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2022届广东省广州市普通高中毕业班综合测试(一)英语试题一、短对话1.How did the man go to work today?A.On foot. B.By taxi. C.By bike.2.What does the man want to buy?A.An air fryer. B.A microwave. C.A refrigerator.3.What is the probable relationship between the speakers?A.Colleagues. B.Strangers. C.Classmates.4.What are the speakers mainly talking about?A.Doing an article. B.Designing research projects. C.Interviewing a professor. 5.What does the woman think of making grape wine?A.Time-wasting. B.Enjoyable. C.Difficult.二、长对话听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。
6.How many pieces of baggage does the man have?A.Two. B.Four. C.Six.7.Where does the conversation probably take place?A.On the plane. B.In the airport. C.At the station听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。
8.What will Finn do this weekend?A.Go to the theatre. B.Travel with his parents. C.Train for a football match. 9.When was Teatre Sans built?A.In the 14th century. B.In the 19th century. C.In the 20th century.10.What did Teatre Sans serve as originally?A.A marketplace. B.A company’s headquarters.C.A place for political meetings.听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。
第一部分必须用2B 铅笔作答;第二部分必须用黑色字迹的签字笔作答。
第一部分(共20小题,每小题1.5分,满分30分)1.---I’m sure Andrew will win the first prize in the final.---I think so. He _____ for it months.A.is preparing B.has been preparing C.was preparing D.had been preparing2.Have you read the book Life and Death Are Wearing Me Out by Mo Yan, _____ that won him the 2012 Nobel Prize in Literature?A.the one B.one C.those D.ones3.Wh en was _____ you last met Jennifer? I haven’t seen her for ages.A.it that B.it C.it what D.what4.If you leave this application form and go to another website, you will lose ______ you have already filled out on this form.A.whatever B.whoeverC.wherever D.whenever5.We must ______ the time that you’ve wasted this afternoon by working late to-night.A.make up for B.make out C.do up D.make up to6.The little boy stared at the strange man questioningly, not ________ whether to believe what he had said.A.to know B.knowingC.known D.having known7.If I _____it with my own eyes ,I wouldn’t have believed it.A.didn’t see B.weren’t seeingC.wouldn’t see D.hadn’t seen8.Come here, Mary. If you stand at this angle, you ______ just see the sunset.A.must B.needC.can D.should9.The young man has ______ experience. He probably can’t do that job.A.few B.littleC.some D.any10.He’s quite _________, but I can’t imagine him as president of such a large listed company.A.enthusiastic B.generousC.competent D.sympathetic11.On the bus I saw a student I believed was your brother.A.who B.whomC.which D.whoever12.I’m not quite sure how to get there, ---------- I’d better _____ a map.A.watch B.look up C.consult D.read13.The split between humans and living apes is thought by some scholars ____ 15 to 20 million years ago.A.to occur B.occurring C.to have occurred D.having occurred14.—Why are you so upset?—I had my computer repaired yesterday, but it ________ work again.A.doesn’t B.didn’tC.won’t D.wouldn’t15.It was John who broke the window. Why are you talking to me as if I it?A.had done B.have done C.did D.am doing16.—What a mess! You are always so lazy!—I’m not to blame, mum. I am ________ you have mad e me.A.how B.what C.that D.who17.Like all parents in the world,we want you to grow up in a world __________ is full of love and kindness. A.where B.thatC.when D.what18.—Julia said she sent you a birthday card yesterday. Have you got it?—Oh, really! I haven’t ________ my mailbox yet.A.examined B.reviewed.C.tested D.checked19.Without your help, I ________ the first prize in the English Speaking Contest.A.won’t get B.didn’t getC.wouldn’t get D.wouldn’t have got20.Historic sites impress writers with their amazing beauty, which are a great source of ________.A.inspiration B.composition C.occupation D.combination第二部分阅读理解(满分40分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。
2019年小学毕业考试数学试卷一.计算题(共4小题,满分20分)1.(4分)直接写出得数.==44×=4÷0.05==1﹣0.9===12= 5.7﹣4.3=15﹣=40×50=17×6=16+7=3÷100= 3.0×0.6===2.(6分)怎样简便怎样算.2.71﹣4.5+7.29﹣5.5×9912.5×0.32×253.(6分)解方程.x+5.6=9.73:x=5:7x﹣5%x=17.54.(4分)计算阴影部分的面积.二.填空题(共18小题,满分29分)5.(2分)太阳与地球之间的平均距离大约是一亿四千九百五十九万七千八百七十千米,这个数写作千米,改写成用“万”作单位的数是千米,省略“亿”位后的尾数约是千米.6.(2分)一个数既不是正数,也不是负数,这个数是.7.(1分)陆良县自来水公司为了鼓励人们节约用水,实行阶梯式计费,计费标准如下:月用水量(立方米/户)价格(元/立方米)15立方米以下(包括15立方米) 2.5从16立方米开始到20立方米 3.0020立方米以上(不包括20立方米) 3.50说明:水的计量单位“立方米”,就是平常我们说的“方”.张叔叔家5月份用水19立方米,应付水费元;6月份用水22立方米,应付水费元.8.(1分)小明的语文和英语的平均成绩是83分,数学成绩比语文、英语、数学三门的平均成绩还高6分,小明的数学成绩是分.9.(1分)若等腰三角形其中两条边长分别为4厘米和10厘米,这个等腰三角形的另一条边长厘米.10.(1分)在六年级的数学测验中,及格的人数是不及格人数19倍,六年级数学测验的及格率是.11.(2分)将10g白糖溶解在90g水中,然后取出糖水的,取出了糖水g.12.(2分)16公顷=平方米40公顷=平方千米0.5千米=米2800克=千克13.(1分)在1﹣20的数字中,任意摸取一张,摸到质数的可能性是,摸出合数的可能性是.14.(2分)如图是淘气星期日的作息时间.(1)早上11:10淘气在.(2)淘气做作业用了时分.(3)淘气下午2时30分去踢足球,踢了50分钟,请用24时记时法把图中的括号补充完整.15.(1分)在一幅比例尺是1:5000000的地图上,量得天津到南京的距离是19cm,天津到南京的实际距离是千米.16.(2分)A、B是不为0的自然数,A=B﹣1,A和B的最大公因数是,最小公倍数是.A.A B.B C.1 D.AB.17.(2分)教室里王明的位置用(3,2)表示,小磊坐在他的正前方,同桌小敏坐在他的左边,小磊的位置可以用数对表示,小敏的位置可以用数对表示.18.(4分)如果3X+3.6=18.6,那么4X﹣12.5=.19.(1分)把一个直径是6厘米的圆分成若干等份,然后把它剪开,照图的样子拼起来,拼成的图形的周长比原来圆的周长增加厘米.20.(2分)数形结合是一种重要的数学思想.请你仔细观察,找出下面图形与算式的关系,再直接填空.(1)推算:1+3+5+…+19=2(2)概括:=2(3)拓展应用:1+3+5+7+9+11+13+15+13+11+9+7+5+3+1=21.(1分)王叔叔要把30千克橙子装进箱子里,每个箱子最多可装 5.5千克橙子,至少需要准备个这样的箱子.22.(1分)一根铁丝围成60厘米的正方体,表面积是,体积是.三.选择题(共10小题,满分20分,每小题2分)23.(2分)下面的数中,()读的“零”最多.A..506060B.5060606C.500660624.(2分)如图是用27个相同的小正方体搭成的,拿掉其中一个小正方体(用阴影表示),表面积不发生变化的是()A.B.C.25.(2分)把一根铁丝截成同样长的小段,截成的段数和每段的长度()A.成正比例B.成反比例C.不成比例26.(2分)如图从右面看到的图形是()A.B.C.D.27.(2分)下列说法中,正确的个数有()①对于任意自然数x,x+0.7一定大于0.7x.②因为2020能被4整除,所以2020年一定是闰年.③如果一个三角形有两个角的内角和是95°,那么这个三角形一定是锐角三角形.A.0B.1C.2D.328.(2分)一个圆锥与一个圆柱的底面积与体积分别相等,圆柱的高是9厘米,圆锥的高是()A.3厘米B.27厘米C.18厘米29.(2分)与4%不相等的是()A.0.04B.4C.30.(2分)一件衣服X元,比一条裤子的2倍还少30元.一条裤子()元.A.2X﹣30B.(X+30)÷2C.(X﹣30)÷231.(2分)3x+4,4,2x+6,23+6,0中一定是偶数的有()A.4个B.3个C.2个D.1个32.(2分)小红家在学校的东偏南30度方向,学校在小红家()方向.A.东偏南30度B.南偏东30度C.西偏北30度D.西偏北60度四.应用题(共5小题,满分31分)33.(5分)小明看一本书,已经看了120页,还剩40%没看,这本书共多少页?34.(5分)如图,一个内直径是20cm的纯净水水桶里装有纯净水,水的高度是22cm.将水桶倒放时,空余部分的高度是3cm,无水部分是圆柱形.这个纯净水水桶的容积是多少升?35.(5分)甲乙两人同时加工一批零件,已知甲乙两人工作效率的比是4:5,完成任务时,乙比甲多加工120个零件.这批零件共有多少个?36.(9分)玲玲家距离学校1200米,她每天早上7:20从家出发,以48米/分的速度去学校,正好能按时到校.今天早上起床晚了,她7:25才从家出发,她要保证不迟到,行走的速度至少是多少?37.(7分)学校食堂2个星期共用了224升食用油.(1)平均每天用多少升油?(2)照这样计算,把下表填写完整.食用油的升数480升864升可使用天数45天参考答案与试题解析一.计算题(共4小题,满分20分)1.解:==44×=334÷0.05=80=1﹣0.9=0.1=10=12=1 5.7﹣4.3=1.415﹣=1440×50=2000 17×6=10216+7=233÷100=0.03 3.0×0.6=1.8=2=2.解:(1)2.71﹣4.5+7.29﹣5.5=(2.71+7.29)﹣(4.5+5.5)=10﹣10=0(2)×99=×(97+2)=×97+×2=43+=43(3)12.5×0.32×25=1.25×8×0.4×25=(1.25×8)×(0.4×25)=10×10=1003.解:(1)x+5.6=9.7x+5.6﹣5.6=9.7﹣5.6x=4.1(2)3:x=5:75x=215x÷4=21÷5x=4.2(3)x﹣5%x=17.50.7x=17.50.7x÷0.7=17.5÷0.7x=254.解:202 ﹣3.14×(20÷2)2=400﹣314=86(cm2)答:阴影部分的面积是86平方厘米.二.填空题(共18小题,满分29分)5.解:一亿四千九百五十九万七千八百七十,这个数写作: 1 4959 78701 4959 7870=14959.787万1 4959 7870≈1亿故答案为: 1 4959 7870,14959.787万,1亿.6.解:一个数既不是正数,也不是负数,这个数是0;故答案为0.7.解:15×2.5+(19﹣15)×3.00=37.5+12=49.5(元)15×2.5+(20﹣15)×3.00+(22﹣20)×3.50=37.5+15+7=59.5(元)答:张叔叔家5月份用水19立方米,应付水费49.5元;6月份用水22立方米,应付水费59.5元.故答案为:49.5,59.5.8.解:设数学X分,由题意得,x﹣[(83×2+x)÷3]=6x﹣[(166+x)×]=6x=x=92;答:小明的数学成绩为92分.故答案为:92.9.解:当腰是4厘米时,则4+4=8<10,不能组成三角形,应舍去;当腰是10厘米时,则第三条边长为10厘米,10+4>14,能围成三角形,所以符合题意.故答案为:10.10.解:19÷(19+1)×100%=19÷20×100%=95%答:六年级数学测验的及格率是95%.故答案为:95%.11.解:(10+90)×=100×=20(克)答:取出了糖水20g.故答案为:20.12.解:(1)16公顷=160000平方米(2)40公顷=0.4平方千米(3)0.5千米=500米(4)2800克=2.8千克.故答案为:160000,0.4,500,2.8.13.解:因为1﹣20的数字中质数有8个:2、3、5、7、11、13、17、19,所以摸到质数的可能性是:8÷20=;因为1﹣20中的合数有:4、6、8、9、10、12、14、15、16、18、20.所以摸到合数的可能性是:11÷20=答:摸到质数的可能性是,摸出合数的可能性是.故答案为:,.14.解:(1)早上11:10淘气在做家务.(2)9时50分﹣8时30分=1小时20分答:淘气做作业用了1时20分.(3)下午2时30分是14时30分14时30分+50分钟=15时20分故答案为:做家务,1,20.15.解:19÷=95000000(厘米)95000000厘米=950千米答:天津到南京的实际距离是950千米.故答案为:950.16.解:如果A=B﹣1(A、B都是不为0的自然数),则A和B互质,所以A和B的最大公因数是1,最小公倍数是AB.