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~ 1 ~ © 2014 深圳响拇指电子科技有限公司 霍尔线性器件SS441基本资料
SS441是一个采用双极晶体管技术制造的单极霍尔效应传感器IC 。
该器件集成了电压调节器、反向电池保护二极管、带动态偏移消除系统的霍尔传感器、温度补偿电路、小信号放大器、施密特触发器和一个输出灌电流达25mA 的集电极开漏输出驱动器。
配合以适当的上拉输出电路,它即可与双极型晶体管电路或CMOS 逻辑电路器件协同工作。
该器件提供了小外形利用Transis-TOR (SOT ),或在塑料单列直插(SIP3L 平),两个3引脚封装均符合RoHS 标准。
– 4.5V 到24V 的工作电压范围
– -40°C 到150°C 的极大的工作温度范围
– 双极晶体管工艺
– 集电极开漏25mA 输出
– 反向电池保护
– 小尺寸SOT23 3L 或者SIP 3L 封装
– 高固态可靠性
– 抗物理应力
– 汽车、消费类电子及工业级应用
– 固态开关
– 无刷直流电机
– 速度检测
– 线性位置检测
– 角度检测
– 近感探测
– 电流检测
3引脚的SOT23封装 (器件标号后缀为SO) ; 3引脚的SIP 封装 (器件标号后缀为UA)。
SS490SERIESLinear Hall-effect Sensor ICsDESCRIPTIONThe SS490 Series are small, versatile, linear Hall-effect devices that are operated by the magnetic field from a permanent magnet or an electromagnet. The ratiometric output voltage is set by the supply voltage and varies in proportion to the strength of the magnetic field. The integrated circuitry provides increased temperature stability and sensitivity. Laser-trimmed, thin film resistors provide high accuracy (null to ±%, sensitivity up to ±3%) and temperature compensation.They respond to either positive or negative Gauss, monitoring either or both magnetic poles. The quad Hall sensing element minimizes the effects of mechanical or thermal stress on the output. The positive temperature coefficient of the sensitivity (+0.02%/°C typical) helps compensate for the negative temperature coefficients of low-cost magnets, providing a robust design over a wide temperature range. Rail-to-rail operation (over full voltage range) provides a more usable signal for higher accuracy. These products have an operating temperature range of -40°C to 150°C [-40°F to 302°F], appropriate for industrial and automotive environments.PORTFOLIOHoneywell offers a variety of linear Hall-effect sensor ICsfor potential use in many applications. To view the entire product portfolio, click here.005843Issue 4FEATURES• Linear output for circuit design flexibility• Quad-Hall IC design minimizes mechanical stress effects• Responds to either positive or negative Gauss• Uses 7 mA at 5 Vdc for energy efficiency• Single current sinking or current sourcing output• Rail-to-rail operation provides more usable signal for higher accuracy• Temperature-compensated magnetics help provide stable operation over a wide temperature range of -40°C to 150°C [-40°F to 302°F]The SS490B versions offer cost-effective sensing solutions with wider null and sensitivity tolerances, and a wider drift over temperature than the SS490A higher performance products. Both the SS490A and SS490B versions have a typical sinking or sourcing output of 1.5 mA continuous, use 7 mA supply current at 5.0 V at 25°C [77°F], and provide predictable performance over the full temperature range. For design flexibility, these products are available in the following flat TO-92 package styles:• SS4XX: Straight standard leads, bulk pack• SS4XX-L: Straight long leads, bulk pack• SS4XX-T2: Formed leads, ammopack tape-in-box• SS4XX-T3: Straight standard leads, ammopack tape-in-box• SS4XX-SP: Surface mount, pocket tape and reelPOTENTIAL APPLICATIONS• Basic current sensing for motor load monitoring, detection• Anti-tampering magnetic field sensor in smart remote utility meters• Pump control in heavy-duty equipment and household appliances• Simple linear or angular displacement sensing• Handlebar/throttle position sensing in e-bikes and scooters• Current sensing in appliances• Speed adjustment trigger in tools and appliances• Magnetic code reading in safes, security and building access control systemsNOTICEThe magnetic field strength (Gauss) required to cause the switch to change state (operate and release) will be as specified in the magnetic characteristics. To test the switch against the specified limits, the switch must be placed in a uniform magnetic field.NOTICEAbsolute maximum ratings are the extreme limits the device will momentarily withstand without damage to the device. Electrical and mechanical characteristics are not guaranteed if the rated voltage and/or currents are exceeded, nor will the device necessarily operate at absolute maximum ratings.FIGURE 3. TRANSFER