5S Roadmap
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•对污染源采取措施•图片化清扫标准•收集清扫时间•确定清扫频率•确定清扫工具方法•制作清扫标准•3S 阶段评审表
•确定改善点和蓝图•设立5S 管理看板•1S 阶段评审表
•生产状态的目视化•讨论确定物品布局•优化现场整体效果•执行巡视管理•4S 阶段评审表
•建立5S 点检表•建立检查团队•执行分层检查•目视化检查结果•执行激励政策
•设立和执行5S 时间
•建立5S 管理规则•培训5S 管理规则•问题的沟通和反馈•5S 项目关闭会议
•2S 阶段评审表。
企业英文缩写大全5S : 整理(SEIRI)、整頓(SEITON)、清掃(SEISO)、清潔(SEIKETSU)及身美(SHITSUKE)五種行為ABC : 作業製成本制度(Activity-Based Costing)ABB : 實施作業制預算制度(Activity-Based Budgeting)ABM : 作業製成本管理(Activity-Base Management)APS : 先進規畫與排程系統(Advanced Planning and Scheduling)ASP : 應用程式服務供應商(Application Service Provider)ATP : 可承諾量(Available To Promise)AVL : 認可的供應商清單(Approved Vendor List)BOM : 物料清單(Bill Of Material)BPR : 企業流程再造(Business Process Reengineering)BSC : 平衡記分卡(Balanced ScoreCard)BTF : 計畫生產(Build To Forecast)BTO : 訂單生產(Build To Order)CPM : 要徑法(Critical Path Method)CPM : 每一百萬個使用者會有幾次抱怨(Complaint per Million)CRM : 客戶關係管理(Customer Relationship Management)CRP : 產能需求規劃(Capacity Requirements Planning)CTO : 客制化生產(Configuration To Order)DBR : 限制驅導式排程法(Drum-Buffer-Rope)DMT : 成熟度驗證(Design Maturing Testing)DVT : 設計驗證(Design Verification Testing)DRP : 運銷資源計畫(Distribution Resource Planning)DSS : 決策支援系統(Decision Support System)EC : 設計變更/工程變更(Engineer Change)EC : 電子商務(Electronic Commerce)ECRN : 原件規格更改通知(Engineer Change Request Notice)EDI : 電子資料交換(Electronic Data Interchange)EIS : 主管決策系統(Executive Information System)EMC : 電磁相容(Electric Magnetic Capability)EOQ : 基本經濟訂購量(Economic Order Quantity)ERP : 企業資源規劃(Enterprise Resource Planning)FAE : 應用工程師(Field Application Engineer)FCST : 預估(Forecast)FMS : 彈性製造系統(Flexible Manufacture System)FQC : 成品品質管制(Finish or Final Quality Control)IPQC : 制程品質管制(In-Process Quality Control)IQC : 進料品質管制(Incoming Quality Control)SPC : 統計制程管制(Statistic Process Control)TOC : 限制理論(Theory of Constraints)TPM : 全面生產管理Total Production ManagementTQC : 全面品質管制(Total Quality Control)TQM : 全面品質管理(Total Quality Management)WIP : 在製品(Work In Process)ABC Absolute Best Cost (is a procurement strategy to secure thebest costs for a part)AFR Annual Failure ReturnETD Estimated time of departure 估計出發時間ETA Estimated time of arriveAMO After Market OptionsWWAN (Wireless Wide Area Network) 是指傳輸範圍可跨越國家或不同城市之間的無線網路AN The product line code for MCD COMMERCIAL regionsAPJ Asia Pacific and JapanAPL Approved Partner ListFPC PCB" 柔性電路板(柔性RMAPCB): 簡稱"軟板", 又稱"柔性線路板", 也稱"軟性線路板、撓性線路板"或"軟性電路板、撓性電路板","FPCB, Flexible and Rigid-Flex". APO Advanced Planning OptimizationASN Advance Shipment NoticeASP Average Selling PriceATP Acknowledge to Production (order acknowledgement methodology) AUP Average Unit Price (sometimes used interchangeably with ASP)AV Refers to the Marketing Feature level of the BOM (2nd level). Is unique by family/platform/business modelAVL Approved Vendor ListAVLC Available Vendor List CandidateBCPL Blind Corporate Price List - When a product becomes "orderable" for the customerBDD Business Desktop Division - Is now defunct - the HP legacy busines desktop groupBOM Bill of MaterialBPN Business Products North America (Pre-Merger HP term for North America region…sometimes referred to as PPMD)BRD Business Requirements DocumentBRP Business Revenue PlanBT Build TriggerBTCO Build to Customer OrderBTO Build to OrderBTS Build-to-stock (situation where you ask factory to build units and stock FGI at their site before orders arrive)CDS Compal Direct ShipCFZ Code FreezeCIR Consumer IR(OEIC) 光電子集成電路CM Contract ManufacturersCNY Chinese New YearCO Customer Order (a term used in ICON - it is how daily demand is input into ICON) OR Change OrderCOA Certificate of Authenticity - most commonly refers to the Microsoft licensing label that is used on our PCsCRT 阴极射线管(Cathode Ray Tube)的显示器COGS Cost of Goods Sold (usually represented as a percentage of revenue) COS Cost of SalesCPB Company Performance BonusCPC Consumer PC Division - refers to the consumer desktop division based in