故答案为:C,D.17.解:教室里王明的位置用(3,2)表示,小磊坐在他的正前方,同桌小敏坐在他的左边,小磊的位置可以用数对(3,1)表示,小敏的位置可以用数对(4,2)表示.故答案为:(3,1),(4,2)18.解:3X+3.6=18.63X+3.6﹣3.6=18.6﹣3.63X÷3=15÷3X=5则4X﹣12.5=4×5﹣12.5=20﹣12.5=7.5.故答案为:7.5.19.解:因为将圆拼成近似的长方形后,长方形的长就等于圆的周长的一半,宽就等于圆的半径,所以这个长方形的周长比原来圆的周长多出了两个半径的长度,即多出了一个直径的长度,也就是6厘米.故答案为:6.20.解:(1)1+3+5+…+19=(19+1)÷2=10(个),即1+3+5+…+19由10个加数其和是102即1+3+5+…+19=102(2)=n2(3)1+3+5+7+9+11+13+15+13+11+9+7+5+3+1=(1+3+5+7+9+11+13+15)+(1+3+5+7+9+11+13)=82+72=64+49=113故答案为:10,n,113.21.解:30÷5.5=5(箱)…… 2.5(千克)5+1=6(个)答:需要准备6个箱子.故答案为:6.22.解:60÷12=5(厘米)5×5×6=150(平方厘米)5×5×5=25×5=125(立方厘米)答:表面积是150平方厘米,体积是125立方厘米.故答案为:150平方厘米,125立方厘米.三.选择题(共10小题,满分20分,每小题2分)23.解:506060读作:五十万六千零六十;5060606读作:五百零六万零六百零六;5006606读作:五百万六千六百零六;故选:B.24.解:因为每个小正方体都在不同处,如果任意拿走1个小正方体,就会外露面的个数不相同,A,拿掉其中一个小正方体,增加4个面,所以表面积变大了;B.拿掉其中一个小正方体,增加2个面,所以表面积变大了;C拿掉其中一个小正方体,没有增加也没有减少面,所以表面积不变.所以表面积不发生变化的是C.故选:C.25.解:因为截成的段数×每段的长度=铁丝的长度(一定),是乘积一定,符合反比例的意义;所以把一根铁丝截成同样长的小段,截成的段数和每段的长度成反比例;故选:B.26.解:如图从右面看到的图形是:.27.解:①因为对于任意自然数x,x+0.7>x,0.7x≤x,所以x+0.7一定大于0.7x;原题说法正确;②2020÷4=505,所以,2020年一定是闰年;原题说法正确;③如果有两个角的内角和是95°,这两个角中可能含有钝角,也可能含有锐角,还有可能含有直角;根据三角形的分类可知:这个三角形可能是锐角三角形,可能是直角三角形,可能是钝角三角形;原题说法错误.所以只有2句是正确的.故选:C.28.解:因为V圆锥=Sh,V圆柱=SH,所以V圆锥÷S=h,V圆柱÷s=H,又因为V圆锥=V圆柱,s=s,所以圆锥的高是圆柱的3倍,圆柱的高是9厘米,圆锥的高:9×3=27(厘米).故选:B.29.解:4%=0.04=4%≠4.故选:B.30.解:(X+30)÷2(元)答:一条裤子(X+30)÷2元.故选:B.31.解:根据分析可知,当x为奇数时,3x+4的结果一定是奇数.当x为偶数时,3x+4,2x+6的结果一定是偶数.所以是2的整数倍的有:4,2x+6,0,这三个数.故选:B.32.解:根据分析可知:东偏南的相反方向是西偏北,角度是30°,所以小红家在学校的东偏南30度方向,学校在小红家的西偏北30度方向.故选:C.四.应用题(共5小题,满分31分)33.解:120÷(1﹣40%)=200(页)答:这本书共200页.34.解:3.14×(20÷2)2×22+3.14×(20÷2)2×3=3.14×100×(22+3)=3.14×100×25=7850(立方厘米)7850立方厘米=7.85升答:这个纯净水水桶的容积是7.85升.35.解:120÷(5﹣4)×(5+4)=120×9=1080(个)答:这批零件共有1080个.36.解:1200÷48=25(分钟)7:20+25分=7时45分7:45﹣7::25=20(分钟)1200÷20=60(米/分)答:行走的速度至少是60米/分才不会迟到.37.解:(1)224÷(7×2)=224÷14=16(升)答:平均每天用16升油;(2)480÷16=30(天)16×45=720(升)864÷16=54(天)填表如下:食用油的升数480升720升864升可使用天数30天45天54天。
新乡医学院2018级专升本临床医学毕业统考试题及答案(一)班级:2020年下学期成绩:80.0分一、单选题(题数:100,共100.0 分)1关于盆腔子宫内膜异位症,正确的是( )(1.0分)1.0 分A、子宫内膜异位症具有远处转移和种植能力, 故为癌前病变B、子宫内膜异位症的发病为异位内膜随卵巢激素变化而发生的周期性出血C、卵巢子宫内膜异位症较少见D、卵巢巧克力囊肿最大不超过8cmE、卵巢子宫内膜异位囊肿,最恰当的治疗方法是手术切除我的答案:B2婴儿腹泻易发生脱水的原因( )(1.0分)0.0 分A、体液少B、水代谢旺盛C、免疫功能差D、呕吐E、消化酶分泌少我的答案:A3下列婴儿期特点不包括( )(1.0分)1.0 分A、需要摄入较多的热量和营养素B、出生后到满1周岁之前C、除生殖系统外其他系统已发育成熟。
D、为小儿出生后生长发育最迅速的时期E、抗病能力较弱,易患传染病和感染性疾病我的答案:C4目前普查宫颈癌的主要方法是( )(1.0分)1.0 分A、阴道脱落细胞检查B、阴道镜检查C、子宫颈刮片检查D、子宫内膜检查E、活组织检查我的答案:C5关于结核菌素试验,以下哪项错误( )(1.0分)1.0 分A、一般注入0. lml含5U结核菌素液B、测定局部硬结的直径,纵、横直径的平均值判断反应强度C、于前臂掌侧中、下1/3交界处皮内注射D、注射皮丘直径10~15mmE、注入后48~72h观察反应结果我的答案:D6患者产后四个月,突然抽搐,CT证实为颅内占位,手术后病理为绒癌脑转移,为进一步治疗,鞘内注射化疗药应首选( )(1.0分)1.0 分A、KSMB、5-FUC、MTXD、VCRE、CTX我的答案:C7关于人工流产,正确的是( )(1.0分)1.0 分A、术后检查吸出物有无绒毛胎囊B、妊娠10-14周行吸宫术C、妊娠10周行钳刮术D、人工流产仅指负压吸宫术E、带器妊娠不能行人工流产术我的答案:A8再生障碍性贫血属于( )(1.0分)0.0 分A、造血调节因子异常B、失血性贫血C、红细胞破坏过多D、干细胞疾病E、缺乏造血原料我的答案:E9肱骨闭合性骨折并伴有桡神经损伤的处理原则是(1.0分)0.0 分A、物理疗法B、处理骨折后观察2~3个月C、给予大剂量神经营养药物D、立即手术探查松解神经E、先手术吻合神经再处理骨折我的答案:D10血管扩张剂治疗心衰的主要作用机制是( )(1.0分)1.0 分A、改善心肌顺应性B、增加心排量C、降低心脏前后负荷D、减慢心率E、扩张冠状动脉我的答案:C11子宫内膜癌最便捷的诊断方法( )(1.0分)1.0 分A、磁共振B、超声C、腹腔镜D、诊断学刮宫E、透视我的答案:D12肠结核的好发部位是( )(1.0分)1.0 分A、以上全不是B、升结肠C、降结肠D、回盲部E、直肠我的答案:D13关于胎儿电子监测,提示脐带受压的是( )(1.0分)1.0 分A、加速B、变异减速C、NST无反应型D、早期减速E、晚期减速我的答案:B14关于女性骨盆结构的描述, 下述哪项是正确的( )(1.0分)1.0 分A、中骨盆平面横径比前后径大B、中骨盆平面是骨盆最窄平面C、骨盆入口前后径比横径大D、由骶骨构成尾骨E、站立时骨盆入口平面与地平面平行我的答案:B15麻疹合并肺炎时,应隔离至出疹后的( )(1.0分)1.0 分A、10dB、3dC、7dD、14dE、5d我的答案:A16小儿乳牙萌出延迟是指( )(1.0分)1.0 分A、生后18个月后未萌出乳牙者B、生后10个月后未萌出乳牙者C、生后8个月后未萌出乳牙者D、生后24个月后未萌出乳牙者E、生后12个月后未萌出乳牙者我的答案:E17固定子宫颈位置防止子宫下垂的主要结构是( )(1.0分)1.0 分A、主韧带B、圆韧带C、骶骨韧带D、圆韧带+骶骨韧带E、阔韧带.我的答案:A18早孕出现最早及最重要的症状是( )(1.0分)1.0 分A、恶心呕吐B、停经史C、尿频D、乳房胀痛E、腹痛我的答案:B19卵巢动脉由哪支动脉发出: ( )(1.0分)1.0 分A、阴道动脉B、阴部内动脉C、髂内动脉前干分支D、子宫动脉E、腹主动脉我的答案:E20新生儿期是指( )(1.0分)0.0 分A、自出生后脐带结扎时起至生后7天的时期B、胎儿娩出脐带结扎至28天的时期C、胎儿娩出脐带结扎至生后1个月D、自出生后脐带结扎时起至生后30天的时期E、胎儿娩出脐带结扎至21天我的答案:C。
1.图示体系为 aA.几何不变无多余约束B.几何不变有多余约束C.几何常变D.几何瞬变2.图示体系的几何组成为 bA.几何不变无多余约束B.几何不变有多余约束C.瞬变体系D.可变体系3.图示体系的计算自由度为 dA.0B.1C.-1D.-24.图示平面体系的几何组成为 cA.几何不变无多余约束B.几何不变有多余约束C.瞬变体系D.几何可变体系5.联结三个刚片的铰结点,相当的约束个数为 cA.2个 B.3个 C.4个 D.5个6.一个平面体系中有两个刚片,用单铰相联,则其自由度为 4 。
7.图示结构一共设置了五个支座链杆,对于保持其几何不变来说有多余约束,其中第 5 根链杆是必要约束。
9.图示平面体系结点K 的单铰数目等于 2 。
10.平面体系的计算自由度等于 -2 。
11.对平面体系作几何组成分析时,所谓自由度是指 确定体系平面位置所需的独立坐标数 。
12.图示体系的几何组成分析的结论是 几何不变无多余约束 。
13.从几何构造上分析,图示结构为 瞬变体系 。
C D B14.静定结构有温度变化时 cA.无变形,无位移,无内力B.有变形,有位移,有内力C.有变形, 有位移,无内力D.无变形, 有位移,无内力15.静定结构的内力计算与 aA.EI 无关B.EI 相对值有关C.EI 绝对值有关D.E 无关,I 有关16.在图示结构中,M A 、M C (设下面受拉为正)为 cA.M A =0,M C =Fa/2B.M A = 2Fa ,M C =2FaC.M A = Fa ,M C =FaD.M A =- Fa ,M C =Fa17.在图示结构中,M A 、M B (设内侧受拉为正)为 dA.M A=- Fa,M B=FaB.M A=0,M B=-FaC.M A= Fa,M B=FaD.M A=0,M B=Fa18.在图示结构中,杆端弯矩M BA为(设左侧受拉为正)为 cA. 2FaB. 2FaC. 3FaD. -3Fa19.在图示结构中 bA.ABC段有内力B.ABC段无内力C. CDE段无内力D.全梁有内力20.在图示结构中,杆端弯矩M DC为(设下侧受拉为正)为 cA.-FaB. FaC. -1/2 FaD.1/2 Fa21.三铰拱在竖向满跨均布荷载作用下,合理拱轴线是 bA.圆弧线B.抛物线C.悬链线D.椭圆线22.图示桁架中,1、2杆的内力为 DA.F N1>0,F N2>0B. F N1<0,F N2<0C. F N1=-F N2D. F N1=F N2=023.在相同跨度及竖向荷载下,拱脚等高的三铰拱,水平推力随矢高减小而增大。
(5分)参.差(cān cēn shēn)行.伍(háng xíng hàng)别墅.(sù shù yě)厌恶.(è wùě)装载.(zǎi zhài zài)恐吓.(hè xià hē)边塞.(sāi sè sài)目的.(dì dí de)开辟.(pì bì pī)大厦.(xià shà sà)2.下列加点字注音全都正确的一组是()。
(4分)(1)不.知不.觉不.卑不.亢络绎不.绝不.计其数①bú búbú bú bù bú②bù bù bù bú bù bú③bù bú bú bú bú bù④bú bù bù bù bú bù正确的一组答案是()。
(2)争一.口气一.朝一.夕一.叶扁舟一.知半解①yì yì yì yí yì②yí yí yì yí yì③yí yì yí yí yí④yì yì yì yì yí正确的一组答案是()。
2022届广东省广州市普通高中毕业班综合测试(一)英语试题 (含听力)(4)一、听力选择题1.A.His aunt will buy him an e-dictionary.B.His aunt paid too much for the e-dictionary.C.The woman needn’t buy an e-dictionary.D.He doesn’t know how much an e-dictionary costs.2. What will the man do next?A.Close a window.B.Catch a mouse.C.Leave the room.3.A.Tim’s not seriously injured.B.Tim will get to the hospital quickly.C.The woman’s heard all about Tim’s illness.D.The woman doesn’t know how Tim is now.4. What are the speakers talking about?A.The man’s weekend plans.B.The man’s school life.C.The man’s friends.5. What is the woman's problem?A.She has lost her way.B.She has lost her luggage.C.She has lost her daughter.二、听力选择题6. 听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。
1. Where does the conversation take place?A.In an office.B.In a hotel.C.On the phone.2. Who is responsible for the job advertisement?A.The manager.B.The chef.C.The woman.3. How much can a waiter earn for an hour’s work?A.£5.50.B.£7.70.C.£11.02.4. What can a waiter get from the job?A.A break for two hours.B.A meal free of charge.C.Free accommodation.7. 听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。
2022届河北省石家庄市高中毕业班教学质量检测(一)英语试题学校:___________姓名:___________班级:___________考号:___________一、阅读理解Guided Tours in the British MuseumAround the world in 70 minutes tourExplore some of the most famous objects on display at the Museum. See the details of the characterful Lewis Chessmen, surprise yourself at the ancient texts on the world-famous Rosetta Stone and get closer to more highlights from the collection.Time:11:30〜12:40, 13 Feb 2022—29 May 2022Price: £14 (Adults and children aged 12+)Life and death in ancient EgyptDiscover how people lived and died in ancient Egypt, and explore their hopes for the afterlife. From statues and models of daily life to wall paintings, investigate what tombs and burial goods tell us about the lives of ancient Egyptians.Time: 09:00〜10:00, 13 Feb 2022-18 Dec 2022Price: £33; £30 (students, disabled visitors); £16.50 (Ages 5—15 years); Free for under 5sAn introduction to ChinaGain an insight into the development of Chinese history and culture from 5000 BC to the present day. Appreciate the exhibits featuring Tang dynasty tomb figures and Ming dynasty blue-and-white porcelain.Time: 09:00〜10:00, 19 Feb 2022—17 Dec 2022Price: £33; £30 (students, disabled visitors); £16.50 (Ages 5—15 years); Free for under 5sAn introduction to ancient GreeceStart from the rise of the Greek city states to the empire of Alexander the Great. Enjoy some of the highlights of the collection, including sculptures from the Parthenon and the Mausoleum of Halikamassos, regarded as one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World.Time: 09:00〜10:00, 24 Feb 2022-26 Jun 2022Price: £33; £30 (students, disabled visitors); £16.50 (Ages 5—15 years); Free for under5s1.When can you see the Rosetta Stone?A.At 9:30, 15 Feb.B.At 11:30, 26 May.C.At 12:00, 6 Jun.D.At 12:30, 17 Dec.2.What can people do in the tour of Life and death in ancient Egypt?A.Explore ancient tombs and burial goods.B.Witness the development of the country.C.Visit most famous galleries of the country.D.Appreciate sculptures from the Parthenon.3.How much should a couple with a child aged 6 pay for An introduction to China? A.