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六通道超声波发生器使用说明书深圳己道科技有限公司目录1概述 (3)2功能部件 (3)2.1前面板 (3)2.2后面板 (4)3接口、功能及技术指标 (4)3.1环境接口 (4)3.2电气接口 (4)3.3结构尺寸 (6)4功能及技术指标 (6)4.1主要功能 (6)4.2技术指标 (6)5基本操作 (7)5.1显示 (7)5.2操作 (9)5.3开机、关机 (11)5.4外部急停使能 (11)5.5总启动、停止 (12)6使用规范 (12)7异常情况处理 (12)8技术支持 (12)1概述六通道超声波发生器(以下简称发生器)可同时输出6通道同频、不同相的超声波信号,具备自动扫频和频率追踪功能,在不同负载状态下6个换能器同时有效谐振,并且1组3个换能器之间相位可调。
Using anatomical intelligence to assess LV functionPhilips EPIQ ultrasound systemEPIQ is the most intelligent Philips premium ultrasound ever, offering a complete setof easy-to-use quantitative tools to turn reproducible data into information to help guidetreatment. Leading-edge Anatomical Intelligence Ultrasound (AIUS) is the heart of EPIQand is designed to elevate the ultrasound system from a passive to an actively adaptivedevice. Speckle strain echocardiography is a novel technique designed to allow cliniciansto quickly and easily assess myocardial deformation (strain) in day-to-day practice,going beyond ejection fraction in the assessment of left ventricular (LV) function.The ZeroClick technology of the Automated Cardiac Motion Quantification A.I.(aCMQ A.I.)tool drives automation to provide reproducible 2D Global Longitudinal Strain (GLS)speckle measurements.ChallengeIn today’s cardiology practice, assessment of LV function is no longer limited to evaluation of ejection fraction. Speckle strain echocardiography is a novel technique for use in imaging myocardial deformation (strain). Strain imaging has proven to provide important incremental information in various clinical settings. Areas that hold great promise include the detectionof subclinical heart disease (when other systolic functional parameters are normal), the evaluationof myocardial ischemia and viability, and serial assessment of different cardiomyopathies.For cardiologists to incorporate strain results into their clinical decision-making, it is vital that they can have confidence that various echocardiographic systems generate the same values for a given patient. They also want to be sure that results are not operator-dependent, but rather reproducible by different operators and at different times. In addition, for strain analysis to be practical, it cannot be too time-consuming. Currently, the most important practical limitations of routine clinical incorporation of strain imaging include its impact on workflow efficiency, observer variability, and inter-vendor inconsistency, driven by the fact that different manufacturers may use different tracking algorithms.Analysis and case studies provided by Professor Alex Lee, Division of Cardiology and Professor Cheuk-Man YU, Institute of Vascular Medicine,The Chinese University of Hong KongaCMQ A.I. automatically generates GLS measurements from these 2D images obtained from apical 4-, 3-, and 2-chamber views of a normal heart, with no manual marking of anatomic landmarks required to initiate analysis.SolutionAs with many other technologies, automation is the key to achieving workflow efficiency and measurement reproducibility of strain echocardiography in a busy clinical practice. Conventional ways to initiate GLS measurement require manual tracing of the endocardial border or at least manual location of anatomic landmarks such as the mitral annulus and LV apex. This inevitably slows workflow and introduces human error and observer variability, hence limiting practical use of strain imaging. With the aCMQ A.I. tool of Philips EPIQ, GLS can be obtained with ZeroClick technology within a few seconds after acquisition of 2D images from the three routine apical views (4-chamber, 2-chamber, and long-axis).ImpactEnhancement of workflow efficiency, improvement in reproducibility, and resolution of inter-vendor algorithm discrepancy as a result of full automation are expected to help promote widespread adoption of this novel technique in daily practice.Data comparisonWe studied the inter-vendor agreement of GLSmeasurement in 35 patients. Patients had transthoracic echocardiography performed on EPIQ and on anultrasound system of a different vendor within the same day, and the images were analyzed for GLS using aCMQ A.I.and the strain analysis software of the other vendor. We observed excellent inter-vendor agreement(bias = -0.47%, 95% limits of agreement = -4.06% to 3.12%, coefficient of variation = 2.5%; r = 0.92, P<0.0001).aCMQ A.I.AverageD i f f e r e