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一、冠词 (Articles)冠词是指用来限定名词范围的词语,分为定冠词和不定冠词两种。
1. 定冠词 (Definite Articles)定冠词包括"the",用于特指已提及或共知的人、事物或概念。
例如:- The book on the table is mine.(桌子上的那本书是我的。
)- The sun rises in the east.(太阳从东方升起。
)2. 不定冠词 (Indefinite Articles)不定冠词包括"a"和"an",用于泛指或表示名词是一个类别中的任意一个。
例如:- I saw a bird in the garden.(我在花园里看到一只鸟。
)- She wants to be an actress.(她想成为一名女演员。
)二、指示代词 (Demonstrative Pronouns)指示代词指代特定的人、事物或位置,并且根据离说话人的距离分为远指和近指两种。
1. 远指代词远指代词包括"that"和"those",用于指代离说话人较远的事物或人们。
例如:- That is a beautiful sunset.(那是一个美丽的日落。
)- Look at those flowers over there.(看看那边的花。
)2. 近指代词近指代词包括"this"和"these",用于指代离说话人较近的事物或人们。
例如:- This is my new car.(这是我的新车。
)- These are my friends.(这些是我的朋友。
限定词(determiner)限定词的先后顺序: 前位---中位---后位(一个名词中心词之前不可并用两个前位限定词或两个中位限定词)冠词的表意功能(1)The ten of them have passed the final examination.Ten of them have passed the final examination.Ten of the (these/his) students have passed the final examination.(2)They asked to stop counting presidential votes for a second time.(3)Every boy and every girl___(have) his merits.Every young man, young lady,and child ___(be) requested to take part.Many a person___(be) going to the take the test.(4)Other or anotherCalifornia covers a large area than __________state except Alaska and Texas.Out of the three foreign guests, one is from Frankfurt, ______two are from Vienna.. Don'.los.heart.Hav.___try.There's room for _________people in the back of the bus.(5). ing.We'l.hav.____.five-da.holiday.(6)冠词的用法Who is ___captain of your team?. Mr.Reaga.wa.electe.___Presiden.o.th.Unite.State.i.1980.Charles Dickens,__author of David Copperfield, was a distinguished English novelist.As ____physician, he does not deserve much praise.He was covered with snow from ___head to __foot.The relation between ___teacher and ___student is excellent.This room serves the triple purpose of ___study, ___bedroom and ____sitting room. The old man was sitting in a chair, ___pipe in ___hand.He sat at ___ table, ___coat off, ___head down, and __pen in ___hand.What kind of ___man is he?What sort of ___book do you want?The work is ____pleasure to me.She has developed ___love for labour.Physics is ____ science.He spoke with _____ enthusiasm which inspired us all.Do you like ___ music of ___film?Phonetics is ____science of speech sounds。
第四节限定词一、限定词概述限定词(Determiner)是在名词词组中对名词中心词起特指、类指以及表示确定数量和非确定数量等限定作用的词类,主要包括1.冠词(a, an, the)、2.物主(代词)限定词(如my,her)、3.指示(代词)限定词(如such, this, those)、3.不定(代词)限定词(如all, both, no)、4.疑问限定词(如what, which, whose)、5. 关系限定词(如whose)、6.名词属格(如Tom’s, China)、7.数词等常见考点1.冠词(article)概述:冠词是置于名词之前说明名词所指的人或物的一种虚词,英语中有三个冠词,定冠词(the);不定冠词(a/an);零冠词冠词考点(易出题知识点):1.1 不定冠词a与an的区别1.2 固定结构“a/an +n.A +of + a/an+ n.B”中,这一结构中前面的名词表示的是后面名词的性质或者是特征. 如amountain of a wave 滔天巨浪 a lion of a man 雄狮般勇猛的人1.3 用在复数抽象名词前表示单一概念或复数名词表整体概念(注意同主谓一致考点联系起来)如I have a good twenty dollars in my pocket. 我口袋里面有整整20美元。
Since you like steak so much, why don’t you order ______ steak?A.theB. anC. aD./Answer: C物质名词变为可数名词,a steak表示一份牛排。
