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1 下载上传数据,打开CSCLink之前需将语言设置为德语,重启计算机连接通讯线,进行上传下载数据。
点击“ADD NEW ”弹出如下图的RS232-MODBUSCFG对话框:将COM PORT:设置为COM1设置如图所示。
“OK ”确定。
然后将下图端口选成“RS232-MODBUSCFG COM1”。
打开程序后“GO ONLINE”,入图。
5. CTRL-A联机,7-4-2进入到CAN总线组态建立网络连接。
如下图:变频器CAN NODE 设置为02,柜内和机旁W AGO分别设置为05和08。
c)网络连接检查7-4-2 回车进入
CSC系统调试说明书PFISTER GmbH1.1.2 键的功能 (VT100)移动光标或选择参数输入数据时设置光标的位置回车键,用于输入或激活选择或接收数据输入数字或直接选择菜单输入十六进制的数 显示主菜单 刷新当前菜单,并切换到VT100 方式 刷新当前菜单,并切换到PHT 方式 错误确认 功能或指令中止 功能或指令执行 调用“服务联机”菜单(仅限于 CSC MASTER )1.1.3 PHT (PFISTER 手操器)的联机1.) 把PHT 联到CSC 的服务接口X17 插头上。
2.) 设备的标识符和版本号在PHT 的 1--3 行显示。
在第四行将显示“Ctrl Y > Connect”,这时PHT 已经准备就绪。
3.) 按“Ctrl Y ”键,PHT 与CSC 的联接就建立了。
4.) 按“Ctrl A” 键,显示主菜单。
下面数据将显示在PHT 上。
第一行 ->菜单字头第二行 ->参数说明第三行 ->技术值或参数设定第四行 ->错误信息(如果存在)如果有问题,检查与CSC 的联接和设置(波特率,数据格式)1.1.4 手操器 PHT 的按键功能描述F1 的题字和功能 传送PHT 的标识符 F2的题字和功能 执行 F3的题字和功能错误确认F4的题字和功能转到主菜单F5的题字和功能放弃 F6的题字和功能 提出用于输入字母和特殊字符的表格或在通电后进行组态滚动选择菜单或在选择参数时选择菜单 回车键,用于输入,接收或激活选择 设置光标的位置(输入的位置) 输入十进制数据或直接选择菜单1.2 操作及其显示的注解用 Ctrl + A 键可以从任何菜单返回主菜单。
回到上一级菜单用“0”键或把光标定位在<<Exit(0) 并按回车键。
任何一个输入和选择都可用“Ctrl + C ” 放弃,原设置保持不变。
CSI-200E测控装置管理软件使用说明书CSI-200E测控装置管理软件使用说明书编制:赵云校核:肖彬审核:邓俊波版本记录目录1概述 (1)1.1适用范围 (1)1.2硬件配置、操作系统及软件安装 (1)1.3主要功能特点 (1)2绘制间隔主接线图 (3)2.1新建及保存文件 (3)2.2元件绘制 (4)2.3主接线图下传 (7)2.4保存主接线图为位图文件 (8)3可编程逻辑控制器 (8)3.1PLC的节点分类 (8)3.2操作类型分类 (9)3.3使用规则 (10)3.4可编程逻辑的编写 (10)3.5PLC下传、上传及校验 (21)3.6PLC编程技巧 (21)3.7用PLC实现遥控功能 (22)3.8用PLC实现同期功能 (23)3.9用PLC实现调压功能 (26)3.10用PLC实现间隔间五防闭锁 (27)3.11把PLC梯形图保存为位图 (29)4装置配置 (30)4.1装置设置 (30)4.2通道配置 (34)4.3其他配置 (37)4.4下传装置配置定值 (40)561850建模 (41)5.1建模配置 (41)5.2高级配置 (47)5.3导出模型 (48)6其他部分说明 (49)6.1下载程序 (49)6.2文件.CSI说明 (50)6.3串口配置及报文显示 (50)6.4界面英化 (51)1概述1.1适用范围CSI200EManage V4.13用于CSI-200E系列数字式综合测量控制装置(以下简称装置或间隔)PC端辅助管理软件,也可用于简单的串口通讯监视。
1.2硬件配置、操作系统及软件安装在装有Windows 2000/XP(或Windows的更高版本)系统都可以使用该软件。
四方公司CSC系列装置打印说明第一、公司目前使用的打印盒种类1、CSN-010A 打印机接口,是LON网打印接口盒,软件通用版本是V3.31;是通过LONWORKS现场总线来传输打印信息的。
注意事项:1)、此打印盒电源必须为交流,电压范围220V ±10%。
2)、目前此打印盒只支持串口打印,不支持LON网打印,所以端子的LON-A, LON-B两端口请保持为空,不接线,以免引起干扰。
全系列装置采用全封闭后插式结构,装置机箱高度为4U宽度为19/2英寸,32 位微处理器和14位数据采集(A/D); 支持故障录波功能;可提供LONWORKS、RS485、PROFIBUS-DP现场总线及光电以太网通讯接口;支持网络对时和GPS脉冲对时,支持IRIG-B 码对时;支持4~20mA模拟量直流输出;支持开入开出硬件扩展(DIO插件);测量电压电流表计精度为0.2级,功率和电度0.5级;电厂版本CSC200系列装置软硬件略区别于电网版装置,其硬件项目号为BD2008015,软件项目号为BD2009005;支持交流控电场合的应用需求。
微机保护调试软件EPPC使用说明编制:校核:审定:版本号:V1.0文件代号:出版日期:2005.041.软件介绍EPPC 微机保护调试软件是配合CSC200、CSC326G系列微机保护装置的工具软件,不但能够完成人机对话的功能,还能对保护录波数据进行分析。
2.安装与卸载2.1 运行环境●操作系统:Windows95/98/2000/XP;●最低配置:CPU:80486DX/66以上;内存:8MB;显示卡:标准VGA,256色显示模式以上;硬盘安装:2M空间。
2.2安装步骤●将 释放到你所需要的文件夹下●运行install.bat 导入Microsoft ActiveX 控件●使用RS232 (2-3,3-2,5-5)串口连接计算机和装置图调试端口信号定义3.功能菜单本软件提供如下功能:3.1 监视面板:整定操作:整定值查询,修改,固化。
下图为监视面板的功能菜单:3.2 控制面板:定值切换:保护运行定值区切换。
以下为控制面板的功能菜单:3.3 系统功能:运行模式:运行/调试模式切换。
CSC系统调试说明书CSC系统调试说明书PFISTER GMBH1.1.2 键的功能(VT100)移动光标或选择参数输入数据时设置光标的位置回车键,用于输入或激活选择或接收数据输入数字或直接选择菜单输入十六进制的数显示主菜单刷新当前菜单,并切换到VT100 方式刷新当前菜单,并切换到PHT 方式错误确认功能或指令中止功能或指令执行调用“服务联机”菜单(仅限于 CSC MASTER )1.1.3 PHT (PFISTER 手操器)的联机1.) 把PHT联到CSC 的服务接口X17 插头上。
