyz at the same time. )Solution: eMule needs the right connection with the specified connection, and some other types of software may change the relevancy of the file.So when a connection is next, a browser error is prompted, or the download / server list is not added. If the "ED2k connection" in eMule's "option" - "routine" is also gray, the connection work still can not work.Click "start" - "run", type "regedit" to run registry program. Find the key below:HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\ed2k\shell\open\commandName: defaultType: REG_SZData: "the installation path" eMule%1 (such as the default "C:\Program Files\eMule\eMule.exe" and "%1")inspectHKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\ed2k\shell\open\commandThe inside of the "data" is consistent with the above.If your eMule has a connection problem. Delete allHKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\ed2k\ andHKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\ed2k\.....After the project, and then click "ED2K connection"!(five) the relevant explanation of KadKad (Kademlia) is a decentralized (decentralized) P2P communication protocol that operates all users into a network without access to the server and directly searches for resources and sources. It can reduce the burden of the server to a certain extent.Detailed explanation of Kademlia networkBasically, Kademlia is not a network, is a very popular technology, known as DHT (Distributed Hash Table distributed hash table). Kademlia DHT isn't the best, but has been quite good, but also very new. DHT has many applications, but P2P is probably one of the most important. Because it can make the P2P network, without any use of the server. Of all the networks I know now, probably only Freenet and early Gnutella didn't have anything like a server. Other networks, such as Fasttrack, eDonkey, OpenNap, WinMX and so on, have similar server things. But the famous problem of the first two is inefficient, so DHTcan help solve this problem. No other server benefits, is not afraid of a server by the relevant units to ban two, so that more people can connect to the P2P network. Like Overnet is the pure P2P network using Kademlia technology, but eMule Kademlia is not compatible with Overnet, and heard that eMule designers think Overnet is not good enough, so the bad place of Overnet is modified. In short, Overnet/eMule Kademlia is based on the Kademlia network, but eMule did not invent another new name. To which success, I personally optimistic about eMule, because more than 7 of the eDonkey network uses more than eMule. Although Overnet has been around for more than 1 years, but can not always stand on the number of million. If the eMule Kademlia can make users brought in, I think based on pure P2P benefits eMule Kademlia networks may be more than 5 million, more than the height of Fasttrack.Kad network is a framework that doesn't need a server at all, and each eMule client is responsible for dealing with a small fraction of search and source finding. The principle of assignment is based on the matching between the client's unique ID and the search or the source of the hash. For example, the LordOfRing1.avi file is responsible by the user ABC (determined by hash file), any user sharing this file will tell the user ABC I have this file, when other users to download this file will ask ABC ABC, tell them who have this file, source finding is finished. The search method is almost the same, each person is responsible for a keyword.As for how to find the user ABC, the logical distance between them is determined by a binary XOR value of the two ID, such as 1100 distance 1101 is closer to distance 1001 than ID.When a yo user joins kad, first a batch of users' ID and ip:port are found through a known user. When the user A to search for a specific user x, A ask several known logic close to X users, such as x1, X2, X3, x1, X2, X3 will tell A they know more close to the user's ID, IP and port, an analogy, eventually you will find X A. Find the number should be in the order of logN, N is the total number of.(six) common problems of server connectionIf every time you open the eMule pop-up window that:In the "adresss.dat" can not find the location of any server list, please post a valid server list position to this file or use automatic updates!Solution: in turn "options" - "server" - cancel the "start automatically update server list" can be.Explanation of "blacklist":If you apply the connection to the same server frequently within the unit time, the server will mistake your frequent connection as an attack"! So you'll be blacklisted for the time being. Especially the network situation is not good, eMule always connect server failure, we must pay special attention to. To avoid frequent connection to the server, to avoid being blacklisted.If you are a low ID, it is recommended to cancel the "option"- "connection" - the "disconnect automatically" option inside. In order to avoid duplication of connection for blacklisted.