£33.B.£49.5.C.£66.D.£82.5.Bob Shahmardi was 4 years old when he developed a severe disease. Success rates with the disease were relatively low at that time, but his family was lucky to live in a community that was helpful when they didn’t have many resources and it was at that time thatMake-A-Wish stepped in. Through that organization, the Shahmardi family got to enjoy a trip to Walt Disney World Resort in Florida. The then 4-year-old hugged a character actor as part of a wish granted to him and his family by the organization. “It wasn’t just going on a trip. It was more about how we got through that hard time. It was fun for me, but it was lifeline for my parents. ” said Bob.30 years later, Bob and his wife, Jill Welch, decided to turn their wedding into a fundraiser for the Make-A-Wish Foundation. Their wedding guests financed two wishes for local children, more being planned. Many donated generously to the cause, spending more, perhaps, than they might have if it was just to buy the couple a wedding gift like fine china or a kitchen appliance. Bob said their wedding donation to the Make-A-Wish Foundation isn’t going to be “one and done”. The two plan on continuing to contribute going forward.Gloria Crockett, president and chief executive officer of the organization, said she felt it amazing to have someone who benefited come back to pay it forward to other kids looking for wishes.Contrary to popular belief, Gloria stressed that wishes aren’t given to critically ill children as a “last wish”, but are given as a part of the treatment process. The organization granted at least 165 wishes last year. This year Gloria hopes to grant somewhere between 199and 299 wishes, depending on funding.4.Which of the following helped Bob realize his wish?A.The hospital.B.Make-A-Wish.C.The community.D.Disney World. 5.What made Bob’s wedding special?A.Collecting money for local kids.B.Receiving expensive gifts.C.The attendance of officials.D.The number of the guests.6.What does the underlined part “one and done” in Paragraph 2 mean?A.Once-only.B.Non-stop.C.Sizable.D.Personal. 7.What did Gloria think of the wish given to Bob?A.It was a fun experience.B.It was a lifeline.C.It was a certain treatment.D.It was a last wish.In Spain, children and their families are riding bikes to school together in large groups. The program is called “bicibús” or bike bus. In Barcelona, the program started recently with only five children and grew quickly to hundreds of riders.This fall, children in the Eixample area of Barcelona have a new way to get to school on Fridays—they ride their bikes. In September, a group of five children began biking to school with their parents on Fridays. Soon the group grew to 150 or more. The bike bus begins around 8:25 every Friday morning. The path it will follow is always posted ahead of time, so everyone knows where to join.Instead of riding in bike lanes (道) or on sidewalks, the bicibús takes over the entire street. The commute (通勤) of these bikers takes about 25 minutes. And with theever-growing cycling and skating kids taking part in this bike bus culture, the local police are helping stop traffic by riding in front of the bicibús and behind it. This further makes the parents happy that the additional security means their children will travel safely to school.With music playing and bike bells ringing, the bicibús feels like a party. “The best part of the bicibús is that we ride along and pick up my friends and we ride together,”nine-year-old Maria Pitarch says.Some parents have made the bicibús the way they get to work on Friday. Parents are hoping that the bicibús will help change ideas about how people can get around in the city. They want the city to create wider, kid-friendly bike lanes that are separate from car traffic. They point out that the bicibús also helps cut down on pollution.Recently, pictures and videos of the Eixample bicibús got a lot of attention on the social media site. Many people pointed out what a simple idea it is, and how easy it is to get started. Already some other areas in Barcelona are also organizing bike buses.8.What can we learn about the bicibús?A.It has a flexible schedule.B.Its route is made known in advance. C.It takes over the whole sidewalks.D.Its safety is a concern for parents. 9.Why does the author mention Maria Pitarch in the fourth paragraph?A.To introduce more about the bike bus.B.To encourage readers to join the bike bus.C.To acknowledge the performance of the kids.D.To show the enjoyment kids get from the program.10.What do the parents expect the local government to do?A.Cut down on pollution.B.Focus on traffic problems.C.Build safer bike lanes for kids.D.Promote the bicibús program. 11.What is the public’s attitude toward the bus bike?A.Skeptical.B.Tolerant.C.Cautious.D.Favorable.When someone damages their backbone, the injury can leave them paralyzed (瘫痪). Now, scientists have given three paralyzed men the ability to walk again, thanks to an implanted device.The human backbone, or spine, doesn’t just help us stand up straight. Inside is the spinal cord, which carries important information between the head and the lower part of the body. This information moves around as bursts of electricity traveling between the brain and the other parts of the body. When the spinal cord is hurt, this pathway gets damaged and they can’t move their legs.Now scientists in Switzerland have given three paralyzed men the ability to walk again. To help them walk again, the men had surgery. A special device was placed directly on the lower part of their spinal cord, below their injury. This “implant” contained sixteen electrodes, which are small objects that electricity can pass through. The researchers made sure the electrodes were lined up with nerves that control the leg muscles. The scientists controlled the implants from a tablet computer.The patient’s brains aren’t sending “walking” messages to their legs. Instead, the tablettells the implant to send the walking messages. The researchers used computers to generate patterns of movement, like taking a step. The patient then uses the tablet to choose the pattern and the muscles move in the chosen way. Over time, the men were able to walk using a special walker with buttons to control each leg.The solution isn’t perfect. It’s very expensive, it requires difficult surgery, and the patients can’t walk without the system. But the scientists are hopeful that in the future, this sort of technology will allow many paralyzed people to begin to walk again in just hours. 12.What's the main function of the spinal cord?A.It serves as a message carrier.B.It helps people stand up straight.C.It takes control of the muscles.D.It produces signals for movements. 13.What is the implanted device expected to do?A.Activate the damaged nerves.B.Identify the position of the injury. C.Test the degree of the damage.D.Bridge the nerve gap made by the injury. 14.What is Paragraph 4 mainly about?A.How the surgery is performed.B.How the device works on patients. C.How the patients walk without aid.D.How movement patterns are designed. 