当前位置:文档之家› 销售经理岗位英文简历模板




r, 2020 to 2020European Sales Manager, 1998Latin American Sales Manager, 1999 to 2020Account Executive, 1997Progressed through a series of promotions, culminating in challenge to direct Fortune 1000 IT solution provider’s global sales organization. Supervised a multinational sales force of 25 AEs located throughout the U.S., Canada, Europe, South America, Mexico, Hong Kong and Malaysia. Managed a $22M portfolio of global accounts and led all forecasting, market analytics and sales team training/development programs.Achievement HighlightsEarned repeated commendations for sales leadership throughout 11-year tenure with Acme, Inc. Significant results include:As International Sales Manager (2020 to 2020):Quadrupled revenues from international accounts, catapulting non-U.S. sales from $40M in 2020 to $161M in 2020. Achieved 100% of quota in first year as international sales manager and exceeded targets in all ensuing years by up to 235%.Built an A-caliber team of multinational sales talent. Recruited staff; led ongoing mentoring/training on Acme’s full suite of software and network monitoring solutions; and coached consultative sales, customer care and closing best practices.AchievementHighlights(continued)Landed Acme’s first foreign government contracts (ranging from $2M to $18M), leveraging expert abilities in relationship-building and multilingual skills to conduct adept negotiations in Arabic, Farsi, French, Spanish and English.Opened new distributor and VAR channels in 12 countries, which directly resulted in two dozen key account wins totaling $35M.Closed some of the largest contracts in company history, including two $20M wins with Global 2000 manufacturers.Penetrated new markets, landing first-time wins in countries including Indonesia, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Hong Kong, Korea,

Malaysia and Turkey.Harnessed strengths in forecasting, opportunity identification, goal-setting and motivation to outdistance the competition and drive peak productivity from 25-member sales force, resulting in record-setting sales year-over-year.As Latin American Sales Manager (1999 to 2020):Elevated Latin American account sales by $48M (growth of 100%) from 1999 to 2020. Met or exceeded sales targets every year despite challenges presented by an aging product platform and dwindling technical support resources.Helped revamp Acme’s website and marketing/presentation materials to improve customized messages/appeals to Latin American nations.Delivered first-ever business wins in Costa Rica, Venezuela and Brazil while growing existing accounts in Mexico, Paraguay, Argentina and the Caribbean.As European Sales Manager (1998):Demonstrated strong crisis management skills in preventing the threatened loss of $75M in business from key accounts in Europe.Took immediate, decisive steps that repaired damaged relationships, rebuilt trust and cemented loyal customer partnerships that have continued to the present https://www.doczj.com/doc/603026489.html,cationNEW YORKUNIVERSITY;New York,NYMBA Candidate,Major in International Business, degree expected: 2020BS in Business Administration,dual minor in Spanish and French,1996LanguagesExpert written and verbal fluency in Spanish, French and EnglishConversant in Arabic and FarsiTechnologyMS Office (Word/Excel/PowerPoint/Access/Project), Streaming Media, WebTrends, ACT!, https://www.doczj.com/doc/603026489.html,, HP OpenView,Windows (all), UNIXInternational TravelHave traveled extensively throughout the globe during the past ten years, living and/or conducting business in:;UK;Germany;Spain;France;Saudi Arabia;Morocco;Turkey;Jordan;Mexico;Venezuela;Costa Rica;Brazil;Hong Kong;Malaysia;Indonesia; 什么是可迁移技能?在简历中要如何写?










