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1 方案论证与比较1.1 方案一:DSP+FPGA开发起来比较灵活,升级也较为容易,通用性较强。
同时利用了DSP运算速度来提高整个系统的算法效率;同时采用这种架构开发起来相对比较简单,因为它结合了FPGA 和DSP两者的优点。
1.2 方案二:利用超大规模可编程器件FPGA来控制高速A/D转换器和RAM实现高速数据采集,并且用它来进行数据的存储与处理。
这种方案实际上是一种片上系统(System On Chip),即用单个芯片完成所有的控制与数据处理,并且还是全硬件的。
1.3 方案三:该方案采用FPGA和MSP430单片机来实现。
【FPGA设计实例】基于FPGA的数字示波器设计Digital oscilloscopeA digital oscilloscope has many advantages over its analog counterpart, like the ability to capture single events, and to display what happens before the trigger.You can build a digital oscilloscope simply by hooking an ADC and an FPGA together.This particular design uses an 100MHz flash ADC, so we are building an 100MSPS(mega-samples-per-seconds) oscilloscope.This oscilloscope design is interesting because it shows how powerful and useful modern FPGAs can be. But if you are new to FPGA technology, keep that in mind this is not the easiest design to understand on this site.HDL designOr how to create the oscilloscope logic inside the FPGA.•HDL part 1 - FIFO-based design.•HDL part 2 - RAM-based design.•HDL part 3 - Trigger mechanism.•HDL part 4 - More functionality.Hardware•This design was created using the Flashy boards.•See also the "hands-on" page on how to build a simple oscilloscope. Software•History, features, screen shots.•See also the interference patterns page.ScreenshotHere's the view of a 27MHz signal, sampled at 100MHz and reconstructed using the "sample equivalent time" technique.Digital oscilloscope - part 1Here's what is built here:The FPGA receives 2 clocks:• A slow "system" clock, fixed at 25MHz.•An ADC sampling clock (something faster, let's say 100MHz), that is connected to both the ADC and the FPGA.Having these 2 clocks gives flexibility to the design. But that also means we need a way to transfer information from one clock domain to the other. To validate that the hardware works,let's go the easy route and use a FIFO. The acquired samples from the ADC are stored in the FPGA FIFO at full ADC speed (100MHz).Then, the FIFO content is read back, serialized and sent on a serial port at a much slower speed (115200 baud). Finally we connect the serial output to a PC that receives each byte and displays a signal trace.For this first attempt, there is no trace triggering mechanism. The ADC storage starts at random intervals so the trace will jump left and right, but that's fine for now.Design considerationsAt 100MHz, the FIFO fills up in about 10us. That's pretty fast. Once full, we have to stop feeding it. What is stored needs to be completely sent to the PC before we can start feeding the FIFO again.The serial communication used here works at 115200 bauds, so roughly 10KBytes/s. 1024 samples take about 100ms to transmit. During that time, the oscilloscope is "blind", because we discard the data coming from the ADC. So it is blind 99.99% of the time. That's typical of this type of architecture.That can be partially compensated when we add a trigger mechanism later, because while the trigger is armed, it works at full ADC speed and can stay armed as long as it takes for the trigger condition to happen. More on that later.Register the inputsThe ADC output data bus is connected to the FPGA using 8 pins that we call "data_flash[7:0]". These come at speed of up to 100MHz. Since this is fast, it is best to "register" them right when they come in the FPGA.reg [7:0] data_flash_reg;always @(posedge clk_flash) data_flash_reg <= data_flash;Now "data_flash_reg" is