当前位置:文档之家› 宾语从句详细讲解







Can you tell me who(m) do we have to see?(╳) Can you tell me who(m) we have to see?( √)


Eg. She said, “I will leave a message on the desk.” → She said she would leave a message on the desk.


Eg. “Where are the tickets?” I asked him. → I asked him where the tickets are.


Could you tell me who knows the answer,please?你能告诉我谁知道答案吗?

The small children don't know what is in their stockings.这些小孩子不知道袜子里有什么东西?

2)连接词在从句中作主语的定语。连接词+名词+谓语。常见的连接词有:whose,what,which,how many,how much等。如:

He asked whose handwriting was the best in our class.他问我们班上谁的书法最好。

The teacher asked us how many people there were in the room.老师问我们房间里有多少人。

3)连接词在从句中作宾语、状语或表语。连接词+主语+谓语。常见的连接词有:who (m),what,which,how many,how much,when,why,how,where,if /whether(在句中不充当任何成分)等。如:

He hasn't decided if he'll go on a trip to Wuxi.他还没决定是否去无锡旅行。

Could you tell me what I should do with the money ?你能告诉我我如何处理这笔钱吗?

4)连接词在从句中作宾语或表语的定语。连接词+名词+主语+谓语。常见的连接词有:what,which,how many,how much,how等。如:

Do you know which class he is in ?你知道他在哪个班吗?

She asked me if I knew whose pen it was.她问我是否知道这是谁的钢笔。



He said that he could finish his work before supper.他说他会在晚饭前完成工作。

I believe ( that ) you are right. He said ( that ) the fastest way to travel was by plane.

引导宾语从句的that在下列情况下一般不省略(八种宾语从句不省略that )

1. 宾语从句前有插入语。

We hope, on the contrary, that he will stay at home with us. 恰恰相反,我们希望他和我们呆在家里。

2. 有间接宾语时。

He told me that he was leaving for Japan. 他告诉我他要去日本。

3. that在与之并列的另一个宾语从句之后。

He said (that) the book was very interesting and that(不省略) all the children like to read it.


4. 在“it(形式宾语)+补语”之后时。

I think it necessary that he should stay here. 我们认为他有必要留在这里。

5. that从句单独回答问题时。

—What did he hear? 他听说了什么事?

—That Kate had passed the exam. (他听说)凯特考试及格了。


He has no special fault except that he smokes too much.他除了抽烟太多之外,没有什么特别的毛病。

7. 位于句首时。

That our team will win, I believe. 我相信我们队会赢。

8. 在较为正式或不常用的动词(如reply, object)后。

He replied that he disagreed. 他回答说他不同意。


I don't know if /whether he still lives here after so many years.我不知道这么多年后他是否还住在这儿。


①在具有选择意义,又有or或or not时,尤其是直接与or not连用时,往往用whether (if…or not也可以使用)。如:

Let me know whether /if he will come or not.(=Let me know whether or not he will come)让我知道他是否能来。

I don't know whether /if he does any washing or not.(=I don't know whether or not he does any washing.)我不知道他洗不洗衣服。

I wonder whether we stay or whether we go.我不知道我们是去还是留。


I'm interested in whether he likes English.我关心的是他是否喜欢英语。

We're thinking about whether we can finish the work on time.我们正在考虑是否能按时完成这项工作。

I worry about whether I hurt her feelings.我担心是否伤了她的感情。


He hasn't decided whether to visit the old man.他尚未决定是否拜访那位老人。

I don't know whether to go.我不知去否。

He hasn't decided whether to go by bus or by train.他还未决定是乘公共汽车去还是坐火车去。


Whether this is true or not,I can't say.这是否真的我说不上来。


Whether she will come or not is still a question.她是否能来还是个问题。

The question is whether we can catch the bus.问题是我们能否赶上公共汽车。


Could you tell me why you were late for the meeting this morning?你能告诉我今天早上你为什么开会迟到吗?




I don't know when he will come back.我不知道他将何时回来。

He tells me that his sister came back yesterday.他告诉我他姐姐昨天回来了。


①The children didn't know who he was.孩子们不知道他是谁。

②He asked his father how it happened.他问他父亲这件事是如何发生的。


The teacher said that the earth goes round the sun.老师说地球绕着太阳转。



eg. I heard she had been to the Great Wall. Can you tell me which bus I should take?



宾语从句的复合句在变成反意疑问句时,如果主句的谓语动词为think, guess, believe, suppose 等且主语为第一人称时,附加部分要由从句决定;如果主句不是think 等上述动词或谓语动词是这些词且主语不是第一人称时,附加部分由主句决定。

I think that he is right, isn't he? I don't believe he is a student, is


He supposes that she will come tonight, doesn't he? He never said he was a good student, did he?


eg. 1) I will go out tomorrow if it is fine. 2) I don’t know if the train has arrived.

句1中if引导的是状语从句。这个从句表示“条件”,修饰主句。整个句子的意思是如果明天天气好,我就出去。句2中if引导的是宾语从句,充当谓语动词don’t know的宾语。整个句子的意思是我不知道火车是否到达。








—Do you know when he will come back tomorrow ?你知道他明天什么时候回来吗?

