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2. 在听短文时,要注意捕捉每篇文章或每一段开头的一句话,


下文做出了重要提示。同时,要密切注意短文中事件发生的时间、地点、人物和情节这些要素,因为短文后的问题通常会以what, when, where, which, who, why, whose, how等疑问词开头。另外,考生要


3. 根据文章体裁寻找具体信息。不同文体的文章其内容的侧重







听力理解答题技巧 表1:听力考试时间分配表

一、对话理解题型答题技巧分析: 1.题型解析: 短对话题型一般均为情景对话,按照对话内容大致可分为:1) 职业与身份题。根据对话双方的谈话内容判断两者之间的社会关系,或者某一方的社会身份;2) 推测言外之意题。根据说话人说话语气、语调和措辞所暗含的意思判断说话人对待所谈话题的观点、态度是赞同还是反对;3) 时间与数字题。通过谈话中所提及的数字经过简单运算得出所问问题的答案,比如商品打折等等;4) 语义理解题。短对话中有习语、口语表达含有特定含义,用词义干扰项误导词义,迷惑考生,以测试对该词义的理解力;5)地点与场景题。6)建议与请求题。7)信息提示题。8)综合归纳题。 在听录音时,应先读选项内容,依据选项内容,有侧重地留意录音内容;对于选项内容中的提示可以大致判断录音内容的范围,根据上述对短对话题型的分类,做到心中有数。 2.例题解析: Example 1: A) The work the director has assigned is unreasonable. B) The director is mentally ill. C) The director’s instructions are to carry out. D) The director doesn’t mind if the actors do not finish the work. W: From what I can remember, the director asked us to rehearse this a hundred times.


浅析短文改错的做题技巧 短文改错是目前本人所教的这些学生中失分比较严重的区域。与其说它主要考查的是语法,不如说它考查的是学生的基本功。学生往往找不出错误,因为他们本身就经常犯这样或那样的错误,并且习惯了眼高手低,对于基础知识没有引起足够的重视。安徽高考试卷改革,意味着这些学生到时面临的就是他们不擅长的题型,没有了可以有猜对可能性的单选题,全国卷更多地将学生的实际动手能力提升到考查范围,使得一些学生变得更加摸不着头脑。在进行了几十次的短文改错实战练习之后,学生们往往束手无措,知道答案后往往是恍然大悟,而有些学生在进行了多次练习之后,自信心遭到了很大的打击,对于英语的学习热情也降低了不少。在日常的练习和考试中,我总是给学生不断提示,一定要细心,不能错过一点细节。现将我日常教学中进行的短文改错的练习进行浅显的解析。 第一,纵观全文,主要考查: 1、时态一致原则,比如Li Juan decides to attend Sichuan University while Li Ming preferred Beijing University中时态保持一致,全文都用了一般现在时,因而将preferred改为prefer。 2、前后一致原则,诸如前后代词是否表达同一人或同一物,这往往被学生们忽视。以及主谓一致原则。比如:Now I will share with you on how to deal with them。这里的them,细心的学生会发现上文明明说的是stress,是不可数名词,不可用them,于是需要改为it. 再如,Good communication between parents and children are important.这句话中主语为Good communication,很多同学也许在做题过程中会误以为是parents and children,这就需要找清楚句子的主语到底是什么,发现后就会知道are应该改为is。 3、注意语态的选择,主动还是被动取决于句子主语是动作的发出者还是接受者。比如,She would like to see the great changes that have been taken place in her hometown.此句中的been在这里表达被动概念,变化发生不需要被动。因此,去掉been。 4、前后句子关系,是递进还是转折?是因果还是目的等等。这些都是考查的要点。比如,People liked bicycles, unless they were......中unless表示除非,而


