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1 为什么要有所为的解题技巧和原则?



2 关于如何训练:




1 开头→→ 对应了全文的主旨题,几乎99%的必考题目;

关于主旨题的解题方法:一般都会出现在文章起始处的2,3句话内,但也有例外情况,就是上来教授兴致冲冲的讲了一个咱们看来无聊的例子,没关系例子不用听懂(但是如果你不巧恰好听懂了,那么恭喜你,可以帮助你选对主旨题,因为例子为了说明他的这课讲了神马)经验:如果main idea 特别简单或者不具体时候,那说明教授后面还会对于idea进行解释,尽量努力听懂,因为这样会让你的整篇文章做的顺利


A what is the main purpose of the lecture?


B what is the lecture mainly about? / what is the main idea of the lecture?


2 结尾→→ 对应大概一篇文章2~3道考试题,重尾原则;


3 Lecture中间,倒霉催的学生杀出来问问题:


A 听教授的态度,这个时候教授可能态度很诡异,突然就笑了,或者是轻蔑的说了一句神马话,尤其是在这种长的Lecture里面,教授突然说了句很短的话;不过遇到这种情况的时候,恭喜你,这里考重听题的几率蛮大的(即听不懂没关系,反正做题的时候他还会再放一遍);

B 如果教授扯了一堆,那这里70%以上的就是考题所在了,通常教授回答学生问题的模式是这样的例子+观点/ 观点+例子;第一种情况出现的几率大一些,还是那句话,例子不重要,重要的是教授的观点;

4 ETS灰常爱考的一类文章:比较对比类文章(compare & contrast)


5 ETS爱考的另外一类文章:问题解决型(Problem —— Solution)


下面Jinrui用一套的TPO1 Lecture1:来给大家做示范;

Step One:


1 what is the purpose of the lecture?

A To explain the difference between two artistic styles

B To describe a new art gallery to the class

C To introduce an artist’s work to the class

D To show how artists’ styles can evolve over time

2 What does the professor say about Frantzen’s painting of farm scene?

A It resembles a photograph

B It may be Frantzen’s best known painting

C It was painted in the Impressionist style

D It was painted while Frantzen lived abroad

3 Why did Frantzen go to the Sales Barn

A To study human form and movement

B To earn money by painting portraits

C To paint farm animals in an outdoor setting

D To meet people who could model for her painting

4 What does the professor imply about the painting of the young woman surrounded by pumpkins?

A It was painted at an art fair

B It combines Impressionism with Realism

C It convinced Frantzen that she was a good illustrator

D It was originally meant to be used in an advertisement

5 Why does the professor discuss Frantzen’s difficulties as a young painter?

A He wants to point out mistakes that young artists commonly make

B He thinks her example can inspire the student in their own lives

C Her difficulties remind him of the difficulties himself experienced as a young girl

D Her difficulties are the subject of some of the paintings in the gallery that the students will visit


1. C

2. C

3. A

4. B

5. B

STEP 3 对Script进行分析


Ok, I’m going to begin this lecture by giving you your next assignment. 【Remember I said that at some point during this semester I wanted you to attend an exhibit at the Fairy Street Gallery and then write about it? 】

•Be going to:开始说跟这次Lecture主题相关的东西了,要开始留意;
