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1、Thanks to the reform and opening policy, china has made many achievements in all sorts of aspects. Can you list some of them?

What benefits do these achievements brings to Chinese people?

To catch up with developed countries, what else should we do?

China’s development and achievements

When you think of the major achievements china has made after its reform and opening to the outside world, what comes to your mind? In my opinion, the most attractive achievement is that the change of Chinese economy turns the world upside down. And it is still changing better and better with each passing day. Its sustained economic growth and development increases its important role as a global economic power and status. China had been the world’s largest economy for 18 out of the last 20 centuries, and there is no doubt in my mind that china will regain that position. Chinese overall status in the international community has been improved. Chinese voice becomes more powerful, and China’s influences on the world become more and more profound. All of us shall understand that the challenge of governing a country of 1.3 billion people is something that nobody is qualified to speak on, except china’s leaders themselves. Under such severe conditions Chinese economy continued to maintain more than 8% growth.

Chinese people's living standard has been greatly improved, basically achieved comparatively well-off society. So I can have the chance of receiving higher education in University, which is almost impossible in 30 years ago. What’s more, Chinese government makes nine-year compulsory education universal, and above 85% of all school children are able to receive nine-year compulsory education universal. Educational undertakings have achieved rapid development in recent years.

C hinese people’s living standard has been greatly improved, basically reached comparatively well-off level. People's income rises generally. The cultural infrastructure and public facilities increased markedly. Medical care system covered of urban and rural and endowment insurance system has been basically established, people enjoy the benefits of economic development.

China should adhere its reform and opening policy, and expand cooperation and exchanges with other countries. China should maintain the sustainable growth of our economy and integrate the strategies of attracting foreign investment and going global. It is no denying that our economic development is high investment, high pollution and low efficiency. We have to change the tendency so as to catch up with developed countries. Pay attention to the coordinating development of economy and other undertakings; let the people share the fruits of economic development. Pay more attention to people's livelihood issues; and solve problems which people concern most. With rapid development of economy, a series of problems occur. What people are most concerned about are excessive rising prices and inflation. People’s income increases, but buying power its decreases. To solve these problems in order to eliminate the obstacle that economy grows further

2、An unforgettable graduation ceremony

What kind of graduation ceremony was it and where did it take place?

During the ceremony, how did you feel about it and what happened?

Do you think that after the graduation ceremony you will turn a new leaf in your life?

To most people, the graduation ceremony is an unforgettable event. It is not only an end of a period of studying but also a new start to the next stage in life.

At the day of my graduation ceremony, there were full of students in academic dress. It became

a unique landscape on campus. We waited for the arrival of graduation with maxed feeling.

The graduation ceremony is lively and joyful. The certificate that cohere countless painstaking effort and sweat is our harvest and dream we have fought for four years. The graduation ceremony is also heavy, for students, the university life is the last ceremony, the last party. At that moment, many complex feelings emerge at same time, appreciation for our university and teachers; unwilling to depart with our fellow students; nostalgia for the times of university…

The headmaster gave a speech of commencement and awarded university degree certificate and diploma to the representative of students. The student representative gave a sincere speech, expressed his hopes for a bright future to us and best wishes to our university.

After the graduation ceremony we will turn a new leaf in our life.

3. There may be some great changes at some point in your life, such as going to a new school, leaving home, or getting your first job.

Topic: a great change that is special to you

QF: what was the change and when did it happen?

Why do you think it is special? Is it also special for other people?

How has it changed your life? Can you explain your feelings about it?

Attending university greatly changed my life. After entering university, I came into contact with many things which I did not previously. In college, you are responsible for your own education. The first thing I have learned in university is how to educate myself. Modern education stresses how to learn rather than what to learn. Self-learning is so important, I never forget that. Books and teachers are helps, but you have to do the work. In fact, it is yourself that make you learn. Only by persevering with your own efforts can you become well educated.

There are two objects in education: first, to develop yourself; second, to gain knowledge. To develop yourself is to strengthen and cultivate your well-being, to improve your memory and reasoning powers, to learn to think and judge correctly, in short, to have your mind grow, so that you will be better able to do your work in life. You develop yourself by acquiring an education, thinking about it, and using it, for education is the food to make your mind grow. To gain knowledge is to learn skills and methods which will be of use to you in life.