n c eV e n d o r 2-30 -25 -20 -15 -10 -5105-5-10-30 -25 -20 -15 -10 -5 0CorrelationBland-Altman plot:Inter-vendor agreement for GLS measurement2A 59-year-old male was admitted to the coronary care unit for acute chest pain occurring over the preceding 14 hours. ECG showed ST segment elevation over the inferior leads. Echocardiography showed severe hypokinesia over the inferior and inferoseptal segments from basal to mid levels, without obvious regional wall motion abnormality in the rest of the LV segments. Strain analysis with aCMQ A.I. showed not only markedly reduced longitudinal strains in the inferior, inferoseptal, and inferolateral segments, but also mildly impaired longitudinal strains in the anterior, anteroseptal, and anterolateral segments and the apical cap. Coronary angiogram revealed sequential severely stenotic culprit obstructions (70-90%) in the dominant right coronary artery (RCA) and multiple significant stenoses (50-70%) in the proximal and distal left anterior descending artery (LAD), with a non-dominant normal circumflex. This case illustrates how strain echocardiography can help identify infarction (indicated by positive strain, i.e., paradoxical systolic lengthening, in the basal inferior segment), peri-infarct schema in the RCA territory, and remote ischemia in the LAD territory. Percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) was performed to the RCA and staged PCI was performed to the LAD.Case study one Inferior myocardialinfarctionCase study one illustrates how strain echocardiography can help identify infarction (coded blue), peri-infarct schema in the RCA territory, and remote ischemia in the LAD territory (salmon pink).3A 60-year-old female with history of well-controlled hypertension presented with recurrent episodes of syncope. Holter study revealed episodes ofnon-sustained ventricular tachycardia. ECG showed low QRS voltage and poor R wave progression in the precordial leads. Echocardiography showed concentric increase in LV wall thickness, ejection fraction = 47%, dilated left atrium, restrictive filling of mitral inflow, and thickened mitral and aortic valves. Bone marrow biopsy showed plasma cell dysplasia and rectal biopsy Case study twoAmyloidosisrevealed amyloid infiltration with positive Congo red stain, confirming the diagnosis of AL amyloidosis. Echocardiographic strain analysis showed markedlyreduced GLS (-6%) despite only mildly impaired ejection fraction. This case illustrates that GLS is more sensitive than ejection fraction to reveal LV systolic dysfunction and a relative “apical sparing” pattern of GLS is an easily recognizable, accurate, and reproducible method of differentiating cardiac amyloidosis from other causes of LV hypertrophy.ConclusionsStrain imaging holds great promise in providing incremental information on cardiac function in many clinical settings. With the advent of AIUS through a computerized automation technique to enhance efficiency and reproducibility, as well as validation of inter-manufacturer agreement in strain measurement algorithms, it is foreseeable that strain echocardiography can become a standard echocardiographic technique to evaluate cardiac function in today’s cardiology practices.Case study two shows GLS to be more sensitive than ejection fraction in revealing LV systolic dysfunction and that the relative “apical sparing” pattern of GLS is easily recognizable.Philips Healthcare is part of Royal Philips /healthcare **********************Printed in The Netherlands 4522 991 02471 * APR 2014© 2014 Koninklijke Philips N.V .All rights are reserved.Philips Healthcare reserves the right to make changes in specifications and/or to discontinue any product at any time without notice or obligation and will not be liable for any consequences resulting from the use of this publication.Please visit /epiq。
二.主要技术指标:工作电压:220V 10%工作电流:环境温度:0-40C°相对湿度:40%--90%工作频率:28KHz(40 KHz,80 KHz,135 KHz等)5%时间控制:0--59分59秒功率控制范围:0-100% 每10%为调节跨度机内过热保护:65 C°三.面板功能说明:分体式机型面板四.使用说明:(以分体式机型为例,整体式机型功能相同)面板功能介绍:LCD 显示屏幕:用于显示定时,功率大小,频率,电流等正常工作状态 ON/OFF 键:用于控制发生器的工作或暂停; SET 键:设定键,用于选择所要调整的功能; +键:在设置参数时增加数值; –键:在设置参数时减少数值6.详细参数:采用他激式电路,先进的单片机控制,高亮度液晶(LCD )屏幕显示,结构小巧,外形美观大方定性高,通用性好,能量转换效率高。
数字式功率调节:10%~100%自由调节 频率自动跟踪、扫频设置定时加 频率加 电源开关增加功率减少功率 功能显示定时减频率减启动/停数字调频功能清洗定时功能低电流报警功能过电流保护功能自动开关机功能频率范围宽:20KHZ~40KHZ通用功率范围宽:600~1500W通用外形尺寸:(LXWXH)380X300X150mm若选用高频(60KHZ以上频率)或大功率请致电本公司操作说明将机器安放在通风干燥处,接好电源和输出接头,打开电源,显示工作状态;1.功率设定:按一下“SET”键,屏幕显示“POWER SET(功率设定)”按“+、-”键调整功率大小;设定完成后约5秒自动返回工作模式;Power SetP=100%2.定时模式:按两下“SET”键,屏幕显示“TIMER SET(定时设定)”,此时按“+、-”键调整到所需时间,设定好后约5秒自动记忆。