Cupertino, CaliforniaCPL Corporate Price ListCPMO Region: China (refers to both their operations region and their regional manufacturing site)CPP Commodity Purchase PlanCPU Central Processing UnitCT Commodity TrackingCTO Configure to OrderCWSP Confirmed Weekly Shipment PlanDB Design BuildDC Distribution CenterDIB Drop in BoxDO Design Objective (Project or PLC Milestone - Establish Objectives of a project or new part)DoD Department of DefenseDOS Days of SupplyDR Delivery Request (An order placed by the region on the ODM for delivery)DRCD Driver CDDSM Demand Supply MatchingDSP Depot-Specific Supply Chain - ICON term to describe where/how a product is distributed in the MRP toolFW Firm wareECO Enterprise Core ObjectsECO Engineering Change OrderECR Engineering Change RecordEMEA Europe, Middle-East and Africa (is the Europe region)EOL End of LifeEPC Electronic Product Code (RFID technology provider)ESG Enteriprise Systems GroupEDID Extended Display Identification DATA,即扩展显示识别数据EURP End-User Replaceable PartsFCS First Customer ShipFCT Factory Cycle Time (measures the time it takes the factory to produce and ship the product once they have the ually measured in days) FDD Floppy Disk DriveFLC Factory Learning CurveFPU Factory Produce Unit (IPG term)FTO Flexible Time-off (HP term for vacation time)GBU General Base Unit (Pre-merger HP) OR…General Business Unit (new HP)GFI Go For Intro (PLC and project milestone - indicates this project is ready to start implementation)GPS Global Procurement ServicesHDD Hard Disk DriveHDCP (High-bandwidth Digital Content Protection)HOI HP-Owned InventoryHPD HP DirectHPS HP ServicesI/L Investigation to Lab (PLC milestone - freezes product definition)IDC Inventory Driven CostsIDP Individual Development PlanIDS International Direct ShipOOC Out of characterIES Inventec ChinaIPO International Procurement Organization - now called GPS in some entitiesIQDC Integrated Quality Data CollectionIUR IXXXX Unit RequestPP SAMPLE SP : 指產品的打樣制作;Sample PhasePP :指產品小批量試做;Production PhaseMP :指產品進入大量生產Mass PhaseIWT Inter Warehouse Transfer (a term used in ICON that gives the value of the demand plan per sku)KMAT Configurable Material (SAP term)KV The product line code for MCD RETAIL regionsKWL Keyboard Warning LabelLADO Region: Latin America (Latin America Distribution Organization) LCD Liquid Crystyal DisplayLCPL Live Customer Product List - product number and pricing visibleLi-ION Lithion-Ion: Battery technologyLT Lead TimeLTB Last Time Buy - is used when a component/product is going to become EOLMADP Most Accurate Demand PlanMAP Material Availability Plan OR Mobile Attainment Plan (used by Marketing Ops to outline the volumes we want to ship from a revenue standpoint)MAS Material Availbility Split - HP internal term to refer to our tool/process to support material availability visibility to the regionsMCD Mobile Computing Division (pre-merger HP Mobile Computing Division)MDL Module - is a MCD feature naming convention for Floppy Disk Drive or Optical Disk DriveMF Marketing ForecastMIR Mail In RebateMIT Multimedia Integration TestMOH Manufacturing OverheadMP Mass ProductionMR Manufacturing Release (PLC milestone - beginning of volume production)MRD Marketing Requirements DocumentMRP Materials Requirement PlanningMSP Master Shipment PlanMTD Month to DateMV Manufacturing ValidationNA Another name for North America COMMERCIALNACC North America Consumer Computing - refers to the NA consumer regionNAM North America RegionNB NotebookNiMH Nickel-Metal Hydride: Battery technology (boy…this is old!)NPI New Product IntroductionNRP Net Requirement PlanOCT Order Cycle TimeODD Optical Disk DriveODM Original Design ManufacturerOEM Original Equipment ManufacturerOH On-Hand (usually refers to inventory)OP Order ProcessingOPEC Oem Product data management External Collaboration for PSGOS Operating SystemOSS Outsourced