• In line with this conception, build the frames as thickenings of the wall material, continuous with the wall itself, made of the same materials, and poured, or built up, in a manner which is continuous with the structure of the wall.
What do we expect out of windows?
• I need a room overlooking sea.
Also we repeat, obviously this figure will vary
enormously from one part of tahbe uwiolrdldintogantoother.
It is fairly reasonable to believe that the floor/window ratio,
though different in different times,
may be more or less constant within any given region.
• The same is true for doors and windows in a building.
• Where the walls are made of wood planks and lightweight concrete fill - see WALL MEMBRANES (218) - the thickened frames can be made from the same wood planks, placed to form a bulge, and then filled to be continuous with the wall. If other types of skin are used in the wall membranes, there will be other kinds of thickening: edges formed with chicken wire, burlap, and resin, filled with concrete; edges formed with chicken wire filled with rubble, and then mortar, plaster; edges formed with brick, filled, then plastered.