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KN95:1.PP cotton,Electrostatic adsorption meltblown filter,Non-woven skin give you multiple protection.2.K N95 level respiratory protection, filtering efficiency up to 95%, mesh breathable composite fabric,no need to consider season changing factors.3.Close fit without gaps to improve the protective performance of the mask and prevent fogging of the glasses caused by exhalation.4.High-quality elastic earbands makes it comfortable to wear for a long time.the mask is strong and durable, and the shape is more three-dimensional.N95:1. Disposable, single-use, breathable, light and environment-friendly;2. Adjustable head strap help fit different users and dual point attachment helps provide a secure seal;3. Soft nose cushion for easy and comfortable fit;4. Adjustable nosepiece for extra comfort;5. Breathing valve enables easy breathing and helps avoid moisture fogging inside the mask;6. At least 95 percent filtration efficiency against certain non-oil based particles.7. Activated carbon layers helps reduce organic odor and smell.Medical Non Woven Face Mask:1.Polypropylene cloth, low breathing resistance and high filtration efficiency.2.Adjustable nose seal, easy to fold and carry. Mini-fiber high electrostatic filter, filtration efficiency of dust & powder is over 95%.3.Repel continually contamination of dangerous blood and saliva continually.4.Suggested applications: Restaurant, food processing, factory, surgery, electronic, food, pharmacy, beauty salon^etc.Surgical Face Mask1. Soft PP is used as the material. The nose clip can adjust comfortable according to the different faces. The ear lace is firm and not easy to fall.3.It is the best choice of disposable products in the fields of hospital, factory, cosmetology, restaurant, school, environment protection, public places and so on.4. 3. The valid period of products is 5 years.Disposable masks1.Provide an excellent bacterial filtration properties2. Folds up for easy carrying, comfortable3. Extra-soft ear loops eliminate pressure to the ears4.Suitable for outdoor, indoor and industrial usage.。
销售合同SALES CONTRACT签订时间:年月日Signed:甲方(采购方):Party A (purchaser):乙方(供货方):Party B (Supplier):甲、乙本着平等互利的原则,经双方协商一致特签订本合同以便共同信守。
Based on the principle of equality and mutual benefit, Party A and Party B hereby sign this contract through consultation for mutual adherence.一、合同标的及价格二、支付方式2、 Payment method1.本合同签订当日内,甲方以银行直接转账方式向乙方指定银行账号一次性支付合同货款50%,计(大写):人民币元(¥: .00元)。
1. Within the date of signing this contract, Party A shall pay 50% (in words): RMB (¥: .00) of the contract price to the bank account designated by Party B by direct bank transfer. The balance shall be paid off at the time of delivery.2.乙方指定以下账户为唯一收款账户:2. Party B shall designate the following account as the only collection account:账户名称Account name:账号Account number:开户银行:Bank name:三、交货及验收3、 Delivery and acceptance1.交货时间:乙方收到甲方货款50%后日内开始向甲方分批发货,并于本合同签订之后50天内完成全部货物的交付。
Model:FFP2 NRUSER INSTRUCTIONS1Failure to follow all instructions and limitations could seriously reduce the effectiveness of this particle filtering half mask and could lead to illness, injury or death.未按照说明书指示和限制错误使用会严重影响本品防护能力,可能导致疾病、受伤或死亡。
2A properly selected respirator is essential, before occupational use, the wearer must be trained by the employer in the correct use of the respirator in accordance with applicable safety and health standards.正确选择呼吸防护产品尤为重要,使用前,请按照适用的安全和健康标准对使用者进行正确使用呼吸防护产品的培训。
3This particle filtering half mask does not supply oxygen. Use it in adequately ventilated and where containing sufficient oxygen to support life.本产品不提供氧气。
4Discard the respirator and replace with a new one if:a.Excessive clogging of the particle filtering half mask cause breathing difficulty.b.The particle filtering half mask become damaged出现以下情况,请及时更换口罩:a 由于使用导致过度阻塞引起的呼吸困难b 口罩出现损坏5Leave the contaminated area if dizziness, irritation or other distress occurs如果出现头晕、刺激或其他不适,请迅速离开污染区域USE LIMITATIONS1 Do not use the respirator or enter or stay in a contaminated area under the following circumstance:a.Atmosphere contains less than 19.5% oxygen.b.If you smell or taste contaminantc.For protection against gases or vaporsd.Contaminants or their concentrations are unknown or immediately dangerous to life or health.e.For sandblasting, paint-spray operations and asbestos.f.In explosive atmospheres1若出现以下症状,不得使用本品进入或者停留在污染区域:a 含氧量不足 19.5%的缺氧环境b 如果已经闻到或尝到污染物c 还有害气体或蒸汽环境d 污染物或其浓度未知,或对生命或健康危险环境。