—Sorry,I don't know.When he comes back,I'll tell you.对不起,不知道。当他回来了,我将告诉你。

—I don't know if he will come.我不知道他是否会来。

—He will come if it doesn't rain.如果不下雨,他会来的。


(1)I hope ________ it will snow this winter.





【解析】答案:D hope 后面应该接that引导的宾语从句,that 在句中没有任何意义,可以省略。

(2)—I don’t know ________ Mr.Green will come to see us.

—He will help us with our English.






(3)I can’t remember ________ I have seen him before.






(4)—Do you know ________?I’m going to see him.

—Sorry,I don’t know.

A.where does Mr.Li live

B.where did Mr.Li live

C.where Mr.Li lives

D.where Mr.Li lived


(5)—Where do you think ________ he ________ the computer?

—Sorry,I have no idea.




D.does;buy 【解析】答案:A do you think是插入语,可以把它去掉,分析句意应该用应用过去时态


(6)I can’t understand ________ he likes computer games so much.






(7)(2010北京中考大纲卷)—Do you know ________ the MP3 player last week?

—Sorry,I have no idea.

A.how much did she pay for

B.how much will she pay for

C.how much she paid for

D.how much she will pay for

【解析】答案:C宾语从句要用陈述语序,由此排除A、B两项,由last week判断应该用过去时态。

(8)(2010北京中考大纲卷)I don’t k now ________ tomorrow.Can you tell me?

A.when we started

B.when did we start

C.when we will start

D.when will we start


(9)In the bookshop,a reader asked the shop keeper ________ was an interesting book.





【解析】注意本句中斜体部分是一本书的名字《谁动了我的奶酪》,本句含义是“一个读者问书店管理员这本书是不是有趣”。所以答案是D项。答案:D本题的主要陷阱是书名Who Moved My Cheese,它本身含有一个who,容易给人造成误解。在英语中,注意书名一般都是斜体的,且书名的首字母是大写的,注意把它看成一个独立的完整的东西。

(10)I was told ________ Bill Gates was thirteen he began to play with computers.

A.that how

B.how that

C.when that

D.that when

【解析】注意后面从句的含义是“比尔·盖茨十三岁的时候开始玩电脑”,应该用when表示“当……时”,本句中的that是宾语从句的引导词。所以选D项。答案:D 。本句结构复杂,主要陷阱设置在when 上,它在本句中起到引导后面的时间状语的作用。做此类题,要慢

慢理顺思路,不要钻牛角尖,当一种含义说不通时,从另一个角度或另一个含义考虑。(11)(2010江苏苏州中考)—I wonder ________. —Zebras.

A.what do they call these animals

B.how they call these animals

C.what they call these animals

D.how do they call these animals

【解析】本句含义是“我想知道他们叫这些动物什么”,排除B、D两项。另外宾语从句要用陈述语序。所以选C项。答案:C 本句容易译成“他们怎样称呼这些动物”而错选how,注意本句中隐含句型call sb. sth.含义是“称呼某人……”。解答本类题首先分析句意,确定引导词,然后看好语序和时态。

(12)(2010北京中考)I’m different from my twin sister.I love dancing,________ she is interested in reading.





【解析】本句是转折关系,选择C项。答案:C 本句陷阱在于选项前后都是肯定句形式,不细读题而误选D项。并列句主要是根据句意来判断前后两句的逻辑关系,所以一定要把题读完再作判断。

(13)(2010重庆中考)Work hard,____ you may catch up with your classmates soon.





【解析】本句是“祈使句+and”的句型,句意为“努力学习,你会很快赶上其他同学的”,and 在句中表示承接关系,所以选C项。答案:C 。本题的陷阱是句型,本句型区别于“祈使句+or”,这个句型的含义是“……,不然的话/否则……”。祈使句后面既可以加and,也可以加or,所以要全面分析句意,再作决定。

14.What time will Mr Brown be back to China? (2009年)

Sorry, I don’t know

A.when did he go abroad

B.why he is going abroad

C.how soon will he be back

D.how long he will stay abroad

答案:D 由题可知,选项是做Know 的宾语,而宾语从句要用陈诉句语序,所以答案选D

15. Some of my friends are interested in science,but none of them can tell (2010年)

A when UFOs will appear next time

B why do horses know the way

C where was this kind of plant found

D how do elephants communicate

答案:A 由题可知,选项做tell的宾语,宾语从句用陈诉句语序,所以答案选A

16.I didn’t see Laura at the party last night. Do you know (2011年)

A. why didn’t she come

B. what happened

C. when would she arrive

D.where she has been

答案:B 宾语从句用陈述句语序

17. My pen pal from America is coming to visit me. I’m thinking about_____.(2012年)

A:what present did give her B:how I will give her a surprise

C: where will we have a big meal D:whether I planned a trip for her

答案:B 宾语从句用陈诉句语序

18.----Miss Lee,Idid n’t catch what you said,Could you tell me ____ again?(2013年)


A. what should we take

B.where shall we meet

C.when we would start

D.how we will get there

答案: D 宾语从句用陈诉句语序

19.The girls asked if they ____ some food and drink with them.

