A Practical Message Falsification Attack on WPA
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新视野大学英语第三版2读写教程课文Text A翻译Unit 1 Text A一堂难忘的英语课1 如果我是唯一一个还在纠正小孩英语的家长,那么我儿子也许是对的。
2 我觉得我是在最近偶遇我以前的一位学生时,才开始对这个问题认真起来的。
我满怀着诚挚期待问她:“欧洲之行如何”3 她点了三四下头,绞尽脑汁,苦苦寻找恰当的词语,然后惊呼:“真是,哇!”4 没了。
】5 关于正确使用英语能力下降的问题,有许多不同的故事。
学生的确本应该能够区分诸如their/there/they're之间的不同,或区别complimentary 跟complementary之间显而易见的差异。
6 学生并不笨,他们只是被周围所看到和听到的语言误导了。
朋友和亲人常宣称 They've just ate。
实际上,他们应该说 They've just eaten。
7 对这种缺乏语言功底而引起的负面指责应归咎于我们的学校。
paigns celebrating the Big Apple, those T-shirts with a heart design proclaiming “I love New York,”are signs, pathetic in their desperation, of how the m ighty has fallen. New York City used to leave the bragging to others, for bragg ing w as “bush” Being unique, the biggest and the best, New York didn’t have to assert how special it was.’t the top anym ore, at least if the top is m easured by who begets the styles and sets the trends. Nowadays New York is out of phase with American taste as often as it is out of step with Am erican politics. Once it was the nation’s undisputed fashion authority, but it too long resisted the incom ing casual style and lost its m onopoly. No longer so looked up to or copied, New York even prides itself on being a holdout from prevailing Am erican trends, a place to escape Comm on Denom inator Land.ore and m ore evident. A dozen other cities have buildings m ore inspired architecturally than any built in New York City in the past twenty years. The giant Manhattan television studios where Toscanini’s NBCSym phony once played now sit empty m ost of the time, while sitcoms cloned and canned in Hollywood, and the Johnny Carson show live, preem pt the airways from California. Tin Pan Alley has m oved to Nashville and Hollywood. Vegas casinos routinely pay heavy sum s to singers and entertainers whom no nightspot in Manhattan can afford to hire. In sports, the bigger superdom es, the m ore exciting teams, them ost enthusiastic fans, are often found elsewhere.–being regarded as unfriendly, unsafe, overcrowded, and expensive –but it is m aking som ething of a com eback as a tourist attraction. Even so, m ost Americans would probably rate New Orleans, San Francisco, Washington, or Disneyland higher. A dozen other cities, including m yhom etown of Seattle, are widely considered better cities to live in.any Europeans call New York their favorite city? They take m ore readily than do m ost Americans to its cosm opolitan com plexities, its surviving, aloof, European standards, its alien mixtures. Perhaps som e of these Europeans are reassured by the sight, on the twin fashion avenues of Madison and Fifth, of all those familiar international nam es – the jewelers, shoe stores, and designer shops that exist to flatter and bilk the frivolous rich. But no; what m ost excites Europeans is the city’s charged, nervous atm osphere, its vulgar dynam ism .share of articulate losers, it is also about m ockery, the put-down , the loser’s shrug (“whaddya gonna do?”). It is about constant battles for subway seats, for a cabdriver’s or a clerk’s or a waiter’s attention, for a foothold , a chance, a better address, a larger billing. To win in New York is to be uneasy; to lose is to live in jostling proxim ity to the frustrated majority.e. And though I have lived there m ore than half m y life, you won’t find m e wearing an “I Love New York”T-shirt. But all in all, I can’t think of m any places in the world I’d rather live. It’s not easy to define why.’s pleasures are m uch qualified in New York. You never see a star-filledsky; the city’s bright glow arrogantly obscures the heavens. Sunsets can be spectacular: oranges and reds tinting the sky over the Jersey m eadows and gaudily reflected in a thousand windows on Manha ttan’s jagged skyline. Nature constantly yields to m an in New York: witness those fragile sidewalk trees gamely struggling against encroaching cem ent and petrol fum es. Central Park, which Frederick Law Olm sted designed as lungs for the city’s poor, i s in places grassless and filled with trash, no longer pristine yet lively with the noise and vivacity of people, largely youths, blacks, and Puerto Ricans, enjoying them selves. On park benches sit older people,m ostly white, looking displaced. It has becom e less a tranquil park than an untidy carnival.our of the city, which never beckoned to m e from a distance, but itsopportunity –to practice the kind of journalism I wanted –drew me to New York. I wasn’t even sure how I’d m easure up against others who had been m ore soundly educated at Ivy League schools, or whether I could com pete against that tough local breed, those intellectual sons of immigrants, so highly m otivated and single-minded, such as Alfred Kazin, who for div ersion (for heaven’t sake!) played Bach’s Unaccompanied Partitas on the violin.ost banal and m arketable of one’s talents, still draws m any of the young to New York. That and, as always, the com pany of others fleeing som ething constricting where they cam e from. Together these young share a freedom, a community of inexpensive am usements, a casualliving, and som e rough tim es. It can’t be the living conditions that appeal, for only fond mem ory will forgive the inconvenience, risk, and squalor. Comm ercial Broadway m ay be inaccessible to them, but there is off- Broadway, and then off-off-Broadway. If painters disdain Madison Avenue’s plush art galleries, Madison Avenue dealers set up shop in the grubby precincts of Soho. But the purity of a bohem ian dedication can be exaggerated. The artistic young inhabit the sam e Greenwich Village and its fringes in which the experim entalists in the arts lived during the Depression, united by a world against them. But the present generation is enough of a subculture to be a source of profitable boutiques and coffeehouses. And it is not all that estranged.ost respects from mainland America, but in two areas it remains dominant. It is the banking and the comm unications headquarters for America. In both these roles it ratifies m ore than it creates. Wall Street will advance the m illions to m ake a Hollywood m ovie only if convinced that a bestselling title o r a star name will ensure its success. The networks’ news centers are here, and the largest book publishers, and the biggest m agazines – and therefore the largest body of critics to appraise the films, the plays, the m usic, the books that others have created. New York is a judging town, and often invokes standards that the rest of the country deplores or ignores. A m arket for knowingness exists in New York that doesn’t exist for knowledge.arkets and devising the catchy jingles that will m ove m illions from McDonald’s to Burger king, so that the adagency’s “creative director”can lunch instead in Manhattan’s expense-account French restaurants. The bankers and the admen. The m arketing specialists and a thousand well-paid ancillary service people, really set the city’s brittle tone— catering to a wide American public whose num bers m ust be respected but whose tastes do not have to shared. The condescending view from the fiftieth floor of the city’s crowds below cuts these people off from humanity. So does an attitude which sees the public only in terms of large, malleable numbers— as impersonally as does the clattering subway turnstile beneath the office towers.surprised by the lack of cynicism, particularly am ong the younger ones, of those who work in such fields. The television generation grew up in the insistent presence of hype, delights in much of it, and has no scruples about practicing it. Men and wom an do their jobs professionally, and, like the pilots who from great heights bom bed Hanoi, seem unmarked by it. They lead their real lives elsewhere, in the Village bars they are indistinguishable in dress or behavior from would-be artists, actors, and writers. The boundaries of “art for art’s sake” aren’t so rigid anym ore; art itself is less sharply defined, and those whose paintings don’t sell do illustrations; those who can’ get acting jobs do comm ercials; those who are writing ambitious novels sustain themselves on the m agazines. Besides, serious art often feeds in the popular these days, changing it with fond irony.e the newcom ers find or from their won worlds; Manhatten is m any such words, huddled together but rarely interaction. I think this is what gives the city itssense of freedom. There are enough like you, whatever you are. And it isn’t asnecessary to know anything about an apartm ent neighbor- or to worry about his judgm ent of you- as it is about som eone with an adjoining yard. In New York, like seeks like, and by econom y of effort excludes the rest as stranger. This distancing, this uncaring in ordinary encounters, has another side: in no other Am erican city can the lonely be as lonely.uch m ore needs to be said. New Your is a wounded city, declining in its am enities . Overloaded by its tax burdens. But it is not dying city; the streets are safer than they were five years age; Broadway, which seem ed to be succumbing to the tawdriness of its environm ent, is astir again.enace, the noise, the brusqueness- all confirm outsiders in their conviction that they wouldn’t live here if you gave them the place. Yet show a New Yorker a splendid hom e in Dallas, or a swimming pool and cabana in Beverly Hills, and he will be admiring but not envious. So m uch of well-to-do America now lives antiseptically in enclaves, tranquil and luxurious, that shut out the world. Too static, the New Yorker would say. Tell him about the vigor of your outdoor pleasures; he prefers the unhealthy hassle andthe vitality of urban life. He is hopelessly provincial. To him New York- despite its faults,which her will impat iently concede (“so what else is new?”) — is the spoiler of all other American cities.erican cities to visit first-rate art m useum s, to hear good m usic and see lively experim ental theater, to m eet intelligent and sophisticated people who know how to live, dine, and talk well; and to enjoy all this in congenial and spacious surroundings. The New Yorkers still wouldn’t want