Forma TM full face maskThe Forma ™ Full Face Mask forms a superior seal and provides evenmore comfort with a greater range of movement through the activecontouring of its new FlexiFoam ™ Cushion. The T-Piece addsstability to the stylized Mask Base, and works in harmony with thehighly contoured Silicone Seal and Under-Chin Design to enhancesleep performance. With its ease of use and superior conforming seal,the Forma ™ sets a whole new standard.Transform your patient’s sleep experience today, with theFisher & Paykel Healthcare Forma ™ Full Face Mask.FlexiFoam ™ Cushion & T-Piece Mask BaseWith no complicated adjustments,the T-Piece provides addedstability and complements theUnder-Chin Design to allowFlexiFit™ to auto-adjust for hassle-free fitting.Full Face Delivery – Forma TMUniqUe Mask FeaTUres For GreaTer FreedoM, CoMForT and CoMPlianCeConTenTs• Complete mask with headgearassembled and ready for use• Four sizes: Small, Medium andLarge (two sizes included) andX-Large, sold separately• User-friendly Fitting GuideREORDER CODE:400470 Small400471 Medium and Large400473 X-LargeThe Forma™ Full Face Mask offers an improved seal and amore comfortable fit due to the interaction between thenew FlexiFoam™ Cushion and the Under-Chin Design.This alternative to nasal or oral delivery comes fullyassembled and ready for use.NasalDirect NasalOral。
口罩出口协议(一次性口罩n95口罩)口罩出口协议编号:_________ 签约地点:_________ 签订日期:_________年_________月_________日卖方:_________ 买方:_________ 买卖双方经协商同意按下列条款成交: 1.货物名称、规格和质量:_________ 2.数量:_________ 3.单价及价格条款:_________ (除非另有规定,“fob”、“cfr”和“ cif”均应依照国际商会制定的《XX年国际贸易术语解释通则》(incoterms XX)办理。
) 4.总价:_________ 5.允许溢短装:_________% 6.装运期限:收到可以转船及分批装运之信用证_________天内装运。
7.付款条件:_________ 买方须于_________前将保兑的、不可撤销的、可转让的、可分割的即期付款信用证开到卖方,该信用证的有效期延至装运期后_________天在中国到期,并必须注明允许分批装运和转船。
8.包装:_________ 9.保险:_________ 按发票金额的_________%投保_________险,由_________负责投保。
10.品质/数量异议:_________ 如买方提出索赔,凡属品质异议须于货到目的口岸之日起30天内提出,凡属数量异议须于货到目的口岸之日起15天内提出,对所装货物所提任何异议于保险公司、轮船公司、其他有关运输机构或邮递机构所负责者,卖方不负任何责任。
口罩中英文说明书对照-CAL-FENGHAI.-(YICAI)-Company One1Precautions 注意事项1、本品不可清洗再利用,请确保有限期内使用(This product can not be cleaned and reused, make sure it is used for a limited time period.)2、口罩使用后要尽量平放,口罩上方鼻梁不宜频繁折叠,以延长使用时间(Put the mask as flat as possible after use. The nasal bridge above the mask should not be folded frequently to extend its use.)3、空气不流通,呼吸不顺畅或睡眠中不建议佩戴(It is not recommended to wear when the air ventilation is not good or breathing becomes difficult or you are in the sleep.)storage conditions 储存条件置于阴凉避光干燥处,远离火燎及易燃物Place in a cool,shady and dry place. Keep away from fire and combustibles.storage period 贮存期3年(3 years)instructions 使用说明1、将口罩平展,双手平拉推向面部,长鼻梁条在上方(Spread out the mask,then pull to the face with your hands with the ridge of the nose above.)2、用指尖由内向外按压鼻梁条,顺着鼻梁形状向两侧移动(Press the ridge of the nose from the inside to the outside With your fingertips , and move to both sides along the shape of the ridge of the nose.)3、将口罩上下完全展开,使其全面遮盖口鼻,贴合面部(Spread the mask up and down completely to cover the nose and mouse and fit the face.)2。
利安适多重全面包覆式防护口罩Multi-ply entire protective Face Mask抗菌、保暖、防护Antibiosis、warm、Protection产品解析:Product Description: :鼻梁片:可调式鼻梁片,更贴合脸部,防止吸入污染颗粒;The piece for nose: adjustable, and more comfortable to avoid inhaling polluted particles;内部呼吸槽:超立体裁剪,加大内部呼吸槽,保持良好的透气空间;The inside breathing slot:: the inside breathing slot is a three-dimensional design to better support ventilation.抗菌表布层:加入抗菌丝,抗菌性能更持久,可有效抵制金黄色葡萄球菌、肺炎克雷伯氏菌,抗菌型测试达……%;Antibacterial Upper-layer:The antibacterial funtioncan be last longer by adding advanced antibacterial filament. . It can be effective to resist staphylococcus aureus andklebsiella pneumonia proved by the antibacterial test which could reach. …%;保暖棉层:特殊保暖技术,保暖度为羽绒的1.5倍,是其他人造合成纤维的2倍;Warm cotton layer: with the unique technology, the degree of function of keeping warm is 1.5 times more than feather and is twice more than other synthetic fibers.