2.) 设备的标识符和版本号在PHT 的 1--3 行显示。
在第四行将显示“Ctrl Y > Connect”,这时PHT已经准备就绪。
3.) 按“Ctrl Y ”键,PHT 与CSC 的联接就建立了。
4.) 按“Ctrl A” 键,显示主菜单。
下面数据将显示在PHT 上。
第一行 ->菜单字头第二行 ->参数说明第三行 ->技术值或参数设定第四行 ->错误信息(如果存在)如果有问题,检查与CSC的联接和设置(波特率,数据格式)1.1.4 手操器 PHT 的按键功能描述F1 的题字和功能传送PHT 的标识符 F2的题字和功能执行 F3的题字和功能错误确认F4的题字和功能转到主菜单F5的题字和功能放弃F6的题字和功能提出用于输入字母和特殊字符的表格或在通电后进行组态滚动选择菜单或在选择参数时选择菜单回车键,用于输入,接收或激活选择设置光标的位置(输入的位置)输入十进制数据或直接选择菜单1.2 操作及其显示的注解用 Ctrl + A 键可以从任何菜单返回主菜单。
任何一个输入和选择都可用“Ctrl + C ” 放弃,原设置保持不变。
版本:V7.0CSC-200/CSC-326G说明编号:C51182项目编号: BT2009027项目类别:☐软件☐硬件☑软硬件归档类别:☑通用☐定制是否有配套使用的工程说明书☑否☐是说明书编号版本:是否有配套使用的定值清单☑否☐是是否有关联定制软硬件☑否☐是具体描述:原理图是否有变化☑否☐是具体描述:是否有新增物料☑否☐是新增物料为:___________________是否需设计新的自动测试软件☑否☐是☐不涉及项目综述版本升级说明内容一软件说明1系统软件修改说明:对CSC-200程序进行升级,系统程序功能改动如下:✧解决LON网异常、LON网召录波丢报文、以太网不通等问题。
TRE / Paula / 06.10.2000889.920.20.14 BA GBOPERATOR'S MANUALCSC CAN-System-Controller Operating devices889.920.20.14 BA GBThis documentation is valid for:Software:899.920.20.0ZFrom Version: 3.0Created under:WinWord 97Template:DOK_GRD.dotTRE / Paula / 06.10.2000889.920.20.14 BA GBContents Page 1GENERAL (3)1 .1Symbolic notation (4)1 .2Safety notes (5)1 .3Menu representation (6)1 .3.1Terminal types supported (6)1 .3.2View of the CSC M AIN MENU in VT100 mode with the Windows95 Hyperterminal (6)1 .3.3View of the CSC M AIN MENU in PHT mode with the Pfister Hand Terminal (7)1 .4Service interface (8)1 .4.1Setting the service interface: (9)1 .4.2Connections, connecting cables (9)2HYPERTERMINAL (VT100 MODE) (10)2 .1Hyperterminal settings (10)2 .2Hyperterminal key assignments (11)2 .3Hyperterminal screen format (VT100 mode) (12)2 .4Hyperterminal connection setup (12)2 .5Connection setup from the C-Box or c-VOB module to the Hyperterminal (13)3PFISTER HAND TERMINAL (PHT) (14)3 .1Pfister Hand Terminal key assignments (14)3 .2Screen setup on the Pfister Hand Terminal (PHT Mode) (14)3 .3Pfister Hand Terminals settings (15)3 .4Connection setup with the Pfister Hand Terminal (16)3 .5Connection setup from the C-Box or c-VOB module to the PHT (16)4CONNECTION SETUP (17)5MENU OPERATION (18)5 .1General operating remarks (18)5 .2Parameter entry and change (18)5 .2.1Selection fields and lists (<................t/h). (19)5 .2.2Entry fields ( 000.00 kg/h) (19)6EXAMPLES (20)6 .1Changing a selection field (20)6 .2Changing an entry field (22)7INDEX HISTORY (23)Copying of this document, and giving it to others and the use or communication of the contents thereof, areforbidden without express authority.© PFISTER GmbH, Augsburg 1998TRE / Paula / 06.10.2000889.920.20.14 BA GB 1 GENERALThe purpose of this documentation is to show the reader the operating and connection possibilities for the Pfister CSC (CAN System Controller) Feeding Control.The operation of the CSC CAN System Controller is comprised of the following actions:♦display the actual value during operation♦display the parameters during operation♦change the monitoring parameters such as limits and monitoring times during operation♦change SPS and