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错选、多选或未选均无分1.下面的数值表示中,和100相等的是哪一个()(A)B (B)100H (C)64H (D)642.如果(SP)=30H,执行PUSH BX指令后,(SP)=()(A)28H (B)2EH (C)32H (D)31H3.如果(AL)=35H,执行AND AL,0FFH指令后,CF=()(A)0 (B)1(C)2 (D)和执行AND AL,0FFH指令前的取值保持一致4.以下指令中,执行后要影响标志位的指令为()(A)MOV AL,BL (B)SAHF (C)NOT CL (D)PUSHF5.对于SAR指令的相关原理,正确的描述为()(A)执行SAR指令后,目的操作数最高位补充0(B)该指令实质上与SHR指令没有区别(C)如果移位次数大于1,则移位次数必须预先存放在CL寄存器(D)该指令不影响CF标志位6.关于SUB指令对OF标志的影响,正确的描述为()(A)当程序员把SUB指令的操作数看作无符号数时,SUB指令不影响OF标志(B)当程序员把SUB指令的操作数看作无符号数时,SUB指令要影响OF标志,但是程序员认为它此时没有意义(C)SUB指令有时会影响OF标志,但有时不会(D)程序员使用SUB指令时总是认为它所影响的OF标志是有意义的7.DEBUG中,T命令的功能为()(A)显示当前系统时间(B)查看指定内存单元的内容注:试题字迹务必清晰,书写工整。
四川大学期末SSD2考试试题C卷四川大学期末考试试题(闭卷)(2008-2009学年第1学期)课程号:311016040 课序号:课程名称:计算机系统导论(C 卷)任课教师:张磊尹皓吴琼适用专业年级:软件工程2008级学生人数:印题份数:学号:姓名:考试须知四川大学学生参加由学校组织或由学校承办的各级各类考试,必须严格执行《四川大学考试工作管理办法》和《四川大学考场规则》。
题号一二三四五六七八九十得分阅卷教师阅卷时间总成绩期末卷面% 期中卷面% 实验成绩% 考勤成绩% 一、单项选择题(本大题共40小题,每小题1分,共40分)在每小题列出的四个备选项中只有一个是符合题目要求的,请将其代码填写在题后的括号内。
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 401. Of the following, which best describes the difference between bits and bytes?(a) A bit is the smallest unit of information in a computer. A byte is a collection of bits.(b) A byte is the smallest unit of information in a computer.A bit is a collection of bytes.(c) There is no difference between bits and bytes. The terms are used interchangeably.(d) A byte represents the values 0 and 1, while a bit represents a range of values from 0 to 255.2. What is the binary equivalent of the decimal number 123?(a) 1111111 (b) 1111011 (c) 1101110 (d) 11111013. A(n) _____ technician participates in the construction of computer chips, circuit boards, system units, or peripheral devices.(a) manufacturing (b) database (c) software engineering (d) system4. Which of the following kinds of projects typically requiresa special type of CPU that would not be found in a desktop or mainframe computer?(a)Monitoring the operation of an automobile engine(b)Performing business calculations for a financial report(c)Looking up and storing information on customer accounts(d)Processing requests to send and receive email5. Computer output devices include which of the following?I. Projector II. Microphone III. Printer(a) I, II, and III (b) II and III only (c) I and II only (d) I and III only6. Of the following types of storage, which provides the fastest access to data?(a) RAM (b) CD-ROM (c) hard disk (d) cache7. The speed of a computer bus is measured in _____, whereas the transfer rate is measured in _____.(a) bits, channels (b) channels, bits (c) hertz, Bps (d) Bps, hertz8. Why is it important to have large amounts of RAM in a computer system?(a)Programs cannot access files unless the entire file is first loaded into RAM.(b)RAM continues to be less expensive than hard disk memory.(c)You cannot load and execute a program unless there is sufficient RAM to hold all of a program's CPU instructions.(d)Multitasking and large programs run slowly if there is insufficient RAM.9. Which of the following is a reason for degradation in computer system performance due to insufficient RAM?(a)It takes a longer time to transfer data from the hard disk to the cache.(b)It takes a longer time to transfer data from the peripheral devices to the chipset.(c)Instructions have to be loaded frequently from the hard disk.