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Conversation1. Introduction to ConversationConversation refers to the interactive exchange of words or ideas between two or more individuals. It is an essential form of communication and plays a crucial role in our daily lives. Conversations can take place in various settings, such as casual social gatherings, business meetings, or even online platforms.In a conversation, participants engage in a verbal exchange by taking turns to speak and listen actively to one another. Effective conversations require good communication skills, including expressing thoughts clearly, active listening, and understanding non-verbal cues.2. Elements of a ConversationA conversation typically consists of several key elements, which contribute to its dynamics and effectiveness:a. ParticipantsParticipants in a conversation can vary in number, ranging from two individuals to a large group. Each participant brings their own perspectives, experiences, and goals to the conversation, influencingits direction and outcomes.b. TopicA conversation revolves around a specific topic or theme. The topic can be predetermined or emerge naturally through the flow of the conversation. It provides a focal point for the participants to discuss and share their thoughts, ideas, and opinions.c. OpeningThe opening of a conversation sets the tone and establishes a connection between the participants. It often includes greetings, introductions, and initial remarks related to the topic. A well-executed opening can create a positive atmosphere and encourage engagement.d. BodyThe body of a conversation comprises the main content and discussion related to the chosen topic. Participants take turns speaking, presenting their viewpoints, asking questions, and responding to others.A healthy exchange of ideas, respectful disagreement, and active listening contribute to a meaningful conversation.e. ClosureThe closure of a conversation signals its conclusion. It involves summarizing key points, expressing gratitude, and concluding any remaining thoughts or actions. A proper closure helps participants feel a sense of completion and leaves a positive impression.f. Non-Verbal CuesNon-verbal cues, including facial expressions, body language, and tone of voice, play a crucial role in understanding and interpreting conversations. They provide additional information beyond the spoken words and can convey emotions, attitudes, and intentions.3. Types of ConversationConversations can take various forms based on their purpose, context, and participants. Here are some common types of conversations:a. Casual ConversationCasual conversations occur in informal settings and involve friendly discussions about everyday topics. These conversations are often spontaneous and light-hearted, allowing participants to socialize and build relationships.b. Business ConversationBusiness conversations are formal exchanges that take place in professional settings. They focus on work-related topics such as negotiations, presentations, or project discussions. Clear communication and professionalism are crucial in business conversations.c. InterviewAn interview is a structured conversation where one participant, the interviewer, asks questions to the other participant, the interviewee.Interviews are commonly used in job recruitment, research, and media settings to gather information and assess suitability.d. Group DiscussionGroup discussions involve multiple participants sharing their ideas and opinions on a particular topic. These conversations often occur in educational or professional settings and encourage collaboration,critical thinking, and problem-solving.e. Online ConversationWith