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鸿海食品:详细介绍冷冻食品和冷冻调理品的分类鸿海食品:一. 冷冻食品从类别上分大可以分为四类:1.冷冻农产果蔬产品:如果蔬类冻果汁、速冻草莓、荷仁豆、蒜苗、青豆、胡萝卜、土豆、芦笋、豌豆等;2.冷冻水产类:如冻鱼、虾、蟹、贝等;3.冷冻畜禽肉蛋类:如冻鸡、猪肉、羊肉、蛋等;4.调理食品类:如冻饺子、包子、馄饨、调理蔬菜、调理水产品、鱼糜制品、即时菜、主菜、肉丸子、烘焙品、比萨饼、年糕、春卷、元宵、水饺、肉包子、烧卖、锅贴、八宝饭等。
是指以农产、畜禽、水产品等为主要原料,经前处理及配制加工后,采用速冻工艺,并在冻结状态下(产品中心温度在18 摄氏度以下)储存、运输和销售的包装食品。
1. 面包类:以面粉为主要原料,通过发酵和烤制制作而成,常见的有法棍、土司、面包卷等。
2. 蛋糕类:以蛋白、糖、面粉为主要原料,通过打发蛋白、混合面粉和烤制制作而成,常见的有戚风蛋糕、巧克力蛋糕、芝士蛋糕等。
3. 饼干类:以面粉、糖、奶油为主要原料,通过搅拌、压制和烤制制作而成,常见的有曲奇饼干、牛油饼干、燕麦饼干等。
4. 蛋挞类:以蛋液、面粉、糖为主要原料,通过制作酥皮和填充蛋液,再烤制而成,常见的有葡式蛋挞、鲜奶蛋挞、蛋黄酥等。
5. 酥饼类:以酥皮、糖、奶油为主要原料,通过叠合和烤制制作而成,常见的有蝴蝶酥、牛角酥、苏式酥饼等。
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冷冻甜食知识点总结一、冷冻甜食的种类和制作工艺1. 冰淇淋冰淇淋是一种由奶制品、糖和香料等原料制成的冷冻甜食。
2. 雪糕雪糕是一种口感柔滑、口味多样的冷冻甜食。
3. 冰棒冰棒是一种口感清凉、口味鲜美的冷冻甜食。
二、冷冻甜食的品质要求1. 口感冷冻甜食的口感是指食品在口腔内的质地、温度、口味等感受。
2. 色泽冷冻甜食的色泽是指食品外观的颜色和光泽度。
3. 香味冷冻甜食的香味是指食品在口腔内释放出的香气。
4. 卫生安全冷冻甜食作为一种易融化的食品,容易受到微生物的污染。
目录速冻食品一、冻海产 (3)二、冻肉 (4)三、冻菜 (7)四、冻粉面制品 (8)五、冻水饺 (9)六、冻汤圆 (11)七、雪糕 (12)八、冻丸类 (15)冷藏日配品一、奶酪、甜品(一)奶酪 (16)(二)芝士 (17)(三)黄油 (18)(四)植物牛油 (19)二、奶品(一)纯奶 (19)(二)酸奶 (23)(三)奶饮品 (25)(四)乳酸饮料/乳酸菌饮料 (27)三、新鲜果汁 (29)四、肉制品(一)西式肠 (30)(二)中式肠 (31)五、熟食(一)包类 (32)(三)馒头 (34)(四)饼 (35)(五)糕点 (36)(六)干蒸烧卖 (37)(七)粉/面制品 (38)(八)粽子 (39)(九)糯米制品 (40)六、豆制类(一)豆浆 (41)(二)豆腐 (42)(三)豆干/皮/腐竹 (44)(四)素食制品 (45)七、保鲜蔬菜 (46)冷冻、冷藏商品知识速冻食品一、冻海产1、分类及各类的特点速冻食品海产类主要是指海产类产品在活或冰鲜状态在零下三十度急速冷冻而成,这样可保证海产本身的鲜味及营养价值不变,冻海产品种非常多,通常现在把淡水鱼类也划分到海产类,现在零售终端上由于活鲜冰鲜类产品在销售上有较大的局限,冷冻海产是将来的一个发展方向。
THE BASICS OF FROZEN CAKES冷冻蛋糕基本介绍ROY CHUNGBAKERY CONSULTANTUS WHEAT ASSOCIATESSINGAPORE2LEAVENING OF CAKES 蛋糕发酵The forms of leavening can occur in cakes:蛋糕中发酵因素➢Vapor pressure 水蒸汽压力➢Chemical leavening 化学发酵物➢Expansion of air cells incorporated during Mixing在搅拌中产生气泡澎胀3CLASSIFICATION OF CAKES 蛋糕分类●Based on functional ingredients that are involved in theretention of air cells in the batter:依据原材料持气功能来划分➢Foam cakes 乳沫蛋糕➢Batter cakes 面糊类蛋糕➢Chiffon cakes 戚风蛋糕4CLASSIFICATION OF CAKES 蛋糕种类FOAM CAKES:乳沫蛋糕●Aeration properties based on egg content in Formulation 依据配方中蛋的含量来划分膨松的程度●Formation of air cells based on whipping before adding otheringredients 气泡的形成是在末加其它配料前在搅拌中形成的●Angel food cakes 天使蛋糕➢Uses only egg whites as the egg source只使用蛋白●Sponge cakes 海绵蛋糕➢Uses whole eggs or fortified whole eggs使用全蛋或强化全蛋CLASSIFICATION OF CAKES 蛋糕分类BATTER CAKES:面糊蛋糕●Aeration properties based on fat / oil in the Formulation 以配方中的油脂来划分● A fat-water emulsion is formed during mixing which traps theair cells in the batter在搅拌过程中形成的脂肪乳状液裹住气泡●Layer cakes 多层蛋糕➢Uses chemical leavening to enhance volume 使用化学膨松物来增加其体积●Pound cakes 重油蛋糕➢Leavening only by air incorporated during Mixing在搅拌过程中与空气混合产生的膨松效果➢6CLASSIFICATION OF CAKES 蛋糕分类CHIFFON CAKES:戚风蛋糕● A combination of both batter type cakes and foam type cakes面糊类与乳沫类蛋糕的结合●Initially an oil-based batter is blended 先搅拌油和面粉●At the end of this mixing, this batter is then folded into awhipped egg white / sugar mixture最后加入蛋白/糖等混合物7BASIC CATEGORIES OF FROZEN CAKES冷冻蛋糕基本分类●Raw frozen batter - many variations 冷冻面糊-多种➢Predominantly cake muffins and brownies 大多数以蛋糕麦芬和核仁巧克力饼为主➢Essentially batter type cakes 面糊类蛋糕➢No foam or chiffon type 戚风类蛋糕●Baked frozen - many variations 烤后冷冻产品-多种➢Batter type 面糊蛋糕➢Foam type 乳泡蛋糕➢Chiffon type戚风蛋糕INGREDIENTS 配料●The basic