fully internal to the FPGA and can be fed to the FPGA FIFO. The FIFOThe FIFO is 1024 words deep x 8 bits wide. Since we receive 8 bits per clock from the ADC, we can store 1024 ADC samples. At 100MHz, it takes about 10us to fill up the FIFO.The FIFO uses synchronous static RAM blocks available inside the FPGA. Each storage block can store typically 512x8bits. So the FIFO uses 2 blocks.The FIFO logic itself is created by using the FPGA vendor "function builder". Xilinx calls it "coregen" while Altera "Megafunctions wizard". Here let's use Altera's Quartus to create this file.So now, using the FIFO is just a connectivity issue.fifomyfifo(.data(data_flash_reg), .wrreq(wrreq), .wrclk(clk_flash), .wrfull(wrfull), .wrempty(w rempty), .q(q_fifo), .rdreq(rdreq), .rdclk(clk), .rdempty(rdempty));Using a FIFO is nice because it takes care of the different clocks. We connected the write side of the FIFO to the "clk_flash" (100MHz), and the read side of the FIFO to "clk" (25MHz).The FIFO provides the full and empty signals for each clock domain. For example, "wrempty" is an empty signal that can be used in the write clock domain ("clk_flash"), and "rdempty" can be used in the read clock domain ("clk").Using the FIFO is simple: Writing to it is just a matter of asserting the "wrreq" signal (and providing the data to the ".data" port), while reading from it a matter of asserting "rdreq" (and the data comes on the ".q" port).Writing to the FIFOTo start writing to the FIFO, we wait until it is empty. Of course, at power-up (after the FPGA is configured), that is true.We stop only when it gets full. And then the process starts again... we wait until it is empty... feed it until it is full... stop.reg fillfifo;always @(posedge clk_flash)if(~fillfifo)fillfifo <= wrempty; // start when emptyelsefillfifo <= ~wrfull; // stop when fullassign wrreq = fillfifo;Reading to the FIFOWe read from the FIFO as long as it is not empty. Each byte read is send to a serial output.wire TxD_start = ~TxD_busy & ~rdempty;assign rdreq = TxD_start;async_transmitterasync_txd(.clk(clk), .TxD(TxD), .TxD_start(TxD_start), .TxD_busy(TxD_busy), .TxD_data( q_fifo));We use the async_transmitter module to serialize the data and transmit it to a pin called "TxD".Complete designOur first working oscilloscope design, isn't that nice?module oscillo(clk, TxD, clk_flash, data_flash);input clk;output TxD;input clk_flash;input [7:0] data_flash;reg [7:0] data_flash_reg; always @(posedge clk_flash) data_flash_reg <= data_flash;wire [7:0] q_fifo;fifomyfifo(.data(data_flash_reg), .wrreq(wrreq), .wrclk(clk_flash), .wrfull(wrfull), .wrempty(w rempty), .q(q_fifo), .rdreq(rdreq), .rdclk(clk), .rdempty(rdempty));// The flash ADC side starts filling the fifo only when it is completely empty,// and stops when it is full, and then waits until it is completely empty againreg fillfifo;always @(posedge clk_flash)if(~fillfifo)fillfifo <= wrempty; // start when emptyelsefillfifo <= ~wrfull; // stop when fullassign wrreq = fillfifo;// the manager side sends when the fifo is not emptywire TxD_busy;wire TxD_start = ~TxD_busy & ~rdempty;assign rdreq = TxD_start;async_transmitterasync_txd(.clk(clk), .TxD(TxD), .TxD_start(TxD_start), .TxD_busy(TxD_busy), .TxD_data( q_fifo));endmoduleDigital oscilloscope - part 2The FIFO allowed us to get a working design very quickly.But for our simple oscilloscope, it is overkill.We need a mechanism to store data from one clock domain (100MHz) and read it in