to live there.issing is what m any outsiders find oppressive and distasteful about New York –its rawness, tension, urgency; its bracingcom petitiveness; the rigor of its judgm ents; and the congested, dem ocratic presence of so m any other New Yorkers, encased in their own worlds, the defeated are not hidden away som ewhere else on the wrong side of town. In the subways, in the buses, in the streets, it is impossible to avoid people whose lives are harder than yours. With the desperate, the ill, the fatigued, the overwhelm ed, one learns not to strike upcon versation (which isn’t wanted ) but to m ake brief, sy m pathetic eye contact, to include them in the hum an race. It isn’t m uch, but it is the fleeting hospitality of New Yorkers, each jealous of his privacy in the crowd. Ever helpfulness is often delivered as a taunt: a m an, rushing the traffic light, shouts the m an behind him. “ You want to be wearing a Buick with Jersey plates?” — great scorn in the word Jersey, hom e of drivers who don’t belong here.’s definition, New York is m ongrel city. It is in fact the first truly international m etropolis. No other great city- not London, Paris, Rom e or Tokyo- plays host (or hostage) to so m any nationalities. The m ix is m uch wider- Asians, Africans, Latins - that when that tumultuous variety of European crowded ashore at Ellis Island.The newcom ers are never fully absorbed, but are added precariously to the undigested many.20 New York is too big to be dom inated by any group, by Wasps or Jews or blacks, or by Catholics of m any origins —Irish, Italian, Hispanic. All have their little sovereignties, all are sizable enough to be reckoned with and tough in asserting their claim s, but none is powerful enough to subdue the others. Characteristically, the city swallows up the United Nations and refuses to take it seriously, regarding it as an unworkable m ixture of the idealistic, the impractical, and the hypocritical. But New Yorkers them selves are in training in how to live together in a diversity of races- the necessary initiation into the future.education in sights and sm ells. There is wonderful variety of places to eat or shop, and though the m ost successful of such places are likely to touristy hybridcom prom ises, they too have genuine roots. Other Am erican cities have ethnic turfs jealously defended, but not, I think, such an adm ixture of groups, thrown together in such jarring juxtapositions . In the sam e way, avenues of high-rise luxury in New York are never far from poverty and m ean streets. The sadness and fortitude of New York must be celebrated, along with its treasures of art and m usic. The com bination is unstable; it produces friction, or an uneasy forbearance that som etimes becom es a real toleration.es a m atter of alternating m oods, often inthe sam e day. The place constantly exasperates , at times exhilarates . To m e it is the city of unavoidable experience. Living there, one has the reassurance of steadily confronting life.(from the Atlantic, Sept. 1978)NOTES1. Griffith: Thom as Griffith (1915--), Am erican writer and editor. Since 1974 he has been press colum nist, Time magazine; staff contributor, For-tune magazine; colum nist, Atlantic Monthly. He is an uprooted westerner who now calls New York hom e. Publications: The Waist-High Culture; How True? --A Sceptic 's Guide to Believing the News.2. the Big Apple: any large city; specifically New York City3. bush: rustic, countrified, belonging to sm all towns4. Comm on Denom inator Land: uniformity, comm onness, sam eness, the m onotonous, the hum drum5. sitcom s: situation com edies; a radio or television series that involves a continuing cast of characters in a succession of unconnected episodes6. cloned: grown like a clone, all the descendants being derived asexually from a single individual. Cloned and canned: produced and packed, all ready for immediate consum ption (showing).7. Johnny Carson: a m an who runs a late night talk show8. Nashville: Capital of Tennessee State, center of rock-and-roll9. Vegas: sam e as Las Vegas. See text I, exercise I.10. superdom es: extra big sport stadiums11. convention city: city where conventions (assem blies of m embers or delegates of a political, social, professional, or religious group) are regularly held.12. Madison: Madison Avenue13. Fifth: Fifth Avenue, fam ous for fashionable shops14. Whaddya gonna do?: What are you going to do? Connoting a cool lack of concern; indifference; nonchalance.15. Jersey: Jersey City16. Ivy League schools: referring to prominent north-eastern universities in the U.S., such as, Cornell, Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Colum bia and others. It connotes a certain degree of wealth, sophistication, re finem ent, social prominence, and the like.17. Kazin: Alfred Kazin (1915)), Am erican critic. Publications: On Native Grounds ; The Inm ost Leaf; Contemporaries ; and Bright Book of Life.18. Commercial Broadway: The New York comm ercial theater or entertainment industry19.off-off-Broadway: an avant-garde theatrical m ovem ent in New York that stresses untraditional techniques and radical experim entation. Its relation to off-Broadway being analogous to the relation of off-Broadway to Broadway.20. Soho: a district in New York. By the early 1970s the artist colony had shift- ed from Greenwich Village to Soho.21. best-selling title: title of best-selling books22. star nam e: nam e of star actor or actress23. networks: radio and television networks24. McDonald's : McDonald' s chain restaurant selling hamburger25. Burger King: a chain restaurant whose specialty is hamburger26. lunch in expense-account French restaurants: to lunch in expensive French restaurants with the bill being paid by the com pany or em ployer27. hype: extravagant prom otional advertising28. popular: pop art; a realistic art style, using techniques and popular subjects adapted from commercial art and the mass communications m edia29. Beverly Hills: city in California, surrounded by Los Angeles, fam ous for luxurious hom es of rich Hollywood actors and actresses30. So what else is new?: there is nothing new in what you say; connoting the listener is not im pressed nor interested31. You want to be wearing a Buick with Jersey plates?: Do you want to be knocked down by a car carrying a Jersey license plate? Connoting that the m an should have som e pride in being a New Yorker and not let him self be run over by a car from Jersey.32. touristy hybrid com prom ises: a m ixture of different racial characteristics which attracts tourists33. ethnic turfs: districts or areas inhabited by foreign-born Am ericansAims1)Im proving students’ability to read between lines and understand the text properly;2)Cultivating students’ability to m ake a creative reading;3)Enhancing students’ability to appreciate the text from different perspectives;4)Helping students to understand som e difficult words and expressions;5)Helping students to understanding rhetorical devices;6)Encouraging students to voice their own viewpoint fluently and accurately.Teaching Contents1)Background Knowledge2)Exposition3)Detailed Study of the Essay4)Organization Pattern5)Style and Language Features6)Special Difficulties课文讲解部分1. Background Knowledge1) About the author Thom as Griffith2) About New York City2. Exposition/~arnetha/expowrite/info.html3. Detailed study on Loving and hating New YorkPara.1-5 General introduction — setting forth the present status of New York in the United States and in the eye’s of foreignersTask: Collect evidence to show that “ How the m ighty has fallen.”New York = Big Apple = Mighty—Advertising campaigns publicly praise New York;—Many New Yorkers wear T-shirts with a heart design and the works “ I love New York”—New York is trying desperately to regain her lost prestige and status.Para.2-3: New York: Yesterday & TodayNew York CityYesterday TodayTop, highest, biggest isn’t any m oreLeading city sets styles and trends of nation out of phase with ______ as out of step withUndisputed fashion authority lost its undisputed leadershipLooked up to and im itated no longer so“Nowadays New York is out of phase with Am erican taste “—Nowadays New York connot understand nor follow the taste of the Am erican people and is often in disagreem ent with American politics.“No longer so looked up to or copied, New York even prides itself on being a holdout from prevailing American trends” —Since New York is no longer looked up to or copied as the undisputed fashion authority, it now boasts that it is a city that resists the prevailing trends (styles, fashion) of America, that it is a place where people can escape from uniformity and comm onness.Question:1) From where we can see New York’s deficiencies as a pacesetter are m ore and m ore evident?—Building—Manhattan television studios—Tin Pan Alley—Hiring singers and entertainers—Sports2) The technique used to support author’s view is___________.Para.4: New York: in the eyes of AmericansCom eback: 1 a : a sharp or witty reply : retort b : a cause for com plaint 2 : a return to a form er position or condition (as of success or prosperity) :recovery, revival Para5 New York: in the eyes of foreigner.Question: Why do m any Europeans call New York their favorite city?—Cosm opolitan complexities—European standards—Mixture of m any foreigners—Many jewelers, shoe stores and designers shops—Familiar international nam es—Tense, restless atm osphere; its energetic pulse“… and designer shops that exist to flatter and bilk the frivolous rich.”These shops are set up to cheat and gratify the vanity of the silly rich peoplePara 6 New York: energy, contention and strivingConvention: angry disagreem entStriving: trying very hard to achieve or to defeat the othersPut-down: ( inform al) a remark or criticism intended to m ake the others feel stupid (令人难堪的话,噎人的话)“To win in New York is to be uneasy; to lose is to live in jostling proxim ity to the frustrated majority.”— A person who wins in New York is constantly disturbed by fear and anxiety ( because he is afraid of losing what he has won in the fierce competition); a person who loses has to live am ong the defeated, who are in the m ajority in New York.Para.7: New York in author’s eyes.