ingredients used in the formulation of cakes cangenerally be classified in terms of their purpose and function in the cakes蛋糕配方中的基本原料一般是根据它们作用和功能来分类的●Some ingredients can serve more than one function within thecake formulation有些原材料有多重功能9INGREDIENT CATEGORIES配料种类●T OUGHENERS:韧性材料These are ingredients that provide structure to the cake as well as toughening or binding it这些原料提供蛋糕的骨架同时也可使蛋糕增加韧性和使其凝固➢Flour 面粉➢Milk solids 奶固体➢Egg whites 蛋白10INGREDIENT CATEGORIES配料种类●TENDERIZERS: 柔性材料These are ingredients that provide softness in the cake有些配料可使蛋糕柔软➢Sugar 糖➢Fats (shortening, butter, oil) 油脂(起酥油,黄油,液体油)➢Egg yolks 蛋黄➢Chocolat朱古力➢Other fat containing ingredients 其它脂肪配料➢Chemical leaveners化学澎松剂➢Emulsifiers 乳化剂➢Starches淀粉➢Gums 胶类➢Sugar alcohols (polyols)多羟基化合物INGREDIENT CATEGORIES配料类别●MOISTENERS:湿性材料These are ingredients that provide moistness in the cake and are associated with keeping quality 这些配料提供水份使蛋糕保持质量➢Water 水➢Liquid milk 液态奶➢Eggs 蛋➢Syrups 糖浆➢Liquid sugar 液体糖12INGREDIENT CATEGORIES 配料类别●DRIERS :干性材料These ingredients absorb and retain the moisture provided by the moisteners and they contribute to the body of the cake有些配料可吸收和保持湿性原料提供的水份,并组成蛋糕的形状➢Flour 面粉➢Milk solids 奶固体➢Instant starch 即溶淀粉➢Gums胶13INGREDIENT CATEGORIES●FLAVORERS:增香/味材料These ingredients contribute flavor, either distinctive or subtle to the product➢Salt 盐➢Sugar糖➢Cocoa可可粉➢Chocolate朱古力➢Butter黄油➢Vanilla香草➢Other flavor providing ingredients其它FLOUR面粉●The main function is structure主要作用是蛋糕的骨架●The main structural element is the starch 主要是淀粉构成其骨架●Protein make minor contribution to structure but controlsViscosity蛋白质也有提供骨架的功能也可以控制它的粘度●Too much protein might lead to a toughening of the Texture太多的蛋白质或许导至其结构坚硬●Different types of flour can be used for cakes depending ontype of cake and characteristics desired蛋糕的特性不同,需要的面粉也不同➢These include: bread flour, all purpose flour, pastry flour and cake flour这些面粉包括:面包粉,多种用途的粉,饼皮粉和蛋糕粉➢Cake flour is most commonly used蛋糕粉使用比较普遍15FLOUR●The protein content is usually between 7 to 9%蛋白质含量通常在7%-9%●For lighter and more delicate cakes, use flour at the lower endof this protein range好的蛋糕需要蛋白质含量低于这个范围●For heavier and denser cakes, used flour at the higher end ofthis range重油蛋糕使用的面粉蛋白含量高于这个范围●Particle size (10µm) is generally finer than other flour 面粉颗粒在(10υm)比较好●More surface area leads to increased ability to absorb andbind moisture 大的表面可以增加吸水及凝水能力●This contributes to stability during processing with a finerfinish product texture and longer shelf life这可以提高蛋糕的稳定性和增长其货架期16FLOUR●The flour can be treated with chlorine gas to decrease the phto 4.5 +/- 0.2 面粉可用氯气处里,使其PH值降到4.5+/-0.2●Chlorinated flour is important for the production of highration cakes用氯气处理过的面粉对于蛋糕的出品率是很重要的.●Chlorination modifies the starches such that they absorb morewater and swells to a greater degree氯气可以调整淀粉使其吸收更多的水和澎胀到一定的和度●This contributes to a more viscous batter that strengthens thestarch gel during baking and allows more sugar to be carried by the cake这种淀粉可以提供更多的粘性糊状物,在焙烤中可以加强淀粉糊化,允许加多一点糖●It does not affect the gelatinization temperature of the Starch它不会影响到淀粉胶体的温度17SUGAR糖●The main function is tenderizing主要作用是软化●Provides sweetness 提供甜味●In some mixing methods, the cutting action of granulatedsugar on fat contributes to incorporation of air