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2.其中几个发达国家 绿色经济的发展现状
★美国 ★日本
→加州绿色经济测度体系 →大力发展低碳经济 →环境税收改革
→ 关注人们生活幸福感 → 注重可持续能源
→ 战略性强 → 战略环境评价体系(SEA) → 经济手段刺激经济
→ 商品市场的绿色 → 大力发展可再生能源 → 都市圈绿色经济
[23]Antimiani A, Costantini V, Martini C, et al. Gdyn-E: a dynamic CGE model for the economic assessment of long run climate policy alternatives[R]. International Agricultural Trade Research Consortium, 2013. [24]田银华, 向国成, 彭文斌. 基于 CGE 模型的产业结构调整污染减排效应和政策 研究论纲①[J]. 湖南科技大学学报 (社会科学版), 2013, 16(3). [25]Lee H, Oliveira-Martins J, Van der Mensbrugghe D. The OECD Green model: an updated overview[M]. Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, 1994. [26]Fiorino D J. The Green Economy[J]. Why Income Gaps Matter,2014, 26. [27]Krugman P. Building a green economy[J]. The New York Times Magazine, 2010, 5. [28]Barbier E B. A global green new deal[M]. prepared for UNEP-DTIE, 2009. [29]Khor M. Challenges of the green economy concept and policies in the context of sustainable development, poverty and equity[J]. The Transition to a Green Economy: Benefits, Challenges and Risks from a Sustainable Development Perspective, 2011: 69. [30]Salleh A. Green economy or green utopia? Rio+ 20 and the reproductive labor class[J]. Journal of World Systems Research, 2012, 18(2): 141-145.
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1.发达国家绿色经济的 萌芽 2.其中几个发达国家绿 色经济发展状况 3.两个重要概念
★“绿色经济”一词源自英国环境经济学家皮 尔斯于1989年出版的《绿色经济蓝图》一书。 绿色经济的论证: (1)论证其必要性 (2)论证其实施方法
→ Baker D L, Pierce B E. Does fisheries management reflect societal values? Contingent valuation evidence for the River Murray[J] → Gudger W M, Barker D C. Banking for the environment[M]
→ 绿色能源
→ 生态工业
3. 两个重要念
★“里约+20” ★ CGE模型
[1]Baker D L, Pierce B E. Does fisheries management reflect societal values? Contingent valuation evidence for the River Murray[J]. Fisheries Management and Ecology, 1997, 4(1): 1-15. [2]Gudger W M, Barker D C. Banking for the environment[M]. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, 1993. [3]McAfee K. Selling nature to save it? Biodiversity and green develop mentalism [J]. Environment and Planning, 1999, 17: 133-154. [4]Shear B W. Making the green economy: politics, desire, and economic possibility[J]. Journal of Political Ecology, 2014, 21: 193-209. [5]赵彦云,林寅, 陈昊. 发达国家建立绿色经济发展测度体系的经验及借鉴[J]. 经济纵 横, 2011, 1: 010. [6]徐冬青. 发达国家发展低碳经济的做法与经验借鉴[J]. 世界经济与政治论坛, 2009 (6): 112-116. [7]Dower R C, Jenkins R, Geoghegan J. Green fees: how a tax shift can work for the environment and the economy[M]. Washington, DC: World Resources Institute, 1992. [8]Jackson T, Victor P A. Green Economy at Community Scale[J]. 2013. [9]Meadowcroft J. Governing the transition to a new energy economy[J]. Energy beyond Oil, 2007: 197-214. [10]Dalal-Clayton B. Turning green the strategic way: the role and potential of strategic environmental assessment in securing a green economy[J]. 2013. [11]Henderson H. Growing the green economy globally[J]. International Journal of Green Economics, 2007, 1(3): 276-298.