“New York was never Mecca to m e”Rhetorical devices em ployed in this sentence are: __________ and ___________.The author com pares New York to Mecca; and Mecca is standing for _______________.A place of holy pilgrimage, of a place one yearns to go.Para 8: New York: NatureQuestions:1) The topic sentence is ___________________.2) The rhetorical device employed in “ Nature constantly yields to m an in New York” is __________.3) Are there any other places uses the sam e rhetorical device as m entioned above? What’s the function of it?Para.9 New York: Opportunities & uncertainnessQuestions:1) What do “Ivy League Schools” refer to?2) Why did writer go and live in New York?Para.10: New York : in young people’s eyesQuestion: Why do young people still go to New York?—testing themselves—unwilling to surrender to their m ost comm on and easily sold talents—the fierce competition and challenge—standards of excellence dem anded“But the purity of a bohem ian dedication can be exaggerated.”—But a pure and wholehearted devotion to a Bohem ian life style can be esaggerated. “But the present generation is enough of a subculture to be a source of profitable boutiques and coffeehouses.”As these young writers and artists have distinct cultural patterns of their own, m any businessm en open up profitable boutiques and coffeehouses to cater to their special tastes and interests.“And it is not all that estranged” “It” probably m eans _______________.Para.11: New York: A judging town“A m arket for knowingness exists in New York that doesn’t exist for knowledge.”—In New York, a shrewd understanding or ability to appraise things is appreciated and paid for and skill and learning by themselves are not considered valuable.Para12: New York: An advertising CenterQuestion:1) The rhetorical device used in “The condescending view from the fiftieth floor of the city’s …” is _________. And “ The condescending view is the view of __________.2) In sentence “So does an attitude which sees….” The author com pares ______ to ______.Para 13: New York : Lack of cynicismTask: Collect evidence to show New York is lack of cynicism In sentence “ Men and wom en do their jobs professionally and, like pilots who from great heights bombed Hanoi …” the author compares_______ to ______.Para 14: New York: FreedomWhat gives the city its sense of freedom?Para 15: New York: Wounded not dyingAmenity: the attractiveness and value of real estate or of a residential structureTo succum b to: to fail to resist an attack, illness, temptationPara 16-18: New York: N ew Yorkers’ LoveNew Yorker who sees all the faults of the city still prefer to live in New YorkNew York’s faults:—Trash-strewn streets—Unruly school—Uneasy feeling or m enace—The noise—The brusqueness“He is hopeless provincial”—He will always be a New Yorker. His attitude towards and his love for New York will never change“New York … is the spoiler of all other American cities”—New York has spoiled all the other American cities for him.Para 19-10 New York: International MetropolisWhy is New York called an international m etropolis?Para.22: Loving and Hating New York1. exasperate: to excite the anger of; to cause irritation or annoyance to2. exhilarate: to m ake cheerful; to excite“The place constantly exasperates, at times exhilarat es.”—New York constantly irritates and annoys very m uch but at tim es it also invigorates and stimulates.Oral practice: Talking about the following questions:1. What is the main them e of this article? Where is it specifically stated?2. What technique does the writer use to develop his m ain them e? Is the technique effective? Cite exam ples.3. Comm ent on the diction of the writer. Pick out term s and phrases that you think are peculiarly American.4. Does the writer really both love and hate New York? Cite exam ples to back up your analysis.5. How m any paragraphs would you regard as being the introductory paragraphs. Why?6. What is the topic sentence of paragraph 8? How is the paragraph developed?7. Explain fully the following sentence from paragraph 11: “A m arket for knowingness exists in New York that doesn’t exist for knowledge.”8. Pick out som e figures of speech which you think the writer has usid m ost effectively. Cite your reasons.Paraphrase:1. Nowadays New York is out of phase with American taste (Para 2)2. New York even prides itself on being a holdout from prevailing American trends. (Para 2)3. Sitcom s cloned and canned in Hollywood, and the Johnny Carson show live, pre-empt the airwaves from California (Para 3)4. It is m aking som ething of a com eback as a tourist attraction (Para 4)5. To win in New York is to be uneasy (Para 6)6. Nature’s pleasures are m uch qualified in New York. (Para 8)7. The city ‘s bright glow arrogantly obscures the heavens (Para 8)8. But the purity of a bohem ian de dication can be exaggerated. (Para 10)9. In both these roles it ratifies m ore than it creates. (Para 11)10. The television generation grew up in the insistent presence of hype (Para 13)11. Those who are writing am bitious novels sustain them selves on the m agazines. (Para 13)12. Broadway, which seem ed to be succum bing to the tawdriness of its environm ent, is astir again (Para 15)13. He prefers the unhealthy hassle and the vitality of urban life (Para 16)14. The defeated are not hidden away som e where else on the wrong side of town. (Para 18)15. The place constantly exasperates, at tim es exhilarates. (Para 22)4. Organization Pattern1) The thesis: Loving and hating New York or m ore specifically: Loving and hating New York becom es a m atter of alternating m oods, often in the sam e day.2) The thesis developed by both objective and em otional description of New York and the life and struggle of New Yorkers3) The structural organization of this essay: clear and sim ple5. Style and Language Features1) Full of Am erican English terms, phrases and constructions.T-shirtholdoutcom ebackput-downexpense-accountadmanhigh-risemeasure up2) Use of various rhetorical devices:metaphorpersonificationmetonym ytransferred epithetalliterationsim ilesynecdocheironyeuphem ism/carroll/faq3.htmlto6. Special Difficulties1) Identifying and understanding Am ericanisms in this essay2) Som e terms/phrases/structuresout-of-phasetelevision generationeconom y of effortwrong sidesitcom s cloned and cannedMeccameasure up againstIvy League schoolscommercial Broadway/off-Broadway/off-off-Broadway Madison Avenue/Wall Streetlike seeks likeWasps词汇(Vocabulary)bush (adj.) : rustic,countrified,belonging to small towns粗俗的;乡土气的;乡下的beget (v.) : bring into being;produce使产生,引起,招致holdout (n.) : [Americanism]a place that holds out [美语]坚固据点deficiency (n.) : the quality or state of being deficient; absence of something essential;a shortage 缺乏,缺少,欠缺;缺陷,不足之处pacesetter (n.) : a person that leads the way or serves as a model标兵sitcom (n.) : [口]situation comedy的缩略clone (v.) : derive all the descendants asexually from a single individual无性繁殖preempt (v.) : radio and TV]replace(a regularly scheduled program)[广播、电视]先占,先取得casino (n.) : a public room or building for entertainments.dancing,or,now specifically,gambling 俱乐部,娱乐场;(现尤指)赌场nightspot (n.) : nightclub夜总会bilk (v.) : cheat or swindle;defraud欺骗,蒙骗dynamism (n.) : the quality of being energetic,vigorous,etc.推动力;活力,精力,劲头put—down (n.) : [American slang]a belittling remark or crushing retort[美俚]贬低的话;反驳;无礼的回答foothold (n.) : a secure position from which it is difficult to be dislodged立足点,据点jostle (v.) : bump or push,as in a crowd;elbow or shove roughly(在人群中)拥挤;用肘推;撞proximity (n.) : the state or quality of being near;nearness in space,time,etc.最近;接近;(地方,时间等)最接近obscure (v.) : darken;make dim使黑暗;使朦胧tint (v.) : give a color or a shading of a color to着上(淡)色gaudy (adj.) : bright and showy, but lacking in good taste;cheaply brilliant and ornate华丽而俗气的,炫丽的。
但Ann McClintock提供了证据表示我们每天都是宣传的目标,并且它塑造了我们很多的观点和决定。
Focus is a powerful force that can lead to extraordinary achievements.It allows individuals to devote their full attention to a single task or goal,thereby increasing the likelihood of success.In this essay,we will explore the importance of focus and how it can contribute to remarkable accomplishments.Firstly,focus enables individuals to concentrate their mental resources on a specific task, which can lead to a deeper understanding and mastery of the subject matter.When we are fully engaged in a task,our minds are better able to process information,solve problems, and generate creative solutions.This level of concentration can be particularly beneficial in fields that require a high degree of expertise,such as science,technology,and the arts.Secondly,focus can help to improve efficiency and productivity.By directing our efforts towards a single goal,we can complete tasks more quickly and effectively.This can be especially important in a fastpaced work environment,where the ability to multitask and switch between tasks can sometimes lead to mistakes and decreased productivity.By maintaining a focused approach,we can streamline our workflow and achieve better results.Thirdly,focus can contribute to personal growth and selfimprovement.When we dedicate ourselves to a particular pursuit,we are more likely to develop new skills,gain knowledge,and overcome challenges.This process of continuous learning and growth can lead to increased selfconfidence and a sense of accomplishment,which can be highly motivating and fulfilling.Moreover,focus can foster innovation and creativity.When we are deeply engaged in a task,our minds are more likely to make connections between seemingly unrelated ideas, leading to new insights and creative solutions.This process of creative thinking can be particularly valuable in fields such as research,design,and entrepreneurship,where innovation is often the key to success.However,it is important to note that focus requires discipline and commitment.In todays world,we are constantly bombarded with distractions,from social media to email notifications.To maintain focus,we must learn to prioritize our goals,manage our time effectively,and cultivate the ability to resist distractions.In conclusion,focus is a vital ingredient in achieving extraordinary results.By concentrating our mental resources,improving efficiency,fostering personal growth,and encouraging creativity,focus can lead to remarkable accomplishments.With discipline and commitment,we can harness the power of focus to unlock our full potential and achieve greatness.。