the rise of technology, online conversations have become increasingly prevalent. They take place through various digital platforms such as social media, messaging apps, or video conferencing tools. Online conversations offer convenience and connect individuals across different locations.4. Tips for Effective ConversationTo have a successful conversation, it is essential to employ effective communication skills. Here are some tips to enhance conversational abilities:a. Active ListeningActive listeni ng involves fully concentrating on the speaker’s words, understanding their message, and demonstrating attentiveness throughnon-verbal cues. Actively listening encourages participation and shows respect for others’ ideas.b. Clear ExpressionExpressing thoughts clearly and concisely helps ensure that others understand your viewpoint. Use appropriate language and avoid ambiguity. Being concise allows others to engage more effectively in the conversation.c. Respectful DisagreementIt is common for participants to hold different opinions in a conversation. Express disagreement respectfully, by focusing on the idea rather than attacking the person. Engage in a constructive dialogue to explore different perspectives.d. Engage OthersEncourage participation from all participants by asking open-ended questions and inviting their opinions. Engaging others creates a collaborative atmosphere and fosters diverse ideas and perspectives.e. Non-Verbal CommunicationBe aware of your non-verbal cues, such as maintaining eye contact, using appropriate facial expressions, and adopting an open body posture. Non-verbal communication enhances the effectiveness of verbal communication and supports understanding.f. Avoid InterruptionsAllow each participant to speak without interruption. Interrupting can disrupt the flow and demonstrate a lack of respect. Wait for an appropriate pause before providing your input.g. Show EmpathyEmpathy involves understanding and acknowledging others’ feelings and perspectives. Show empathy by actively listening, validating emotions, and responding with understanding and compassion.ConclusionConversation is a fundamental aspect of human communication, allowing individuals to connect, exchange ideas, and build relationships. By understanding the elements and types of conversations, and employing effective communication techniques, we can enhance our conversational skills and engage in meaningful and productive dialogues. Remember, a successful conversation requires active listening, clear expression, and respectful engagement with others.。
《conversation 简书》一、概念解析在现代社会中,交流已经成为我们生活中不可或缺的一部分。
而在互联网时代,越来越多的人选择在网络评台上进行交流与共享,其中就包括了“conversation 简书”。
二、浅谈conversation 简书“conversation 简书”作为一个网络评台,给我们提供了一个难得的机会,让我们可以在这里尽情地共享自己的所思所想。
三、深入解读conversation 简书对于我而言,conversation 简书不仅仅是一个共享评台,更是一个学习和成长的乐园。
四、总结回顾通过“conversation 简书”的浏览与阅读,我收获颇丰。
五、个人观点与理解在我看来,“conversation 简书”不仅仅是一个文章的共享评台,更是一个心灵的交流评台。
- 意图(Intent):表示用户的意图或请求,可以通过关键字、短语或问题等方式进行识别。
- 实体(Entity):表示在用户的请求中具有特定含义或价值的信息,例如日期、时间、地点、人名等。
- 上下文(Context):表示对话的当前状态,包括先前的用户请求、系统响应和用户的反馈等。
- 响应(Response):表示系统针对用户请求所做出的回应,可以是文本、语音、图像或其他形式的输出。
Conversation用法总结1. 概述Conversation是一种人与机器之间进行对话的方式,它允许用户提出问题或发表陈述,并从机器中获取有关特定主题的信息。
2. Conversation的重要观点2.1 自然语言理解(Natural Language Understanding, NLU)自然语言理解是Conversation中的重要环节,它涉及将用户输入的自然语言文本转换为可理解和处理的形式。
2.2 对话管理(Dialog Management)对话管理是Conversation中的关键组成部分,它负责根据用户输入和系统状态来决定如何生成回复。
2.3 自然语言生成(Natural Language Generation, NLG)自然语言生成是Conversation中的另一个重要环节,它负责将机器生成的信息转换为自然语言文本,以便向用户传达回复。
2.4 多轮对话(Multi-turn Conversation)多轮对话是Conversation中常见的场景之一,它涉及到用户和机器之间进行多次交互来完成一个任务。
2.5 评估与优化(Evaluation and Optimization)评估与优化是Conversation系统开发过程中必不可少的一环。
Conversation的用法及例句一、Conversation的定义1. Conversation是指人与人之间或人与动物之间以口语或书信形式交流的活动。
