英语人教版八年级下册unit10 Section B 2a-2d
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Unit10 I've had this bike for three years.Section B 2a-2e 教学设计and get students read it carefully and find the answers.9.Check the answers together and explain the part in detail.10.R ead the whole passage again.Post reading1.Get students to Find expressions in the passage that have the same meanings as these words and phrases in 2b.2.Check the answers together and explain these vocabulary.3.Lead students to read the short passage in 2c and fill in the missing words according to the reading part.4.Read and check the answers together.小结及情感教育(Summary and Emotion)1.Lead students to talk about hometown changes by using some pictures.2.To show a simply outline about the passage and lead students to retell the passage.Finish sometasks andlearn wordsand phrases.Free talk andretell.Practice andteach somelanguagepoints.Emotionaleducation andsummary.课堂小结本课通过主人公的经历,讲述了家乡的变化以及主人公对家乡的热爱之情,教育学生意识到事物处在不断变化当中,培养学生对家乡的归属感,并立志回报家乡的精神。
Unit 10 Section B2 2a~2dⅠ.根据句意及首字母提示补全单词1. A recent study in Australia shows that parents are a the top five world’s hardest jobs.2.—How many apples are there in the basket?—I don’t know. Let’s c them.3.You must h my hand, or you may get lost.4.The writer became famous in the twentieth c.5.Although we often argue about small things, I still r him as my best friend.Ⅱ.根据句意及汉语提示写出所缺的单词6.The library is (在……对面) the bank.7.What a (羞耻)! Tony cheated in the exam and his teacher planned to have a talk with his mother.8.They (搜寻) for the lost sheep in the forest and finally found it.9.I spent my early (童年) in my hometown.10. Paul has found a new job and is (考虑) moving to a new flat near his company.Ⅲ.从方框中选出合适的短语,并用其适当形式填空11.My uncle be a taxi driver, but now he is an engineer.12.Chinese leave the countryside to search for work in the cities.13.He has finished his homework .14.I wrote fifty invitations this morning.15.the traffic law, people mustn’t drive after drinking wine.Ⅳ.根据汉语意思完成句子16.迈克每周去看望他的爷爷奶奶一两次。
人教版八年级下册Unit 10 第4课时分层训练(Section B2 2a—2d)(1022)1.(根据)the ne w tr a ff ic la w,pe o p le mu stn't d r ive a f te r d r in k in g wine.2.H o w d o yo u lik e th e mo vie la s t n ig h t? (改为同义句)d o yo u the mo vie la s t n igh t?3.Th e re is a d ru g s to re o pp o s ite th e sc ho o l.(改为同义句)T h e re is a d ru g s to r e the s ch o o l.4.H e h a s live d in C h ina f or n e ar ly 13 y ear s.(对画线部分提问)h a s h e live d in Ch in a?5.I b o ug h t the b o ok in th e mid-20th ce n tu r y.(用s in c e改写句子)I the bo o k th e mid-20th c en tu r y.6.We s pe n t su ch a h app y c h ild h o od th a t we wo u ld n't f o rg e t it f o reve r.(改为同义句) We sp e n t tha t we wo u ldn't f o rg e t it f or e ve r.7.—Time pa s t ca n no t b e c a lle d b ac k a ga in.—Ye s.Wa s ting time is a .()A.p r e s su r eB.f a irn e s sC.ch o iceD.sh a me8.In th e ir c o un tr y,re d is re g a rd ed a s ymb o l o f g oo d lu c k.()A.a sB.fo rC.withD.o f9.H e is in te r e s te d in all k in d s o f sp o r ts,s k a tin g.()A.h a r d lyB.es p ec ia llyC.ne a r lyD.c o mp le te ly10.—D o yo u kn o w ?