15.Which can be the best title of the text?A.Damaged nerves recover after surgery.B.Tablets are used in a medical treatment.C.Implant helps the paralyzed walk again.D.Scientists made a discovery on backbones.二、七选五Wildlife workers in Florida are feeding manatees to keep them from starving.____16____ So far, the rescue workers have already given out 25 tons of lettuce.Manatees are huge sea mammals that can be as long as 4 meters whengrown.____17____ In spite of their size, manatees only eat plants that live in the sea. That’s one reason they’re sometimes called “sea cows”. They spend most of their time in warm shallow water looking for food.But Florida’s manatees have been on the US government’s list of endangered animals since 1967. Most threats to manatees come from humans. One of the biggest problems facingthe creatures are boats. ____18____ Manatees are curious and fairly slow, which has led to thousands of manatees being injured or killed.____19____At one point, there were only about 2, 000 manatees left in Florida. But by 2016, there were roughly 8,800 manatees.But now manatees are facing a new challenge: they can't get enough to eat. Many of the beds of sea grass that manatees depend upon have been killed by human-caused pollution. Sea grass began to disappear around 2011. Warming seas, combined with polluted water and fertilizers that have washed off of farmlands, have created huge growths of algae on the ocean’s surface.Last year, 1,101 manatees died from starving.____20____ Many of the manatees that remain are so thin that their ribs can be seen. Often they have trouble swimming.So last December, wildlife experts came up with a plan to get emergency food to the manatees. They decided to feed them green vegetables like lettuce and cabbage. Long term, Florida is working to help restore sea grass beds. But that will take time.A.That was a record.B.They can weigh up to 590 kilograms.C.The feeding station has been very successful.D.With protection, manatees managed to bounce back.E.It blocks the sunlight that allows the sea grass to grow.F.But feeding these massive sea creatures takes a lot of food.G.Research needs to be done to determine what food would be best.三、完形填空A couple of years ago, I stepped off the subway in Upper Manhattan, worn out after a long and stressful day at work,____21____ about the warmth of my bed. I stopped in a grocery store on the way to my apartment to buy a bag of popcorn.A man about three times my size ____22____ in front of me at the cash register and turned toward me, telling me I looked____23____. I smiled uncomfortably and became noticeably more ____24____, as a young woman does when a ____25____ man starts talking to her at night. He turned toward the cashier and said that he was going to get my snack too. I politely declined his ____26____ and was already pulling out my wallet, but this manwouldn’t ____27____ me to say no. He ____28____ the cashier a couple of extra dollars to cover my popcorn and told me that he hoped my ____29____ got better. He walked out of the ____30____ and I never saw him again.The world could use a little more ____31____ . Most of the time, it’s so ____32____ to get caught up in your own routine and everyday personal worries that we just don’t remember to ____33____ those around us. The man who ____34____ for my popcorn has ____35____ with me and inspired me to pay it forward to others who look like they could use a hand. 21.A.dreaming B.worrying C.forgetting D.inquiring 22.A.hid B.stood C.served D.shouted 23.A.embarrassed B.annoyed C.excited D.tired 24.A.ashamed B.curious C.alarmed D.energetic 25.A.rude B.strange C.considerate D.strong 26.A.invitation B.application C.reward D.offer 27.A.allow B.remind C.force D.convince 28.A.cast B.lent C.handed D.spared 29.A.career B.health C.stay D.night 30.A.company B.store C.apartment D.station 31.A.kindness B.patience C.strength D.respect 32.A.relaxing B.embarrassing C.easy D.critical 33.A.rely on B.wait on C.knock into D.tune into 34.A.charged B.hunted C.paid D.fought 35.A.dealt B.stuck C.debated D.agreed四、用单词的适当形式完成短文阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。
《房屋建筑学》毕业综合测试题 一、单项选择题1.1.房间开间与进深尺寸确定时,宜采用的模数为房间开间与进深尺寸确定时,宜采用的模数为房间开间与进深尺寸确定时,宜采用的模数为 B B。
A.1M B.3M C.6M D.12M 2.2.建筑基本模数的数值为建筑基本模数的数值为建筑基本模数的数值为 A A。
A.100mm B.200mm C.300mm D.400mm3.3.下列各种基础,属于柔性基础的是下列各种基础,属于柔性基础的是下列各种基础,属于柔性基础的是 D D。
A.A.混凝土基础混凝土基础混凝土基础 B. B.毛石基础毛石基础 C. C.砖基础砖基础 D. D.钢筋混凝土基础钢筋混凝土基础4.4.一般情况下,梁板式楼板中主梁的高是跨度的一般情况下,梁板式楼板中主梁的高是跨度的一般情况下,梁板式楼板中主梁的高是跨度的 b b。
A.1A.1//6~1/8 B.1/8~1/12 C.1/1212~~1/18 D.1/2~1/3 5.5.房间的剖面形状设计时,主要是根据房间的剖面形状设计时,主要是根据房间的剖面形状设计时,主要是根据 A A 要求确定的。
A.使用功能使用功能B. B.物质技术物质技术C. C.经济条件经济条件D. D.空间艺术效果空间艺术效果6.6.建筑的构成三要素中建筑的构成三要素中建筑的构成三要素中 A A 是建筑的目的,起着主导作用。
A.建筑功能建筑功能B. B.建筑的物质技术条件建筑的物质技术条件C. C.建筑形象建筑形象D. D.建筑的经济性建筑的经济性7.7.下列建筑物,不属于居住类建筑的是下列建筑物,不属于居住类建筑的是下列建筑物,不属于居住类建筑的是 C C 。
A.宿舍宿舍 B. B.住宅住宅 C. C.宾馆宾馆 D. D.公寓公寓8.8.砌筑砖基础时,宜采用的砂浆是砌筑砖基础时,宜采用的砂浆是砌筑砖基础时,宜采用的砂浆是 B B。
秘密★启用前试卷类型:A 广东省广州市2023年普通高中毕业班综合测试(一)英语本试卷满分120分。
ASummer is coming. Are you looking for a part-time job? Here are some possible options.LifeguardAre you a strong swimmer and a good communicator? Would you like a challenge? We are looking for lifeguards for our busy summer season. No experience is necessary as you will get two weeks of training before you start the job. As well as being physically fit, you need to be available for work Mon-Fri,7-11 a.m.Store assistantWe are looking for store assistants for our busy gift store. Applicants need to be reliable, friendly, and enjoy speaking to customers. A second language is preferred as many of our customers are tourists from other countries. The positions are part-time and you need to work from Thursday to Sunday,10 a.m.-4 p.m.Fashion designerAre you interested in the latest styles? Are you creative and good at art? If so, Dresswise is looking for a young person to create new looks for our teen department. This is a great opportunity to gain experience in the clothing industry. You will need to work four days a week and we'll pay you for each design we use. We’ll also give you samples of your designs to wear.Game testerAre you into technology and creative? Would you like to play and test educational games and get paid for it? This is an exciting part-time job for somebody who loves playing games. We offer flexible hours. If this is for you, write a description of your favorite game and why you like it in no more than 150 words.Ifyouareinterestedinanyoftheabovejobs,****************************************.21.What is a shared requirement for lifeguard and store assistant?municative ability.C.Professional experience.B.A second language.D.A strong body.22.Which job can you apply for if you can only work on weekends?A.Lifeguard.C.Fashion designer.B.Store assistant.D.Game tester.23.What can you get from the job as a fashion designer?A.Samples of the latest styles.B.Payment for each of your designs.C.Experience in the fashion industry.D.Chances to design clothes for adults.BDella Steward got the standard well-wishes on her blog on her 53rd birthday, but she got some unusual messages too. One was about the Smith family who had just lost their four-year-old son to cancer. His older brother was in deep sorrow. Could Della help?That message and the 30 or so others like it were exactly what Della was looking for. To celebrate her 53rd,the long-time social service professional had put out a call on herb log. She wanted to commit 53 random acts of kindness by the end of her birth month, and she needed information on people who could use one. When she got the note about the Smith family,she sent a wind chime(风铃)with the message “Listen to the wind and know that I am