A. took

B. take

C. takes

D. will take

答案:A 宾语从句中,如果主句为过去时态,宾语从句的谓语动词必须根据需要选择过去时态的某一种形式

20..Catherine said that she ___ to Guangzhou.

A. has never gone

B. had never gone

C. has never been

D. had never been



( 2 )have gone to 到某地去....... 说话时该人不在现场,一般不用第一人称,第二人称代词做句子的主语

如:-----where is Jim?

-----He has gone to England 他去英国了(尚未回来)

如:Mr Wang isn’t here. He has gone to Qingdao


Have been to 曾经去过某地(现在已回来了,后可接次数, 如:once twice three times 等,表示去过某地几次,也可和just, never, ever等连用)

如:I have never been to the Great Wall

My father has been to Beijing twice 我父亲去过北京两次

Have been in表示在某地呆了多少时间,常与时间状语连用

如:I have been in Shanghai for three years


21.The students want to know whether they___ dictation today.

A. had

B. has .

C. will have

D. Are

答案:C 主句为一般现在时,从句可根据需要,选用相适应的任何时态,根据题意及时间状语today,可知应用将来时,故选C

22.She asked Linda if___ go and get some.

A. could she

B. she could

C. she can

D. she may



23..Linda said the moon___ round the earth.

A. travelled

B. has travelled

C. travells

D. had travelled

答案:C 从句为客观真理,无论主句是什么时态,从句均用一般现在时,故选C


初三英语宾语从句讲解 练习 TTA standardization office【TTA 5AB- TTAK 08- TTA 2C】

一、预备知识:试翻译下列句子: 1.你好吗? 2.今天天气怎么样? 3.你住哪里? 4. 你什么时候出生的? 5.你今天为什么迟到? 6.你的英语老师是谁? 7.你有几把尺子? 8.你在几年级几班? 通过以上的8个句子可以发现规律: 把下列句子变为一般疑问句: 1. He can play the drum. 2. I would like to see a film tonight. 3 . He has been to the library twice. 4. They are workers. 请把下列句子改为陈述句: 1. Do you want to go to a movie? 2. Did you finish your homework? 3. Does she live in Shanghai? 4. Can he work out the math problem? 二、考点、热点回顾 (一)宾语从句的种类 宾语从句是一种名词性从句,在句中作及物动词的宾语,或介词的宾语,或形容词的宾语。根据引导宾语从句的不同连词,宾语从句可分为三类。 1. 由that引导的宾语从句。that只有语法作用,没有实在的意义,在口语 和非正式文体中可以省略。例如: He said (that) he wanted to stay at home. She doesn’t know (that) she is seriously ill. I am sure (that) he will succeed. 2. 由连接代词who, whom, whose, what, which和连接副词when, where, why, how引导的宾语从句。这些连接代词和连接副词在宾语从句中充当某个成分。例如: Do you know who (whom) they are waiting for He asked whose handwriting was the best. Can you tell me where the bus stop is? I don’t know why the train is late. 3. 由if或whether引导的宾语从句。if和whether在句中的意思是“是否”。 例如: I want to know if (whether) he lives there. He asked me whether (if) I could help him. (二)宾语从句的语序 宾语从句的语序应为陈述句的语序。例如:


宾语从句 一、定义:在复合句中用作宾语的从句叫做宾语从句。在复合句中宾语从句作主句中谓语动词、介词的宾语。 在及物动词的后面可以接一个名词来充当宾语,如:I know the man. 而这时也可以用一个句子来充当宾语,如:I know that the man is a policeman. 主句引导词从句 宾语从句三大块: 1. 引导宾语从句的连接词(从属连接词和连接代词); 2. 宾语从句的语序; 3. 宾语从句的时态。 二、宾语从句的引导词(连接词) 作用有无意义在从句中 所做成分从属连接词that 只起连接作用无无 Whether/if 起连接作用有(表示是否)无 连接词连接代 词What 连接+从句中做成分什么(指物)主,宾,表Which 连接+从句中做成分哪一个(指物)主,宾,表who 连接+从句中做成分谁(指人主格)主,表whom 连接+从句中做成分谁(指人宾格)宾whose 连接+从句中做成分谁的(指人所有格)定 连接副词Where 连接+从句中做成分地点状语When 连接+从句中做成分时间状语Why 连接+从句中做成分原因状语How 连接+从句中做成分方式状语 1.陈述句充当宾语从句时,用that引导,that无词义,在口语或非正式文体中常省略。如:My teacher said I was a good boy.老师说我是个好男孩。 She doesn’t know (that) she is seriously ill. I am sure (that) he will succeed. 2.当由一般疑问句充当宾语从句时,用if或whether引导,意为“是否”。如: I don’t know