—We ca n tr y to p r od uc e le s s wa s te,r e us e o r r ec yc le th in g s.()A.wh y c a n we live a gr e e n lif eB.ho w ca n we live a gr e e n lif eC.wh y we c an live a gr e e n lif eD.h o w we ca n live a gr e e n lif e11.M r.S mith is a s u c c e s s fu l ma n.H e is ve r y r ic h.H e live s in a b ig c ity n o w.La s t mo n th he c a me b a ck to h is h o me to wn.22 p e op le kn e w h im bec a u se h e le f t th e r e wh en h e wa s a c h ild.A nd wh e n he s to pp e d ne a r a23 ho u s e h e s aw a n o ld wo ma n s itting in the su n en jo yin g he rs e lf.H e r 24we re c lo s ed a n d sh e d idn't n o tic e the r e wa s a ma n lo o k ing a t h e r c a re f u ll y.“Au n t!” M r.S mith c a lle d ou t.“Au n t!” T h e o ld wo ma n d id n't b e lie ve h e r n ep h e w(侄子) h a d c o me to s e e he r.Sh e wa s ve r y g la d a nd ex c ited.Tea r s(泪水)25 h e rf a c e.Th ir ty ye a r s! It wa s f o r th ir ty ye a r s t h a t sh e ha d n't s e en h im.A s a26 b o y in th e s ma ll villag e he wa s a lwa ysh u ng r y a n d h ad little f o od to e at.S o h e we n t to th e c it y to f in d a27 .He d idn't c o me b a c k a f te r th a t.So h e cou ld n't s e e h is p a r en ts or h is a un t 28.M r.S mith on ly h a d a29 ho lid a y.H e a s ke d s o me n e ig hbo r s to re p a ir h is a u n t's s ma ll o ld h ou s e.He ne ve r f o rgo t h is te a ch e r M r.G r e en wh o o f te n h e lp ed h im 30 h e g o t in to tr o ub le.S o h e wen t to th e sc ho o l.“31I s e e M r.Gr e e n, s ir?” h e a s ke d an o ld ma n a t th e sc h oo l g a te(门口).“S o r r y,yo u c an't,”a n s we r e d th e o ld ma n.“Bu t wh y? Wh a t h a ppe n e d to h im?”“He d ie d two ye a r s a go!”M r.S mith fe lt ve r y s a d wh en h e he a r d the ne ws.Wh a t a p ity! H e c ou ld ne ve r sa y th a n k s to M r.G re e n.(1)A.M a n yB.Lo ts o fC.A fe wD.Fe w(2)A.s ma llB.b igC.n ic eD.b e au tif u l(3)A.e yeB.mo u thC.e ye sD.mo u ths(4)A.ru n d o wnB.r an d o wnC.ru n a wa yD.ra n a wa y(5)A.twe lve-ye a r-o ldB.twe lve-ye a r s-o ldC.twe lve ye a r s o ldD.twe lve ye a r o ld(6)A.wo r kB.job sC.jobD.wo r k s(7)A.a n y lo n g e rB.no lon ge rC.no t mo r eD.n o mo r e(8)A.we e kB.wee k'sC.wee k sD.we e k s'(9)A.wh e r eB.ho wC.whe nD.wh ile(10)A.C anB.S h a llC.WillD.M u s t12.With a s ma ll c a me r a, a 25-ye a r-o ld b o y, Wa ng Tian c he ng h a s tr a ve le d a r ou nd 30 c o un tr ie s with h is f r ie nd s.O ve r th e pa s t 10 ye a r s, h e h a s ta ke n mo r e tha n 100,000 ph o to s o f tr a ins in n ea r ly 30c o un tr ie s a n d a r ea s,in c lud in g In d ia,M a la ys ia,Mo ng o lia, Ru s s ia a n dT h a ilan d…In 1995, Wan g Tia n che n g wa s b o rn in D aq ing, He ilo n g jian g.H e d e ve lo p ed h is in te r e s t in tr a in s f r o m h is c h ildh o od.“E ve r y mo n th, m y p a r e n ts to o k me to vis it my g r a n d p a r en ts b y tr a in wh o live d in an o th e r c ity a b ou t 300 kilo me te r s a wa y,” h e s aid.