In high school, teachers and parents make sure that you are on the track. In college, you are on your own. It is the most important period you form your values, good habits, the pattern of dealing with things. I can hardly image where I am and what I am doing if I didn’t attending university. 4. Although smoking is bad for people’s health, cigarette production is a major economic activity in china, especially in some regions like Y unnan Province.

QF: on the one hand smoking is a bad habit, on the other hand cigarette production provides a high tax income to the government, and so do you think it is difficult to balance this issue? Why or why not?

What measures should we take to prevent young people from smoking?

Although cigarette production provides a high tax income to the government, we should not advocate people to smoke. On the contrary, we should persuade people giving up smoking. The disadvantages of smoking outweigh its advantages.

There is no denying that smoking is bad to people’ health. Smoking has closely relations wish some serious diseases such as lung cancer, heart disease. There are about 3 million people die of the relevant disease derived from smoking every year all over the world. If you smoke a lot, you do have a much greater chance of losing your health. We meet smokers everywhere: in the streets,

on college campuses and in shops. The bad habit has seemly been a common social hobby for male or female. What is worse is that many young people fall into this bad habit, even middle school students have been engaged in smoking. It is absurd that many of them think that smoking is a smart symbol. Furthermore, scientific research shows that smoking is not only harmful to smokers themselves, but also a threat to public health, especially to women and children. Therefore, many countries have made laws forbidding smokers to smoke m public places such as cinemas, stations, hospitals, and so on. Give up smoking! If you don’t smoke, don’t start. Give up smoking for the sake of your health, for the sake of your family, and for the sake of the whole world.

5. One major economic issue that is facing china is the widening gap between the rich and the poor. Rich people have more advantages to profit than poor people and the living standards of some regions are really very poor.

QF: why do people of the eastern part of china enjoy a better life than those of the western part? Can you compare the living standards of rich people and poor people?

What else can the government do to help the western regions? (Cutting the taxes the farmers pay and encouraging graduates to live and work there)

People of the eastern part of china take advantage of its own resources, have achieved rapidly economic growth. While the western areas did n’t because of historic, social, and cultural conditions. So people of the eastern part of china enjoy a better life than those of the western part. Now there is a widespread concern in China over the widening gap between the rich and the poor. We are surprised to learn that a pop singer can make over a hundred thousand Yuan for one performance overnight, while it may take an average farmer his lifetime to earn that much. When the rich drink champagne and hold dancing party, the poor still don’t solve the problem of food and clothing. To narrow the gap, the government should take effective actions to help the poor, and meanwhile strictly enforce laws to eliminate corruption in government. The government should pay close attention to agriculture and increase assistance and protection for agriculture. In this way, we can achieve a coordinated development between urban and rural areas and to resolve issues concerning agriculture. On the other hand, reform on income distribution should be carried out and strict income taxation should be made more workable and effective to narrow people's income gap. Our government should increase the income of low-income, broaden the scale of middle class, and restrain the excessively high income group. And finally, the traditional "law of value" and "principle of more pay for more work" should have their final say.

6. Some people think the educational system in china is not very satisfactory. Some children from poor families cannot have high education and some children cannot have further education because they don’t do a good job in the entrance exams. What do you think of the educational system in china?

Topic: the educational system of china

Why can’t the children from poor families go to schools, especially high schools and universities? Even though the families can afford the fees, if the children get a low mark in the entrance exams, can they have further education? Do you think it is right?

What do you think of the educational system in china? What kind of education did you receive?

Chinese government has popularized nine-year compulsory education, at the same time,

achieved great success in the development of higher learning. As china’s education develops rapidly in recent year, many problems have occurred, one of which is the uneven distribution of resources. The urban regions, eastern coast and tertiary education are no doubt the beneficiaries of the imbalance. Statistics abound in support of this judgment.

Education, as the most valuable tool in bridging the development gap among different groups of people, can promote social quality and bring hope to the poor. Equal access to education of quality for all groups of people, no matter where they live, is significant for our drive to build a harmonious society.

The problem also lies in the fact that china has put a large sum of money in higher learning instead of primary education, making it hard for some poverty-stricken regions to carry out basic compulsory education. You can hardly image that in some rural areas there are even no physical education, art class, and music lesson and concerning teachers.