初中英语宾语从句讲解 一、宾语从句的概念 宾语从句属于名词性从句,在句中作主句的宾语。 eg. We know Mr. Green teaches English. She asked if these answers were right. 二、宾语从句三要素 引导词(连接词) 语序 时态 三、重难点掌握 (一)引导词 1.由从属连词that引导的宾语从句 由从属连词that引导的宾语从句 注:that 在句中无词汇意义,在从句中不能充当成分,在口语当中往往省略2。由从属连词whether, if 引导的宾语从句(重点掌握) 由从属连词whether, if 引导的宾语从句 if/ whether “是否”,说明对陈述的事物不明确或不清楚。常用在ask, wonder, can(could) you tell me 等后。 1. I want to know whether/if he is right. 2. I Ask him whether/if he likes me_. 3. I wonder _whether/if we can get there. 4. Could you tell me whether/if that film is interesting ? ◆只能用whether不能用if的情况 1.在介词后面: I’m thinking of whether we should go fishing. We are worried about whether it will rain tomorrow. 2.在动词不定式前: They asked me whether to go skating. 3.当与or not连用,或提出两种选择时: I don’t know whether he’s free or not. Mary asked whether I was doing my homework or not. Tell me whether you’d like to go shopping or tidy the room. 4.宾语从句提前时: Whether this is true or not, I can’t say.


宾语从句基本讲解与练习 宾语从句小口诀 宾语从句三注意,时态语序引导词; 主句一般现在时,从句不需受限制; 主句一般过去时,从句须用相应时; if/whether,引,一般疑问句陈述句转that 特殊问句疑问词,引导词后陈述式。 一、概念宾语作用的从句叫做宾语从句。在句子中起到二、连接词 在从句中不。that在非正式场合that可以省略)1. 陈述句转化成宾语从句时,引导词用that ( 充当任何成分,也没有实在意思,只起到连接作用。没有人告诉杰克第二天有班No one told Jack (that) there would be a class meeting the next day. 会。Little Tom was afraid (that) he couldn't pass the exam. 小汤姆担心这次考试不及格。say, think, wish, hope, imagine, wonder, know, believe, 从句做宾语的动词有:that1】可跟【拓展等。agree, explain, feel, suggest, hear, mean, notice等词,而宾语从句的意思是否定expect think, believe, suppose, 【拓展2】当主句谓语动词是

时,常把否定转移至主句表示。我认为他不会在会上发言的。I don't think (that) he can give a speech at the meeting.so等后,可用等动词以及I'm afraid 【拓展3】在think, believe, imagine, suppose, guess, hope 代替一个否定的宾语从句。代替一个肯定的宾语从句,用not eg: --- Do you believe he will come? 你相信他会来吗? --- I believe so. 我相信会。 我相信不会。I don't believe so. (或I believe not.) --- 主要用来引导一般疑问句意思或选择疑问句意思的宾语引导的宾语从句, whether或if 2. 以。或whetherif在从句中不充当任何成分,意为“是否”从句,从句是陈述句语序。He asked me if he might use my knife. →He asked me. ?eg: “May I use your knife” 】从句的主语如果是第一人称,变为宾语从句则与主句的主语一致;如果是第二人1【注意1 称,则与主句的宾语一致;如果是第三人称,不用变化。 eg: “Do you know her telephone number?”He asked me. →He asked me whether I know her telephone number. 【注意2】:一般情况下,whether 和if 可以互用,但有些情况例外。 ①当从句做介词的宾于是只用whether 不用if。 eg: We are talking about whether we'll go on the picnic. 我们在讨论是否去野餐。 ②引导词与动词不定式或or not 连用时,只用whether。 eg: Please let me know whether to do next step. 请让我知道是否开展下一步行


初中英语语法宾语从句讲解 小口诀: 宾语从句三注意,时态语序引导词;主句一般现在时,从句不需受限制; 主句一般过去时,从句须用相应时;陈述转化that引,一般疑问用if/whether, 特殊问句疑问词,引导词后陈述式。 一.基本讲解来源:直接引语变间接引语 概念:在句中担当宾语的从句叫宾语从句。 Eg: He said,“I am good at drawing”. He said he was good at drawing. (动词宾语) 1.引导词 (1) that引导宾语从句时,通常用陈述句充当, that可省略。 Eg: She said,“I want to go there ”She said (that) she wanted to go there. (2) whether 或if 引导的宾语从句,由一般疑问句/选择疑问句充当,陈述语序。 Eg: “Are you interested in geography?” she said. She asked if/whether I was interested in geography. I wonder if /whether she has told the new to Li Lei . I’m not sure whether he will come or not. 注意:一般情况下,whether 和if 可以互用,但有些情况例外 a. 介词短语后只用whether 不用if eg: We are talking about whether we'll go on the panic. b. 引导词与动词不定式或or not 连用时,只用whether. eg:I can?t say whether or not he will come on time c. if当如果讲时,引导的是条件状语从句,表示‘如果’,不能用whether. Eg: If you want to be a good teacher, it will take times. Whether you can succeed depends on how much effort you pay. (3).特殊疑问词引导宾语从句时,不可省略,陈述句语序。 特殊疑问词为:how , when, where, why ,which whose. E.g. …What do you want?? He asked. He asked me what I wanted. I have no idea where he is now. I don?t know how to deal with it. He asked whose handwriting is the best in the class. 2.宾语从句时态 a.主句为一般现在时,从句不受主句的限制 eg: Do you know if/whether he has seen the film? I?m sorry to hear that your father is ill. She says she is going to go to Beijing next week. He tells me that his sister came back yesterday. b.当主句是一般过去时,从句用过去的相应某种时态 She didn?t know why the boy was late again. (过去一般) I didn't know if/whether he had seen the film.(过去完成) I wondered when she was going to America.(过去将来) 注意:当主句是一般过去时,而从句表示的是客观真理,自然现象,科学原理,格言等,从句仍然要用一般现在时。例如: Eg: He said (that the earth moves round the sun. / that light travels much faster than sound.)The teacher told us (seeing is believing.)