another (25MHz). A simple dual-port RAM does that.The disadvantage of not using a FIFO is that all the synchonization between the 2 clock domains (that the FIFO was doing for us) has to be done "manually" now.TriggerThe "FIFO based" oscilloscope design didn't have an explicit trigger mechanism.Let's change that. Now the oscilloscope will be triggered everytime it receives a character from the serial port. Of course, that's still not a very useful design, but we'll improved on that later.We receive data from the serial port:wire [7:0] RxD_data;async_receiverasync_rxd(.clk(clk), .RxD(RxD), .RxD_data_ready(RxD_data_ready), .RxD_data(RxD_data ));Everytime a new character is received, "RxD_data_ready" goes high for one clock. We use that to trigger the oscilloscope.SynchronizationWe need to transfer this "RxD_data_ready went high" information from the "clk" (25MHz) domain to the "clk_flash" (100MHz) domain.First, a signal "startAcquisition" goes high when a character is received.reg startAcquisition;wire AcquisitionStarted;always @(posedge clk)if(~startAcquisition)startAcquisition <= RxD_data_ready;elseif(AcquisitionStarted)startAcquisition <= 0;We use synchronizers in the form of 2 flipflops (to transfer this "startAcquisition" to the other clock domain).reg startAcquisition1; always @(posedge clk_flash) startAcquisition1 <= startAcquisition; reg startAcquisition2; always @(posedge clk_flash) startAcquisition2 <= startAcquisition1;Finally, once the other clock domain "sees" the signal, it "replies" (using another synchronizer "Acquiring").reg Acquiring;always @(posedge clk_flash)if(~Acquiring)Acquiring <= startAcquisition2; // start acquiring?elseif(&wraddress) // done acquiring?Acquiring <= 0;reg Acquiring1; always @(posedge clk) Acquiring1 <= Acquiring;reg Acquiring2; always @(posedge clk) Acquiring2 <= Acquiring1;assign AcquisitionStarted = Acquiring2;The reply resets the original signal.Dual-port RAMNow that the trigger is available, we need a dual-port RAM to store the data.Notice how each side of the RAM uses a different clock.ram512 ram_flash(.data(data_flash_reg), .wraddress(wraddress), .wren(Acquiring), .wrclock(clk_flash),.q(ram_output), .rdaddress(rdaddress), .rden(rden), .rdclock(clk));The ram address buses are created easily using binary counters.First the write address:reg [8:0] wraddress;always @(posedge clk_flash) if(Acquiring) wraddress <= wraddress + 1;and the read address:reg [8:0] rdaddress;reg Sending;wire TxD_busy;always @(posedge clk)if(~Sending)Sending <= AcquisitionStarted;elseif(~TxD_busy)beginrdaddress <= rdaddress + 1;if(&rdaddress) Sending <= 0;endNotice how each counter uses a different clock.Finally we send data to the PC:wire TxD_start = ~TxD_busy & Sending;wire rden = TxD_start;wire [7:0] ram_output;async_transmitterasync_txd(.clk(clk), .TxD(TxD), .TxD_start(TxD_start), .TxD_busy(TxD_busy), .TxD_data( ram_output));The complete designmodule oscillo(clk, RxD, TxD, clk_flash, data_flash);input clk;input RxD;output TxD;input clk_flash;input [7:0] data_flash;///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////wire [7:0] RxD_data;async_receiverasync_rxd(.clk(clk), .RxD(RxD), .RxD_data_ready(RxD_data_ready), .RxD_data(RxD_data ));reg startAcquisition;wire AcquisitionStarted;always @(posedge clk)if(~startAcquisition)startAcquisition <= RxD_data_ready;elseif(AcquisitionStarted)startAcquisition <= 0;reg startAcquisition1; always @(posedge clk_flash) startAcquisition1 <= startAcquisition ; reg