CHARACTERISTICS: TYPICAL OUTPUT VOLTAGE2.50.5Magnetic Range (Gauss)-400-200200400V o l t a g e (V )4.5 2.50.5Magnetic Range (Gauss)-640-320320640V o l t a g e (V ) Range (Gauss)-800-400400800V o l t a g e (V )4.5SS495XSS494XSS496XFIGURE 1. BLOCK DIAGRAMFIGURE 2. MAXIMUM SUPPLY VOLTAGE VS TEMPERATUREsupply (+)Ambient Temperature (°C [°F])[257]V o l t a g e (V )[302]FIGURE 4. SS490 SERIES FLAT TO-92-STYLE MOUNTING AND DIMENSIONAL DRAWINGS (FOR REFERENCE ONLY: MM/[IN].)A. Straight Standard Leads Sensor IC, Bulk PackB. Straight Long Leads Sensor IC, Bulk PackNote: Ensure the minimum hole size in the PCB is 0,68 mm [0.027] dia. based on the IPC 2222 Level B standard.C. Formed Leads Sensor IC, Ammopack Tape-in-BoxD. Straight Leads Sensor IC, Ammopack Tape-in-Box (See Figure 5.A. for individual sensor IC dimensions.)FIGURE 5. SS490 SERIES FLAT TO-92-STYLE MOUNTING AND DIMENSIONAL DRAWINGS (CONTINUED)E. Surface Mount Sensor IC, Pocket Tape and ReelArbor hole1,70Section A-ATop cover tapeSS49X-T2SS49X-T3NOTICEProducts ordered in bulk pack (plastic bag) may not have perfectly straight leads as a result of normal handling and shipping operations. Please order a tape packaging option forapplications requiring straight leads.005843-4-EN | 4 | 05/22WARRANTY/REMEDYHoneywell warrants goods of itsmanufacture as being free of defective materials and faulty workmanship during the applicable warranty period. Honeywell’s standard product warranty applies unless agreed to otherwise by Honeywell in writing; please refer to your order acknowledgment or consult your local sales office for specific warranty details. If warranted goods are returned to Honeywell during the period ofcoverage, Honeywell will repair or replace, at its option, without charge those items that Honeywell, in its sole discretion,finds defective. The foregoing is buyer’s sole remedy and is in lieu of all other warranties, expressed or implied, including those of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. In no event shall Honeywell be liable for consequential, special, or indirect damages.While Honeywell may provide application assistance personally, through ourliterature and the Honeywell web site, it is buyer’s sole responsibility to determine the suitability of the product in the application.Specifications may change without notice. The information we supply isbelieved to be accurate and reliable as of this writing. However, Honeywell assumes no responsibility for its use.m WARNINGPERSONAL INJURYDO NOT USE these products as safety or emergency stop devices or in any other application where failure of the product could result in personal injury.Failure to comply with theseinstructions could result in death or serious injury.m WARNINGMISUSE OFDOCUMENTATION•The information presented in this product sheet is for reference only. Do not use this document as a product installation guide.•Complete installation, operation, and maintenance information is provided in the instructions supplied with each product.Failure to comply with theseinstructions could result in death or serious injury.HoneywellAdvanced Sensing Technologies 830 East Arapaho Road Richardson, TX 75081FOR MORE INFORMATIONHoneywell Advanced SensingTechnologies services its customers through a worldwide network of sales offices and distributors. For application assistance, current specifications, pricing or the nearest Authorized Distributor, visit our website or call:USA/Canada +1 302 613 4491Latin America +1 305 805 8188Europe +44 1344 238258Japan +81 (0) 3-6730-7152Singapore +65 6355 2828Greater China +86 4006396841。
概述CC6511是一款高性能单端输出的线性霍尔传感器IC ,采用单端模拟输出方式,使得产品更易于使用,当磁场南极靠近丝印面,输出值降低。
该IC 采用先进的BiCMOS 制程生产,具有霍尔系数高的优点,芯片内部包含了高灵敏度霍尔传感器,霍尔信号预放大器,高精度的霍尔温度补偿单元,振荡器,动态失调消除电路和放大器输出模块CC6511采用了专利的霍尔温度补偿技术,产品可在-40~125°C 之间正常工作,且灵敏度变化很小。
在无磁场的情况下,IC 的静态输出为50% VCC 。
CC6511的线性输出范围宽,在电源电压5V 条件下,OUT 可以在0.5~4.5V 之间随磁场线性变化,信号线性输出范围4V ,信号输出强度较传统单端输出有了很大提升,同时能提高产品的抗干扰性能。
CC6511内部集成的动态失调消除电路使IC 的灵敏度,不受外界压力和IC 封装应力的影响。
CC6511内部斩波频率高达1MHz ,使得传感器的带宽高,响应速度快。
CC6511提供TO-92S 封装,工作温度范围-40~125°C 。
特性◆ 静态共模输出点为50% VCC , ◆ 测量范围宽,线性度优于0.2%。
◆ 1MHz 斩波频率,高带宽,低噪声,全差分模拟输出 ◆ 低功耗,IC 静态工作电流为2.5mA◆温度稳定性好,内部采用了芯进专利的霍尔信号放大电路和温度补偿电路,工作环境温度为:-40~125°C 。