near” written on it. It now hangs in the four-year-old's bedroom, where his older brother can go to listen to it whenever he wants.This is not the first time that Della has decided to give gifts for her birthday. For her 47th,in 2016,she founded Love in Action, an organization committed to doing something good near her home and beyond. Its aim is simple: Do Your Best, Show Your Love!Over the years, the organization has reached out and touched well over 100 strangers, some found via Della's blog, others with help from her grandkids. The organization also shares inexpensive and creative gift ideas for others to help people in need.Della pays for everything herself: gift cards, pay-it-forward purchases at drive-throughs ,and care packages, as well as the gas it takes to play fairy. Her family often gives her some extra birthday cash with a serious warning against spending it on anyone else, which she naturally ignores. “I got a couple of gift cards for my birthday this year and was like 'YESSS!'” It's Della's party, and she'll give if she wants to.24.What were the unusual messages Della got on her 53rd birthday?A.Help requests.C.Donation offers.B.Gift ideas.D.Birthday wishes.25. What can we learn about Della from her gift to the Smith family?A.She is caring and brave.B.She is loving and helpful.C.She is patient and romantic.D.She is creative and determined.26.Which of the following best describes Love in Action?A. It involves people in acts of kindness.B.It holds the belief that kindness pays off.C.It offers aid within Della's neighborhood.D.It mainly aims to educate kids to help out.27. Why does Della's family give her warnings?A. She thinks little of her family's concern.B.She treats strangers better than her family.C.She is financially dependent on her family.D. She is too ready to give away her birthday gifts.CBeavers(海狸),like humans,change their surroundings to fit their needs. Known as nature’s engineers, they tear trees down to build homes to live in and dams to raise water levels for protection from endemics. Dams also slow water's flow while blocking sediment(沉积物)that would otherwise flow downstream. The resulting wetlands often attract wildlife diversity where none had existed. There are challenges, though. Beaver dams sometimes cause flooding, and most people prefer trees alive and upright.Communities face a delicate balancing act, learning to coexist with beavers. Last winter, many people enjoying Winston Path became beaver fans as one furry family transformed Swallow Pond into an oasis for birds, frogs, turtles and deer.Yet such activity caused concern. As beavers worked, they raised water levels about five feet. The increased depth allows beavers to survive underwater if the pond ices over. But county officials were concerned about how higher water would affect the soil bank supporting Winston Path.To find a good balance between protecting the path and the beavers, the county introduced a “beaver baffle”- a pond leveler. Beavers often rush to fill holes in their dams. Baffles stabilize water levels by creating a hidden exit for high water to escape through the dam, unnoticed by the beavers.People love the beavers but they also love the mature trees. Recently, Catherine Jones,18, organized atree-caging event-putting wire cloth around large tree trunks to discourage beavers from biting them. It also protects people from injury due to random trees falling. “We cover the trees we don't want them to eat, while planting periodically others they like,” said Jones. “We need-to learn to give up a little of our wants to share the Earth's resources.”Swallow Pond's 2023 project will restore proper water depth and improve wildlife habitat without creating problems for the path. The balancing act continues.28.What is the first paragraph mainly about?A.Where beavers' favorite surroundings are.B.What effects beavers have on their habitat.C.Why beavers are called nature's engineers.D.How beavers help attract wildlife diversity.29.Why did the beaver family's activity cause concern?A.Swallow Pond would flood often.B.Sediment would flow downstream.C.The popular path might be damaged.D.Beavers might have to live underwater.30. What do the underlined words “beaver baffle” refer to in paragraph 4?A.A block to keep beavers away.B.A tool to fix holes in the dams.C.A device to maintain water level.D.A material to protect the soil bank.31.What is the theme of Swallow Pond's 2023 project?A.Biological diversity.B.Harmonious coexistence.C.Prevention of natural disasters.D.Preservation of wildlife habitat.DSome bacteria(细菌)have a superpower that scientists would love to use. These bacteria gain energy from light,just as plants do. Scientists have wanted to use cyanobacteria(蓝藻菌)to make electricity. But in previous research, they didn't survive long on artificial surfaces. Researchers have now moved them to a living surface - a mushroom. Their creation is the first mushroom to make electricity.Applied Physicist Simon Jackson and his team turned that mushroom into a mini energy farm. This bionic(生物电子的)mushroom combines 3D printing,conductive ink and bacteria to generate electricity. Its design could lead to new ways of combining nature with electronics.Like plants,cyanobacteria make their own food from sunlight,releasing electrons(电子). When enough electrons build up in one place, they can create an electric current.The researchers needed to bring a lot of these bacteria together. They decided to use 3D printing to place them precisely onto a surface. Jackson's team chose mushrooms for that surface. After all, they realized, mushrooms naturally host communities of bacteria and other microbes. Finding test subjects for their tests was easy. Jackson simply went to the grocery store and picked up white button mushrooms.Printing on those mushrooms, though, turned out to be a real challenge.3D printers have been designed to print on flat surfaces, but mushroom caps are curved. The researchers spent months writing computer code to solve the problem. Eventually, they came up with a program to 3D print their ink onto the curved mushroom tops.The researchers printed two “inks” onto their mushrooms. One was a green ink made of cyanobacteria. They used this to make a spiral pattern on the cap. They also, used a black ink made of graphene, which is great at conducting electricity. They printed this ink in a branching pattern across the mushroom top.Then it was time to shine.“Cyanobacteria are the real heroes here,” says Jackson. When his team shone light on the mushrooms, thebacteria gave out electrons. Those electrons flowed into the graphene and created an electric current.32.What was the problem in previous research?A. Cyanobacteria didn't produce electrons.B. Cyanobacteria couldn't get enough light.C. The researchers chose the wrong bacteria.D .No suitable home was made for cyanobacteria.33.Why were mushrooms finally chosen as test subjects?A.They are convenient to find.B.They can produce electric currents.C.They are where bacteria can naturally grow.D.They can be easily combined with 3D printing.34. What is the major function of the black ink in this test?A.To feed bacteria.B.To deliver electrons.C.To produce electricity.D.To reshape mushroom tops.35.Which of the following is a suitable title for the text?A.Who are the real heroes?B.New application of 3D printingC.Nature combined with electronsD.Bionic mushroom makes electricity第二节(共5小题:每小题2.5分,满分12.5分)阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