大学英语四级考试听力训练之短文听力理解(一) 四级听力考试的短文理解部分共有三篇文章,语速为每分钟120-160个单词。每篇文章后附3-4个问题,共10个问题,全部是特殊疑问句。每个问题后有四个选项,每两个问题之间间隔15秒。 这些短文中有记叙,议论和说明等文体,尤其以记叙文出席频率最高,如幽默小故事,人物的生平事迹以及普通人物的特殊经历等等。 技巧一: 试卷拿到后,不必规规矩矩地区听Directions, 赶紧利用这一分钟读后面的10个题目,一般可以读好其中一半以上。技巧二: 提前读选项的目的就是预测短文内容–找出选项中的关键词;预测提问方式;预测考点; 技巧三: 先预测,后笔记,如虎添翼 专项训练: Passage One 1. A. Because they have a driving license. B. Because they have received special training C. Because the traffic conditions in London are good. D. Because the traffic system of the city is not very complex 2. A. Two to four months B. About three weeks. C. At least half a year D.Two years or more 3. A. Government officers are hard to please B. The learner has to go through several tough tests C. The learner usually fails several times before he passes it. D.The driving test usually lasts two months. 4. A. They don’t want their present bosses to know what they’re doing. B. They want to earn money from both jobs. C. They cannot earn money as taxi drivers yet. D. They look forward to further promotion. Passage Two 5. A. a cup B. An oven C. an egg D. a busket 6. A. to let in the sunshine B. for the bird to lay eggs C. to serve as its door D. to keep the nest cool 7. A. mud B. grasses C. straw D. branches 8. A. Some can be eaten B. Some are built underground C. Most are dried by the sun D. Most are sewed with grasses Passage Three 9. A. they strongly believe in family rules B. they are very likely to succeed in life. C. they tend to take responsibility for themselves D. they are in the habit of obeying their parent 10. A. they grow up to be funny and charming B. they often have a prro sense of direction C. they get less attention from their parents D. they tend to be smart and strong-willed. 11. A. they usually don’t follow family rules. B. they don’t like to take chances in their life. C. they are less likely to be successful in life. D. they tend to believe in their parent’s ideas. Passage Four 12. A. they wanted to follow her example B. they full supported her undertaking C. they were puzzled by her decision. D. they were afraid she wan’t fully prepared 13. A. it is more exciting than space travel B. it is much cheaper than space travel C. it is much safer than space travel D. it is less time-consuming than space travel 14. A. they both attract scienst s’ attension B. they can both be quite challenging C. they are both thought-provoking D. they may both lead to surprising findings 15. A. to show how simple the mechanical aids for diving can be B. to provide an excuse for her changeable character. C. to explore the philosophical issues of space travel D. to explain why she took up underwater exploration

听力—02—短文理解(T F)

专业引领共成长 听力:短文理解(T/F) Exercise 1 () 15. Miss Grey shared a small flat with a noisy couple. () 16. Now the young couple don’t live in the flat above Miss Grey’s. () 17. The new young man wasn’t as quiet as Miss Grey expected. () 18. One night, the barking of a dog woke Miss Grey up. () 19. The dog barked again at three o’clock the next morning. () 20. The young man apologized to Miss Grey on the phone. 【难度】★★★ 【答案】15. F; 16. T; 17. T; 18. F; 19. T; 20. F 【听力原文】 Miss Grey lived alone in a small flat. She was old and did not like noise at all, so she was very pleased when the noisy young man and young woman who lived in the flat above her moved out. A new young man moved in, and Miss Grey thought, “Well, he looks quiet.” But at three o’clock the next morning, Miss Grey was woken up by the barking of a dog. She thought, “I’ve never heard a dog here before. I must belong to the new man in the flat above.” So she telephoned the young man and said something to him about the annoying dog and then hung the telephone up before he could answer. Nothing more happened until three o’clock the next morning. Then Miss Grey’s telephone rang, and when she answered, a voice said, “I’m the man upstairs. I’ve telephoned to say that I haven’t got a dog.” Exercise 2 () 15. Thomas is a middle school student in Los Angeles. () 16. Thomas not only plays basketball but also creates apps. () 17. Thomas has been fond of computers and technology since before kindergarten. () 18. The two popular apps made by Thomas can be found in the Apple Store. () 19. It’s difficult to make games for children because they are young. () 20. Only clever student can come to learn to design apps in the App Club. 【难度】★★★ 【答案】15.T; 16.F; 17.T; 18.T; 19.F; 20.F 【听力原文】 Thomas is a 12-year-old school boy. He is now in the 6th grade at a middle school in Los Angeles. While most of his classmates are playing basketball or watching the Disney channel, he is creating apps and giving talks. Thomas is not even old enough to have a Facebook account, but he has been strongly interested in computers and technology since before kindergarten. He has set up his own company, which is called Carrot Corp, and he has made two popular apps that are now sold in the Apple Store. “A lot of kids these days like to play games, but now they want to make them,” he says. “And it’s difficult because not many kids know where to go to find out how to make a program, and not many parents have written apps.” Thomas has started an App Club at school. Any student can come to learn to design an app. He says he’s been inspired by Steve Jobs. 1 / 1 初三英语春季班课程中考听力-02 短文理解(T/F)专项训练