startAcquisition2; always @(posedge clk_flash) startAcquisition2 <= startAcquisition1;reg Acquiring;always @(posedge clk_flash)if(~Acquiring)Acquiring <= startAcquisition2;elseif(&wraddress)Acquiring <= 0;reg [8:0] wraddress;always @(posedge clk_flash) if(Acquiring) wraddress <= wraddress + 1;reg Acquiring1; always @(posedge clk) Acquiring1 <= Acquiring;reg Acquiring2; always @(posedge clk) Acquiring2 <= Acquiring1;assign AcquisitionStarted = Acquiring2;reg [8:0] rdaddress;reg Sending;wire TxD_busy;always @(posedge clk)if(~Sending)Sending <= AcquisitionStarted;elseif(~TxD_busy)beginrdaddress <= rdaddress + 1;if(&rdaddress) Sending <= 0;endwire TxD_start = ~TxD_busy & Sending;wire rden = TxD_start;wire [7:0] ram_output;async_transmitterasync_txd(.clk(clk), .TxD(TxD), .TxD_start(TxD_start), .TxD_busy(TxD_busy), .TxD_data( ram_output));///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////reg [7:0] data_flash_reg; always @(posedge clk_flash) data_flash_reg <= data_flash;ram512 ram_flash(.data(data_flash_reg), .wraddress(wraddress), .wren(Acquiring), .wrclock(clk_flash),.q(ram_output), .rdaddress(rdaddress), .rden(rden), .rdclock(clk));endmoduleDigital oscilloscope - part 3Our first trigger is simple - we detect a rising edge crossing a fixed threshold. Since we use an 8-bit ADC, the acquisition range goes from 0x00 to 0xFF.So let's set the threshold to 0x80 for now.Detecting a rising edgeIf a sample is above the threshold, but the previous sample was below, trigger!reg Threshold1, Threshold2;always @(posedge clk_flash) Threshold1 <= (data_flash_reg>=8'h80);always @(posedge clk_flash) Threshold2 <= Threshold1;assign Trigger = Threshold1 & ~Threshold2; // if positive edge, trigger!Mid-display triggerOne great feature about a digital scope is the ability to see what's going on before the trigger.How does that work?The oscilloscope is continuously acquiring. The oscilloscope memory gets overwritten over and over - when we reach the end, we start over at the beginning. But if a trigger happens, the oscilloscope keeps acquiring for half more of its memory depth, and then stops. So it keeps half of its memory with what happened before the trigger, and half of what happened after.We are using here a 50% or "mid-display trigger" (other popular settings would have been 25% and 75% settings, but that's easy to add later).The implementation is easy. First we have to keep track of how many bytes have been stored. reg [8:0] samplecount;With a memory depth of 512 bytes, we first make sure to acquire at least 256 bytes, then stop counting but keep acquiring while waiting for a trigger. Once the trigger comes, we start counting again to acquire 256 more bytes, and stop.reg PreTriggerPointReached;always @(posedge clk_flash) PreTriggerPointReached <= (samplecount==256);The decision logic deals with all these steps:always @(posedge clk_flash)if(~Acquiring)beginAcquiring <= startAcquisition2; // start acquiring?PreOrPostAcquiring <= startAcquisition2;endelseif(&samplecount) // got 511 bytes? stop acquiringbeginAcquiring <= 0;AcquiringAndTriggered <= 0;PreOrPostAcquiring <= 0;endelseif(PreTriggerPointReached) // 256 bytes acquired already?beginPreOrPostAcquiring <= 0;endelseif(~PreOrPostAcquiring)beginAcquiringAndTriggered <= Trigger; // Trigger? 