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2007年1月林业科学SCIE NTIA SILVAE SINICAE Vol .43,No .1Jan .,2007
张文辉1 刘国彬2
(1.西北农林科技大学西部环境与生态教育部重点实验室 杨凌712100; 2.中国科学院水利部水土保持研究所 杨凌712100)
摘 要: 以中国水土流失与生态安全综合科学考察西北黄土区考察组获得的资料为依据,对黄土高原植被恢复
关键词: 黄土高原;植被恢复;退耕还林
中图分类号:Q948 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1001-7488(2007)01-0102-05
Review on Vegetation Restoration in Loess Plateau
Zhang Wenhui 1 Liu Guobin 2
(1.Key La bo r ato r y of Wes t En vir on mental an d Eco lo gy o f Edu cati on Mi nis try No rth w est F &A Uni vers ity Yang ling 712100;
2.W ate r a nd So il C o ns er vati on Ins titut e o f Ch in ese Aca demy o f Scien ces an d th e Minis tr y o f Wa ter Res ou rc es Ya ngli ng 712100)
Abstract : Acc ording to the data fr om the nor thwest loess plateau group of the scientific compr ehensive inspec tion of ec ological safety and water and soil erosion in China ,the achievement attained ,the pr oble m existed ,and strategy and measure ment of ve getation r estoration in the futur e have been compr ehensively anal yzed .Since the policies of the conversion of cr opland to for est and the close grazing were carried out ,the vegetation quality and coverage rate have been increased all over in Loess Plateau area ,the ecologic al c onser ving consc iousness of ordinar y people were strengthened ,the environment harness measurements have been optimized ,the multifor m investments of ecological constr uction and the ur banization development make vegetation r estoration have good futur e .However ,there have been so me pr oble ms existed such as ,the shortage of investment ,the government polic y instability ,the extravagant econo mic benefit expected ,the larger rate of plantation ,no enough technological measure ments for supporting vegetation restoration and many key theor y pr actice pr oble ms that are urgent to be solved ,etc .In the future ,the goal of near ,middle ,longter m in the future for vegetation restor ation should be clear ,the achievement should be expanded ,the natur al r estoration area rate should be increased .The benefit for the household c ontracted with management should be pr otected .The investment for research work and inventing ability should be increased .
Key words : Loess Plateau ;vegetation r estoration ;conversion of cropland to for est