舒适里布层:吸湿透气,佩戴更舒适;The inside cloth layer: faster absorption & ventilation; comfortable.滤片层:360°全方位防护滤片,过滤效率>99.91%;filter disc layer: 360°All-round protective filter, filterable efficiency>99.91%正确使用方式:Instruction: :1、口罩鼻梁片朝上,展开口罩,将滤片对应放置在口罩里布层上,使用两端的松紧带固定好;side of mask that has nose piece is the top. Unfold the mask and put the filter into the inside layer after that fasten the elastic bands to make those filter fit.2、将口罩两侧黑色耳挂绳上的弹簧扣调整到合适位置;Adjust the ear loops by using snap hooks.3、将滤片层朝里,对应放置在口、鼻及下巴正面;两边的耳挂绳轻扣于耳朵;The side with filter touches your face. Place the mask to your nose level and put ear loops around your ears.4、调整鼻梁片,使其与鼻梁贴合;Adjust the nose piece.5、口罩不佩戴时,请收纳在内盒附赠的收纳袋中,方便卫生。
口罩说明书口罩说明书篇一:3M口罩使用方法3M口罩使用方法品牌名称:3M 8210V带阀颗粒物防护口罩(头带式)北京瑞德佑业杨女士 I8OOIO36676产品材质:高效静电滤材专利冷流量呼气阀,呼吸更轻快产品包装:10个/盒产品标准:美国NIOSH N95标准使用范围:用于建筑、矿山、铸造、木加工、电子、物料处理及打磨等作业时产生的粉尘的防护;本口罩不能用微波炉消毒,不可水洗,水洗会破坏滤材结构,造成穿透,并破坏静电滤材过滤性能;不用时,将口罩放洁净外保存,应放入干净密封袋保存,防止滤材静电吸附空气中的粉尘商品描述:3m8210带阀防颗粒物口罩(头带式)---免保养防护口罩【产品名称】:3m8210带阀防颗粒物口罩(头带式)---——免保养防护口罩【产品认证信息】:获得中国la认证,符合中国标准GB2626-2006KN90要求;美国 NIOS N95认证【产品包装】:10/盒【保存期限】:5年【应用对象】:可由于防护某些非油性颗粒物,请查阅产品使用说明书的适用范围部分,还可以减除某些有机物的异味。
Dream WearKey ContentThis mask changes everythingOver the last five years, you have come to know the benefits of the Philips Respironics DreamWear system of masks. It allows patients to easily swap cushions so that they can find a fit that’s right for them. Our innovative design directs airflow through the frame so patients can wear glasses, watch TV and sleep comfortably. And, the tubing connection located at the top of the head allows patients to sleep in any position – stomach, side or back.facial scan data points, allowing it to conform to various nose shapes Like wearing nothing at all 1, 2, 3Patients can sleep how they want with the freedom and comfort of DreamWear 1, 2, 3DreamWear silicone pillows mask is lighter and users find the cushion softer than ResMed AirFit P30i.5Users told us that DreamWear came closest to making them feel like they have nothing on their face during therapy and that they experienced more freedom of movement than with their prescribed mask.1, 2, 3Users say DreamWear silicone pillows mask has amore secure fit and seal than their prescribed mask.4Note: Switching from a nasal cushion or silicone pillows cushion to a full face cushion requires different headgear and instructions. Consumers must consult their provider before making adjustments.References: 1. DreamWear Under the Nose Nasal: Data analysis at 30 days of use of 2015 Philips sponsored patient preference trial (n=98). Prescribed masks include ResMed Swift FX, ResMed Mirage FX, Philips Wisp, and ResMed P10. Data analysis at 10 days of use of 2019 Philips sponsored patient preference trial (n=81). Prescribed masks include ResMed AirFit N10, N20, Mirage Fx, Philips Wisp, Pico, ComfortGel Blue, F&P Eson & Eson 2. 2. DreamWear Full Face: Data analysis of Aug 2017 Patient Preference trial where (n=85) and prescribed masks include ResMed AirFit F10 and F20, Respironics Amara View and F&P Simplus. 3. Data analysis from a 30 day patient preference study with (n=127) nasal pillows users, conducted July 2020. Prescribed masks included ResMed AirFit P10, P30i, ResMed Swift Fx, F&P Brevida, Philips DreamWear Gel Pillows, Nuance / Pro. 4. Fit & Seal tested individually. After 30 day of use during Jul/Aug 2020. Pillows preference trial with (n=127). Prescribed masks include ResMed AirFit P10, P30i, Swift Fx, F&P Brevida, Philips DreamWear Gel Pillows, Nuance / Pro. 5. Data from Philips conducted comparable assembly weight test for DreamWear Gel Pillows, DreamWear Silicone Pillows & ResMed AirFit P30i mask. Cushion softness & mask weight tested individually.DreamWearSoft silicone frameLight, flexible materialdesigned for comfort.Open field of visionWear glasses, readand watch TV.No red marks*Leaves no marks on thebridge of the nose.InnovativeUnder-the-nose design.Top-of-headtube connection