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Nine people were killed and seven injured in an oil tank explosion on Tuesday night in Jiangsu province.
• 周二夜间,江苏省境内油车爆炸事件,造成九人 死亡,七人受伤。 • Russian officials have said 10 federal troops have been killed so far and a further 27 injured. • 俄官员声称到目前为止,共有10名联邦军人被杀。 另有27人受伤。
• The reports should be simple and clear. Passive voice can shorten length ,simplified structure and save space. • Passport procedures simplified. (omit “be”) • 护照办理程序简化 • Using passive word “被” • Using the signs of passive words:受,遭, 给,让,加以,可以,得到,是··的。 ·· • Passive structure that has no passive signs.
The New York Times
Corruption Reports Against Police Rise
The New York Times
Expressing opinions
Big Rift and Fund Shortage: A Rumor
Helping readers evaluating the
Being specific
Great Satan Sits Down with The Axis of Evil
• The Times (UK) on US-Iran talks
• •
Headless Body in Topless Bar
1. 2. 3. 4.
Headline News lead News body News ending
Summarizing the news
Attracting readers’ attention
Indexing the news Decorating the page
Thank You
General Introduction to Journalistic English and Translation
News Classification
According to the event natures:
Hard news
Hard news is what journalists refer to the daily news.It is a chronicle of current events or incidents. Hard news is the factual account of significant news events. It is also called spot news or straight news.
Translation skills
• Translating the headline and hard news : using literal translation. • Looking back to look ahead. 回首往昔,展 望未来。 • George W. Bush Assumes office in White House as president. 乔治布什入住白宫, 就任美国总统。 • President to visit Japan in February. 总统 拟于二月访日。
One million computers get holiday bug 国庆期间百万台电脑感染病毒(原意:“虫” 本文: “计算机病毒”,旧词新意)
• ⑤ The use of Idioms • Examples:
• 1) “I was never cut out to be a doctor,” she said recently. “I got queasy, found it unappetizing and didn’t find it stimulating particularly either.” • 前不久,她还说:“我根本不是当医生的料。当 医生我感到不自在,觉得没吸引力,也不觉得刺 激” • To be cut out to be (for, to do) is an idiom, which means适合于;天生是干…的料
Cops: Man Wanted in N. J. Arrested
Obama: Women Are Not an Interest Group
Representing the key point
Chinese Spaceship Returns to Earth
If it has no corresponding words, we should give up the metaphor object(喻体) to translate its meaning. The Chinese market is a bottomless pit. 中国的市场无限广大。 中国的市场是个无底洞。
• 2) “No Payne, no games” 幸亏有比利●布 恩,奥运会才得以举行。 • It comes idiom “no pains, no gains”
• • • • •
⑤ The use of figurative words Examples: “Catching the Asian flu” 华尔街患上了“亚洲流感” 美国深受亚洲经济危机的影响
The Things That Farmers Needn’t Worry About
News Lead
Summarizing the basic facts of the news Conveying the points of the news
6 elements---- “6-Ws”
• 2)Using passive voice frequently. • To achieve the effect of calling a spade a spade.(直言不讳) • Using Passive voice to emphasize the results in natural and man-made calamities, such as earthquake, volcanic explosion, traffic accident, criminal case…
Soft news
A soft news story aims at entertaining or advising the readers. Soft news always has more words than that of hard news and includes profiles of people, programs or organizations.
New York Post on a local murder
Being positive
Arafat Walks out of the Jordan Peace Talks
International Herald Tribune
Men Walk on Moon
• Bali climate talks seek 2009 deal
• 巴厘岛峰会寻求2009年(抵制全球温室效应)谈 判
• ② The use of abbreviations • Examples: • NBA (National Basketball Association )
• 全美篮球协会
• IOC (International Olympic Committee)
• 国际奥委会 • WTO (World Trade Organization) 世贸组织 • Biz (business)
③ The use of vogue words and buzzwords Examples: DINK family 丁克家族 cyber love 网恋 talk show 脱口秀 ④ The use of newly-created words Examples:
• Using corresponding vocabulary to translate rhetoric such as pun, alliteration, metaphor. • After the boom everything is gloom.繁荣好景 不在,萧条随后而来。 • Accuser accused.原告没告成,反而成被告。 • Middle East: A cradle of terror.中东:恐怖主 义的摇篮。 • A vow to zip his lips!誓将守口如瓶!
The features of syntactic structure
• 1)Using present tense frequently to Baidu Nhomakorabeanhance the sense of reality. • A Ground War Begins. 一场地面战打响了。 • Deposits, Loans Rising in HK.存贷款额在 港回开。
who, when, what, where, why, how
• News body
• News ending
Language Features of Journalistic English
• Lexical feature
• • • • • • • ① The use of simple words Examples: Move plan ,decision , suggestion Voice express Back support Ban forbid Deal negotiation