variable programming during the operation♦change scale parameters when the scale is stopped♦adjust the scaleOperation in the sense of control and monitoring of an automatic operation is not contained in this document. This documentation is intended for the technical support personnel who carry out the monitoring adjustment and troubleshooting for the feeding and weighing system.TRE / Paula / 06.10.2000889.920.20.14 BA GB1 .1SYMBOLIC NOTATIONSafety notes (see Chapter 1.2)Remarks, notes, additional informationS MALL CAPITALS (BOLD )CSC parameterAction to carry out on the LOCALscaleAction on PCKey representation for PC / Laptop+Key combination on PC / LaptopStep 1: Action on Pfister Hand TerminalKey on Pfister Hand TerminalAbbreviations O outputFM Feeding Measurement CSC CAN System Controller CPI CAN Process Interface DBW Belt Weighfeeder DFM flow meterPCM pressure compensation DRW Rotor Weighfeeder DWdata wordI inputFBW Conveyor Belt Weigher CW Checkweigher M markerPHT Pfister Hand Terminal T timer VAR variable CTcounterTRE / Paula / 06.10.2000889.920.20.14 BA GB1 .2 SAFETY NOTESThis document contains notes that you must observe for your personal safety, to protect the safety of third parties and to avoid material damage.The notes are stressed by a symbol and are portrayed according to the degree of danger as follows:Symbol MeaningATTENTIONThis symbol is in the documentation in places where special care is to betaken in order to prevent damage to or destruction of the device,components, or other system parts.ATTENTIONThis symbol distinguishes notes that give information whose disregardcould endanger the health, the ability of the devices/components to functionor the security of the data.WARNINGThis means that death, severe bodily injury or considerable materialdamage could occur if the corresponding precautions are not taken.Warning of a danger areaDIN4844 - W9 UVV / VBG125 Nr. W 09Commissioning and operation of the devices and changes to the set-up and parameters of the device may be carried out only by qualified personnel.In the notes in this document concerning safety regulations, qualified personnel are people who fulfill the following requirements:Authorization to commission, to ground and to identify devices, systems and electrical circuitsaccording to the safety technology standards.Training by an employee of the Pfister Company regarding commissioning, operation, maintenanceand service of the Pfister Load Systems.Authorization from the manager of the system or system part, as well as precise knowledgeconcerning the context and sequences in the processes involved.TRE / Paula / 06.10.2000889.920.20.14 BA GB1 .3 MENU REPRESENTATION 1 .3.1 Terminal types supportedThe CSC CAN System Controller supports two display modes.Pfister Hand Terminal PHTPHT mode4-line display / 16 places Terminal emulation program VT100 mode 25-line display / 80 places(e.g., Windows95 – Hyperterminal ; Norton Commander – Term95)Because it is widely