Unit 1 Learning Styles学习风格Howard Gardner, a professor of education at Harvard University, reflects on a visit to China and gives his thoughts on different approaches to learning in China and the West.哈佛大学教育学教授霍华德·加德纳回忆其中国之行,阐述他对中西方不同的学习方式的看法。
Learning, Chinese-StyleHoward Gardner中国式的学习风格霍华德·加德纳1 For a month in the spring of 1987, my wife Ellen and I lived in the bustling eastern Chinese city of Nanjing with our 18-month-old son Benjamin while studying arts education in Chinese kindergartens and elementary schools. But one of the most telling lessons Ellen and I got in the difference between Chinese and American ideas of education came not in the classroom but in the lobby of the Jinling Hotel where we stayed in Nanjing.1987年春,我和妻子埃伦带着我们18个月的儿子本杰明在繁忙的中国东部城市南京住了一个月,同时考察中国幼儿园和小学的艺术教育情况。
faxmessage作文英文回答:Fax is an outdated technology that is no longer commonly used.Facsimile (fax) machines were once a popular way to transmit documents over telephone lines. However, they have since been largely replaced by more advanced technologies, such as email, electronic document transfer, and cloud-based file sharing.Fax machines are slow, unreliable, and inefficient.They require a dedicated phone line, which can be expensive. They also require the use of special paper, which can be difficult to find and expensive to replace.In addition, fax machines are not secure. Faxed documents can be easily intercepted and read byunauthorized individuals. This makes them unsuitable fortransmitting sensitive information.For all of these reasons, fax machines are no longer commonly used. They have been replaced by more advanced technologies that are faster, more reliable, more efficient, and more secure.中文回答:传真是一种过时的技术,不再被普遍使用。
When it comes to the art of living,the French language offers a rich tapestry of wisdom and guidance.One such phrase that encapsulates the essence of a prudent life is faire attentionàchaque pas,which translates to be careful with every step.This phrase is a reminder that in our journey through life,we must tread carefully and thoughtfully, ensuring that each step we take is wellconsidered and strategic.In the realm of personal growth and development,taking each step with caution and mindfulness is crucial.It is important to reflect on our actions and their potential consequences before moving forward.This approach helps us to avoid pitfalls and setbacks that may arise from hasty or illconsidered decisions.In the professional sphere,the principle of being careful with every step is equally applicable.Whether you are navigating the complexities of a new job or climbing the corporate ladder,it is essential to plan your moves carefully.This might involve seeking advice from mentors,conducting thorough research,or carefully weighing the pros and cons of different options.In relationships,too,the wisdom of faire attentionàchaque pas is invaluable.Building and maintaining strong connections with others requires a delicate balance of trust, respect,and open communication.By taking the time to understand the needs and feelings of others,we can foster deeper bonds and avoid misunderstandings that may arise from thoughtless actions.Moreover,this phrase serves as a reminder to be aware of our surroundings and the world at large.In an increasingly interconnected and fastpaced society,it is easy to become overwhelmed by the constant flow of information and stimuli.By being mindful of our environment and the impact of our actions,we can make more informed choices and contribute positively to the world around us.In conclusion,the French phrase faire attentionàchaque pas offers a timeless piece of advice that can be applied to various aspects of our lives.By taking each step with care and consideration,we can navigate the complexities of life with greater ease and confidence,ultimately leading to a more fulfilling and successful journey.。
学雅思记忆词汇的英文原著The English Original":Learning vocabulary is a crucial aspect of preparing for the IELTS exam. The IELTS test evaluates an individual's proficiency in the English language across four main skills: listening, reading, writing, and speaking. To excel in these areas, a strong command of vocabulary is essential. The English original approach to learning IELTS vocabulary can be an effective and rewarding strategy for students.One of the primary benefits of using the English original approach is the opportunity to engage with the language in its purest form. By studying vocabulary from authentic English sources, such as literary works, news articles, or academic texts, students can gain a deeper understanding of how words are used in real-world contexts. This exposure to natural language usage can help develop a more nuanced and sophisticated vocabulary, which is particularly important for the IELTS exam where the ability to use appropriate and precise language is highly valued.Moreover, the English original approach encourages students toimmerse themselves in the language, rather than relying solely on memorization of word lists or translations. This immersive experience can foster a more natural and intuitive understanding of vocabulary, as students learn to associate words with their contextual meanings and usage. This can lead to better retention of the vocabulary and a more seamless application of the words in the various IELTS tasks.Another advantage of the English original approach is the exposure to cultural and idiomatic expressions. The IELTS exam often includes questions that test a candidate's understanding of colloquial language, idiomatic phrases, and cultural references. By studying vocabulary in its original English context, students can gain insights into the nuances and connotations of words, as well as the cultural references that may be embedded within the language. This knowledge can be invaluable in the IELTS exam, where the ability to comprehend and use language in a culturally appropriate manner is highly valued.Furthermore, the English original approach can be a highly engaging and motivating way to learn vocabulary. By immersing themselves in authentic English materials, students can develop a genuine interest in the language and a deeper appreciation for its richness and complexity. This can lead to a more sustained and effortful engagement with the vocabulary, which is crucial for long-term retention and effective application in the IELTS exam.However, it is important to note that the English original approach may also present some challenges for IELTS candidates. The language used in authentic English materials may be more complex and idiomatic than the vocabulary typically encountered in the IELTS exam. Students may need to invest additional time and effort in understanding the contextual meanings and usage of the vocabulary they encounter. Furthermore, the availability and accessibility of high-quality English original materials may vary, and students may need to be selective in their choice of resources to ensure they are effectively preparing for the IELTS exam.Despite these potential challenges, the English original approach to learning IELTS vocabulary can be a highly rewarding and effective strategy for students. By engaging with the language in its purest form, students can develop a deeper understanding of vocabulary, a more nuanced and sophisticated language proficiency, and a stronger cultural awareness – all of which can contribute to their success in the IELTS exam.In conclusion, the English original approach to learning IELTS vocabulary can be a powerful tool for students seeking to excel in the exam. By immersing themselves in authentic English materials, students can gain a deeper understanding of vocabulary, develop a more natural and intuitive command of the language, and cultivate agenuine appreciation for the richness and complexity of the English language. While the approach may present some challenges, the benefits it offers can be invaluable for IELTS candidates who are committed to mastering the language and achieving their desired test scores.。
FOUNDATIONAL VALUES IN UNIVERSITY EDUCATION 57particular actions as good or bad based on the social contract of a particular society. It is possible for people inone group to hold a different set of morals than people in another group. Descriptive ethics also change overtime. For instance, the acceptability of racism changed in the United States over the course of generations.Normative ethics. This implies what should be good or bad in a society. The view of what is an acceptable ethic requires subjectivity. Normative ethics conflict with descriptive ethics at times. An example ofnormative ethics is the debate concerning abortion.Meta-ethics. It involves the examination of ethical terms, such as justice and morality, as broad concepts for a society. It also seeks to define a middle ground among terms, such as good and evil. Emotivism, a part ofmeta-ethics, involves using a seemingly objective claim as an emotional response. An example of meta-ethicsincludes questioning the existence of free will in a society.What is a code of ethics? The primary focus of ethics is to determine right and wrong conduct, both in theory and specific situations. While issues in ethics are often debated, primary ethical imperatives, such as notcommitting murder, can be codified into law, which allows for a standard of justice. Practically applied, ethicsis important, because it gives individuals a basis on which to praise or decry an action and punish or reward it.Without the study of ethics, there can be no government and no law. Without an ethical system in place, allactions are equally acceptable and no one is safe from his/her neighbour. Ethics is not only important forinterpersonal relations, but it is also important for