(d)The processor performance will be less than optimal.10. Which of the following statements is (are) true?I. CD-ROM drives use laser technology.II. CD-ROM drives typically cannot be used to write data onto disks.(a) II only (b) None (c) I only (d) I and II11. In a typical computer, when saving data to the hard disk, the chipset sends the data to the disk controller via the(a) AGP bus (b) parallel ports (c) serial ports (d) PCI bus12. In a typical computer, data from storage devices is passed to the chipset through the(a) disk controller (b) PCI expansion slots (c) AGP expansionslots (d) PS-2 ports13. Computers that operate in essentially the same way are said to be(a) Integrated (b) user-friendly (c) compound (d) compatible14. Which of the following software layer sequences correctly represents the task of saving a file with a text editor?(a) application, operating system, device driver, hardware(b) operating system, application, hardware, device driver(c) application, operating system, hardware, device driver(d) operating system, device driver, application, hardware15. Which of the following is an example of an interrupt?(a) The CPU stops the operating system due to an internal error.(b) An application informs the operating system that it has finished executing.(c) A device indicates to the operating system that it has received input.(d) Betty, a user, indicates to the operating system that she wants to stop an application.16. Which of the following is (are) true regarding the cluster size of a disk drive?I. A cluster is the smallest amount of space that a file can occupy in a disk.II. The cluster size will decrease as the size of the disk increases.(a) I and II (b) II only (c) None (d) I only17. Applications that are designed to work together to create complex documents containing different types of data are referred to as(a)groupware (b) consolidated (c) utilities (d) an office suite18. Within Windows, where can a user find applications for changing the operating system configuration?(a) Online help (b) Control panel (c) File manager (d) Resource manager19. File management software adapts to different files because of a concept called data(a) indexing (b) independence (c) input (d) sorting20. Which of the following is (are) true of a database?I. A database can contain a variety of different record formats.II. Each database can have only one record format.III. A database consolidates flat files into a single collection of diverse information.(a) II and III only (b) I and III only (c) I only (d) II only21. Who of the following focuses on the software component of an information system, including software design, programming, and testing?(a) Systems analyst (b) Software engineer (c) Database administrator (d) Systems administrator22. Which of the following is(are) limitations of Object Linking and Encoding (OLE)?I. It is not supported by all applications.II. The application program used to create the embedded data must be installed on the user's computer for editing.III. There may be loss of information when embedding data.(a) I, II, and III (b) I and II only (c) I only (d) II and III only23. Virtual memory involves temporarily moving unneeded instructions or data from RAM to(a) cache memory (b) a computer on the network (c) a hard disk (d) the CPU24. Under Windows, what extension is used for files that contain a sequence of predefined commands to the operating system?