2. 在商业和职场上,conversation也指的是商务或工作上的交谈和交流。
二、Conversation的用法1. 作为名词,conversation通常用来描述一段交流活动。
例如:- They had an interesting conversation over dinner.(他们晚餐时进行了一次有趣的交谈。
)- I had a long conversation with my boss about my performance.(我和老板谈了很长时间关于我的表现的问题。
)2. 作为动词,conversation通常用来描述参与或进行交谈。
例如:- She was deeply engrossed in conversation with her friend.(她和她的朋友在深入交谈中。
)- I tried to conversation with her, but she seemed preoccupied.(我试图和她聊天,但她似乎心事重重。
)三、Conversation的例句1. We had a lively conversation about politics and current events.(我们就政治和当前事件进行了活跃的交流。
)2. I overheard a conversation between two colleagues about the uing project.(我无意中听到了两个同事关于即将到来的项目的谈话。
)3. It's important to have open and honest conversations in a relationship.(在一段关系中进行坦诚和开放的交流是很重要的。
文章标题:掌握Conversation的技巧,提升交流魅力1. 引言Conversation,即对话,是人与人之间交流的重要方式。
2. 主动倾听在Conversation中,主动倾听是非常重要的。
3. 礼貌用语礼貌用语在Conversation中也是必不可少的。
4. 发表观点在Conversation中,发表自己的观点同样是重要的。
5. 避免中断在Conversation中,中断是很不礼貌的行为。
6. 回顾与总结在Conversation的结束阶段,可以适当进行回顾和总结。
7. 个人观点在我的看来,Conversation的技巧是多维的,需要全面综合考虑。
8. 结语掌握Conversation的技巧,是每个人都需要不断提升的能力。
1. Conversation的定义让我们对conversation进行简要的定义。
无论是在日常生活中还是在工作场合, conversation都扮演着极为重要的角色。
2. Conversation的动词在conversation中,动词起着非常重要的作用。
3. 与conversation相关的形容词形容词也对conversation有着重大的影响。
4. 个人观点和理解在我看来,conversation的动词和形容词对于对话的产生和发展确实起着关键的作用。
1. 预读题目:在听力开始前,快速浏览题目,了解问题的主题和可能的答案选项。
2. 注意对话开头和结尾:对话的开头通常会介绍对话的背景和目的,而结尾可能会总结对话的主要内容或得出结论。
3. 关注对话中的问题和解决方案:对话中可能会涉及到问题的提出和解决方案的讨论。
4. 留意对话中的关键词:注意对话中出现的关键词,如人名、地点、时间、数字等。
5. 理解对话中的态度和情感:注意对话中人物的态度和情感表达,这可以帮助你理解对话的情境和人物之间的关系。
6. 做笔记:在听力过程中,可以适当做笔记,记录关键信息和要点。
7. 练习听力技巧:多听托福听力练习材料,提高对英语的听力理解能力。
开心版小学英语第5册Conversation 的设计与运用开平市长师附小梁添明一,Conversation即故事故事教学法主要是以整体语言教学(Whole Language)理念为主整体语言教学是一种视儿童语言发展和语言学习为整体的思维方式,是一种新的语言教学观念。
二,故事的优势1.激发学生的学习兴趣2.复现词汇和语法结构3.强化听力和口语训练4.发展学生的思维、分析和表达能力5.丰富他们其它学科的知识三,英国教育家Wright 这样描述故事教学法:“Long long ago…”就像是一把神奇的钥匙,带领孩子们打开了一座神秘的宫殿大门,因为它不需要一般的逻辑规律,各种年龄的孩子们可以自由自在地放飞他们的想象。
六,故事书的设计理念1.大字体2.绚丽的大插图3.趣味的故事线索4.有悬念5.反复的句型6.学习中的相应主题或语法点七,故事的运用(一)、读故事前1.学生——从封面、题目、插图来猜测故事2.教师——提问例:What is the story about?Who is in the story?Where did it happen?What did it happen?Is it a happy ending or a sad ending?(二)、欣赏故事1.学生——关注图画、文段,猜测新词的意思及预测故事的发展2.教师——声情并茂地讲故事,偶尔在某页的最后,加上一各问题: What will happen next?(三)、故事延伸1.相关的活动、练习2.唱唱跳跳、表演3.涂涂画画4.写写(写词、写句、写段)。
新托福听力场景汇总之CONVERSATION篇1. 课程相关事务场景场景特点:主要涉及到一些和课程相关事项的解决方法。
常见套路:(1)和考试相关:考试分数;考试复习;安排考试;考试分数(2)和课程相关:课程目的;课程类型;课程形式,课程作业(3)和作业相关:作业类型;作业方法;交作业相关(4)和论文相关:论文的分数场景词汇:Discussion课堂讨论, presentation课堂展示, topic主题, lecture讲座/课程, goodchoice明智的选择, slide幻灯片, library图书馆, collection藏书,资料收集, check核实, librarian图书管理员Report报告, office hour办公时间, submit提交, on disk磁盘提交, hard copy打印版,soft copy邮件发送, computer计算机, print,打印 computer lab机房Project作业, ton of大量, cover涵盖, re-write重写, research data调查数据,information信息, input输入, presentation课堂展示, complete完全的Term paper学期论文, grade分数, complicated复杂的, terrible mistake严重的错误,edited version修订版, submit提交, overtired过度疲劳, stressed压力大的, rushing against the clock忙碌, mark分数, draft 草稿, print打印, final paper终稿, maintaining average保持平均分, application申请, drop放课, re-take重修, due截止日期, extention延期, discuss讨论, check back核查记录, re-reading重读, submission提交Information信息, exam schedule考试时间表, term学期, date日期, book预定,department院系, invigilator 监考人员, sign up注册, sheet单子, bulletin board公告板, faculty lounge, square方格, draft,草稿 dean系主任, review复习, draw up 结论, manually手工的, consult咨询, register注册 Physiology 生理学, sophomore大二学生, second year course大二课程, first year student新生, transfer转系转专业, begin my first lecture开始第一次课, introduce,介绍 complete完全的, approach方法途径, laws of physics and chemistry物理化学定律, process of life生命进程, vital force关键力量, philosophical approach哲学方法, scientific experimentation科学实验Final exam,期末考试 