cells as part of leavenin 在一些搅拌方法中,脂肪中砂糖切断活动可提供空气泡作为澎松剂的一部分●Increased levels of sugar contributes to an increase in thegelatinization temperature of the starch糖膨松水平可提高淀粉凝固的温度●By delaying gelatinization, it increases expansion time通常延迟凝固,可增加澎松时间●Sugar has hygroscopic properties aiding moisture retentionand increasing shelf life糖有吸湿的特性,可以保持水份从而增长其货架期18SUGAR●Generally, granulated sugar (sucrose) is used with a finergranulation contributing to a finer texture通常,好的砂糖可以提供一个好的组织●Other types of sugar may contribute distinctive flavors orcolors to the cake其它种类的糖也可以提供有特色的风味和颜色●Sugar in the liquid form may also serve to enhance flow of thebatter液体糖也可以提高糊状物的流动19FATS (SHORTENINGS / OILS)油脂(起酥油/油) ●The main function is tenderizing主要功能是嫩化●They provide lubricating and softening effect起到润滑和柔软的作用●Butter and margarine may contribute to flavor牛油和人造黄油提供风味●Fats in general are carriers of flavors provided by otheringredients通常油脂可携带其它物料提供的香味●Fats aids in air cell incorporation during mixing在搅拌过程中油脂可增加空气泡形成●Emulsified fat assist in maintaining the oil-in-water emulsion被乳化的脂肪可增加油水乳状液的形成20EGGS鸡蛋●The main function is structure主要的功能是构成框架●The egg whites contribute to this structure building properties蛋白在提供构架中起主要作用●Egg white also contributes to air incorporation during mixing在搅拌过程中蛋白也可以使空气泡形成●The lecithin content of the yolks contributes towardtenderizing of the cakes蛋黄中的蛋黄素可使蛋糕柔软●The moisture content of the eggs acts as a Moistener蛋中的水起到湿润器的作用●The protein, vitamin and mineral content adds nutritionalvalue to cakes蛋中的蛋白质,维生素和矿物质可提高蛋糕的营养价值21EGGS(见附件)22MILK奶制品●The main function of milk solids is toughener 奶固体主要提供韧性●Liquid milk is a moistener液体奶是一个湿润器●Adds nutritional value to cakes due to calcium and proteincontent营养价值主要同钙和蛋白质的含量决定●Contributes to color and flavor提供颜色和风味23MILK(见附件)24WATER水●Serves dual function of tenderizer and toughener水有双层功能可可使蛋糕柔软和变硬●Contributes to softness and shelf life可提供柔软和保持货价期●By hydration of flour and milk solids, it enable theirfunctionalities使面粉和奶固体水合,增加它们的功能●Dissolves and disperse other ingredients and thus controlsbatter consistency溶解和分散其它的配料使控制糊状液的浓度●Controls temperature控制温度25CHEMICAL LEAVENING AGENTS化学发酵物●Main function of tenderizer松化的功能●Involved in making the product light and porous增加产品亮度和多孔●Controls cake volume and / or shape控制面包的体积和形状●Controls product pH, crust and crumb color, smoothness oftexture, size of crumb grain, taste and mouth feel调整产品的PH值,外皮和蛋糕碎屑的颜色26EMULSIFIERS乳化剂➢Main function of tenderizer主要是松化功能➢Emulsifiers are surface active agents the enable the oil and water within the batter system to remain blended together乳化剂是表面活性剂可使在糊状液中系统中的油和水充分混合在一起➢The improve aeration and cause an increase in the number of air cells during mixing在搅拌过程中提高通气和增加气泡数量➢They contribute towards structure by creating smaller air cells which leads to a more stable foam可以使糊状液形成更小的气泡以至生成更稳定的泡沫来形成蛋糕的架构➢They increase the water carrying capacity and improves the moisture retention properties of the cake可增加水的携带能力和提高蛋糕保持水份的能力➢Use of an emulsifier can also lead to a reduction of eggs and shortening required使用乳化剂也可以减少鸡蛋和起酥油的使用量27CAKE EMULSIFIERS蛋糕乳化剂➢Mono- and diglycerides甘油酯➢Propylene Glycol Monoesters (PGMES)丙二醇单酯➢Polysobates (60 and 65)聚山梨酸酯➢Sorbitan monostearate单硬脂酸山梨醇酐酯➢Sodium stearoyl-2 