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奥镁公司中英文对照说明书-2STEELFLOW CONTROL炼钢与连铸ENGLISH / CHINESE VERSION中文 / 英文对照PRODUCTS 20062006年产品目录Page 1Version 01-2006Content 目录PAGE页数Pig Iron Transport 3 - 8铁水运输Basic Oxygen Furnace Converter 9 - 19碱性氧气转炉Electric Arc Furnace 21 - 31电弧炉Induction Furnace 32 - 35感应炉Steel Treatment and Casting Ladle 36 - 51[incl. VOD Ladle]钢水精炼及浇铸钢包包括VOD钢包Ladle Purging Ceramic 52 - 69钢包底吹供气元件RH/ DH Degasser 70 - 75RH/DH真空脱气装置AOD Oxygen Converter 76 - 80AOD氧气转炉Tundish 81 - 88中间包Slide Gate Ceramics 89 - 98滑动水口ISO Ceramics 99 - 110功能三大件Heat Treatment Furnaces 轧钢加热炉 111 - 117Page 2Version 01-2006PIG IRONTRANSPORT铁水运输Lining Concepts for the Blast Furnace Runner, Torpedo & Transport Ladle高炉铁沟,鱼雷罐&铁水包Page 3Version 01-2006Blast Furnace Runner高炉铁沟Slag Runner渣沟CARSIT D184CARSIT D223CARSIT D225Tilter WearAll Runners Wear CARSIT D236LiningLining 铁沟工作层Main RunnerCARSIT D237渣沟工作层主铁沟 CARSIT D184 CARSIT D184CARSIT D223CARSIT D184CARSIT D223CARSIT D223 CARSIT D225 CARSIT D225CARSIT D225CARSIT D226CARSIT D236Main Runner主铁沟Iron RunnerCARSIT D184铁沟CARSIT D223CARSIT D226CARSIT D226CARSIT D235CARSIT D237Main RunnerPig Iron Zone主铁沟CARSIT D235Insulation LiningSkimmer Block Safety Lining 隔热层Steel Shell挡渣块安全衬PYROSTOP BLANKET铁壳DIDURIT 170CARSIT D236LEGRAL 40/9 EADIDURIT 170ACARSIT D237The Mixomat 混料机aggregate for mixing of castables适用浇注料的混合Flexible application多功能Precise dosage of water quantity 精确控制水量Individual mixing time dry or wet可干湿分别操作High homogenity of mix 高均匀度混合Transportable by crane or fork lift 装运方便Mixomat Crossection剖视图Mixomatas delivered实体图Page 4Version 01-2006Torpedo Ladle鱼雷罐Lower Outlet出铁口底部Outlet 出铁口UREX ASC812UREX ASC 708Roof 顶部COMPAC VIB U780 0-6Mortar 火泥COMPAC FLO L880 SIC 0-6UREX AC 704-124Safety Lining 安全层UREX C404 0-0.5Wear Lining 工作层RESIMUR 190K 0-0.5DURAMUR 95 TSlag Zone 渣线UREX ASC812UREX ASC 708Gunning Mixes喷补料COMPAC GUN L880 0-3Insulation隔热层Safety LiningLEGRAL 35/0Impact AreaHot Metal Zone安全衬冲击区铁水区UREX 42SICAL B 1004NUREX ASC 711UREX ASC708UREX ASC812Shotcrete 喷涂机quick effective repair system for torpedo ladles 鱼雷罐专用高速喷涂机Shorter lining times 4-12 mt/h施工时间短4-12吨/小时No shuttering or moulds necessary 不需模具Low water consumption 用水量少Wear LiningLow porosity 低气孔率工作层High density 高密度No dust 无粉尘污染COMPAC SHOT160 0-3Significantly better physical properties than conventional gunning mixes大幅改善传统喷涂法的工作层物理性质Physical properties comparable with LC vibrating castables物理性质媲美低水泥的震动浇注料Can be gunned vertically or horizontally, also at longer ranges适用于各种角度施工垂直,水平,大范围施工Page 5Version 01-2006Transport Ladle铁水包Spout 包嘴Brick LiningCOMPAC VIB U780 0-6COMPAC FLO L880 SIC 0-6包衬-砖Insulation 隔热层LEGRAL 35/0Safety Lining安全衬UREX 42Mortar 火泥Slag Zone 渣线区Safety Lining 安全衬UREX ASC 708UREX C404 0-0.5Wear Lining 工作衬RESIMUR 190K 0-0.5RESITECT 190K E10Metal Zone铁水区RESISTAL S 55 SiCUREX ASC 708Gunning Mix 喷补料COMPAC GUN L880 0-3Gas Purging System供气系统Bottom Joint Mix包底填缝料COMPAC VIB U780 0-6Impact Zone冲击区RESISTAL S 55 SiCUREX ASC 708Bottom 包底Purging ElementRESISTAL S 55 SiCUREX ASC 708透气砖ANKERPERM SEG 88MMonolithic LiningSpout 包嘴包衬-浇注料 COMPAC FLO L890 0-6Slag Zone渣线区COMPAC FLO L890 0-6Wear Lining Metal ZoneMortar 火泥工作层铁水区Safety Lining 安全衬COMPAC FLO L890 0-6ANKOBIND L75 0-0.7Wear Lining 工作衬RESITECT 190K E10Safety Lining安全衬Gunning Mix 喷补料UREX 42COMPAC GUN L880 0-3Insulation隔热层LEGRAL 35/0Page 6Version 01-2006Transport Ladle Standard Shapes 铁水包砖型Dimension 尺寸mm rVol.3Side Arch Bricks*Pos. a b h l mm dmP-Shapes3P0 100 100 155 250 -- 3.88P型砖3P8 104 96 155 250 1860 3.883P10 105 95 155 250 1473 3.883P20 110 90 155 250 698 