Our government should step up efforts to restructure education. Education designed to improve the overall quality of students must be promoted. We also should speed up the application of IT in education. Our government should increase investment in infrastructure development in colleges and universities, especially in primary education.

7. A famous person that you admire

Who is the person and why is he or she famous?

Why do you particularly admire him or her and how has the person contributed to society?

If you met the person whom you particularly admire on the street, what questions would you ask him or her?

8. With the development of science and technology, there are more and more forms of transport that people can in different situations. Compared to cars and buses, what do you think of the bicycles?

QF: a good form of transport-bicycle

Do you think the bicycle is an old or new form of transport?

What are the advantages of riding a bicycle?

How do you go to school or go to work? Do you ride a bicycle? What is your personal experience of riding a bicycle?

About a decade ago, the majority of young people and adults in our country rode bicycles whenever they wanted to make a short journey. But nowadays, the number is falling fast especially in the towns. Although the proportions of people who ride bicycles have fallen, there are still quite large numbers of people.

On campus I usually go to classroom by bike. Firstly, it is convenient by bike in short travel. Secondly it is safe and less expensive. Thirdly, we can keep healthy if we ride bike regularly. It is very tired if you ride bike in long travel and its speed is limited. I always go out by bus such as for shopping and part-time job. It is relatively less expensive and environmental friendly compared with by car. But you have to wait and waste a lot of time. By car, it is very convenient to arrive at wherever you want to. The speed is high and yon do not need to wait. But sometimes it is hard to find a parking place especially during rush hour and the cost is very expensive.

There are several reasons for the falling use of bicycles. The bus services have improved and the subway system is expanding, making it easier for people to find other means of transport. Many people have their own cars and there are many taxis on the roads. Another reason for the decline in bic ycle use is a result of China’s economic growth. Nowadays, many people are earning

higher salaries than in the past and they have the power to choose other means of transport to make their life more comfortable.

Riding on a bicycle on campus or going to work is still very common in our country. On campus, bicycle is especially popular. More and more people are advocating environmental protection, riding on a bicycle is one of the means to protect environment and save energy. What’s more, we can keep fitness by riding bicycle. I like to ride on a bicycle to classroom and go to shopping; it is convenient and fast for me.

9. Friendship is priceless. We share happiness and sadness together and we help each other when we are in need. One person may have a lot of friends, but there must be someone who is very special friend.

Topic: friendship

What do you think of a true friendship?

Do you think of a true friendship?

Is there a friend who is very special to you? Explain why your friendship must be someone who is special friend.

When you’re down, friends lift you up. When you lose your way, friends guide you and cheer you on. Everyone needs friends because there are a lot of things that you can't deal with yourself, and the friend’s just make up for it. Friendship just likes the sun, it can make you fell warm though in the cold winter, friendship just likes the water in the desert, it can make you fell that in the world, there still has hope .in a word, the friendship is the same meaning as the greatness, selfness and devotion. To make friends, adding a friend equals adding a way ,open your heart ,devote yourself ,let friendship make your world colorful.

Friendship is indispensable to people's life. A man without friends is an angel without wings, whose life will suffer in the long tolerance of loneliness and depression. Friendship is the mother of our psyche, who'll warm her kid when hurt occurs. We have much to share with our friends in life, perplexity, excitement, bitterness etc. Alas, it's magnificent to maintain a genuine friendship.

It takes many special qualities to make a friend. Understanding should come first. Only when we get a better understanding of each other can we gain an authentic and meaningful friendship. We may find our hobbies of common interests. This feeling of affinity gets us closer and closer.

It also takes a special kind of love that seems to know no end. Never hesitate to show your heartfelt care and kindness to your friend when he/she is in trouble. Love is not selfish. Love is endowed by God that we should treasure all our life.

Tolerance is the third essential part in friendship. We are absolutely different persons. This individual distinction may cause conflict between us in every aspect of our life. Don't immerse ourselves in this infliction too long. Try to tolerant his/her in an introspective mood. Saints are not perfect, let alone those ordinary people like us. Afterwards, we should get a good communication. Never shy to confess.