◆ 抗干扰能力强◆ 抗机械应力,磁参数不会因为受外界压力而偏移 ◆ESD (HBM) 6000V应用◆ 电流传感器 ◆ 磁编码器 ◆ 齿轮传感器 ◆ 位移测量 ◆ 舵机功能框图CC6511可编程线性霍尔传感器IC订购信息产品名称 封装外形 包装 CC6511TOTO-92S袋装,1000片/袋管脚定义TO-92S名称编号功能TO-94VCC 1 电源电压 GND 2 地 OUT3模拟输出极限参数参数符号 数值 单位 电源电压 V CC -0.3~6 V 输出电压 V OUT -0.3~VCC+0.3V 输出源电流 I OUT (SOURCE ) 400 uA 输出沉电流 I OUT (SINK ) 30 mA 工作环境温度 T A -40~125 °C 最大结温 T J 165 °C 存储环境温度 T S -55~150 °C 磁场强度 B 无限制 mT 静电保护ESD(HBM)6000V注意: 应用时不要超过最大额定值,以防止损坏。
ALLEGRO品牌霍尔专区Allegro MicroSystems 公司在高性能电源和霍尔效应传感器集成电路的开发、制造及营销领域始终引领全球潮流。
Allegro 独具创新的解决方案服务于汽车市场中的高增长应用,此外也开发办公自动化、工业和消费通讯解决方案。
Allegro 主要为电动机控制、调节及磁场感测应用开发集成电路解决方案。
A1201参数下载A1202参数下载A1203参数下载A1204参数下载A1205参数下载A1101参数下载A1102参数下载A1103参数下载A1104参数下载A1106参数下载A1321参数下载A1322资料下载A1323参数下载A1642参数下载A3121参数下载A3187参数下载A3212参数下载A3240参数下载A3280参数下载A3282参数下载A3955参数下载A3977参数下载A8904参数下载ACS712参数下载ACS712参数下载ACS712参数下载ATS616参数下载ATS674参数下载注:点击霍尔型号查看详细参数MELEXIS品牌霍尔专区来源: 发布时间: 2012-04-11 00:13 1579 次浏览大小: 16px 14px 12px MELEXIS公司是一家专业的集成电路公司,10多年来,Melexis公司已开发出世界一流的,创新的混合信号半导体,依靠优秀的技术,在霍尔IC的研发能力和速度在业内是屈指可数的,在降低系统成本和产品设计的灵活性和优越的霍尔质量可靠性方面具有很大的MELEXIS公司是一家专业的集成电路公司,10多年来,Melexis公司已开发出世界一流的,创新的混合信号半导体,依靠优秀的技术,在霍尔IC的研发能力和速度在业内是屈指可数的,在降低系统成本和产品设计的灵活性和优越的霍尔质量可靠性方面具有很大的竞争优势。
一.霍尔传感器市场调研1.霍尔效应在半导体薄片两端通以控制电流I,并在薄片的垂直方向施加磁感应强度为B的匀强磁场,则在垂直于电流和磁场的方向上,将产生电势差为U H的霍尔电压。
霍尔电位差UH的基本关系为:UH=RHIB/d (1)RH=1/nq(金属)(2)式中RH――霍尔系数;n――单位体积内载流子或自由电子的个数;q――电子电量;I――通过的电流;B――垂直于I的磁感应强度;d――导体的厚度。
[1]3元件特性1、霍尔系数(又称霍尔常数)RH在磁场不太强时,霍尔电势差UH与激励电流I和磁感应强度B的乘积成正比,与霍尔片的厚度δ成反比,即UH =RH*I*B/δ,式中的RH称为霍尔系数,它表示霍尔效应的强弱。
Abstract:Research in 1879 America Hopk i university students in the Holzer conductive mechanism o f metal found effect can make th e electric and magnetic conducti ve material arising from the inter action of electric potential, so it i s called the Holzer effect. Nowa days, with the development of s emiconductor materials and ma nufacturing processes, people a lso use semiconductor material Holzer element, is now widely a pplied to Motor car speed, electr omagnetic measurement and car.一.发现霍尔效应[1]在1879年被物理学家霍尔发现,它定义了磁场和感应电压之间的关系,这种效应和传统的电磁感应完全不同。
NOTE: For detailed information on purchasing options, contact your local Allegro field applications engineer or sales representative.Allegro MicroSystems, Inc. reserves the right to make, from time to time, revisions to the anticipated product life cycle plan for a product to accommodate changes in production capabilities, alternative product availabilities, or market demand. The information included herein is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, Allegro MicroSystems, Inc. assumes no respon-sibility for its use; nor for any infringements of patents or other rights of third parties which may result from its use.Recommended Substitutions:For existing customer transition, and for new customers or new appli-cations, refer to the ACS712.Bidirectional 1.5 mΩ Hall Effect Based Linear Current Sensor ICwith V oltage Isolation and 15 A Dynamic RangeACS706ELC-05CDate of status change: December 26, 2006These parts are in production but have been determined to beNOT FOR NEW DESIGN. This classification indicates that sale of this device is currently restricted to existing customer applications. The device should not be purchased for new design applications because obsolescence in the near future is probable. Samples are no longer available.Not for New DesignFeatures and Benefits• Small footprint, low-profile SOIC8 package• 1.5 m Ω internal conductor resistance• 1600 V RMS minimum isolation voltage between pins 1-4 and 5-8• 4.5 to 5.5 V, single supply operation • 50 kHz bandwidth• 133 mV/A output sensitivity and 15 A dynamic range • Output voltage proportional to ac and dc currents • Factory-trimmed for accuracy• Extremely stable output offset voltage • Near-zero magnetic hysteresis• Ratiometric output from supply voltageThe Allegro ACS706 family of current sensor ICs provides economical and precise solutions for current sensing in industrial, automotive, commercial, and communications systems. The device package allows for easy implementation by the customer. Typical applications include motor control, load detection and management, switch-mode