circulated, the Hilgraeve Hyperterminal , which is delivered with Microsoft Windows95/98 , is used as the model for terminal programs.1 .3.2 View of the CSC M AIN MENU in VT100 mode with the Windows95 HyperterminalType size and style may differ according to the systemsettings of the terminal programTRE / Paula / 06.10.2000889.920.20.14 BA GB1 .3.3 View of the CSC M AIN MENUin PHT mode with the Pfister Hand TerminalExtract representation for betterreadabilityTRE / Paula / 06.10.2000889.920.20.14 BA GB1 .4 SERVICE INTERFACEThe CSC CAN System Controller can be connected to a terminal or a PC via the CSC connection X17 (in the switch cabinet) or via a CAN bus (supplied locally) with the CPI connection X10 on the C-box– module (BWF, BS, FM) orthe C-VOB module (RWF). Each connection is a 9-pin SUB-D connector.Abb.: CSCFig.: C-Box – Modul (Local)TRE / Paula / 06.10.2000889.920.20.14 BA GB1 .4.1 Setting the service interface:Baud rate= 9600 baudData format= 1 start bit; 8 data bits; 1 stop bit; no parity1 .4.2 Connections, connecting cablesThe connection to the CSC CAN System Controller (X17) and to the C-Box module or to the C-VOB module (X10) is implemented as a 9-pin SUB-D connector.The connection’s pin layout is compatible with a serial PC interface COMx – a commercially available serial null model cable can be used as the connecting cable.Attention! The Pfister Hand Terminal PHT is supplied with +12V on PIN 9. Before using a pre-manufactured cable, check if PIN 9 is connected and break this connection if necessary. Supplying external power over the serial PC interface can lead to malfunctions in some PCsystems!PCT(x) 2R(x) 3(Gnd) 5CAN SystemController3 (Rx)2 (Tx)5 (Gnd)9 (+12V)TRE / Paula / 06.10.2000889.920.20.14 BA GB 2 HYPERTERMINAL (VT100 MODE)2 .1 HYPERTERMINAL SETTINGSWindows Hyperterminal properties should be set as follows:Connection Direct connection over COM1 (or another free COM interface on PC/Laptop)Emulation VT100Configuration Baud rate= 9600 baudData format= 8 data bits; no parity, 1 stop bit; no protocolTRE / Paula / 06.10.2000889.920.20.14 BA GB 2 .2 HYPERTERMINAL KEY ASSIGNMENTSMove cursor to line of desired menu entryor select the desired setting in the case of parameter selection.Set the cursor position (input position) on entering data.“Return key“ for an input or activate selection or accept data...Input of decimal values or direct selection of a particular menu entry..Input of hex_values.+Display the main menu.+Refresh current menu and switchover to VT100 mode.+Refresh current menu and switchover to PHT mode.+Acknowledge error.+Function or command “Abort“.+Function or command …Execute“.+Invoke the “CONNECTION-SERV.