lactylate (SSL)硬脂酰乳酸钠➢Lecithin 卵磷脂28SALT盐➢To enhance the flavor of the finished roduct可增加产品的风味➢Low levels of salt heighten the perception of sweetness少量盐提高甜度➢Higher levels of salt reduces that perception of sweetness大量盐可降低甜度29FLAVOR香料➢Many ingredients contributes to the flavor profile of the cake许多成分可提供蛋糕风味➢Spice and flavors are ingredients that are added specifically for the purpose of flavoring调味品和香料是加入了许多特殊的物质来达到增香增味的目地➢Flavors can be from a natural or artificial sources 香料来自于天然和人工➢Natural flavors are essential oils, oleoresins, extracts, distillates which contains the flavor constituents from spice, fruits, herbs, barks, roots or other animal or vegetable sources 自然界香和味主要来自香料是油脂,油性树脂,或是香料,水果,香草,树皮,树根,或是其它动物和植物资源中含有香味元素的榨出物和蒸馏物30STARCHES淀粉➢Serves the function of tenderizing the cake提供软化蛋糕的功能➢They dilute the flour protein thereby allowing the batter to carry more water稀释面粉蛋白质使面糊携带更多的水份➢Modified starches further increases the water carrying capacity in the batter调整淀粉进一步提高面糊中水的携带能力➢It also modifies the batter viscosity也可以调整面糊的粘度➢Enhance moistness and extends the shelf life of the cake增加水份提高蛋糕的货架期31GUMS 胶➢Serves the function of tenderizing the cake松化蛋糕的功能➢They allowing the batter to carry more water可以使面糊携带更多的水➢Enhance moistness and extends the shelf life of the cake增加水份延长蛋糕的货架期➢It also modifies the batter viscosity可调整面糊的粘度➢Gums include xanthan, guar and cellulose胶包括黄原胶,瓜尔豆胶和纤维素32SUGAR ALCOHOLS (POLYOLS)多羟基化合物➢Serves the function of tenderizing the cake松化蛋糕的功能➢They allowing the batter to carry more water使面糊携带更多的水➢Enhance moistness and extends the shelf life of the cake增加湿度延长货加期➢It also modifies the batter viscosity可以调整面糊的粘度➢Imparts sweetness. Calorie reduction, bulking and humectanc 加强甜度,增加体积和保湿作用➢Also produce laxative affect if ingested at high levels使产品松软➢Reduces water activity降低水的活动性➢High cost高成本33PRESERVATIVES防腐剂➢Serves the function of extending the mold free life of the cake 延长货保质期➢Sodium propionate or potassium sorbate are common anti-microbial agents丙酸钠或山梨酸钾是普通的腐剂➢Must be used in conjunction with other procedures to inhibit mold growth在操作中联合使用来抑制霉菌的增长➢This include good sanitation practices, controlling product temperature, ph and water activity这包括好的卫生习惯,控制产品温度.PH值,和水的活性34FORMULA BALANCE配方平衡●LOW RATIO CAKES:低比率的蛋糕➢The total sugar is equal to or less than the flour糖的总量等于或低于面粉➢These cakes are typical of traditional cakes that were made prior to the development of new ingredients and more modern processing techniques 这是典型的传统蛋糕.得到了进一步的发展和使用了更现代的操作技术➢Because of the lower level of sugar, these cake tend to be less sweet,firmer in texture and low finished moisture content因糖比较少,这些蛋糕甜度很低,组织结构紧密水份少35FORMULA BALANCE FOR BATTER CAKES(见附件)36FORMULA BALANCE●HIGH RATIO CAKES:糖高比率的配方➢The total sugar is more than the flour糖的总量高于面粉➢Formulation of these cake became feasible after the development of chlorinated flour and emulsified fats in the 1930s在十九世纪30年代,在氯化面粉和脂肪乳化发展之后,这种配方是可行的➢These ingredients made it possible to increase water in the formulation and produce finer and more uniform dispersion of fat and air in thebatter这些配料使它成为可能.