Exercise One Passage One Questions 1to 3 are based on the passage you have just heard. 1. A. Asia. B. Africa. C. Pacific. D. Asia and Pacific. 2. A. Because they have a larger population. B. Because they did not have infrastructure to save water. C. Because they need more water for agriculture and industry. D. Because they are lack of fund and technique. 3. A. The world calls for decrease in the number of people. B. Some organizations are saving the safe drinking water. C. A new technology of sea water purification is being studied. D. UN is carrying out a new plan of safe drinking water. Passage Two Questions 4to 6 are based on the passage you have just heard. 4. A. Wanting a shift. B. Facing challenges. C. Leaving Canada. D. Running small business. 5. A. To help the author realize his shortcomings. B. To make the author determine to head for what he wanted. C. To remind the author to be optimistic. D. To give the author a reason to quit his present job. 6. A. You should never lose focus on your goals before you succeed. B. You have to go through some difficulties before you succeed. C. You’d better arrange your plan or your goal in five years. D. If you want to realize your dream, you should quit your job. Passage Three Questions 7 to 10 are based on the passage you have just heard. 7. A. We should force ourselves to remember things. B. We should make a conscious effort of practice and exercise. C. We should never stop learning. D. We should try hard to remember things. 8. A. One night the writer forgot to lock the front door. B. One night the writer forgot having locked the front door. C. The writer remembered to lock the front door. D. The writer remembered unlocking the front door. 9. A. We enjoy hearing new stories about absent-mindedness of professors. B. W e don’t want to know anything more about absent-mindedness of professors.


短文改错解题技巧归纳 Discuss these sentences and correct the mistakes in them with the right signs. 1. I met student yesterday. 2. He is looking a missing book. 3. He wants have a rest. 4. She praised by the teacher several times. 5. I 'm looking forward your letter. 总结: 一:缺词 1. 名词前特别是可数名词前是否缺冠词 2. 不及物动词是否缺介词 3. 不定式是否漏了to 4. 被动语态是否缺少了助动词be 5. 惯用法是否漏了不可缺少的词 Discuss these sentences and correct the mistakes in the with the right signs 1. We are going to have a meeting on next week. 2. He is more taller than me. 3. He is fond of like English. 4. The boss made workers to work 10 hours a day. 5. He married with a beautiful girl. 总结: 二:多词 1. 时间状语前是否多了介词 2. 形容词、副词比较级前是否多了相似词 3. 固定搭配中是否多了词 4. 不定式前是否多了应该省略的to 5. 及物动词后受母语的影响是否多了介词 Discuss these sentences and correct the mistakes in the with the right signs 1. It is time of me to take my dog. 2. I had knew him before he lived here. 3. Passed the bookstore, he stopped to buy a book. 4. He, as well as his sister are a League member. 5. They run as quick as they could in the race. 总结 三:错词 1. 在固定用法中介词是否误用 2. 动词的时态、语态、主谓是否一致 3. 非谓语动词是否误用 4. 句子中形容词、副词是否误用 5. 句子中并列连词、从属连词是否误用 6. 从句中关系词是否误用 做题要求


小学英语听力答题技巧 (技巧一) 如何让学生在听力中获取最大的信息量,提高听力理解的能力,减低这些干扰因素对学生的影响?这需要我们在要求学生多听,增强语感的基础上必要地教给学生一些答题的技巧。 首先,教学生要注重朗读技巧的训练、培养。要有意识地教授学生单词重音、句子重音、连续、不完全爆破、句子节奏、音变、语调等知识,加强训练学生这些方面的技巧。做听力题目前,学生可先自行小声朗读听力题部分里出现的重点词汇及句子。对听力测试做好充分的语音准备,这在很大程度上增强了学生的自信心理。 其次,要求学生在做听力题目时,一定要利用还没放录音之前的一点时间,迅速地捕捉每条题目选项所提供的信息,学会预测句子、短文或对话可能涉及到的内容,这样才能在听录音材料时做到有的放矢,有所侧重,抓住关键词,提高准确性。 再次,要求学生养成果断答题的习惯,切忌犹豫不决。对有把握的试题应快速作答,对无把握的试题也要在所听信息的基础上排除错误选项,做出回答。特别对于不会作答的,应该立即搁置,准备听下面的题目,千万不能因为局部放弃整体,影响下题的作答。 最后,教学生学会抓关键词。在小学英语五年级的听力测试中听短文做出判断或选择是个难点,所以我们要求学生在听的过程中注重捕捉听力材料中所涉及到的人物(who),时间(when),地点(where),事件(what)。因为我们所教对象是小学生,所以可以让他们把英语中的听短文材料理解与语文中的短文阅读作比较,掌握好这四个要素。另外对于一些特殊疑问词【比如原因(why),方式(how),程度(how much/ how long),数字(how many/ how much),选择(which)】在听的过程中也要注意。 另外,告诉学生在听的过程中,一定要注重对听力材料的整体内容的理解,不能把注意力都放在个别单词或句子上,不要强迫自己听懂每一个词,只要重点抓住上述所说的关键词,学会一边听一边作适当的记录来帮助自己答题和检查。 小学英语听力解题技巧二 听力测试是小学英语学习评价的重要形式。对待听力测试除了平时加强听的训练之外,还应具备一些技巧。把握好听力技巧能增强听的判断力,达到事半功倍的效果。可以说良好的听力技巧是听力测试取得理想效果的催化剂。