“ menu (for CSC master onlyTRE / Paula / 06.10.2000889.920.20.14 BA GB2 .3 HYPERTERMINAL SCREEN FORMAT (VT100 MODE)2 .4 HYPERTERMINAL CONNECTION SETUPConnect the PC to the CSC CAN System Controller (Connection X17) and start the Hyperterminal. Pressing the key combination + causes the main menu to be initialized on the CSC.The following screen should be displayed.If only a 4 row display appears then the CSC is in PHT Mode and must be switched toVT100 Mode with the key combination +.M enu heading CSC node numberM enu num berOperating modeOperating notesErrormessageC ursor positTRE / Paula / 06.10.2000889.920.20.14 BA GB2 .5 CONNECTION SETUP FROM THE C-BOX OR C-VOB MODULE TO THE HYPERTERMINALConnect the PC to the service interface X10 on the C-Box module or the C-VOB module and initialize by pushing the keys +.Select point 3 CPI1 ->S ERVER with the cursorkeysand accept with thekey.Since the connection between the CSC and CPI runs over the CAN bus,changes to the CAN bus settings are NOT possible !TRE / Paula / 06.10.2000889.920.20.14 BA GB3 PFISTER HAND TERMINAL (PHT)3 .1 PFISTER HAND TERMINAL KEY ASSIGNMENTSSend PHT identifierExecuteAcknowledgeGoto main menuAbortCall up the table for entry of alpha- and special characters or activate the configuration after switching on.Step through menu entries, or selection …Return“ key for an input or table in the case of parameter selection.activate selection or accept.Set the cursor position ...Input of decimal values or direct (input position) for entries.selection of a menu entry.3 .2SCREEN SETUP ON THE PFISTER HAND TERMINAL (PHT MODE)TRE / Paula / 06.10.2000889.920.20.14 BA GB3 .3 PFISTER HAND TERMINALS SETTINGSThe display contrast and the RS232 interface settings can be changed on the PHT Pfister Hand Terminal.Connect the PHT Pfister Hand Terminal to the CSC CAN System Controller (Connection X17) on the C-Box module (X10) or on the C-VOB module (X10).Activate key and the PHT configuration menu K ONTRAST is called upUse the keys to adjust the display contrast from +8 ... – 8.Activate key to call up the PHT’s RS232 I NTERFACE configuration menuThe keys change the interface’s transmission speed.Possible settings are:2400; 4800; 9600; 19200 Baud (default setting: 9600)Activate the key and the menu point EXIT >> is displayed Press the key to return to the PHT initialization screen.All Pfister Hand Terminals are delivered already pre-configured in the factory; an adjustment of or change to the settings listed above isnormally not necessary.TRE / Paula / 06.10.2000889.920.20.14 BA GB3 .4 CONNECTION SETUP WITH THE PFISTER HAND TERMINALConnect the PHT Pfister Hand Terminal to theCSC CAN System Controller.Activate key – the connection to the CSC is made and the PHT mode is initialized.Activate key – the CSC main menu is displayed.3 .5CONNECTION SETUP FROM THE C-BOX OR C-VOB MODULE TO THE PHTConnect the Pfister Hand Terminal to the service interfaceX10 on the C-Box module or the C-VOB module.Activate key – the connection to the CPI is made and the PHT mode is initialized.Press cursor keyPress cursor keyPress the return keyActivate the connection to the CSC andinitialize the CSC M AIN MENUSince the connection between the CSC and CPI runs over the CAN bus, changesto the CAN bus settings are NOT