“I wa s a lwa ys too e x c ited to f a ll a s lee p be f o r e th e tr ip.I f e e l s o luc k y th a t my p a r e nts h a ve tr u s ted me a n d g ive n me f r e ed o m(自由)s in c e my c h ild h o od.T h e y a ls o su p po rt(支持)my id e a s.”A r ou nd2005, Wa n g ma d e f r ie n ds with tho s e wh o sh a re d th e ir in ter e s t in tr a in so n lin e.A f te r th a t, he be ga n h is ne w lif e o f c o lle c ting tra in in f o r ma tio n.Wan g tr a ve le d with h is f r ie nd s.A t f ir s t, h e ju s t to ok g ood-lo o k in g p ic tu re s.B u t la te r, h e p a id mo re a tte n tio n to wh a t's b e hin d th e ra ilwa y, a n d e xp l or e d th e re la tio n sh ip a mo n g the tr a in, time a n d p eo p le.H is ph oto g r a ph y(摄影技术)sk ill h a s b e en mu c h b ette r.With the s ma ll c a me r a,he ha s tak e n o ve r100,000 me a n in gf u l p ic tu re s.Wa ng s tud ie d h a rd a t Zh e jia n g U n ive r s ity.H e wa s po pu la r b e c au s e o f h is o u ts tan d in g p e r f o r ma n ce a t s c ho o l.He's b u s y p r e p a r ing f o r f u r the r s tu d y, b u t ta k in g ph o tos o f tr a ins h a s b e co me p a r t o f h is lif e.O ve r th e ye a r s, h e h a s fa c ed ma n y c h a lle n g e s, su c h a s d an ge r f r o m a n ima ls in th e wild a nd po o r we a the r an d b a d tr a ff ic co n d itio n s.“Tr a in s a r e a s ymb o l o f h is to r y,” Wa ng sa id.“I will n e ve r s to p my s t u d y o f ra ilwa y c u ltu r ea n d I ho p e to d e ve lo p mo r e to p ic s in the f u tu r e.”(1)Wan g Tia nc he n g wa s wh e n h e s ta r ted c o llec tin g tr a in in f or ma tio n.()A.14B.12C.10D.8(2)Ac c or d ing to th e pa s s a ge, Wa n g Tian-c he n g h a s e ve r be e n to .()A.J a p anB.S in ga p o reC.A me r ic aD.R us s ia(3)Th e u n de r lin ed wo rd“ex p lo re d”me a n s “” in Ch in e se.()A.研究B.参加C.查看D.保护(4)W h ic h se n ten c e is TR UE a bo u t Wa n g Tian c h en g?()A.H is g r an d pa r en ts live d in a villa g e in Daq in g.B.H e lik ed ta k in g a tra in whe n h e wa s a c h ild.C.It's e a s y f o r h im to ta k e p ic tu r es o f tr a in s a n ywh e r e.D.He s tud ie d in f o r ma tio n o f tr a in s in the unive r s it y.(5)W ha t ca n b e th e b es t title o f the pa s s ag e?()A.A c h a llen ge o f ta k in g p h o to s o f tr a in sB.A h a pp y tr a ve le r th r o u gh30co un tr ie s an d a r e a sC.A 25-ye a r-o ld b o y's wo n de r f u l d r ea mD.Ne ve r s to p ta k in g ph o to s o f tr a in s13.A re c en t s tud y in Au s tr a lia sh o ws th a t par e n ts a re a th e to p f ive wo r ld's h a r d e s t jo b s.14.—H o w ma n y a p p les a r e th e r e in the ba s ke t?—I d o n't k n o w.Le t's c th e m.15.You mu s t h my h a nd, o r yo u ma y g e t lo s t.16.T he y (搜寻)for th e los t s he e p in the f o r e s t a n d f in a lly f o un d it.17.I s p en t my e a r ly (童年) in my h o me to wn.18.P a u l h a s f o un d a ne w jo b a nd is (考虑)mo vin g to a n e w fla t n e a r h is c o mp a n y.19.Mo s t o f th e c h ild r en(在我的时代) lik e d to p la y to g e th e r.20.(数百万的) C h in e s e le a ve the co u n tr ys id e to s e a rc h fo r work in th e c itie s.21.H e h as f in ish e d h is h o me wo r k (到目前为止).22.I wr o te (接近) f if t y in vita tio n s th is mo r n in g.23.It to o k h im two days to(返回他的故乡).参考答案2.【答案】:What;think;of3.【答案】:across;from4.【答案】:How;long5.【答案】:have;had;since6.【答案】:so;happy;a;childhood7.【答案】:D【解析】:考查名词辨析。