在配方中增加水的含量,使面糊中油脂和空气更好更均稀的分布➢This produced a softer, moister, more tender cake with a longer shelf life 这样可生产出更松软多水份的蛋糕,保持长的货架期37FORMULATION OF BATTER CAKES面糊蛋糕的配方➢Most common ways to formulate a new cake is to take an existing, successful formula and alter it by adding orsubtracting ingredients or by adjusting their usage levels制作一个新的配方通常的方法是取一个已经存在的而且成功的配方,通过增加和减少配料或调整使用量来改变这个配方➢Understanding of ingredients functionality is the first step in this means of developing a good product了解配料的功能是研发一个新产品的第一步38CAKES MIXING搅拌●THE PURPOSE OF MIXING:搅拌目地➢Hydrate the ingredients原料与水化合➢Evenly distribute the ingredients均匀分部➢Properly aerate the batter充分充满气体于面糊中39CAKES MIXING●HYDRATE THE INGREDIENTS:与水化合➢Water containing ingredients are combined with dry ingredients水性原料与干性原料混合➢The water distributed serve to unlock the functionalities of various ingredients水把各种原料分解➢Dissolving of chemical leaveners enable it to contribute towards leavening action化学发酵物能使各种原料发酵➢Hydration of starches enable it to gelatinize during baking to form structure淀粉的水化作用可以使各种原料在烘焙过程中成胶状➢Hydration of various ingredients leads to a fluidity of the batter各种原料的水合作用使面糊成为流质40CAKES MIXING●EVENLY DISTRIBUTE THE INGREDIENTS原料的分部➢Ingredients are combined and dispersed to form a homogeneous mixture that is uniform and lump free原料混合在一起被分散成均匀的混合物就是一些相同的可以流动的不块➢ A major factor in forming this mixture is the combination of fat and water components of the formulation形成这个混合物的主要因素是配方中脂肪与水的结合➢Emulsifiers or emulsified shortening makes this emulsion possible乳化剂和被乳化的起起酥油使这种乳化成为右能➢In the event that a loss of the oil-in-water emulsion occurs, the batter is “curdled” and lumps of fat becomes separated from the liquid.结果是油水乳状液流失,面糊凝固,脂肪块从液体中分离➢The finished cake is adversely affected by this non uniform batter41CURDLED BATTER凝固的面糊(见附件)42CAKES MIXING●PROPERLY AERATE THE BATTER面糊充分地充满气体➢One aspect of leavening is the incorporation of air cells during mixing在混合过程中,发酵物表面形成气孔➢Expansion of these air cells leads to volume increase气孔澎胀,导致体积增大➢The air cells incorporated also acts as nuclei to collect and hold the gas released by chemical leaveners气泡结合在一起也称作核核收集和保持来自化学发酵物释放的气体➢The number and size of air cells incorporated during mixing directly affect the volume and grain of the finished cake搅拌过程中气泡的数量和尺寸影响蛋糕的体积43CAKES MIXING SPEED搅拌速度➢High speed mixing results in formation of fewer cells that then to be coarser and more irregular高速搅拌的可导致较少气泡形成且粗糙和不规则➢Large air cells tend to have more buoyancy than smaller cells 大的空气孔有更大的浮力比小的气孔➢They tend to rise to the surface of the batter and then depart它们上升到面糊表面然后分离➢This can lead to low finished cake volume and coarser grain这使蛋糕体积小且粗糙44CAKES MIXING SPEED➢Low and medium speed mixing in open bowl mixers is most efficient at producing a large quantity of smaller air cells在敞口的搅拌机中低速和中速搅拌可产生大量的较小的气孔➢Smaller air cells provide for a larger volume and finer finished product小的气孔可以提供一个大体积的好产品➢They retain more moisture as the cake cools当蛋糕变冷的时候,可保持水份➢ A greater number of air cells also contributes to a more efficient use of chemical leaveners大量的小气孔也可使化学发酵剂更有效➢Evenness in the size of the air cells also contribute towards animproved grain in the baked cake均等的尺寸可改善焙烤蛋糕的颗料45OVER AND UNDER MIXING过高或过低速搅拌➢ A relatively narrow range of characteristics is associated with the optimum mixing of the cake batter一个比较窄范围特性与蛋糕面糊的适宜搅拌有速度有关➢Over and under mixing can have detrimental effects