公司副总经理英文简历 是用于应聘的书面交流材料,它向未来的雇主表明自己拥有能够满足特定工作要求的`技能、态度、资质和自信。下面是中国人才网为大家整理的公司副总经理英文简历范文,欢迎阅读参考! 公司副总经理英文简历一 Resume number: 483706602 Updating date: 2012-09-21 13:14:18 Name: M r. Steven Wei Nationality: C hina (Mainland) Current Place: H uadu Height/Weight: 173 cm 75 kg Marital Status: m arried Age: 40 years Career Objective Application type: Jobseeker Preferred job title: Factory manager/Factory Director: Plant Manager 、 Fine / Daily-use Chemical Industry: Manufacturing Manager 、 Metallurgy/Spraying/Metel Material: Production Manager Working life: 16 Title: M iddle title Job type: F ull time Expected Start date: In a week Expected salary: ¥12,000--¥20,000 Preferred working place: Guangdong province Hubei Work experience Company's name: H.K. Joyas Manufacturing Co.(Shenzhen) Ltd.Begin and end date: 2007-06-2012-06 Enterpri se nature: Soly foreign funded enterprisesIndustry: Petroleum/Chemical Industry/Minerals/Geology Job Title: Factory Director & Assistant General Manager Job descript ion: Mind production:Technologic present This is technologic present manufacture plant,comes from Hongkong,I was in charge including Production,PMC,Engineeing,Quality,Finacial,Administrative,lo gistics,Marketing,Customer service,I operated the plant and reported to boss directly. Mind working achievements: 1.Became reorganize Hongkong and Shenzhen two offices to be a high efficiency office,increased the efficiency and reduced the cost in the extreme. 2.carried out advance working for company's comes into the market


---------------------------------------------------------------范文最新推荐------------------------------------------------------ 人事职员英文简历范文 Name: XXX Sex: Female National: Han Political features: members Education: tertiary Profession: public relations secretary Graduate institution: Nankai University Department of Chinese The course: secretarial, clerical writing, public relations practices, school talks, interpersonal psychology, public relations, public relations language, application writing, political economy, philosophy, foreign culture, file management, such as China’s cultural history. Another: Xu Guozhang English self-study have been 1-4. Undergraduate education is the administration of academic qualifications and English II. And I have a driving license. I have in the international standard of the work of large-scale 1 / 13


优秀英文简历模板Word下载 优秀英文简历模板Word下载 优秀英文简历模板Word下载【延伸阅读】规范的英文简历怎么写 一、准备工具: 一台电脑,WORD文档。如果你熟悉使用WORD文档,那么就能轻松制作一份漂亮简约的简历;如果不是那么熟悉,可以上搜索简历模板,Microsoft 本身也带有很多模板,但注意不要选择太眼花缭乱的模板,尽量简洁干练,毕竟这是一份正式文书。本人喜欢给简历加一个边框,看起来更舒服更整齐。 二、内容和顺序: 中英文简历的区别在于内容顺序的编排上。举一个例子,就写地址而言,中文顺序是:广东省广州市荔湾区多宝路(从大地点到小地点),而英文地址则为:Duo bao Road, Liwan District, Guangzhou city, Guangdong Province,China. (从小地点到大地点)。写简历也是一样的道理,什么内容先写也有讲究。首先,当然是个人基本信息,这个基本信息包括姓名,电话,邮箱。因为详细的个人信息是放到最后写的。本人喜欢把基本信息做成页眉,这样在每一页的简历上都能一目了然看到你的姓名和联系方式。然后是你的相片,尽量

选择护照规格的一寸或两寸照,不要放日常生活相片。照片一般放在右上角的位置。 三、接下来,正式进入写作步骤。 1. 你的求职目标(Objective)。用一句简单明了的话概括你想要胜任的职位。在这一句话里包含你的目标、干劲和能力。比如:Seeking challenging position in officeadministration/customer service/sales coordinator/EnglishChinese Interpretater/translatorin a dynamic organization to contribute my skills attained. 2. 工作经验(work experience)。这是简历中最重要的内容部分,直接影响招聘公司对你职业能力的判断,可以具体些。写作时要紧紧围绕你上面的求职目标来写你的相关经验,突出亮点。内容包括职位、在职时间、公司、工作职责。这里要注意的是语句一定要简单明了,避开使用描述语句像I worked in xxx company and my duty was…这不是写叙述文,一定要避繁就简。 看一个例子: Work experience Position: ChineseEnglish translator/interpreter Duration: FromMay XX to October XX Organization: xxx LLC, Dubai, UAE