3.884P0 100 100 187 250 -- 4.684P8 104 96 187 250 2244 4.684P10 105 95 187 250 1777 4.684P12 106 94 187 250 1465 4.684P16 108 92 187 250 1075 4.684P22 111 89 187 250 757 4.685P0 100 100 220 250 -- 5.505P8 104 96 220 250 2640 5.505P16 108 92 220 250 1265 5.505P22 111 89 220 250 890 5.506P10 105 95 250 250 2375 6.256P18 109 91 250 250 1264 6.256P26 113 87 250 250 837 6.25* cut-bricks are availableMini Key Bricks*Dimension尺寸 mm rVol.MK-Shapes3Pos. a b h l mm dmMK型MK6/8 154 146 152.4 100 2781 2.29* cut-bricks are availableMK6/20 160 140 152.4 100 1067 2.29MK6/30 165 135 152.4 100 686 2.29MK6/40 170 130 152.4 100 495 2.29MK7/8 154 146 177.8 100 3245 2.67MK7/20 160 140 177.8 100 1245 2.67MK7/30 165 135 177.8 100 800 2.67MK7/40 170 130 177.8 100 535 2.67MK8/8 154 146 203.2 100 3708 3.05MK8/20 160 140 203.2 100 1423 3.05MK8/30 165 135 203.2 100 914 3.05MK8/40 170 130 203.2 100 660 3.05Page 7Version 01-2006Physical and Chemical Properties 理化指标CHEMICAL PROPERTIES WEIGHT - % 化学成分 PHYS. PROP.物理性能PRODUCTBulkMgO Al O CaO SiO Fe O TiO C others Por. CCS2 3 2 2 3 2产品牌号weight% % % % Vol% N/mm2% % % %3g/cmBLAST FURNACE LAUNDER / INSTALLATION & REPAIR MIXES高炉出铁槽砌炉料或修补料CARSIT D184 - 68.0 - 6.5 - - 2.9 SiC 24.6 2.85 - 80CARSIT D223 - 63.0 - 5.0 - ZrO 1.8 4.7 SiC 25.0 2.95 - 702CARSIT D225 - 66.5 - 3.1 - - 2.9 SiC 25.0 3.10 - 70CARSIT D226 - 74.0 - 3.6 - - 2.9 SiC 17.0 3.15 - 80CARSIT D235 - 76.0 - 0.1 - - 3.2 SiC 15.0 2.92 - 35CARSIT D236 - 21.0 - 2.5 - - 1.7 SiC 73.5 2.78 - 100CARSIT D237 - 44.0 - 4.0 - - 1.8 SiC 47.5 2.97 - 120CARSIT D194 - 66.1 - 10.0 0.9 - 5.0 SiC 10.0 2.35 - 25CARSIT D195 - 62.0 - 7.8 - - 5.0 SiC 19.5 2.42 - 45COMPAC GUN L770SIC 0-6 - 68.5 - 11.0 1.0 - - SiC+C 14.5 2.36 - 15 LEGRAL 40/9 EA 0.2 43.0 0.3 51.0 1.3 1.7 - K O 2.2 0.90 - 52PYROSTOP BLANKET 128/1430-35.0 -50.0 - - - ZrO 14.0 0.13 - -2TORPEDO LADLE & TRANSPORT LADLE/ BRICKS 鱼雷罐&铁水包/砖SICAL B100 4N - 63.0 - 19.5 1.4 2.0 13.0 SiC 5.0 2.70 13.0 40 UREX AC 704-124 - 77.0 - 12.5 1.6 2.7 5.5 - 2.87 15.5 45UREX ASC708 - 75.0 - 13.5 0.8 2.0 8.0 SiC 6.5 3.01 5.5 100UREX ASC711 - 66.0 - 16.5 1.3 2.2 12.0 SiC 6.5 3.02 7.5 80UREX ASC812 - 71.5 - 15.0 0.8 1.5 11.5 9.0 2.95 7.0 55RESISTAL S55 SiC - 54.0 - 35.0 0.6 0.3 - SIC 10.0 2.65 11.5 120UREX 42 0.4 44.0 0.2 51.0 1.6 1.7 - K O 0.1 2.26 16.0 552LEGRAL 35/0 0.5 33.0 0.4 60.0 2.2 0.8 - K O 2.8 1.00 - 62ANKERPERM SEG 88M ----- - - - - - -ANKOFORM UMR 88C - 87.5 - 0.2 - - - Cr O 10.0 3.05 18.0 1002 3TORPEDO LADLE & TRANSPORT LADLE/ INSTALLATION & REPAIR MIXES & / 鱼雷罐铁水包砌筑修补料COMPAC VIB U780 0-6 - 83.0 - 12.0 1.2 2.5 - - 2.85 - -COMPAC FLO L890 0-6 - 89.0 - 6.5 0.9 1.9 - - 2.90 - -COMPAC FLO L880 SiC 0-6 - 74.0 1.5 8.0 0.5 1.3 - SiC 15.0 2.88 - 110 TORPEDO LADLE & TRANSPORT LADLE/ GUNNING MIXES鱼雷罐&铁水包/喷补料COMPAC GUN L880 0-3 - 81.0 - 12.5 1.2 2.6 - - 2.50 - 70COMPAC SHOT160 0-3 - 83.5 - 13.4 0.9 1.9 - Na O 0.3 2.67 - 1052TORPEDO LADLE & TRANSPORT LADLE/ MORTARS鱼雷罐&铁水包/火泥 KONa O Cr O 2 22 3ANKOBIND L40 0-0.5 - 46.0 - 49.0 1.0 2.0 - K O 0.5 1.50 - -2ANKOBIND L75 0-0.7 - 78.5 - 16.0 1.7 3.2 - Na O 0.5 1.60 - -2DURAMUR 95T 0-0.5 - 97.5 - 1.5 0.1 - - Na O 0.3 2.15 - -2RESITECT 190K E10 0-0.3 0.2 88.5 - 1.6 0.3 0.1 4.5 P O 5.0 2.65 - - 2 5RESIMUR 190K 0-0.5 - 87.5 - 3.5 0.3 - 5.0 P O 2.2 1.90 - -2 5UREX C404 0-0.5 - 46.0 - 49.0 1.0 2.0 - - 1.50 - -Page 8Version 01-2006BASIC OXYGENFURNACE碱性氧气转炉Lining Concepts for the Converter转炉炉衬方案Page 9Version 01-2006BOF Lining Design 转炉炉衬设计Trunnion Area耳轴区ANCARBON OC83ANCARBON OC84ANCARBON OC93ANCARBON OC94 Mouth炉口Upper Cone上锥部ANCARBON OC73MANCARBON KC62ANCARBON OC62ANCARBON