Bella Swan has always been a little bit different,never caring about fitting in with the trendy girls at her Phoenix high school.
When her mother re-marries and sends Bella to live with her father in the rainy little town of Forks,Washington,she doesn't expect much of anything to change.Then she meets the mysterious and extremely good-looking Edward Cullen,a boy unlike any she's ever met.
"Twilight 3: Eclipse,
About to graduate from high school Bella into a dilemma: she must select one of Edward and Jacob lovers, but this option most likely to trigger ethnic Karen family and Werewolf in a bloody war between the ... ... the passionate shell laning willing to die for and Edward stay together, but before their marriage, Edward does not allow her to do so. Another glamorous stunner: Kristen Stewart
On the one hand, Jacob's involvement to the feelings of both of them red light, Bella in time to visit the injured Jacob, Jacob and describing her to his home, took the opportunity to declare her love, and despite She will kiss her. This forced a kiss stuck in Beira in mind, the feelings for Jacob, Bella has been the disarray. When Bella lovers and much suffering for the selection of suffering, she found someone been stealing from her room, follow the above purpose is to sniff out the smell of her lies. Bella will link the past, various accidents, and finally understand Crane from the legendary family of Victoria is the mastermind behind all control. In order to revenge for the death of James, Victoria is gathered a group of accomplices hurried to Fox, on the lives of Edward and Bella created a great threat to United werewolf ethnic Karen family decided to address common enemy. Irreconcilable conflicts of Ice and Fire, the balance of love and sacrifice, the Bella found her to be devoted not only the soul ... ...
簡介:By the American writer Stephen Meyer of the gripping book, "Twilight Town" a thriller. The story describes the students handsome young vampire Edward and Bella's romantic love story. Only in the United States, "Twilight of the City" series, sold in the United States had more than 50 million. In many countries, it is also topped the best-selling book.
Edward is a vampire,but he doesen’t have fangs and his family is unique in that they choose not to drink human blood.Intelligent and witty,Edward sees straight into Bella's soul.
Bella and Edward experienced the ups and downs on the concentration of their relationship after a more intimate understanding, but such an inter-family love all the time are not subject to the original instincts challenge. At Bella's 18th birthday dinner, Bella accidentally injured arm, the blood flow to Edwards family, the desire to once again seduce the original out, almost lead to disaster. Since then, Edward's family left the town. The Bella is still unable to forget Edward, she found that whenever hazardous activities themselves will feel the closeness with the incomparable Edward, so she embarked on a ride motorcycles enjoy the adventure of the journey. At this time, Jacob appeared in Bella's life, he and the handsome Edward is also the same man who has always been mysterious wild side to protect her in Beira, slowly it will be Bella's heart quietly melting of ice-cold . With the deepening of understanding of Beira on Jacob, she learned the identity of the werewolf Jacob. At this time Trapped in a werewolf and vampire Bella camps in the middle of the most handsome boy, for love of the storm, half water half of the flame struggling own choice.
Then there comes the trouble.A group or new vampires——James,Laurent,and Victoria——come to town and threaten to disrupt their way of life.What will Bella and Edward do?
To Edward,Bella is what he has waited 90 years for ——a soulmate.But the closer they get,the more Edward mast sturggle to resist the pull of her scent,which could send him into an uncontrollable frenzy.
暮光之城Ⅳ破晓eaking Dawn)简介:
The ongoing conflicts that made this series so compelling--a human girl in love with a vampire, a werewolf in love with a human girl, the generations-long feud between werewolves and vampires--resolve pretty quickly, apparently so that Meyer could focus on Bella’s latest opportunity for self-sacrifice: giving her life for someone she loves even more than Edward. How close she comes to actually making that sacrifice is questionable, which is a big shift from the earlier books. Even though you knew Bella would make it through somehow, the threats to her life, and to her relationship with Edward, had previously always felt real. It’s as if Meyer was afraid of hurting her characters too much, which is unfortunate, because the pain Bella suffered at losing Edward in New Moon, and the pain Jacob suffered at losing Bella again and again, are the fire and the heart that drive the whole series. Diehard fans will stick with Bella, Edward, and Jacob for as many twists and turns as possible, but after most of the characters get what they want with little sacrifice, some readers may have a harder time caring what happens next.