三一文库(https://www.doczj.com/doc/603026489.html,)/个人简历 会计专业英文简历模板:会计专业简 历 会计专业英文简历模板:会计专业简历 campus:permanent: 456collegehall123mainstreet normal,il67890anytown,ny12345 (111)222-3333(777)888-9999 objective:auditorpositioninthepublicaccountingfieldinthechicagoarea. summary:·morethantwoyearsofprogressiveaccountingandauditing

experience. ·auditorinternshipwithernst&younginnewyorkcity. ·magnacumlaudegraduatewithbbainaccounting. ·proficientwithmsoffice,windows2000/xp,andtheinternet. education:bachelorofbusinessadministrationinaccounting,may2003 illinoisstateuniversity,normal,illinois graduatedmagnacumlaudewithagpaof3.6ona4.0scale coursestakenincluded: managerialaccountingcorporateauditandreconciliation intermediateaccountingi&iifinancialmanagement accountingi&iiinternalaudit


物流经理英文简历模版 Revised as of 23 November 2020

物流经理英文简历模版 Logistics Manager Strength Logistics expert in planning, purchasing and distribution. My special knowledge in logistics field covers logistics planning,logistics system development,warehousing, transportation, etc. Supplying chain management, investment project handling, ISO9000 certification, import and export business. based on long-term management experience, be able to lead a project team to settle any difficulties with efficient communication and sincere cooperation. Personal Name: Stella Li Gender:Female Date of Birth:August 23th,1970 Martial Status:Married Email Tel:(010)67 Mobile Phone: Experience 07/1999 - 12/2000 XXXX China Logistics Manager Monitoring and improving national supply chain performance through designing, implementing and analyzing KPI (from totally new design to implementation throughout the company, including inventory turnover, backorder ratio, supply availability, sales forecast reliability, warehouse utilization and other related measurements.


部门经理个人英文简历范文 :08-27s("hzh0");s("hzh1");s("hzh2"); 以下是由带来的简历范文介绍 name: sex don't: male marital status: people race: han households record: hubei-xianning years age: now local: guangdong dongguan body-high: 168 cm hope region: guangdong-shenzhen, guangdong-dongguan hope post: industrial/factory class-production manager/supervisor business/management class-the department manager seek position: production manager skills feats: familiar with plastic, metal, enterprise's whole production process, can the independent properly control and allocate production plan and material tracking, quality management and field maintenance, personnel training, improve the production efficiency in the link of production management,


人力资源管理的英文简历模板 以下是关于人力资源管理的英文简历模板,希望内容对您有帮助,感谢您得阅读。 公司名称:河南科隆新能源有限公司 工作时间: 2012-02-14 至 2015-11-30 公司规模: 500~1000人 所在部门:综合管理部 工作分类:人力资源/管理/招聘/绩效招聘培训主管 职位月薪: 2000~2999 工作描述:河南科隆新能源有限公司是河南科隆集团下属子公司。主营电池正极材料,同行业排名前十。 2012年2月—2014年3月历任公司招聘培训人事专员,招聘培训主管 2014年3月—2014年11月任新能源下属子公司郑州实业公司综合管理部部长(管理企管人力招标专员1人、采购1人、关务2人、后勤保卫3人),自身负责薪资绩效管理工作2014年11月—2015年12月由于自身原因调动回新乡工作,由于岗位的原因调动回新能源公司本部做锂电研究所一线生产、仓库管理。 公司名称:河南科隆集团 ·