possible!TRE / Paula / 06.10.2000889.920.20.14 BA GB4 CONNECTION SETUPTermination of the communication with the CSC CAN System Controller should be carried out as follows:1. Return to the CSC M AIN MENU by pushing (possibly several times) the key combination+Upon a connection interruption (unintentional or not), the CSC notes the current menu position and returns to this menu again when the connection is re-established.At the same time, the CSC doesn’t register the break in the connection, i.e., on one hand actions already started, e.g.acceptance of the rotation constants or determination of the zero value, are not influenced and are carried out in the normal way; on the other hand, display screens continue to be refreshed although a display device is no longer connected.§If one of the file editors, a monitor function or the CAN2 system bus should abort (only in theHyperterminal – VT100 mode), the key combination + must possibly be pressed several times or security queries for storing must be answered.§If the connection is over the C-Box module or the C-VOB module (locally), the service connection between the CSC and CPI should definitely be ended, since otherwise data which is no longer needed is constantly sent over the CAN BusThis additional data traffic does not lead to any feedrate loss in the data transmission on the bus connection, but is not necessary.Select point 9 S ERVER à EXIT in the CSC M AIN MENU to end the server connection and return to the Main menu CPI1 with thekey.2. Terminate connection between CSC and the Hyperterminal or PHTDisconnect the connecting cables; the PHT turns off without supply voltage, the Hyperterminal must be terminated.TRE / Paula / 06.10.2000889.920.20.14 BA GB5 MENU OPERATION5 .1 GENERAL OPERATING REMARKSThe key combination + causes a return to the main menu from all menus.Exceptions are the file editors (SPS, VAR, PRT), the monitor functions (I/O/FLG/DW/VAR/T/CT) and the CAN-system bus menus; here + causes the respective screen to be left with a return to the previous menu. Pushing the key or selecting the menu point << E XIT (0) always causes a return of one menu level.A menu selection is possible by direct entry of the menu number or by placing the cursor in the corresponding line and pushing the key.5 .2 PARAMETER ENTRY AND CHANGEHeaderSelection Entries SubmenuTRE / Paula / 06.10.2000889.920.20.14 BA GB5 .2.1 Selection fields and lists (<................t/h)Selection field dimension<....................t/h DimensionSelect the desired parameter line with the cursor keysand activate the selection field with the key. <....................t/h DimensionSelect the desired dimension with the cursor keysand accept the selection and leave the field with the key. Selection field X6 Interface Protocol <....................OFF ProtocolSelect the desired parameter line with the cursor keysand activate the selection field with the key. <....................OFF ProtocolSelect the desired protocol