the environment and the way animals are treated by humans.Ethics seeks to protect parties that cannot speak for themselves. It is a major factor in industries that deal withlivestock, wild animals, and natural resources.Why are ethics important in communication? In communication, ethics work to enhance credibility, improve the decision-making process, and allow for trust among the two parties. Ethics provide thegroundwork for right and wrong, allowing two parties to communicate with a basic understanding of what isexpected. The purpose of ethics is to avoid doing harm and this is vital in communication, because it works tobuild trust. This allows both parties to define what is acceptable to allow for better relations betweenindividuals and different departments in the case of organizations. The same level and understanding of ethicsapplies to all forms of communication, including verbal, written, and digital.The Concept of Academic and Scholarship Integrity at the UniversityWhat is academic integrity? Fundamental to the academic work you do at university is an expectation that you will make choices that reflect integrity and responsible behavior. University will ask much of you.Occasionally, you may feel overwhelmed by the amount of work you need to accomplish. You may be short oftime, working on several assignments due to the same day, or preparing for qualifying exams or your thesispresentation. The pressure can be intense. However, no matter what level of stress you may find yourself under,university expects you to approach your work with honesty and integrity. Honesty is the foundation of goodacademic work. Whether you are working on a problem set, lab report, project or paper, avoid engaging inplagiarism, unauthorized collaboration, cheating, or facilitating academic dishonesty. Follow this advice:1. Academic dishonesty, academic misconduct, or academic fraud is any type of cheating that occurs inrelation to a formal academic exercise. It can include:(a) Plagiarism: The adoption or reproduction of original creations of another author (person, collective,organization, community, or other type of author, including anonymous authors) without due acknowledgment;(b) Fabrication: The falsification of data, information, or citations in any formal academic exercise;All Rights Reserved.FOUNDATIONAL VALUES IN UNIVERSITY EDUCATION58 (c) Deception: Providing false information to an instructor concerning a formal academic exercise—e.g., giving a false excuse for missing a deadline or falsely claiming to have submitted work;(d) Cheating: Any attempt to obtain assistance in a formal academic exercise (like an examination) without due acknowledgment (including the use of cheat sheets).2. Bribery or paid services: Giving assignment answers or test answers for money.3. Sabotage: Acting to prevent others from completing their work. This includes cutting pages out of library books or willfully disrupting the experiments of others.4. Professorial misconduct: Professorial acts that are academically fraudulent equate to academic fraud and/or grade fraud.5. Impersonation: Assuming a student’s identity with intent to provide an advantage for the student.Academic dishonesty has been documented in every type of educational setting from elementary school to graduate school. Throughout history, this type of dishonesty has been met with varying degrees of approbation.Academic integrity. This is the moral code or ethical policy of academia. The term was coined by the late Don McCabe, who is considered to be the “grandfather of academic integrity”. This includes values, such as avoidance of cheating or plagiarism; maintenance of academic standards; honesty and rigor in research; and academic publishing.Dishonesty. It is to act without honesty. It is used to describe a lack of probity, cheating, lying, or being deliberately deceptive or a lack in integrity, knavishness, perfidiosity, corruption, or treacherousness. Dishonesty is the fundamental component of a majority of offences relating to the acquisition, conversion, and disposal of property (tangible or intangible) defined in criminal law, such as fraud.Intellectual property rights. A right that is had by a person or a company to have exclusive rights to useits own plans, ideas, or other intangible assets without the worry of competition, at least for a specific period of time. These rights can include copyrights, patents, trademarks, and trade secrets. These rights may be enforced by a court via a lawsuit. The reasoning for intellectual property is to encourage innovation without the fear that a competitor will steal the idea and/or take the credit for it.Intellectual property protection. Intellectual property protection is protection for inventions, literary and artistic works, symbols, names, and images created by the mind. Learn how you can protect your intellectual property by using patents, trademarks, trade secrets, and copyrights.Intellectual property protection explained. Entrepreneurs and business owners need to understand the basics of intellectual property law to best protect their hard-earned creations and ideas from unfair competition. Intellectual property includes distinctive items that you have created and ones that give you an economic benefit. Seek professional experience from an intellectual property attorney to help your company plan for success and avoid theft of ideas, designs, and other concepts. Since filing and re-filing intellectual property applications can get expensive and waste time if done incorrectly, determine what you need to protect when it comes to intellectual property: Decide which of your ideas fall under which specific protection option; file as quickly as possible to reduce your chance of losing out on protection; and investigate international patents as well as those registered in the United States. Make sure to plan and execute your planned strategy as soon as you start your company or invent something new. There are four types of intellectual property protection for businesses: patents, trademarks, trade secrets, and copyrights.All Rights Reserved.。
英语六级作文套话When it comes to English proficiency, the CET-6 exam stands as a crucial milestone for many college students. Preparing for the exam involves honing both written and speaking skills, with the writing section often posing a challenge. However, with some practical tips and tried-and-true formulas, you can master the art of crafting a solid CET-6 essay.First and foremost, a good essay starts with a clear and engaging opening. Avoid the trap of using cliched phrases or overly formal language. Instead, try to capture the reader's attention with a personal anecdote, a thought-provoking question, or a vivid description. Remember, the goal is to make your reader want to continue reading.When it comes to the body paragraphs, diversity is key. Mix up your sentence structures and vocabulary to keep the reader engaged. Use a variety of sentence lengths, ranging from short and punchy to longer and more descriptive.Incorporate examples, anecdotes, and quotes to illustrate your points and add depth to your argument.Another important aspect is to avoid being too general or vague. Be specific and concrete in your examples and arguments. This not only makes your essay more believable but also helps to hold the reader's attention. Remember, the CET-6 exam is testing your ability to express complex ideas in a clear and concise manner.Finally。
小心求证,有的放矢作文英文回答:Approach with Caution and Aim with Precision.Critical thinking and evidence-based reasoning are crucial skills for navigating complex and often contradictory information. It requires carefully considering available evidence, questioning assumptions, and evaluating the credibility of sources. To do this effectively, it is essential to approach information with a cautious and inquiring mindset while simultaneously aiming one's arguments with precision and justification.Approaching information with caution involves recognizing potential biases, considering alternative perspectives, and avoiding hasty generalizations. It means questioning the motivations behind claims and thereliability of the sources presenting them. By examining information critically, we can avoid falling prey tomisleading or incomplete narratives.Equally important is aiming with precision. This involves using evidence strategically to support reasoning and formulating arguments that are logical and well-reasoned. It requires distilling the most relevant and credible evidence, connecting it to the main points, and avoiding overgeneralization or unsupported assertions.By combining a cautious approach with precision, we can enhance the quality of our decision-making, avoid being misled, and contribute to informed and constructive discussions.中文回答:小心求证,有的放矢。
司法信息安全英语水平In the field of judicial information security, having a good command of English is of great importance. Here are some reasons why English proficiency is crucial in this field:Firstly, English is the international language of technology and computing. Many of the advanced security technologies, research papers, and industry standards are published in English. By having a high level of English, you can better understand and keep up with the latest trends, vulnerabilities, and threats in the field of judicial information security.Secondly, English is widely used in international communication and collaboration. In the globalized world, law enforcement agencies, judicial organizations, and security experts from different countries often need to share information and collaborate on cybercrime investigations. Proficiency in English enables effective communication and collaboration with colleagues from around the world, facilitating the exchange of vital information and the sharing of best practices.Furthermore, many security tools, software, and online resources related to judicial information security are in English. A good understanding of English allows you to navigate these tools, read documentation, and perform complex security tasks more efficiently. It also enables you to participate in online forums, communities, and training courses where you can learn from experts and peers in the field.Lastly, English proficiency is essential for professional development and career opportunities in judicial information security. Many high-profile positions, certifications, and conferences in this field require a certain level of English proficiency. By demonstrating your ability to communicate effectively in English, you increase your competitiveness in the job market and open up more possibilities for professional growth.In conclusion, a high level of English proficiency is essential for success inthe field of judicial information security. It enables you to stay updated with the latest trends, communicate effectively with international colleagues,utilize essential tools and resources, and enhance your career opportunities. Therefore, investing in improving your English skills is a valuable step towards excelling in this dynamic and evolving field.。