3、具有外部驱动(Remote Control)功能,方便远程操控。
二、主要技术参数工作电压:AC220V 50/60Hz ±10%工作电流:请注意,设备不能在长时间在大于额定电流的状态下运行。
工作电流工作环境:0-40℃相对湿度:40%-90%工作频率:40/80/120KHz ±10%时间控制:0--59分59秒功率控制范围:占空比调节1-99%外型尺寸:H X W X L=138X308X428二、面板功能说明电源开关:电源开关为整机的总电源开关,往上拨为开,往下拨为关。
型号5072PR,5073PR,5077PR超声波发生器/接收器用户手册根据欧洲废电子电气指令2002/96 / EC设备,此符号表示产品不得作为未分类处理市政废物,但应单独收取。
所有©2008 Olympus NDT。
奥林巴斯NDT 不保证5072PR,5073PR和5077PR超声波脉冲发生器接收器适合使用或适用任何特定的应用或目的。
目录保修................................................. .................................................. . (iii)目录 ............................................... .. (v)一般说明.............................................. .. (1)1.1特别声明和印刷公约............................................ (2)1.2如果您有文档评论............................................ . (3)史............................................... .................................................. (3)1.4技术帮助............................................... .................................................. (4)1.5产品使用............................................... .................................................. (4)开箱检查............................................. .. (5)仪器控制和I / O连接器......................................... ...........3.1前面板3.1.1电源开关............................................. .................................................. .. (9)3.1.2脉冲重复频率控制(PRF)....................................... .. (9)3.1.3脉冲电压(5077PR)......................................... ............................................103.1.4传感器频率选择控制(5077PR)....................................... (11)3.1.5能量(5072PR,5073PR)......................................... (11)3.1.6阻尼(5072PR,5073PR)......................................... (12)3.1.7增益/衰减(dB)......................................... .................................................143.1.8低通滤波器............................................ .................................................. . (14)3.1.9高通滤波器............................................ .................................................. (14)3.1.10模式切换............................................. .................................................. (15)3.1.11 T / R连接器........................................... .................................................. (15)器............................................. .................................................. .. (15)3.2后面板............................................... .................................................. .....................153.2.1 RFOUT ............................................. .................................................. .................163.2.2 EXT TRIGIN ............................................ .................................................. (16)3.2.3 + SYNCOUT ............................................ .................................................. . (17)4.规格............................................... . (19)5.操作............................................... .................................................. (23)5.1示波器要求............................................... . (23)5.2初始设置............................................. .................................................. .....................235.3通过传输............................................. .................................................. .....295.4调谐峰波幅方波脉冲(仅限5077PR) (34)5.5传感器的电压和功率限制......................................... (34)6.故障排除与维护............................................. . (37)6.1基本故障排除............................................... .................................................. (37)6.2克服电噪声干扰............................................. . (37)6.3申请协助............................................... .................................................. ...38文件评论................................................ .. (39)1.一般说明型号5072PR,5073PR和5077PR手动控制超声波脉冲发生器 - 接收器为常规和高频应用提供构建模块。
超声波发生器调试说明书一.产品外型图示使用本产品前请参照本说明书调试请保存好此说明书二.技术参数1.输出功率:0---3000W可选2.输入电压:180---265V AC. 50/60Hz3.工作温度:30---55度4.环境温度:10---35度(不结露)5.输出谐波参数:97%(Min)6.启动峰值电流(3000W负载):小于等于20A7.工作频率:20K---250KHz(高于250K需要订做)8.远程控制电压:0V低电平控制,低电压关闭,恢复后软启动。