(a) .exe (b) .com (c) .txt (d) .bat25. In the software development process, which of the following methods are used to assist programmers in finding "bugs" in their software?I. DebuggingII. TestingIII. Code Reviews(a) I and III only (b) I and II only (c) I, II, and III (d) II and III only26. Device drivers facilitate communication between which layers of the system?(a) The operating system and applications using hardware devices(b) The operating system and hardware devices(c) Applications and hardware devices(d) Different hardware devices27. Which of the following are programs containing software instructions to be executed by the CPU?I. BIOSII. Device driverIII. Operating system(a) I and III only (b) I and II only (c) II and III only (d) I, II, and III28. Networks typically use _____ cable.(a) NIC (b) coaxial (c) twisted pair (d) wireless29. Which of the following components are required for an email system?I. Email server softwareII. Post office softwareIII. Email client software(a) II and III only (b) I, II, and III (c) I and III only (d) I and II only30. Which of the following connections uses shared bandwidth, resulting in reduced speeds when a large number of users are online?(a) Cable modems (b) ISDN (c) T1 (d) Telephone modem31. Which of the following are tasks performed by a Web browser?I. Sending a request for a specific file to a serverII. Formatting and displaying a file received from a serverIII. Sending additional requests to the server to retrieve any graphics elements such as icons or images for a requested file(a) I, II, and III (b) II and III only (c) I and II only (d) I and III only32. Which of the following symbols is used to separate directory paths in a URL?(a) . (b) // (c) / (d) :33. Which encryption method uses a pair of digital keys?(a) S-HTTP(b) Public key encryption(c) SSL(d) Active-X34. Which of the following must be included on a digital certificate?I. The name of the entity and the expiration dateII. The number of times the certificate has been viewedIII. The digital signature of the certificate authority(a) I, and III (b) II and III only (c) I and II only (d) I, II, and III35. A full backup was performed on Monday and incremental backups were performed on each of the next two days. What is the correct search order for finding the most recent version of a backed-up file?(a) The first incremental backup, the last incremental backup, the full backup(b) The full backup, the first incremental backup, the last incremental backup(c) The last incremental backup, the first incremental backup, the full backup(d) The full backup, the last incremental backup, the first incremental backup36. One of the most common applications of encryption is transmitting data securely over the Web via(a) a simple substitution code (b) a Trojan horse (c) e-mail (d) the Secure Socket Layer (SSL)37. A conventional phone line is capable of transmitting which of the following?