工作时间: 2011-07-08 至 2012-02-15 公司规模: 1000人以上 所在部门:招标办、人力资源部 工作分类:其它其他 职位月薪: 1500~1999 工作描述:招标办: 1、负责集团所有招标档案的整理,并导入公司招标管理审价平台里。 2、联系供应商,审核供应商的资质和报价,根据各个公司的报价进行谈价,并汇总后报领导审批,下中标通知书给采购部门。 3、学习公司的招标管理制度 人力资源部 1、跟着招聘主管和培训主管学习培训和招聘流程,学习公司的人力资源相关制度 公司名称:广发证券安阳文峰大道营业部 工作时间: 2010-07-15 至 2011-06-15 公司规模: 500~1000人 所在部门:营销部 工作分类:客户服务/咨询顾问客服经理 职位月薪: 1500~1999 ·


优秀英文简历 Standardization of sany group #QS8QHH-HHGX8Q8-GNHHJ8-HHMHGN#

优秀英文简历模板Word下载 优秀英文简历模板Word下载 优秀英文简历模板Word下载【延伸阅读】规范的英文简历怎么写 一、准备工具: 一台电脑,WORD文档。如果你熟悉使用WORD文档,那么就能轻松制作一份漂亮简约的简历;如果不是那么熟悉,可以上搜索简历模板,Microsoft 本身也带有很多模板,但注意不要选择太眼花缭乱的模板,尽量简洁干练,毕竟这是一份正式文书。本人喜欢给简历加一个边框,看起来更舒服更整齐。 二、内容和顺序: 中英文简历的区别在于内容顺序的编排上。举一个例子,就写地址而言,中文顺序是:广东省广州市荔湾区多宝路(从大地点到小地点),而英文地址则为:Duo bao Road, Liwan District, Guangzhou city, Guangdong Province,China. (从小地点到大地点)。写简历也是一样的道理,什么内容先写也有讲究。首先,当然是个人基本信息,这个基本信息包括姓名,电话,邮箱。因为详细的个人信息是放到最后写的。本人喜欢把基本信息做成页眉,这样在每一页的简历上都能一目了然看到你的姓名和

联系方式。然后是你的相片,尽量选择护照规格的一寸或两寸照,不要放日常生活相片。照片一般放在右上角的位置。 三、接下来,正式进入写作步骤。 1. 你的求职目标(Objective)。用一句简单明了的话概括你想要胜任的职位。在这一句话里包含你的目标、干劲和能力。比如:Seeking challenging position in officeadministration/customer service/sales coordinator/EnglishChinese Interpretater/translatorin a dynamic organization to contribute my skills attained. 2. 工作经验(work experience)。这是简历中最重要的内容部分,直接影响招聘公司对你职业能力的判断,可以具体些。写作时要紧紧围绕你上面的求职目标来写你的相关经验,突出亮点。内容包括职位、在职时间、公司、工作职责。这里要注意的是语句一定要简单明了,避开使用描述语句像I worked in xxx company and my duty was…这不是写叙述文,一定要避繁就简。 看一个例子: Work experience Position: ChineseEnglish translator/interpreter Duration: FromMay XX to October XX


财务会计英文简历 name: gender: male wedlock: single nation: han residence: jiangxi-fuzhou age: 25 location: guangdong-dongguan height: 169cm target locations: guangdong target positions: financing/audit/stat.-accountant desired salary: negotiable education 20xx-09 ~ 20xx-07 nanchang engineering college cpa doctor degree 20xx-09 ~ 20xx-07 zhongkai agricultural engineering college nvironmental engineering bachelor degree training 20xx-11 ~ 20xx-12 ciq huizhou inspection declaration member work experience2 years 3 months work experience,and served on 1 panies. pany type: foreign enterprise pany category: other production,manufacturing,processing job title: positions: audit executive/assistant

job description: the main responsibility for the whole financial work, so the monthly statements to recover the purchase price, the collation and verification of certificates, invoicing statements , the cost breakdown in a variety of financial statements. reason for leaving: financial crisis. the pany faces closure special skills puter level: junior puter skills: familiar with the office puter, will excle and word strengths: proficient in office software, will use accounting software (in the pany using a ufida erp) proficient in business, procurement, pmc and other departments workflow. familiar with the financial deal with the internal and external current account..WTT. language skills chinese: general cantonese: very bad english level: spoken general other: general career objective