serviceOT OvertimeOTS Observation Tracking SystemPCB Printed Circuit BoardPCBA Printed Ciruit Board AssemblyPDD Program Definition DocumentsPDG Product Data GenerationPDM BOM Data Warehouse System (Product Data Management) 產品資料管理系統PL Product LinePLC Product Life CyclePMC Pre-Merger CompaqPMH Pre-Merger Hewlett-PackardPMP Process Management PlanPNOP Part number on PartPO Purchase order订单pxe 網絡啟動模式POD Print On DemandTPM Total Productive Management全面生產管理POR Plan of Record (a general "roadmap" of a product that indicates estimated product forecast, features, etc.)PPMD Region: North America (Personal Information Products Manufacturing & Distribution) or BPN (see above)PRISM Preinstall Reengineering Initiative of Software Manufacturing PSDA Region: Asia PacificPSDE Region: EuropePSG Personal Systems GroupPTRPTT Post, Telegraph and Telephone AuthorityPV Product ValidationPWSP Preliminary Weekly Shipping PlanQBR Quarterly Business ReviewR10 SCITS Material Availability report (is at subassembly level)R11 SCITS Open Orders at the ODMR12 SCITS Shipments from the factoryR16 SCITS Factory BOMR5 SCITS Inventory reportRACDRACD Region Applicatioin CDRAD Reseller Arrival DatesRAM Random Access MemoryRAR Regional Allocation RulesRASRCD Recovery Compact Disc (Includes Windows, etc.)RCTO Regional Configure to Order - describes the SC postponement model where regionally-managed factories configure notebook unitsRDP Regional Demand PlanRFS Required for SetupRICAR Regional Inventory Cost Allocation Rules (used for allocating inventory costs back to the regions)RMN Regulatory Model NumberRMA Return(ed) Material AuthorizationROW Rest of WorldRQM Release Qual MatrixRSBT Radically Simple Better Together (Marketing Value Proposition for HP products)RSL Recommended Spares ListRSN Regional Supply Netting (solution until SNP)RT MCD code name for the US retail regionRTF Read This FirstRTP Release to Production - describes an order management methodology where orders are released only to available supplySA Subassembly (is the 3rd level of the BOM) and is the level at which regional DSM occursSCBO Supply Chain Business Operations (formerly PSDE, Europe region) SCITS Supply Chain Information Transfer Standard - the standard we use to transfer data between ODM, regions and GBUSCM Support Configuration MatrixSI System IntegrationSKU Stock-Keeping Unit (HP classic uses sku to refer to a model number) SKU Store Keeping UnitSLA Service Level AgreementSMB Small-Medium BusinessSMBC Small-Medium Business and ConsumerSMI Supplier Managed InventorySMT Surface Mounted Technology (used in motherboard preparation) SNP APO Module: Supply Network PlanningSOI Supplier-Owned InventorySR Ship Release (What the delivery engineers must do before a sku can be ordered by the regions)SRP SKU Reengineering ProcessST Sell-ThroughSVTP System Validation Test PlanSWMR Software Manufacturing Release (?)TAC Transfer at Cost - often refers to units we sell internally (for new employee equipemnt setup, etc)TAT Turn Around TimeTCE Total Customer ExperienceUAT User Acceptance TestUCUDF Unit Configuration User Defined Format, pre-CompeqUI User InterfaceVAR Value-Added ResellerVCM Variable Contribution MarginVMI Vendor Managed InventoryWDP Weekly Demand Plan (the same as Weekly Shipping Plan)WIF "What-if" demand - used primarily by NACC to describe their uncommitted demand scenarioWOS Weeks of SupplyWPTR Worldwide Product Tracking Record, pre-HPWSP Weekly Shipping PlanWWF Worldwide FulfillmentWWP Worldwide PlanningWWSNRS World Wide Serial Number Repository。
它由以下五个全部由S开头的日文单词组成:整理- 除去多余物品清洁- 清扫工作场所整顿- 每件物品都放在指定位置规范- 建立标准素养- 通过纪律遵守标准虽然它经常被称为‘打扫卫生’,但5S具有比打扫卫生更深的内涵。
Takashi Osada5S:全面质量环境的5个关键要素注:5S管理系统同样适用于生产车间和办公室。
5S TRACC 手册2让我们更仔细地研究这五个概念以确保能清晰理解。
整理 – 分类与清洁第一项S 的目标首先是区分必要的和不必要的,然后清除不需要的物品。
必须依照以下基本步骤进行分类与清洁:• 为需要和不需要的物品设立标准: • 清除所有不需要的物品。
• 为不确定物品和需要尽快处理的物品建立一个存放区。