midterm期中考试, multiple choice question多选题, essay question问答题, comprehensive exam综合测试, the subject,主题 review,复习 textbook教材, class note课堂笔记, the final will count for 50% of your grade期末考试占总成绩的50%, research project调查项目, run into problems遇到困难School bulletin学校公告栏, required writing course 必修写作课程, first year student 大一新生, third year stuent大三学生, research paper调查报告, sign up注册, cover the entire process of writing a research paper涵盖论文写作的全过程, selecting topic选择性题目, final format最终格式, presentation课堂展示, hand in提交, assignment,作业 final grade最终分数 Class meeting班会, lecture讲座,课程, different concept不同的概念, hand in提交, issue发行, revision复习, grade分数Research paper论文, due截止日期, proposed topics推荐的论文选题, make comment评论, the most frequent problem最常见的问题, broad广泛的, preliminary outline初步提纲, schedule计划表, available可利用的, appointment预约,约会, final outline最终提纲, no more than two pages long不得多于2页, thesis statement论文陈述, precise statement精确的陈述, conclusion总结Workshop小型研讨会, intensive精读, techniques and skills技巧, personal attention个人参与度, register注册, advantage 优点Consecutive summer连续的暑假, community center社区活动中心, seminar研讨会, workshop小型研讨会, beginning students新生, advanced students高年级学生, last four weeks最后四周, credit is awarded学分奖励, information信息Discuss讨论, schedule计划表, midterm期中考试, administer管理, attendance出勤, optional class选修课2. 相关事务+专业讨论场景场景特点:场景性开场白+中间专业内容+场景性结尾。
专四Conversation题型1. 引言在专业四级考试当中,Conversation题型是考察考生口语交际能力和应变能力的重要部分。
2. Conversation题型的特点Conversation题型是专业四级口语考试中最常见的题型之一,它要求考生在约2-3分钟的时间内与考官进行模拟对话。
3. 准备Conversation题型的方法准备Conversation题型的关键在于模拟练习。
4. Conversation题型的常见问题在Conversation题型中,考生可能会遇到各种各样的问题,如情景描述不清、角色设定难以理解、提问方式模糊等。
5. 注意事项在Conversation题型中,考生要尽量做到言之有物,表达清晰,避免出现语速过快或结巴的情况。
conversation的短语Conversation, as a form of communication, is essential in our everyday lives. It allows us to connect with others, exchange ideas, and express our thoughts and feelings. Through conversation, we can build relationships, solve problems, and foster a sense of community. In this article, we will explore various phrases and expressions commonly used in conversations.1. Greetings and Introductions:- "Good morning/afternoon/evening."- "Nice to meet you."- "How are you?"- "What's your name?"- "Where are you from?"2. Asking for Information:- "Could you please tell me...?"- "I'm wondering if you could help me with...?"- "Do you happen to know...?"- "May I ask...?"- "Could you clarify...?"3. Offering Help:- "Is there anything I can do to assist you?"- "Would you like me to...?"- "I'm here to help if you need anything."- "Feel free to ask me for help."- "I'd be happy to lend a hand."4. Expressing Opinions and Feelings:- "In my opinion..."- "I feel that..."- "From my experience..."- "I agree/disagree because..."- "It seems to me that..."5. Making Suggestions and Giving Advice:- "Why don't you try...?"- "Have you considered...?"- "You might want to..."- "If I were you, I would..."- "It could be helpful if..."6. Agreeing and Disagreeing:- "I agree with you."- "That makes sense."- "I see where you're coming from."- "I understand your point of view."- "I'm afraid I have to disagree."7. Asking for Clarification:- "I'm sorry, could you please explain that again?"- "I'm not sure I understand. Could you provide more details?" - "Could you clarify what you meant by...?"- "Are you saying...?"- "Could you rephrase that?"8. Expressing Gratitude:- "Thank you."- "I really appreciate your help/effort."- "I'm grateful for your support."- "I can't thank you enough."- "You've been very kind. Thank you."9. Ending a Conversation:- "It was nice talking to you."- "I have to get going now."- "Let's catch up again soon."- "Take care."- "Goodbye."These phrases and expressions can be used in various settings, such as personal conversations, business meetings, interviews, or social gatherings. They help create a friendly and engaging atmosphere, facilitate effective communication, and ensure clarity and understanding between individuals.In conclusion, conversation is an integral part of human interaction and understanding. It serves as a bridge that connects people, allows them to exchange ideas, express feelings, and build relationships. By utilizing these phrases and expressions, we can enhance our conversational skills and make meaningful connections with others.。