KC72ANCARBON OC72Tap HoleHousing Bricks出钢口围砖ANKERTAP SX30Tap Hole出钢口Impact Area 冲击区ANKERTAP TT90X ANCARBON KC91 ANCARBON KC91-MRI ANCARBON MC91-MRI Cylinder, Barrel炉身ANCARBON KC62 ANCARBON OC62 ANCARBON KC72 ANCARBON OC72 Lower Cone下锥部Bottom 炉底ANCARBON KC62 ANCARBON KC72 ANCARBON KC62 ANCARBON KC72 Safety Lining安全衬Domed Bottom LiningANKER N3 C圆形炉底ANCARBON KC51Purging PlugPurging Plug透气砖Surrounding BricksANKERPERM VRS003透气砖围砖ANCARBON KC73ANCARBON KC83Page 10Version 01-2006BOF Lining Design 转炉炉衬设计Trunnion Area耳轴区RADEX RCS14-8CRADEX RCS18-8CRADEX RCS14-9CRADEX RCS18-9CMouth 炉口Upper Cone上锥部RADEX RCS14-7CMRADEX RCS10-6RADEX RCS10-6CRADEX RCS10-7RADEX RCS10-7CTap HoleHousing Bricks出钢口围砖CONTAP P5Tap Hole出钢口Impact Area冲击区CONTAP PS95-T RADEX RCS7-9 RADEX RCS7-9-MRI RADEX RCS7-9M-MRI Cylinder, Barrel中间炉身RADEX RCS10-6 RADEX RCS10-6C RADEX RCS10-7C Lower Cone下锥部RADEX RCS10-6 Bottom 炉底RADEX RCS10-7 RADEX RCS10-6 RADEX RCS10-7 Safety Lining安全衬Domed Bottom Lining RADEX OM3 C圆形炉底RADEX RCS7-5Purging PlugPurging PlugSurrounding Bricks透气砖透气砖围砖RADEX DPPCRADEX RCS14-7RADEX RCS14-8Page 11Version 01-2006Installation & Repair Mixes 砌筑修补料Lip Ring Closure炉顶封口料ANKERMIX CS13ANKERMIX CP13Repair Mixes修补料Gunning Mix喷补料ANKERJET CP11*ANKERJET CWP30ANKERJET CWP37BackfillingANKERJET NP12背缝填充料ANKERTAR NT92Tap HoleRamming Mix 出钢口捣打料ANKERMIX CP13Ring Gap Mix出钢口缝隙填料ANKERFIX NS03 ANKERFIX GN01 Repair Mixes修补料Hot pouring Mix热投补料ANKERREP CX13*Hot guning Mix热喷补料ANKERJET NP12 Mortar 火泥Bottom Joint ANKERFIX CRP炉底接口填料Purging Plug Backfilling ANKERTAR FC01透气砖填充料* Chinese Market only 只用于中国地区Page 12Version 01-2006Installation & Repair Mixes 砌筑修补料Lip Ring Closure炉顶封口料PERMASIT 10SCPERMASIT CPRepair Mixes修补料Gunning Mix喷补料PERGUNIT CP11*PERGUNIT 30GPCPERGUNIT 37GPCBackfilling填充料PERFILL CLPERMASIT TM30Tap HoleRamming Mix出钢口捣打料PERMASIT CPRing Gap Mix出钢口缝隙填料PERMASIT GSRADEXLAST CRepair Mixes修补料Hot pouring Mix热投补料PERPLEX HR10C*Hot gunning Mix热喷补料PERGUNIT XKMortar 火泥Bottom JointRADEXPLAST SECPurging Plug炉底接缝填料BackfillingPERMASIT AM10透气砖填充料PERMASIT 10SC* Chinese Market only 只用于中国地区Page 13Version 01-2006ISO JET Taphole Systems & PTX 转炉出钢口ISOJET-BISOJET-CIsojet B:Isojet C:Standard Tapping 标准出钢口Special development for clean steel / slag detection systems 专门为纯净钢水/ 探渣系统而开发Taphole Set New Taphole Set NewTaphole Set Repair Taphole Set RepairPrompt Tap Exchange System PTX 出钢口快速更换系统3 min installation三分钟安装5 min injection五分钟填充料7 min hardening七分钟硬化Position the repair set将欲更换的出钢口摆放定位1Affix the set withwedges 用楔子固定2Connect pipe, put BOFPumping Mixes in tapping position连接3管线并将转炉转到出钢注入填缝料位置RUBINIT 8004Pumping 注入填充料RUBINIT 8155Let the mix dry andharden等待干燥与硬化Page 14Version 01-2006ArN2Inert-Gas Purging Systems惰性气体底吹系统Converter Gas Purging Brick 转炉底吹砖ANKERPERM VRS003, VRS005RADEX DPPCSlot-Types: 多孔型Pipes with 2mm dia and 1mm wall thickness Gaspurging Equipment:Gasflow Diagrams: 流量图控制系统Gas Control Station供气控制站Gas Control Unit 供气控制单元The CIP Systemfrom RHI转炉底吹系统Dosing Module流量控制模组Page 15Version 01-2006Machinery 机械设备TBD taphole exchange equipmentTBD 出钢口更换设备TBD tap hole exchange machineBreaking out device / Repair set insertion device 出钢口更换设备拆除装置 / 更换出钢口插入装置Converter Shooter转炉喷补机PTX PumpingMachine 活塞式注料机AnkerjetMachine喷补机 AnkergunMachinePage 16Version 01-2006BOF Standard Shapes 转炉标准砖型Dimension尺寸 mm Vol.3Pos. a b h l dm40/0 150 150 400 100 6.0040/8 154 146 400 100 6.00Dimension尺寸 mm Vol.340/20 160 140 400 100 6.00Pos. a b h l dm40/40 170 130 400 100 6.0040/80 190 110 400 100 6.00 70/8 154 146 700 100 10.75 45/0 150 150 450 100 6.75 70/20 160 140 700 100 10.75 45/8 154 146 