中考人教版九年级宾语从句的详解 在复合句中,由一个句子充当宾语,这个句子叫作宾语从句。引导宾语从句的常见关联词有that, if, whether, what, who, where,why和how等。 一、宾语从句的分类: 1.动词宾语从句:顾名思义,它是位于动词后面的宾语从句。 如: He asked whose handwriting was the best in our class .他问我们班上谁的书法最好。 2.介词宾语从句:顾名思义,它是位于介词后面的宾语从句。 如: I agree with what you said just now. 我同意你刚才说的话。 3.形容词宾语从句:顾名思义,它是位于形容词后面的宾语从句。 如: I am afraid that I will be late.恐怕我要迟到了。 二、引导宾语从句的连接词 1.that:没有含义,在宾语从句中不做成分 2.whether/if: 表示是否,在宾语从句中不做成分。 I don't know if /whether he still lives here after so many years.我不知道这么多年后,他是否还住在这里。 3.连接代词: what, which, who, whom, whose (在宾语从句中做主、宾、表和定语) 连接副词: where, when, how, why (在宾语从句中做状语) The small children don't know what is in their stockings.(what在宾语从句中做主语) 这些小孩子不知道什么在他们的长筒袜里。 Could you tell me why you were late for the meeting this morning?(why在宾语从句中做原因状语) 你能告诉我为什么你今天早上开会迟到吗? 从句原形关联词例句 陈述句 一般疑问句特殊疑问句 I think( that )he is a good boy. that(口语或非正式文体中常省略)Mary thinks (that )the teams were fantastic. Iwonder if/whether he will have a race. whether,if(口语中常用 if ),She wonders if/whether April is a good time whether 可以加 or not,而 if 不可以to visit China. who,where,when,what,which,how Could you tell me where Lucy is? why Do you know when the shop closes today? 三、宾语从句的注意事项 1. 语序从句用陈述句语序 I don't know whether he will come or not.


宾语从句讲解 在复合句中用作宾语的从句叫宾语从句。 1.语序 无论主句是陈述句还是疑问句,宾语从句都必须使用陈述语序,即“主句+连词+宾语从句(主语+谓语+……)”句式。根据连接词在从句中所担任的不同成分,可分为以下四种:1)连接词+谓语。连接词在从句中作主语。常见的连接词有:who,what,which等。如:Could you tell me who knows the answer,please?你能告诉我谁知道答案吗? The small children don't know what is in their stockings.这些小孩子不知道袜子里有什么东西? 2)连接词+名词+谓语。连接词在从句中作主语的定语。常见的连接词有:whose,what,which,how many,how much等。如: He asked whose handwriting was the best in our class.他问我们班上谁的书法最好。 The teacher asked us how many people there were in the room.老师问我们房间里有多少人。3)连接词+主语+谓语。连接词在从句中作宾语、状语或表语。常见的连接词有:who(m),what,which,how many,how much,when,why,how,where,if /whether(在句中不充当任何成分)等。如: He hasn't decided if he'll go on a trip to Wuxi.他还没决定是否去无锡旅行。 Could you tell me what I should do with the money ?你能告诉我我如何处理这笔钱吗? 4)连接词+名词+主语+谓语。连接词在从句中作宾语或表语的定语。常见的连接词有:what,which,how many,how much,how等。如: Do you know which class he is in ?你知道他在哪个班吗? She asked me if I knew whose pen it was.她问我是否知道这是谁的钢笔。 2.连接词 1)当由陈述句充当宾语从句时,用that引导,that无词义,在口语或非正式文体中常省略。如: He said that he could finish his work before supper.他说他会在晚饭前完成工作。 2)当由一般疑问句充当宾语从句时,用if或whether引导,意为“是否”。如: I don't know if /whether he still lives here after so many years.我不知道这么多年后他是否还住在这儿。 但在下列情况下只能用whether: ①在具有选择意义,又有or或or not时,尤其是直接与or not连用时,往往用whether(if…or not也可以使用)。如: Let me know whether /if he will come or not.(=Let me know whether or not he will come)让我知道他是否能来。 I don't know whether /if he does any washing or not.(=I don't know whether or not he does any washing.)我不知道他洗不洗衣服。 I wonder whether we stay or whether wego.我不知道我们是去还是留。 ②在介词之后用whether。如: I'm interested in whether he likes English.我关心的是他是否喜欢英语。 We're thinking about whether we can finish the work on time.我们正在考虑是否能按时完成这项工作。