Provides freedom ofmovement throughout the night.In-frame airflow Unique design allowsairflow through theframe to help patientssleep comfortably.Headgear with armsSoft, slip-resistant designprovides more stability.Interchangeable cushionsEasily switch between full face, nasal and our latestsilicone pillows cushions* M ask does not directly contact the bridge of the nose or nostrils.Note: Switching from a nasal cushion or silicone pillows cushionto a full face cushion requires different headgear and instructions.Consumers must consult their provider before making adjustments.Simply switch cushions without changing masksChoosing the right mask for your patients is one of themost difficult jobs you face. The nonstop trial and errorinvolving the masks, cushions and headgear needed tofit your patients becomes tedious and time-consuming.On top of that, you must manage patients in their initialacceptance period who struggle for a variety of reasons,including poor fit, leaking, nasal congestion and others.3 out of4 patients find DreamWear siliconepillows mask more comfortable than theirprescribed mask.2fits all three cushion typesOne mask Benefits• Can accommodate full face, nasal and siliconepillows cushions• Allows for easy switching between cushion types 1DreamWear’s design allows you to quickly andeasily switch between full face, nasal and our latestsilicone pillows cushions without changing masks.1With fewer mask decisions to make, you can focuson what’s really important: your patients.References: 1. Switching from a nasal cushion to a full face cushion requiresdifferent headgear and instructions. Consumers must consult their providerbefore making adjustments. 2. Analysis after 30 day of use during Jul/Aug2020. Pillows preference trial with (n=127). Prescribed masks include ResMedAirFit P10, P30i, Swift Fx, F&P Brevida, Philips DreamWear Gel Pillows, Nuance/ Pro. 3. Data analysis after 90 days of use. 2019 Philips sponsored patientpreference trial (n=310). Patients scanned using the Mask Selector (n=153) vstraditional fitting methods (n=157) 4. Philips sponsored patient preferencetrial. (n=310, n=253 completed questionnaire). Patient scanned using the MaskSelector (n=118) vs traditional fitting methods (n=135) 5. Data analysis after 90days of use. Philips sponsored patient preference trial. (n=310, n=253 completedquestionnaire). Patient scanned using the Mask Selector (n=118) vs traditionalfitting methods (n=135)Mask Selector 3DIntroducing the Philips Respironics Mask Selector – the first and only clinically validated mask selection, sizing and fitting solution that helps clinicians fit patients with the right mask from the start.3 Our premium technology using a 3D camera takes, in roughly20 seconds, 150 pictures of a person’s face. Our system gathers100,000 key data points of facial topography from each picture for a total of 15,000,000 data points per patient.All DreamWear mask types can be fit using MaskSelector 3D – silicone pillows, nasal and full faceHelps reduce refits, supports operational efficiency andhelps to eliminate trial and error3Patients are more likely to continue wearing theirrecommended mask4 and are more confident they willcontinue to use their recommended mask when set upwith Mask Selector5DreamWear patient fitting guideFollow the instructions to get started fitting your full face, nasal or silicone pillows mask Full faceof the head.the top of the head.Nasal Silicone pillowsAchieving the right fit with DreamWear is easyMaking it simple to find the right fit Mask too smallLarge correct frame Medium correct frameProper fit Proper fit Proper fit Small correct frame Mask too large Medium frame sizing Large frame sizing Small frame sizingNasal part number 111674011167411116742111674311167451116746111674711167501116751N/A11167541116752Silicone pillows part number114647211464731146474114647511167451116746111674711167501116751N/A11167541116752Full face part number11334301133431113343211334331116745111674611167471133450NA113345411167541116752Replacement partsSmall cushionMedium cushionLarge cushionMedium-wide cushionSmall