power supplies, and overcurrent fault protection.The device consists of a precision, low-offset linear Hall circuit with a copper conduction path located near the surface of the die. Applied current flowing through this copper conduction path generates a magnetic field which the Hall IC converts into a proportional voltage. Device accuracy is optimized through the close proximity of the magnetic signal to the Hall transducer. A precise, proportional voltage is provided by the low-offset, chopper-stabilized BiCMOS Hall IC, which is programmed for accuracy at the factory.The output of the device has a positive slope (>V CC / 2) when an increasing current flows through the primary copper conduction path (from pins 1 and 2, to pins 3 and 4), which is the path used for current sampling. The internal resistance of this conductive path is typically 1.5 m Ω, providing low power loss. The thickness of the copper conductor allows survival of the device at up to 5× overcurrent conditions. The terminals of the conductive path are electrically isolated from the signal leads (pins 5 through 8). This allows the ACS706 to be used in applications requiring electrical isolation without the use of opto-isolators or other costly isolation techniques.The ACS706 is provided in a small, surface mount SOIC8 package. The leadframe is plated with 100% matte tin, which is compatible with standard lead (Pb) free printed circuit board assembly processes. Internally, the flip-chip uses high-temperature Pb-based solder balls, currently exempt from RoHS. The device is fully calibrated prior to shipment from the factory.Use the following complete part number when ordering:Part NumberPackageACS706ELC-05CSOIC8 surface mountTÜV AmericaCertificate Number:U8V 04 12 54214 005AB S O L UTE MAX I M UM RAT I NGSSupply V oltage, V CC ..........................................16 V Reverse Supply V oltage, V RCC ........................–16 V Output V oltage, V OUT ........................................16 V Reverse Output V oltage, V ROUT ......................–0.1 V Output Current Source, I OUT(Source) ................. 3 mA Output Current Sink, I OUT(Sink) .......................10 mA Maximum Transient Sensed Current *, I R(max) ...100 A Operating Temperature, Maximum Junction, T J(max).......................165°C Storage Temperature, T S ......................–65 to 170°C*Junction Temperature, T J < TJ(max).*100 total pulses, 250 ms duration each, applied at a rate of1 pulse every 100 seconds.Nominal Operating Temperature, T A Range E ............................................–40 to 85ºC Overcurrent Transient Tolerance*, I P ................60 ABidirectional 1.5 m Ω Hall Effect Based Linear Current Sensorwith Voltage Isolation and 15 A Dynamic RangePackage LCPin 1: IP+Pin 2: IP+Pin 3: IP–Pin 4: IP–Pin 8: VCC Pin 7: VOUTPin 6: N.C.Pin 5: GNDPins 6 and 7 are internally connected in shipping product. For compatibility with future devices, leave pin 6 floating.Functional Block Diagram0.1 μFPERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS, over operating ambient temperature range, unless otherwise specifiedPropagation Time t PROP I P =±5 A, T A = 25°C– 3.15–μs Response Time t RESPONSE I P =±5 A, T A = 25°C–6–μs Rise Time t r I P =±5 A, T A = 25°C–7.45–μs Frequency Bandwidth f–3 dB, T A = 25°C; I P is 10 A peak-to-peak; no external filter–50–kHzSensitivity Sens Over full range of I P , I P applied for 5 ms; T A = 25°C–133–mV/A Over full range of I P , I P applied for 5 ms124–142mV/ANoise V NOISE Peak-to-peak, T A = 25°C, no external filter–90–mV Root Mean Square, T A = 25°C, no external filter–16–mVLinearity E LIN Over full range of I P , I P applied for 5 ms–±1±4.7% Symmetry E SYM Over full range of I P , I P applied for 5 ms98100104.5% Zero Current Output Voltage V OUT(Q)I P = 0 A, T A = 25°C–V CC / 2–VElectrical Offset Voltage V OE I P = 0 A, T A = 25°C–15–15mV I P = 0 A–65–65mVMagnetic Offset Error I ERROM I P = 0 A, after excursion of 5 A–±0.01±0.05ATotal Output Error1E TOT I P =±5 A, I P applied for 5 ms;T A = 25°C–±1.5–% I P = ±5 A, I P applied for 5 ms––±12.5%Characteristic Symbol Test Conditions Min.Typ.Max.Units ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS, over operating ambient temperature range unless otherwise specifiedOptimized Accuracy Range I P–5–5A Linear Sensing Range I R–15–15A Supply Voltage V CC 4.5 5.0 5.5V Supply Current I CC V CC = 5.0 V, output open5810mA Output Resistance R OUT I OUT = 1.2 mA–12ΩOutput Capacitance Load C LOAD VOUT to GND––10nF Output Resistive Load R LOAD VOUT to GND 4.7––kΩPrimary Conductor Resistance R PRIMARY T A = 25°C– 1.5–mΩRMS Isolation Voltage V ISORMS Pins 1-4 and 5-8; 60 Hz, 1 minute16002500–V DC Isolation Voltage V ISODC–5000–V OPERATING CHARACTERISTICSTHERMAL CHARACTERISTICS2,3, T A = –40°C to 125°C, V CC = 5 V unless otherwise specified–Value–UnitsJunction-to-Lead Thermal Resistance RθJLMounted on the Allegro ASEK 70x evaluation board; additionalinformation about reference boards and tests is available on theAllegro Web site–5–°C/WJunction-to-Ambient Thermal Resistance RθJAMounted on the Allegro ASEK 70x evaluation board; additionalinformation about reference boards and tests is available on theAllegro Web site–41–°C/W1Percentage of I P, with I P = 5 A. Output filtered. Up to a 2.0% shift in E TOT may be observed at end-of-life for this device.2 The Allegro evaluation board has 1500 mm2 of 2 oz. copper on each side, connected to pins 1 and 2, and to pins3 and 4, with thermal vias connect-ing the layers. Performance values include the power consumed by the PWB. Further details on the board are available from the ACS704 Frequently Asked Questions document on our website. Further information about board design and thermal performance also can be found on pages 16 and 17 of this datasheet.3RθJA values shown in this table are typical values, measured on the Allegro evaluation board. The actual thermal performance depends on the board design, the airflow in the system, and thermal interactions between the device and surrounding components through the PCB and the ambient air. To improve thermal performance, see our applications material on the Allegro Web site.Typical Performance Characteristics-50-25255075100125150Supply Current versus Ambient TemperatureV CC = 5 VT A (°C)I C C (m A ) CC (V)I C C (m A ) Current versus Applied VCC11. O U T (V )Output Voltage versus Primary CurrentV CC = 5 VI P (A)110115120125130135140145150160S e n s (m V /A )-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1123456789I P (A)Sensitivity versus Primary CurrentV CC = 5 V-50-250255075100125150V O U T (Q ) (V )2.4702.5802.4902.5002.5102.5202.530Zero Current Output Voltage vs. Ambient TemperatureT A (°C)I P = 0 AZero Current Output Currrent versus Ambient Temperature(Data in above chart converted to amperes)I V O U T (Q ) (A )–0.3–0.2––50–25255075100125150T A (°C)V O M (m A )-1.0-0.8-0.6-0.4- A (°C)Magnetic Offset Error versus Ambient TemperatureV CC = 5 V; I P= 0 A, after excursion to 5 A-50-25255075150100125T A (°C) L I N (%)Nonlinearity versus Ambient TemperatureV CC = 5 V I P= 5 ATypical Peak-to-Peak Noise of ACS706ELC-05C at T A =25°CStep Response of ACS706ELC-05C at T A =25°CACS706 Output (mV)5 A Excitation SignalTime = 10 μs/div.Excitation signal = 1.00 A/div.Output = 100 mV/div.Time = 20 μs/div.Noise = 20.0 mV/div.ACS706ELC-05C Noise Filtering and Frequency Response Performance Break Frequencyof Filter on Output(kHz)Resistance,R F (kΩ)Capacitance,C F (μF)NominalProgrammedSensitivity(mV/A)FilteredPeak-to-Peak Noise(mV)Resolutionwith Filtering(A)Rise Timefor 5A Step,Filtered(μs)Unfiltered––133 900.6777.45800.2000.01 75.90.5718.26500.32064.70.48610.08 400.39260.30.45311.39 200.80043.30.32617.56 10 1.628.90.21831.96 7.0 3.1518.30.13754.55 3.3 4.813.80.10481.77 0.626 1.90.015404.16 0.3530.760.00573732.89OUTTypical Application DrawingThe ACS706 outputs an analog signal, V Sig. that varies linearly with the bidirectional primarysensed current, I P, within the range specified. R F and C F, are recommended for noise management,with values that depend on the application, as shown in the noise filtering table.Sensitivity (Sens). The change in device output in response to a 1 A change through the primary conductor. The sensitivity is the prod-uct of the magnetic