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moral issue 和practical issue -回复Title: Ethical Dilemmas and Practical Considerations: Balancing Moral and Practical Issues in Decision-MakingIntroduction (150 words)In today's complex world, individuals and organizations often face situations that involve moral issues and practical considerations. These ethical dilemmas can pose significant challenges, as stakeholders must navigate between doing what is morally right and what is most practical. This article explores the key differences between moral and practical issues and proposes an approach to addressing such dilemmas.I. Understanding Moral Issues (400 words)Moral issues refer to questions of right and wrong, good and evil, and what is considered morally acceptable or unacceptable within society. They often touch upon deeply-held values, principles, and beliefs. Moral issues are subjective and can vary from culture to culture, but they typically encompass universal concepts such as honesty, justice, and compassion. Resolving moral issues requires individuals to reflect on their own values, consider the interests and rights of others, and make decisions that align with their moralcompass.II. Identifying Practical Issues (400 words)Practical issues, on the other hand, concern the feasibility, efficiency, and effectiveness of actions or decisions in achieving desired outcomes or goals. They focus on real-world constraints, such as time, resources, and potential consequences. Practical issues involve assessing the risks and benefits of different courses of action and selecting the most efficient and effective approach. Unlike moral issues, practical issues are objective and can be evaluated based on rational and logical criteria.III. Moral and Practical Conflict (400 words)When faced with a decision, conflicts between moral and practical issues can arise. For example, a company may face the moral issue of providing fair wages to its employees, but the practical issue of minimizing costs may restrict its ability to do so. In such cases, striking a balance between moral and practical considerations becomes crucial. Ignoring moral issues can lead to reputational damage and loss of trust, while disregarding practical issues may jeopardize sustainability and survival.IV. Approaching Ethical Dilemmas (400 words)1. Identify and analyze the moral issue: Clearly define the moral issue at hand, understanding why it is morally significant and assess who may be affected by it.2. Evaluate practical constraints: Consider the practical factors, including time, resources, and potential consequences, that may limit the available options.3. Seek alternative paths: Explore potential solutions that align with both moral values and practical constraints. This may involve compromises or finding creative ways to address both issues simultaneously.4. Consider long-term implications: Anticipate the long-term effects of the chosen course of action on both moral and practical aspects. Assess whether the decision contributes to sustainable outcomes and aligns with organizational values.5. Seek diverse perspectives: Engage with stakeholders and seek input from diverse perspectives to better understand the complexity of the dilemma and explore potential solutions.6. Make an informed decision: Weigh the moral and practical factors as well as the potential consequences of different options, and make a decision that considers both sets of issues.7. Reflect and learn: After implementing the chosen course ofaction, reflect on the outcomes, assess the effectiveness of the decision, and incorporate any lessons learned into future decision-making processes.Conclusion (150 words)Finding a balance between moral issues and practical considerations in decision-making is a complex task. Understanding the nature of moral and practical issues, as well as how they can conflict with one another, is crucial in approaching ethical dilemmas. By following a systematic process that integrates moral and practical factors, stakeholders can navigate complex decisions in a way that upholds moral values, while also considering the practical realities of the situation. Ultimately, ethics and practicality need not be at odds but can instead inform each other, leading to more holistic and sustainable decision-making.。
法律英语教程第2单元texta翻译[最终版]第一篇:法律英语教程第2单元text a翻译[最终版]例如,在重申了其1973年的堕胎裁定的1992年裁定中,最高法院以“一种强烈地分裂的争议”的方式谈及了堕胎案,这种争议“有寻常案件的判决所不具有的维度”。
第二篇:大学英语口译教程答案第2单元Unit 2 Passage 1 英国女王2009 圣诞致词过去每年似乎都各具特点。
2009 年对很多人来说都是艰难的一年,尤其是那些深受经济衰退之苦的人们。
英语书面语说收到As a professional language application, English is widely used in various situations. The ability to receive and understand English messages is critical for achieving professional goals and building meaningful relationships with others. In this article, we will explore the art of receiving English messages and provide some tips for mastering this important skill.Firstly, it is essential to actively listen when receiving an English message. Active listening means paying attention to the speaker and their message, retaining the information presented, and responding appropriately. To practice active listening, one should focus on the speaker, make eye contact to show engagement, and avoid interrupting or jumping to conclusions. One should also attempt to repeat or summarize the message after it has been presented to confirm understanding.Secondly, it is crucial to understand the context and cultural nuances of the English language when receiving a message. One should be aware of different English accents and dialects, as well as the underlying cultural expectations. For example, in some cases, the tone of the message may be more important than the words themselves, or indirect communication may be preferred over direct communication. Being cognizant of these nuances can help avoid misunderstandings and ensure effective communication. Thirdly, it is important to ask questions when necessary to clarify information that may be unclear. When receiving an English message, one may encounter unfamiliar words, phrases, or concepts. In such cases, it is helpful to ask for clarification andfurther explanation. One can also use context clues to infer the meaning of unknown words or consult English dictionaries or other resources for assistance.Lastly, it is important to not let anxiety or fear hinder the ability to receive English messages. Many individuals may feel nervous or intimidated when communicating in a second language, but this should not deter from actively listening and engaging with the message. One can overcome these feelings by practicing regularly, seeking feedback on language skills, and embracing mistakes as opportunities for improvement.In conclusion, receiving an English message is a fundamental skill for both personal and professional growth. Active listening, understanding cultural nuances, asking questions, and overcoming anxiety are all crucial elements for mastering this important skill. By implementing these tips, one can improve their ability to receive English messages and effectively communicate and connect with others.。
《高级法学英语》李剑波主编Unit 8 Section B content of an EIA 译文第一段(1-2自然段):什么是环境影响评估,它的目的和作用是什么。
A Practical Message Falsification Attackon WPAToshihiro Ohigashi1and Masakatu Morii21Hiroshima University,1–4–2Kagamiyama,Higashi-Hiroshima,739–8511Japanohigashi@hiroshima-u.ac.jp2Kobe University,1–1Rokkodai,Kobe-ku,Kobe-shi,657–8501Japanmmorii@kobe-u.ac.jpAbstract.In2008,Beck and Tews have proposed a practical attack onWPA.Their attack(called the Beck-Tews attack)can recover plaintextfrom an encrypted short packet,and can falsify it.The execution timeof the Beck-Tews attack is about12-15minutes.However,the attackhas the limitation,namely,the targets are only WPA implementationsthose support IEEE802.11e QoS features.In this paper,we propose apractical message falsification attack on any WPA implementation.Inorder to ease targets of limitation of wireless LAN products,we applythe Beck-Tews attack to the man-in-the-middle attack.In the man-in-the-middle attack,the user’s communication is intercepted by an attackeruntil the attack ends.It means that the users may detect our attack whenthe execution time of the attack is large.Therefore,we give methods forreducing the execution time of the attack.As a result,the execution timeof our attack becomes about one minute in the best case.Keywords WPA,TKIP,falsification attack,man-in-the-middle attack1IntroductionWi-Fi Protected Access(WPA)/Temporal Key Integrity Protocol(TKIP)[1]is a security protocol for wireless LAN communication,and it provides confidentiality and integrity.WPA has been designed in order tofix weaknesses[2–5]of Wired Equivalent Privacy(WEP)[6],which is a past security protocol used in many wireless LAN products.WPA uses two kinds of keys,which are a64-bit message integrity check(MIC)key and a128-bit encryption key.The former is used to detect the message forgery/falsification,and the latter is used to encrypt/decrypt packets.These keys are generated from a shared master key.The security of WPA has been analyzed by many researchers[7–9].Moskowitz has shown a weakness on