Understanding, love and tolerance are the first three essences that comes to an authentic friendship. Other qualities are also concerned such as thoughtfulness, trust and patience. Remember, friendship is your psyche's guard, treasure it

I have a friend that we were roommate and schoolmate for three years. We are really good friend and share a lot of things in common, such as, we both like travel, sports and literature. We always kept contact with each other and visited each other during holidays although we attended different university and lived in different places. I sent her gifts on her birthday and other special

days. Yes, it takes great care to keep your friendship. Friendship is just like a plant, and it needs soil, water, sunshine, and other basic things to grow. So you should gives, or it will die with the time.

10. To err is human. Everyone makes mistakes. What is important that we should learn from our mistakes so that we can ourselves a better person?

Topic: are mistakes friends or enemies?

Is it natural for people to make mistakes and grow up through them?

Do you think mistakes are enemies or good teachers and helpers? Do you agree with the saying that failure is the mother of success?

How should we learn from our mistakes?

To err is human. Everyone makes mistakes. But it does n’t mean that we could always make mistakes even the same mistakes. What most important is that we learn lessons from err.

Failure is a common thing in one's life. Almost everyone experiences failure in his life. When one fails in his attempt in doing something, he often feels upset. Some people may yield to failure and flinch from it. But others will stick to and achieve the final success.

Success is what everyone expects. It may lead to fame and glory. When one succeeds in doing something, he gets so excited that he often neglects all the unsuccessful at tempts he has done.

As the old saying goes, "Failure teaches success." It is true that failure is an important factor toward success. The way to success is full of various difficulties and obstacles. Many important inventions or discoveries were achieved after hundreds of failure. And only those successes which have been achieved after many failures are really valuable and praiseworthy.

The obvious difference between people who are successful and people who are not lies in their attitudes towards failure. Successful people learn lessons from failures and confront them, so they achieve success. While, unsuccessful people give in before failure.


1. 学校生活School life? 例一要点: ? 1.杰克是一名八年级学生,就读于伦敦附近的一所学校; 2.他最喜欢的学科是中文课,他认为学习外语很有趣;? 3.学校每学期有一个“读书周”,他和他的同学们喜欢这个“读书周”,他们可以读到来自学校图书馆的许多书和杂志;他很喜欢他的学校。 Jack is a Year 8 student at a school near London.His favorite subject is Chinese. He thinks learning foreignlanguages is fun. His school has a Reading Week every term. Jack and hisclassmates love it. They can read many books and magazines from the school library. Jack loves his school very much.? 例二要点: 1.南希14岁,是七年级学生; 2.她每周放学后打两次排球;她喜爱这项运动,花很多时间练习; 3.每周一她去“同伴俱乐部”;在那里,老生给新生讲学校生活情况;同伴朱莉帮助她全面了解新学校情况;朱莉是她的好朋友。 Nancy is 14 years old. She's in the seventh grade. Twice a week, she plays volleyball after school. She loves thisgame and spends a lot of time practising. Every Monday, Nancygoes to a Buddy Club. There older students talk to new students about school life. Her buddy Julie helps her learn all about her new school . Julie is her good friend. ? 2. 阅读Reading? 例一要点:? 1.我喜欢看罗伯特·路易斯·史蒂文森的书,我认为它们真的太精彩了;? 2.比如,《金银岛》讲述的是一个小男孩的故事;他出海航行,寻找宝藏;故事给了我很大的信心; 3.读了这本书后,我不再像以前那样害羞;将来,我还想去旅游,拥有一些令人兴奋的经历。 I enjoy reading the books of Robert Louis Stevenson because Ifind them really exciting.For example, Treasure Island tells the story of a young boy.He sails the sea to look for hidden treasure. His story gives me a lot of confidence. After reading the book, I am not as shy as I used to be.I also want to travel and have exciting experiences in the future. 例二要点:? 1.我喜欢阅读;每周我花七个多小时阅读各种类型的书;我对历史题材的书感兴趣,但是我