IT经理英文简历模板 Name: *** gender : male Birth : *** telephone : 150*** Degree : Bachelor Professional: Information Technology and Business Management Experience : 10years national : Han School: *** address : *** E-mail : https://www.doczj.com/doc/603026489.html, Self Assessment: Well independent thinking and problem-solving ability, good communication skill, well known about teamwork, well motivation ability, mature, responsible, optimistic and modest, strong ambition to succeed. Target Job : Desired Job Category: Computer/Network/Technology | Customer Service Desired Job Industry: IT Service/System Integration | Hardware/Network Equipment | Internet/e-Commerce | Real Estate Development/Construction and Engineering | Telecommunications (Equipment/Operation/Value-Added Service) Desired Salary: Negotiable

人事主管英文简历 HR Supervisor

RESUME Strength ·More than 3 years hr working experience. ·Longing for working in multi-national companies with high reputation and good development opportunity. Personal Name: ××××Gender:Female Date of Birth: ×××× Martial Status: ×××××Email Address: ×××××××× Tel:(010) ××××××××Mobile Phone: ×××××××× Experience 3/××××-Present××××(China)Co.,Ltd HR supervisor ·Responsible for HR weekly highlight ,monthly measurement and presentation,daily schedule & meeting coordinating. ·Implementing internal & external recruitment ,new employee orientation and employee relations, drafting out the related policy and procedure and providing policy consultation service. ·Administration of PeopleSoft and partial C & B administration. ·Organizing and coordinating training ,being reponsible for orientation training. ·Dealing with some labor disputes. 8/××××-3/×××××××× Company HR assistant ·Keeping and updating emplyee's personal files. ·Checking for staff daily attendance ,statistic for staff absence and vacation record. ·Making the monthly personnel data report about the employee promotion /demotion and transfer. ·Assisting HR manager to make employee evaluation work. Education 9/××××-7/××××University of ××××Business Management Bachelor Speciality language Fluent In English and native in Mandarin.


出纳会计英文简历模板大全 Education background Graduate school: financial institute specialized in finance or accounting Business and specialty * assistant accountant title, and be familiar with national finance system and relating policy laws * cet6 level, familiar with all kinds of English business letter writing format * mastering basic puter knowledge, and able to skillfully use Powerbuilder, SQL language, FOXPRO, Powerpoint, office97, Foxbase of puter software application and development, and has good puter network knowledge and skills * mind is quick, calm and steady personality, a strong sense of responsibility, strong team spirit Work experience - so far XX group pany cashier, accounting * to be responsible for the industrial enterprise material cost accounting, sales account with accounting, accounting receivable, accounts payable,


经理求职英文简历模板 career objective efficient supervisor seeks a team leader position to help increase productivity and meet or exceed pany goals. background summary extensive and diversified supervisory experience in puter,office furniture,and boat manufacturing operations.particularly effective in increasing productivity and capavcity.demonstrated ability to learn new skills quickly.able to supervise new departments without prior experience and meet production goals.successfuily motivate employees.excellent interpersonal skills.gained reputation for honesty and placed in a position of trust. summary of acplishments supervised the start-up of second shift shipping department.trained new employees,reached full capacity while maintaining quality and production goals. instructed quality development courses. participated in upgrading assembly systems at lennon and epstein systems.


人力资源管理英文简历 human resouces recruitment ... training ... organizational development ... counseling twelve years of domestic and international experience in executive recruitment staff training and development, budget administration, and employee assistance programs. strong record of acplishments working with senior managers to recruit highly qualified work teams and personnel. particularly successful directing outreach, personnel, and marketing programs for human resources. graduate degree in psychology and training as a senior-level psychologist in the occupational field career history&;acplishments executive recruiter/drakeinternational. 1990-present productivity management consultant sydney,australia and seattle, wa with more than 800 employees, drake international provides executive recruitment, staffing, sales, training, management consulting, and employee assessment services in nine countries. responsible for executive recruitment and marketing in the greater seattle area.