MechanicsAcousticsDebye-Sears EffectDETERMINE THE VELOCITY OF ULTRASONIC WAVES IN LIQUIDS.UE1070550 04/16 JSBASIC PRINCIPLESThe diffraction of light by ultrasonic waves in liquids was predicted by Brillouin in 1922, and the effect was con-firmed experimentally in 1932 by Debye and Sears and also by Lucas and Biquard . It is caused by the periodic variations in the refractive index of the liquid that are produced by ultrasonic waves. If a light beam is passed through the liquid perpendicular to the ultrasound direc-tion, the arrangement acts as a phase grating, which moves depending on the velocity of sound. Its grating constant corresponds to the wavelength of the ultra-sound, and thus depends on its frequency and the veloci-ty of sound in the medium. The movement of the phase grating can be neglected if the effect is observed on a screen at a large distance.In the experiment, a vertically orientated generator couples ultrasonic waves at frequencies between 1 MHz and 12 MHz into the test liquid. A monochromatic parallel light beam pass-es through the liquid in the horizontal direction and is diffract-ed by the phase grating (see fig. 1). The diffraction pattern contains several diffraction maxima spaced at regular dis-tances (see fig. 2).The k th-order maximum of the diffraction pattern is found at the diffraction angle αk , defined by(1) SLk tan λλ⋅=αk λL : ight wavelength, λS : ultrasound wavelength.Thus, the ultrasound wavelength λS can be determined from the separation between the diffraction maxima. Furthermore, according to the relationship(2) S λ⋅=f cit is possible to calculate the velocity of sound c in the liquid, since the frequency f of the ultrasonic waves is also known.Fig. 1: D iagram showing the diffraction of light by a phasegrating that is produced in a liquid by ultrasonic wavesFig. 2: D iffraction pattern caused by the diffraction of light at aphase grating produced in a liquid by ultrasonic wavesLIST OF APPARATUS1 Ultrasonic cw Generator with Probe 1002576 (U100061) 1 Test Vessel, Complete 1002578 (U10008)1 Laser Diode for D-S Effect, Red 1002577 (U10007)1 Laser Diode for D-S Effect, Green 1002579 (U10009)1 Pocket Measuring Tape,2 m 1002603 (U10073)1 Ultrasonic Coupling Gel 1008575 (XP999)SET-UP∙Fill the test vessel with distilled water and place it about3 m from the projection screen.∙Mount the multi-frequency probe vertically in the holder of the test vessel and connect it to the PROBE output of the ultrasonic generator (see Fig. 3).∙Mount the red laser diode in the laser holder of the test vessel and connect it to the LASER output of the ultra-sonic generator.Fig. 3: Experiment set-up for the diffraction of light at a phase grating produced in a liquid by ultrasonic waves EXPERIMENT PROCEDURE∙Measure the distance s between the multi-frequency probe and the screen.∙Switch on the ultrasonic cw generator.∙Switch on the laser and the multi-frequency probe.∙Set the frequency to 1 MHz.∙Adjust the amplitude of the transducer signal, and by means of the three adjusting screws of the transducer holder adjust the orientation of the multi-frequency probe so that standing waves are generated.∙On the screen measure the distance x2k between the –k th order and the +k th order diffraction maxima.∙Increase the frequency in steps of 1 MHz up to 12 MHz, and for each frequency measure the distance x2k and de-termine the diffraction order k.∙Replace the red laser diode with a green one and make a similar set of measurements. SAMPLE MEASUREMENTS AND EVALUA-TIONs =325 cmTable 1: Experiment data with light of wavelength λL = 652 nm (red laser)Table 2: Experiment data with light of wavelength λL = 532 nm (green laser)It is necessary to measure the distance s between the ultra-sound generator and the screen used to observe the diffrac-tion pattern, and the distance x2k between the -k th and the +k th diffraction maxima. From these two distances, it is possi-ble to calculate the diffraction angle αk for the k th-order maxi-mum, given by:sx⋅=α2tan2kk.This leads to the following equation for determining the ultra-sound wavelength λS:L2kS2λ⋅⋅⋅=λxsk.This is the equation by which the sound wavelengths in the right-hand column of both tables were calculated.3B Scientific GmbH, Rudorffweg 8, 21031 Hamburg, Germany, Figure 4 shows the calculated sound wavelength as a function of the frequency of the ultrasonic waves. The hyperbola curve was calculated according to Equation (2) as:fc =λS with s m 1482=cThe velocity of sound c determined by this curve-fitting proce-dure is in excellent agreement with the literature value.510f / M H zλ μ/ mFig. 4: S ound wavelength λS in water as a function of the fre-quency f。