450 100 6.75 70/36 168 132 700 100 10.75 45/20 160 140 450 100 6.75 70/60 180 120 700 100 10.75 45/40 170 130 450 100 6.75 70/120 210 90 700 100 10.75 45/60 180 120 450 100 6.75 75/0 150 150 750 100 11.25 45/90 195 105 450 100 6.75 75/8 154 146 750 100 11.25 50/0 150 150 500 100 7.50 75/20 160 140 750 100 11.25 50/8 154 146 500 100 7.50 75/36 168 132 750 100 11.25 50/20 160 140 500 100 7.50 75/60 180 120 750 100 11.25 50/36 168 132 500 100 7.50 80/0 150 150 800 100 12.00 50/60 180 120 500 100 7.50 80/8 154 146 800 100 12.0080/20 160 140 800 100 12.00 55/0 150 150 550 100 8.25 80/36 168 132 800 100 12.00 55/8 154 146 550 100 8.25 80/60 180 120 800 100 12.00 55/20 160 140 550 100 8.25 85/0 150 150 850 100 12.75 55/36 168 132 550 100 8.25 85/8 154 146 850 100 12.75 55/60 180 120 550 100 8.25 85/20 160 140 850 100 12.75 55/110 205 95 550 100 8.25 85/36 168 132 850 100 12.75 60/0 150 150 600 100 9.00 85/80 190 110 850 100 12.75 60/8 154 146 600 100 9.00 90/0 150 150 900 100 13.50 60/20 160 140 600 100 9.00 90/8 154 146 900 100 13.50 60/36 168 132 600 100 9.00 90/20 160 140 900 100 13.50 60/60 180 120 600 100 9.00 90/36 168 132 900 100 13.50 60/120 210 90 600 100 9.0065/0 150 150 650 100 9.7590/80 190 110 900 100 13.5065/8 154 146 650 100 9.7595/20 160 140 950 100 14.2565/20 160 140 650 100 9.7595/80 190 110 950 100 14.2565/36 168 132 650 100 9.7565/60 180 120 650 100 9.75100/20 160 140 1000 100 15.00100/80 190 110 1000 100 15.00110/20 160 140 1100 100 16.50110/80 190 110 1100 100 16.50120/0 150 150 1200 100 18.00120/80 190 110 1200 100 18.00Page 17Version 01-2006Physical & Chemical Properties 理化指标CHEMICAL PROPERTIES WEIGHT - %化学成分 PHYS. PROP.物理性能PRODUCTBulkMgO Al O CaO SiO Fe O C Por. CCS2 3 2 2 3产品牌号weightAox% % % Vol% N/mm2% % %3g/cmBRICKS 砖ANCARBON KC51 96.5 0.2 1.8 0.8 0.7 6.0 --- 3.02 5.0 60 ANCARBON KCOC62 97.0 0.1 1.6 0.8 0.5 10.0 Al, Si 2.982.95 5.0 40 ANCARBON KCOC72 97.2 0.2 1.7 0.6 0.5 10.0 Al, Si 3.033.01 4.5 3540 ANCARBON OC73M 97.0 0.2 1.6 0.7 0.5 14.0 Al, Si 2.96 4.5 35 ANCARBON KC73 97.2 0.2 1.6 0.7 0.5 14.0 --- 2.98 4.5 35 ANCARBON KCOC82 97.8 0.1 1.2 0.5 0.4 10.0 Al, Si 3.043.02 4.0 40 ANCARBON KCOC83 97.8 0.1 1.2 0.5 0.3 14.0 Al, Si 2.992.97 4.0 35 ANCARBON OC84 97.8 0.1 1.2 0.5 0.3 18.0 Al, Si 2.92 4.0 30 ANCARBON KC91 98.2 0.1 1.0 0.4 0.3 6.0 --- 3.10 4.0 60 ANCARBON MC91-MRI 98.4 0.1 0.8 0.4 0.2 6.0 MgAl,Al 3.08 2.0 60 ANCARBON KC91-MRI 98.4 0.1 0.8 0.4 0.2 6.0 --- 3.12 2.0 100 ANCARBON KCOC93 98.4 0.1 0.8 0.4 0.2 14.0 Al,Si 3.033.00 4.0 4035 ANCARBON OC94 98.4 0.1 0.8 0.4 0.2 18.0 Al, Si 2.94 4.0 30 ANKERTAP SX30 97.0 0.1 2.0 0.4 0.3 5.0 --- 3.10 4.0 60 ANKERTAP TT90X 97.5 0.1 1.9 0.4 0.1 6.0 --- 3.19 1.0 80ANKER N3 C 96.0 0.3 1.3 0.4 0.7 --- --- 2.93 15.5 70GAS PURGING ELEMENT 透气砖ANKERPERM VRS 003 97.5 0.1 1.9 0.4 0.1 14.0 --- 2.93 5.0 40 INSTALLATION MIXES 砌炉料 Graining 粒度 Bonding结合剂ANKERTAR FC01 91.6 6.0 1.4 0.5 0.6 9.0 0-5 2.90 carbonANKERMIX CP13 91.0 0.6 1.6 1.5 1.0 --- 0-3 2.70 phosphate ANKERMIX CS13 94.5 0.2 1.7 1.0 1.0 --- 0-3 2.60 sod.silicate ANKERFILL CW73 68.7 0.8 1.2 21.5 4.1 --- 0-3 --- chemical ANKERTAR NT92 70.0 0.3 24.0 0,7 4.5 --- 0-5 2.8 carbon ANKERMIX NS03 97.0 0.3 1.6 0.7 0.4 --- 0-3 2.70 sulfate ANKERFIX GN01 --- --- --- --- --- 94.0 0-0.1 0.80 organic ANKERFIX CRP 95.3 0.1 1.3 0.7 0.5 --- 0-0.2 1.60 phosphate REPAIR MIXES 修补料 Graining 粒度 Bonding结合剂ANKERJET CP11 86.5 0.4 4.1 2.4 0.7 --- 0-3 --- phosphate ANKERJET CP30 68.8 0.7 11.9 3.6 0.9 --- 0-3 --- phosphate ANKERJET CP37 65.9 0.6 13.6 3.2 0.6 --- 0-3 --- phosphate ANKERJET CW30 67.1 0.4 15.9 4.9 0.8 --- 0-3 --- sod.silicate ANKERJET CW37 65.5 0.5 16.4 5.6 0.7 --- 0-3 --- sod.silicate ANKERREP CX13 68.7 0.3 7.5 1.3 0.7 --- 0-15 2.10organicPage 18Version 01-2006Physical & Chemical Properties 理化指标CHEMICAL PROPERTIES WEIGHT - %化学成分 PHYS. PROP.