Unit10 I’ve had this bike for three years.第一课时Section A(1a-1c)一.根据汉语写出下列短语:1)举行庭院拍卖会 2)多余;超过3)引起许多甜美的回忆4)捐赠5)不再= 6)学会做某事二、用所给词的适当形式填空:1. We__________ (learn)1000 English words since two years ago.2. Tom _____________ (have)the toy for three years.3. I think it’s hard_____________(ride) a horse.4. We decide _______________(sell)the old things.5.So far I ______________(make)quite a few friends here.三.单项选择。
( )1. -- ____ have you been married?-- For twenty years.A. How farB. How oftenC. How longD. How soon( )2. If you sit in a chair ____ a long time, your back may begin to hurt.A. atB. inC. onD. for( )3. -- I often have hamburgers for lunch.--You’d better not. It’s bad for you ____ too much junk food.A. eatB. to eatC. eatingD. ate( )4. - When did you __ the bike? - in 2019 . I have ___ it for two years.A. buy ; boughtB. have ; boughtC. buy ; hadD. bought; bought( )5. -- How long has Mr. Green lived in Lanzhou? -- He’s lived here ___ 2019.A. forB. sinceC. atD. On( )6. --- _______ have you lived here? --- For two years.A. How farB. How longC. How soonD. How often( )7.Can you _______ these old soft toys to the kids?A. give awayB. give upC. give inD. give off( )8.Jeff has had his car _____ 10 years.A. sinceB. forC. beforeD. over( )9.You can have it _____ 75 cents.A. atB. inC. forD. with( )10. I don’t read the book ______.A. no moreB. anymoreC. no longer第二课时Section A(2a-2d)一.根据汉语写出下列短语:1)捐赠2)一对;几个3)检查;审查4)玩具狮子 5)需要做某事6)我已经买这报纸几个月了。
组名:姓名:日期:2014 编制:八年级英语备课组课题: Unit10 SectionB (3a-Selfcheck) 课时: 4(对应学生用书第64页)一、重点短语lions of 上百万的2.search for 寻找3.stay the same 保持不变4.according to 根据5.summer hol idays 暑假6.in our hearts 在我们心中7.in one’s opinion 依……看来8.so far 到目前为止二、重点句型1. a hard job in a crayon factory,he doesn’t find much timehis hometown.(2a,由于在蜡笔厂辛苦地工作,他没有太多时间回家乡探望。
)2.Many people like Zhong Wei great interest their hometowns have changed.(2a,许多人像钟伟一样,对他们家乡如何变化极有兴趣。
)3. Zhong Wei,however,some things will n ever change.(2a,然而,根据钟伟所说,一些事情是永远不会变的。
)(对应学生用书第64页)探究一 with的用法With a hard job in a crayon factory,he doesn’t find much time to visit his hometown.由于在蜡笔厂辛苦地工作,他没有太多时间回家乡探望。
(P78)备选例句:1.The teacher entered the classroom with a book in his hand.老师手里拿着一本书走进了教室。
2.With the children at school,we can’t take our vacation when we want to.由于孩子们在上学,所以当我们想度假时而不能去度假。
if, will, UK, candy, lucky, popular, cut up idea2) 能掌握以下句型:①The answer would be different in different countries.②The number of candles is the person's age.③In China, it's getting popular能力目标:通过训练,提高阅读的能力,运用不同的阅读技巧完成不同的任务。
情感目标:该部分学习内容贴近学生的生活,谈论的主题涉及食物名称,世界各地的人们庆2)Get Ss to guess the information about me.1.Where am I from?2. What sport do I like best?3. What color do I like best?4.What kind of food do I like best?5. My birthday: A.May 13 B.Feb.7C.June 8 Step 2 free talk1.Answer the teachers' questions.2.Guess the information about thenew teacher.词:porridge,answerwish,bring goodluck to...four questions.4.Check the prediction(B. Different countries eat different birthday foods.) Different countries eat differentbirthday foods.)Step 5 PracticeTalk about what they usually do 让学生先自己谈谈自。