二、仪器结构和功能1. 仪器结构仪器由以下部分组成:- 主机:包含仪器的核心控制和处理模块;- 显示屏:用于显示采集的超声影像和相关数据;- 手持探头:用于接触患者的皮肤,采集超声信号;- 操作面板:用于用户选择操作模式、调节参数等。
2. 仪器功能仪器具备以下功能:- 采集超声影像:通过手持探头接触患者体表,采集超声信号并生成图像;- 影像调节:用户可以调节影像的亮度、对比度等参数,优化显示效果;- 数据分析:仪器可对采集的数据进行实时分析和计算,提供相关测量结果;- 存储和传输:仪器支持影像和数据的存储,并可通过接口进行传输和共享。
三、使用准备1. 环境要求在使用仪器之前,请确保以下环境满足要求:- 温度:仪器应在15-30摄氏度的环境中使用;- 湿度:相对湿度应在30%-75%范围内;- 电源:仅使用额定电压和频率的电源供电,确保电源稳定。
2. 前期准备在使用仪器之前,请完成以下准备工作:- 检查仪器外观,确保无异常;- 打开仪器电源,并等待系统启动完成;- 连接手持探头,并确认连接稳固。
四、操作流程1. 操作界面仪器启动后,将显示操作界面。
2. 采集超声影像(1)选择采集模式:根据具体需要,选择超声模式、扫描模式等;(2)定位手持探头:将手持探头移到待检部位,并确保与皮肤充分接触;(3)开始采集:点击相应按钮或触摸屏幕,开始采集超声信号;(4)影像调节:根据需要,调节图像亮度、对比度等参数;(5)保存影像:若满意采集结果,可选择保存影像。
3. 数据分析和测量仪器可对采集的数据进行进一步分析和测量,包括但不限于测量距离、测量角度等操作。
N&DN系列(LCD)超声波细胞粉碎机使用说明书宁波新芝生物科技股份有限公司地址:宁波市国家高新技术园区木槿路65号 315013电话:传真:网址:一. 概述随着生物产业的发展,应用超声波细胞粉碎机所做的实验要求也随之提高,如对样品温度的测定、控制,低温冷却样品及整机的智能化程度的提高等等,都提出了新的要求,为进一步完善此类仪器的各项性能,我公司在现有各种型号的超声波细胞粉碎机的基础上,吸收国外最新技术,结合微电脑控制、选频、测温、保护等软硬件技术而研制的超声波细胞粉碎机,它具有技术先进、性能可靠、操作简便、外型美观、显示清晰明亮、测温控温精确等优点。
Ф18 3/4”20-25KHz 200-950W 200 - 500mlФ20 3/4” -1000mlФ25 1” -1200ml本机由超声波发生器和超声波换能器组件两大部分组成。
仪器功能键说明(见附图):变幅杆选择开关航空插(超声)保险丝-8A保险丝-5A电源插座五. 参数设置:图2.面板和按键1.按安装图说明安装好本仪器,用专用的电源线连接发生器背面的电源插座,把换能器组件的信号输入接头与信号输出接口连接好。
主要技术指标:工作电压:220V 10%工作电流:请注意,设备不能长时间在大于额定电流的状态下运行环境温度:0-45 相对湿度:40%-90%工作频率:80KHz以下功率控制范围:0-100% 8 级数控调节(功率条指示)机内过热保护:65 C三、面板功能说明:1.显示窗:显示工作频率,电流大小,功率等级,工作状态及故障情况。
4.时间加:设置定时工作值(设置显示“ ON/OFF )[频率加]。
注:本说明中显示内容中的“ X”为数字,其它为字母。
Instruction sheet3B SCIENTIFIC ® PHYSICS®Ultrasound generator with accessories for the Debye-Sears experiment and for demonstrating standing ul-trasonic waves.Safety instructionsBefore switching on the ultrasound generator and ac-cessories, carefully read the following instructions for the sake of your safety and for the safety of the equip-ment.•The slits in the device are for ventilation and must be kept clear to avoid overheating the equipment.It is recommended that the device be placed on its own stand (also included).•Before switching on the device make sure that it is adjusted to the mains voltage you intend to use.Make sure that you keep within the operating speci-fications.•Never try to push objects through the slits in the device since this could cause short circuits or elec-tric shocks.•Only use 3B’s own ultrasound transducer with the “PROBE” connection. Be careful, voltages may be as high as 70 V.•Do not use the ultrasound transducer for a lengthy period without contact to fluids. Otherwise the transducer may overheat and be destroyed.•Do not turn on the U10007 laser diode if there arepeople standing in the beam. This is a class II laser with power < 1 mW. Do not look into the beam or aim it at other people or animals.•Beware: high-powered ultrasound! Do not use the probe on people or animals.Contents1.Introduction ............................................7ponents ............................................72.1Ultrasound generator - operating elements 72.2Set-up for test container 82.3Lens on glass slide 82.4Laser diode (U10008)83.Experiment procedure ..............................83.1General instructions for experiments 83.2Debye-Sears effect93.3Projection of standing ultrasonic waves94.Technical details .....................................101.1.Ultrasound generator 104.2.Ultrasonic transducer 104.3.Test vessel 10Ultrasonic CW generator U10006Laser diode for Debye-Sears effect U10007Test vessel U100088/03 ALF1Laser diode 2Test vessel3Ultrasonic transducer2311. IntroductionIn 1932 Debye and Sears demonstrated for the first time how light is refracted when passing through a fluid ex-cited to high-frequency oscillation. The maxima and minima in density act here like the grid elements of an optical diffraction grating. The grating constant corresponds to the ultrasonic wavelength and is thus dependent on the frequency of the ultrasound and the speed of sound in the medium through which the sound is travelling.The CW (continuous wave) generator with its accompa-nying broad-band ultrasound transducer, along with an adjustable test vesseland its integrated laser holder, mean that it is possible for the first time to demon-strate this phenomenon to schoolchildren and college students alike using simple and compact equipment. The equipment can demonstrate both frequency de-pendence (with four different frequencies) and the