with the cursor keysand accept the selection and leave the field with the key.5 .2.2 Entry fields ( 000.00 kg/h)W1 0007,00 kg/h Local feedrateselect the desired parameter line with the cursor keysand activate the entry field with the key0007,00 kg/h Local feedrateenter the desired value with the number keys ..and accept the entry and leave the field with thekey.TRE / Paula / 06.10.2000889.920.20.14 BA GB6 EXAMPLES6 .1 CHANGING A SELECTION FIELDExample: E NTRY FREEparameterThe entry free serves to protect the scale parameters from being changed unintentionally.The selection field possibilities available are YES or point 7 C ONFIGURATION with the cursorkeysand accept with thekeyselect point 1 S YST -P ARAMETER with thecursor keysand accept with thekeyselect point 7 C ONFIGURATIONwith the cursorkeysaccept with the keyselect point 1 S YST -PARAMETERwith thecursor keysaccept with the keyTRE / Paula / 06.10.2000889.920.20.14 BA GBselect point E NTRY FREE with the cursor keysand accept with the key< Entry freechoose between YES and NO with the cursorkeys and accept with thekeyreturn to the CSC Main menu by pressing the key combination+select point E NTRY FREEwith the cursor keys activate the input with the keychoose between YES and NO with the cursorkeysand accept the selection with thekeyreturn to the CSC Main menu by pressing the keyTRE / Paula / 06.10.2000889.920.20.14 BA GB6 .2 CHANGING AN ENTRY FIELDExample: Setpoint L OCAL F EEDRATE W1 ParameterThe setpoint W1 is used in the operating mode automatic local as the actual setpoint Wx. The entry is given inkg/h, t/h or lb/h depending on the design of the point 4 S ETPOINTS with the cursor keysand accept with thekeyselect point W1 L OCAL FEEDRATE with thecursor keys and activate the entry fieldwith thekeyThe cursor can be moved within the entry fieldwith the cursor keys ; changes are entered with the number keys .. .The entry is accepted and the entry field left when thekey is point 4 S ETPOINTSwith the cursor keysaccept with thekeyselect the point W1 L OCAL FEEDRATE with thecursor keysand activate the entry field with thekeyThe cursor can be moved within the entry field with the cursor keys ; changes are entered with the number keys .. .The entry is accepted and the entry field is left when thekey is pushedOPERATOR'S MANUALCSC CAN-System-Controller Operating devicesTSE / Silberhorn / 06.10.2000889.920.20.14 BA GB 7 INDEX HISTORYIndex Author Edition Modifications-Paula06.10.2000New.This documentation is subject to alterations.The technical data and specifications are valid at the time of publication of this documentation.The information provided in this publication is, however, checked on a regular basis and any necessary corrections made in subsequent editions.Pfister GmbH reserves the right to alter these versions at any time.We are always grateful for suggestions for improvement.。
微机保护调试软件EPPC使用说明编制:侯捷校核:王建东审定:李静正版本号:V1.0文件代号:C67032出版日期:2005.041.软件介绍EPPC 微机保护调试软件是配合CSC200、CSC326G系列微机保护装置的工具软件,不但能够完成人机对话的功能,还能对保护录波数据进行分析。