circuit sensitivity (G / A ) and the linear IC amplifier gain (mV/G). The linear IC amplifier gain is programmed at the factory to optimize the sensitivity (mV/A) for the full-scale current of the device.Noise (V NOISE ). The product of the linear IC amplifier gain (mV/G) and the noise floor for the Allegro Hall effect linear IC (≈1 G). The noise floor is derived from the thermal and shot noise observed in Hall elements. Dividing the noise (mV) by the sensitivity (mV/A) provides the smallest current that the device is able to resolve.Linearity (E LIN ): The degree to which the voltage output from the device varies in direct proportion to the primary current through its full-scale amplitude. Nonlinearity in the output can be attributed to the saturation of the flux concentrator approaching the full-scale current. The following equation is used to derive the linearity:Definitions of Accuracy Characteristics1001– [{[{V out_full-scale amperes –V OUT(Q)()2 (V out_half-scale amperes –V OUT(Q))100where V out_full-scale amperes = the output voltage (V) when the sensed current approximates full-scale ±I P .Symmetry (E SYM ). The degree to which the absolute voltage output from the device varies in proportion to either a positive or nega-tive full-scale primary current. The following formula is used to derive symmetry:Quiescent output voltage (V OUT(Q)). The output of the device when the primary current is zero. For a unipolar supply voltage, it nominally remains at V CC ⁄ 2. Thus, V CC = 5 V translates into V OUT(Q) = 2.5 V . Variation in V OUT(Q) can be attributed to the resolution of the Allegro linear IC quiescent voltage trim and thermal drift.Electrical offset voltage (V OE ). The deviation of the device output from its ideal quiescent value of V CC / 2 due to nonmagnetic causes. To convert this voltage to amperes, divide by the device sensitivity, Sens.Accuracy (E TOT ). The accuracy represents the maximum deviation of the actual output from its ideal value. This is also known as the total ouput error. The accuracy is illustrated graphically in the Output V oltage versus Current chart on the following page.Accuracy is divided into four areas:∙ 0 A at 25°C. Accuracy at zero current flow at 25°C, without the effects of temperature.∙ 0 A over Δ temperature. Accuracy at zero current flow including temperature effects.∙ Full-scale current at 25°C. Accuracy at the full-scale current at 25°C, without the effects of temperature.∙ Full-scale current over Δ temperature. Accuracy at full-scale current flow including temperature effects.Ratiometry . The ratiometric feature means that its 0 A output, V OUT(Q), (nominally equal to V CC /2) and sensitivity, Sens, are propor-tional to its supply voltage, V CC . The following formula is used to derive the ratiometric change in 0 A output voltage, ∆V OUT(Q)RAT (%):100V IOUT(Q)VCC /V IOUT(Q)5VV CC /5 VThe ratiometric change in sensitivity, ∆Sens RAT (%), is defined as:100Sens VCC /Sens 5V V CC /5 V ‰Output voltage vs. current, illustrating device accuracy at 0 A and at full-scale currentDefinitions of Dynamic Response CharacteristicsPropagation delay (t PROP): The time required for the device output to reflect a change in the primary cur-rent signal. Propagation delay is attributed to inductive loading within the linear IC package, as well as in the inductive loop formed by the primary conductor geometry. Propagation delay can be considered as a fixed time offset and may be compensated.Response time (t RESPONSE): The time interval between a) when the primary current signal reaches 90% of its final value, and b) when the device reaches 90% of its output corresponding to the applied current.Rise time (t r): The time interval between a) when the device reaches 10% of its full scale value, and b) when it reaches 90% of its full scale value. The rise time to a step response is used to derive the bandwidth of the device, in which ƒ(–3 dB) = 0.35 / t r. Both t r and t RESPONSE are detrimentally affected by eddy current losses observed in the conductive IC ground plane.Device Branding Key (Two alternative styles are used)ACS706T ELC05C YYWWA ACS Allegro Current Sensor706Device