ul-trasonic wavelength in various fluids, allowing the speed of sound in the medium to be calculated.It is also possible to project standing ultrasonic waves by inserting an optical lens between the laser source and the ultrasonic waves. The waves are then projected by the diverging laser beam.2. Components2.1Ultrasound generator - operating elements1Mains switch2On/off switch for laser3Connector socket for laser4Control light for laser5Connector socket for ultrasonic transducer6Control light for ultrasonic transducer7Monitor output8On/off switch for ultrasound9Frequency selection switchbl Voltage displaybm Voltage setting The ultrasound generator generates continuous high-power ultrasonic waves (CW = continuous wave). The voltage bm can be adjusted between 5 and 65 V. There is an LCD display for the voltage output bl. The trans-mitted voltage can be switched off separately 8. The frequency can be set to one of four frequencies (1, 2, 4 or 8 MHz) 9. An additional monitor output 7 allows the output frequency to be determined precisely with the aid of an oscilloscope or a frequency counter. A suitable output 3is provided to supply power to a laser diode. This can also be switched off separately 2.Adjustment of mains voltageThe ultrasound generator can operate with 230 V or 115 V mains voltage. A voltage selector switch is situ-ated on the rear of the casing and is hidden beneath the covering to the right of the rear panel. A screw-driver is used to alter the switch setting (see illustra-tion). If the mains voltage is altered, the fuse needs to be changed to suit the mains voltage. A T630 mA fuse should be used with 115 V mains voltage and a T315 mA fuse for 230 V mains.Warning:Unplug from the mains before altering the mains set-ting.No voltage may be applied to the device while making the adjustment,1 2 3 4567bmbl981Remove the two screws from the rear panelling and take off the panel. The voltage selector switch is revealed.2Fuse115 V630 mA230 V315 mA3An arrow indicates the voltage that is currently set. Adjust usinga screwdriver inserted into the slit.2.2Set-up for U10008 test container1Adjustment screw for changing the angle of the transducer2Lid3Transducer holder4Ultrasonic transducer (supplied with U10006)5Securing screw for laser diode6Slot for lens holder7Laser holder8Securing screw for ultrasonic transducer9Glass vesselStanding ultrasonic waves are generated in a special container. It allows the angle of incidence of the waves to be set precisely to the perpendicular by means of a special holder for the ultrasound transducer.The test vessel consists of a glass vessel with a lid and a holder for the transducer, three adjustment screws to set the alignment for the standing wave and a laser holder perpendicular to the axis of the waves which also has a holder for a lens so that the ultrasonic waves and the Debye-Sears effect can be projected.2.3Lens on a glass slideA plane-convex lens is attached to a rectangular slide. This is inserted into the slot in the laser holder of the test container for experiments involving projection.1Plano-convex lens (f=100 cm)2Glass slide3Grip The following illustration shows how the lens shouldbe properly placed in the test container.2.4 Laser diode (U10007)1Laser beam window2Laser module jacket3Plug for connecting to ultrasound generator4Connecting leadClass II laser diode for demonstrating the Debye-Sears effect and projecting ultrasonic waves for use with the ultrasound generator and test container.3. Experiment procedure3.1General instructions for experimentsPay attention to the following instructions if the ex-periment is to work:•Use water that contains as little air as possible since air bubbles disturb both the ultrasound field and the refraction of the laser beam.•Any air bubbles around the probe should be re-moved.•Allow for the maximum distance between the test container and the projection screen.•When no measurements are being made, the ul-trasound should be switched off so that the test fluid does not heat up.1234567891231 2 3 4•For precise measurements, also measure the tem-perature and include this in the comparison.•When using high voltage at any frequency and when the transducer is properly aligned, at least 3 orders of diffraction should be visible.