初中英语语法宾语从句讲解, 注意!宾语从句小口诀: 宾语从句三注意,时态语序引导词; 主句一般现在时,从句不需受限制; 主句一般过去时,从句须用相应时; 陈述句转化that引,一般疑问句用if/whether, 特殊问句疑问词,引导词后陈述式。 一、基本讲解 1概念:在句中担当宾语的从句叫宾语从句,宾语从句可作谓语动词的宾语,也可做介词的宾语。eg, He said he was good at drawing. (动词宾语) He asks him how long Mike has been down . (动词宾语) Miss Zhang is angry at what you said. (介词宾语) 2.连接词 (1) .陈述句转化成宾语从句时,引导词用that,口语中常常省略。 e.g, She told me (that) she would like to go with us. (2)以 whether 或 if 引导的宾语从句, 主要用来引导一般疑问句意思或选择疑问句意思的宾语从句,从句同样是陈述语序 eg, I wonder if /whether u have told the new to Li Lei . 注意:一般情况下,whether 和if 可以互用,但有些情况例外。 a. 当从句做介词的宾于是只用whether 不用if

eg, We are talking about whether we'll go on the pinic. b. 引导词与动词不定式或 not 连用时,只用whether. eg, Please let me know what to do next. Could you tell me whether u go or not? c. if当如果讲时,引导的是条件状语从句,这时不能用whether. (3).特殊疑问句转化成宾语从句时,引导词用特殊疑问词;引导词后要用陈述句语序。 E.g. Could you tell me what's the matter\wrong with you? 特殊情况::当do you think后接特殊疑问句转化成宾语从句时,句式结构应为引导词+do you think+陈述句语序。 3.宾语从句时态 a.当主句是一般现在时,一般将来时或祈使句时,从句不受主句的限制,根据自身的需要选用相应的时态。例如: Do you know(if/whether he has seen the film)? b.当主句是一般过去时,从句要用过去时的相应时态。例如: I didn't know (if/whether he had seen the film.) 注意:当主句是一般过去时,而从句表示的是客观真理,自然现象,科学原理,格言等,从句仍然要用一般现在时。例如: He said (that the earth moves round the sun.) The teacher told us (that light travels much faster than sound.)


宾语从句 导入: 在复合句中用作宾语的从句叫做宾语从句。 在及物动词的后面可以接一个名词来充当宾语,如: I know the man.而这时也可以用一个句子来充 当宾语,如:I know that the man is a policeman. 主句引导词从句 宾语从句三大块: 1. 引导宾语从句引导词选择; 2. 宾语从句的语序; 3.时态。 一.宾语从句的引导词 1.陈述句充当宾语从句时,用that引导,that无词义,在口语或非正式文体中常省略。 如: My teacher said I was a good boy.老师说我是个好男孩。 She doesn’t know (that) she is seriously ill. I am sure (that) he will succeed. 用以下开头与下列句子连成宾语从句: 1. I know … 2. She says … 3. Tell your friend …(that) 2.当由一般疑问句充当宾语从句时,用if或whether引导,意为“是否”。如: (1) Is Jim a good student? I don’t know I don’t know if /whether Jim is a good student. (2) Does Kate get up early? Do you know? Do you know if /whether Kate gets up early? 用以下开头与下列句子连成宾语从句: 1.Do you know … 2.I want to know … 3.The teacher asks …if/whether ?注意:一般情况下,if 和whether可以互换, 只能用whether不用if 的三种情况


初中英语宾语从句知识点讲解 在句子中起宾语作用的从句叫做宾语从句。学习宾语从句要抓住三要素:引导词、语序和时态。 一、.引导词 1.从句为陈述句,常选择引导词that,that引导宾语从句无意义,不充当句子成分常省略。例句:He told us (that) they would help us through the whole work. 2.从句为一般疑问句,常选择引导词if或whether,表示“是否”。在 whether … or not 结构中不能用 if 替换。例句:I don’t know if there will be a bus any more. 3. 从句为特殊疑问句,常选择what,when,where,which,who,how等的疑问代词、副词作引导词。例句:He didn’t tell me when we should meet again. 二、判断时态情况: 1.主句是一般现在时,从句可以为各种时态。 2.主句是一般过去时,从句要用相应过去时态。 注意:从句描绘客观事实、真理、自然现象等,从句时态不受主句时态限制,仍用一般现在时。 例句:He answered that he was listening to me. Father told me that practice makes perfect . 三、宾语从句的语序要用陈述句语序 陈述句语序,就是主语在前,谓语动词在后。 错误: He is wondering when can he finish this difficult job. 正确: He is wondering when he can finish this difficult job. 注意:宾语从句的否定转移