family numberT Indicator of 100% matte tin leadframe platingE Operating ambient temperature range codeLC Package type designator05C Primary sensed currentYY Manufacturing date code: Calendar year (last two digits) WW Manufacturing date code: Calendar weekA Manufacturing date code: Shift codeACS706T ELC05CL...L YYWWACS Allegro Current Sensor706Device family numberT Indicator of 100% matte tin leadframe platingE Operating ambient temperature range codeLC Package type designator05C Primary sensed currentL...L Manufacturing lot codeYY Manufacturing date code: Calendar year (last two digits)WW Manufacturing date code: Calendar week Standards and Physical SpecificationsParameter SpecificationFlammability (package molding compound)UL recognized to UL 94V-0Fire and Electric Shock UL60950-1:2003EN60950-1:2001CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 60950-1:2003Chopper Stabilization TechniqueChopper Stabilization is an innovative circuit technique that is used to minimize the offset voltage of a Hall element and an associated on-chip amplifier. Allegro patented a Chopper Stabilization technique that nearly eliminates Hall IC output drift induced by temperature or package stress effects. This offset reduction technique is based on a signal modulation-demodulation process. Modulation is used to separate the undesired dc offset signal from the magnetically induced signal in the frequency domain. Then, using a low-pass filter, the modu-lated dc offset is suppressed while the magnetically induced signal passes through the filter. As a result of this chopper stabilization approach, the output voltage from the Hall IC is desensitized to the effects of temperature and mechanical stress. This technique produces devices that have an extremely stable Electrical Offset V oltage, are immune to thermal stress, and have precise recoverability after temperature cycling.This technique is made possible through the use of a BiCMOS process that allows the use of low-offset and low-noise amplifiers in combination with high-density logic integration and sample and hold circuits.Concept of Chopper Stabilization TechniqueApplications InformationIn order to quantify transient common-mode voltage rejection for the ACS706, a device was soldered onto a printedcircuit board. A 0.1 μF bypass capacitor and a 5 V dc power supply were connected between VCC and GND (pins 8 and5) for this device. A 10 k Ω load resistor and a 0.01 μF capacitor were connected in parallel between the VOUT pin andthe GND pin of the device (pins 7 and 5).A function generator was connected between the primary current conductor (pins 1 thru 4) and the GND pin ofthe device (pin 5). This function generator was configured to generate a 10 V peak (20 V peak-to-peak) sinewave between pins 1-4 and pin 5. Note that the sinusoidal stimulus was applied such that no electrical currentwould flow through the copper conductor composed of pins 1-4 of this device.The frequency of this sine wave was varied from 60 Hz to 5 MHz in discrete steps. At each frequency, thestatistics feature of an oscilloscope was used to measure the voltage variations (noise) on the ACS706 outputin mV (peak to peak). The noise was measured both before and after the application of the stimulus. Transientcommon-mode voltage rejection as a function of frequency is shown in the following figure.Transient Common-Mode Voltage Rejection in the ACS706(kHz)Frequency of 20 V Peak-to-Peak Stimulus –60–55–50–45–40–35–30Tr a nsi e ntR ej ect i o n(d B)The Effect of PCB Layout on ACS706 Thermal PerformanceEight different PC boards were fabricated to characterize the effect of PCB design on the operating junction temperature of the Hall-effect IC inside of the ACS706. These PC boards are shown in the figure below. 