性传播(Sexually transmission) :性滥交、同性恋和异性恋之间的亲 密性行为是重要的乙肝病毒传播途径,这种传播亦包括家庭夫妻间的传 播,夫妻之间的无防御措施的性行为传播率大概在14%左右,具体引人 而异。因乙肝病人的唾液中可以查到乙肝病毒,在接吻时有可能会由于 皮肤粘膜破损造成传染。因此在口腔有破损(如溃疡,咬伤,牙龈出血
可见大三阳和小三阳的区别主要在病毒复制活跃程度上,但并不表示“大三阳”一定比“小三阳”病 情严重,临床研究证实,有些小三阳患者更容易转化为肝癌。在治疗上,如果是乙肝患者且HBVDNA含 量高,大三阳和小三阳的区别不大,都要以抗病毒治疗为主,辅助抗炎保肝,抗纤维化治疗。 Visible big 3 this world and small 3 this world difference is mainly in the viral replication activity, but it doesn't mean the "big 3 this world" than "small 3 this world" the disease is severe, clinical studies have confirmed that some small 3 this world are more likely to be converted into liver cancer patients. In treatment, if is hepatitis b patients and hbvdn乙a肝co两nt对en半t h的ig解h,读the difference between big 3 this world and4 small 3 this world is not big, to give priority to with antiviral therapy, anti-inflammatory, protecting liver, auxiliary anti fibrosis treatment.