宾语从句基本讲解与练习 一、概念 在句子中起到宾语作用的从句叫做宾语从句。 二、连接词 1. 陈述句转化成宾语从句时,引导词用that (在非正式场合that可以省略)。that在从句中不充当任何成分,也没有实在意思,只起到连接作用。 No one told Jack (that) there would be a class meeting the next day.没有人告诉杰克第二天有班会。 Little Tom was afraid (that) he couldn’t pass the exam. 小汤姆担心这次考试不及格。 【拓展1】可跟that从句做宾语的动词有:say, think, wish, hope, imagine, wonder, know, believe, agree, explain, feel, suggest, hear, mean, notice 等。 【拓展2】当主句谓语动词是think, believe, suppose, expect 等词,而宾语从句的意思是否定时,常把否定转移至主句表示。 I don’t think (that) he can give a speech at the meeting.我认为他 不会在会上发言的。

【拓展3】在think, believe, imagine, suppose, guess, hope 等动词以及I’m afraid 等后,可用so代替一个肯定的宾语从句,用not代替一个否定的宾语从句。 eg: --- Do you believe he will come 你相信他会来吗 --- I believe so. 我相信会。 --- I don’t believe so. (或I believe not.) 我相信不会。 2. 以whether或if 引导的宾语从句, 主要用来引导一般疑问句意思或选择疑问句意思的宾语从句,从句是陈述句语序。whether或if在从句中不充当任何成分,意为“是否”。 eg: “May I use your knife” He asked me. → He asked me if he might use my knife. 【注意1】从句的主语如果是第一人称,变为宾语从句则与主句的主语一致;如果是第二人称,则与主句的宾语一致;如果是第三人称,不用变化。 eg: “Do you know her telephone number” He asked me. → He asked me whether I know her telephone number. 【注意2】:一般情况下,whether 和if 可以互用,但有些情况例外。 ①当从句做介词的宾于是只用whether 不用if。 eg: We are talking about whether we'll go on the picnic. 我们在讨论是否去野餐。 ②引导词与动词不定式或or not 连用时,只用whether。 eg: Please let me know whether to do next step. 请让我知道是否开展下一步行动。


宾语从句 在复合句中用作宾语的从句叫做宾语从句。它是众多从句中的一员,在复合句中作主句谓语动词、介词或某些形容词的宾语。 在及物动词的后面可以接一个名词来充当宾语,如:I know the man. 而这时也可以用一个句子来充当宾语,如:I know that the man is a policeman. 主句引导词从句 宾语从句三大块: 1. 引导宾语从句的连词和代词选择; 2. 宾语从句的语序; 3. 宾语从句的时态。 Ⅰ.宾语从句的引导词 1.陈述句充当宾语从句时,用that引导,that无词义,在口语或非正式文体中常省略。如: My teacher said I was a good boy.老师说我是个好男孩。 She doesn’t know (that) she is seriously ill. I am sure (that) he will succeed. 用以下开头与下列句子连成宾语从句: 1. I know … 2. She says … 3. Tell yo ur friend … (that) 1.This is a book. 2.You like singing. 3.He worked last night. 4.They will go home. 5.Jim has been to Beijing. 6.She sings well.

2.当由一般疑问句充当宾语从句时,用if或whether引导,意为“是否”。如: I don’t know don’t know if /whethe r Jim is a good student. (2) Does Kate get up early? Do you know? Do you know if /whether Kate gets up early? 用以下开头与下列句子连成宾语从句: 1.Do you know … 2.I want to know … 3.The teacher asks … if/whether 1.Is he reading ? 2.Do you get up at six? 3.Does Tom work hard? 4.Did you watch TV ? 5.Will they read books ? 6.Can you sing ? 注意:只能用whether不用if 的三种情况 ?一般情况下,if 和whether可以互换,但以下3种情况只能用whether:?①与or not连用: He asked me whether or not I was coming. Let me know whether you can come or not. ?②在介词之后: It depends on whether it is going to rain. I worry about whether I hurt her feelings ?③在不定式之前:


初中宾语从句讲解与练习 一、考点扫描 中考对宾语从句的考查主要集中在以下几个方面: 1、引导宾语从句的连词和代词选择; 2、宾语从句的语序; 3、宾语从句的时态。 考查的主要形式是单项选择、语法选择、完形填空和完成句子。阅读理解和书面表达肯定也要用到宾语从句。 二、基本概念 宾语从句是一种名词性从句,在句中作及物动词的宾语,或介词的宾语,或形容词的宾语。 E.g. He said (that) he wan ted to stay at home. The boy was in terested in whatever he saw here. 那孩子对在那里看至U的任何事 物都感兴趣。 I am sure (that) he will succeed. 三、宾语从句的种类 根据引导宾语从句的不同连词,宾语从句可分为三类。 四、用法详解 1、引导宾语从句的连词和代词选择 1)由that引导的宾语从句。That只有语法作用,没有实在的意义,在口语和非正式文体中可以省略。 典型例题 (that ) he wan ted to stay at home. 2.She doesn ' t know (that ) she is seriously ill. 1.He said 3.I am sure (that ) he will succeed.