•The projection experiment is much more sensitive to the angle of the transducer than the refraction experiment. Thus for this experiment the conditions for generating standing waves need to be adhered to more precisely.3.2Debye-Sears effectThe wavelength of the ultra-sonic waves in the Debye-Searsexperiment (photo left, 4 MHzin water) can be determinedfor various different test fluids(water, glycerine, cooking oil).This means measuring the dis-tance s between the ultra-sound transducer and the re-fracted image. Then the num-ber of orders of refraction Nand distance between the -nthand +nth bands x can be de-termined. Since the wavelength of the laser light λL is known then:(1)λλsL =2N sxgives the ultrasonic wavelength λs. The individual vari-ables can be calculated as in the following diagram. The ultrasonic frequency n is measured at the monitorsocket. Then the speed of sound c in the fluid is givenby:(2)c = λsνExample results:1. Waterv = 4 MHz, s = 2.90 m, N = 4, x = 4.1 cm, λL = 650 nm therefore: λs = 367.8 µm, c = 1471 m/s(Table: 1480 m/s at 20°C)2. Glycerinev = 4 MHz, s = 2.90 m, N = 2, x = 1.6 cm, λL = 650 nm therefore: λ = 471.2 µm, c = 1885 m/s(Table: 1900 m/s at 25°C)3.3Projection of standing ultrasonic waves Direct projection of ultrasonic waves can be an inter-esting extension tothe experiment. Thesound wave is pro-jected by inserting aconvex lens into thelaser beam so thatthe beam is di-verged. The densityvariations in thestanding wave thenappear as light anddark regions on theprojection screen(see photographright). To determinethe wavelength fromthe diffraction im-age and the geometry involved, as well as the focal length f of the lens in air (100 mm in this case), corrections due to the glass walls of the vessel and the test fluid also need to be considered.The light refraction method as described in 3.2 is thus better suited for calculating the wavelength precisely. The precise equation for λs in the projection experi-ment is:(3)λsxNfgnans fg gna an==−−−−+−+21g1FL12g12FLThe distance a1 between the glass wall towards the lens and the distance a2 can be approximated as half the internal width of 9.6 cm. The thickness of the glass g1 and g2is about 4 or 5 mm. The refractive indices n FL for the test fluid and n g for the glass may be measured or taken from tables.xN = 5N = 3N = 4N = 2N = 1N = 0N = 6sg1g2a1a2λLλssx N = 3N = 2N = 0N = 1N = -1N = -2 N = -3N is the number of bright maxima and x the separa-tion between them.The speed of sound in the medium can now be calcu-lated once again from the measured frequency n us-ing equation (2).Note:With the U10008 test vessel it is only possible to set up a good projection of the standing ultrasonic wave at a frequency of 4 MHz. At 2 MHz and especially at 1 MHz ultrasonic waves reflected from the bottom of the con-tainer are superimposed destructively on the imping-ing ultrasonic beam. Only for 4 MHz waves is the dif-ference in the path length of the order of several wave-lengths. At 8 MHz the amplitude of the emitted wave is too small and also the absorption is much greater (the absorption coefficient is proportional to the square of the frequency). This means that no clear standing waves are produced.Example results:Water:a 1 = a 2 = 4.8 cm, f = 10 cm, n FL = 1.33, n g = 1.45,s =3.03 m, n = 4 MHz, x = 8.9 cm, g 1 = 5 mm, g 2 = 4 mm therefore: λ = 397 µm, c = 1590 m/s (Table: 1480 m/s at 20°C)4. Technical details4.1Ultrasound generator (U10006)Frequency:1, 2, 4, 8 MHz adjustable Output signal:Sine wave, continuously adjustablebetween 5 V pp to approximately 65 V pp . Can be switched off.Red control lightDisplay:3-digit LCD, one decimal place,height of digits 10 mmMonitor signal:TTL, Frequency signalLaser output:3 V DC, max. 300 mW at socket 5.5 mm outer Ø, 2.5 mm inner Ø,Can be switched off.Red control lightDimensions:256 x 86 x 156 mm Mains voltage:115/230 V, 50/60 HzPower consumption:max. 60 VA; 5 VA minimum power(laser and ultrasound switched off)Fuse:T 315 mA (230 V) / T 630 mA (115 V)Ultrasonic transducer Probe diameter:27 mm Active surface area: 2 cm²Cable length: 1 m with BNC socket4.2Test vessel (U10008)Test vessel:100 x 100 x 120 mm Volume:900 ml ser holder:17 mm internal diameter Transducer holder:adjustable, designed for thesupplied transducer Lens on glass slide Lens slide:76 mm x 26 mm Glass slide withroughened gripping surfaceLens:Plano-convex, f = 100 mm(in air), 16 mm Ø4.3Laser diode (U10007)Beam spot:< 6 mm at 3 m Wavelength:650 nm Power:< 1 mW, laser safety class II Supply voltage: 3 V DCCurrent consumption:max. 35 mA Connecting plug: 1 m cable with plug of 5.5 mmouter Ø, 2.5 mm inner ØDimensions:80 mm x 17 mm Ø。