on the finished cakes过高或过低的搅拌速度对成品蛋糕有一个很坏的影响46OVER MIXING➢Over mixing causes an excessive aeration of the batter and hence, over-extends the structure过高的搅拌速度可引起面糊过多的气孔从而使蛋糕框架过大➢The resultant cake is excessively tender with a crumbly Crumb 结果导至面包过软,容易碎➢Collapsing of over-extended cells along the bottom lead to denser crumb structure at that location沿着底部一个过大气孔的塌陷可导至某一区域蛋糕密度增大➢The excess air incorporated also exerts excess internal pressure that may result in a peak or crack on the surface of the crust过多的空气结合也可以在产生内部压力结果在蛋糕表面出现凸起或凹陷➢If a higher protein flour is used, it may start to form gluten and cause toughness in the resultant cake如果使用高筋面粉,一开始就会形成面筋从而蛋糕变硬47UNDER MIXING过低搅拌速度➢Under mixing leads to problems associated to uneven distribution of ingredients or insufficient or non-idealincorporation of air cells过低的搅拌速度产生的问题是气孔不均匀的分布及气孔不足或没有形成气孔➢Because of inadequate mixing, the water may not be properly bound by the dry ingredients resulting in excessiveevaporation during baking因为没有充分的搅拌,水没有被干性配料束缚导致在焙烤过程中蒸发➢Under mixing also leads to insufficient incorporation of air cells which leads to low volume or poor symmetry of the cake 过低的搅拌也可导致气孔不足导致蛋糕体积小不对称➢Under mixing also inadequately sub divides the larger air cells initially incorporated into the batter and this may result in“tunnelling”也可以在面糊中产生大的气孔种情况称为”隧道”49EFFECTS OF OVER AND UNDERSPECIFIC GRAVITY比重➢Proper aeration of batter is important to the finished quality of the cake 气孔的多少对于蛋糕的质理是很重要的➢ A method of measuring this aeration would be a very useful tool in the production of cakes测量通气能力的方法在蛋糕生产中将是一个有用的工具➢The specific gravity of the batter is the means by which this measurement is taken测量面糊的比重是一种测量方法➢Specific gravity is a primary indicator of factors such as grain, texture, palatability, volume, and symmetry of finished cakes 比重是一个主要的指标,对于蛋糕中的颗组织,味道,体积,均匀度等➢50SPECIFIC GRAVITY比重Specific gravity of the batter面糊的比重=Weight of a volume of cake batter蛋糕面糊的重量Weight of an equal volume of water相对于相同体积水的重量51SPECIFIC GRAVITY GUIDE比重指南BATTER TEMPERATURE面糊温度➢Batter temperature is very important in the production of cakes在蛋糕生产中面糊的温度是很重要的➢It can dramatically affect aeration and stability properties of batter, and thus, influence the quality of the finished cake它能影响面糊的通气.稳定性及形状影响蛋糕的质量➢In fat based cakes, it is essential that the fat be maintained in an easily creamed conditioned in order to obtain optimumaeration➢Batter temperature also influence chemical leavening reaction 面糊的温度也影响化学发酵物的反应53MIXING METHODS搅拌方法➢Single stage mixing method➢Creaming method奶油法➢Blending method混合法➢Multi stage method➢Sugar and water method糖和水法➢Continuous mix method连续混合法54SINGLE STAGE MIXING METHOD➢Add all the liquids of the formulation 加入配方中的所有液体➢Followed by the fat and remaining dry ingredients接着加入油脂和干性配料➢ A wire whip is used 使用金属制成的搅拌浆➢Processing steps:操作步骤✧Slow speed慢速✧Fast speed快速✧Medium speed中速✧Slow speed慢速✧Simple and fast methodCREAMING METHOD➢Creaming of the sugar, fat and emulsifier using a paddle先加入糖,脂和乳化剂➢Add eggs slowly慢慢加入鸡蛋➢Add the dry ingredients alternately with rest of the liquids交替加入干性配料及剩余液体➢The method gives better volume for poorer quality fats as it giving it adequate aeration56MULTI STAGE METHOD➢Blending fat, emulsifier and all dry