2.安装与卸载2.1 运行环境●操作系统:Windows95/98/2000/XP;●最低配置:CPU: 80486DX/66以上;内存:8MB;显示卡:标准VGA,256色显示模式以上;硬盘安装:2M空间。
2.2安装步骤●将 释放到你所需要的文件夹下●运行install.bat 导入Microsoft ActiveX 控件●使用RS232 (2-3,3-2,5-5)串口连接计算机和装置图调试端口信号定义3.功能菜单本软件提供如下功能:3.1 监视面板:整定操作:整定值查询,修改,固化。
下图为监视面板的功能菜单:3.2 控制面板:定值切换:保护运行定值区切换。
以下为控制面板的功能菜单:3.3 系统功能:运行模式:运行/调试模式切换。
以下为系统功能菜单:3.4 辅助功能菜单:报告的打开,保存,打印等文件功能.4.系统工具栏EPPC软件的系统的工具栏如下,使用工具栏上面的快捷按钮的可以不通过菜单快速进入功能项目,当用鼠标移动到系统工具栏的快捷按钮上面的时候会有浮动的工具栏提示出现。
5.软件使用5.1 保护CPU的连接如果本调试软件和保护装置连接失败,在确认通讯参数正常及电缆连接正确的情况下,选择[系统]菜单中的[设备连接]命令,重新连接与刷新保护CPU。
5.2 通讯参数设置提供底层的通讯口参数设置及调试,通讯设置中的各项参数应与装置一致,如果通讯失败,选择[系统]菜单中的[通讯设置]命令,或者直接通过系统工具栏上面的“通讯设置”快捷按钮,进入通讯设置功能,重新设置参数。
5.3 运行/调试模式切换选择[系统]菜单中的[运行模式],[调试模式]命令,或者直接通过系统工具栏上面的相应的快捷按钮,将当前状态置为相应的模式。
5.4 报告的打开,保存,打印等文件功能对于软件能够处理的文档信息,如故障事件,故障录波,保护运行定值,开入量,测量值等数据,软件软件提供了存盘功能,可以将数据存储成为文件形式来便于以后的分析。
5.5 整定值查询,修改,固化选择[监视面板]菜单上的[整定操作]选项,或者直接通过系统工具栏上面的“整定操作”快捷按钮,整定操作窗口将会打开(再次选择,将会关闭该窗口,[监视面板]菜单上的其他选项,同理)。
5.6 压板设置选择[控制面板]菜单中的[压板设置]命令,或者直接通过系统工具栏上面的“压板设置”快捷按钮打开压板设置窗口(如下图),选择需要投退的压板,点击设置确定。
5.7 运行定值区切换选择[控制面板]菜单中的[定值切换]命令, 或者直接通过系统工具栏上面的“定值切换”快捷按钮选择所要切换的定值区,选择[执行]命令,就会将当前保护CPU 的运行定值区切换到相应的区,如果执行成功,会显示当前的运行定值区。
5.8 保护动作事件及开关变位事件监视窗口打开:选择[监视面板]菜单上的[事故报告]选项,或者直接通过系统工具栏上面的“事故报告”快捷按钮,打开事故报告窗口.在有事故报告时, 窗口会自动弹出,并显示相应事故报告。
事件复制:选择[事故记录]菜单上的[记录复制]命令(或右击窗口弹出快捷菜单,选择[记录复制]命令),在保护事故记录表中选择所需复制的记录,选择复制命令,即可将相应的事故报告从保护CPU 的FLASHRAM 里面复制进来,进行分析,按取消命令,退出。
记录的选定和操作:记录的选定方法如同Windows 资源管理器中的文件选定。
(窗口见下图)选定记录以后,可以按DEL 键删除所选定的条目。
(参照录波数据说明)5.9 故障录波数据查询,分析录波数据查询:打开录波数据窗口,选择[录波数据]菜单中的[录波查询]命令,输入指定的报告号,查询相应的录波数据,中间结果,故障时刻整定值及事故记录。
录波数据文件可以另存为COMTRADE 通用格式。
(a)时域波形方式在时域波形方式中,可以对波形进行横向(时间轴)及纵向(幅值)的缩放(使用[录波数据]菜单中的[X 轴缩放],[Y 轴缩放]选项,或右击右窗口面板使用快捷菜单中的相应选项,选择所需的缩放比例),也可以垂直拖动某一模拟量波形到任一位置。
(将鼠标移动到所要移动的波形的X 轴位置,这个时候鼠标图标会变成一只手的形状,按下鼠标左键开始拖动, 将波形拖动到所要的位置,释放鼠标左键即可)。
时域波形方式中,还提供了左时间线(白色)及右时间线(红色)和相应的时间显示,为进一步分析提供了方便, 左窗口面板将显示右时间线位置各通道的瞬时值。
可以把时间线水平拖动到任意位置(具体拖动方法请参照上面),也可以使用[录波数据]菜单中的[时间定位]选项进行精确的定位,也可以右击右窗口面板使用快捷菜单中的[左时间线],[右时间数据通道名称 右时间线指向时刻有效值左时间线(白色)一个通道的波形右时间线(红色)波右时间线指向时刻开关量线]命令,(或者双击鼠标左键,此时左右时间线同时出现,重叠,颜色为(天蓝色))将相应时间线放置到鼠标所处的位置。
(b)故障报告方式在故障报告方式中, 提供了故障时刻的运行定值区的定值信息,以及事故报告窗口。
5.10 开入量定时查询选择[监视面板]菜单上的[开入监视]选项,或者直接通过系统工具栏上面的“开入监视”快捷按钮打开开入窗口,开入窗口将定时刷新显示当前保护CPU的所有开关量状态,也可以选择[开入量]菜单中的[即时刷新]命令强制刷新当前保护CPU的所有开关量状态。
5.11 采样通道有效值,相角,直流偏移查询及增益系数查看选择[监视面板]菜单上的[交流测试]选项,或者直接通过系统工具栏上面的“交流测试”快捷按钮打开测量窗口,选择[交流测试]菜单中的[查询]命令, 读取各采样通道有效值,相角,直流偏移及增益系数,可以修改增益系数(具体修改方法请参照整定值修改),之后,选择[交流测试]菜单中的[设置]命令,调整增益系数。
(增益系数调整功能暂时不提供) 为安全起见,此命令只在调试状态下有效。
(参照运行/调试模式切换说明) 增益系数的保存,打开等文件功能,遵循一般的文件功能。
5.12 实时采样数据查询选择[监视面板]菜单上的[采样数据]选项,或者直接通过系统工具栏上面的“采样数据”快捷按钮打开测量窗口,打开采样数据窗口, 选择[采样数据]菜单中的[总召唤]命令,窗口将显示当前保护CPU 的实时采样值,其中可以选择数字量和计算量两种显示方式。
5.13 开出量跳合测试为安全起见,此命令只在调试状态下有效。
(参照运行/调试模式切换说明)选择[控制面板]菜单中的[开出传动]命令, 或者直接通过系统工具栏上面的“开出传动”快捷按钮,打开测量窗口选择所要测试的开出量及操作方式(动作,返回),选择[执行]命令,即可。
5.14 保护配置信息浏览本功能一般供本厂开发人员调试软件时使用,选择[控制面板]菜单中的[保护配置]命令, 或者直接通过系统工具栏上面的“保护配置”快捷按钮,就可以打开保护配置窗口。
保护配置由保护CPU 上传,包含了模拟量,开入量,定值,事件代码等保护CPU 纪录信息的数据表格信息,由人机对话模块或者本调试分析软件来解释其中的具体代码的含义,完成对保护功能的监控内容。