2)由连接代词 who, whom, whose , what , which 和连接副词 when, where , why , how 引导的宾语从句。这些连接代词和连接副词在宾语从句中充当某个成分。 典型例题 (whom they are wait ing for 2. He asked whose handwriting was the best. 3. Ca n you tell me where the No.3 bus stop is ? 4.1 don ' t know why the train is late. 典型例题 1.1 want to know if (whether ) he lives there. 2. He asked me whether ( if ) I could help him. 2、宾语从句的语序 宾语从句的语序应为 陈述句的语序。 典型例题 1.1 hear ( that ) physics isn ' t easy. 2.1 think ( that ) you will like this school soon. 3. Ca n you tell me how I can get to zoo ? 4. Please tell me when we ' ll have the meeting. 3、宾语从句的时态 1、 如果主句的时态是一般现在时,宾语从句该用什么时态就用什么时态。 典型例题 1.1 don ' t think (that ) you are right. 2. Please tell us where he is. 3. Ca n you tell me how I can get to the railway stati on? 2、 如果主句的时态是一般过去时,宾语从句只能用相应的过去时态 (一般过去时, 去进行时, 过去将来时,过去完成时)。 典型例题 1. He asked what time it was. 1.Do you know who 3 )由if 或whether 引导的宾语从句。 If 和whether 在句中的意思是"是否”


宾语从句 宾语从句是的一种。在中充当,位于、或之后的从句称为。宾语从句分为三类:的宾语从句,的宾语从句和的宾语从句。 用法 宾语从句 结构:++由连词引导宾语从句(陈述语序) 连接宾语从句的从属连词主要有that,if,whether,和疑问词(what,how,where,whe n …)。 1)that (无词义,不做成分);if,whether(表达是否的意思,但是不做句子的成分) that引导表示的宾语从句, if和whether,whether...or not引导表示是否”的的宾语从句。 If和whether的区别: if和whether在作是否”理解时,引导宾语从句常放在动词 know,ask,care,wonder,find out 等之后,后一般不用if。 少数动词,如:leave,put,discuss,doubt后的宾语从句常用whether。 whether后可以加or not,但是if不可以。 在前只能用whether。 一般“no matter示是否”用whether而不用if。 2)主要有: who,whom,whose,what,whoever,whomever,whosever,whatever,whichever 等。 连接代词一般指疑问,但what,whatever除了指疑问外,也可以指陈述。

Tell him which class you are in . Do you know what he likes? 3)主要有when,where,why,how,whenever,wherever,however 等。 He didn ' t tell me when we should meet aga他没有告诉我什么时候我们能再见面。 注:宾语从句通常跟在名词或代词后面。 宾语从句--动宾从句 大多数都可以带宾语从句。 部分“ +结构也可以带宾语从句。 动词短语也可以带宾语从句,常见的这些词有: make sure(确保)、make up one ' s min下决心)、keep in mi nd (牢记)可运用it代替的宾语从句 ①动词find,feel,consider,make,believe,think等后面有宾语补足语的时候, 则需要用it做形式宾语而将that宾语从句后置。 ②有些动词带宾语从句时需要在宾语与从句前加it ()这主要有: hate,take,owe,have,see.to.award,le nd.ha nd,mail,offer,pass,pay,post,read,return,sho w,teach,tell 宾语从句--介宾从句 用whether之类的介词宾语从句。 用that,if引导的宾语从句,有时候except,but,besides三个介词后可见到that引导的宾语从句。 宾语从句--形容词+宾从句 有些形容词具有动词的含义,所以也可以带一个宾语从句;


宾语从句(The Object Clause) 学习宾语从句要抓住三要素:连接词、语序和时态。 一.宾语从句的定义 宾语从句在复合句中起宾语的作用,可以作动词的宾语,也可以做介词的宾语 作动词的宾语: I heard that he would come here later on. 主语谓语动词一个句子作宾语 作介词的宾语: He said nothing about who broke the window last night. 主语谓语动词代词作动词的宾语介词一个句子作介词的宾语 二.宾语从句中引导词(连接词)的用法 在复合句中作主句的宾语,引导词有: 连词:that (that 常可省略),whether, if 代词:who, whose, what ,which 副词:when ,where, how, why 等。 ①连词: He told me (that he would) go to the college the next year 他告诉我他明年上大学. I don’t know if there will be a bus any more. 我不知道是否还会有公交车. Nobody knew whether he could pass the exam. 没有人知道他是否会通过考试. that引导的宾语从句(在非正式场合that可以省略) 可跟that从句做宾语的动词有: say, think, insist, wish, hope, demand, imagine, wonder, know, suppose, see, believe, agree, admit, deny, expect, explain, order, command, feel, dream, suggest, hear, mean, notice, prefer, request, require, propose, declare, report等。 The boy believes that he will travel through space to other planets. Attention:宾语从句的否定转移 当主句谓语动词是think, believe, suppose, expect 等词,而宾语从句的意思是否定时,常把否定转移至主句表示。I don’t think it is right for him to treat you like that. 主句的谓语动词是think,believe,imagine,suppose,consider,expect,fancy,guess等,并且主句的主语是第一人称而且为一般现在时,从句的否定词一般要转移到主句上来,其

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