物理性能PRODUCTBulkMgO Al O CaO SiO Fe O C Por. CCS2 3 2 2 3产品牌号weightAox% % % Vol% N/mm2% % %3g/cmBRICKS 砖RADEX RCS7-5 96.5 0.2 1.8 0.8 0.7 6.0 --- 3.02 5.0 60RADEX RCS10-5 96.8 0.1 1.7 0.7 0.6 10.0 --- 2.99 7.0 35RADEX RCS10-6C 97.0 0.1 1.6 0.8 0.5 10.0 Al, Si 2.982.95 5.0 40 RADEX RCS10-7C 97.2 0.2 1.7 0.6 0.5 10.0 Al, Si 3.033.01 4.5 3540 RADEX RCS14-7CM 97.0 0.2 1.6 0.7 0.5 14.0 Al, Si 2.96 4.5 35 RADEX RCS14-7 97.2 0.2 1.6 0.7 0.5 14.0 --- 2.98 4.5 35RADEX RCS10-8C 97.8 0.1 1.2 0.5 0.4 10.0 Al, Si 3.043.02 4.0 40 RADEX RCS14-8C 97.8 0.1 1.2 0.5 0.3 14.0 Al, Si 2.992.97 4.0 35 RADEX RCS18-8C 97.8 0.1 1.2 0.5 0.3 18.0 Al, Si 2.92 4.0 30 RADEX RCS7-9 98.2 0.1 1.0 0.4 0.3 6.0 --- 3.10 4.0 60RADEX RCS7-9M-MRI 98.4 0.1 0.8 0.4 0.2 6.0 MgAl,Al 3.08 2.0 60 RADEX RCS7-9-MRI 98.4 0.1 0.8 0.4 0.2 6.0 --- 3.12 2.0 100 RADEX RCS14-9C 98.4 0.1 0.8 0.4 0.2 14.0 Al,Si 3.033.00 4.0 4035 RADEX RCS18-9C 98.4 0.1 0.8 0.4 0.2 18.0 Al, Si 2.94 4.0 30 CONTAP P5 97.0 0.1 2.0 0.4 0.3 5.0 --- 3.10 4.0 60CONTAP PS95-T 97.5 0.1 1.9 0.4 0.1 6.0 --- 3.19 1.0 80RADEX OM3 C 96.0 0.3 1.3 0.4 0.7 --- --- 2.93 15.5 70GAS PURGING ELEMENT 透气砖RADEX DPPC 97.5 0.1 1.9 0.4 0.1 14.0 --- 2.93 5.0 40.0 INSTALLATION MIXES 砌炉料 Grainsize 粒度 Bonding结合剂PERMASIT AM10 91.6 6.0 1.4 0.5 0.6 9.0 0-5 2.90 carbon PERMASIT CP 91.0 0.6 1.6 1.5 1.0 --- 0-3 2.70 phosphate PERMASIT 10SC 94.5 0.2 1.7 1.0 1.0 --- 0-3 2.60 sod.silicate PERFILL CL 68.7 0.8 1.2 21.5 4.1 --- 0-3 --- chemical PERMASIT TM30 70.0 0.3 24.0 0,7 4.5 --- 0-5 2.8 carbon PERMASIT M 97.0 0.3 1.6 0.7 0.4 --- 0-3 2.7 sulfate RADEXPLAST C --- --- --- --- --- 94.0 0-0.1 0.80 organic RADEXPLAST SEC 95.3 0.1 1.3 0.7 0.5 --- 0-0.2 1.60 phosphate REPAIR MIXES 修补料 Grainsize 粒度 Bonding结合剂PERGUNIT 11PC 86.5 0.4 4.1 2.4 0.7 --- 0-3 --- phosphate PERGUNIT 30PC 68.8 0.7 11.9 3.6 0.9 --- 0-3 --- phosphate PERGUNIT 37PC 65.9 0.6 13.6 3.2 0.6 --- 0-3 --- phosphate PERGUNIT 30GC 67.1 0.4 15.9 4.9 0.8 --- 0-3 --- sod.silicate Page 19Version 01-2006ELECTRIC ARCFURNACE电弧炉Lining Concepts for the Electric Arc Furnace电弧炉炉衬方案Page 20Version 01-2006EBT AC Furnace with WC 水冷式交流电炉Wall Upper PartDoor Jamb Area Hot Spots上部炉墙热点炉门ANCARBON KAC52 ANCARBON AC73ANCARBON KAC73ANCARBON KAC62 ANCARBON AC83 ANCARBON KAC83 Mixes炉料Universal mix 散料ANKERMIX CS13ANKERMIX CS15ANKERMIX CS17Mortar 火泥ANKERFIX CRPGunning mix喷补料ANKERJET CP11*ANKERJET CW20ANKERJET CWP30ANKERJET CWP37ANKERJET CW90Fettling mix 补炉料ANKERFRIT NX93ANKERFRIT NX95ANKERFRIT 076Wall Lower Part下部炉墙ANKARBON KC42ANCARBON KC52ESafety Lining* Chinese market only安全衬Hearth Mix炉膛料只用于中国地区ANKER N6 C CDANKERHARTH NN25Slag Line渣线ANKERHARTH 134EBT TapholeANCARBON KAC72ANCARBON KAC82EBT出钢口Gap Filling Mix 填缝料ANKERHARTH NN25EBT Filling MixANKERHARTH 134出钢口填充料PERRAMIT M。
thank you for choosing the local ignition control cabinet designed by our company.the local ignition control device is explored by our company for the ignition control of boiler.this manual describes installation and operation of the cabinet clearly, please read this manual before using.内容介绍brief introduction本手册介绍了点火控制柜的组成、安装、配线、功能参数、日常使用维护及对故障的处理the manual includes the cabinet’s components, installation, wiring, data, maintenance, and troubleshooting.