1.4 定冠词的使用1.5 零冠词的使用2. 限定词与名词的搭配关系3.限定词与限定的之间的搭配关系3.2 多个限定词相遇时,其位置使用规则*基本规则:“前位+中位+后位”both the brothers all his two daughters (前+中+后)all other students (前+后) those last few minutes (中+后+后)*such做限定词有特殊规则:such+不定冠词(such位于前)当such 和其他的限定词(some, any, no, fall, few, another, other, many, one, two等)搭配时,such是后位限定词,如I’ve never seen such a dog.All such problems should be considered.4. 特殊限定词的使用4.1some 和any 的用法1)some, any与复数名词和不可数名词搭配,表“一些”some 和单数名词搭配表“某一”any与单数名词搭配表“任一”2)some一般用于肯定句中,也可以用在表示希望对方给出肯定回答的疑问句中any 多用语疑问,否定句,条件句,if/whether引导的从句3)固定搭配some day 来日some day or other 迟早not…any longer/more 不再at any rate/in any case 无论如何4.2no 的用法1)no可以修饰单数可数名词,复数名词和不可数名词,其意义相当于“not a “ “not any”, 所以no不能和a(n), any 连用。
限定词1.什么叫限定词限定词位于名词之前,对名词起特指、泛指或表示数量等限定作用的一类词,如:特指:the book, my book, this book 等(说话或听话人都知道指点哪一个事物。
)泛指:a book, some books, 等(泛指是指点任何一个(些)事物)数量:two books, many books, much sugar 等在句子中担任主语、宾语、补足语等的名词词组,一般都由“限定词(+形容词)+名词(+后置修饰语)”构成。
我们把名词划分为以下三类:单数可数名词:a book that book 等复数可数名词:these books such books 等不可数名词:some tea little water 等2、哪些是限定词兹将限定词列表如下,表中指明各个限定词与三类名词搭配的情况:限定词单数可数复数可数不可数a(n) book -- --a (little)bit of -- -- breada great amount of -- -- breada great (good) deal of -- -- breada great(good, large, small)number of -- books -- all day books breada lot of -- books breadanother book -- --any book books breadboth -- books --double the price the quantities the strengtheach book -- --either book -- --enough -- books breadevery book -- --(a) few -- books --fewer, (the) fewest -- books --the first, the second, etc prize prizes --half an hour the men the bread the last book books --(the ) least thing -- bread less -- -- bread (a) little -- -- bread lots of -- books bread many a book books -- more -- books bread most -- books bread much -- -- bread my, your, his, etc book books bread Tom’s, the old man’s, etc book books bread neither book -- --the next book books --no book books bread one book -- --one-third, two-fifths, etc (of)the book (of) the books the time other student students breadthe other book books -- plenty of -- books bread several -- books --some (某一)book books bread such book books bread that book books bread the book books bread these -- books --this book -- bread those -- books -- twice, three times, etc the figure the quantities his strength two, three, etc -- books --what(ever) book books bread which(ever) book books bread whose book books bread zero(不用冠词或其它限定词) man men bread [注] 表内“—”表示有关限定词不能与该类名词搭配。
英语中,冠词包括不定冠词(a/ an)、定冠词(the) 和零冠词三种。
一、不定冠词的主要用法1. a和an 是泛指限定词,用于单数可数名词前,泛指人或物。
在首次提及的人或物前,a或an 一般表示数量“一”。
a用于以辅音开头的名词前:a piece,a language,a university。
an用于以元音开头的名词前:an example,an art exhibition (展览会),an early train,an honest politician, an hour。
e.g. I) It has been a rewarding lecture.II) I work for Sony Electric, an electronics company. 我在一家电子公司――索尼电器工作。
2. a和an也可用在可数名词前表示一类人或物。
e.g. I) A friend is someone who chooses and is chosen.II) Lend me a novel, will you?3. a和an用在某些物质名词前表示一阵、一份、一类、一场、一种等。
e.g. I) All I had for lunch is a yogurt. 中饭我只吃了一杯酸奶。