人教版八年级下册英语:Unit10重点短语、重点句型、交际用语、语法、书面表达范文汇编Unit 10 I’ve had this bike for three years.一、重点短语Section A1a-1c1.for three years 三年2.how long 多久,多长3.over there 在那边4.ride a bike 骑自行车5.have a yard sale 举办庭院出售/庭院拍卖会6.yard sale 庭院拍卖会,旧货出售7.more than=over超过,多余8.十多年for more than 10 years9.sweet memory (memories)甜美/美好的回忆10.sweet potato红薯11.bring back sweet memories带回甜美/美好的回忆,勾起甜美的回忆,12.give away old things to sb.把旧的东西送人13.in need需要14.for seven years 有七年15.three times三次,三遍,三倍16.how much 多少钱,多少+不可数名词Section B 2a-2d17.toy bear 玩具熊18.toy lion 玩具狮子19.toy tiger 玩具老虎20.bread maker 面包机21.g ive away 赠送22.not.. anymore=no more 不再…23.not ...any longer=no longer不再24.soft toys 步绒玩具,软体玩具,毛绒玩具25.keep the bear保留玩具熊26.welcome to sp. 欢迎到某地27.the Sunshine Home for Children 阳光儿童之家28.have something for the kids/children有东西送给孩子们29.for a couple of months 有几个月30.a couple of两个,几个,一对31.a bit =a little =a little bit =kind of 有点32.check out 察看,观察,看看33.board games 棋类游戏34.one last thing 最后一件东西35.for a long time 有很长一段时间36.Thanks so much!= Thanks a lot!= Thank you very much!非常感谢,多谢! Section A 3a-3c37.长大grow up38.in junior high school 在上中学/初中39.in a yard sale 在庭院售卖会/旧货出售活动中40.give the money to 把钱捐给......41.a children’s home 儿童之家,孤儿院42.clear out 清理,清理出来,丢掉43.a lot of =many =lots of =a number of 许多,大量44.at first =first of all= to begin with一开始,首先45.许多东西a lot of things46.play with玩耍47.for example/instance 例如48.own a train and railway set 拥有一套火车和铁路轨道的玩具49.every week 每个星期50.toy monkey 玩具猴51.next to 在......旁边52.在猴子旁边next to the monkey53.睡在猴子旁边sleep next to the monkey54.55.every night 每天晚上56.part with放弃,交出,和......分开57.as for me 对我来说,至于我58.as for至于,关于59.give up 放弃60.football shirts足球服,橄榄球衣61.to be honest 说实在的62.for a while 有一段时间63.with the money 用钱64.考虑,思考,认为,想过think about65.even though =even if = although =though 虽然,尽管,即使Section A Grammar Focus-4c66.踢足球play football=play soccer ball67.in Japan 在日本68.three days ago三天前69.有三天for three days70.ten hours ago 十小时以前71.for ten hours有十个小时72.have a camera有一个摄影机/摄像机73.three years ago三年前74.on Monday在星期一75.生病become ill76.water park水上乐园,水上公园77.next month 下个月78.have a dog=keep a dog 饲养狗,养狗79.有一架钢琴have a piano80.from the Li family从/跟李家(买的81.move to the US 搬到美国st year 去年83.be back to =come back to =get back to回到,回来84.f or two years 有两年85.a lot =very much 非常,很,常常86.for over 20 years 20多年87.in this small town 在这个小城里,在这个小镇里Section B 1a-1d88.high school 高中,中学,高级中学89.middle school中学,初级中学90.primary school小学91.live in 居住92.在周末on weekends= on the weekend93.镇图书馆town library94.科学博物馆science museum95.沿街饭店restaurant down the street96.a concert hall音乐厅,歌厅97.for at least 20 years 至少有20年Section B 2a-2d98.(be the same as和......一样)99.(in the passage 在这篇短文里/文章中)lions of 许多,上百万,数百万101.leave the countryside 离开农村/乡村102.每年every year103.how often 多久一次104.hometown feeling家乡情怀105.once or twice a year=one or two times a year一年一到两次106.search for work 找工作107.寻找look for=search for108.in the cities 在城市里,到城市里109.for the last 13 years=for the past three years 在过去的13年里110.with a hard job工作非常辛苦111.in a crayon factory在蜡笔厂112.much time 许多时间113.return home =get back home=come back home=be back home 回家114.at least 至少115.once a year 一年一次116.for almost three years 几乎有三年117.regard with great interest=become interested in=be interested in =take aninterest in 对......