2 oz. Cu on one side of board 2 oz. Cu on both sides of board An ACS706 device was soldered on to each PCB for thermal testing. The results of the testing are shown in the following table.Test Results on Eight Thermal Characterization PCBsTested at 15A, T A = 20°C, still air, 2 oz. copper traces, current carried on and off boardby 14 gauge wiresPC BoardsSides with Traces Trace Width (mm)Trace Length (mm)Temperature Rise Above Ambient (°C)1 450901.550Overheated 410481.5101102450531.550106410381.51054Improved PC Board DesignsThe eight PC boards in the figure above do not represent an ideal PC board for use with the ACS706. The ACS706 evaluation boards, for sale at the Allegro Web site On-Line Store, represent a more optimal PC board design (see photo below). On the evaluation boards, the current to be sensed flows through very wide traces that were fabricated using 2 layers of 2 oz. copper. Thermal management tests were conducted on the Allegro evaluation boards and all tests were performed using the same test conditions described in the bulleted list above. The results for these thermal tests are shown in the table below. When using the Allegro evaluation boards we see that even at an applied current of 20 A the junction temperature of the ACS706 is only ≈30 degrees above ambient temperature.Test Results on Eight Electrical Characterization PCBsTested at T A = 20°C, still airApplied Current(A)Temp Rise Above Ambient( C)1522 2031Allegro Current sensor IC evaluation board with ACS706 and external connections.The products described herein are manufactured under one or more of the following U.S. patents: 5,045,920; 5,264,783; 5,442,283; 5,389,889; 5,581,179; 5,517,112; 5,619,137; 5,621,319; 5,650,719; 5,686,894; 5,694,038; 5,729,130; 5,917,320; and other patents pending.Allegro MicroSystems, Inc. reserves the right to make, from time to time, such de p ar t ures from the detail spec i f i c a t ions as may be required topermit improvements in the per f or m ance, reliability, or manufacturability of its products. Before placing an order, the user is cautioned to verify that the information being relied upon is current.Allegro products are not authorized for use as critical components in life-support devices or sys t ems without express written approval.The in f or m a t ion in c lud e d herein is believed to be ac c u r ate and reliable. How e v e r, Allegro MicroSystems, Inc. assumes no re s pon s i b il i t y for its use; nor for any in f ringe m ent of patents or other rights of third parties which may result from its use.Copyright©2005, 2006 Allegro MicroSystems, Inc.Package LC, 8-pin SOICPreliminary dimensions, for reference onlyDimensions in millimetersU.S. Customary dimensions (in.) in brackets, for reference only(reference JEDEC MS-012 AA)Dimensions exclusive of mold flash, gate burrs, and dambar protrusionsExact case and lead configuration at supplier discretion within limits shownA Terminal #1 mark area。
1.概述HAL49E HAL49E为小型、通用、线性霍尔效应传感器,其输出信号电平决定于施加在器件敏感面的磁场强度,随磁场强度成比例地变化。
工作温度范围为-40°C至85 °C,适用于各种商业用户和工业环境。
2.特点3.典型应用♦耐压高♦电动车调速转把♦精确度高♦电流检测传感器♦稳定性好♦接近检测器♦灵敏度高♦运动检测器♦可靠性高♦齿轮传感器♦低噪声♦电动机控制♦低功耗♦旋转编码器4. 功能框图Hallwee5. 芯片外观图6. 管脚描述名称 管 脚功能 TO-92SSOT-23 V cc 11电源端 GND2 3 地端 OUT32输出端7. 极限参数参数符号 参数值 单位 供电电压 V CC8.0 V 输出电流 IOUT20 mA工作温度 T A -40 〜85 C 存储温度 T S-65 〜150C参数 符号 测试条件最小值 典型值 最大值 单位 工作电压 V CCOperating 35 6.5 V 工作电流 ICCAverage3 4.5 mA输出电阻 R O40 100 0 噪音V no BW=10Hz-10K Hz90uV 静态输出电压 V OB = 0Gs 2.35 2.52.65 V最低输出电压B = -1200Gs 0.80 0.95V 最高输出电压B = 1200Gs4.2V49ywwHAL49EHallwee9.磁场特性参数 测试条件 最小值 典型值 最大值 单位 灵敏度 T A = 25°C1.52.0 2.5mV/Gs 磁场强度范围 ±650 ±1000 Gs 线性度-0.007量程的%零位漂移-0.100.10 %/C灵敏度温漂T A N 25 C -0.15 0.05 %/CT A V 25 C-0.040.18510.特性曲线-100 -80 -60 -40 -20 020 40 60 80 100畿场例度(mT)工作电流与工作电压关系曲线输出电压与磁场强度曲线 655. 5 工作电压E)55d -d -332211 5 TO -20 0 20 ■« 608050505 05 050静态输出电压与工作电压关系曲线 输出电压与环境温度曲线HAL49EHallwee11. 使用注意1) 安装时应尽量减小作用到霍尔电路上的机械应力; 2) 在保证焊接质量的条件下,尽量使焊接温度低,时间短。
1. 霍尔效应的基本原理:霍尔效应是指当电流通过导体时,在垂直于电流方向的磁场作用下,产生电势差。
2. 核心元件:霍尔传感器的核心元件是霍尔元件,它通常是以硅材料制成的。
3. 工作原理:霍尔传感器工作时,首先通过输入电极输入一定大小的电流。
4. 电位差测量:霍尔传感器的输出电极会读取这个电位差,并将其转换为一个电压信号。
5. 灵敏度调节:霍尔传感器可以通过调节输入电流的大小来调整其灵敏度。
6. 应用领域:霍尔传感器在许多领域中得到广泛应用,例如汽车工业、电子设备、航空航天等。
1. ACS758:该芯片是一款高灵敏度、低噪声的霍尔效应传感器,常用于电流检测、磁场测量等领域。
2. ACS712:该芯片是一款线性霍尔传感器,专为电流检测而设计。
3. AH800:该芯片是一款高精度、低功耗的霍尔电流传感器芯片,能够测量直流和交流电流。
4. ACS724:该芯片是一款数字霍尔传感器,适用于电流检测和位置检测。
它具有高灵敏度、低噪声、低功耗等优点,并且支持SPI和I2C 通信协议。
5. ACS660:该芯片是一款高灵敏度、低噪声的霍尔效应传感器,适用于电动车电池管理和电机控制等领域。
线性传感器芯片 - 特点和优点
在芯片表面的磁通量密度可以计算为:B ≈ I/4πr
或者 I ≈ 4πrB
B ≈ 6.9nI
或者 n ≈ B/6.9I
磁环圈数n ≈ B/6.9I
A / D转换接口