(seven) on the "Creditfile loaded" that has been loaded2004-11-20 09:57:30 morning: found 14 known file sharing2004-11-20 09:57:30 morning: Creditfile has been loaded, the 5005 known customersThe "eMule options" - "expansion set" can enable the credit system Credit system (benefit upload). If you enable this Credit system, then your eMule will appear in 5 months after the customer deleted information. The credit system (Credit system) is used to upload the benefit. That's what UserHash is doing. As a simple example, such as A B to upload, then B will take A UserHash. If you want to download B A things, B will give A score than ordinary users. This A in B here can be less or no queuing to enter the download queue. Of course, the credit rating relationship established by A and B can only last 5 months, and if the two users in 5 months have not established a connection, the above phenomenon will be deleted.In addition, this also is the reason why we must increase the upload reason. Because after uploading more, the advantage is that you can queue or not queue when you download things later. So, everyone to their UserHash to double treasure, especially upload large amount of Luo friends, often backup config file is very necessary. Once the UserHash is changed, you and other established the credit relationship of mule mule is gone.(eight) common server problems "FAQ""Q1: when connecting to the server user is 0, file is 0 of the server does not need to be connected?A1: not necessarily, some even on the server that you can display those data.Q2: errors in the file is complete, finished? Can I have a look?A2: This is the wrong question, I think it is because the source file error caused by the error in the final change the suffix name can be seen, without waiting for the download. But the premise is the error file is stored on the hard drive. The latest emul to automatically fix the error function in the download process error repair.Q3: is the server better? What kind of server is the server?A3: No, because you can only even a server, so leave some good enough. The file number, the number of on-line server server is good. You can take some good server settings into a static server, so you look comfortable,Convenient to use.Q4: why steel connected to the server is disconnected!?A4: there are several things that happen in a few minutes. (1) the server shuts down or starts again. (2) you're not welcome (probably because your automatic connection is too fast) (3)your network connection interruption problem! (4) the number of files you share too much lead to server error. If you exclude the above, please check your shared settings, remove all the hooks, and reduce the downloaded files to less than 8!In Q5:EM, there are always a few users on my connection list on the blacklist, but I don't have any users blacklisted.A5: black list is because the users in a very short period of time, many attempts to connect to your client, your client is EM BAN, (may he used BOT) generally a few hours will automatically put him removed from the blacklist. Otherwise, it will be done again.。
5. 最后,关闭电驴,然后从新打开,等一会,看看你的eD2K 网络是不是连上了,如果没有,换静态服务器。
我以前听说过lowid 和 highid,两者之间最⼤的区别就是下载速度的不同。
emule电骡无法连网的原因和解决方法-更新服务器与kad节点1 服务器无法连接把以下引号内的字符复制“/server.met”注意千万不要使提供的!【是中国verycd制作的冒牌emule官方网站,有很多间谍服务器,强烈建议记住不要使用。
如下图所示或者到一些提供电骡服务器列表的网站自己更新,注意,有可能连上间谍服务器或虚假服务器,更高级的更新方法请用google解决这里提供一个此类型的网站,其他的请自己googlehttp://ed2k.2x4u.de/index.html2 kad网络无法连接更换mod后无法连网是因为nodes.dat陈旧,你可以随便舔加一个热门文件下载,过一段时间电骡会自动更新的,然后关闭电骡,重新启动就可以了,你也可以到/下载nodes.datnodes.dat文件,大家可以自己手动不定时更新,在浏览器地址栏输入上面地址,按回车就会提示下载了!注意!如你在使用emule时出现KAD无法连接,才需要加载这个文件!如果KAD能正常连接就不需要加载这个文件了!替换方法:1>先下载nodes.dat文件2>关掉emule,打开emule安装文件夹-CONFIG目录,复制进去替换相同文件名,重新打开emule即可!---------------Kad节点文件 nodes.dat 使用方法:请点击任一按钮直接加入nodes.dat;或者将通过HTTP下载得到nodes.dat,并放入eMule的config目录内;或者将下面的三个HTTP地址之一加入到eMule软件“Kad”面板的“从以下网址获取节点信息”中(如下图所示),并重启eMule,即可让你的eMule自动更新nodes.dat文件。
(2)eMule电骡默认开启“智能LOW ID检测”,这个功能的作用是,当你连接到一个ed2k服务器,获得的是Low ID的情况下,以重新连接服务器的方式尝试着获得High ID。
有些时候这个功能是有用的,但是,尝试是有次数限制的,对于一直是Low ID的用户,这个功能在多次尝试连接到服务器都是Low ID的情况会切断你和ed2k服务器的连接。
2 kad网络无法连接