英语口语话题200篇 【篇一:英语口语话题200篇】 hypothetical 假设类的英语口语话题 what would you do if you were late for an important appointment? what would you do if someone accused you of a crime you didnt commit? what would you do if you got lost in an unfamiliar city? what would you do if you left something in a locked building? what would you do if your best friend stole something from you? what would you do if you didnt have enough money to pay your bills? what would you do if your children were caught shoplifting? what would you do if your car got a flat tire on the freeway? if you could change one thing about your past, what would it be? if you could change one major historical event, what would it be? situation 情景类的英语口语话题 someone asks you a question you do not want to answer. what do you say? you need to borrow some money from a friend. what do you say? you broke your sisters favorite vase. what do you say? you forgot your mothers birthday. what do you say when you see her? you want to buy an item located behind the cashier. what do you say? you arrive late to a meeting because you couldnt get a taxi. what do you say? your friend ?wiped out? while skiing and looks hurt. what do you say? the man in the seat next to you is smoking. what do you say? your child is playing with matches. what do you say? you need more time to finish an exam. what do you say to the teacher? description 描述类的英语口语话题



What do you think is the most serious challenge of living in a big city? With the development of economy, the speed of urbanization of our country is faster and faster. The area of cities is larger and larger. More and more people crowd into cities, resulting in larger and larger population of citcities. The abundance of consumer goods in big city indeed bring us much convenience. However, there are also many challenges and pressures living in a big city. Such as crowded transport, dirty air, noisy street and so on. Among these challenges, I believe, the most serious one is the tense pace of life. To get enough consumer goods and live a happy life, We have to work every day to make money. We get up early in the morning and go to work in a hurry even no time to have breakfast. After a day,s busy work, we go home at night and go to sleep. We spend half of our time to work even forget to stop to enjoy our life. Sometimes I think that we are so stupid to devote ourselves to work and forget the purpose we work for. But most of time, we have to do so. So that is the reason for my view. Say something about the impact of horror films on young children. When it comes to horror films, opinions vary from person to person. It is the same to young children. I believe horror films have both positive and negative impact on young children, the point depend on the attitudes of children on horror films. Horror films indeed excite us greatly compared with other films. For children like horror films, watching horror films is an interesting adventure. Kids who always watch horror films would have more curiosity on the world and life. This results that children watching horror films have the spirit of exploration and innovation. However, for those timid and do not like horror films, watching horror films may make them have nightmares. What is worse, it may lead to psychological illness and make them more timid, resulting them afraid of trying unfamiliar things. So it is concluded that if children like horror films, they are admitted to watch them, if they do not like, do not force them to watch. What factors influence you most in your choice of a job? With the increasing of population of our country and the diversification of economy, it is becoming more and more difficult for our young to find a satisfactory job. Too many factors affect us to


说真话最大的优势就是听上去很可能更令人信服。 Level 2 目录 一、谈工作 (5) 二、聊英语学习 (5) 三、聊日常生活 (6) 四、谈婚恋 (6) 五、谈事件 (7) 六、谈规划 (7) 七、谈孩子 (8) 八、兴趣 (9) 九、聊出行 (9) 十、聊天气 (9) 十一、聊吃的 (10) 十二、聊性格 (11) 十三、We-chat 微信 (11) 十四、Taobao 淘宝 (11) 十五、E-Payment 网络支付 (12) 1 / 31

十七、APP 应用 (13) 十八、Anger 生气 (13) 十九、Shopping购物 (14) 二十、Rainy days 雨天 (14) 二十一、Wedding and marriage 婚礼和婚姻 (15) 二十二、Hometown 家乡 (15) 二十三、Name 名字 (15) 二十四、Meal 饭食 (16) 二十五、News 新闻 (16) 二十六、Bus 公交车 (17) 二十七、Computer 电脑 (17) 二十八、Jewelry 珠宝 (17) 二十九、Daily life 日常生活 (18) 三十、Fruit and vegetables 水果和蔬菜 (18) 三十一、Advertisements 广告 (19) 2 / 31

三十三、Transportation 交通 (20) 三十四、Friends 朋友 (20) 三十五、Birthday 生日 (21) 三十六、Housework 家务 (21) 三十七、Teacher 老师 (22) 三十八、Neighbor 邻居 (22) 三十九、Number 数字 (22) 四十、Travel 旅行 (23) 四十一、Dance 跳舞 (23) 四十二、Chocolate 巧克力 (24) 四十三、Restaurant 饭店 (24) 四十四、Television 电视 (24) 四十五、Music 音乐 (25) 四十六、Sports 运动 (25) 四十七、Films 电影 (26) 3 / 31