(a) Voice only (b) Data in analog form (c) Audio data only (d) Optical data38. The FTP protocol(a) is only used on intranet servers(b) allows communication with computers that are not running a Web server(c) ensures encryption of files being transferred(d) is a much newer technology than HTTP39. When connecting to an ISP using a standard phone line, which of the following is (are) required?I. A phone number to access the ISP's Internet servercomputerII. Account name and passwordIII. An internal or external modem(a) I and III only (b) I and II only (c) II and III only (d) I, II, and III40. Which of the following correctly characterizes the part of the email address after the @ (the "at" sign)?(a) The email server name on which the recipient has an account(b) The Web server of the recipient(c) The computer name of the recipient's computer(d) The IP address of the recipient's computer二、问答题(6道题,共60分)1. Component Identification(10分)Choose among the following components to label the image: MotherboardPower supplyBIOS ROM ChipCooling fanExpansion slotRAM chipExpansion cardDisk drivesChipsetIDE cableEthernet cablePCI busLabel A is _____.Label B is _____.Label C is _____.Label D is _____.Label E is _____.Label F is _____.Label G is _____.Describe the functionality of each of the following components (in 2 sentences or less):Microprocessor:RAM:Bus:Expansion card:2. Boot Process (10分)a. What are two functions of the boot process?b. Describe the steps involved in a POST (include the information BIOS displays at the end of POST).c. Fill in the following chart by arranging the steps of the boot process below in order.* Copy BIOS to RAM* Execute BIOS program* Identify peripheral devices* Load device drivers* POST* Search for Master Boot Record and load the operating systemSteps in the Boot Process Power On ? ? ? ? ? ? Operating System Operational3.Cryptography(10分)In this section, you will encode/decode simple messages using different cryptography methods.a. Consider the alphabet shift cipher. Complete the following table:Plaintext Encryption Technique Ciphertext Software Shift right by 4 characters ? ? Shift right by 3 characters Vbvwhpv b. What is the maximum number of ways you can replace a character using the above alphabet shift cipher? What is the size of the key space? What is a weakness of the alphabet shift cipher above?c. How does using a secret passphrase as the encryption key compare to using the alphabet shift cipher? Let us try using a passphrase to encrypt the message "Meet at noon." with a larger key space. The key is "CBA". In this case, only encrypt alphabet letters.d. What is the encrypted message?4. Data Representations in a Computer System(10分)The Extended ASCII chart below shows characters and their binary representations. Use the chart below and a calculator to answer the following questions:Figure 1 ASCII codeYou can obtain the binary representation of a word by concatenating the ASCII values of each letter. For example, “SSD2” in binary representatio n is 01010011 01010011 01000100 00110010.a. “Fun” in binary representation is __ _.b. “Play” in binary representation is __ _, which is equivalent to __ _ in decimal representation.c. 01100011 01100001 01110010 01100101 01100101 01110010 01110011 is the binary representation of the ASCII string__ _.d. 0x7374617274 is a hexadecimal representation of the ASCII string __ _.e. 1751478885 is the decimal representation of the ASCII string __ _.5. Batch File Creation(10分)In