II) What the earth needs now is a rainfall, 目前地球所需要的是一场雨。
二、定冠词the的意义和用法1. 与名词连用特指某个人或物,或谈话双方熟知的彼此心照不宣的人或物。
e.g. I) Did you go to the opening ceremony? 你有没有参加开幕式?II) The lion is a fierce (凶猛的) animal. (相当于A lion is a fierce animal.或Lions are fierce animals.)【注】下面三句中的斜体部分就不能互换:I) Who invented the camera? (指类别)II) Who had a camera? (指同类中的任何一个)III) Who produced cameras? (指这一类中的所有个体)2. 用在表示独一无二的或被认为是唯一的名词前。
1. 定冠词“the”定冠词“the”用法非常灵活,主要有以下几种情况:(1)指特指特定的事物或人。
例如:The book on the desk is mine.(桌子上的那本书是我的。
例如:The water is cold.(水很冷。
例如:This is the best book I have ever read.(这是我读过的最好的书。
例如:She plays the piano very well.(她钢琴弹得很好。
)2. 不定冠词“a”、“an”不定冠词“a”用于辅音开头的词前,而不定冠词“an”用于元音开头的词前。
例如:I need a pen.(我需要一支笔。
例如:He is a teacher.(他是一名教师。
例如:I have an apple.(我有一个苹果。
例如:A dog is a faithful animal.(狗是忠诚的动物。
1. this和thatthis和that分别表示“这个”和“那个”,在句子中主要有以下几种用法:(1)用于指示近处或者说话者手中的事物。
例如,在句子"The car is red"中,冠词"the"用来确定特定的汽车。
例如,在句子"I saw a girl in the park"中,冠词"a"用来表示泛指,表示看到了一个女孩,但并未特指某个女孩。
例如,在句子"This is my book"中,指示代词"this"用来指示特定的书。
"These are my friends"中,指示代词"these"用来指示特定的朋友。
例如,在句子"This is my car"中,物主代词"my"表示这辆车属于我的。
在句子"Their house is big"中,物主代词"their"表示这所房子属于他们。
限定词的分类前位限定词1 不定限定词all,both,half2 表示倍数或分数的词double,twice,three times;one-third,two-thirds等3 指示限定词such(与不定冠词连用):与中位限定词a/an或后位限定词a lot of 等连用时4 疑问或连接限定词what(只用于感叹句中)5 不定限定词1 修饰复数可数名词(a) few of, many of, a good/great many of, a (great/large/good/small) number of, etc.2 修饰不可数名词a bit of, (a) little of, much of, a great/good deal of, a great amount of, etc.3 修饰复数可数名词与不可数名词most of, a lot of, lots of, plenty of, a quantity of, etc.上述不定量限定词只有后跟中位限定词the, my, his, her, your, etc., this, that, these, those时用作前位限定词中位限定词1 冠词a/an, the2 物主限定词my,your,his,her,its,our,your,their3 指示限定词this,that,these,those4 不定限定词1 通用限定词each,every2 肯定限定词some3 非肯定限定词any,either4 否定限定词no,neither5 量词限定词enough5 名词所有格——名词+-'s6 疑问限定词/连接限定词/关系限定词 what(ever),which(ever),whose,whosever后位限定词1 序数词 first,second,third,etc.2 通用序数词 last,next,additional,further,past,etc.3 基数词 one,two,three,etc.4 不定限定词1修饰复数可数名词(a)few (of), fewer, (the) fewest, many (of), several2修饰不可数名词(a) little (of), much (of)3修饰不可数名词和复数名词less, more(of),most(of)4修饰单数可数名词和不可数名词(the)least5修饰单、复数可数名词another,certain6 修饰单、复数可数名词及不可数名词other5 开放性量词1修饰复数可数名词a good/great many (of), a (great/large/good/small) number of, etc.2修饰不可数名词a bit of, a great/good deal of, a great amount of, etc.3修饰复数可数名词与不可数名词a lot of, lots of, plenty of, a quantity of, etc.6 指示限定词such(不与冠词连用)限定词与名词的搭配关系A 只修饰单数可数名词的限定词前位限定词what a;中位限定词a/an, each, every, either, neither;后位限定词many a, one, etc.B 只修饰复数可数名词的限定词前位限定词both后位限定词two,three,etc.,(a) few, fewer, (the) fewest, many, several, these, those.前位限定词或后位限定词a good/great many (of), a (great/good/small) number of, etc.C 只能与不可数名词连用的后位(或前位)限定词(a)bit of, a good deal of, a great deal of, a great amount of, (great/large) amounts of, (a) little (of), much (of) D 只与单数和复数可数名词连用的后位限定词first, second, third, etc., last, next, another, (a) certain, etc.E 只与不可数名词和复数可数名词连用的限定词中位限定词enough, 零冠词后位限定词less, more, most, a lot of, lots of, plenty of, a quantity ofF 只与单数可数名词及不可数名词连用的限定词中位限定词this, that后位限定词(the) leastG可与单、复数可数名词及不可数名词连用的限定词前位限定词all, half, double, twice, three times, one-third, two-thirds, such中位限定词the, my, your, etc., some, any, either, no, what(ever), which(ever), whose, whosever, 名词所有格后位限定词additional, further, past, other, such代词分类表。