英语口语考试话题常用展开方式 (一)枚举法 枚举法也叫列举法,用这种方法扩展话题,首先提出论点,然后列举一系列论据或原因对主题进行论证或阐述。请看下面一段语段: There are two reasons why I have decided to attend our university. First of all, there is the question of money, our university’s tuition fee is reasonable, and I don’t even have to pay it all at once. This is very important, since my father is not a rich man. With the deferred payment plan, my father will be able to pay my tuition without too much difficulty. The second reason is the fine education I will receive in management, my chosen field. For some well-known experienced managers are hired as visiting professors in our university. Moreover, our university requires all students to gain practical experiences by working in a company. 说话人在论述选择上该大学的原因时,首先提出论点:“我选择上该大学出自两个理由”,接着列举了学费和教育两个方面,来对该论点进行论证。两个论据通过连接短语first of all和the second reason贯通在一起。在论证第二方面的原因时,又从两方面进行阐述,即:该大学管理系聘请了最好的有经验的管理专家担任访问教授并为学生求学期间提供实习机会。Moreover是连接词,将这两层意思连接起来。 表示枚举的常见过渡性连接词语有:first, second, third; in the first place, in the second place; first of all, first and foremost; to begin with, to start with; for one thing, for another; also, besides, furthermore, moreover, in addition, what is more; above all; next; beyond that; initially; eventually, finally, last but not least等。用枚举法来扩展话题,可以帮助考生迅速理清思路,同时使论述的内容层次分明,脉络清楚。 (二)描述法 描述法是话题扩展的一种常用手段,语段描述一般都是描述人、地方或物品的某个特点,并且语段的主题句往往表达说话人的总体印象。请看下面一段人物描写: The most fascinating person I know is Xiaoming, a friend of mine. Xiaoming has many unusual characteristics you would not guess from his physical appearance. He is probably the shortest and thinnest man that I know. Nevertheless, he is the best athlete in our school. Moreover, he is also a wonderful storyteller. He often entertains us for hours with stories about the interesting things he does and the people he knows. The most important thing is that he is a person who will not hesitate to help you when you are in trouble. You will feel how wonderful it is to be one of his friends. I am sure that you would find him a fascinating person too. 该语段是典型的人物描述,所有的句子紧紧围绕主题句—Xiaoming is the most fascinating person I know—来展开。Xiaoming给人的总体印象是迷人的,说话人通过从外貌、特长、品质等方面对他进行描述,突出强调他与众不同的典型


[英语口语话题Topic] 英语跟我学 2008-03-29 16:18 阅读1611 评论6 字号:大中小 ·Topic:Something about the birthday Hint: When is your birthday? Usually how do you celebrate your birthday? When is your parents' birthday? How did you celebrate the birthday for them? You think what is the birthday present your parents really want or appreciate? ·今日话题: Secret love Were you a secret admirer for someone? How was your feeling? How do you think about secret love? What is real love in your opinion? ·今日话题: 写博客 Do you have your own blog? How do you think about writing the blog? What kind of content would you like to write in your blog? Do you think people should write private things in the blog? ·今日话题:减压 Do you have pressure for life and work? Do you often feel upset or disappointed? How will you release your pressure? What is the best way to release our pressure? ·今日话题: 最难忘的一次生日 Do you often celebrate your birthday? How do you celebrate your birthday?


English Speaking Topics for Final Exam(Preliminary) 第一部分生活life 1.This is my house 2.I want to buy a cell phone 3.House work 4.Today is holiday 5.What do you do in your daily life 6.My hobby 7.Do you like flowers 8.Music can make me feel happy 9.Do exercises 10.Today is my birthday 第二部分工作学习work and study 1.I like reading https://www.doczj.com/doc/962112510.html,ing computer to study 3.My school 4.This is my teacher 5.Let’s go shopping 6.Movie is wonderful 7.I am a good student 8.Do you know how to drive