2024年广州市普通高中毕业班综合测试(一)英语试题全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇12024 年广州市普通高中毕业班综合测试(一)英语试题Part I Listening Comprehension (30 marks)Section A (10 marks)Directions: In this section, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a conversation and the question about it, read the four possible answers and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard.1. A. Congratulations!B. Let me see.C. Good idea.D. Thank you.2. A. At a cafe.B. At a library.C. At an airport.D. At a hotel.3. A. It’s a beautiful day.B. It’s a long journey.C. It’s worth the price.D. It’s hard to find.4. A. By phone.B. By letter.C. In person.D. By email.5. A. By 7:00.B. By 7:30.C. By 8:00.D. By 8:30.6. A. He feels sick.B. He wants a drink.C. He’s ready to leave.D. He’s lost his passport.7. A. By walking.B. By subway.C. By car.D. By bus.8. A. Every day.B. Every other day.C. Once a week.D. Once a month.9. A. A cup of coffee.B. A piece of cake.C. A glass of juice.D. A bowl of noodles.10. A. The woman is asking for an address.B. The man is showing the way to the woman.C. The woman is giving directions to the man.D. The man is lost and asking for help.Section B (10 marks)Directions: In this section, you will hear a passage. There are five questions on the passage. You will hear the passage twice. After you hear the passage, you have 60 seconds to answer the questions.11. What did the man recently buy?A. A new car.B. A new house.C. A new camera.D. A new computer.12. What does the woman think about the man’s purchase?A. She thinks it’s a waste of money.B. She thinks it’s a good investment.C. She thinks it’s unnecessary.D. She thinks it’s too expensive.13. What does the man say about the camera?A. It’s easy to use.B. It’s not worth the price.C. It’s hard to carry.D. It’s old-fashioned.14. What did the man do with his old camera?A. He sold it.B. He gave it to his friend.C. He kept it as a backup.D. He threw it away.15. What is the woman’s suggestion to the man?A. To return the camera.B. To buy a better camera.C. To take more photos.D. To take a photography class.Section C (10 marks)Directions: In this section, you will hear ten short dialogues. At the end of each dialogue, a question will be asked about what was said. The dialogues and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a dialogue and the question about it, readthe four possible answers and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard.16. A. It’s raining.B. It’s snowing.C. It’s windy.D. It’s sunny.17. A. Concert.B. Exhibition.C. Movie.D. Play.18. A. Movies.B. Books.C. Music.D. Sports.19. A. The man can’t hear the woman clearly.B. The man doesn’t understand the woman.C. The man agrees with the woman’s opinion.D. The man wants to change the subject.20. A. Weather.B. Traffic.C. Food.D. Sports.21. A. It’s very nice.B. It’s too small.C. It’s a bit old.D. It’s too expensive.22. A. In a park.B. In a museum.C. In a cafe.D. In a library.23. A. In a hospital.B. In a hotel.C. In a school.D. In a restaurant.24. A. On April 15th.B. In the morning.C. By taxi.D. With his friend.25. A. He has lost his phone.B. He can’t find his keys.C. He has forgotten his umbrella.D. He is locked out of his house.Part II Reading Comprehension (40 marks)Section A (10 marks)Directions: In this section, you will read a passage and answer the questions. You may choose multiple answers to the questions.Does your family have a plan for an emergency? Consider creating a family emergency plan. If an emergency happens, like power outages, storms, or accidents, it’s important to know what to do. Your plan should include how to contact each other, where to go, and what to take with you. Do you have a meeting location outside your home? Do you have emergency supplieslike food, water, and first aid kits? Practice your plan so everyone knows what to do in an emergency.26. What is the main idea of this passage?A. It’s important to have a family emergency plan.B. Accidents happen when you least expect them.C. A family emergency plan is not necessary.D. Everyone should buy first aid kits.27. What should be included in a family emergency plan?A. Contact information.B. Meeting location.C. Emergency supplies.D. All of the above.28. How can you practice your family emergency plan?A. Have regular meetings.B. Discuss the plan with your neighbors.C. Keep the plan a secret.D. Forget about the plan.29. When should you create a family emergency plan?A. After an emergency happens.B. Before an emergency happens.C. When you have free time.D. When you are on vacation.30. Why is it important to have emergency supplies?A. To make your family happy.B. To impress your friends.C. To use in case of an emergency.D. To save money.Section B (10 marks)Directions: There are 3 passages in this section. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them, there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the best answer to each question or the best completion to each statement.Passage OneGardening is the practice of growing and cultivating plants as part of horticulture. In gardens, decorative plants are often grown for their flowers, foliage, or overall appearance; useful plants, such as root vegetables, leaf vegetables, fruits, and herbs, are grown for consumption, for use as dyes, or for medicinal or cosmetic use. Gardening is considered by many people to be a relaxing activity.31. What is gardening according to the passage?A. The practice of selling plants.B. The practice of growing plants.C. The practice of cutting plants.D. The practice of watering plants.32. Why are useful plants grown in gardens?A. For their flowers.B. For their appearance.C. For consumption.D. For use as dyes.33. How is gardening considered by many people?A. As a stressful activity.B. As a boring activity.C. As a relaxing activity.D. As a dangerous activity.34. What is not mentioned as a reason for growing plants?A. For medicinal use.B. For cosmetic use.C. For entertainment.D. For consumption.Passage TwoMusic therapy is the use of music to improve clients’ physical and mental health. Music therapists are professionals trained to use music and its elements to help people improve their quality of life. Music therapy is useful for people of all ages, but it is especially helpful for children with autism, individuals with Alzheimer’s disease, and older adults with dementia.35. What is music therapy according to the passage?A. The use of music to improve health.B. The use of music for entertainment.C. The use of music for exercise.D. The use of music for dancing.36. Who are music therapists trained to help?A. Only children.B. Only adults.C. People of all ages.D. Pets.37. Who is music therapy especially helpful for?A. Children with pets.B. Children with autism.C. Healthy individuals.D. Cats with Alzheimer’s disease.38. What is not mentioned as a group of people who benefit from music therapy?A. Individuals with Alzheimer's disease.B. Older adults with dementia.C. Young adults with colds.D. Children with autism.Passage ThreeA job interview is an important step in finding a job. When preparing for a job interview, it’s important to dress appropriately, arrive on time, and research the company beforehand. During the interview, make sure to maintain eye contact, speak clearly, and be confident. It’s also important to have questions prepared for the interviewer. After the interview, send a thank-you note to show your appreciation.39. What is an important step in finding a job?A. Arriving late to the interview.B. Dressing inappropriately for the interview.C. Researching the company beforehand.D. Sending a thank-you note after the interview.40. What should you do during a job interview?A. Avoid eye contact.B. Speak unclearly.C. Be confident.D. Forget to prepare questions.41. What should you do after a job interview?A. Send a thank-you note.B. Forget about the interview.C. Be rude to the interviewer.D. Arrive late for work.42. What is not mentioned as a tip for a job interview?A. Maintaining eye contact.B. Speaking clearly.C. Being late.D. Researching the company.Part III Writing (30 marks)Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic of "The Importance of Learning English". You should write at least 150 words following the outline given below in English.1. Introduction: The importance of learning English in today’s world.2. Reasons why English is important.3. Benefits of learning English.4. Conclusion: Encouragement for further English learning.注意:1. 词数不少于150单词。