conversation 歌曲含义"Conversation" 是由全球知名英国摇滚乐队Coldplay演唱的一首歌曲,收录于他们2019年的专辑《Everyday Life》中。
歌词"Can you hear my conversation? ... You can help me, give me something"表达了一种渴望与人沟通和分享的温暖情感。
"Would you take my conversation underground? And bring it back again?"这句歌词传达了一种需要将情感隐藏起来的渴望,同时也希望在适当的时机重新开展沟通。
"Will you hear me out? ... We may never know how it feels"这句歌词激发了人们向外界传递自己的情感和思想的勇气。
新托福听力场景汇总之CONVERSATION篇1. 课程相关事务场景场景词汇:●Discussion, presentation, topic, lecture, good choice,slide, library, collection, check, librarian●Report, office hour, submit, on disk, hard copy, soft copy,computer, print, computer lab●Project, ton of, cover, re-write, research data,information, input, presentation, complete●Term paper, grade, complicated, terrible mistake,edited version, submit, overtired, stressed, rushingagainst the clock, mark, draft, print, final paper, maintainaverage, application, drop, re-take, due, extension,discuss, check back, re-reading, submission●Information, exam schedule, term, date, book,department, invigilator, sign up, sheet, bulletin board,faculty lounge, square, draft, dean, review, draw up,manually, consult, register●Physiology 100, sophomore, second year course, firstyear student, transfer, begin my first lecture, introduce,complete, approach, laws of physics and chemistry,process of life, vital force, philosophical approach,scientific experimentation●Final exam, midterm, multiple choice question, essayquestion, comprehensive exam, the subject, review, textbook, class note, the final will count for 50% of your grade, research project, run into problems●School bulletin, required writing course, first yearstudent, third year student, research paper, sign up, cover the entire process of writing a research paper, selecting topic, final format, presentation, hand in, assignment, final grade●Class meeting, lecture, different concept, hand in, issue,revision, grade●Research paper, due, proposed topics, make comment,the most frequent problem, board, preliminary outline, schedule, available, appointment, final outline, no more than two pages long, thesis statement, precise statement, conclusion●Workshop, intensive, techniques and skills, personalattention, register, advantage●Consecutive summer, community center, seminar,workshop, beginning students, advanced students, last four weeks, credit is awarded, information●Discuss, schedule, midterm, administer, attendance,optional class2. 选课场景场景词汇:●Course, semester, summer session, elective, birdcourse, splendor, lecture hall, lab, tough decision, pick,choose, grade, relaxed, paper, final exam, advice, signup●Enquiry, credit course, off-campus, program, remote,access, internet, degree, distance education, diploma,requirement, format, print materials, audio-tapes, video,teleconferencing, deliver, cost, fixed date, history 490●Drop, fail, math 101, rough, test, med school●introductory course, non-science major, be weak in, dopoorly in, meet at the same time, modern drama course●Semester, enroll in, graduate course, qualified, hard timekeep up, favorite interest, challenging, easy grade●Permission to register, take the prerequisite, thebeginning course, catalog, instructor, previousexperience, formal training, decision●Signature, schedule card, advisor’s approval, quite aheavy load, drop the course, seminar●Sign up for a noncredit course, intermediate level, grade,regular meeting●Transfer, bachelor’s degree, associate, selective, lettersof recommendation●Hard course, rehearsal, extra time, once a week●Flight program, degree, license, excellent reputation,selective,3. 