256 more bytes and we're set PreOrPostAcquiring <= Trigger;if(Trigger) wraddress_triggerpoint <= wraddress; // keep track of where the trigger happenedendalways @(posedge clk_flash) if(Acquiring) wraddress <= wraddress + 1;always @(posedge clk_flash) if(PreOrPostAcquiring) samplecount <= samplecount + 1;reg Acquiring1; always @(posedge clk) Acquiring1 <= AcquiringAndTriggered;reg Acquiring2; always @(posedge clk) Acquiring2 <= Acquiring1;assign AcquisitionStarted = Acquiring2;Notice that we took care of remembering where the trigger happened. That's used to determine the beginning of the sample window in the RAM to send to the PC.reg [8:0] rdaddress, SendCount;reg Sending;wire TxD_busy;always @(posedge clk)if(~Sending)beginSending <= AcquisitionStarted;if(AcquisitionStarted) rdaddress <= (wraddress_triggerpoint ^ 9'h100);endelseif(~TxD_busy)beginrdaddress <= rdaddress + 1;SendCount <= SendCount + 1;if(&SendCount) Sending <= 0;endDigital oscilloscope - part 4Now that the oscilloscope skeleton is working, it is easy to add more functionality. Edge-slope triggerLet's add the ability to trigger on a rising-edge or falling-edge. Any oscilloscope can do that.We need one bit of information to decide with direction we want to trigger on. Let's use bit-0 of the data sent by the PC.assign Trigger = (RxD_data[0] ^ Threshold1) & (RxD_data[0] ^ ~Threshold2);That was easy.More optionsLet's add the ability to control the trigger threshold. That's an 8-bits value. Then we require horizontal acquisition rate control, filtering control... That requires multiple control bytes from the PC to control the oscilloscope.The simplest approach is to use the "async_receiver" gap detection feature. The PC sends control bytes in burst, and when it stops sending, the FPGA detects it and assert an "RxD_gap" signal.wire RxD_gap;async_receiverasync_rxd(.clk(clk), .RxD(RxD), .RxD_data_ready(RxD_data_ready), .RxD_data(RxD_data ), .RxD_gap(RxD_gap));reg [1:0] RxD_addr_reg;always @(posedge clk) if(RxD_gap) RxD_addr_reg <= 0; else if(RxD_data_ready)RxD_addr_reg <= RxD_addr_reg + 1;// register 0: TriggerThresholdreg [7:0] TriggerThreshold;always @(posedge clk) if(RxD_data_ready & (RxD_addr_reg==0)) TriggerThreshold <=RxD_data;// register 1: "0 0 0 0 HDiv[3] HDiv[2] HDiv[1] HDiv[0]"reg [3:0] HDiv;always @(posedge clk) if(RxD_data_ready & (RxD_addr_reg==1)) HDiv <=RxD_data[3:0];// register 2: "StartAcq TriggerPolarity 0 0 0 0 0 0"reg TriggerPolarity;always @(posedge clk) if(RxD_data_ready & (RxD_addr_reg==2)) TriggerPolarity <= RxD_data[6];wire StartAcq = RxD_data_ready & (RxD_addr_reg==2) & RxD_data[7];We've also added a 4 bits register (HDiv[3:0]) to control the horizontal acquisition rate. When we want to decrease the acquisition rate, either we discard samples coming from the ADC, or we filter/downsample them at the frequency we are interested in.More and more featuresAs you can see, there are lots of features that can be added. The interesting thing is that you can design the oscilloscope the way you need it - maybe a special trigger mechanism? a special filtering function?Your turn to experiment.。
本系统基于示波器的基本原理,通过阻抗匹配和程控放大对被测信号处理后,利用ADC9220以不同的采样率对信号进行实时采样和等效采样,使示波器输入阻抗≥1MΩ,并实现了对频率范围10Hz~20MHz,峰峰值10mV~8V的输入信号垂直分辨率1V/div、0.1V/div、2mV/div三档可调,水平扫描速度20ms/div、200us/div、20 us/div、2 us/div、100 ns/div五档可调。
单片机经总线对FPGA 内部各个硬件电路模块进行控制,各个模块间经由总线进行数据交换。
AD9220将信号送入双口RAM中,并能在通用示波器中显示信号波形,其中,扫描速度要求含20ms/div、1ms /div、20μs /div、2μs /div、200 ns/div 五档,垂直灵敏度要求含1V/div、0.1V/div、2mV/div三档。
fpga 示波器算法
1.基于SPI串行总线的语音接口电路的软硬件设计 [J], 郭小波;刘永平
2.基于FPGA的串行总线的信号发送卡设计 [J], 赵宏钧;陆健;张乐年
3.基于FPGA的高速同步串行总线设计 [J], 黄润龙
4.基于FPGA的异步串行总线设计 [J], 黄振;郭日峰
5.利用示波器解决嵌入式系统中I2C和SPI串行总线设计挑战 [J], 陈鑫磊