frameMedium frameLarge frameHeadgearDreamWear headgear with arms Headgear magnetic clipsFabric wrapsSizing gauge Nasal part numberN/AN/AN/AN/A111670011167011142376Nasal part number1116710111671111167121116713Nasal part number1116705111670611167071116708Nasal part number1116715111671611167171116718Nasal part number1116685111668611166871116688Nasal part number1116680111668111166821116683Nasal part number1116690111669111166921116693Silicone pillows part numberN/AN/AN/AN/A1146468N/A1146470Silicone pillows part number1146453114645411464551146456Silicone pillows part number1146457114645811464591146460Silicone pillows part number1146461114646211464631146464Silicone pillows part number1146410114641111464121146413Silicone pillows part number1146414114641511464161146417Silicone pillows part number1146448114644911464501146451Full face part number11333751133376113337711333781133400N/AN/AFull face part number1133410113341111334121133413Full face part number1133405113340611334071133408Full face part number1133415113341611334171133418Full face part number1133385113338611333871133388Full face part number1133380113338111333821133383Full face part number1133390113339111333921133393DreamWear standard and fitpak configurationsDreamWear with headgear, sm and med frames, small cushionDreamWear with headgear, sm and med frames, medium cushionDreamWear with headgear, sm and med frames, large cushionDreamWear with headgear, sm and med frames, med-wide cushionDreamWear with headgear, med frame, all cushion sizesDreamWear without headgear, med frame, all cushion sizesDreamWear with headgear arms, sm and med frames,sm and med cushionsDreamWear mask without headgear, small frameSmall cushionMedium cushionLarge cushionMedium-wide cushion*DreamWear mask without headgear, medium frameSmall cushionMedium cushionLarge cushionMedium-wide cushionDreamWear mask without headgear, large frameSmall cushionMedium cushionLarge cushionMedium-wide cushionDreamWear mask with headgear, small frameSmall cushionMedium cushionLarge cushionMedium-wide cushionDreamWear mask with headgear, medium frameSmall cushionMedium cushionLarge cushionMedium-wide cushionDreamWear mask with headgear, large frameSmall cushionMedium cushionLarge cushionMedium-wide cushionOrdering information724 387 4000。
口罩介绍英文作文1. Masks are essential in today's world. They help to protect us from germs and viruses, and they have become a necessary part of our daily attire.2. There are different types of masks, such as surgical masks, N95 respirators, and cloth masks. Each type serves a specific purpose and provides varying levels of protection.3. Surgical masks are disposable and are commonly used in healthcare settings. They are loose-fitting and provide a barrier between the mouth and nose of the wearer and potential contaminants in the environment.4. N95 respirators are tight-fitting masks that are designed to create a seal around the nose and mouth. They are capable of filtering out at least 95% of airborne particles, making them highly effective in preventing the inhalation of harmful substances.5. Cloth masks are reusable and can be made from a variety of materials, such as cotton, polyester, or a combination of both. They are not as effective as surgical masks or N95 respirators, but they still offer some levelof protection.6. Wearing a mask is not only about protecting oneself, but also about protecting others. Masks help to prevent the spread of germs and viruses to those around us, especiallyin situations where social distancing may be difficult.7. It's important to wear a mask properly, ensuringthat it covers both the nose and mouth and fits snugly against the sides of the face without any gaps. This helpsto maximize its effectiveness in preventing the spread of germs.8. As we navigate through the ongoing pandemic, wearinga mask has become a symbol of solidarity and responsibility. It shows that we care about the well-being of others andare willing to take necessary precautions to keep our communities safe.。