WPA against a dictionary attack[7].He/she can avoid the weakness to generate the master key from a random and long passphrase. Most other analyses[8,9]have evaluated components of WPA,and these are not effective attacks for threatening WPA.In2008,Beck and Tews have proposed a practical attack[10]on WPA imple-mentations those support IEEE802.11e Quality of Service(QoS)features[11].Their attack(called the Beck-Tews attack)can recover a MIC key and a plain-text from an encrypted short packet(e.g.,ARP packet and DNS packet),and falsifies its encrypted packet using a recovered MIC key.The execution time of the attack is about12-15minutes.Since the Beck-Tews attack is a method based on the reply attack,the targets are required to support IEEE802.11e QoS features.Hence,their result is limited one.In this paper,we propose a practical message falsification attack on any WPA implementation.Firstly,in order to ease targets of limitation of wireless LAN products,we apply the Beck-Tews attack to the man-in-the-middle(MITM)at-tack3.The Beck-Tews attack on the MITM attack is not required to support IEEE802.11e QoS features,it means that our attack can apply any WPA imple-mentation.Secondly,we discuss an effective implementation of the MITM attack for the wireless LAN network.In the MITM attack,the user’s communication is intercepted by an attacker until the attack ends.It means that the users may de-tect our attack when the execution time of the attack is large.Therefore,thirdly, we give methods for reducing the execution time of the attack.As a result,the execution time of our attack becomes about one minute in the best case.2Wi-Fi Protected AccessIn WPA,a master key is shared between an access point and a client.The master key generate two kinds of keys,which are a64-bit MIC key K∗and a128-bit encryption key K.A64-bit MIC is generated from a MIC key and a data,and it is used to detect the message forgery/falsification.An encryption key is used to encrypt/decrypt packets.2.1Processes of SenderA sender calculates a MIC from a MIC key and a MAC Service Data Unit (MSDU)by using Micheal[1].The MIC is added to the MSDU,as follows:MSDU||micheal(K∗,MSDU),(1)where micheal(K∗,MSDU)is a64-bit MIC and||is concatenation.The MSDU with the trailing MIC is fragmented into MAC Protocol Data Units(MPDUs). A32-bit checksum is calculated from each MPDU by using CRC32,and it is added to the MPDU,as follows:MP DU||CRC32(MP DU),(2)where CRC32(MP DU)is a32-bit checksum.Encryption of WPA is executed for each MPDU with the trailing checksum.A packet key P K is generated from a48-bit initialization vector(IV),an encryption 3Beck and Tews also have written about the summary of the Beck-Tews attack on the MITM attack in[10],however,it has not discussed the strategy,the implementation, and the evaluation of the attack yet.Fig.1.Processes of sender on WPAkey K,and a MAC address by using a specific hash function for WPA hash(). IVs for each MPDU are different,and the value of the IV is incremented by one when the IV is generated newly.In WPA,the IV is called TKIP sequence counter(TSC).A stream cipher RC4[12]is used as an encryption algorithm for WPA.RC4generates a pseudo-random sequence(called a keystream)Z= (Z1,Z2,...,Z L)from a packet key and an IV,where Z i is a byte variable and L is the length of a plaintext.The keystream is XOR-ed with a plaintext P= (P1,P2,...,P L)to obtain a ciphertext C=(C1,C2,...,C L)as follows:C i=P i⊕Z i(i=1,2,...,L),(3) where C i and P i are a byte variable,respectively.Then,the encryption of WPA is written as follows:C=(MP DU||CRC32(MP DU))⊕RC4(P K,IV).(4)An encrypted MPDU and the IV are sent to the receiver.We show processes of sender on WPA in Fig.1.2.2Processes of ReceiverThe receiver receives an encrypted MPDU and an IV.The IV is compared with the TSC counter,which is a value of the IV corresponding to an encrypted MPDU accepted most recently.If the received IV is less than or equal to theFig.2.Processes of receiver on WPATSC counter,the received encrypted MPDU is discarded.In the decryption of WPA,the receiver generates a keystreamˆZ from a received IV and a packet key P K.The keystreamˆZ is same as that of the sender Z.A plaintext P is obtained by usingˆZ=Z as follows:P i=P i⊕Z i⊕Z i=C i⊕Z i(i=1,2,...,L).(5) Then,the decryption of WPA is written as follows:(MP DU||CRC32(MP DU))=C⊕RC4(P K,IV).(6) The receiver calculates a checksum from the received MPDU,and the checksum is compared with the received checksum.If these checksums differ,the received MPDU is discarded.Note that the receiver does not send the error message of checksum to the sender.When all MPDUs are obtained,these are reassembled to the MSDU.The receiver calculates a MIC from the received MSDU and the MIC key by using Micheal,and the MIC is compared with the received MIC.If these MICs differ, all the received MPDUs corresponding to the MSDU are discarded and the receiver sends the error message of MIC(a MIC failure report frame)to the sender.In WPA,the MIC key is changed if more than two error messages of MIC are sent to the sender in less than a minute.When the MSDU is accepted, the TSC counter is updated to the most larger value in the IVs corresponding to all the MPDUs.We show processes of receiver on WPA in Fig.2.3The Beck-Tews AttackThe Beck-Tews attack[10]is a method that applies the chopchop attack[2]onWEP to the attack on WPA.This attack recovers a MIC key and a plaintextfrom an encrypted short packet,and falsifies its packet,practically.3.1The Chopchop Attack on WEPThe purpose of the chopchop attack on WEP is to obtain the information ofa plaintext from a given ciphertext.Note that this attack cannot obtain anencryption key of WEP.Processes of WEP are different from WPA as follows:1.The value of IV is not checked.2.There is not a process of adding a MIC.3.The receiver sends the error message of checksum to the sender.An falsified encrypted packet that is made from an encrypted packet acceptedin the past is not discarded since the value of IV is not checked.Integrity checkof a message is executed by only the checksum,and the receiver sends the errormessage of checksum to the sender if the checksum is incorrect.The chopchop attack focuses on a property of CRC32.Let P be a MPDU withthe trailing checksum,and R be the least significant byte(LSB)of P,namelyR is the LSB of the checksum.Additionally,let P be P truncated by one byte,namely it satisfies P ||R=P.P will most probably have an incorrect checksum. In CRC32,we can modify the checksum of P to a correct one by XORing thechecksum of P with f(R),where f()is an1-to-1byte permutation4.If thechecksum of P is XOR-ed with f(R∗),the modified checksum is incorrect one,where R∗is a byte variable except the correct R.It means that a correct Rcan be identified from all256candidates of R by checking the error message ofchecksum of the modified P .Assume that the attacker wants to know R.Then,the attacker make the modified P for each candidate of R,and sends to theaccess point or client.If the guessed R is correct,the error message of checksumof the modified P is not sent to the attacker.After at most256guesses andin average128guesses,the attacker has guessed the correct value of R.Aboveoperation can also be done on the encrypted packet since the modification of aplaintext by XOR operation is executed easily in the encryption of the streamcipher.When the chopchop attack is executed,the attacker can obtain the LSBof P,which is R,from ciphertext.Then,we can also obtain C ,which is Ctruncated by one byte and has a correct checksum.When the attacker executesthe chopchop attack for C ,the2-nd byte from the lower of P is obtained.In amanner similar to that,the low-order x bytes of P is obtained by executing thechopchop attack x times.Additionally,the attacker can obtain the keystreambytes corresponding to obtained information of P.4The concrete equation of the permutation has been written in[10].Fig.3.A WPA implementation that supports IEEE802.11e QoS features3.2The Chopchop Attack on WPAIn WPA,a falsified encrypted packet that is made from an encrypted packet accepted in the past is discarded since the value of IV is checked.Beck and Tews have shown that the chopchop attack can be executed on WPA implementations those support IEEE802.11e QoS features in[10].The IEEE802.11e QoS features allow8different channels for different dataflows,and each channel has the TSC counter independently(Fig.3).Suppose that an attacker has captured an encrypted packet with IV=15for channel0.Then,the attacker cannot execute the chopchop attack on channel0since the TSC counter of channel0has been updated to15.However,the attacker can execute the chopchop attack on the other channel if a TSC counter of the channel is less than15.When the error message of MIC is sent,all checksums of MPDUs are correct. Thus,the chopchop attack on WPA checks the guessed R is correct by using the error message of MIC.However,to execute the attack is difficult when the number of MPDUs is large.Then,Beck and Tews focus on the short packet (e.g.,ARP packet and DNS packet).These packets do not cause the fragmenta-tion,and the MPDU is concatenation of packet header/data,the MIC,and the checksum.When the attacker executes the chopchop attack x times,the execu-tion time of the attack is required at least x−1minutes since the MIC key is changed if more than two error messages of MIC are sent to the sender in less than a minute.We call the time the wait time for MIC error.3.3Attack Scenario and Execution TimeWe describe the Beck-Tews attack.The purpose of the Beck-Tews attack is not only to obtain the plaintext but also to recover a MIC key and to falsify its packet.Beck and Tews focus on ARP request/response packet as targets of theattack.In[10],they discuss the attack under an assumption that bytes of an ARP packet arefixed or known values except the last byte of the source and destination IP addresses.That is,the number of unknown bytes of an ARP packet is2.We also adopt same assumption in this paper.Firstly,the Beck-Tews attack recovers a plaintext from an encrypted ARP packet.The number of unknown bytes of the plaintext is14bytes,namely