读者对象applicable readers本书适合下列人员阅读this manual is applicable for设备安装人员、维护人员、设计人员installer, maintenance man, and designer本书约定stipulation符号约定symbol stipulations说明提醒操作者需重点关注的地方points operator should pay attention to由于没有按要求操作可能造成死亡或重伤的场合危险!this symbol indicates death or gbh that may occur as a result of improper operation由于没有按要求操作可能造成中等程度伤害或轻伤或造成物质损害的场合注意!this symbol indicates secondary injury, flesh wound or object damage that may occur as a result of improper operation一、序言prologue1.1 开箱检查checking在开箱时请认真确认在运输中是否有破损现象控制柜内元器件与附图中的型号数量是否相符如发现有某种遗漏请速与供货商或我司联系解决!check if there is any damage.ensure the model and quantity in chart are accordance with components in cabinet.if there is any mistake, please contact with supplier or ourcompany.1.2 安全注意事项security不要安装在含有爆炸气体的环境里否则有引发爆炸的危险!必须由具有专业资格的人员进行配线作业否则有触电的危险!确认电源处于完全断开的情况下才能进行配线作业否则有触电危险!必须将控制柜的接地端子可靠接地否则有触电的危险!通电情况下不要用手触摸控制端子否则有触电的危险!do not install in explosive environment, or it may invite professionals for accompany when wiring, or it may cause electric shockdo shut off power before earth the cabinet ground not touch the control terminal when power is on.1.3 安装条件installation requirement1.4 日常维护maintenance定期检查柜内各种元器件,确认任一单元都没有松动的螺钉,所有电源和电线的连接都安全可靠;并保持外观完好。
产品英文说明书产品英文说明书篇一:产品说明书——超级胶水产品中英文说明书产品说明书髙材**** ******* 原英文说明书 High gra de Super G lue Suppli er: Yiu Xi nqi SuperGlue Prduc t Factry B asic inf T ype: Liqui d Glue 图片已关闭显示,点此查看图片已关闭显示,点此查看 Brand Name: Bes t glue Mde l Number:BG-1200 Pl ace f rigi n: Zhejian g China (M ainland) M aterial: C yanacrylat e adhesive ther name:502,supe r glue Pac king: Cust mized Vlum e: 3g--30g Packaging DeliveryPackagingDetail:3gr ams/pc,12p cs/card,72cards/bx D elivery De tail:7-30d ays Specif icatins Hi gh grade s uper glueused fr d,rubber ,pl astics,met al,leather,ceramic...etc Super glue bnds is instan t bnding s ingle pnen t adhesive that bndalmst allclse fitti ng smth su rface in s r equires nmixing ,nheating ,n lamping.(1) Fea ture: Mate rial:C yanacrylat e adhesive Glue perce nt:≥70% r custmi zed Cuttin g strength:≥10Mp a perating temperatu re:Aru nd 25°c Ce rtificatin:SGS ,MSDS Bndsin:Aru nd in 10se cnds Speci fic gravit y:as c ustmized V alidity: 12 mnth s (20°c) (2) Caut in : 1: Strng adh esin t ski n, dn’t pe el it dire ctly if be ing glued, bathing i thin ht at er fr a hi le r ipe i t ff ith a cetne. 2: Strng s mell hen v latilize ,make suret use it u nder ide a nd air-fli ng circums tance henrking ithit fr a ln g time. 3:Seal t he pen end tightly t prevent v latilizati n. 4:S trage unde r the requ ired cndit in strictl y, highte mperaturer etness i ll shrtenthe strage perid. 5:Please keep ut f reach f c hildren. 高级瞬间胶供应商:义乌市新奇超级胶水生产厂基本信息类型:液体胶品牌名称:最佳胶水型号:BG- 1200 产地:浙江中国(内地)材质:氰基丙烯酸盐黏合剂其他名称:502,超级胶水包装:定制容量:3克 - 30克包装及送货包装说明:3克/瓶,12瓶/卡,72卡/箱递货时间详情: 7~30天产品说明高级瞬间胶适用于木材,橡胶,塑料,金属,皮革,陶瓷...等超级胶水可以在几乎所有紧贴的光滑表面通过粘合剂组分几秒内粘结,不需要混合,不需要加热,不需要光照。
生物颗粒燃料熔炼炉使用维护、保养说明书Operation and Maintenance Instruction of Bio-mass Pellet FuelSmelting Furnace泰州杰利瑞节能科技发展有限公司Taizhou Jie Lirui Energy Technology Development Co., Ltd敬告!Attention!请用户使用前详细阅读产品使用维护、保养说明书,并请在使用过程中严格遵循产品使用维护、保养说明书,若由用户使用不当引起的损坏制造商将不承担责任,碳化硅石墨坩埚属易耗件,不在质保范围。
Please read the product operation and maintenance instruction carefully before use, and strictly follow the product operation and maintenance instruction during the operation. In case of any damage caused by improper use, the manufacturer will not be liable; the silicon carbide graphite crucible is subject to vulnerable part and excluded in the warranty scope.精品文档目录Catalog1 概述Introduction2 组成Components3 主要技术参数Main technical parameters4 主要用途及适用范围Main applications and applicable scopes5 配电要求Power distribution requirements6 安装Installation7 启动前检查Check before start-up8 烘炉Dry-off operation for furnace9 使用与维护Operation and maintenance10 碳化硅石墨坩埚使用注意事项Precautions for using silicon carbide graphite crucible11 常见故障与排除Common faults and troubleshooting12 运输及开箱检查Transportation and out-of-box inspection13 技术支持Technical support 1 概述Introduction生物颗粒燃料熔炼炉(以下简称“熔炼炉”)采用半气化复合燃烧技术,具有低碳环保、高效节能、操作维护简单的特点,是替代燃油炉、燃气炉、焦碳炉、电炉的最佳产品,可以降低30%~60%的能耗成本。