由通道输入调整,数据采集,数据处理,波形显示和操作界面等功能模块组成,系统中的数据采集及数据处理模块,采用了FPGA 内制的RAM IP核,使系统的工作频率基本不受外围器件影响。
设计中采用了自顶向下的方法,将系统按逻辑功能划分模块,各模块使用VHDL语言进行设计,在ISE中完成软件的设计和仿真关键词:FPGA 数字示波器数字采样AbstractHigh-speed digital sampling and FPGA technology has begun to influnence the development of traditional test equipment, including existing digital instruments , the architecture of traditional instruments, traditional measurement methods, definition and classification of traditional instruments and so will produce profound changes.In recent years, independent instrument is made up of DSP or FPGA structure, from the point of information processing technology development, to FPGA based hardware of software is an important direction of development, the paper design FPGA-based digital oscilloscope, which combines a single chip and FPGA , namely, with a microcontroller for interface and system control, with the FPGA for data acquisition, data processing and other functions. It is made up of adjustable channel input, data acquisition, data processing,waveform display and user interface features such as modules, the system of data collection and data processing module, using the FPGA within the system RAM IP core, which make a great significance on the data processing speed and real-time entry requirements. Using top-down approach, the system is logical and functional modules, each module is designed using the VHDL language, completed in the ISE software .Keywords: FPGA,Digital Oscilloscope,Digital Sampling目录摘要 (1)第一章绪论 (5)1.1研究概况与意义 (5)1.2 主要工作 (6)第二章数字示波器的工作原理 (8)2.1 工作原理框图 (8)2.1.1 数字示波器系统框图 (8)2.2 采样定理 (9)2.3 频率测量 (10)2.3.1高频双计数器测量方法 (10)2.3.2大范围双计数器测量法 (11)2.3.3 等精度测量法 (11)2.4扫描速度 (12)第三章硬件电路 (13)3.1 系统组成结构 (13)3.2放大电路 (14)3.2.1程控衰减放大器电路 (15)3.2.2 ADS830的应用 (16)3.2.3 放大器AD603介绍 (17)3.3整形电路 (20)3.3.1信号整形电路设计 (20)3.4采样与保持电路 (21)3.4.1 随机采样 (21)3.4.2 采样与保持电路设计 (22)3.5 数据采集电路 (22)3.5.1 FIFO的选择 (23)3.5.2 随机采样展宽电路 (23)3.6 电路的保护及滤波处理 (24)第四章 FPGA软件设计及仿真 (25)4.1分频电路及产生A/D转换器的控制信号 (25)4.2 FIFO功能单元设计 (26)4.3双口RAM (27)4.4液晶显示及键盘模块 (27)4.5系统软件住程序设计 (28)第五章实验结果 (29)5. 1 垂直灵敏度测试 (29)5. 2 水平扫描速度的测试 (29)总结 (30)参考文献 (31)第一章绪论与传统模拟示波器相比,数字示波器不仅具有可存储波形、体积小、功耗低,使用方便等优点,而且还具有强大的信号实时处理分析功能。
图1 系统原理结构图输入信号经前置放大及增益可调电路转换后,成为符合A/D转换器要求的输入电压,经A/D转换后的数字信号,由FPGA内的FIFO缓存,再经USB接口传输到计算机中,供后续数据处理,或直接由单片机控制将采集到的信号显示在液晶屏幕上。
选用MAXIM公司MAX1197型A/D 转换器,它是一款双通道、3.3V供电、每通道60Mbit/s采样频率的模数转换器芯片。
双通道的设计使得用户可以同时观察和对比两路波形,设计时充分利用了FPGA的高速数据处理能力,嵌入了诸多IP 软核组成SOPC系统,尤其是NiosII软核的嵌入,使得在一块FPGA上完成了数据采集、存储、处理、显示等所有功能,使得系统更为简洁、稳定。
关键词:FPGA NiosII SOPC VGA ADS830E1、引言数字存储示波器(Digital Storage Oscilloscopes,简称DSO)是随着数字模拟电路技术和数字处理技术(尤其是微型计算机的发展)的发展而日益强大的一种具有存储波形功能的示波器。
信号分别从通道1、通道2输入,送入程控放大(衰减)电路进行放大(衰减),再对被放大(衰减)的信号进行电平调整后,送入高速ADC 对信号进行采样,FPGA则用于完成系统高速采样信号的存储及分频,并将波形显示在显示模块上。
从这点出来,提出采纳现场可编程规律器件( ) 作为数字存储示波器采样控制系统的核心,从芯片间有效帮助的角度,基于FPGA 设计接口通信控制模块和外围芯片驱动功能模块,以FPGA 为核心有效地组织其它芯片,共同完成数字存储示波器数据采样过程,确保数据按需求采样,有效地提高数字存储示波器的采样效率和数据的牢靠性。
1 数字存储示波器的总体设计计划
数字存储示波采纳双处理器( ARM + FPGA) 的系统设计计划,ARM 内嵌WINCE 操作系统,囫囵采样系统主要在FPGA 里完成,从功能的角度分成采样信息处理子系统与采样控制子系统,本文着重介绍采样控制子系统的驱动部分,由ARM 接口控制模块与芯片驱动模块组成。
1 所示: 图1 数字存储示波器总体功能模块图
2 系统驱动模块设计
2. 1 ARM 接口通信控制模块设计
ARM 接口通信控制模块为主要的控制模块,2 所示。
图2 ARM 接口通信控制部分功能模块图
1) ARM 作为主控芯片的控制模块,引脚数量有限。
假如ARM 接口挺直与FPGA 接口相连,会占用ARM 过多的接口。
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第1章前言 (1)1.1数字存储示波器的发展概况 (2)1.2本文所做的研究工作 (2)2.1示波器的工作原理 (5)2.1.1模拟示波器的基本工作原理 (5)2.2数字(存储)示波器的工作原理 (6)第3章DSP处理器和FPGA的开发过程简介 (8)3.1 DSP处理器的开发过程和应用 (9)3.2 FPGA的开发过程与应用 (11)第4章整体设计方案 (14)4.1系统整体设计流程图 (14)4.2整个系统的性能指标 (15)4.3系统的实现方案 (16)4.4元器件的选择 (19)第5章整个系统硬件设计 (20)5.1前端数据采集部分硬件电路设计 (22)5.2 FPGA外围电路的设计和内部逻辑电路设计 (28)5.3 DSP部分的硬件设计 (40)第6章系统软件设计 (48)6.1 系统初始化 (48)6.2 数据处理的相关算法 (57)6.3波形显示程序 (60)参考文献 (66)摘要数字存储示波器在仪器仪表领域中占有重要的地位,应用范围相当广泛,所以对示波器的研制有重要的理论和实际意义。