(二) 句法的测试: 1主谓语在数上的一致; I hope everything are ok with you. are 改为is 2名词性从句; A man came up to him and asked that he needed. that是连词,在从句中无任何意义,而后面的宾语从句缺宾语,用what引导宾语从句作宾语从句的宾语。 3定语从句; This would save the life of many animals, some of then have almost died out. them改为which 4强调句型;It is/was +被强调的部分+that/who… It was in 1949 when he joined the army. when改为that 5句子结构的连贯性、完整性、对等性及逻辑性。 (三)语篇的测试语篇的测试包括: 1上下文中的时态是否一致; 2上下文中的代词是否一致; 3上下文中的逻辑是否一致; 4上下文中的词、词组、从句的替代是否正确。 1.Dear David, I have recently felt guilty, stay sleepless at night. You may wonder how. To tell you the truth, it is just because of the fact that I seldom cheat in exams and I

just can’t stop me. In many exams, I used cellphones to surf the net for answer. Besides, I sometimes referred them to my notebooks so copied something. As you know, cheating do much harm to our learning and self-confidence. It’s time that I take action to stop it. I would appreciate it you could offer me some advice. Looking forward to your reply! 2.My father and I am taking a camping trip in July1.________ and August. We will travel for about two months but2.________ will tour the United States and parts of the Canada. We3.________ have decided to camp because it does not spend as much4.________ as vacationing in hotels, but we had to plan carefully. I5.________ think the car what we are going to drive is very small, so6.________ we decide to take only one small suitcase for both of them7.________ and as few camping things as possibly. We will take some8.________ medicine with us prevent insects from hurting us, and also9.________ some food for picnics. I'm sure that we will have fun.10.________ Tom is a little boy, but he is only seven years old. One day he1.________ went to the cinema. It was the first time for him to do that. He2.________ bought a ticket and then went out. But after two or three minutes3.________ he came out and bought the second ticket and went in again. After a4.________ few minutes he comes out again and bought a third ticket. Two5.________ or three minutes later he came out and asked another ticket.6.________ Then the girl in the ticket office who asked him, “Why do you7.________

中考听力判断正误 TF 提高(沪)--英语解题技巧

1 英语 中考听力判断正误TF 提高(沪) 知识定位 听力历来是中学英语教学的薄弱环节。如何提高学生听的能力,使学生在中考中取得好成绩, 是广大师生极为关注的问题。而今天这一讲我们主要解决好听力中的对话问题,听力中的长 短对话历来都是常规考题,所以除了平时要加强听力基本功训练外,掌握一些听力技巧也是 十分重要的。 知识梳理 仔细审查所给的内容提示(包括文字和图表等),明确要求写的内容,确定文章的体裁、 短文听力的提问方式有最常见的有以下 4 种类型。 1.中心思想题。这类问题主要是测试文章的主题思想。 提问方式有:What is the main idea of the passage? What can we learn from this passage? What is the best title for this passage? What is the passage mainly about? What is the speaker talking about? 等等。 做这一类题时一定要注意集中精力听好短文的开头,因为听力短文一般会开门见山,把 中心思想置于文章的开头。另外,如果文中反复出现同一词汇或同一类词汇,同样也值得我