限定词数量限定词只与可数名词连用只接单数 one each every只接复数 two(three) both a couple of a few several many a number of只与不可数名词连用a little little much a great deal of a large amount of与可数名词复数或不可数名词连用均可not any some a lot of lots of plenty of most all数量词与of连用all/most/some/any of+特指限定词+复数可数或不可数名词most booksmost of books 不正确most of my/these/the/john’s booksmany/a few/few/several/both/two/three of +特指限定词+ 复数可数名词many studentsmany of students 不正确many of these studentsmuch/a little/little of +特指限定词+ 不可数名词much watermuch of water 不正确much of the water其他数量词 a lot of , lots of , a couple of , plenty of , a number of , a great deal of 直接+名词all和both特殊用法all/both my students 可以不加of,其他much/many数量限定词不可这么用all studentsall of my studentsall of students 不正确数量词a few, few(只接可数), a little, little(只接不可数)a little,a few为肯定之意,等同于some,有一些His theory is rather difficult; few people understand it.=almost no people understand it.I have little interest in English, so I am very poor at it.little,few为否定之意,等同于几乎没有His theory is rather difficult, but a few people understand it.I have a little interest in English, so I like learning it.only a little,only a few very few,very littlesome and any陈述句:some 一般用肯定,any一般用否定,表示”一些“。
中位限定词有,a an the zero ;this that these those ; my your 等my friend`s ; some any no every each either neither enough ;what(ever) which(ever) whose等(冠词,指示代词,名词属格,物主代词)前位限定词有,all both ;double twice three times 等;one third ,two fifths 等,what such a (倍数,分数)后位限定词有,one two three等;first second third 等;next last other another 等;many much (a)few (a) little fewer (the )fewest ,less (the )least ,more most ; several such 等;还有,plenty of a lot of lots of a great number of a great deal of a great /good many a large amount of a great quantity of 其含义相当于many much 但用法稍有不同,如a lot of these houses round here have grass in the front door .三类限定词的搭配关系和顺序,总是:前位——中位——后位注意:中位限定词之间和前位限定词之间是相互排斥的,所以一个名词中心词前不可有两个前位或两个中位。
不能说,my that book 可以说,that book of mine 后位限定词可以重叠使用,如,those last few monthsSuch 既是前位限定词,有可归入后位,只在,such a such an 中是前位;与其他限定词(some any no all few another other many one 等搭配时,放在这些限定词的后面,作后位。
二、分类1. 定冠词(definite article)定冠词“the”是最常见的限定词之一,表示特指某一个事物或人。
例如:The book on the table is mine.(桌子上那本书是我的。
)2. 不定冠词(indefinite article)不定冠词“a”和“an”表示泛指某一个事物或人。
例如:An apple a day keeps the doctor away.(每天吃一个苹果,医生远离我。
)3. 代替性限定词(substitute determiner)代替性限定词包括:one, ones, some, any, each, every, either, neither, both, all, few, several等。
例如:Some of the students are absent today.(今天有些学生缺席了。
)4. 指示性限定词(demonstrative determiner)指示性限定词包括:this, that, these, those等。
例如:This is my car.(这是我的车子。
)5. 形容词性限定词(adjective determiner)形容词性限定词包括:my, your, his, her, its, our, their等。