that are2bytes of the ARP packet,8bytes of the MIC,and4bytes of the checksum. The attacker recovers the MIC and the checksum by executing the chopchop attack12times.This process requires at least11minutes for the wait time for MIC error.The unknown bytes of an ARP packet are recovered without the chopchop attack.The number of candidates for the unknown bytes of an ARP packet is216,and the attacker can make216candidates of the ARP packet.For each candidate of the ARP packet,the checksum is calculated using the MIC. The attacker compares the calculated checksum with the checksum recovered by the chopchop attack.If these checksums are not identical,the candidate of the ARP packet is removed.By the process,the candidates of the ARP packet reduce to one,and all the information of the plaintext is recovered from the encrypted ARP packet.Additionally,the keystream corresponding to the plaintext can be recovered.Secondly,the Beck-Tews attack falsifies the encrypted ARP packet.To fal-sify the packet,the attacker obtains the MIC key.Since Micheal is an invertible function,the MIC key is recovered from the ARP packet and MIC easily.The attacker makes a falsified ARP packet,and calculates the MIC using the recov-ered MIC key and the falsified ARP packet.Then,the checksum is calculated from the falsified ARP packet and MIC.Finally,the attacker can make the en-crypted falsified ARP packet using the keystram recovered by the Beck-Tews attack.According to[10],the execution time of the Beck-Tews attack is about 12-15minutes.Most of the execution time of the Beck-Tews attack is the time for the wait time for MIC error.In[10],Beck and Tews have shown an attack under a condition that a MIC key is obtained.Then,a MIC can be calculated from an ARP packet using the MIC key.The attacker recovers the checksum only by executing the chopchop attack4times.This process requires at least3minutes for the wait time for MIC error.The attacker makes216candidates of the ARP packet,and can calculate the MIC using the MIC key in each candidate.For each candidate of the ARP packet,the checksum is calculated using the MIC.The attacker compares the calculated checksum with the checksum recovered by the chopchop attack.In a manner similar to the Beck-Tews attack without the MIC key,all the information of the plaintext is recovered from the encrypted ARP packet and can make the encrypted falsified ARP packet.According to[10],the execution time of the attack is about4minutes.4Our AttackThe Beck-Tews attack does not work WPA implementations those do not sup-port IEEE802.11e QoS features.Then,we discuss a practical message falsifica-tion attack that works any WPA implementation.Firstly,we apply the Beck-Tews attack to the MITM attack in order to work any WPA implementation. Secondly,we give a strategy for attack and methods for reducing the execution time of the attack.4.1Man-In-the-Middle AttackA condition for executing the chopchop attack on WPA is to obtain an encryp-tion packet that the IV larger than the TSC counter has used.An solution for satisfying the condition is IEEE802.11e QoS features,but it reduces the range of the targets wireless LAN products.Thus,we present the approach based on the MITM attack as the other solution.In the MITM attack,the attacker interrupts encrypted packets of the ac-cess point/client.In addition,the attacker falsifies the encrypted packet,and sends to the receiver,namely the client/access point.This attack can obtain an encryption packet that the IV larger than the TSC counter has used since the captured packet has not reached to the receiver.Thus,the chopchop attack can be executed on the MITM attack.Figure4is a method for achieving the MITM attack in the wireless LAN network.An access point and a client cannot be communicated directly since the interval between these is large.The attacker behaves like a repeater,namely all packets that include SSID beacon are relaid to the receiver with no modification, and the packet of the access point/client delivers to the client/access point.If the attacker want to falsify an encrypted packet,the attacker relays the falsified packets.This method is not detected the user easily.We give a more effective model of the MITM attack in Fig.5.In the model,the attacker sends the packet using directional antennas.Since the packet of the attacker does not reach the sender,the attack is not detected by the sender easily.4.2StrategyIn the MITM attack,the user’s communication is intercepted by an attacker until the chopchop attack ends.Suppose that the attacker executes the chopchop attack using an encrypted packet with IV=x.If an encrypted packet with IV=x+1is relaid to the receiver,then the chopchop attack using an encrypted packet with IV=x cannot work since the TSC counter is updated to x+1.In order to reduce the influence of communication blackout,we introduce three modes for our attack as follows:Repeater mode:The attacker relays to the receiver all packets that include SSID beacon with no modification,and the packet of the access point/client delivers to the client/access point.Fig.4.A model of the man-in-the-middle attackMIC key recovery mode:The purpose of this mode is to obtain a MIC key.A MIC and a checksum are recovered by the chopchop attack based on theMIM attack,and the MIC key is recovered.The execution time is about 12-15minutes.Message falsification mode:The purpose of this mode is to falsify an en-crypted packet using a MIC key.When a target is an ARP packet,the execution time of the method in Sect.3.3is about4minutes.We discuss that the method for reducing the execution time of this mode in Sect.4.3. When the attacker does not execute the chopchop attack,the attacker executes the repeater mode.In this mode,the interruption of communication does not occur.The MIC key recovery mode is executed when the influence of communi-cation blackout is small,for example most packets on the wireless LAN network are ARP packets.When an important packet,for example a packet of interactive application,has been sent on the way of the MIC key recovery mode,the mode is interrupted and the attacker executes the repeater mode.After a MIC key is recovered by the MIC key recovery mode,the message falsification mode is executed for falsifying an encrypted packet in a short time.4.3Reducing the Execution Time of the AttackFor the strategy of using three modes of our attack,the time of communication blackout by the attack reduces to about4minutes in the best case.In thisFig.5.A model of the man-in-the-middle attack with directional antennas section,we give the method for reducing the time of communication blackout ofthe message falsification mode more.Firstly,we focus on the information obtained from the MIC key recovery mode.When the attack of the MIC key recovery mode succeeds,the attacker can know the IP address of access point.In general,thus IP address of access point isfixed,then the unknown bytes of an ARP packet reduce to1byte.Secondly,we give the method for reducing the execution time for the wait time for MIC error.The Beck-Tews attack recovers all the4bytes of the check-sum,and the checksum is compared with the checksum calculated from candi-dates of the ARP packet.To compare4bytes of these checksum is effective to improve the success probability of the attack,but it requires at least3minutes for the wait time for MIC error.Thus,we adopt the method of comparing only parts of checksum in order to reduce the time of the wait time for MIC error. In our attack,we recover only the last byte of the checksum by the chopchop attack.This process does not require the time for the wait time for MIC error. Thus,the execution time of the message falsification mode of our attack is fewer than that of the Beck-Tews attack for three minutes,namely the execution time of our attack is about one minute.We evaluate the success rate of our attack.In our attack of the message falsification mode,the number of candidates for the unknown bytes of an ARP packet is28,and the attacker can make28candidates of the ARP packet.For each candidate of the ARP packet,the checksum is calculated using the MIC. The attacker compares the last byte of the calculated checksum with the lastbyte of the checksum recovered by the chopchop attack.Suppose that the8-byte MIC calculated by the candidate of the ARP packet and the MIC keyis a uniformly distributed variable,then the probability that the last bytes ofthese checksums are not identical is(28−1)/28.When all the28−1incorrect candidates are distinguished,our attack succeed.The probability that all thechecksums of28−1incorrect candidates of the ARP packet are not identical is given as follows:(28−128)28−1∼0.369.(7)Therefore,about37%of the encrypted ARP packets are recovered by our attack with about one minute.Note that the encrypted ARP packet that recovered by our attack can be distinguished.5ConclusionThis paper has proposed a practical message falsification attack on any WPA implementation.Our attack is a method that applies the Beck-Tews attack to the MITM attack,and can falsify an encrypted short packet(e.g.ARP packet). We have given a strategy for the MITM attack and the method for reducing the execution time of the attack.As a result,the execution time of our attack becomes about one minute in the best case.Therefore,our attack can execute on any WPA implementation,practically.The future works are the demonstration experiment for our attack and the evaluation of the detailed execution time of our attack. AcknowledgementsThis work was supported by MEXT KAKENHI(21700018).We want to thank Mr.Hajime Masaoka for his useful comments.References1.IEEE Std802.11i-2004,“Part11:Wireless LAN Medium Access Control(MAC)and Physical Layer(PHY)Specifications Amendment6:Medium Access Control (MAC)Security Enhancements,”IEEE,July2004.2.KoreK,“chopchop(Experimental WEP attacks),”2004,available at http://www./showthread.php?t=124893.S.Fluhrer,I.Mantin,and A.Shamir,“Weaknesses in the key scheduling algorithmof RC4,”Proc.SAC2001,Lecture Notes in Computer Science,vol.2259,pp.1–24, Springer-Verlag,2001.4. 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