经典优秀英文简历模板 平面设计师英文简历模板 Richard Anderson 1234, West 67 Street, Carlisle, MA 01741, (123)456 7890. Objective Position as a senior creative graphics designer in an advertising agency. Notable Achievements 1997:Third place Graphics division award at Downtown Jacksonville Fine Arts. 1999: ADDY award for Direct Marketing along with Specialty Advertising Design. Managed three multimillion dollar advertising campaigns. Commissioned to design the front page of People's Year in Special Edition, XX. Employment History 7/98 Present Art Director Neon Corporation, Atlanta, GA Chiefly responsible for design of collateral,

direct art freelancers and photo shoots. Select clients included Springwood Psychiatric Institute, Winchester Medical Center, M T National Bank and Pepsi. 7/947/98 Graphic Artist Planet Rio Design, Atlanta, GA Responsibilities included layout/pasteup, illustration. Computer document files support service and output to RC paper and and design consulting. Program tutoring. Electronic retouching of photos. 7/92 3/94 Graphic Artist Wanted Weekly, Miami, FL Designed advertising for a national ads newspaper (typesetter machine) typeset want ads, pasted up the newspaper, shot and developed halftones, PMTs and reversals. Education MFA, Graphic Design 1995 Miami School of Art, Miami, FL , Graphic Design 1990 Brooklyn University, Brooklyn 文员英文简历模板 SKILLS:


会计出纳英文简历表格 应聘外企一般都是使用英文来写个人简历,用英文来写个人简历更需要注意表达上的问题。对英文表达最基本的要求就是英语单词使用要规范、语言表达上更要规范化。编写个人简历可以允许个性化的设计,不过总体来说个人简历会有一定的格式规范。求职者编写个人简历的格式是属于表达方面,要求格式要规范,才能起到较好的表达效果。 Name: fwdqNationality:China (Mainland)Current Place:TianheHeight/Weight:157 cm50 kgMarital Status:SingleAge:31 yearsCareer ObjectiveApplication type:JobseekerPreferred job title:Accountant: accounting 、Working life:5Title:Senior titleJob type:Full timeExpected Start date:In a monthExpected salary:¥3500~¥5499Preferred working place:Tianhe YuexiuWork experienceCompany's name:WATTONE CONSULTING SERVICES CHINA and end date: XX06XX08Enterprise nature:Soly foreign funded enterprisesIndustry: Trading/Imports ExportsJob Title:AccountingJob description:Routine of costs, mainly refers to the expenses for the period


人事部经理英文简历模板 人事部经理的英文简历内容应该怎样充实如果实在不知道怎么写,不妨看看下面为各位带来人事部经理英文简历模板,以供参考! 人事部经理英文简历模板一Name: Nationality: China (Mainland) Current Place: Baiyun Height/Weight: 160 cm 50 kg Marital Status: married Age: 29 years Career Objective Application type: Jobseeker Preferred job title: HR Manager: Training 、Recruitment Manager/Supervisor: 、Trainning Manager/Supervisor: Working life: 5 Title: Middle title Job type: Full time Expected Start date: In two weeks Expected salary: ¥5,000¥8,000 Preferred working place: Guangzhou Work experience Company's name: YANGHE TANG DENG'S HERBAL TEABegin and end date: XX07XX08 Enterprise nature: Private enterprisesIndustry:

Other Industries Job Title: supervisor Job description: charge of the internal training for company, compile the training course and plan the training workflow. the professtional supervisors for company termly,develop the chainshop workflow. charge of the training for Agent and Affiliation,develop the management of professtional shop,fullfil the target of chainshop. up the training system of company, maintain the training system, modify and trace all workflow. schedule of training and order the performation, supervise the training workflow , envaluated the effect of training. the lecturer in all NEW SOUTH GROUP, take part in the prompt system of company. every new staff's training workflow, made every new staff can adapt to new job and position,integrated into the culture of company. the training of chainshop and sales, included management of standard of exhibition and manangement

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