小学数学毕业复习模拟试题及参考答案(一)一、填空题(20分)1.七百二十亿零五百六十三万五千写作( ),精确到亿位,约是( )亿。
2.把5:53化成最简整数比是( ),比值是( )。
3.( )÷15=54=1.2:( )=( )%=(小数)。
4.右图是甲、乙、丙三个人单独完成某 项工程所需天数统计图。
①甲、乙合作这项工程,( )天可以完成。
②先由甲做3天,剩下的工程由丙做还需要( )天完成。
5.3.4平方米=( )平方分米 1500千克=( )吨6.把四个棱长是1厘米的正方体拼成一个长方体,这个长方体的表面积是( )平方厘米,体积是( )立方厘米。
7.一个圆柱形水桶,桶的内直径是4分米,桶深5分米,现将47.1升水倒进桶里,水占水桶容积的( )%。
8.某车间有200人,某一天有10人缺勤,这天的出勤率是( )。
9.三年期国库券的年利率是2.4%,某人购买国库券1500元,到期连本带息共( )元。
10.一个三角形的周长是36厘米,三条边的长度比是5:4:3,其中最长的一条边是( )厘米。
( ) 2.把43:0.6化成最简整数比是45。
( )3.两个三角形一定可以拼成一个平行四边形。
( ) 4.一个圆的半径扩大2倍,它的面积就扩大4倍。
( ) 5.小数的末尾添上0或者去掉0,小数的大小不变。
( ) 三、选择题(将正确答案的序号填入括号内)(5分) 1、下列各式中,是方程的是( )。
A 、5+x =7.5B 、5+x>7.5C 、5+xD 、5+2.5=7.5 2、下列图形中,( )的对称轴最多。
A 、正方形 B 、等边三角形 C 、等腰梯形 3、a 、b 、c 为自然数,且a ×152=b ×52=c ÷65,则a 、b 、c 中最小的数是( )。
AYingge Dance is a traditional folk dance that has gained significant popularity in recent times. It is a dynamic and energetic performance that showcases the rich cultural heritage of a particular region.Yingge Dance is especially popular in areas like Guangdong Province in China. It is often performed during festivals, celebrations, and important cultural events. For example, it is a staple during the Spring Festival and other traditional holidays, adding to the festive atmosphere and bringing joy to the community.The dance is characterized by its powerful movements, vibrant costumes, and rhythmic music. The dancers, usually in groups, showcase their coordination and skills through various choreographed steps and formations.If you want to enjoy this wonderful dance performance, here is some useful information for you.The Yingge Dance show will be held at the Cultural Square in the city center. The show starts at 7:00 p. m. every Saturday and lasts for approximately two hours.The ticket price for adults is $20, while for students and seniors(over 65), it is $15.Children under5can enter for free.After watching the performance, many people have shared their amazing experiences. They were impressed by the colorful costumes, powerful rhythms, and the unity and passion of the dancers.21.Where is Yingge Dance especially popular?A.In Guangdong Province and some other parts of China.B.Only in Guangdong Province.C.In all provinces of China.D.In some European countries.22.When is Yingge Dance often performed?A.Only during the Spring Festival.B.During all festivals and celebrations.C.During festivals, celebrations, and important cultural events.D.Never during important cultural events.23.If a family of two adults, a student, and a child aged 4 goes to watch the show, how much should they pay? A.$50B.$55C.$60D.$65BOne sunny afternoon in the park, I witnessed a remarkable scene. An elderly gentleman was standing by the side of a path, looking confused and lost. Just at that moment, a kind- hearted young girl approached him. She asked him gently what was wrong and listened patiently as he struggled to explain.Without hesitation, the girl took his hand and slowly guided him along the path, chatting with him to ease his anxiety. They walked together until they reached the place the old man was supposed to be. The old man smiledwith thankfulness and relief.After helping the old man, the girl didn’t just leave. She spent some more time with him, sharing some interesting stories and making him laugh. The old man’s eyes sparkled with joy, and it was clear that this interaction had brightened his day. The girl’s kindness seemed to have an effect, as other people in the park also noticed and were inspired by her actions.I continued to observe as the girl then decided to stay with the old man for a while longer. They sat on a bench together, and the girl began to tell him about her own life, her dreams, and her adventures. The old man listened attentively, nodding and smiling from time to time. It was a beautiful sight to behold, this unlikely pair sharing such a genuine and heartwarming connection.This encounter made me reflect on the importance of kindness in our society. In a world that can often seem cold and hurried, acts like the girl’s are like the tower of light, showing us the way to a more empathetic(同情的)and caring existence. It also made me think about how we all have the potential to make a difference in someone else’s life, no matter how small the act may be.Now, whenever I recall this scene, it warms my heart and reminds me to be more willing to offer a helping hand, to spread kindness wherever I go, and to believe in the goodness that lies within each of us.24.What did the girl do for the old man?A.She gave him a warm and comforting hug to make him feel better.B.She took his hand and guided him along the path to help him find the place he was supposed to be.C.She asked to take a photo with him to capture the moment.D.She went to a nearby store and bought him a refreshing drink.25.How did the old man feel in the end?A.He felt extremely grateful and had a big smile on his face because he was happy.B.He was still hungry and sad as no one really cared about his needs.C.He felt fearful and angry because the girl was too pushy.D.He felt cold and tired as the walk was too long.26.What can we infer about the author’s attitude?A.Doubtful.B.Disapproving.C.Negative D.Admiring. 27.Where is this passage most likely from?A.A detailed and informative travel guide filled with places to visit.B.A complex and educational science textbook with various theories.C.A personal blog where the author shares personal experiences and thoughts.D.A trendy and fashionable magazine featuring the latest styles and trends.CChina’s tea culture is an ancient and profound(意义深远的)cultural heritage that has been passed down and developed for thousands of years. It weaves an complicated and fascinating pattern within Chinese society.Tea growing in China is an art form in itself. The tea- growing areas, with their special climates and lands, produce teas of exceptional quality. From the misty mountain s of Fujian to the green landscapes of Yunnan, different areas offer a rich variety of tea types.The process of making tea is careful and detailed. It involves exact measurements of water temperature, the right amount of tea leaves, and a certain steeping time to get the fullest flavor and smell. This care for details shows the Chinese people’s search for excellence in all parts of life.Tea is not merely a beverage; it is a thing that helps social relations. It brings people together, whether in family get- togethers, friendly meetings, or business talks. The act of sharing a cup of tea is a sign of kindness and connection. And the many tea- houses all over the country offer places for people to relax, talk, and enjoy the peace that tea gives. Moreover, tea ceremonies are an important part of Chinese culture. These ceremonies are complex and formal, showing the grace and elegance of Chinese traditions. They involve exact movements and a deep respect for the tea and the process.In addition to its social and cultural importance, tea in China is also known for its possible health benefits. It is thought to have anti- oxidant(抗氧化的)features and is linked to various good effects on physical health.As China keeps moving forward and modernizing, its tea culture is still strongly fixed, a proof of its historical and cultural importance. It keeps attracting both the Chinese people and those