this section, you will interface with the operating system using DOS commands.For each of the following tasks, list the correct DOScommand. Note: While it is not necessary to perform these tasks on a computer, the assignment is structured for each task to be completed in sequence; that is to say, a task may depend on the state created by previous tasks.a. Name the batch file EXDIR.BAT.b. Include your name as a remark in EXDIR.BAT.c. Include the creation date as a remark in EXDIR.BAT.d. Include the function of EXDIR.BAT as a remark in EXDIR.BAT- redirects the output of “dir C:\” to a file named by the user.e. The filename provided by the user is the first argument.f. A valid switch for the command dir is the optional second argument.g. If the file named by the user already exists, EXDIR.BAT immediately generates an error message and then exits without executing dir.h. The error message generated by EXDIR.BAT must display, "filename already exists, aborting EXDIR."Write down your batch file code.6. XML and HTML (10分)a. What does the term “XML” stand for? What is the function of XML tags, and how does the function of XML tags differ from the function of HTML tags?b. Contrast the flexibility of using XML tags and HTML tags.c. What is one reason why storing data in XML may be preferred to enable multiple systems to exchange data?d. If there are two files:Movies100EX.xml and display.html on your Desktop. Open display.html using Notepad.exe to see the content of the HTML file. Note that the references used to embed the xml file are highlighted in bold font below:Generate another HTML file that displays additional data fields from the XML file, listing Movie_id, Title, Year, Score, and Votes.课程名称:信息系统任课教师:学号:姓名:本题12页,本页为第2页教务处试题编号:注:试题字迹务必清晰,书写工整。
四川大学期末考试试题(A卷,闭卷)(2009 ——2010学年第1学期)课程号:50401730 课序号:2,1,0 课程名称:卫生统计学Ⅳ任课教师:张菊英、殷菲、蒋敏成绩:适用专业年级:07护理、06口七、06基法学生人数:145 印题份数:160 学号:姓名:考试须知四川大学学生参加由学校组织或由学校承办的各级各类考试,必须严格执行《四川大学考试工作管理办法》和《四川大学考场规则》。
2. 测定225例下颌前突患者接受下颌升支矢状截骨术后6个月的平均颌力为15.02,标准差为4.61。
3. 某地HIV经性传播比例明显增加,由2005年的0.03%上升到12.35%,表明该地HIV经性传播的强度增加,应该加强性传播途径的干预工作。
你认为这种说法正确吗?为什么?不对,构成比代替率4. 对同一资料,又出于同一研究目的,用参数统计和非参数统计所得结果不一致时,应以何种结果为准?以资料满足的条件为准若资料满足参数检验的条件,应该以参数检验的结果为准,此时非参数检验的检验效能低于参数检验。
若资料不服从正态分布,或者分布情况未知,不能用参数法进行推断,宜采用非参数法对总体的分布位置进行假设检验5. 经调查得甲、乙两城市男性的肺癌粗死亡率都为36.0/万,按年龄构成标化后,甲城市男性肺癌标化死亡率为31.5/万,乙城市为48.0/万,请解释此差异的原因。
四川大学期末考试试题(闭卷)(2007 ——2008 学年第2学期)课程号:50401730 课序号:2、3、1、0 课程名称:卫生统计学任课教师:张菊英、殷菲、朱彩蓉、李晓松成绩:适用专业年级:06妇幼/临床医学5年制、06口腔修复/医学技术、05口腔五年/台湾、05医学检验注:1试题字迹务必清晰,书写工整。
本题3页,本页为第1页2 题间不留空,一般应题卷分开教务处试题编号:3务必用A4纸打印2 题间不留空,一般应题卷分开教务处试题编号:3务必用A4纸打印学号:姓名注:1试题字迹务必清晰,书写工整。
本题3页,本页为第3页2 题间不留空,一般应题卷分开教务处试题编号:3务必用A4纸打印附录:可能用到的公式S =∑∑∑-=-nX X X X 222)()(X X t S μ-===d d d t S μ-===u =t ==∑-=T T A 22)(χ ∑--=T T A c 22)5.0|(|χ ))()()(()(22d b c a d c b a n bc ad ++++-=χ22(||/2)()()()()cad bc n n a b c d a c b d χ--=++++ c b c b +-=22)(χ c b c b c +--=22)1|(|χ )1(22-=∑c r n n A n χ2()()()XY XXX X Y Y l b X X l --==-∑∑b S b t 0-= XXX Y b l SS .= 22)ˆ(2.-=--=∑n SS n Y Y S X Y 剩YYXX XY l l l Y Y X X Y Y X X r =----=∑∑22)()())(( 2102--=-=n r r S r t r 24/)12)(1(5.04/)1(++-+-=n n n n n T u12/)1(5.02/)1(211+-+-=N n n N n T u ∑+-+=)1(3)()1(122N n R N N H ii本题 3页,本页为第3页 教务处试题编号。