迟到旷课场景场景词汇:●feel good, cover, lecture, point out, chapter, textbook,part, divide, project, focus, due, show up, note,transcribe, email●oversleep, talk about●trouble with my car, lecture series, attend, admission●fill me in something, dentist, emergency, missedsomebody’s lecture, note, make sense4. 转学场景场景词汇:●Public university, private university, community college,reputation, class size, personal attention, individualattention, interact, group discussion, tuition, expense,cost, afford, affordable, location, environment, large city,small town, college town, top student, application,experience, special5. 实验室场景场景词汇:●Laboratory, research procedure, lab assistant, retrieveinformation, track the course, monitor, track the progress●Lab instructor, lab experience, setup, equipment, result,grade, lab notebook, proper precautions, protectivegoggles, toxic effect of chemicals, lab procedure, heavymetal●Workbook, material, experiment, available6. 图书馆场景场景词汇:●Library, check out, spread out, focus, jam, spot, crowd,comfy, far away●Due, finish, renew, check, library card, late, mixed up,request, fine, overdue, pay, process, sign, suspend,privilege●Librarian, facilities, reference room, reference material,dictionary, bibliography, literature guide, telephone book,periodical room, newspaper, magazine, academicjournal, current issue, older issue, card catalog, listed bytitle, by author and by topic, call number●return, shelves, check out, reserve book, overnight use●secondhand bookstore, inscription, front cover,signature, poetry book●paperback section, index●exit gate, check out●reserve, additional copy, article7. 课堂内容讨论场景8. 奖学金场景场景词汇:●Scholarship, bursary, department, information, financialaid, monetary, grant, determine, committee, donor, applyfor, financially, in need, consider, out-of-town,requirement, website, on-line, submit, official, document,in person●scholarship, available, maintain, average, mark, applyfor, applicant, committee, honor, award, exam,candidate, weight, guarantee, grade point average(GPA), percent, website, address, rigorous,extra-curricular, hardship, achievement, letter ofrecommendation, fill, time consuming job, recommend,eligibility, enrolment9. 论文场景场景词汇:●Organize, essay, topic, chosen, broad, narrow it down,compare, focused, interested, begin, discussion, opinion, fact, support, idea, check, statistics, percentage, include,words, rough draft, outline, break down, subtopic, officehour, reference, material●Research paper, discuss, topic, recommend, theory,work progress●Report, subject, catalog, published source, gathermaterial●Information, plagiarize, failing grade, gather, note,assimilate the information thoroughly, paraphrase,capture the main idea, quote directly, finalize theresearch paper●Draft, pass it out in our classes, clear up the problem10. 实地考查场景场景词汇:●List, supply, on site, kit, notebook, axe, glove, instrument,measure, clean, cancel, weather, clothes, outside, food,snack, transportation, transport, dig●Trip leader, participate, report, field trip11. 体育运动场景场景词汇:●Spring cycling season, regular hobby, physical fitnessroutine, bicyclist, expert riders●Endurance test, recreational cyclists, racers●Ski patrol, ski patroller, safety●Physical education class, rock climbing, rope, belt,buckle, safety equipment, climbing trip12. 游玩场景场景例题:●Break, racket, reserve a court●Rock concert, vacation, weather13. 