二、操作流程1. 准备工作在使用医用超声仪器之前,需要确保以下准备工作已经完成:- 检查仪器是否处于正常工作状态,如有故障需及时维修;- 确认使用的超声探头已经连接好,并做好消毒处理;- 打开仪器电源,等待仪器启动并完成自检。
2. 操作步骤(注意:以下步骤仅供参考,实际操作步骤请参考仪器的使用手册)- 步骤一:根据需要选择合适的探头,并连接到仪器上。
- 步骤二:调整超声图像的亮度、对比度等参数,以获得清晰的图像。
- 步骤三:将超声凝胶涂抹在探头上,以提高超声信号的传输效果。
- 步骤四:将探头放置在需要观察的部位,保持适当的角度和轻微的压力。
- 步骤五:通过仪器操作面板上的控制按钮,调整探头的位置和图像的放大比例等。
- 步骤六:观察超声图像,进行相关的测量和分析。
- 步骤七:完成观察和诊断后,关闭仪器电源,并进行必要的清洁和消毒处理。
三、操作注意事项1. 使用前需仔细阅读仪器的使用手册,并按照规定的操作流程进行操作。
2. 操作人员应该具备相关的医疗背景和专业知识,并经过专业培训。
3. 在操作过程中,需要严格遵守消毒和无菌操作的要求,以避免交叉感染的风险。
4. 仪器的电源和电气部分需要防止水分和其他液体的侵入,以确保设备的安全性能。
5. 注意探头与人体皮肤的接触状态,过度的压力可能会导致不适或损伤。
6. 如有任何异常情况出现或操作不当,应立即停止使用并寻求专业人士的帮助。
四、维护和保养1. 定期检查仪器的各项功能,确保其正常工作。
2. 定期清洁仪器表面和探头,使用符合要求的清洁剂和消毒液进行清洁和消毒。
3. 仪器长时间不使用时,应将其断开电源并妥善保存。
4. 如需维修或更换零部件,应联系指定售后服务商进行操作,不可私自拆卸或修理。
型号5072PR,5073PR,5077PR超声波发生器/接收器用户手册根据欧洲废电子电气指令2002/96 / EC设备,此符号表示产品不得作为未分类处理市政废物,但应单独收取。
版权所有©2008 Olympus NDT。
目录保修................................................. .................................................. . (iii)目录 ............................................... .. (v)一般说明.............................................. .. (1)1.1特别声明和印刷公约............................................ (2)1.2如果您有文档评论............................................ . (3)史............................................... .................................................. (3)1.4技术帮助............................................... .................................................. (4)1.5产品使用............................................... .................................................. (4)开箱检查............................................. .. (5)仪器控制和I / O连接器......................................... ...........3.1前面板3.1.1电源开关............................................. .................................................. .. (9)3.1.2脉冲重复频率控制(PRF)....................................... .. (9)3.1.3脉冲电压(5077PR)......................................... ............................................103.1.4传感器频率选择控制(5077PR)....................................... (11)3.1.5能量(5072PR,5073PR)......................................... (11)3.1.6阻尼(5072PR,5073PR)......................................... (12)3.1.7增益/衰减(dB)......................................... .................................................143.1.8低通滤波器............................................ .................................................. . (14)3.1.9高通滤波器............................................ .................................................. (14)3.1.10模式切换............................................. .................................................. (15)3.1.11 T / R连接器........................................... .................................................. (15)器............................................. .................................................. .. (15)3.2后面板............................................... .................................................. .....................153.2.1 RFOUT ............................................. .................................................. .................163.2.2 EXT TRIGIN ............................................ .................................................. (16)3.2.3 + SYNCOUT ............................................ .................................................. . (17)4.规格............................................... . (19)5.操作............................................... .................................................. (23)5.1示波器要求............................................... . (23)5.2初始设置............................................. .................................................. .....................235.3通过传输............................................. .................................................. .....295.4调谐峰波幅方波脉冲(仅限5077PR) (34)5.5传感器的电压和功率限制......................................... (34)6.故障排除与维护............................................. . (37)6.1基本故障排除............................................... .................................................. (37)6.2克服电噪声干扰............................................. . (37)6.3申请协助............................................... .................................................. ...38文件评论................................................ .. (39)1.一般说明型号5072PR,5073PR和5077PR手动控制超声波脉冲发生器 - 接收器为常规和高频应用提供构建模块。