关键词:DSP;FPGA;LCD;单片机;数字存储示波器ABSTRACTDigital storage oscilloscopes play an important role in the field of instrumentation,it has a wide range of applications,the development of the oscilloscope has a very important theoretical and practical significance.In this paper, we have do a lot of work to the design of digltal storage oscilloscope.The goal is aimed at the development of the repeat 100MHz bandwidth digital storage oscilloscope.Considereing from various aspects,we select DSP,FPGA and microcontroller to design the whole system.The whole system is single channel.The signa that come in from the first front-end have been changed a fit voltage which put into a voltage signal AD.Front-end circmts here mainly are composed of by signal attenuation and signal amplifier circuit.After the front-end,the signals have changes the digital signal the by AD circuit.This data has been sent to FPGA,the data is saved to the FIFO in theFPGA.The main circuit in the FPGA,including FIFO,the trigger system,the peak detection circuit,time-ased circuit,and so on.At the same time,the use of FPGA makes the design more flexible,and easier to upgrade,for example,it is possible to expand extemal circuit of oscilloscopes.KEY WORDS:DSP,FPGA,LCD ,microcontroller,digital storage oscilloscope第1章前言示波器应用非常广泛,包括工业、军事、科研、教育领域都有很大的应用。
FPGA(Field Programmable Gate Array)是一种可编程逻辑器件,具有灵活的可编程性和快速的实时数据处理能力,被广泛应用于数字系统中。
二、研究目的本次课题旨在研究设计一种基于FPGA的数字存储示波器,并实现以下功能:1. 采样率高:采用高速ADC转换器,并使用FPGA进行数字信号处理,实现高速的采样和存储。
2. 示波器屏幕显示:采用液晶显示屏或者其他显示屏,显示采集到的波形数据。
3. 波形记录和回放功能:实现对采集的波形数据的记录和回放,方便工程师进行数据分析和处理。
三、研究内容1. FPGA开发环境的搭建:使用Vivado或Quartus等软件工具,完成FPGA开发环境的搭建。
2. 高速ADC转换器的选择和接口设计:选择合适的高速ADC转换器,并设计其与FPGA的接口电路。
3. 数据存储与处理的实现:使用FPGA对采集的数据进行存储和处理,实现数字存储示波器的基本功能。
4. 示波器屏幕的显示:设计示波器屏幕的驱动电路,并实现波形数据的实时显示。
5. 波形记录和回放功能的实现:对采集到的波形数据进行存储和压缩,实现波形记录和回放功能。
四、技术路线技术路线如下:1. 硬件方面:采购合适的高速ADC转换器,设计合适的FPGA接口电路,并选择合适的显示屏或者液晶显示屏。
2.熟悉Xilinx ISE Design Suite 13.2开发环境使用方法。
3.熟悉Verilog HDL硬件描述语言的语法及运用。
四.实验设备与工具硬件:测试技术与嵌入式系统综合实践平台,PC机Pentium100 以上,XILINX USB调试下载器。
软件:PC机Win XP操作系统,Xilinx ISE Design Suite 13.2开发环境五.实验步骤1. 打开工程文件SYPT_FPGA.xise双击SYPT_FPGA.xise(E:/work/触发模块设计实验指导/试验程序/学生实验用未完成程序/PG1000/PG1000_FPGA_ADC目录下)2. 打开pre_trig_counter.v和PulWide.v文件,先根据定义好的模块端口输入输出信号,结合图4触发方案流程图,在提示添加代码处补充代码:a. 预触发控制模块(pre_trig_counter.v)模块内自己所定义的所有寄存器型变量应采用clr清零信号(低电平有效)进行同步清零,当count_en有效时,可定义一个预触发深度计数器与预触发深度(data时间值)进行比较,如果大小一致,则表明FIFO预触发深度满,此时可以产生一个预触发信号(cout)输出。
注意本模块工作时钟频率是250 MHz,因此,位数较大的计数器可拆分为多个位数较小的计数器进行级联计数。
b. 脉宽触发控制模块(PulWide.v)当sys_tri信号的上升沿到来时,可产生一脉冲宽度计数器使能信号并使这个使能信号有效,当使能信号有效时,计数器开始对标准时钟计数;当sys_tri信号的下降沿到来时,关闭脉冲宽度计数器使能信号,计数器停止计数,同时,比较判断出脉宽与脉冲宽度设定值width_set之间的关系。
基于FPGA的数字示波器,其核心芯片可达到50万门,配合高速外围电路,可以测量频率为1 MHz的信号,有效地克服了以往示波器的不足。
1 系统方案设计
另外,设计使用XPS将32位的MicroBlaze微处理器嵌入到了FPGA 中,实现了可编程片的嵌入以及在可编程片上的系统设计。
实验室科学LABORATORY SCIENCE 第22卷第3期2019年6月Vol.22No.3Jun.2019ISSN1672-4305CN12-1352/N基于FPGA的数字示波器电路模块设计赵秀丽-王晓娜',宋世德$(大连理工大学1.物理学院;2.土木工程学院,辽宁大连116024)摘要:如何利用新兴起的FPGA芯片设计岀生产生活中常用的仪器是电路设计中的重点和难点。