产品说明书范文英文版电子产品说明书——媒体音响英文说明书范例(中英)便携式多媒体音响 Portable Multimedia Acoustics使用说明书User’s Manual专注于完美音质的追求?? Concentrate on perfect soundpursuit?感谢您使用本公司出品的数码产品,为了让您轻松体验产品,我们随机配备了内容详尽的使用说明,您从中可以获取有关产品的介绍,使用方法等方面的知识。
Thank you for using this digital product of our company. In order to let you experience the product swimmingly, detailed instruction is provided which you can find the product’sintroduction, usage and other information. Before using this product, please read the manual carefully, so that you can correctly use it. In case of any printing or translation error, we apologize for the inconvenience. As for the content change, we are sorry for no further notice.一、产品概述 General Information本机是一款外观小巧,设计精美、携带方便多媒体小音响,适用于家居、户外旅游、办公室等场所,随时随地享受音乐带来的轻松,为您的电脑、数码音乐播放器、手机等视听产品提供超值完美的音质。
生物颗粒燃料熔炼炉使用维护、保养说明书Operation and Maintenance Instruction of Bio-mass Pellet FuelSmelting Furnace泰州杰利瑞节能科技发展有限公司Taizhou Jie Lirui Energy Technology Development Co., Ltd敬告!Attention!请用户使用前详细阅读产品使用维护、保养说明书,并请在使用过程中严格遵循产品使用维护、保养说明书,若由用户使用不当引起的损坏制造商将不承担责任,碳化硅石墨坩埚属易耗件,不在质保范围。
Please read the product operation and maintenance instruction carefully before use, and strictly follow the product operation and maintenance instruction during the operation. In case of any damage caused by improper use, the manufacturer will not be liable; the silicon carbide graphite crucible is subject to vulnerable part and excluded in the warranty scope.目录Catalog1 概述Introduction2 组成Components3 主要技术参数Main technical parameters4 主要用途及适用范围Main applications and applicable scopes5 配电要求Power distribution requirements6 安装Installation7 启动前检查Check before start-up8 烘炉Dry-off operation for furnace9 使用与维护Operation and maintenance10 碳化硅石墨坩埚使用注意事项Precautions for using silicon carbide graphite crucible11 常见故障与排除Common faults and troubleshooting12 运输及开箱检查Transportation and out-of-box inspection13 技术支持Technical support 1 概述Introduction生物颗粒燃料熔炼炉(以下简称“熔炼炉”)采用半气化复合燃烧技术,具有低碳环保、高效节能、操作维护简单的特点,是替代燃油炉、燃气炉、焦碳炉、电炉的最佳产品,可以降低30%~60%的能耗成本。
深圳市聚力电池有限公司SHENZHEN JOOLEE BATTERY CO., LTD磷酸铁锂动力电池组LFP Power Li-ion Rechargeable Battery产品规格承认书Specification For ApprovalModel: JL-24S4P-72V/200AhRegistered By Checked By Approved By 客户确认(Customer confirmation)客户名称/印章Messrs/Seal审核/日期Checked By/Date批准/日期Approved By/Date深圳市聚力电池有限公司SHENZHEN JOOLEE BATTERY CO., LTD目录1、scope of application适用范围 (2)2、Production description产品描述 (2)3、Specification 产品规格 (3)4、Performance criteria性能测试 (4)5、Electrical Characteristics 电气性能 (5)6、Environment Performance 环境性能 (6)7、Safe Characteristic安全性能 (7)8、Storage and Shipment Requirement 存储及运输要求 (7)9、Warning and Caution警告和注意 (8)10、Others 其它事项 (9)本资料未经本公司批准自行影印,视为无效1. scope of application 适用范围This specification describes the basic performance ,technical requirement ,testing method, warning and caution of the LFP power Li-ion rechargeable battery .The specification only applies to SHENZHEN JOOLEE BA TTERY CO., LTD.本规格书规定了磷酸铁锂动力锂离子可充电电池的基本性能、技术要求、测试方法及注意事项。
公司简介部分Company IntroductionBATTE公司自专业生产高温容体泵以来,在熔体泵应用技术方面积累了丰富经验。