ingredientsusing a paddle把脂肪,乳化剂和所有的干性配料在一起混合➢Add 45% of all liquids slowly慢慢加入45%液体➢Add 20% of all liquids slowly慢慢加入20% 液体➢Add the rest of the liquids slowly慢慢加入剩余的液体➢Resultant cakes more resilient and reduces the chances of lumps in the batter57SUGAR AND WATER METHOD➢Combine all the sugar and half the water using a paddle加入所有的糖及一半的水➢Add all the dry ingredients加入所有的干性配料➢Add the rest of the liquids slowly慢慢加入剩余液体➢Resultant cakes gives good volume and tender crust蛋糕体积好表皮柔软58CONTINUOUS MIX METHOD➢Continuous mixing systems provide a batter that is of a consistent quality on a continuous basis持续的搅拌系统提供一在同一基础上的相同质量的面糊CONTINUOUS MIXING SYSTEM64THE IDEAL CAKE理想的蛋糕●Formulation配方➢ A good recipe, yielding a cake with good eating and keeping qualities一个好的配方可以产出一个好吃且质量好的蛋糕●Completely mixed batter完全搅拌面糊➢Mix it to a homogeneous stage搅拌到一个均匀的程度●Constant amount of air in the batter面团中一定量的空气➢Specific gravity at desired level比重●Viscosity粘度➢Sufficient to suspend fruits, or other included solids●Deposit沉淀物➢Deliver to the baking pan without changing the quality of the batter在移动烤盘时没有改变面糊的质量●And most difficult of all➢Keep all of these factors constant all of the time保持所有的因素在任何时间都不变65SHELF LIFE货架期➢The length of time during which the product maybe consumed without a significant loss in quality Or How long the consumer perceives a product to be Fresh产品在销售期间在质量上没有重大的变化或消费者认为是新鲜的66REASONS FOR SHELF LIFE EXTENSION延长货架期的原因●Primarily economic主要是经济效益➢Expansion of market area扩展市场空间➢Increased use of centralized baking提高烘焙中心的使用率➢Reduce stales 减少腐败➢Providing safer and more nutritious Products提供更安全更营养的产品67CONSUMERS CONCERN消费者所关心的➢Microbial activity –or spoilage微生物变质或损坏➢Texture changes –staling组织发生变化-走味➢Dryness –moisture loss 干燥- 水份流失➢Loss of flavor or development of off flavor through chemical interactions通过化学作用香味流失➢In general, staling of bakery products is defined as a decrease in consumer acceptability caused by changes other thanmicrobial spoilage68MICROBIAL SPOILAGE微生物引起的损坏●Controlling the growth of microorganisms is generally basedon the following principles:控制微生物生长一般根据下列因素来控制➢Food supply 食行供应➢Temperature温度➢pH➢Availability of free water 自由水的可利用性➢Sanitation / hygiene卫生69FOOD SUPPLYCAKES ARE VERY GOOD GROWTH MEDIUM FOR MICROORGANISMS70TEMPERATURE温度➢Lower temperatures will slow microbial Growth低温将降低微生物的生长➢Freezing cakes are the norm for distribution and long term storage71pH➢Most cakes have pH Levels between 6.7 and 9.0. A range that is conducive for many molds and bacteria for growth support大多数蛋糕PH值在6.7-9.0之间这个范围有助于很多霉菌和细菌的生长➢The addition of anti microbial agents to cakes products have limited Effectiveness添加在蛋糕中的防腐剂是有限的➢When chemical leavening agents are used, most cakes have a finished product pH of 7.0 and above当化学发酵剂被使用的时候,大多数蛋糕的PH在7.0或以上➢The most common anti microbial agents are not very effective at or above this pH level大多数普通的防腐剂在这个PH上不是很有效➢Off flavors are generally observed at higher usage levels of mold inhibitors72WATER AVAILABILITY➢This is defines as free water in the product i.e. water that is not chemically bound这是指产品中的自由水,就是水没有发生化学反应➢All organism needs a minimum amount of moisture for Growth所有的生物在生长中都要少量的水➢The term water activity (aw) is the % of relative humidity of the atmosphere surrounding the