关键词:现场可编程门阵列;数字示波器;采样率中图分类号:TM935.37文献标识码:A doi:10.3969/j.issn.1672-4305.2019.03.019Design of circuit module based on FPGA for oscilloscopeZHAO Xiu-li1,WANG Xiao-na1,SONG Shi-de2(1.School of Physics; 2.School of Civil Engineering,Dalian University of Technology,Dalian 116024,China)Abstract:How to make use of emerging FPGA chips to design the frequently-used instruments are the circuit design of the key and difficult point.This paper presents a new experimental ideas,a digital oscilloscope is designed based on the FPGA development platform.The VGA control principle and circuit design,A/D control circuit design and D/A control circuit design are analyzed in detail.The A/D control circuit is mainly realized by the TLC549chip produced by TI Company,and the D/A control circuit is achieved by a series-parallel resistance network.The entire design is simple,easy to adjust, display intuitive.Through experimental measurement and comparison,with good accuracy and sampling ratio,in line with the simple requirements of digital oscilloscope,has a certain application prospect.Key words:FPGA;digital oscilloscope;sampling rate1研究内容及意义现场可编程门阵列(即FPGA)堪称半导体产业颠覆性的设计,FPGA在通信领域、算法实现领域以及嵌入式领域有了广泛且大规模的应用[1~2]0数字示波器不仅有着传统的模拟示波器所没有的诸多优点,而且数字示波器的波形更加容易存储,目前已经得到广泛应用,针对这一学习工作中常见的数字仪器,以及FPGA运行速度快、功耗低、管脚丰富、集成度更高等优点,研究了如何实现一个简单的数字基金项目:2016年辽宁省普通高等教育本科教学改革研究项目;大连理工大学实验室重点建设项目。
基于FPGA的数字示波器论文题目:基于FPGA的数字示波器1.摘要 (4)2.原理 (4)3.系统方案对比及分析 (5)3.1.以FPGA来实现整个系统 (5)3.2.采用DSP与FPGA来实现整个系统 (5)3.3.采用FPGA与单片机来实现整个系统 (5)4.系统设计方案 (6)5.系统框图 (6)6.系统技术指标 (7)7.AD模块简介 (7)8.频率测量模块及方案比较 (7)8.1.测周期法 (8)8.2.测频率法 (8)8.3.方法选择及使用 (8)8.4.Verilog设计结构 (9)9.数据处理模块 (10)10.FIFO存储模块 (10)10.1.FIFO_1 (10)10.2.FIFO_2 (10)11.Nios II软核模块 (11)12.VGA显示 (11)13.系统软件构架设计 (12)13. Nios II软件实现 (14)14.1.DMA传输 (14)14.2.1.PIO中断 (15)14.系统的测试和分析 (16)15.总结 (23)16.参考文献 (24)1.摘要随着信息技术的发展,对信号的测量技术要求越来越高,示波器的使用越来越广泛。
当信号进入数字存储示波器,或称 DSO 以后,在信号到达CRT 的偏转电路之前,示波器将按一定的时间间隔对信号电压进行采样。
对于一般使用情况来说,采样速率的范围从每秒 20 兆次(20MS/s)到 200MS/s。
所以,在DSO中的输入信号接头和示波器 CRT 之间的电路不只是仅有模拟电路。
输入信号的波形在 CRT 上获得显示之前先要存贮到存储器中,我们在示波器屏幕上看到的波形总是由所采集到数据重建的波形,而不是输入连接端上所加信号的直接波形显示。
示波器原理框图如下:3.系统方案对比及分析3.1.以FPGA来实现整个系统以可编程器件FPGA为主控来实现整个系统,设计时电路相对简洁,因为FPGA 的可编程性适用于模块化设计,内部集成大量电路模块,如A/D转换器,锁相环,甚至有些FPGA内部嵌入ARM相关处理器,DSP模块,电源模块,所以FPGA 可以实现DSP相关算法,可以做大量运算,并且它的处理速度由于其并行性,在协调多个模块的工作时候非常方便,控制能力强。
但是DSP在与外围电路接口的时候,比如说LCD显示和键盘进行通信时候,因为DSP速度非常快,而LCD 显示器和键盘电路比较慢,会造成资源浪费。
数字示波器系统框图如图所示,其中FPGA构成控制器,信号从探头输入,一路送入高速AD转换器对信号进行采样,采样所得的数据通过处理后存入FIFO存储器中,FIFO模块有两个,前者FIFO1通过开关来控制数据采样频率,后者FIFO2通过脉冲来控制其工作状态;当FIFO2存满后通知Nios II软核处理器 , Nios II从FIFO存储器中通过DMA形式接受数据进行处理,然后将波形和频率等数据通过VGA显示在显示器上。
5.系统框图整个系统框图大概如上图所示,通过FPGA硬件设计和软件设计相结合,以NIOS 为主控,配合上外部硬件设计,实现功能。
6.系统技术指标a)带宽:4MHz(根据五倍准则,示波器的误差不会超过±2%)b)测量频率范围:0~4MHzc)电压检测:0-2Vp-pd)水平灵敏度:e)垂直灵敏度:0.05 v/div 、0.15v/div 、1v/divf)AD采样率:65MHzg)存储深度:512h)通道:双通道7.AD模块简介高速A/D采集经过模拟信号调理电路后的信号,采样值送入FPGA内缓存,经过相应数据处理后,ARM把数据取走。
该AD板块用于样本模拟信号,根据子接口的不同,可以分为GPIO 0 header和GPIO 1 header两种。
AD9248是一款双核、3 V、14位、20/40/65 MSPS 模数转换器(ADC),集成了两个高性能采样保持放大器和一个基准电压源。
AD9248采用多级差分流水线架构,内置输出纠错逻辑,在最高65 MSPS数据速率时可提供14位精度,并保证在整个工作温度范围内无失码。
AD9248的模拟电压的输入范围为1Vp-p 至2Vp-p,其带宽可以达到500MHz 3dB。
8.1.测周期法测周期法如下图所示,需要有基准系统时钟频率Fs,在待测信号一个周期Tx 内,记录基准系统时钟频率的周期数Ns,则被测频率可表示为:Fx=Fs/NsTx基准系统时钟频率Fs周期数Ns8.2.测频率法测频率法就是在一定时间间隔Tw(该时间定义为闸门时间)内,测得这个周期性信号的重复变换次数为Nx,则其频率可表示为:Fx=Nx/TwTw闸门时间周期数Nx8.3.方法选择及使用这两种方法的计数值会产生正负一个字的误差,并且被测精度与计数器中记录的数值Ns或Nx有关,为保证测试精度,一般对于低频信号采用测周期法,对于高频信号采用测频率法。
波形图理论计算:1.被测频率:2.测量误差:考虑最大误差为1, 则= =由于阈值闸门时间为1s ,为使测量误差尽量小,设计时选Fc=1MHz 。
8.4.Verilog 设计结构Sync Rst _ n Sys _ C lkGateFxCounter Rst _ n Sys _ C lk Sync _ G ate Fx Fc Nx [ 31 : 0 ] Nc [ 31 : 0 ] Data _ D one Fx _ D ata [16..0] Compute Rst _ n Sys _ C lk En Nx [ 31 : 0 ] Nc [ 31 : 0 ] CLOCK Rst _ n Sys _ C lk Gate Fc 频率测量模块9.数据处理模块该模块将AD转换出来的14位数据处理成16位的数据以匹配FIFO的数据位,否则FIFO队列的数据输出将会不完整,导致最后波形还原的失真。