Batte has accumulated abundant experiences on the application technique of melt pumps since we manufacture pumps professionally. Recently, according to the development trend of melt pumps’ application all over the world, especially in the field of precise plastic extrusion, we have done extensive research on the pump operation performance, practical function, equipment structure and control technology and achieved regular achievements.Batte's policy is to be based on continuous researches and exploitations. That makes us manufacture high-tech and high efficient products which have excellent reliability.All raw materials and spare parts of products are selected carefully and assembled with skilled experience. Pre-delivery debugging of melt pumps is the best quality assurance before they are leaving the factory.产品概述部分一.概述General Information熔体泵主要用于高温高粘度聚合物熔体的输送、增压、计量.容体泵将来自挤出机的高温塑料熔体增压.稳压后流量稳定地送入挤出机头。
OPERATION MANUALSHENGLI OILFIELDSEHNGJI PETROLEUM EQUIPMENT CO.,LTD.一、概述Ⅰ. Overview目前,石油工业抽油井井口光杆密封装置由于光杆的偏磨和上下往复运动,盘根盒中的胶皮密封盘根容易磨损,失去密封作用,严重影响了密封盘根的正常使用寿命,产生跑、冒、滴、漏现象,经常需要频繁停井和更换盘根,使成本和管理难度增加,也增加了采油工人的劳动强度,同时,容易造成地面污染和原油损失。
The rubber stuffing box on pumping well abrades frequently and loses sealing effect due to the eccentric wear and reciprocation of polished rod, which badly reduces service life and results oil leak. The well is regularly shutdown to change stuffing box. The cost, management difficulty and work strength of oil workers increase for this reason. In the meantime, it causes surface pollution and crude oil loss.CWG型系列光杆密封器为我公司研制的新型专利产品。
QJ系列气体继电器QJ Series of Gas Relay安装使用说明书Operating Instruction Manual沈 阳 科 奇 电 器 有 限 公 司SHENYANG KEQI ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT CO.,LTD地址:沈阳市沈北新区辉山经济开发区辉山大街123-15 邮编Postcode:110164 Add: No.123.huishan street,HuiShan New&High Techagricul Development电话Tel:(024)88082828传真Fax:(024)88082929 E-mail:kqdq@一、产品简述气体继电器是油浸式变压器及有载分接开关所用的一种保护装置。
二、型号说明标注实例:QJ1-80A-10表示第1次设计的管路通径为Φ80mm,带防雨罩及取气盒导管长度为10000mm 的气体继电器. 注:设计序号后带“G”表示改进型产品三、使用条件1.允许工作温度:-30℃~95℃2.安装方式:继电器管路轴线应与变压器箱盖平行,允许通往储油柜的一端稍高,但其轴线与水平面的倾斜度不超过4%。
四、结构与性能参数QJ 系列继电器结构基本相同。
123456781211109图1QJ 设计序号气体继电器管路通径 (mm)A-带防雨罩、取气盒导气管长度(1/1000)mm五、工作原理继电器正常运行时其内部充满变压器油,浮杯(浮子)处于图1所示的上倾位置。
Shandong XinNeng New Material CO. LTD. (SXNM) is a new & hi-tech enterprise financed and constructed by Xinfa Group (AL & Powder). The dominant product of SXMP is superfine spherical aluminum powder, with 3 system & annual output capacity of 15,000 tons. The company forms an integrated complex of aluminum industrial production with the alumina, electrolytic aluminum and aluminum alloy enterprises of Xinfa Group, which enables it to control the quality of spherical aluminum powder from the very beginning of aluminum powder production process—electrolytic aluminum, to fine-tune the purity, components and norms. It is also capable of producing various aluminum alloy powder to meet different demands.
ADD:Xinyuan Industrial Park, Chipin , Shandong Province,China
邮政编码:252100 POST CARD:
电话TEL:0635 4256958,4256996 传真FAX:0635 4256968
E-mail: mail@
1. 产品名称
化学品英文名称:Aluminum, atomized, spherical
英文别名:Aluminum powder
本产品执行中华人民共和国有色金属行业标准YS/T620-2007 《氮气雾化铝粉》。
2. 成分/物理性质
2.1 成分
CAS No.:7429-90-5
铝含量Al TOP≥ 99.8%
活性铝含量Al Activated≥99.7%(X50≥10μm规格FLPN 100及以上,行业标准:98%)Al Activated≥98% (X50<2μm规格FLPN 20以下,行业标准:97%)
其他化学成分含量Other (样品X50=45μm,S=2)
2.2 外观与型状
2.3 物理性质
4 质量控制
4.1 质量管理
本公司建立质量管理体系,并经过认证符合GB/T19001-2000& ISO9001:2000标准。
4.2 商检要求
参照执行:EN71 Part 3:1994-Toxic Elements Test ( 8 Toxic Elements Results) 。
抽检标准:GB/T 5314 粉末冶金用粉末的取样方法
检测标准:GB/T 6987 铝及铝合金化学分析方法
5 产品包装
包装类别:O52 包装标准:YS/T620-2007 SN 0449.3
外包装编制袋符合标准:GB/12463-1990 危险货物运输包装通用条件
包装标志符合:GB 190-1990,YS/T620-2007。