打工场景场景词汇:●Summer break, work, job, offer, excellent opportunity,practice, wonderful, dilemma, difficult decision, plan,volunteer, NGO, chance, share, interesting, spend,accept, program, interview, company, application, applyfor, money, advice●Tough, exam, stressed, dread, cram the night, part-time,money, board, balance, hit the book, energy, tired, sleep,consolation, get through, fun, fondness●Announcement, hire, part-time assistant, experience,research, daily●Laboratory assistant, fill out an application, fit into myschedule●Variety of job opportunities, responsible for, volunteer,service, positions are open, link of service, careertraining, program available, demand physical endurance, receive no salary, pay for living expense, housing andfood allowance, additional information●Internship program, advanced planning, careeropportunities, working experience, short termexperience, permanent employment, full-time, academiccredit, supervise, hand out, career advisory service,living expense场景例题:14. 学生组织活动场景场景词汇:●Run, marathon, motivator, back into shape, inspire,running buddies, positive, sponsor, tons of money,cause●Introduce, campus daily, volunteer, salary, ceremony,alumni15. 报到注册场景场景词汇:●Registration, time, determine, first year student, mail,designated date, specific time, admission letter,continuing students, average, previous, session, pay,credit card, bank, teller, confirmation slip, in person●Registration, date, newly admitted student,undergraduate, junior, sophomore, returning student,senior, check, pay attention, time, register, designatedtime, pay, fee, financial aid, financial officer, sponsor,authorization letter, on-line16. 校园生活场景场景词汇:●Move, accent, pod, international group, major, lucky,excellent, booklet, regulation, rule, conductive, quietpolicy, self-policed, problem, allow, smoke, cook, plug,dryer, voltage, alarm, kitchen, leftover, clean-up day, hotwater, meter, washroom, laundry facility, basement,conserving energy, lounge area, heat, air-conditioning,atorage area, permit, hallway, community space, priornotification, safe, valuable, housekeeper, vacuumcleaner, lock, key, check, fire prevention equipment,cover, overnight visitor, arrange, in advance, religiouspropaganda, dorm, furnishing, park●Roommate, dormitory, unpacking our things, neat●Housing office, living off campus, cost, rent, utilities,need a car to commute, noisy, peace and quiet●Winter break, dean, vacation arrangement, fill up theforms, heating cost, temporary accommodation●Housing director, checkout procedure, leave for vacation,return your key, summer maintenance crew, residenceadvisor, pass around●Apartment, dump, functional, noisy17. 医院场景场景词汇:●Diagnose, patient’s illness, painful, technologicaladvance, blood and tissue sample, diagnostictechniques, detect diseases, variations in temperature,X rays, side effect, uncomfortable, endure pain, healthcare●Medical clinic and infirmary, nursing staff, get sick, areally bad cold, develop terrible coughs, pneumonia,stay in the infirmary, don’t feel well, rest more and skip afew classes, get medical excuse, the clinic hour,emergency number●Modern medical facility, health needs, dental clinic,maternity ward, operating room, special surgery, surgeons●Student Health Services, blood pressure, universitynutritionists, processed foods, university hospital●Pain, discharge, slight earache, take it easy●Prevention, symptoms, cough, fever, funny nose, headand bones ache, chill, flu, influenza, overtired, stressed out, exposure to virus, sneeze, airborne virus, body’s resistance, ward off the flu, rest, eat well, drink a lot of water, immune system, fight off illness, immunized, vaccine, university health center。