感兴趣,以浓厚的兴趣关注着rge hospitals大医院119.build new school建盖新学校120.send teachers from从......派老师来121.......真实的一面be true of122.learn to read and count学会阅读和数数123.20世纪中期the mid-20th century124.always stay the same一成不变,保持老样子125.according to依据;按照126.opposite the school=across from the school学校对面127.become quite a symbol of the place 成为这个地方的象征/标志128.most of the children大多数孩子们129.一起玩play together130.under that big tree 在那棵大树下面131.during the summer holidays在暑假期间132.such a happy childhood多么快乐的童年133.leave many soft and sweet memories 留下许多温柔甜美的回忆134.in one’s heart在某人心目中,在某人心中135.t hese days=now =at present= at the moment 目前;现在136.回到return to137.in close to three years 在近三年在138.几乎,接近close to139.拥有/承载着所有儿时的记忆hold all sb.’s childhoodSection B 3a-Self Check140.把某物给某人give sth. to sb.141.如此,这么,那么,非常so much142.在第一段in the first paragraph143.在第二段in the second paragraph144.对某人很特别/特殊be special to sb.145.在第三段in the third paragraph146.玩电子游戏play computer games147.so far=up to now 迄今;到现在为止,目前为止148.in Beijing在北京149.for about two years 大约有两年150.回到美国be back to the US/the America/the United States/the U.S.A 151.move to China 搬到中国152.去那里go there153.10 years old 十岁154.把……看做regard…as…二、重点句型及知识点Section A 1. I learned how to ride a bike on it.我学会了怎样骑自行车。
Unit 10 I’ve had this bike for three years.(Section B 2a-2d Hometown feelings )教学设计教学目标1.通过阅读梳理,了解人们离开乡村的原因及家乡发生的变化。
教学内容教学重点:1. 阅读文章,了解文章的中心思想和细节信息。
2. 阅读文章,分析推断人物的心理感受教学难点:1. 用英语描述表达自己家乡的变化和对家乡的记忆。
2. 教师引导学生快速阅读,验证问题答案。
1).Why do millions of Chineseleave their hometowns?2).How often do you thinkthese people visit theirhometowns?3).How do they feel about it?2.学生阅读并再次回答3个问题。
Name: Age:Family:How long has hebeen away fromhis hometown?Job:How often did heuse to returnhome?Livingplace:How long has itbeen since helast return tohis hometown?的变化与不变及其情感。
Unit 10 Section B 第4 课时(2a〜2d) 学习目标:
Step 1 情景导入
Watch a video about hometowns
T:Our hometowns have changed a lot recently. Think of changes that are happening in our hometowns. And discuss the changes with your partner.
Step 2 完成教材2a—2d的任务
1.首先回答2a中的三个问题,然后快速阅读2a 短文,看看自己的答案是否和文中答案一致。
( D )(1)I search information through the Internet.
A. to B . on C. i n D. for
( C ) (2) We came to Nanjing three years ago,so we here for three years.
A. have been to
B. have been in
C . have been D. have gone
( D ) (3)They regarded those homeless children great sympathy.
A. for B . to C. about D. with
( B ) (4) According the timetable,the traingets inat 8:27.
A. for
B. to
(B )( 5 ) He tells me he Chine for over five years.
A. has been B . has been in
C.has been to
D.has gone to
( C ) (6) my opinion,it,s enough for a family to have one child.
A. To
B. On
C. In
D. For
Step 3 问题探究
( D )1. He regarded this new air conditioner interest.
A. to
B. in
C. at
D. with
根据句意“他对他的新空调很感兴趣”,regard… with意为“以(某种心态)来看……”。
( D )2. the weather forecast,we shall have rain tomorrow.
A. As for
B. To be honest
C. Stay the same
D. According to
根据句意“根据天气预报,明天会下雨”,according to意为“根据”,主要用来表示“根据”某学说、某书刊、某人所说等)或表示“按照”某法律、某规定、某惯例、某情况等)。