❖ (Examples: The English Patient《英国 病人》)
The Basic Stories
❖ Achilles (阿喀琉斯), ❖ Candide (憨第德), ❖ Cinderella (灰姑娘), ❖ Circe (喀尔刻), ❖ Faust (浮士德), ❖ Orpheus (俄尔普斯), ❖ Romeo and Juliet (罗密欧与朱丽叶), ❖ Tristan (特里斯坦), ❖ the Wandering Jew (流浪的犹太人).
Chapter 4 Narrative 叙述
❖ This chapter attempts to : ➢ Define the basic terms used to analyze narratives---
Narrative, Story, and Plot. ➢ Describe nine basic story types. ➢ Describe the commonly used the Classic Three-Act
The key distinction is that between story and plot: Story is the viewer’s imaginary construction of all the events in the narratives---whether presented to us or not---while plot is the film’s actual presentation of certain events in the narrative.
The Basic Stories
❖ Writers have argued that there are a limited number of stories that form the basis for ALL fictional narratives. These stories have been named Achilles (阿喀琉斯), Candide (憨第德), Cinderella (灰姑娘), Circe (喀尔刻), Faust (浮士德), Orpheus (俄尔普 斯), Romeo and Juliet (罗密欧与朱丽叶), Tristan (特里斯坦), and the Wandering Jew (流浪的犹太 人).