们特别注意,因为包含有这类词汇的选项能较好地体现中心思想,通常就是正确答案。 2.事实细节题。所考察的细节包括具体时间、地点、主要人物或事件、各种数字等,问 题一般为wh-question 的形式。 这类题要求我们听到文中出现时间、数字时一定要特别敏感,及时做好笔记;另外,文 中一旦出现以因果连词(如because, so, due to 等)和转折连词(如but, however, though 等)引导 的句子也要格外留心,这些地方往往就是考点。 3.对错判断题。这类题常用以下提问方式:Which of the following is true/not true, according to the passage? Which of the following is not mentioned? 等等。听到这类题时,一定 要听清提问,对于有没有not 一词要弄清楚。一般情况下,not 一词会重读。 4.推理推测题。这类题需要对文中的信息进行分析推断,才能作出正确的选择。提问方 式有:What can be infer from the passage? What does the speaker think about the problem...? What does the speaker most concerned about? How does the writer feel about...? 等等。 做这类题时一定要注意与短文内容一样的不是推断,而且一定要根据短文的观点而不是 根据自己的观点来推断。 2 短文听力主要考查考生对语音及常用词汇、语法等基础知识的熟悉程度和分析、推理和 判断等综合能力,相当于听力中的"阅读理解"。从语言和内容方面看,短文听力虽然没有阅读


短文理解的题型解析与解题技巧 短文理解题型一般来说难度较大,在各地中考试卷中十分常见,通常位于听力题的末端。主要考查学生是否能听懂故事中对人和事物的描写、情节发展以及结果,能识别短文中的重要信息并作出相应的分析和判断。其内容与课文内容相关连、贴近学生日常生活;其难度略低于课本中的内容;话题可以是英语课程标准中规定的24个话题中的任意一个(如:个人情况、日常活动、学校生活、计划与愿望、节假日活动等),取材有广泛的自由度;录音通常播放两至三遍,中考常见题型如下: 题型一:听短文和问题选择最佳选项 例2. 听短文和问题,选择能回答短文后所提问题的正确答案。 1. A. Three. B. Four. C. Five. 2. A. Because of the food. B. Because of their homework. C. Because of watching TV too much. 3. A. Surf the Internet. B. Paint pictures. C. Play games. 4. A. Boring. B. Colourful. C. Amazing. 5. A. Watching TV less. B. Watching TV more. C. Stopping watching TV. 录音原文:

Are you a TV lover? Can you think of your life without TV? Many people think if you turn off your TV. your life will be colourful. They also suggest children should watch less TV. TV can give children big problems. First, it's bad for your studies, you spend too long on TV, you can't do well in school. Second, it's bad for your health, because you watch too much TV, you're getting overweight. Your eyesight is getting worse. Third, it's bad for your family life. While your families are watching TV, they don't talk too much. Also, it has too much fighting." Some children always follow the fighting in real life. If you turn off your TV for a week, maybe you can find something fun to do. Maybe you can read books, learn to swim or paint pictures. What do you think? Would you want to have a try? Questions: 1. How many TV problems are there in the passage? 2. Why are more children getting fat? 3. What other things can we do according to the passage? 4. What will our lives be like without TV? 5. How can you make your life more interesting?


高中英语短文改错技巧总结 短文改错口诀: 动词形,名词数; 注意形和副; 非谓动词细辨别; 习惯用法要记住; 句子成分多分析; 逻辑错误须关注。 一. 动词形 主要包括两类错误:动词的时态和语态错误,以及主、谓不一致的错误。例如:My favorite sport are football. (is) Now my picture and prize is hanging in the library. (are) 上述两例分别属于时态错误和主、谓不一致错误。找出此类错误的关键是树立牢固的时态概念,注意短文内容发生或存在的时间,保持时间概念的一致性。 二. 名词数 指名词单、复数形式的用法错误。常表现为将名词复数写成单数。例如: …so that I’ll get good marks in all my subject. (subjects) 三. 区分形和副 及区分形容词和副词在句子中的作用和具体用法。这也是高考短文改错的常考点。例如:I’m sure we’ll have a wonderfully time together. (wonderful) Unfortunate, there are too many people in my family. (Unfortunately) 需要注意的是,形容词多用来做定、表、补语等,而副词只能在句子中作状语,修饰动词、形容词、副词或整个句子。第一例中的wonderful作定语修饰time,第二句的Unfortunately作状语修饰整个句子。 四. 非谓动词细辨别 这是考查最多的错误形式之一。主要有分词和动名词类错误,也包括不定式类错误。例如:…in my spare time, but now I am interesting in football. (interested)