9.Time is important 10.Bad habit 第三部分人际interpersonal relationship 1.Bad temper 2.Don’t bother me 3.Someone I hate 4.I will have a party this Sunday 5.Which season do you like 6.How should I arrange my money 7.Long time no see 8.Breakfast is important 9.Saying goodbye 10.Let me introduce my friend to you 第四部分社会society 1.Heavy rain 2.Rent a house 3.Eating out 4.Read news paper 5.Traffic jams 6.Ask for direction 7.The working day


1. Please talk about the importance of time. What’s your view on it? 2. Green food is now becoming more and more popular. Do you know why? And can you say something about the changes in people’s diet nowadays? 3. Your best friend’s sister is going to mar ry an American, and you two talk about the marriage across nations. 4. Finding a job, further study or going abroad, which will you choose and how do you prepare to achieve the goal? 5. You find your best friend is smoking, and you want to stop him /her, so you talk with him /her about the harm of smoking and try to persuade him /her to quit smoking. 6. “The thinner, the better?” You are free to exchange your views on beauty. 7. How would you like to get rid of your stress in daily life? Please share your experiences with your partner. 8. Live to work or live to enjoy? You are required to present your opinions to your partner. 9. How do you understand “Green Olympics”, what do you think is our duty to achieve this goal? 10. Campus marriage: good or bad? 11. Do you think surfing on the Internet can help you? And how? 12. Do you believe in love at first sight? What’s your definition of “true love”? 13. What can you do to resist temptation(诱惑) when shopping? (Your partner is crazy about each hot item on sale, while you are rather sensible and are ready to give some advice.) 14. Do you have a mobile phone? If you do, do you think it’s good or bad? If you don’t, would you like to buy one? Why? 15. Do you like developing friendship or love with a key pal(网友)? Why or why not?


英语口语考核话题材料 以下对话内容可供参考,请认真准备周一周二进行的口语考查, 由其它班老师来考查我们班级, 请认真对待! 注意:评价标准是,话题的内容是否齐全, 对话要流畅, 要顺利完成任务! 1、话题:看电影 条件:周末你打算邀请你的好朋友去看电影,你想看动作片,由成龙主演的,你们约好在周六下午2点在学校碰面。 -What are you going to do this weekend? -I have no idea. Do you have any good ideas? -What about going to the movies? -That sounds fun. What kind of movies do you like? -I like action movies. -Whose action movies do you like? -I really like Jackie Chan’s movies. I think he is a great actor. -Yes, I like him, too. -Great. Then let’s go to the movies this Saturday, OK? -Pretty good. -When shall we meet? -What about 2 p.m? -Then where shall we meet? -Let’s meet at school. 2、话题:购物

条件:到商店去买一件4号的男式蓝色衬衫,最后以100元的价钱买了下来。-Can I help you, Sir? -Yes, I’d like a shirt. -What color would you like? -I like a blue one. -What size? -Size 4. -Yes, oh, how about this one. It’s size 4 and blue. -Good. How much is it? -120 yuan. -I think it’s a little expensive. How about 100 yuan. -OK. Here you are. -Yes, here is the money. Thank you! 3、话题:参加俱乐部 任务:你想参加音乐俱乐部,你会唱歌和弹吉他,但你不会跳舞。 -Excuse me? Are you the organizer of clubs? -Yes, what club do you want to join? -I want to join the music club. -Why? Do you like music? -Yes, I like music. And I want to learn something more about music. -Good. Can you dance? -No. But I can do other things.