from around the world, inviting them to explore and enjoy the beauty and depth of this great cultural phenomenon.28.What is the main reason for the rich variety of tea types in China?A.Different processing methods.B.Different people’s preferences.C.Different regions’ climates and lands.D.Different times of harvest.29.What does the word “beverages” mean in the passage?A.A type of food that is sweet and usually served as dessert.B.A tool or equipment used for cooking.C.A kind of medicine that helps to cure diseases.D.Something that people drink, such as water, juice, or coffee.30.What is the main feature of tea ceremonies in China?A.Simple and casual.B.Complicated and formal.C.Fast- paced and efficient.D.Loud and lively.31.Why is tea culture still firmly rooted in China?A.Because of its long history.B.Because it is profitable.C.Because it is easy to maintain.D.Because the government promotes it.DChina successfully launched the Chang’e-6 spacecraft on Friday. A Long March-5rocket lifted it off from the Wenchang Space Launch Site in Hainan. This was a huge success and a remarkable achievement for China’s space exploration program. The launch not only shows China’s advanced technological abilities but also makes scientists and space lovers around the world excited.Collecting samples from the far side of the moon is a new thing for humanity. We have very little knowledge about this mysterious side. If the Chang’e-6 mission is successful, it will give scientists important and direct facts to know more about the far side’s environment, geological features, and material make- up. This will be an important step forward in our exploration of the moon and the universe as a whole.The Chang’e-6 spacecraft has an orbiter, a lander, an ascender(上升器), and a returner. When it reaches the moon, it will land carefully on the far side. Within 48 hours after landing, a robot arm will carefully collect rocks and soil from the lunar surface. Also, a drill will go into the ground to take samples from deeper layers. At the same time, a series of complex scientific tests and analyses will be done to get valuable data.The far side of the moon is very different from the side we can see. The Apollo basin in the South PoleAitken Basin is chosen as the landing and sampling place for the Chang’e-6 mission. This area is thought to have precious clues about the moon’s formation and development, giving possible ideas about the early history of our celestial (天体)neighbor.This mission has many technical difficulties and needs the latest technologies. It also gets help from international cooperation, showing the spirit of working together in the global search for space exploration. The exploration of the far side of the moon may provide valuable scientific data and open up new possibilities for future space activities, such as setting up long- term lunar bases and using lunar resources.The success of the Chang’e-6 mission has the possibility to make more international cooperation in space exploration. It shows China’s strong wish to add to the growth of global knowledge about the universe and encourages other countries to work together to find out the secrets of the universe.32.What is the main purpose of the Chang’e-6 mission?A.To build a base on the far side of the moon.B.To study how the moon moves around.C.To collect and bring back samples from the far side of the moon.D.To look for water on the moon.33.Which of the following is true about the far side of the moon?A.It’s different from the side we can see.B.It’s the same as the side we can see.C.We know a lot about it.D.It has no rocks or soil.34.What might the exploration of the far side of the moon lead to?A.No change in the future.B.New chances for space activities.C.Fewer friends for China in space.D.No new technologies.35.What could be a suitable title for this passage?A.“The Mystery of the Moon”B.“The Far Side of the Moon: Unknown Territory”C.“Space Exploration and Challenges”D.“China’s Chang’e-6 Mission: Unveiling the Secrets of the Moon’s Far Side”第二节(共5小题;每小题2.5分,满分12.5分)阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
2022届福建省泉州市高中毕业班质量检测(一)英语试题一、短对话1.What are the speakers talking about?A.A meeting. B.A computer. C.An App.2.When will Ryne be out of hospital?A.This Wednesday. B.This Saturday. C.Next Thursday.3.Where are the speakers?A.At a park. B.At a cinema. C.At a library.4.What is the probable relationship between the speakers?A.Patient and doctor. B.Customer and salesman. C.Student and teacher.5.What will the man probably do?A.Go to the concert. B.Study for the exam. C.Make a plan.二、长对话听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。
6.What will the man probably work on after graduation?A.Language teaching. B.Tourism industry. C.Computer science.7.How does the woman find French as a major?A.It is impractical.B.It is quite promising.C.It is difficult to learn.听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。
8.What happened to the woman?A.Her bike was broken. B.Her lee was injured. C.Her left hand hurt.9.How does the girl prefer to go to school now?A.By bike. B.On foot. C.By bus.10.What will the man probably do tomorrow?A.Instruct the girl to ride a bike.B.Drive the girl to her school.C.Send the girl to the hospital.听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。
南音,源自隋唐宫廷燕乐,是随着中原人南迁入闽的中原古乐与闽地民间音乐融合而成的古老乐种, 2009年10月正式被联合国教科文组织列入人类非物质文化遗产代表作名录。
三、选择题(共30分,每一空格6分)一、一个六年级毕业的学生,他的肺活量你认为准确的是:( 2 )(1)250毫升(2)2500毫升(3)25000毫升二、篮球、排球、足球,统称为三大球,它们必须在规定的场地中实行比赛,按照比赛场地的大小,从大到小实行排列,你认为准确的是:( 3 )(1)篮球场地>排球场地>足球场地(2)排球场地>篮球场地>足球场地(3)足球场地>篮球场地>排球场地三、在正规的田径比赛中,有田赛和径赛两大类。
下列三组答案中,都是径赛项目的是哪一组:( 2 )(1)100米、400米、跳远、马拉松(2)100米、400米、110米栏、3000米(3)400米、800米、铅球、跳高四、起跑有两种姿势,分别是蹲距式起跑和站立式起跑,下面哪个项目在正规的比赛时必须使用蹲距式起跑。
( 1 )(1)100米(2)800米(3)马拉松五、铅球比赛中,运动员在铅球出手后,必须从铅球投掷圈的什么地方走出去。
( 1 )(1)投掷圈的后面(2)投掷圈的前面(3)任何地方1、在《大纲》中,明确的规定小学体育的目的:"通过体育教学,向学生实行体育、卫生保健教育,增进学生健康,增强体质,促动德、智、体全面发展,为提升全民族的素质奠定基础。
2、在冬季怎样做就能够避免冻伤?a) 坚持冬季户外锻炼是预防冻伤的有效效方法,它能够促动全身血液循环,提升人体耐寒水平。
b) 冬季户外锻炼穿的衣服、鞋、袜,要适合、温暖,防止过紧,影响血液循环;气候非常寒冷时,皮肤外露的部分应涂防冻膏或凡士林油,可戴上手套、耳套。
(3)时间地点比赛名称名次1981年日本第三届世界杯女子排球比赛冠军1982年秘鲁第九届世界女子排球锦标赛冠军1984年美国第二十三届奥运会女子排球比赛冠军1985年日本第四届世界杯女子排球比赛冠军1986年捷克斯洛伐克第十届世界女子排球锦标赛冠军一、填空(每空格1分) 15%3、跳绳能够使腿部肌肉发达,关节灵活、弹跳力好。
()三、选择题10%1、2006年汤姆斯杯在哪个国家召开()A、美国B、日本C、北京D、英国2、全身骨骼的重量占体重的()A、1/2B、 1/3C、 1/4D、 1/53、身体的高度是由什么决定的()A、遗传B、营养C、运动D、长骨4、准备操的作用是()A、锻炼身体B、课的一部分C、放松身体D、活动开身体各个部分5、篮球双手投篮时身体用力的部位依次是()A、脚、手臂、手指、腰B、手指、手臂、腰、脚C、脚、腰、手指、手臂D、脚、腰、手臂、手指参考答案:一、填空1、 5 302、蹲撑低头3、天热天冷4、骨关节肌肉5、206 5006、绷带加压包扎压迫止血缚扎止血带二、判断1、2、3、4、5、三、选择题1、 B2、D 3、 D 4、 D 5、D转自什邡回澜小学校园网:http:///html/117/2553.html1.奥林匹标志着五大洲的团结和全世界的运动员在奥林匹克运动会上相会,下列哪下不是五环的颜色()A.蓝B.黄C.黑D.白2.下列哪项不属于人身体素质的是()A.力量、耐力B.速度、柔韧 C.灵敏D.体能3.被誉为“奥林匹克之父”,努力维护奥林匹克精神,积极恢复奥运会比赛的是()A.摩西B.顾拜旦C.萨马兰奇D.洛克4.体育的教育作用不包括()A.激发人民的爱国势情B.促动人的全面发展C.促动经济发展D.培养高尚的情操5.下列哪项不是教育家洛克第一次提出教育所包括的三部分()A.德B.智C.体D.劳6.()是大脑发育必需元素,缺乏可导致大脑发育不良,智力低下A.锌B.钾C.钙D.铁7.水的密度比空气大()倍左右。
A.500 B.600 C.800 D.10008.在城市中()的空气相对较清洁。
A.清晨B.上午C.中午D.傍晚9.北京2008年奥运会申办工作围绕三大主题而实行,下列哪项不是三大主题的内容()A.绿色B.人文C.科技D.平等10.人体健康听力的最高限是()dBA.90 B.80 C.70 D.6011.耐力跑锻炼的强度、心率控制在自己最大心率下为适宜()A.60—80% B.80—90% C.90—100% D.50—60%12.练习跳远空中动作时,身体要放松,眼睛注视()ˉA.后方B.前方C.下方D.随意看。
13.理想的课外田径锻炼时间是在()A.早晨六点左右B.下午四点到六点心C.傍晚七点D.下午三点到五点14.人每天需要()ML的水A.1000 B.1500 C.2000 D.250015.“乒乓球外交”是通过()手段促动国与国改善关系的范例。
A.政治B.经济C.体育D.军事16.空腹跑步不利于健康而在进餐后至少多长时间才能够实行跑步锻炼.A,10~15分钟B.15~20分钟C.30~60分钟17.理想的课外田径锻炼时间是在( ).A.早晨六点左右B.下午四点到六点C.傍晚七点18.锻炼负荷通常包括哪两个方面?A.练习次数练习时间B.练习组数练习重量C.负荷强度负荷量19.紫外线指数是衡量到达地面的太阳光线中紫外线辐射对人体的皮肤,眼睛等组织器官可能损伤水准的指标,一般可分为多少个等级.A.五B.六C.七20.耐久跑锻炼的强度,心率控制在自己最大心率的多少之间为宜.A,60%~80%B.80%~90%C.90%~100%21.北京时间2006年11月16日结束的世界女子排球锦标赛哪个国家夺得冠军?A.古巴B.中国C.日本D.俄罗斯22.田径运动主要包括那两大方面()?A、跨栏跑、田赛B、田赛、径赛C、径赛、投掷23.我国历史上在奥运会获得第一枚金牌的是哪个项目?A.剑术B.跳水C.射击D.体操24、 1966年,第21届联合国大会通过的()中明确提出从享有能达到最高的体质和心智健康标准、受教育、参加文化生活等权利内容。