Why Melamine discover in Milk Powder?
Milk powder is produced by milk, the most important of milk ingredient is protein.
Melamine and protein also have the same N
实验动物 动物实验
第六章 外源化学物的一般毒性作用
概述 急性毒性作用 局部毒性作用 短期、亚慢性和慢性毒性作用
• 第七章 外源化学物致突变作用 • 第八章外源化学物致癌作用 • 第九章 发育毒性与致畸作用 • 第十章 毒理基因组学与系统毒理学(自学) • 第十一章 管理毒理学
Definition of Toxicology
The more descriptive definition of toxicology
"the study of the adverse effects of chemicals, physical or biological agents on living organisms, and the mechanisms of such effects , safety evaluation and risk analysis(evaluation). ---Basis of Toxicology 5th Edition
Definition of Toxicology
“Toxicology is the study of the adverse effects of chemical, physical or biological agents on living organisms and the ecosystem, including the prevention and amelioration of such adverse