四川大学 期末 考试试题考试试题((闭卷闭卷))(2016——2017学年第 1 学期学期))课程号:204127030 课序号: 1-4 课程名称:微生物学 任课教师: 孙群、徐恒、张杰、赵建 成绩: 适用专业年级:2015生命学院各专业 学生人数: 137 印题份数: 148 学号: 姓名: 考 生 承 诺我已认真阅读并知晓《四川大学考场规则》和《四川大学本科学生考试违纪作弊处分规定(修订)》,郑重承诺:1、已按要求将考试禁止携带的文具用品或与考试有关的物品放置在指定地点;2、不带手机进入考场;3、考试期间遵守以上两项规定,若有违规行为,同意按照有关条款接受处理。
考生签名考生签名::一、填空(25分,每空1分)1. 上世纪五十年代我国学者汤飞凡教授分离的 研究成果是一项具有国际领先水平的开创性成果。
2. 在鉴别EMB 培养基上,在反射光下大肠杆菌菌落呈现的颜色是 。
3. 病毒的核酸类型是极其多样的,总的来说,动物病毒以 和 居多,植物病毒以 居多,而噬菌体以 居多。
4. 要获得金黄色葡萄球菌原生质体,可用 酶去掉细胞壁,而要获得酵母菌的原生质体,则要用 酶去掉细胞壁。
5. 列举一种益生菌,中文名: 英文名: 。
6. 常见的食品保存方法包括 、 、 。
7. 葡萄糖效应是指在培养基中葡萄糖没有被利用完之前,大肠杆菌 操纵子一直被阻遏。
8. 利用细菌营养缺陷型的回复突变来检测环境或食品中化学物质致突变性的简便有效方法是 。
9. 抗原一般应同时具备两个特性:免疫原性和免疫反应性。
缺乏 而有 的物质,称为半抗原或不完全抗原。
10. 大多数对蛋白质合成有抑制作用的抗生素利用了原核与真核细胞在 上差异11. Woese 等将生物分为 、 和 三域。
12. 常用的微生物菌种保藏方法包括 、 、 、 。
第 1 页,共 3 页试卷编号:二、下列拉丁文译成中文下列拉丁文译成中文::(5分,每题1分) 1. Streptococcus pneumoniae2. Salmonella typhimurium3. Bacillus thuringiensis4. Saccharomyces cerevisiae5. Cyanobacteria三、名词解释名词解释((30分,每题5分)1. 亚病毒2. 灭菌3. 抗原决定簇4. 光复活作用5. 干扰素6. 最低抑制浓度(MIC )四、问答题问答题((40分,四选三四选三,,第一题必选第一题必选))1. 木质纤维素尤其是木质素难以被降解,如何理解木生真菌对木质纤维素的降解和利用。
川大期末考试题库及答案一、单项选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 四川大学的校训是()。
A. 海纳百川,有容乃大B. 厚德载物,自强不息C. 明德新民,止于至善D. 博学笃志,切问近思答案:A2. 四川大学的前身之一是()。
A. 华西医科大学B. 成都科技大学C. 四川联合大学D. 成都大学答案:A3. 四川大学的校庆日是每年的()。
A. 5月4日B. 9月29日C. 10月1日D. 11月11日答案:B4. 四川大学的校歌是()。
A. 《四川大学校歌》B. 《华西医科大学校歌》C. 《成都科技大学校歌》D. 《四川联合大学校歌》答案:A5. 四川大学的校徽中的主要元素是()。
A. 书卷和凤凰B. 书卷和龙C. 书卷和熊猫D. 书卷和莲花答案:A6. 四川大学的校花是()。
A. 梅花B. 荷花C. 桂花D. 牡丹答案:C7. 四川大学的校树是()。
A. 松树C. 银杏树D. 榕树答案:C8. 四川大学的校史馆位于()。
A. 望江校区B. 华西校区C. 江安校区D. 龙泉校区答案:A9. 四川大学的图书馆藏书量超过()万册。
A. 300B. 400C. 500答案:C10. 四川大学的现任校长是()。
A. 李言荣B. 谢和平C. 李向群D. 张林答案:A二、多项选择题(每题3分,共15分)11. 四川大学的前身包括()。
A. 四川中西学堂B. 华西协和大学C. 成都工学院D. 成都科技大学答案:ABD12. 四川大学的国家级重点学科包括()。
A. 数学B. 材料科学与工程C. 化学工程与技术D. 生物学答案:ABCD13. 四川大学的国家级重点实验室包括()。
A. 国家生物医学材料工程技术研究中心B. 国家高分子材料工程研究中心C. 国家水污染控制工程技术研究中心D. 国家能源新材料工程技术研究中心答案:ABC14. 四川大学的国家级教学团队包括()。
A. 数学教学团队B. 材料科学与工程教学团队C. 化学工程与技术教学团队D. 生物学教学团队答案:ABCD15. 四川大学的国家级精品课程包括()。
(2017——2018学年第 1 学期)A卷
四川大学期末考试试题(闭卷)(2006 ——2007 学年第一学期)课程号:20402940 课序号:课程名称:生物化学任课教师:成绩:适用专业年级:2005级各专业学生人数:印题份数:学号:姓名:注:1试题字迹务必清晰,书写工整。
本题2 页,本页为第 2 页2 题间不留空,一般应题卷分开教务处试题编号:3务必用A4纸打印2006-2007生物化学试题答案一、给出下列名词的中文含义(10个,1分/个,共10分)1. BCCP生物素羧基载体蛋白2. NAD+ 氧化型尼克酰胺腺嘌呤二核苷酸3.cDNA 互补DNA4.hnRNA 不均一RNA5.cAMP 3,5-环化腺苷酸6.Tyr 络氨酸7.DDRP依赖于DNA 的RNA聚合酶8.GPT 谷丙转氨酶9.UDPG尿嘧啶二核苷酸葡萄糖10. tRNA fMet 甲酰甲硫氨酸-tRNA二、名词解释(10个,2分/个,共20分)1.构象是表示一个分子结构中一切原子沿共价键(单键)转动时而产生不同空间排列,它通常与分子的不对称性无关。
常分为αα、ββ、βαβ5. 外显子在DNA分子中,编码蛋白质氨基酸的部分。
川大期末考试题库及答案一、单项选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 以下哪项不是成都的别称?A. 成都B. 锦城C. 蓉城D. 春城答案:D2. 成都平原位于哪个省份?A. 四川省B. 云南省C. 贵州省D. 重庆市答案:A3. 成都的市花是什么?A. 牡丹B. 玫瑰C. 杜鹃D. 芙蓉答案:D4. 成都市的市树是哪种?A. 柳树B. 松树C. 银杏D. 榕树答案:C5. 成都的市鸟是什么?A. 喜鹊B. 燕子C. 黄鹂D. 杜鹃答案:D6. 成都的地铁系统于哪一年开始运营?A. 2005年B. 2010年C. 2015年D. 2020年答案:B7. 成都的著名景点武侯祠是为了纪念哪位历史人物?A. 诸葛亮B. 刘备C. 张飞D. 关羽答案:A8. 成都的金沙遗址出土的文物主要反映了哪个朝代的文化?A. 商朝B. 周朝C. 秦朝D. 汉朝答案:D9. 成都的宽窄巷子是哪种建筑风格?A. 明清风格B. 唐宋风格C. 元朝风格D. 清朝风格答案:A10. 成都的大熊猫繁育研究基地位于哪个区?A. 成华区B. 武侯区C. 青羊区D. 锦江区答案:A二、多项选择题(每题3分,共15分)1. 成都的著名小吃包括以下哪些?A. 龙抄手B. 担担面C. 麻婆豆腐D. 火锅答案:ABCD2. 成都的著名旅游景点包括以下哪些?A. 都江堰B. 青城山C. 峨眉山D. 乐山大佛答案:AB3. 成都的非物质文化遗产包括以下哪些?A. 川剧变脸B. 蜀绣C. 四川清音D. 四川评书答案:ABCD4. 成都的气候特点包括以下哪些?A. 四季分明B. 湿润多雨C. 冬暖夏凉D. 春秋较短答案:BD5. 成都的交通方式包括以下哪些?A. 地铁B. 公交C. 火车D. 飞机答案:ABCD三、判断题(每题1分,共10分)1. 成都是四川省的省会城市。
(对)2. 成都位于中国的南部。
(错)3. 成都的气候属于温带季风气候。
(对)4. 成都的市花是牡丹。