United KingdomAgriculture Automotive and Part Manufacturer AviationBuilding and ConstructionChemical Industries Foundry General Industry Glass Industries Green SpacesIndustrial Cleaning Iron and steel industry Laboratory Maintenance Medical and Pharmaceutical Metal steel Paper Industries Ship Building Textile Industries Utilities Water treatment Welding Wood IndustriesReference NumberN06575081LProduct TypeRespiratory ProtectionRangeReusable APRLineFilterBrandHoneywellBrand formerly known asNORTHIndustryProduct UseControls before useUsers must:• Ensure that the level of protection offered by the respirator is sufficient for the type and concentration ofcontaminant(s) in the work area.• Respect the shelf life figuring on the filter.• Check the seal points.OverviewFeaturePerformance requirements for gas above standard.BenefitExcellent filtration efficiency over extensive period of time.Features & BenefitsHoneywell class 1 plasticcartridge A1P3PRODUCT NUMBER: N06575081LThe A1P3 cartridge is part of the wide range ofcartridges offered to protect against many hazardousgases, vapors and/or particulates in many applications.The Honeywell range provides high quality and acost-effective protection. The cartridges of Honeywellrange are tested against standards EN14387 andEN143.FeatureLower profile and lightweight.BenefitOptimal comfort.FeatureLow profile.BenefitDo not obstruct the field of vision.FeatureThreaded connector.BenefitEasy to attach.FeatureSmall opening.BenefitEasy check up.ReusableFilter Cartridge Connection TypeN-SeriesWeight92.5 g (80 x 50 mm)E.C. Declaration of ConformityEC Category PPE3Quality AssuranceISO 9001 / 2000EC Certificate Number2259EC AttestationCE certificate - Honeywell class 1 cartridgesEC Attestation Number2259CertificationsEN 2259Class 1 Honeywell cartridges/supplementary/documents_and_downloads/respiratory_protection /reusable_respirators/4294979140/1033.aspxUser ManualUser instructions Honeywell Class 1 cartridges - multilingualLife Cycle6 yearsService life :The useful life of filters depends on the absorbent, the concentration in the contaminated air,the relative humidity, the ambient temperature and the type of work being done.• All gas and combination filters should be discarded no longer than six months after opening, irrespective of the number of periods of use.• Particle and combination filters must be replaced when breathing becomes difficult.Storage InformationFilters should be stored in their original packaging in a cool, dry, non contaminated atmosphere. Storage under conditions other than those specified by the manufacturer may affect the shelf life.Temperature range of storage conditions: -10°C/+40°CMaximum humidity of storage conditions: 90% RHCare InstructionsConditions of use (temperature range, maximum humidity, etc.) :Temperature range : -10°C/+40°CMaximum humidity : 90% RHRestrictions of use :In an explosive atmosphere.• In highly toxic atmosphere. Refer to AS/NZS1715 or EN 529.• If the concentration of oxygen is less than 19.5% by volume or in an oxygen enriched environment.• If the package unsealed or damaged.• If the concentration exceeds Maximum Usage Concentration. Refer to governing standardAS/NZS1715 or EN 529.Quantity per Box/Pack/CaseShipping box (4 prs/8 units) / Shipping case (8 bx/64 u.) - 8.78 KgCountry of OriginUnited States© Honeywell International Inc.。
Precautions 注意事项
(This product can not be cleaned and reused, make sure it is used for a limited time period.)
(Put the mask as flat as possible after use. The nasal bridge above the mask should not be folded frequently to extend its use.)
(It is not recommended to wear when the air ventilation is not good or breathing becomes difficult or you are in the sleep.)
storage conditions 储存条件
Place in a cool,shady and dry place. Keep away from fire and combustibles.
storage period 贮存期
3年(3 years)
instructions 使用说明
(Spread out the mask,then pull to the face with your hands with the ridge of the nose above.)
(Press the ridge of the nose from the inside to the outside With your fingertips , and move to both sides along the shape of the ridge of the nose.)
(Spread the mask up and down completely to cover the nose and mouse and fit the face.)。