英语四级短文听力技巧 短文听力是四级听力考试中较难的一种题型,考生需要较高的听力理解能力。英语的听、说、读、写、译五个方面密不可分,听力能力的训练应和其他几个方面的训练结合起来进行。 一、命题特点 四级考试短文听力的命题特点主要包括: 1. 形似阅读理解,难度相差悬殊。听力短文在形式上与阅读理解基本相同,都是根据材料所包含的信息回答后面提出的问题,但听力短文材料的难度比阅读理解小得多,只相当于一般的口语材料。因此考生完全没有必要被其外在形式吓倒。 2. 短文播放时间固定,但有弹性时间可利用。虽然短文播放的时间及回答问题的时间是固定的,但播放听力录音之前有大约90秒的试音时间,且在播放短文之前要播放本题的指令部分(directions),这些时间都是可以利用的。 3. 短文体裁较为固定,为做出正确判断提供了语境依据。听力短文多为说明文或叙述性小故事,材料较为通俗易懂,这使提前根据所给选项推断材料内容成为可能。 4. 选项已知,可作为推断短文内容的依据。虽然材料的内容只播放一遍,但每小题的选项是提前给定的,考生可以根据选项所提供的信息,利用前面提到的弹性时间进行推断,为充分获取短文信息创造更加有利的条件。 5. 各小题类型相对固定,有助于总结答题规律。多年来听力短文的试题类型是相对固定的,主要包括细节题、推断题、态度题、数字题、主旨题等。这给我们正确解题提供了启发和思路。 二、应试技巧 结合听力短文的命题特点,我们可总结出如下解题步骤: 首先,浏览已知选项,推断问题的内容和短文大意。在播放短文之前,我们可以利用弹性时间浏览各小题选项,推断短文的体裁和大致内容,为播放短文时充分获取信息做准备。另外,也可据此推断问题的类型甚至内容以便听录音时更有针对性。 其次,手眼脑并用,记录关键信息。播放短文录音期间要听记兼顾,以听为主。一篇短文就是一个信息群,完全靠大脑记忆所有的信息往往是很困难的。因此我们应该把获取的主要信息有选择性地记录下来,特别是有关细节,为做出正确选择做准备。需要特别注意的是这时"听"应该是第一位的,千万不要因为记录前面的信息而漏听后面的信息。 再次,针对不同题型采取相应的解题技巧。在播放问题时,考生要综合利用各种解题技巧做出正确选择。


初中英语中考听力题型详解—短文理解 asf听力文件无病毒,请放心打开 听力理解 考点讲解 短文理解题一般有根据短文内容选择填空、回答问题、在空白处填词、填表格、判断正误等类型。此题要求考生听两遍。下面介绍几种常见的短文理解题型。 Ⅰ. 听短文。从下列A、B、C中选出一个与你听到的短文内容相符的选项。 试题: ( ) 1. How old is Tom? A. Eight. B. Six. C. Nine. ( ) 2. What does Tom always do on Sundays? A. He always plays basketball. B. He always studies at home. C. He always cleans his room. ( ) 3. Did Tom make his hands dirty last Monday? A. No, he didn’t. B. Maybe he did. C. Yes, he did. ( ) 4. What does Miss King do? A. She’s an English teacher. B. She’s a maths teacher. C. She’s a P. E. teacher. ( ) 5. Which of Tom’s hand was dirtier? A. His right hand. B. His left hand. C. His both hands. 录音原文及答案: My little son Tom is eight years old. He likes playing basketball and some other games. On Sundays I can’t see him at home but easily find him in the open air. He always plays basketball with his friends there. Last Monday, Tom finished his homework after the first class in the afternoon. He played the ball again. The playground was wet. After some time his ball was dirty and his hands were dirty, too. It was a quarter to four and the last class began. Tom had no time to wash his hands and ran into his classroom. Miss King, his English teacher told Tom to write some new words. Tom stood in front of the blackboard and started to write. Miss King saw his right hand was dirty. sure it’s the dirtiest in our class.” “Oh, dear!” said the teacher. “Your right hand is dirty. I’m “You are wrong, Miss King,” said Tom. Then he showed his left hand to her and she found it was dirtier. 该短文中出现了两个人物,即Tom和Miss King。短文中第一句话My little son Tom is eight years old. 明确了第1题的答案为A。第一段最后一句话He always plays basketball with

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