英语口语考试话题集锦 1. Please talk about the importance of time. What’s your view on it? 2. Green food is now becoming more and more popular. Do you know why? And can you say something about the changes in people’s diet nowadays? 3. Your best friend’s sister is g oing to marry an American, and you two talk about the marriage across nations. 4. Finding a job, further study or going abroad, which will you choose and how do you prepare to achieve the goal? 5. You find your best friend is smoking, and you want to stop him /her, so you talk with him /her about the harm of smoking and try to persuade him /her to quit smoking. 6. “The thinner, the better?” You are free to exchange your views on beauty. 7. How would you like to get rid of your stress in daily life? Please share your experiences with your partner. 8. Live to work or live to enjoy? You are required to present your opinions to your partner. 9. How do you understand “Green Olympics”, what do you think is our duty to achieve this goal? 10. Campus marriage: good or bad? 11. Do you think surfing on the Internet can help you? And how? 12. Do you believe in love at first sight? What’s your d efinition of “true love”? 13. What can you do to resist temptation(诱惑) when shopping? (Your partner is crazy about each hot item on sale, while you are rather sensible and are ready to give some advice.) 14. Do you have a mobile phone? If you do, do you th ink it’s good or bad? If you don’t, would you like to buy one? Why? 15. Do you like developing friendship or love with a key pal(网友)? Why or why not? 16. Is it better for a woman to find a good husband than to find a good job? You two are on opposite sides and are supposed to give your own opinions. 17. If you got 5,000,000 Yuan by winning lottery ticket, what will you do? Share your opinion with your partner. 18. “Laughter is the best medicine.” You two can discuss it freely. 19. Do you think there is a friendship between parents and children? How can you improve it? 20. Do you often judge people by appearances? How do you think about it? 21. My view on the value of life. 22.There still exists sexual discrimination against the female in job market in China. What’s your opinion on it? 23. Do you think honesty is going out of style ?why or why not? 24. Are you afraid of making mistakes? What helps you overcome them? Can


英语口语课课件-话题 H o b b y(总2页) -CAL-FENGHAI.-(YICAI)-Company One1 -CAL-本页仅作为文档封面,使用请直接删除

H o b b y Talking a. What do you like to do in your spare time b. What's your hobby? Why do you like it? c. How much time do you spend on your hobby? d. Does your hobby change when you get older? Hobbies Words hobby 兴趣爱好 spare time 业余时间 be interested in 对…有兴趣 be crazy about 对…疯狂,对…痴迷 skiing 滑雪 reading 阅读 movie 电影 travel 旅游 hiking 徒步 fishing 钓鱼 Chinese chess 中国象棋 shopping 购物 singing 唱歌 mountain 山 beautiful 美丽 的;迷人的 scenery 风景 world 世界 calm 平静的,冷静的 relax 放松,休息 delicious 美味的 culture 文化 Dialogue A: Hey, what is your hobby? B: I love sports very much, especially skiing and running. A: Why do you like them B: Because sports can help to keep healthy and reduce pressure. When I go skiing in winter, I can also enjoy the beautiful scenery of snow mountain. A: Sounds great. B: What do you like to do in your spare time

英语口语话题 好好

1.Past,now and future The future is scary, but you can't just run to the past because it's familiar. 未来会让人心生畏惧,但是我们却不能因为习惯了过去,就逃回过去。 2.My dream Everyone has a dream. Now I want to say something about my dream. What is my dream? I often ask myself. In my mind, everyone shall have his own dream. I think that having a dream means that we have an idea, and then we will do all the things to achieve the target. As long as we have a goal to be realized, we won’t be blind at least. My dream is to become a successful doctor, helping those sick people and saving their lives. Of course, to be a good doctor is very difficult, but I will do whatever I can do to keep everyone healthy. That's my dream. I want to try my best to help the poor sick people of our country. I want to let them have an opportunity to receive excellent treatments for their illnesses without having to pay much or just enjoy them free. China is a developing country which needs good medicine and good doctors, especially in the countryside and distant villages. Now I’m a junior student on Grade One, all my classmates and I are working hard. We all know that the entrance exam of high schools coming in the year of 2009 is a big challenge for us, so we must study harder and harder in order to go to a good high school. Thus after we finish our senior high school, we are able to go to a good university. Finally, we can find a good job in society. My dream is also that although at present I’m good at study, I’ll still try my best to be the study winner. Now everything I do is close to my dream. I feel life is fill with hope and is colorful, and I have enough confidence to realize my dream. I know that fantasy is something hard to realize, but dream can. I’ll work hard for my dreams, I’ll never give up. My dream I earnestly hope to lead a healthy and prosperous life in the future. Judging from my aptitude inclination and personality streaks, my ideal life will be that of a scientist, researching, lecturing, and writing books. As I am from a farming family, I particularly enjoy being close to earth. If I can afford to live a pastoral life in the countryside, I will feel most blessed. As far as social life is concerned, simplicity is what I intend to pursue, so I really don't need too many friends. All these will be mere talk if I am idle now. To attain my goal, I must make a point of training my body and mind. This is a

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