product when it is inequilibrium with the vapor pressure of the water in the food水的活性是指在食品中水压处于平衡状态的时候,围绕产品周围大气的相度湿度百分比➢aw = % Equilibrium relative humidity平衡状态的相对湿度/100➢aw Water水= 1➢aw Bread 面包= 0.96-0.98➢aw Fruit Fillings水果馅= 0.95-0.98➢aw Cakes蛋糕= 0.85-0.91➢aw Cookies饼干& Crackers = 0.2-0.373WATER ACTIVITY FOR MOLDGROWTH74FACTORS AFFECTING WATERACTIVITY影响水活性的因素➢Amount of ingredients dissolved in food在食品中大量原料溶解➢moisture (Raoult’s law)湿度➢Molecular weight of dissolved ingredients被溶解的配料的分子量➢Temperature温度➢Microbial activity 微生物活性➢Environment (baking, storage)环境➢Moisture barriers (coating, packaging)屏障75SANITATION AND HYGIENE卫生➢This is the first line of defense in any food operation against microbial contamination这是在食品中防止微生物生长的第一道防线➢High dosage of mold inhibitors will not assist if the production environment is dirty如果产品周围的环境是脏的,那么高剂量的霉抑制剂也是不起作用的76WHAT THE CONSUMER CONSIDERS STALING●Firmness of crumb蛋糕屑变硬= textural changes组织变化●Dryness干燥= moisture loss水份流失●Flavor loss and/or flavor changes水份流失/香味发生变化77TEXTURAL CHANGES 组织变化●Some suggest starch crystallization 一些淀粉结晶●However, experiments show that cake crumb firmingdecreases after the 4 th or 5 th day●Opposite of bread➢Reheating does not refresh crumbs➢Refrigerated temperatures slows down staling➢Less starch, higher sugar, eggs and milk proteins78MOISTURE LOSS➢Formulation➢Baking time and temperature焙烤时间和温度➢Cooling time and environment冷确时间和环境➢Finishing and packaging完成入包装79FLAVOR LOSS AND CHANGES➢Formulation➢Microbial微生物➢Oxidation氧化➢These factors will assist reduce the effect:这些因素将降低影响✧Use of special packaging material使用特殊的包装材料✧Modified atmosphere packaging调整包装✧Oxygen scavengers✧Increase fat levels in formulation在配方中增加脂肪✧Encapsulated flavors80OPTIONS FOR EXTENDED SHELF LIFE➢Room temperature stable➢Freeze81FREEZING PRODUCT PLAN➢Define the reason for freezing确认冷冻原因➢Outline the best method to use方法使用➢Outline potential characteristic and quality了解产品的特性和质量➢Problems出现的问题➢Evaluate reformulation or different processing techniques➢Determine a final process确定最后的操作82CAKE FREEZINGMust be done in the packaging to prevent:包装过程中所一定要做的➢Desiccation干燥➢Seeding with ice crystalsPotential problems:➢Drying out of cake components➢Loss of appearance characteristics➢Formation of unsightly sugar hydrates83CAKE FREEZING SOLUTIONS蛋糕冷冻方案➢Proper freezing techniques正确的冷冻技术➢Moisture and vapor proof packaging包装物的水份➢Small head space in packaging包装物空间➢Use of emulsifiers, gums, colloids and modified starches乳化剂,树脂,胶体和变性淀粉的使用➢Use extra water in formulation在配方中水的使用➢Use of oils instead of shortening to prevent collapse during defrosting油脂代起酥油的使用可防止在解冻过程中产生塌陷➢Use invert syrups instead of granular sugar使用转化糖浆代替小颗粒的糖➢Bake differently84CHANGES THAT CAN OCCUR IN FROZEN CAKES出现在冷冻蛋糕中的变化➢Physical changes: 物理变化➢Moisture loss 水份流失➢Product collapse产品塌陷➢Color changes颜色变化➢Chemical changes:化学变化➢Fat rancidity脂肪腐败85PRODUCT RELAIBILITY➢Get the best freezing process➢Simulate the storage conditions➢Conduct product evaluation➢Test until the product is unsaleable86GOOD FREEZING PROGRAM 良好的冷冻程序➢Define what you want from freezing确定你所要冷冻的➢Understand the product reliability 了解产品的可靠性➢Evaluate packaging reliability 评估包装的可靠性➢Rapid correction of defects➢Maximum use of your freezer 你的冷冻柜的最大使用量。